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Diffusivity of α-, β-, γ-cyclodextrin and the inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin


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Delft University of Technology

Diffusivity of α-, β-, γ-cyclodextrin and the inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin

Ibuprofen in aqueous solutions; A molecular dynamics simulation study

Erdős, Máté; Frangou, Michalis; Vlugt, Thijs J.H.; Moultos, Othonas A.



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Fluid Phase Equilibria

Citation (APA)

Erdős, M., Frangou, M., Vlugt, T. J. H., & Moultos, O. A. (2021). Diffusivity of α-, β-, γ-cyclodextrin and the

inclusion complex of β-cyclodextrin: Ibuprofen in aqueous solutions; A molecular dynamics simulation study.

Fluid Phase Equilibria, 528, [112842]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fluid.2020.112842

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Máté Erd




Thijs J.H.


Othonas A.


Engineering Thermodynamics, Process & Energy Department, Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology,

Leeghwaterstraat 39, Delft 2628CB, The Netherlands












Article history: Received 25 May 2020 Revised 3 September 2020 Accepted 18 September 2020 Available online 2 October 2020


Molecular dynamics simulation Cyclodextrins










Cyclodextrins (CDs)arewidelyused indrug delivery,catalysis, food and separation processes.In this work,acomprehensivesimulationstudyonthediffusionofthenativeα-,β-andγ-CDsinaqueous solu-tionsiscarriedoutusingMolecularDynamicssimulations.Theeffectofthesystemsizeonthecomputed self-diffusivityisinvestigatedanditisfoundthattherequiredcorrectioncanbeasmuchas75%ofthe finalvalue.Theeffectofthewaterforcefieldisexaminedanditisshownthattheq4md-CD/TIP4P/2005 forcefieldcombinationpredictstheexperimentallymeasuredself-diffusioncoefficientsofCDsvery ac-curately.Theself-diffusioncoefficientsofthethreenativeCDswerealsocomputedinaqueous-NaCl so-lutionsusingtheJoungand Cheatham(JC)andtheMadrid-2019 forcefields. ItisfoundthatNa+ ions havehigheraffinity towardstheCDswhentheJCforcefieldisusedand forthisreasonthepredicted diffusivityofCDsislowercomparedtosimulationsusingtheMadrid-2019forcefield.Asamodelsystem fordrugdeliveryandwaste-watertreatmentapplications,thediffusionoftheβ-CD:Ibuprofeninclusion complexinwaterisstudied.Inagreementwithexperimentsforsimilarcomponents,itisshownthatthe inclusioncomplexandthefreeβ-CDhavealmostequalself-diffusioncoefficients.Ouranalysisrevealed thatthisismostlikelycausedbythealmostfullinclusionoftheibuprofeninthecavityoftheβ-CD.Our findingsshowthatMolecularDynamicssimulationcanbeusedtoprovidereasonablediffusivity predic-tions,andtoobtainmolecular-levelunderstandingusefulforindustrialapplicationsofCDs.

© 2020TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierB.V. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

Cyclodextrins (CDs)are a classof cyclicoligosaccharides com-prising D-glucopyranoside units which are linked through


−1,4 glycosidic bonds [1] .The mostcommonnativecyclodextrins con-tain 6,7,and8glucopyranosideunitsandare commonlydenoted as




-, and


-CD, respectively [1] . CDs have a hollow trun-cated coneshape (see Fig. 1 a) withahydrophobic inner and hy-drophilicoutersurface [1] .Duetothisuniquestructure,thecavity ofCDscan encapsulateother moleculesorionsbyforming inclu-sion complexes. Upon inclusion complex formation, the physico-chemical characteristics (e.g.solubility, thermalstability, bioavail-ability,membranepermeabilityetc.)oftheguestmolecule canbe altered, and thus CDs can be used in a wide variety of applica-tions [2–5] .Theseapplicationsinclude,butarenotlimitedto,drug

Corresponding author.

E-mail address: o.moultos@tudelft.nl (O.A. Moultos).

delivery [2,3,6,7] , catalysis [2,8,9] , food [2,10–12] and separation technologies [2,13,14] .Recently,aCDderivative(sulfobutylether-


-cyclodextrin) has beenused as a drugcarrier inthe formulation ofRemdesivir [15] ,whichhasbeentestedasa potentialdrugfor the treatmentof COVID-19 [16] .Since the inclusioncomplex for-mationisthecorephenomenonintheseapplications,ithasbeen themainfocusofnumerousscientificstudies [5,17–22] .Inmostof thesestudies,thestabilityofthehost-guestcomplexisstudiedby usingeitherexperimentalorsimulationtechniques [5,18,20,23–29] . Although invarious applications of CDssuch ascontrolled drug-delivery [24,30–32] mass transportcan play an importantrole, it has not been aswidely studied asthe binding properties of the inclusioncomplexes.

