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Industrial Sector Sensitivity in Terms of Public Procurement: Poland and the European Union


Academic year: 2021

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A C T A U N I V E R S I T A T I S L O D Z I E N S I S FOLIA OECONOMICA 182, 2004 Wacława S tarzyńska*


P R O C U R E M E N T :


1. In trod u ction

D iscrim inatory public procurem ent constitutes an im portant barrier to trade, and the opening up o f public m arkets may facilitate free trade on the basis o f com parative advantage. D iscrim inatory governm ent procurem ent has trade effects when governm ent dem and exceeds national supply (see: M attoo 1996; Trionfetti 2000).

In the E uropean U nion, discrim ination in public procurem ent against firm s and products from other M em ber States is prohibited by the general European C om m unity T reatm ent provisions on free m ovem ent1. H ow ever, m any obstacles appeared because o f ignoring in practice early rules o f aw ard procedures. From 1985 procurem ent was made one o f the main priorities in the drive tow ards the single m arket o f 1992, resulting in an intensive program m e in this field.

Until January, 1995 Poland lacked uniform rules or procedures fo r purchases made by the state and local public adm inistration. W hile the Act o f Public P rocurem ent was a m ajor step forward in the process o f public procurem ent liberalisation, som e points o f dissatisfaction rem ained. M any changes in the rules o f public procurem ent, which have taken place in recent years, try to faciliate a system that will be com patible with the public procurem ent provisions o f the G eneral A greem ent and Tariffs and the Public Procurem ent D irectives o f the European U nion.

T o investigate the im plem entation o f the rules dealing with public procurem ent it is im portant to know w hether the contracting entities are willing

* Prof., Chair o f Econom ic and Social Statistics, University o f Ł ódź.

1 In particular: A rticles 3 0 (free movement o f goods), Article 52 (freedom o f establishm ent) and Article 59 (freedom to provide services).


to apply the appropriate m echanism o f the public procurem ent system and how to assess their impact.

T he paper tries to analyse the sensitivity o f products (sectors) being subject o f public procurem ent in Poland and in the European Union. U sing proposal o f a range o f perform ance and structural indicators all goods being subject of supply in term s o f public procurem ent in years 1998 and 2002 are divided into four groups: strongly, average, and weakly sensitive, from one side, and insensitive, from the other side. Some com parisons betw een Poland, the European Union (as average), and the United K ingdom have been made.

Those investigations take into account different data sources w hich may be used for possible international com parisons.

2. D ata so u rces

One key consideration in quantifying procurem ent m arkets refers to the selection o f the data sources, on which reliable country com parisons ultim ately depend.

The C entral Statistical O ffice in Poland does not create any data bank about public contracts. Indirect inform ation com es from the System o f N ational A ccounts w hich contains statistical definitions on a w ide range o f econom ic activities, including governm ent activities. The m ost im portant series for m easurem ent o f current governm ent procurem ent are final consum ption expenditure and interm ediate consum ption. Statistics published by the OECD and the UN are fully com patible, so international com parisons in this field may be made.

Every year the O ffice o f Public Procurem ent in Poland publishes reports about functioning o f a system o f public procurem ents. H ow ever, the data are very general, not sufficient for a deeper analysis.

For purpose o f this paper ungrouped data o f all contracts w hich value is over 30 000 euros are used. T hey com e from the B ulletin o f Public Procurem ent from years 1998 and 2002. Around 15 thousand o f contracts o f goods have been observed and grouped according to the European classification N A C E R ev .l. Some additional data about the industrial production, im ports and exports at the NACE R ev.l tw o - digit level com e from the yearbooks o f the Central Statistical O ffice at W arsaw .

T able 1 presents possible data sources about public procurem ent in Poland by procedures and values.

As we can from the T able 1 public procurem ent entities are obliged to publish inform ation about realized tenders and also about planned goods.


services, and works. T his obligation concerns public procurem ents which are characterized by high values, i.e. in case o f more than 500 thousand euros for goods, services, and public works.

Huge values such as more than 750 thousand for planned goods and services and m ore than 5000 thousand for planned public w orks are published in the EU O fficial Journal o f Public Procurem ent.

