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Znaczenie badań tektonicznych w kopalniach głębinowych


Academic year: 2021

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10. Pr e i diM. - Budowa tektoniczna obszaru Lu-bina i Sieroszowic. Prz. geoL, 1967, nr 6.

11. S a I ski W. - Metodyka badan mezoskopowych zjawisk tektonicznych w wyrobiskach g6rni-czych. Kwart. geol. (w druku).

12. Tom a s z e w ski J. Tektonika brzeinej SUMMARY

The paper shows a necessity of performing detailed tectonic surveys In mines. The surveys are especially necessary in the case of deposits occurring at


depth and characterized by highly complex tectonic structure, which preclude adequate recognition on the basis of borehole data. These factors may be responsible for differences between geological inter-pretation and actual geological setting of a deposit. In such situation the recognition of regularities in the tectonic structure is only possible on the basis of geological data concerning fracturing and fissures faults, folds, and slikensides, gathered in the cours~ of mining works. Current analysis of these data can make possible a more accurate reconstruction of spa-tial distribution of deposits and, hence, to verify the scheme of mine building ~nd exploitation. . .

Knowledge of the tectonic structure is also imor-tant for the solution of some engineering-geological and hydrogeological problems in mining. This is evi-denced by numerous examples from copper mines in the Fore-Sudetic monocline. Moreover, tectonic de-formations have a negatwe effect on the magnitude of loss ofe deposit and they result in impoverishment of ores, particularly when the mining works are highly automatized. Structural stUdies in mines also contribute to both the improvement of methodology of mining works and the recognition of geological structure of a tectonic unit.

cz~ci monokliny przedsudeckiej. Rudy i Met. nieteL, 1963, nr 6.

13. W i e r z c how s k a Z., Z n a


ski J. - Pocho-dzenie wstrzl4s6w g6rotworu w Polskim Zaglc:biu· Wc:glowym. Problemy geodynamiki i t/ilPafl. Ko-mitet G6rnictwa PAN, 1972, Krak6w.


B CTaTbe o6ocHoBbmaeTC8 Heo6xo~OCTh ~eTa~h­


rop-HhIX Bhlpa60TKllx. B OCo6eHHpcTH 9TO KacaeTCH


3anerElIOID;HX Ha 6om.UlJOt rJly6mmx H B CJlOlKHhIX TeK'l1OBH<reCKHX YCJYOBHB:X., 'iTO B CHJIhHoil:

CTeneHH 3aTPY~HB:eT ~TaJIh~ pa3Be~y 6YPOB~ CKBIUKHHaIiIH H npHBO;!lHT K 3Ha'lHTeJIhHhtM paCX()E~e­


YCJllOBMlIDI. BhJoHBnemre 3aKoJroMepHOCTeil: TeK'lIOHH'i'ElC-KIOI'O CorpoeHHoH B TaKHX cnY'Ia8X IroEeT OCHOBhmaTbCJl mmr& Ha Ha6mo~eHHHx Tl)eIQHHOBaTOCTH, c6POCOD, CltJla~OK H 3epltaJI CKOJIbmeHHH, rrpoBO~HMhJX B rop-HhIX BhJpaOOTJtax. IlonY'IeHHhJe TaKHM nYTeM CBe~eHH8

D03BOJlmoT 60nee ~eTaJIhHO onpe~eMTh IJpOCTpaHCT-BeBHoe nomollmHHe PY,llHOil: 3aJlemH H, CJleAQBaT.eJIhHO, BBO,ltHTh RlOppeKTY'PY B cxeMY npoxo(l~ H pa3pa6OTKH 3aJleEH.

:H3y<r.eHHe TeK'l'IOBK'leCKOrO CTpOeHHH HMeeT BaEHOe .

3Ha"ieHHe H ~.lUl MHlKcHepao-reOnOrH'IeCltUX H rHm>O-reoJllOrH'feCKHX MeponpH.HTIDi: B roPHOiI:


~alOT Me~Ie PY,lIHHKM rrpe,llcy~eTClOOA MOHOKJIHHaJlM. Kpor.te TOro, TeKTOHH'leCltHe HapyweHJ!.f1' HBnHIOTCH

npH'llllHClA 3HaQH'1'enbHhIX nOTeph H ol5e~emm ~&J­

BaeKOA py~iI: MaccbI, oco6emiO B yCJlOBHJIX BbJCJOKD~

MeXaHH3aqHH .roPHLIX pa60T. CTPYI!:'1'YPHhIe Ha6JIIO~­

HHH B ropHhIX BhJpa50Tltax CIJOcoOCTBYIOT cosepmeH-C'l'BOBaHHIO Veoro~"!UI pa60T H H3Y"1eHHJO reoJJom<rec-K'Oro CorpoeHMS{ onpeAeJIeHHhIX TeltTOBH'IeCKHX


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