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View of The Scholarly Activity of the Ecumenical Institute of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in 2017


Academic year: 2021

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ROCZNIKI TEOLOGICZNE Volume 65, issue 7 – 2018 E n g l i s h v e r s i o n

REV. PRZEMYSŁAW KANTYKA* DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18290/rt.2018.65.7-13en



IN 2017

Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 7: “Teologia Ekumeniczna” (Annals of Theology, no. 7:

“Ecumenical Theology”; in 2008–2013: Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej / Annals of

Ecumenical Theology) present the research and teaching activities as well as the

struc-ture of the Ecumenical Institute of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). This compilation presents the academic and ecumenical events that the employ-ees of the KUL Ecumenical Institute took part in in 2017.


The Ecumenical Institute (further referred to as EI) comprises two departments: the Department of Orthodox Theology and the Department of Protestant Theology. What is indispensable but still absent from the structure of the EI is the Department of Ecumeni-cal Theology, which existed from the establishment of the Institute in 1983 until 2011, when it was closed by KUL’s Chancellor. This department was dedicated to research on Catholic participation in the ecumenical movement, the principles of ecumenism, the history of the ecumenical movement, and ecumenical dialogues.

The employees of the respective departments in the reporting period were: Rev. Prof. Marek Jagodziński, PhD, DSc. Associate Professor in the Department of Orthodox Theol-ogy; Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), Head of the Department of Protestant Theology; Piotr Kopiec, PhD, DSc, Assistant Professor in the Department of Protestant Theology; Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), Head of the Department of Orthodox Theology; Rev. Sławomir Pawłowski SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), employed in the Department of Orthodox Theology; Rev. Tomasz Sie-mieniec, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Protestant Theology.

Rev. PRZEMYSŁAW KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL)—Head of the Department of Pro-testant Theology in the Ecumenical Institute of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; address for correspondence—e-mail address: kantyka@kul.pl



The teaching work of the EI followed the programme of lectures and classes ap-proved by the Council of the Faculty of Theology and the Academic Senate of KUL. Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL) and Rev. Sławomir Pa-włowski SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL) conducted classes in ecumenism in diocesan and monastic seminaries in Lublin, Kielce, and Ołtarzew. EI staff also taught classes in non-ecumenical subjects: Piotr Kopiec, PhD, DSc, taught in the KUL Institute of Family Studies and Social Work; Rev. Prof. Marek Jagodziński, PhD, DSc, taught dogmatic theology in the Great Seminary in Radom; Rev. Tomasz Siemieniec, PhD, taught biblical theology in the Great Seminary in Kielce. Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL) continued his classes in systematic theology for doctoral students, taught in English.

All EI staff members engaged in research work, both as part of projects, developed in detail, of the Institute as a whole and as part of individual research and scholarly pro-jects. These included, above all: book publications as well as cooperation with the Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL), the Lublin Learned Society (Societas Scientiarum Lublinensis), and Wydawnictwo KUL (Catholic University of Lublin Press). The EI conducted its re-search projects in cooperation with domestic and international academic centres and institutions. Work on these projects took various forms: academic networking, organiz-ing, co-organizorganiz-ing, and taking part in conferences and symposia, delivering lectures and presentations, preparing various kinds of publications, and exchanging lecturers with other academic centres, mainly ones located in Romania and the USA.

In the reporting period under discussion, as part of its statutory research, the Depart-ment of Orthodox Theology began research work on the topic of Theology and the

Fu-ture of the Church and the World (project commenced on 1 January 2017). The

Depart-ment of Protestant Theology continued work on its research topic (commenced on 1 January 2015). Church—Dialogue—Society.


In 2017, EI staff—Principal Investigator: Piotr Kopiec, PhD, DSc; Main Research-ers: Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), and Rev. Marcin Skła-danowski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), employed in the Institute of Dogmatic Theology—completed work on the research project Ecumenical Interpretations of

Globalization Processes in the Activity of the World Council of Churches, classified for

financing in 2013 by an OPUS 5 grant from the National Science Centre, Poland. The aim of the project was to analyze, interpret, and present the vision of the World Council of Churches regarding globalization. Work on the project was completed on 8 January 2017. Earlier, in 2016, publications completing the grant project came out (details are provided in the list of EI staff for 2016, included in Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 7, 2017).