Table I. Data sources about Polish public procurements by procedures and values Seal of

public entity

Bulletin of Public Procurement The EU Official Journal less than 30 th. euro more than 30 th. euro more than 130 ih. euro more than 500 th. euro more than 130 th. euro more than 750 th. euro more than 5 000 th. euro Planned goods X X Planned services X X Planned public X X works Preliminary qualifications: - goods X X X X X X X - services X X X X X X X - public works X X X X X Open procedures - goods X X X X X X X - services X X X X X X X - public works X X X X X Restrictive procedures: X X X X X X X - goods X X X X X X X - services X X X X X - public works Two - stage tendering X X X X X X X - goods X X X X X X X - services X X X X X - public works Negotiations - with retaining -competition (award procedures results): X X X X X X - goods X X X X X X - services x - public works Request - for X quotations Single - source procurement X


3. G en eral c h a ra cteristics o f pub lic procu rem en t in P oland in the

y ears 1 9 9 8 -2 0 0 2

The most easily measured indicator of development o f public procurement market is number o f notices published in the Bulletin of Public Procurement. The total number o f notices has risen from around 26ДЮ in 1997 to over 40,000 in 20022.

A ccording to the inform ation received from the O ffice o f Public Procurem ent, T able 2 presents the country's distribution o f public procurem ents which values are over 30 thousand euros.

Not surprisingly, given the need to reconstruct som e parts o f the country during the transition period the highest share o f the construction works is observed. H ow ever, this percentage is significantly decreasing. It m eans that the role o f goods and services will increase in the near future.

Table 2. Structure o f the public procurements contracts by types o f contracts in the years 1 9 9 7 -2 0 0 2

Years Construction works Goods Services

1997 82 10 8 1998 77 17 6 1999 79 15 6 2000 79 13 8 2001 75 15 10 2002 68 19 12

S o u r c e : O ffice o f Public Procurement, Warsaw 1 9 9 8 -2 0 0 3 .

T aking into account an average num ber o f offering entities per one contract in the period under investigation construction works are characterized by highest values o f this statistical m easure (see Table 3).

Table 3. Average number o f offering subjects per one award by types o f contracts in the years ________________ 1 9 9 8 -2 0 0 2

Years Construction works Goods Services

1998 4.47 4 .6 0 5.32

1999 5.40 5.34 5.57

2 0 0 0 5.50 4.52 4.85

2001 5.71 4.45 4 .8 4

2 0 0 2 ’1 5.08 3.66 4 .3 6

*) Data from 2 0 0 2 are not com patible with the previous years because o f different system o f calculations.

S o u r с e: A s same as Tab. 2.

2 See: Sprawozdania z funkcjonowania systemu zam ów ień publicznych w 20 0 2 r., Urząd Zam ówień Publicznych, Warszawa, maj 2003.


For goods and services, the biggest average per one aw ard procedure was observed in 1999. A certain level o f stabilisation for years 2000-2001 appeared in the m arket o f goods and services while the construction w orks were characterized by positive tendency o f this statistical indicator (not including 2002 year).

T able 4 contains som e estim ations concerning the value and num ber o f public contracts for goods w hich are subject o f our deeper analysis.

Table 4. Changes in values and quantities o f public procurements for good s in years 1 9 9 8 -2 0 0 2


Value Quantity Average

value per one contract in th zl in m illions zl previous year = 100 number previous year = 100 1998 1074.7 - 2648 - 4 0 6 1999 2 1 2 3 .2 197.6 5130 193.7 414 2000 2097.3 98.8 6980 136.2 300 2001 20 5 7 .2 98.1 7731 110.6 266 2002 4 3 8 0 .0 ’ 2 09.3 12122* 183.2 3 6 1 ’

*) Estimation made on condition o f constant public procurement values at 2-digit lev els o f NA CE Rev. 1.

S o u r c e : Own calculations.

The total value o f public procurem ents for goods increased m ore than tw ice in 2002 in com parison with years 1998-2001. T he im plem entation o f new regulations in 2001 which are harm onised with the E uropean directives resulted in strange rise in the num ber o f notices published by public entities.