Inthepastdecade,severalstudies haveshownthat forcefield based molecular dynamics (MD) simulations can provide molec-ular levelinsight into the inclusion complex formation,and pre-dict experimentally measured binding constants reasonably well [33–38] . MDsimulations are also widely used tocalculate trans-port properties in aqueous solutions [39–47] . To the best of our



M. Erd ˝os, M. Frangou, T.J.H. Vlugt et al. Fluid Phase Equilibria 528 (2021) 112842

Fig. 1. (a) and (b) atomistic representations of the β-CD molecule. (c) and (d) the ibuprofen: β-CD inclusion complex in orientation 1 and orientation 2, respectively. In all simulations the q4md-CD [51] force field was used for modelling the α-, β- and γ-CDs, while the General AMBER force field [63] was used for ibuprofen.

knowledge, there are only two studies reporting diffusion coef-ficients of CDs calculated using MD simulations to date. Naidoo et al. [48] performedpulse-field-gradientspin-echo nuclear mag-netic resonance (PGSE NMR) measurements and MD simulations to determine the diffusion coefficients of




-, and


-CDs. In that study,theCSFFandSPC/Eforce fieldsfortheCDsandwater were used,respectively.ThediffusioncoefficientsoftheCDswere measured at1 mMconcentration in D2O. Naidoo etal. [48]

con-cluded thatconsideringthedifferentsolventsusedinthe simula-tions andexperiments,thesimulationresultsareinagood agree-ment withthemeasurements. TangandChang [37] presentedan MD simulation approach for calculating the binding free energy ofhost-guest complexesbasedonthediffusioncoefficientsofthe host and the guest. Using this approach, Tang and Chang com-puted binding free energies of seven different guest molecules with


-CD using the q4md-CD/GAFF/TIP3P combination of force fields.

In this work, a comprehensive studyof the diffusivity ofCDs in aqueous solutions is reported. Such a study is largely lacking andis importantfornot only supplementingandfurther guiding experiments, but also for providing the necessary molecular un-derstanding forthe design and/or optimizationof applicationsin whichmasstransportiscrucial,e.g.,controlleddrugdelivery.Asit hasbeenshownthattheeffectofthesystemsizeonthe computa-tionofself-diffusivitycanbesignificantinMDsimulations [49,50] , theeffectofthesystemsizeontheself-diffusionofCDsis inves-tigated. TomodelCDs,weusetheq4md-CDforcefield whichhas beenshowntobeveryaccurateinpredictingthecrystalproperties ofCDs [51] .Sinceithas beenshowninliteraturethat thechoice of force field to represent the solventhas a significant effecton thecomputedtransportpropertiesofthesolutes [52–54] ,the dif-fusion coefficient ofCDsare calculatedusingfour differentwater force fields.After identifying the bestperforming solute (i.e. wa-ter) force field, the effect ofNaCl concentration on the diffusion of CDs is also investigated using two different NaCl force fields. Finally, as a model system for a drug-delivery application, the diffusion coefficient of the ibuprofen:


-CD inclusion complex is computed.

The remainder ofthis articleisstructured asfollows.The fol-lowingsection containsdetailsabouttheforce fieldsandthe MD simulationschemeused.In Section 3 (i.e.,ResultsandDiscussion),

the effect of the system size is investigated, the computed self-diffusioncoefficientsofCDsindifferentaqueoussolutionsare pre-sented, and the diffusion of the ibuprofen:


-CD inclusion com-plex is discussed. The conclusions of this work are provided in Section4.

2. Methodology 2.1. Forcefields

Allbondedandnon-bondedforcefieldparametersofCDswere takenfromtheq4md-CDforcefield [51] .Thisforcefield isshown to be very accurate in reproducing the experimentally measured structure of CDs, as well as the binding properties of CDs with a wide varietyof guestmolecules [33,34,51,55] . Waterwas mod-elledusingTIP3P [56] ,SPC/E [57] andTIP4P/2005 [58] forcefields, aswell asBind3P [34] .Thelatterhasbeenrecentlydevelopedby Yinetal. [34] byreparameterizingtheLennard-Jonessizeand en-ergyparameters oftheTIP3Pwatermodel.TheBind3Pforcefield isfitted toexperimentally measured bindingfree energyand en-thalpy of CD with various guest molecules [34] . For all water-ion simulations, TIP4P/2005 [58] was used combined with the JoungandCheatham [59,60] (JC)andtheMadrid-2019forcefields [61] for Na+ andCl−. Thischoice wasbasedon therecentstudy by Döpke et al. [62] who investigated the performance of differ-ent ionforce fields combined withthe TIP4P/2005 force field in reproducingexperimental propertiesofsaltsolutions suchas dif-fusion coefficients, ionhydration free energies andhydration ra-dius. The JC force field has full ionic charges (i.e., +1, −1) while theMadrid-2019 force fieldhasscaled atomiccharges(i.e.,+0.85, −0.85). Moreover, the Madrid-2019 [61] force field uses specific termsfortheLennard-Jonesinteractionsbetweentheionsand wa-ter molecules instead of the general combining rules. Ibuprofen isrepresented asafullyflexible molecule usingthe General AM-BERforcefield [63] .ThepartialchargesofIbuprofenarecomputed with the Restrained Electrostatic Potential (RESP) method at the 6-31G∗ level oftheory,using the R.E.DIII.52 script [64] withthe Gaussian09 RevB.01 software package [65] . Tocheck the reliabil-ityofthederived charges,the electrostatic potentials(ESPs) gen-eratedbythefittedchargesandDFT atthe6-31G∗ levelare com-pared. Therelativerootmeansquare betweentheESPsinatomic unitsarefound tobe smallerthan0.02. Thederived charges cor-respondto thesimulation of a molecule at0 K in vacuum. This approach is used since it is the recommended charge derivation method for the GAFF force field [63] . Recently, Schauperl et al. [66] reportedtheRESP2 methodinwhich thepartialcharges are calculatedfromacombinationofgas-andaqueous-phasecharges. Schauperl et al. [66] showed that RESP2 charges are more accu-ratethanthetraditionalRESPinreproducingexperimentally mea-suredproperties(e.g.hydrationfreeenergy,heatsofvaporization) oforganic liquids [66] . TheLennard-Jones andelectrostatic inter-actionsaretruncatedat9 ˚A.Analytictailcorrectionsareincluded inthe pressureandenergy calculations. TheParticle-Mesh Ewald (PME)method [67] isusedforthelongrangeelectrostatic interac-tions.Inall simulations,fixed atomicchargesareusedand polar-izationeffectsareneglectedaccordingtotheoriginal parametriza-tionoftheusedforcefields.Allforcefieldparametersareprovided as Supplementary material in the form of GROMACS parameter files.