In 2017, the staff of the Ecumenical Institute—Principal Investigator: Piotr Kopiec, PhD, DSc; Main Researchers: Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), and Rev. Marcin Składanowski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), employed in the Institute of Dogmatic Theology—continued work on a new research project,


(Ekumeniczna nauka społeczna. Systematyka politycznych i społecznych aplikacji dia-logów ekumenicznych), classified for financing as part of the National Programme for

the Development of the Humanities (NPRH; module: “Development” 2.b) on 9 Febru-ary 2016. EI staff members—Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Piotr Kopiec, PhD, DSc; and Rev. Marcin Składanowski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), employed in the Institute of Dogmatic Theology—continued the work they had started in 2013 as part of the team implementing the international research pro-ject titled European Ecumenical Network of the Culture of Memory (Ein europäisches

ökumenisches Netzwerk Erinnerungskulturen).

The German partners in the project are Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Münster, Evangelisches Kirchenforum Münster, and the Latvian Center, and the Polish partner is KUL’s Department of Protestant Theology. The partners contributing to the project are from Germany, Latvia, Estonia, and the Netherlands. There are plans to launch joint initiatives consisting in the study and interpretation of the culture of memory in Euro-pean countries. Work on the project has been extended to the whole of 2018.


By the decision of the Chancellor of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, on 1 October 2017, Rev. Sławomir Pawłowski SAC, PhD, DSc, was employed for five years as Associate Professor.


In the reporting period, the number of students at the Ecumenical Institute was as follows:

— in the academic year 2016/2017: 1st year—6 students, 2nd year—4 students, 3rd year —5 students, 4th year—5 students;

— in the academic year 2017/2018: 1st year—3 students, 2nd year—6 students, 3rd year —4 students, 4th year—5 students.

On 5 June 2017, the following candidates passed the licentiate (licencjat) degree examination in ecumenical theology:

— Rev. Jerzy DROZD,MA; — Rev. Andrzej JEZIERNICKI,MA; — Rev. Dariusz KAZIMIEROWICZ,MA; — Mariusz ORŁOWSKI,MA.


In accordance with the long-standing tradition, EI was responsible for organizing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. Dur-ing Holy Masses at KUL’s academic church (18–25 January 2017), homilies were delivered:


— on January 18th—by the Rev. Grzegorz BRUDNY,MA, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, parish priest of the Holy Trinity Evangelical Parish of the Augsburg Confession in Lublin;

— on January 19th—by the Rev. Sławomir NOWOSAD, PhD, DSc., Assoc. Prof. (KUL), Dean of the KUL Faculty of Theology;

— on January 20th—by the Most Rev. ABEL (POPŁAWSKI), Orthodox Archbishop of Lublin and Chełm;

— on January 22nd—by the Most Rev. Prof. Józef WRÓBEL,PHD,DSC, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Lublin;

— on January 23rd—by the Rev. Mariusz MAIKOWSKI, MA, Seventh-Day Adventist Church, pastor of the Warsaw Centre congregation;

— on January 24th—by the Rev. Andrzej GONTAREK,MA, Polish Catholic Church, employed at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw (ChAT);

— on January 25th—by the Rev. Andrzej JEZIERNICKI, MA, Evangelical Faith Christians’ Church, superior and chief presbyter of this Church and pastor of the congregation in Kielce.


In the reporting period discussed here, the EI organized or co-organized the follow-ing scientific conferences, symposia, and meetfollow-ings:


— “Protestantism. Diversity and Dialog.” Symposium held as part of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 19 January 2017. The symposium was followed by a preview of the exhibition titled The Protestants of Lublin (in the atrium of Colle-gium Norwidianum).


— Scientific conference “‘You duped me, O Lord, and I let myself be duped’ (Jer. 20:7): on the 20th Day of Judaism in the Catholic Church in Poland,” Kielce, 17 January 2017 [with the Diocese of Kielce and the Great Seminary in Kielce]. —5th Interdisciplinary Symposium “The Rhythms and Cycles of the Orthodox Church and Health” (a series of interdisciplinary symposia “Health as a Gift and a Task”) [with the Department of Biostructure of the Medical University of Bia-łystok, Poland], BiaBia-łystok, 7 April 2017.