T he m ost popular procedure o f public procurem ent in Poland is open tender. The negotiated and restricted procedures are used exceptionally. In 2002, they counted only 8,75% o f all public procurem ent results published in the B ulletin of Public Procurem ent.

4. T h e E C and O E C D estim ates o f p ub lic p ro cu rem en t m ark ets

In 1988 and 1997, the EC published two com prehensive reports on public procurem ent in the context o f the Single European M arket program m e. T able 5 show s the estim ated size o f public procurem ent for individual EU m em ber states calculated for 1987 and 1994. The EU public procurem ent is estim ated at 11.7% in 1987 and at betw een 11.7% and 11.8% in 1994. As reported in the 1997 EC publications there are significant differences in the particular ratios fo r both years. The ratios are low er in 1994 for all EU - 12 m em ber states, except G erm any (ow ing to reunification).


Table 5. EU public procurement, 1987 and 1994. Percentage o f G D P and ECU billions

European Union

Public procurement

(includes government and public services)

1987 (%) 1 9 9 4 (% ) B elgium (Luxembourg 12.7 5 . 8 - 7 . 2 1994) 11.6 1 1 . 0 - 1 1 . 1 Denmark 11.5 1 0 .2 - 10.7 France 9.9 1 3 . 0 - 1 3 . 5 Germany 15.7 6 . 5 - 8 . 2 Greece 11.5 OO 1 c*' OO Ireland 10.4 8 . 6 - 9 6 Italy 11.61 O' О Netherlands 14.5 1 1 . 4 - 12.0 Portugal 10.4 9 . 4 - 9 9 Spain 16.5 14 4 - 14.5 United K ingdom 11.7 11.1 - 11.6 EU - 12 11.7 1 1 . 6 - 12.0 Austria 11.6 1 0 . 8 - 1 2 . 3 Finland 11.7 1 4 . 6 - 14.7 Sweden EU - 15 (ECU billion s) 476.1 704.1 - 7 3 7 . 6 EU - 15 (%) 11.7 1 1 . 2 - 11.8

S o u r c e : OECD, The Size o f Government Procurement Markets, Journal o f Budgeting

2 002, V ol. I, N o 4.

T he T able 6 contains a total o f ten estim ates o f governm ent procurem ent markets, including six indicators which are designed to capture the tradable shares o f governm ent expenditure. Potential central and local governm ents expenditure going through public procurem ent are presented as a share o f GDP for the European countries being m embers o f OECD. It illustrates differences in their patterns o f expenditure.

For all analysed O EC D countries, the share o f governm ent procurem ent is low er for the central governm ent than for local governm ent and social security funds taken together. France and Italy have alm ost equal ratios for central and sub-central governm ents. Finally, nine countries have a centralised structure, with higher ratios in central governm ent then in subcentral governm ents. W hen the ratios o f total expenditure, excluding com pensation o f em ployees are com pared, only five countries: G reece, Poland, Portugal, T urkey, and the U nited K ingdom still have a centralised structure o f procurem ent.

T he last tw o colum ns o f T able 6 shows two ratios o f potentially contestable total expenditure, excluding com pensation o f em ployees and defence - related expenditure, for the general governm ent level and central governm ents. Central governm ent expenditure accounts for slightly less then a quarter o f total potentially contestable general governm ent expenditure.


The O EC D European Countries

Total expenditure (consum ption and investm ent)

