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Autochtonia i allochtonia węgla z punktu widzenia paleobotaniki


Academic year: 2021

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4. C z e c z 0 t t H. - 0 wieku trzeciorzl;dowej fiary Turowa k. Bogatyni (G6rne l..tiZyce). Kwart. geol., 1970, nr 4.

5. F ran ci s W. - Coal, Its formation and com-position. London, 1954.

6. Got h an W. - Autochtonie und Allochtonie bei der Braunkohle. Zschr. f. prakt. Geo!., Halle, 1930. Jg. 38, H.5.

7. Hun g erR. - Mikrobotanisch-stratigraphische UntersuchuIigen der Braunkohlen der sUdlichen Oberlausitz und die Pollenanalyse als Mittel zur Deutung der F18zgenese, Freib. Forsch., C. H. 8, Geologie, Berlin, 1953.

8. J u n g W. - Neue paUii>bDtanische Untersu-chungen an den Braunkohlen der Oberpfalz. Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges., 1972, Bd 43.

9. Jung W., KnoblDch E., Kivacek Z. -Makrofloristische Untersuchungen im

Braunkoh-lenterWir der Oberpfalz. 'Mitt. Bayer.Staats-samml. PaUiont. hist. Geol., MUncben, 1971, H. 11.

10. K r u s z e w ski T. - Badania . petrograficzne wE:gli brunatnych z kopalni Tur6w. T. II, Pr. GIG, Katowice, 1964.

11. K sI,,:! k i e w I c


M. - Geologia dynamiczna. Wyd. 4, Wyd. Geot, 1972.


The hypothesis of autochtoneous origin of coal

in result of alteration of peats is accepted. Sub-sequently, the author discusses some evidence com-monly put forward by the supporters of the alter-native hypothesis of allochtoneous origin of coals. The arguments given for the latter hypothesis are critically reviewed from the PDint of view of pa-leobotany and using some results of the author's studies on brown coals.

It is concluded that the allochtony proper, ie. primary allochtony, as well as secondary allochto-ny cannot . be considered as of any importance :Cor the origin of coals from the point of view of pa-leobotanists. The two forms of allochtony may par-ticipate in formation of coals only as local phe-nomena of very limited significance. The impor-tance of allochtony for the formation of coals may be accepted only in exceptional cases with good geological record. From the point of view of pa-leobotany it may be accepted. that coals, similarly as peats, may originate under various hYdrological conditions and in various peat-bogs but always au-tochtonically.


12. K u I c z y


ski S. _ . Geneza karbonskich· zl6z wc:gIowych. Pr. Wrocl. Tow. Nauk., ser. B, Wro-claw, 1952, nr 64.

13. K u I c


y fl ski S. - Torfowiska PDlesia. T. 1--11. Krak6w, 1939-1940.

14. Lubliner-Mianowska K.,

Kw.iatkow-ski A. - Badania nad zaleZn~cill zawarto~ci

substancji woskowo-bitumicznyCh w ' tQrfie od jego sldadu ro~linnego . i stop~ia rozldadu. Zesz ..

nauk. Pol Gd., 1954. .

15. Po s t L. von, G ran 1 u n d E. - Sodra. Sve-riges Torv-tillgangar. Sv; geo~. · Under~., Ser.· C,

Stockholm, 1 9 2 4 . ' .

16. Raistrick A., Marshall C. E . . _ . The nature and origin of coal and coal seams. Lon-don, 1948.

17. S top a S. Z. - Klasyfikacja antrakogenetyczna formacji wE:gIono~nych. Pr. geol. Kom. Nauk. GeoL PAN Oddz. w Krakowie 1968, nr 49.' 18. T h 0 m son P. W. - Pseudo-Allochtonie imd

partielle Autochtonie. Neues Jb. Geo!.. Palaont., Mh., Abt. B, Geol.-Palaont., 1958, H. 6. 19. Tolpa S. - Torfowlska i torfy. Wroclaw

Warszawa, 1949.


AB'rop np~epEHBaeTCR B3l'~ 06 aB'l'OX'l'OBBOM

npoMCXO~eBIm yrmr. KaE Dpe06pa30BaHBoro 'l'OpC;P1l." PaCCMaTPMB8.IOTC8 HexOroPLIe ,ttOK83aTeJlLCTBa,

npM-Bo~e B JIHT'epaType. B DOJIL3Y' aJIJl'OXTOHHOro

reHe-3Hca yrJI8. ABrop c naJIe060TaHH'lecx:oA ''l'O'IKH 3peHJOl aHaJIM3Mpye-r ,ttODOp;LI CTOPOHBMKOB aJIJIOXTOHHK.· Hc-nOJIL3YIOTC8 'l'aKlKe C06CTBeHBbIe Mcc.ne,ttOBaHHfi 6YPbIX yrneA.

B 38XmO"IeHHe aBTOp KOuCTaTMpYeT, 'ITO c D03MqJm

DaJIe060'l'8BMKH HeIJpJreMJIeMO yr.neo6pa3YlOIqee· 3Ha-"iemre BM nepBM"IHoA, HM BTOPH'lHOA aJIJIOXTOHIm. 06e cPoPMbI IIpofiBJIeHHII aJIJIOXTOHMM l40rYT MMe'l'L JIMIIIL MecTHoe 3Ha"leBHe M. B IIMHHI4aJIbHoA CTeueHM BJIHII'l'L


CJIY"lafiX, ,D;e-raJILao oOOcHOHaHHbIX reoJIOrJAeC.ID!MM YCJIOBMmdM M.O:lKHO npH3HaBa'l'L yrJIeo6pa3yIOJlU'!O' POJIL aJIJIOX'l'OHHK. C naJIe060TaHM"reCKOA 'l'O"IKM 3peHJUI CJIe-. 7JYe<r C"iM'l'a'l'L DpaBH.lIOM, "iTO ' yrOJlb • KaE M TOPCP, 06pa3yeTCR B pa3HbIX' rHp;pOreoJIOl'H"leCKMX ycnOBMSIX, B '1'Op<pfiHMKaX pa3HOro TMIIa, O,D;HaKO DocroaHfl:O B


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