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Contents [Optica Applicata, Vol. 6, 1976, nr 2]


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Editorial Board :

Z y g m u n t Bodnar — Chairm an, Miron G a j, Bedřich H aveika, R o m a n In g a r­ den, B oiidan K arczew ski, Joachim K lcbe, Jan M atysiak, M aksym ilian P lu ta , Zbigniew Puzew icz, A n ton i Sojecki, Szczepan Szezeniowski, B o ­ gusław a Trzebiatow ska

Editor in Chief

— M iron Gaj


— G rażyna M ulak

Associate Editor

— Ireneusz W ilk

Editorial O ffice:

In stitu te of Technical Physics, T ech ­ nical U niversity of W ro c la w , 5 0 -3 7 0 W ro cła w , W y b rze że W y sp ia ń sk ie ­ go 2 7 , Poland.


Technical U niversity of W roclaw (Politechnika W rocław ska) 5 0 -3 7 0 W ro c la w , W y b rze że W y sp ia ń sk ie ­ go 27 , Poland.

In addition to langor original papers brief reports will he published of the au­ thors' own research work. The report should he set out according to the above guidelines.

The Editorial Board invites the readers to send over arty remarks or observations referring to the publications which will appear in the Opficw dppdeuVu. The cor­ respondence of esserrtial importance will he published itr a separate column dcalirtg with letters to the Editor.

Review of matter

Application of the diffraction theory, quantum optics, problems in radiation co ­ herence. light sources, holography, atrd its application, scientific photography methods of itrrage reconstruction, optical aplication of Fourier transforms, theory of optical syst ems, criteria of optical imago evaluation, optical materials, technology of manufac­ turing optical elements, aspheric optics, optical propertie s of solids photo- and radio- metry, problems i n spectroscopy, non-linear optics, optical data processing, optical mea­ surements, fibre optics, optical instrumen­ tation, interferometry, microscopy, non- visible optics, automation of optical com ­ puting, optoelectronics, colorimetry, optical detectors, elipsometry and photoelasticity.




M agnetic Field in deviating Coils of the a n a ly ­ sing M icroscope, A . R o M A x o w s K i . . . . 35 Im age of a Line in the Case of D efocu sin g and

A sym m etrical A p o d izatio n in Incoherent L igh t, U . J ó ź w iC K i... 39 Standing W a v e E ffects in Interactions between

Intense Light B eam s and L iquid Dielectrics, M . S ZY M A Ń SK I... 43 The Influence of the Silicon Surface T reatm en t of

the R eflectivity Spectra in the 0 .2 g m — 0 .6 g m W a ve le n g th R an ge, 1. B A R Y C K A , B . D R A J E -W IC Z , J. M . P A W L I K O W S K I... 53 D eterm ination of E ffe c tiv e A n iso tro p y of the

O ptical P olarizability for the T w o -c o m p o ­ nent Solutions b y using the H e — N e Laser L igh t B eam , T . W R Ó Ż ... 59 C om m un,que

On P h ototherm al R ed u ction of Lum inescence of Cerium in Crown Glasses, S. G Ę B A L A . . (15

С одерж ани е Магнитное поле в бобинах отклоняющего дублета анализурующего микроскопа, А . Ромлновски 35 Изображение линии в случае разрегулированной и асимметрической расфокусировки, Р. Ю з-в и ц к и ... 39 Влияние сточных волн на взаимодействие между пучками интенсивного света и жидкими ди­ электриками, М . Ш имА нски... 43 Влияние обработки поверхности кремния на спектры отражения в области 0 ,2 -0 ,6 мкм, И. Б А Р Ы Ц К А , Б. Д Р А Е В И Ч , Я. М . П А В Л И К О В С К И Й 53 Определение эффективной оптической анизотропии поляризуемости для бинарных растворов с при­ менением светого пучка лазера, Т. Вруж . . 55 К о м м ю н и к е ... 69


Fourth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics

Sponsored by U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and by the University of Rochester

June 8-10, 1977

First announcement

Arrangements are being made to hold the fourth international conference in the series at the University of Rochester during the period June 8-10, 1977. The aim of this Conference, as of the previous ones, is to bring to­ gether the active research workers in the general area of coherence and quantum optics. The emphasis will again be on problems of basic physics involving the interaction of electromagnetic fields, particularly those in which coherence effects play a roic. Some topics to be covered include: lasers and photon statistics, optical tests of QED, coherence in atomic interactions, optical coherence effects in random media, statistics of light, scattering, radiative energy transfer, cooperative effects and superradianoc, resonance fluorescence and resonant pulse propagation.