Total expenditure (ТЕ) ТЕ less com pensation ТЕ less com pensation and defence general central local social general central local social general governm ent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Austria 2 4.68 7.67 12.63 4 .3 8 12.16 2.75 5.70 3 .7 0 11.71 2.31 B elgium 17.23 10.09 5.63 0 .8 6 5 .3 7 2.48 1.95 0 .3 0 4 .8 4 1.95 C zech Republic 24.9 4 9 .3 0 8 .4 0 5.28 17.03 4.45 6.53 5.18 15.74 2.71 Danmark 28.2 9 8.71 19.30 0 .2 9 10.63 3.3 4 7.20 0.09 10.04 2.75 Finland 25.63 8.58 18.77 1.53 9 .6 4 4 .2 2 7.44 1.22 9 .0 0 3.58 France 2 3 .1 0 11.03 7.33 4 .7 4 9.05 3.2 4 4 .2 2 1.60 7.63 1.81 Germany 17.81 2 .9 4 13.77 1.10 7.32 1.52 5.39 0 .4 0 6.72 0.81 G reece 18.64 12.98 1.61 3.22 7.29 4 .3 2 0 .8 4 1.30 6.73 3 .7 6 Hungary 2 9 .7 7 13.47 13.76 2 .2 2 18.31 8.56 7.38 2.05 16.78 7.03 Ireland 20.81 8.73 11. 70 0.28 10.08 2.73 7.11 0.12 9.93 2.59 Italy 20.0 3 9 .9 9 9.69 0 .7 0 7.99 2.72 4 .9 0 0.43 7.38 2 .1 2 Netherlands 18.74 7.67 10.16 0.91 8.96 3.68 4.9 0 0 .3 7 7.98 2.71 Norway 2 5 .4 4 9.61 16.05 X 11.44 5.61 6 .0 6 X 9.65 3 .8 2 Poland 2 2 .5 7 14.40 7.41 X 10.69 6.65 4.31 X 9.72 5 .5 7 Portugal 20.98 16.42 4.41 0 .4 6 7 .2 4 4.83 2.59 0 .1 3 6.22 3 .8 0 Slovak Republic 25.08 18.09 3.70 3 .3 0 15.34 9 .4 6 2.79 2.98 14.09 8.21 Spain 20.51 7. 11 8.88 4.4 9 8.74 2.63 4 .4 4 1.64 8.06 1.96 Sw eden 33.15 10.66 2 3 .1 4 0.04 14.60 6.25 9 .0 0 0 .0 4 13.01 4 .6 7 Sw itzerland 19.58 3.43 15.68 0 .3 0 8.60 2.08 6 .2 4 0 .1 2 8.02 1.50 Turkey 17.72 14.83 2.13 X 7.47 5.58 1.13 X 6 .8 4 4 .9 6 United K ingdom 25.17 14.57 9.71 0 .2 0 13.08 9 .0 0 3.29 0 .1 0 9.97 5.88 EU - w eighted av. 21.48 8.87 10.79 1.79 9 .2 4 3 .7 6 4.67 0 .7 2 8.03 2.53

x - phenom enon did not appear

S o u r c e ; OECD. The S ize o f G overnm ent Procurement Market, Journal on B udgetin g 2 0 0 2 , V ol. 1, N o 4, pp. 3 9 -4 0 .

Ind ustrial Se ct o r Sen sitivity in T er m s of P u b lic P r o c u r e m e n t: ..


5. S tatistical in d icators o f pub lic p rocu rem en ts for good s

This part o f the analysis focuses on the alternative approach based upon a series o f specific indicators which can be constructed follow ing the existing data availability, providing inform ation about m arket structure and production internationalisation (M ardas 1994, M ardas, T riantatyllou 1997, pp. 9 1 -1 12 ).

For identification o f sensitive products and their types in term s o f public procurem ent four statistical indicators will be used (see Tab. 7).

Table 7. Indicators used in classification o f products in terms o f public procurement

Types o f indicators Number

o f formula • Indicator o f market structure on product level (i) country (j) (supply side):

M i i ~


- 1 0 0 ’

try where

QPij - production o f (i) towards the public sector o f a country (j) Qa - production o f a product (i) o f country (j)


• Share o f public sector consum ption o f a product (i) in total consum ption o f country (j) (demand side):

j Z-iJ

dp^ T




ly - share o f public procurement o f product (i) in total public procurements o f

country (j)

da - share o f consum ption o f product (i) in total consum ption o f country (j)


• Share o f public procurement satisfied by dom estic production:

< 7 , y = — Ю 0,

v u


vu - public procurement o f a product (i) o f a country (j)


• The import penetration ratio on product level (i)

M 4

h j Q jj + Ai,y - X j j



My - total imports o f product (i) o f country (j) Xu - total exports o f product (i) o f country (j)



Using all those indicators presented in the T able 7, we assum e that a product (i) is principly protected or else “sensitive” in term s o f public procurem ent, when indicator q i} (see form ula (3) is high i.e. above 50% (see: Starzyńska 2003, pp. 112-124)

T able 8 presents classification o f all sensitive products in term s o f public procurem ent, when indicator qy> 50%.