2.2. Simulationdetails

MD simulations using the GROMACS 2018.2 [68] software package were performed for the diffusivity computations, while LAMMPS(version16 Feb.2016) [69] wasusedforcomputing vis-cosities. To integrate the equation of motion, the leap-frog


rithmwith2fstimestepisused.Theinitialconfigurationsare ob-tainedbysolvatingaCDmoleculeinwater.Fortheaqueous elec-trolyte systems,additional water moleculesare used for the sol-vation oftheCDmolecule,andafterwardsthesearerandomly re-placed by the appropriate numberofNa+ andCl−ions. Allinitial configurations arecreatedusingthe built-inGROMACS tools [68] . Theequilibrationschemeusedisasfollows:(1)energy minimiza-tion of the systemusing the steepest descent method, (2)50 ps MD simulationat 50Kat constant volume,(3) 1nsMD simula-tioninwhichthetemperatureisrampedupfrom50Ktothe pro-duction temperatureintheNVT ensemble,and(4)2nsMD sim-ulation in the NPT ensemble at the production temperature and pressure. This thoroughequilibration scheme isbased on the in-clusioncomplexationstudiesbyGilsonandco-workers [35,36] .For consistency,thisapproachisusedinalloursimulations.The tem-perature is regulated using the modified velocity rescaling ther-mostatofGROMACS [70] ,whichisabletoproperlyreproducethe canonicalensemble.Thecouplingconstantusedinthethermostat is0.1ps.Thepressurewasregulated usingtheParrinello-Rahman barostat [71] withacoupling constantof2 ps.In allsimulations, unless statedotherwise, aCDmolecule issolvatedin3000water molecules.

Self-diffusion coefficients, Di,self, are calculated using the Ein-steinrelation [72] : Di,self=tlim →∞ 1 6Nit

Ni j=1






− rj,i





(1) wheret isthetime,Niisthenumberofmoleculesoftype i,and

rj,iisthepositionvectorofthejthmoleculeofspeciesi.The brack-ets


representan ensembleaverage. Di,self is computedbythe

slope and interceptofthe long-time mean squareddisplacement (MSD)curve attime-scaleswheretheslopeofMSDasafunction of time is1 in a log-log plot [72,73] . Because of the use ofone solute molecule andtheslow dynamicsof CDsdue totheir size, long MDsimulations intherangeof 600ns-1


s were needed forobtaining alinearregime withslopeequalto1 inthelog-log MSDvstime curve.Theself-diffusioncoefficientsreportedinthis workarecalculatedastheaverageoffourindependentsimulations startingfromdifferentinitialconfigurations.Eachinitial configura-tionwascreatedbycarryingouttheequilibrationprocedureusing differentrandomseeds.EachMDsimulationwascarriedouton12 -24CPUs,achievingaperformanceof100–160ns/day.

Self-diffusion coefficientscomputed from MD simulations de-pendonthesizeofthesimulationbox [40,74–77] .Yehand Hum-mer [74] derived an analytic correction term which should be added to the self-diffusivities computed in MD simulations to obtain the self-diffusion coefficients in the thermodynamic limit [74] (Dself).TheYHcorrectiontermis:

DYH self=





L (2)



isaconstantequalto2.837297,kBistheBoltzmann con-stant,Tisthetemperature,Listhesizeofthesimulationbox,and


is the shear viscosity of the solvent computed fromMD sim-ulations. It is important to note here that viscosities exhibit no finite-sizeeffects [76] .Theviscosityofwaterandofaqueous elec-trolytesolutions requiredforcorrecting ourdiffusivityresultsare notavailableforalltheforcefieldsusedandallconditions consid-eredinthecurrentstudy.Tothispurpose,theshearviscositiesof all systemsarecalculatedusingtheOCTPplugin [73] inLAMMPS, an easy-to-usetool whichcomputes transport properties on-the-fly during the simulation. The reported viscosities are calculated astheaverageoffourindependent20nslongsimulations.All de-tailsabouttheOCTPplugincanbefoundintheoriginalpaper [73] . Allself-diffusivitiesreportedinthisworkarecorrectedforsystem