The members of the organizing committee for the Conference are: N. Bioembcrgen (Harvard University)

J. P. E. H. M. A. C. E. E. H. Eberly Franken L. Hahn Haken Fax Schawiow R. Stroud, Mandel Wolf Jr. (University of Rochester) (University of Arizona)

(University of California, Berkeley) (University of Stuttgart)

(City College of C.U.N.Y.) (Stanford University) (University of Rochester) Joint Secretaries (University of Rochester)


As in previous years, attendance is expected to he limited largely to those working in the field. Anyone inter­ ested in attending the Conference is asked to complete the enclosed form and to return it as soon as possible to

Secretaries, Fourth Rochester Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Rochester

Rochester, New York 14627 U.S.A.

Submission of the form does not constitute a formai commitment to participate in the Conference, but those who return the form wiii r eceive further infortnatiotr atrd Registration /Accommodation forms from (he University of Rochester Conference Office sometime itr March or April 1977.

Itr 1977 another conference, the International Conference otr Multiphoton Processes, is to Ip' held during June 6-9 at the University of Rochester. It will· immediately precede the Fourth Rochester Conference otr Cohérence 6rtd Quantum Optics, atrd run partly in paraiiei with it. Because of overlapping interests in the topics of tire two aonferences, plans are being made to enable participants to attend both conferences during the week of June c-1 0 , and (o register for both simultaneously at a reduced rate.

Presentation o f Papers

Most sessions will begin with the presentation of invited paper s, followed hy contributed papers.

Those wishing to present papers are asked to submit two (2) copies of arr extended abstract of 500 to IpOO words to the Secretaries of the Conference on or before March 12, 1977. Tire abstracts will form the basis for the selection of papers, and they will be reproduced for distribution (o ali the participants. The abstracts shouid he itr English and clearly legible. Final versions of each paper, suitabie for publication in tire Proceedings of the Confe­ rence, must be itr tire lrattds of tire Secretaries by tire first day of the Conference.


It is planned to provide accommodation and meals for all participants in student residence baits otr campus, although those wire prefer to rtrake their owrr arrangements for bote! accommodation are of course free to do so. The information to be ttraiied out in March/Apri] 1977 wiii include a iist of iocal hotels/moteis atrd a form for reserving Campus accommodation and meals.


Powiązane dokumenty

Program PROER wprowadzał bowiem odpowie­ dzialność finansową właścicieli i zarządów słabych banków polegajacą na tym, że w przypadku banków, w działalność

Podobnie jak w wielu innych krajach, również na Łotwie początkowa wycena i późniejsza aktualizacja wyceny środków trwałych okazała się poważnym problemem i staje się

troli ruchu, przekonywa się, ile otrzymał pieniędzy za.. towar, czyli jaki był targ

pie jest idea ról grupowych i cech osobistych, które sprawiają, że osoba jest szcze- gólnie dopasowana do danej roli [Belbin 1981; Margerison, McCann 1991]. Trudno jednak

Brak jest również wskazówek co do tworzenia atmosfery sprzyjającej dynamicznemu rozwojowi i dostosowywa- niu rozwiązań w obszarze zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi we

• Jeżeli respondent miał więcej niż 35 lat, a dochód netto gospodarstwa domowe- go mieścił się w przedziale powyżej 3500 zł do 5500 zł, to powodem podjęcia decyzji o

Wzorzec został określony jako taki szereg o nieznanej a priori liczebności, że suma pseudoodległości od niego do wszystkich pozosta- łych okresów MIS (z

Tym samym przy interpretacji indeksu, nawet jeśli odrzuca się postulowany model, to ważna staje się wiedza w zakresie przedziałów (tj. dolnego i górnego limitu) tego