Table 8. “S en sitive” products in terms o f public procurement (q y > 50%) Strong (1) Average Weak (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

qqtj > a

dPij >

I hj <


qqy > a

dPij >

1 hj

< ß

qqtj > a

dPij <

i hj x ß

qqu < a

cipy >

1 hj

< ß

qqy < a

dpij >

1 hj

> ß

qqü < a

dpij <

1 hj x


Where a = q qj a country average o f the share o f public procurement satisfied by dom estic production at a product (i); ß - the import penetration indicator at the EU countries level.

S o u r c e : Mardas, 1994.

6. E m p irical v erification o f statistical m eth o d ology

T he above presented interaction betw een four kinds o f indicators has been tested at a level o f subsection o f the Polish econom ic activity for years 1998 and 2002 (see Tab. 9).

As w e can see 12 and 14 subsections o f econom ic activities w ere recognised as sensitive in term s o f public procurem ents in years 1998 and 2002, respectively.

A m ong them only one product - m anufacture o f coal, refined petroluem products and nuclear fuel (D F) was classified as strongly sensitive in 1998. In 2002 there w ere no strongly sensitive products.

In the group o f average sensitive sectors increasing tendency in num ber o f subsections is observed. In 1998 only 4 products: DK, DL, DM , and DJ belonged to this group while in 2002 im portant changes have been observed. W e may stress that beside D G , DL, and D M new subsections appeared: DF, CB, and DD. In the last group - weakly sensitive products - one change took place. Instead o f DJ subsection D K appeared.





sensitive A verage sensitive W eakly sensitive

(D (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1998 Manufacture o f coal, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel (DF) M anufacture o f m achi­ nery and equipment, n.e.c. (DK )

Manufacture o f electri- ctrical and optical equipm ent (DL) Manufacture o f trans­ port equipm ent (D M )

Manufacture o f chem icals, chem ical products and man- made fibres (DG )

-M ining and quarrying o f energy producing materials (CA) Manufacture o f rubber and plastic products (DH )

Manufacture o f basic metals and fabricated metal products (DJ)

Manufacture o f foods products; bererages and tabacco (D A )

Manufacture o f textiles and textile products (D B ) Manufacture o f pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing (DE)

Manufacturing n.e.c (D N )


M anufacture o f coal, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel (D F)

Manufacture o f chem i­ cals, chem ical products and man-made fibres (DG) M anufacture o f electrical and optica] equipment (DL) M anufacture od trans­ port equipment (DM ) M ining and quarrying, except o f energy producing materials (CB) M anufac­ ture o f w o o d and w ood products (D D )

M ining and quarrying o f energy producing materials (CA ) M anufacture o f rubber and plastic products (DH ) Manufacture o f machinery and equipment, n .e.c (D K )

M anufacture o f foods products; beverages and tabacco (D A )

Manufacture o f textiles and textile products (D B ) M anufacture o f pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing (DE)

M anufacture o f basic metals and fabricated metal products (DJ)

Manufacturing n .e.c (D N )

W here ß = 0 .2 0 8 or 20.8%

S o u r c e : O wn calculations based on notices published in B ulletin o f Public Procurement, official publications o f Central Statistical O ffice, Warsaw; EU R OSTAT Yearbook 2002; The S ta tistic a l G u ide to E urope, O ffice for O fficial Publications o f the E .U ., Laxemburg 2002; A. C o x and P. F u r 1 o n g 1996. W a a w a S ta r z y ń sk a


T able 10 presents results o f som e kind o f com parison m ade betw een Poland, the EU , as an average, and the United Kingdom . Poland with seven strongly and average sensitive products is relatively more sim ilar to the European U nion as a whole. T he U nited K ingdom seems to be more protected in term s o f public procurem ent.