Fig. 2. The computed self-diffusion coefficients of β-CD as a function of the inverse of the simulation box length at T = 298 . 15 K and P = 1 bar. The symbols in red and blue colors indicate the calculated self-diffusion coefficients without and with using the YH correction [74] , respectively. N w denotes the number of water molecules used in the simulation. For modelling the β-CD and water the q4md-CD [51] and TIP4P2005 [58] force fields were used, respectively. The maximum statistical error in the computed self-diffusion coefficients is 10%. The error bars are smaller than the symbol size.

size effectsusing Eq. (2) , unlessit is statedotherwise. The com-putedviscositiesforall systems arelisted inTables S1 andS2of the Supplementary material. In this work, the statisticalerror in theself-diffusion coefficientsandviscositiesarecalculated asthe standarddeviationofthemeanfromthefourindependent simula-tions.

3. Resultsanddiscussion 3.1. Systemsizeeffects

Theeffectofthesystemsizeonthediffusivityofpurefluidsor mixturescomputedwithMDsimulationshasbeeninvestigatedin detailby severalauthors [40,49,74,75,78] . In Fig. 2 ,thecomputed self-diffusion coefficients of


-CDwith and without the YH cor-rectionat298.15Kare shownasafunction ofthesimulationbox length.TheTIP4P/2005waterforce fieldisused.Asexpected, the finitesizeself-diffusivities scalelinearlywiththesizeofthe sim-ulationbox, andthus, theapplicationof theYH correctionyields theself-diffusivity value inthethermodynamic limit. However, it isimportanttonotethatthemagnitudeoftherequiredcorrection issubstantial.As shownin Fig. 2 ,by using1500watermolecules the computed self-diffusion coefficient (i.e. 1.9×10−10 m2 s−1) is


smallersystemsthecorrectionisevenhigher.Forasystemsizeof 500 water molecules, the YH correction is approximately 76% of the final self-diffusion coefficient value. In the studyby Moultos etal. [49] ,theeffectofthesystemsizeontheself-diffusion coeffi-cientofpureCO2andCH4 wasstudied.Theauthorsshowthatthe

magnitudeoftheYHcorrectionforthesesystemsrangesfromca.6 to15%ofthefinalself-diffusioncoefficient,dependingonthe sys-temsize.Forthesystemsinvestigated inthisstudy,inwhichthe sizeofthesoluteisconsiderablylargerthanthesizeofthesolvent (i.e. CDs inwater), correcting the self-diffusion coefficient of the soluteforsystemsizeeffectsisabsolutelycrucialbecausethe cor-rectiontermcanbeinmanycaseslargerthanthecomputed diffu-sivityvalueinMD.Similarlytotheresultsobtainedforthe


-CD, the requiredsystemsize correction forthe




-CDsis also substantial asshown inFigures S1 andS2 of theSupplementary material.Hereafter,allofthereportedself-diffusioncoefficientsin tablesandfiguresarecorrectedforsystemsizeeffectsusingusing Eq. (2) .


M. Erd ˝os, M. Frangou, T.J.H. Vlugt et al. Fluid Phase Equilibria 528 (2021) 112842

Fig. 3. Computed self-diffusion coefficients of (a) α-CD, (b) β-CD and (c) γ-CD as a function of temperature at P = 1 bar. The symbols in blue, orange, green, and red colors indicate the use of TIP3P [56] , Bind3P [34] , SPCE [57] , and TIP4P2005 [58] force fields for water, respectively. The self-diffusivities are corrected for finite size effects using Eq. (2) . The experimentally measured self-diffusion coefficients are shown with open black symbols [79–81] . The maximum statistical error in the computed self-diffusion coefficients is 10%. The error bars are smaller than the sym- bol size.

3.2. Effectoftheforcefieldonthediffusivityofcyclodextrinsin water

In Fig. 3 , the computed and experimentally measured self-diffusioncoefficientsofthe






-CDsinwaterareshown as a function of temperature for the range 298.15–312.15 K at a pressure equal to 1 bar. The experimental results are taken fromthe studiesofRibeiro etal. [79–81] .As canbe seen,by us-ing the SPC/E and TIP4P/2005 water models the computed self-diffusion coefficientsare in a reasonableagreement withthe ex-perimental results. The self-diffusion coefficients predicted using the TIP4P/2005 water force field are the most accurate, showing a mean average deviation from the experimental measurements equaltoca.8%.From Fig. 3 ,itcanbealsoobservedthatwhenthe TIP3PandBind3Pwaterforce fieldsareused,thepredicted diffu-sivities are higherthantheexperimental measurements bya fac-torof3to4,forthewholetemperaturerange.InthecaseofTIP3P water model,this overestimation isexpected since the predicted diffusivity and viscosity of pure water with thismodel are sub-stantially over-andunderestimated,respectively [82] .TheBind3P force field wasrecentlydevelopedby Yinetal. [34] ,who refitted the Lennard-Jonessizeandenergyparameters ofthe TIP3Pwater modeltobetterpredicttheexperimentally measuredbindingfree energies andenthalpies ofhost-guestsystems. Itwasshownthat compared toTIP3P,theBind3Pforcefield systematicallyimproves the prediction ofthe experimental binding free energies and en-thalpiesofCDswithdifferentguestmolecules [34] .Tothebestof our knowledge, transport propertiesfor the Bind3P watermodel are not reportedin literature, andthus it is not known how ac-curately thisnewforce field is inpredicting transport properties of pure water. In Table S1 ofthe Supplementary material,it can be seen that the viscosityofpure watercalculated withTIP3Pis

