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Authors Index of Optica Applicata X


Academic year: 2021

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Authors Index o f Optica Applicata X

J. Ba d z ia k, Time and space compression functions in two-dimensional

description of the laser pulse propagation in nonlinear medium 2 119 J. Ba d z ia k, The effect of nonlinear losses on the energy extraction from

the amplifying medium 4 327

J. Ba d z i a k, J. TyYL, Effect of two-photon absorption on the picosecond

pulse generation in a model-locking laser 3 267

K. D. Bah tjg u na, K. K. Gu p t a, K. Sin g h, On the physical interpretation

of results in coherent imaging of diffuse objects 4 321

B. Be b a, M. El b a n o w s k i, J. Wo j t c z a k, A method of measuring the delay

time of the analyzing flash in flash photolysis apparatus 2 115

A. By s z e w s k i, M. A. Dr z e w ie c k a, M. Sz u s t a k o w s k i, An application of

the methods of coherent optics to investigations of acoustical field 1 63 W . Ciu r a p iń s k i, K . Go ź d z ik, M. Sz u s t a k o w s k i, B. Św ie t l ic k i,

Wave-guiding properties of thin film light guide made of LiN b03-single crystal 2 107 Yu. N. De n i s y u k, Imaging properties of intensity travelling waves and

possible fields of their application 4 465

B. Du b i k, Evaluation of wave aberrations of long-focal-lenght objectives by the method of shearing interferomety. Part. I. The direct and inverse

problem of shearing interferometry 3 227

A. Du b ik, K . Ja c h, J. Ow s i k, Evaluation of laser beam concentration

taking account of diffraction effects 3 219

M. Ga j, A. Ki j e k, Aberrations of third and fifth orders of holograms made

on rotational surfaces of second degree 4 341

P. Gł ó w c z e w s k i, J. Gr o c h o w s k i, J. Kr a s iń s k i, A. Sie r a d z a n, N2 laser

tube transversal gas recirculation 2 145

A. K. Gupta, S. Singh, Effect of a quadratic phase factor on the partially

coherent far-field diffraction in the presence of primary astigmatism 4 381 E. Id c z a k, K. Zu c h o w s k a, An explanation of the untypical dependence

of the refractive index upon the thickness of very thin ytterbium oxide

layers on chromium 1 83

E. Ja g o s z e w s k i, Generalized treatment of Fourier transforming by lenses 3 237 E. Ja g o s z e w s k i, T. Pa w l u k, Diffraction analysis of the particle size

distribution 4 399

C. Ja n u s z, A. Nik l a s, The effect of imperfections on theormoluminescence

and lasing or ruby crystals 4 471

A. Ka l e s t y n s k i, Extension of finite periodic object image by a partial

elimination of information 4 479

H. Ka s p r z a k, On the possibility of optical performing of non-integer order

derivative 3 289

P . K iE D R O ft, Conditions suffiecnt for a one-dimensional unique recovery of the phase under assumption that the image intensity distributions:

|/(»)|2 and \df(x)/dxi\2 are known 2 149

P . Kie d r o n, Phase reoovery from intensity distributions generated by


508 Authors Index P . Kie d r o ń, On a possibility of the phase recovery from intnesity distri­

butions gnerated by differential operators in two-dimensional coherent

imaging 4 483

Z. Ko n e f a ł, J. Sz c z e p a ń s k i, Flashlamp excited tuned dye laser 4 493 H. K ft E P E L K O V A , The application of holographic interferometry to the

analysis of composite materials structure 2 91

J. Kr ś e k, Interference measurements of prism optics for laser interfero­

meter 1 41

J. Kr u s z e w s k i, T. Ma c ia k, C. Za j ą c, A measuring setup for examination

of planar optical waveguide properties 2 155

J. Kr u s z e w s k i, C. Za j ą c, Planar dielectric light-waveguide produced by

the method of ion exchange 2 161

M. Łu k a s z e w ic z, K. Ja n s e n, A simple N2 laser for dye laser pumping 2 169 J. Ma l in o w s k i, J. Mo c h n ia k, C. Mic h a l s k i, Blue luminescence o f 2nS-Sn

luminophores 3 211

K . Ma r c z u k, The distribution of the polarization degree of the luminescence

in rectangular blocks of galss 1 79

W . Mis c h k e, Spectrometer for investigation of Mandel’shtam-Brillouin light

scattering 4 373

J. Mis ie w ic z, J. Wr ó b e l, B. Su j a k-Ct r u l, Reflectivity of ZngAs2 and

ZnjPg in 0.24 —1.2 (im waverange 1 75

E. Mróz, R. Pa w l u c z t k, An improvement of the holographic imaging quality

by the method of noncoherent superposition of images 3 205

G. Mu l a k, Higher order aberrations in holograms 4 421

Mu n a im A. Ma s h k o u r, Directional selective cover for solar energy concen­

trators 4 311

W . Na k w a s k i, An application of Kirchhoff transformation to solving the

nonlinear thermal conduction equation for a laser diode 3 281

I. P. Na l im o v, J. N. Ov ie c h k is, I. U. Fe d c h u k, A. H. Sh a k ir o v, V. M. An­

t o n o v, L. P. Za r u t s k iy, Printing and projection of streoholograms

(in Russian) 1 13

J. No w a k, Third-order aberrations of holograms 3 245 R. No w a k, I. Wi l k, Numerical reconstruction of intensity distribution in

the incoherent imaging. I. Diffraction-limited systems 4 351

J. Os iń s k i, The third order aberrations of a narrow oblique beam focussed

by a conflection lens 3 199

K. Pa t o r s k i, A. Bo k u s, Studies of the single sideband Fresnel diffraction

patterns of periodic objects 1 29

I. PftiKRiL, Evaluation of rigid body displacement by differential holo­

graphic interferometry 1 3

A. Pu l k a, The aberration coefficients of Fourier holograms 4 451 Cz. Ra d z ie w ic z, P . Gł ó w c z e w s k i, A. Sie r d z ia n, Simple pulsed dye laser

with 2 G H z linewidth 3 195

A. Ro g a l s k i, J. Ru k o w s k i, Temperature dependence of the B0A product

for photovoltaic PbTe detectors 4 435

R . N . Sin g h, S. S. Ma t h u r, T. C. Ka n d p a l, Design stage ray-optical assess­

ments of a composite parabolic trough 3 189

R . N . Sin g h, A. K . Sin g h a l, An application of white light multi-exposure

speckle photography 3 285

T. St e f a n ia k, Use of zirconium dioxide in multilayer dielctric coatings for

the ultraviolet and visible spectrum 4 445

K . Tr u s z k o w s k a, Analysis of the reflection-transmission method for deter­


Authors In d ex 509

W . Urbańczyk, I. Wilk, On estimation of speckling pattern rotation caused

by rotating object for small angles of rotation 4 487

L. We n d l e r, U . Nib c h e, Einige Effekte der partiel koharenten Abbildung 4 411 J. Wo ź n ic k i, Evanescent wave structure for total reflection of Gaussian

beam at a plane interface 3 179

J. Ży l iń s k i, R. Im o s, J. M. Pa w l ik o w s k i, Photo-effect on


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