Table 10. Com parisons o f strong and average sensitive products in terms o f public procurement in the EU, United Kingdom and Poland


Sensitivity o f public procurement the EU av. the United



M ining and quarrying, expect o f

energy producing materials No N o Yes

Manufacture o f coal, refined

petroleum products and nuclear fuel N o Partially Yes

Coke N o Yes No

Pharmaceuticals N o Y es Yes

O ffice data processing Yes Yes Yes

M edical surgical equipment N o Yes Yes

Electrical machinery Yes Y es No

Metal products Yes No No

Motor vehicles Yes Yes Yes

T extiles and clothing Yes Y es No

W ood and w ooden products N o N o Yes

Footwear Yes Yes No

Rubber N o Yes No

Paper Y es N o N o

Aerospace and shipbuilding N o Y es No

Gas, water, glas No Y es N o

S o u r c e : A. C o x , P. F u r l a n g , K. H a r t l e y , M. U t t l e y 1995 and ow n calculations.

7. Final rem ark s

The analysed sensitive products in years 1998 and 2002 account for 88% and 86.3% o f the total Polish industrial production, respectively. H ow ever, only a small part o f this production goes directly to the public sector.

Positive tendency in internationalization o f products being subject o f public procurem ents has been observed. O ne subsection w hich was strongly sensitive in 1998 becam e average sensitive in 2002. T he num ber o f average sensitive products increased from 4 in 1998 do 6 in 2002. T he position o f weakly subsections hardly changed.


Estim ations have been made on the basis on notices published in the B ulletin o f Public Procurem ent in Poland from years 1998-2001 (2). It is worth m entioning that those public contracts are higher than 30 th. euros, so our analysis did not consider other public procurem ents w hich may constitute an im portant share o f total production.

The theoretical approach identified cost disadvantage and adverse agglom eration as structural reasons while joining the EU might be unfavourable for countries jo in in g the EU in the near future. An abrupt opening up o f the procurem ent m arket when m arket size is very uneven m ay cause excessive pressure on the firm s in the small market and leave no tim e for them to adjust to the com petition (T rionfetti 2000, pp. 57-75). One possible m easure that may help here is gradual accession. Poland is a good exam ple o f such a policy. How ever, in 2004 the obligation o f removing the discrim inatory procurem ent policy will open the public procurem ent m arket for the EU countries and some negative tendency in sensitive products may appear.

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Wacława Starzyńska


Rynek zam ów ień publicznych w Unii Europejskiej ulega dynam icznym zm ianom , stanowiąc jedn ocześn ie ogrom ny potencjał gospodarczy zarówno dla zam awiających, jak i przedsiębiorstw

biorących udział w przetargach publicznych.

W artykule ma m iejsce próba oceny funkcjonowania tego rynku w P olsce i w wybranych krajach europejskich za p om ocą odpow iednio dobranych m ierników statystycznych. N a przykładzie dostaw realizowanych poprzez zam ów ienia publiczne przeprowadzona została em piryczna weryfikacja zaprezentowanej m etodologii ocen y w rażliw ości sektorów produkcji dla dw óch lat: 1998 i 2002.

Wybrane aspekty badanego rynku i w rażliw ości ważniejszych sektorów działalności wytwórczej na zam ów ienia publiczne om ów iono na tle porównań z U n ią Europejską jako całością i W ielką Brytanią.


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W niniejszej rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono różne, niezależne metody służące optymalizacji (obniżeniu) dawki pacjenta podczas diagnostyki chorób serca z

małopolskim i podkarpackim najczęściej (odpowiednio 423 i 217 razy) nadawali swoim synom to imię. W pozostałych regionach imię jest znacznie rzadsze. mapa 2) zmienia się

Prze- mysłowe wykorzystanie LAB jako kultury starterowej i/lub probiotycznej opiera się na zagęszczeniu bakterii oraz zapewnieniu długoterminowej dostawy żywych

Свое первоначальное «узкое» значение слово чуж ина (с ударением на втором слоге) сохранило в украинском языке до сего дня (хотя оно

the aim of this publication is to present the process of the trade mark applica- tion, both at the national level - before the Polish Patent office, and at the eU level - before