Fig. 4. The average number of hydrogen bonds (HBs) formed between the (a) α-CD, (b) β-CD and (c) γ-CD with water as a function of temperature at P = 1 bar. The symbols in blue, orange, green, and red colors indicate the use of TIP3P [56] , Bind3P [34] , SPC/E [57] , and TIP4P/2005 [58] water force fields, respectively. The maximum statistical error in the computed number of HBs is 10%. The error bars are smaller than the symbol size.

onaverage12%higherthanwithBind3P.Thisrelatively small dif-ferenceinviscositiesjustifiesthesimilarpoorperformanceofthe twoforcefieldsinpredictingthediffusivityoftheCDsinwater.In general,itisevidentthatthepredictedself-diffusioncoefficientsof theCDsstronglydependontheaccuracyoftheforcefieldusedfor modellingthesolvent (i.e.water).Thisfinding isin-line withthe literature reporting MD simulations of self-diffusivity in aqeuous solutions [49,52] .

Toobtainabetterunderstandingoftheeffectofthewaterforce fields on the physicalproperties of the CDs which can influence thediffusion, theaverage numberofwater moleculesresiding in thecavity ofthe CDduringthe diffusionprocess, the numberof intra-andintermolecularhydrogenbondsbetweentheCDand wa-ter,andthesizeofthesmallandlargerimsoftheCDsarestudied. Therimsreferto thetwoopeningsintheCDmolecule ascan be seen in Fig. 1 b. In Fig. 4 , theaverage numberofhydrogen bonds formed between the water molecules andthe




-, and


-CD are shownas a function of temperatureforthe four waterforce fieldsused.Thehydrogenbondanalysisiscarriedoutbyusingthe built-in hbondGROMACS tool.Inall simulations,the criterionfor theformationofahydrogenbondisacut-off distanceof3.5 ˚A be-tween the donor andacceptor atoms, and a cut-off angleof 30◦ between the donor-hydrogen-acceptor atoms [51,83,84] . The dif-ference inthe averagenumber ofintermolecularhydrogenbonds formed using the different force fields is lower or equal to one in all cases investigated. In Figure S3 of the Supplementary ma-terial,the average numberof intramolecularhydrogenbonds be-tweenthehydroxylgroupsofthe






-CDisshownwhen using thefour different waterforce fields. Similarly to the inter-molecular hydrogen bonds, there is no significant difference ob-served. Thus, thesignificant difference betweenthe self-diffusion


coefficients computedby usingthe differentwater modelsis not reflectedinthenumberofinter-orintramolecularhydrogenbonds inthesystem.

InFigureS4oftheSupplementarymaterial,theaveragenumber ofwatermoleculesresidinginsidethecavityofthe






-CDsare shownasafunctionoftemperature.Sincethenumberof watermoleculesinsidethecavityoftheCDscontinuouslychanges astheCDdiffuses(i.e.,watermoleculescontinuouslyenteringand leavingthecavity),thenumberofwatermoleculesiscalculatedas atimeaverage.InthestudiesbyCézardetal. [51] ,Rodriguezetal. [85] ,andShikataetal. [86] theresidencetimeofwatermolecules in theCDcavitywasinvestigatedby MDsimulations and experi-mentaltechniques.Boththecomputedandthemeasuredresidence times are in therange of 20- 75 ps. Thisshows that the water molecules are continuously flowing in and out of the CD cavity withnostablewaterclustersbeingformed.In ourstudy,a water molecule is considered tobe inside thecavity ofthe






-CDifthe distancebetweenthe centersofmass ofthe CDand thewaterissmallerthan0.34,0.4,and0.46nm,respectively.This definitionisadaptedfromtheworkofZhangetal. [83] .Similarly toourfindingsforhydrogen-bonding,theaveragenumberofwater moleculesinsidethecavityoftheCDspredictedbyusingthe dif-ferentwatermodelsisalmostidentical.InFiguresS5andS6ofthe Supplementary material,thediameteroftheupperandlowerrim ofthe






-CDs areshownasa functionoftemperature. TherimsizesoftheCDsdonotshowanysignificantdifferencefor thedifferenttestedforcefields.

From theanalysispresentedabove,itisevidentthattheshape and size of the CDs is almost unaffected by the choice of the force field of the solvent. Moreover, the large differences in the self-diffusion coefficientspredictedby usingdifferentwater mod-els(see Fig. 3 )arenotreflectedinthenumberofhydrogenbonds

Fig. 5. The computed self-diffusion coefficients of (a) α-CD, (b) β-CD and (c) γ- CD as a function of NaCl molarity at T = 298 . 15 K and P = 1 bar. The symbols in black and red colors indicate the use of JC [59] and Madrid-2019 [61] NaCl force fields, respectively. For water the TIP4P2005 [58] water force field is used. The self- diffusivities are corrected for finite size effects using Eq. (2) . The maximum sta- tistical error in the computed self-diffusion coefficients is 10%. The error bars are smaller than the symbol size.

(see Fig. 4 ) orin thenumber ofwater moleculesresiding in the CD cavity (see Figure S4 of the Supplementary material). These findingsstronglysuggestthattheobserveddifferencesinthe self-diffusioncoefficientsoftheCDsaremainlycausedbytheabilityof thevariouswaterforcefieldstoaccuratelypredictthedensityand transport coefficientsof the pure solvent. Thus, it isnot surpris-ing that the force field combination q4md-CD/TIP4P/2005 yields themostaccurate resultsforthediffusivityofCDsinwater,since TIP4P/2005predicts therelevantpropertiesofpurewatervery ac-curately [58,82] .

3.3. EffectofNaClconcentration

Since inmostapplications CDsare dissolved in aqueous solu-tionscontainingsalts,weinvestigatetheeffectofNaCl concentra-tioninwateronthediffusionofCDsusingtwodifferentionforce fields(i.e.JCandMadrid-2019)combinedwiththeTIP4P/2005 wa-terforce field.TheTIP4P/2005forcefield waschosensinceitwas found to be themost accurate one combinedwiththe q4md-CD forcefield (see Fig. 3 ).Thetwoionforcefieldsareselectedbased on the study by Döpke et al. [62] who showed that the JC and Madrid-2019ionforcefieldscombinedwithTIP4P/2005can repro-ducepropertiesincludingionhydrationfreeenergy,hydration ra-diusreasonablywell. In Fig. 5 ,thecomputedself-diffusion coeffi-cientsof the






-CDs in the aqueous electrolyte solu-tions are shownasafunction ofthe NaClmolarity from0up to 1 mol L−1 at 298.15 K. The diffusivity ofall CDs decreases with theincreaseinNaClconcentration,regardlessoftheionforcefield used.Thisis mostlikelycausedby the preferential interactionof theionswiththehydroxylgroupsoftheCDsalteringtheir hydra-tionshell.Moreover,theviscosityofthesolventincreaseswiththe NaClconcentration (see TableS2 oftheSupplementary Material), whichalsocontributestotheslowerdiffusionoftheCDs.In Fig. 5 , itcanalsobeobservedthatforNaClmolaritiesupto0.4molL−1, both ion force fields yield the same self-diffusivities (within the statisticaluncertainty) forallthreeCDs.Forhigherion concentra-tions (i.e.,MNaCl>0.6mol L−1), thecomputed self-diffusion

coef-ficients of


- and


-CD using the two different ion force fields start to deviate from each other, showingthat simulations using theMadrid-2019force field alwayspredicthighervalues.The dif-ferencebetweenthetwoforcefieldcombinationsbecomessmaller asthesizeoftheCDmoleculeincreases(i.efrom




).Inthe caseof


-CD,bothforce fieldspracticallypredicts thesame diffu-sioncoefficients(see Fig. 5 c).

Toobtaina betterunderstanding ofthecauseforthese differ-ences,theradialdistributionfunctions(RDFs)oftheNa+ andCl− ions in respect to the center of mass of the CDs are calculated. Sincethe highestdifference inthediffusioncoefficientsoccursat thehighestNaClconcentration,wecalculatetheRDFsforthe sim-ulationsatMNaCl=1.0molL−1.In Fig. 6 a,b,andc,theradial







-CDswiththeCl− ionsare shownfortheJCandMadrid-2019 forcefieldsforMNaCl=1.0mol L−1.JCCl− ionshaveaslightlyhigheraffinitytointeractwiththe CDs, expressed by a higher first peak on the RDF, than the ions modelled using the Madrid-2019 force field. Fig. 6 b and c show thatforthe




-CDsasmallpeakappearsatveryshort dis-tances(ca.atd=1.5 ˚A)iftheMadrid-2019forcefieldisused.These peakssuggestthat,althoughitisrare,theCl−ionscanenterinto the cavityof the CDs during thesimulation. In Fig. 6 d, e, andf, theradialdistributionfunctionof






-CDswithNa+ions areshownforthetwo forcefieldcombinations,atMNaCl=1.0mol L−1.Na+ionsmodelledwiththeJCforcefieldhaveahigher affin-itytointeractwiththeCDs comparedwiththeMadrid-2019Na+ ions.Thedifference betweentheheight ofthepeaksinthe RDFs is decreasing as the CDs get larger. This means that the affinity ofNa+ ionstointeractwiththeCDsbecomesmoresimilar.These


M. Erd ˝os, M. Frangou, T.J.H. Vlugt et al. Fluid Phase Equilibria 528 (2021) 112842

Fig. 6. Radial distribution functions for the distance between the center of mass of the α-, β- and γ-CDs and the Na + and Cl −ions at T = 298 . 15 K and P = 1 bar. (a), (b) and (c) subfigures show the RDFs of the Cl −ions with the α-, β- and γ-CDs (from left to right). (d), (e) and (f) subfigures show the RDFs of the Na + ions with the α-, β- and γ-CDs (from left to right). The black and red colors indicate the use of JC [59] and Madrid-2019 [61] ion force fields, respectively. For water the TIP4P/2005 [58] water force field is used.

Fig. 7. Density contour plots of water and NaCl around the CDs at T = 298 . 15 K,

P = 1 bar and M NaCl = 1.0 mol L −1 . (a) and (b) show the density contour plots around the α-CD. (c) and (d) show the density contour plots around the β-CD. (e) and (f) show the density contour plots around the γ-CD. For the contour plots on the left side of the figure, i.e. (a) (c) and (e), the JC [59] force field is used. For the contour plots on the right side of the figure, i.e. (b) (d) and (f), the Madrid-2019 [61] force field is used. The TIP4P/2005 [58] force field was used to model water. The green, orange, and blue colors indicate the Cl −, Na + and water, respectively.

findings explain the differencesin thecomputed self-diffusivities causedbythesizeoftheCDandtheuseofthedifferentionforce fieldsshownin Fig. 5 .

In Fig. 7 ,densitycontour plotsof water,sodium,andchloride around the




-, and


-CDs are shown. The contour surfaces show the locationswhere the density of the compoundis equal tothesetcontourlevel.Thecontourlevelsofwater,Na+,andCl− are 1.05, 1.5and 1.3times the bulk densities of the correspond-ingcompounds,respectively.In-linewiththeRDFsshownin Fig. 6 , Na+ions modelledwith the JCforce field (see Fig. 7 a,cand e)

oc-Table 1

Computed self-diffusion coefficients of the βCD:Ibuprofen inclusion complex (the two orientations can be seen in Fig. 1 ) and free βCD in water at T = 298 . 15 K and P = 1 bar. The q4md-CD [51] force field was used for modelling the β-CDs, the TIP4P2005 [58] for water, and the General AMBER force field [63] was used for ibuprofen. The self-diffusivities are corrected for finite size effects using Eq. (2) . σis the error with a 95% confidence interval.

D / [10 −10 m 2 s −1 ] σ/ [10 −10 m 2 s −1 ] βCD:Ibuprofen (orientation 1) 3.3 0.1

βCD:Ibuprofen (orientation 2) 3.20 0.04

Free βCD 3.50 0.05

cupyalargerareaaroundtheCDs(correspondingtohigherpeaks inthe RDF) than the Na+ using theMadrid-2019 force field (see Fig. 7 b,d andf). Fromthe contourplots itcan alsobe seen that thepreferredlocationoftheNa+ionsisnearthehydroxylgroups ofthelargerrimoftheCDswhentheJCforcefieldisused.When theMadrid-2019model(see Fig. 7 b,dandf),Na+ionsarelocated furtherfromthecenterofmassoftheCDsbutstilllieinthe vicin-ityofthehydroxylgroupsofthelargerims.Cl− ions,regardlessof theionforcefieldused,arealwayslocatedoutsideoftheCD,close tothecenterofthelargerim.

3.4. Diffusionofthe



Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatorydrug which is widely used worldwidefortreating fever, pain andinflammation. [87] Due to its commonuse,ibuprofenisalsoa frequentlydetected contami-nantinsurfaceandgroundwaters [88–91] .Since


-CDcanbe po-tentiallyused both asa drug delivery agent [2,3,6] andin waste water treatment applications [92–94] , the mass transport of


-CD:Ibuprofeninclusioncomplexisanimportantaspectinboth ap-plications.InourMDsimulations,thetwopossibleorientationsof ibuprofeninsidethe


-CDcavityareconsidered. InOrientation1, the carboxylgroup of ibuprofenis located nearthe small rimof the


-CD. In Orientation 2,the ibuprofen molecule is rotated by 180degreestoplacethecarboxylgroupnearthelargerimofthe


-CD. Aschematicrepresentationofthe orientationsisshownin Fig. 1 c andd. The computed self-diffusion coefficients of the


-CD:Ibuprofeninclusion complexforthetwo orientations,andthe free


-CDat298.15Kareshownin Table 1 .Thevaluesofthe self-diffusivitiesofthetwoinclusioncomplexesareveryclosetoeach other (i.e. within 5%), andca. 5–10% lower than the one of free


-CD. 6


Although no experimental measurements or molecular simu-lation computations of the self-diffusivity of the


-CD:Ibuprofen inlcusion complex in aqeous solution are reported, Santos et al. [30] presentedTaylordispersionexperimentsforthefree


-CDand the


-CD:Caffeineinclusion complex.Theseexperimentsrevealed that the diffusivity ofthe free


-CD is only slightlyhigher than the one of


-CD:caffeine inclusion complex (3.17×10−10 m2 s−1

and3.05×10−10m2s−1,respectively).Santosetal. [30] concluded

thattheinclusioncomplexhaspracticallythesamediffusivitywith the free


-CD. The authors justified thisfinding by the fact that caffeine molecule isfully includedin thecavity ofthe


-CD. Al-thoughtheseexperimentswerecarriedoutusingadifferentguest molecule comparedto our study,a comparisonbetweenthe two can be justifiedbecause thesize ofcaffeine iscomparabletothe size of ibuprofen.As shownin Table 1 , themolecular simulation resultsareinfullagreementwiththeexperimentalfindings, show-ingnosignificantdifferenceinthediffusivityofthefree


-CDwith theinclusioncomplexinwater.InFigureS7intheSupplementary material, the RDFs of water inrespect to the free


-CD andthe inclusion complex in bothorientations are shown. In thecase of free


-CD,theRDFpeakatadistanceofapprox.2 ˚Aindicatesthat water moleculesenter thecavity, however,inthe caseofthe in-clusion complex,nopeakintheRDFisobserved.Thismeansthat ibuprofen fullyoccupiesthe cavityof the


-CDpreventing water moleculesfromentering.

4. Conclusions







-CDsand the


-CD:Ibuprofen inclusion complex in aqueous solutions are computedbymeansofMDsimulationandcomparedwiththe re-spectiveexperimentalmeasurements.Theeffectofthesystemsize ontheself-diffusionofCDsisinvestigated.ItisshownthattheYH correction can be 76% ofthe final self-diffusion coefficient value. Thissuggeststhat theuseofsystemsize correctionsformixtures withcompounds whichareconsiderably differentinsizeis abso-lutelynecessaryevenifrelativelylargesystemsizesareusedinthe MDsimulations.Theself-diffusioncoefficientsofthenativeCDsin waterarecomputedusingfourdifferentwaterforcefieldsat tem-peratures rangingfrom298.15to312.15K,atapressureof1bar. The q4md-CDforce fieldby Cézardetal. [51] wasusedto model CDs. We found that by using the TIP4P/2005 force field, the ex-perimentallymeasuredself-diffusioncoefficientscanbecomputed veryaccurately.ThephysicalpropertiesofCDswhichcaninfluence their diffusivity, such as the number of hydrogen bonds formed withintheCDsandbetweentheCDsandwater,theaverage num-ber of water moleculesin the cavityof the CDs,and the size of the lowerandupperrims oftheCDsare alsoinvestigatedto ob-tain a better understanding of effect of the water force field on theseproperties.Ourresultsshowthattheeffectofthewaterforce field on these properties is almost negligible. This suggests that thelargedifferencesinthepredictedself-diffusioncoefficientsare not caused by structuraldifferences(suchasthe size andshape) of theCDs whendifferentwaterforce fieldsare usedbutmainly depend ontheperformanceoftheseforcefieldsinpredictingthe densityandtransportpropertiesofthepuresolvent.Torevealthe effect ofthe saltconcentration ofthe solventon thediffusion of CDs,theself-diffusioncoefficientofthethreenativeCDswithtwo different ionforce fields are computedas a function ofthe NaCl concentration at298.15 Kand1bar. It wasfoundthat the diffu-sivityofallCDsdecreaseswiththeincreasing NaClconcentration, regardlessoftheionforce field.Itisalsoshownthat theNa+ ion modelledbytheJCforcefieldhasahigheraffinitytowardtheCDs than theMadrid-2019force field.Thisdifferenceislikelythe rea-sonoftheslowerdiffusivityofthe




-CDswhentheJCforce field isused.Finally,asamodelsystemfordrugdeliveryandalso

forwastertreatment applicationof


-CD, the diffusionofthe


-CD:Ibuprofen inclusion complex in water is studied. It is shown that self-diffusioncoefficient oftheinclusion complexis approxi-mately5-10%lowerthanthefree


-CD’s.Thesealmostequal diffu-sioncoefficientsaremostlikelycausedbythealmostfullinclusion ofibuprofeninthecavityofthe


-CD. Ourfindings indicate that MD simulations can provide reasonable predictions for support-ingexperiments,andthenecessarymolecularlevelunderstanding whichisusefulforindustriallyrelevantapplicationsofCDs.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


Máté Erd˝os: Visualization, Data curation, Writing - original draft. Michalis Frangou: Data curation, Visualization. ThijsJ.H. Vlugt: Supervision, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. OthonasA. Moultos: Supervision, Conceptualization, Methodology,Writing-originaldraft.


This work was sponsored by NWO Exacte Wetenschappen (Physical Sciences) for the use of supercomputer facilities, with financial support from the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Weten-schappelijkOnderzoek(Netherlands OrganisationforScientific Re-search,NWO).T.J.H.V.acknowledgesNWO-CW(ChemicalSciences) fora VICIgrant. OthonasA. Moultos gratefullyacknowledges the support of NVIDIA Corporation withthe donation of the Titan V GPUusedforthisresearch.


Supplementary material associated with this article can be found,intheonlineversion,at 10.1016/j.fluid.2020.112842 .


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