—Scientific conference “The Ecumenical School of the Word of God,” Lublin, 18 May 2017 [with the Department of Homiletics (KUL) and the IDEO Foundation]. —International Ecumenical Congress “Lublin—A City of Religious Harmony,” Lublin, 29–31 October 2017 [with the City of Lublin and the Archdiocesan Ecumenical Council].

—National Convention of Ecumenical Officers, Lublin, 30 November 2017 [with the Council for Ecumenism of Polish Bishops’ Conference].



In 2017, EI staff members presented the following papers at Polish, foreign, and international ecumenical congresses, symposia, conferences, and conventions:

—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc: “Kultura—ewangelizacja kultury— inkulturacja wiary” [Culture—evangelization of culture—inculturation of faith]. Lecture delivered during the conference titled “Hermeneutic of Values in Culture,” Radom, 20 May 2017.

—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc: “Trynitarno-komunijne wymiary misji Kościoła według encykliki Jana Pawła II Redemptoris missio” [Trinitarian and communional dimensions of the Church according to John Paul II’s encyclical

Redemptoris missio]. Paper presented at the conference titled “Tribute to the

Thought of John Paul II,” 23 November 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “How Do We Strengthen Christian Witness in the Region? Perspective of the Polish Roman Catholic Church.” Paper presented at the international scientific conference of the “TheoBalt” network, Szczecin, 12 January 2017 (11–13 January 2017).

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Chairing a panel discussion at the scientific conference titled “‘You duped me, O Lord, and I let my-self be duped’ (Jer. 20:7)” on the Day of Judaism in the Catholic Church in Poland, Kielce, 17 January 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “50 lat dialogu katolicko-luterańskiego” [50 years of Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue] Paper presented at the scientific conference at KUL, titled “Protestantism. Diversity and Dialogue,” Lublin, 19 January 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “The Concept of the ‘Economy of Life’ and ‘Sustainable Development’ Face to Ecological Dan-gers—the WCC’s Impact.” Paper presented at the international scientific confer-ence, “Conference of the General Assembly of the International Ecumenical Fellowship,” Köln, Germany, 20 April 2017 (20–22 April 2017).

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Udział w dobrach i zasobach duchowych według Dyrektorium Ekumenicznego” [Participation in spiritual goods and resources according to the Ecumenical Directory]. Paper pre-sented at the 6th International Ecumenical and Legal Conference “United in Diver-sity” on the 50th anniversary of the Ecumenical Directory, University of Silesia Katowice, 27 April 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Chrzest i Eucha-rystia w dialogach katolicko-anglikańskich i katolicko-metodystycznych” [Baptism and the Eucharist in Catholic–Anglican and Catholic–Methodist dialogues]. Paper presented at the scientific conference titled “The Catholic and Evangelical Perspec-tives on Baptism and the Eucharist,” Faculty of Theology, University of Opole, 18 October 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Protestanci i kato-licy w dialogu ekumenicznym” [Protestants and Catholics in ecumenical dialogue].


Paper presented at the conference titled “Reformation and Its Legacy in the Lublin Region,” Hieronim Łopaciński Voivodeship Public Library in Lublin, 25 October 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Prawosławie we współczesnej perspektywie światowej” [The Orthodox faith in the contemporary global perspective]. Introduction to debate during the International Ecumenical Congress “Lublin. A City of Religious Harmony,” 29 October 2017.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Roman Catholic Church in the Fight for Social Justice During the Communist Dictatorship in Po-land.” Paper presented at the International Conference “Icoană. Mărturie creștină. Totalitarism,” Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 7 November 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC: “Christian Interpretation of Globalization: Threats and Chances?” Paper presented at the meeting of the Theological Commission of the International Ecumenical Fellowship, Köln, Germany, 20 April 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC: “Chrześcijańska wizja alterglobalizacji. Wkład Świa-towej Rady Kościołów” [A Christian vision of alterglobalization. The contribution of the World Council of Churches]. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference “Ethics in Economic Life” at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Łódź, 11 May 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC: “Chrześcijańskie interpretacje współczesnej kultury” [Christian interpretations of contemporary culture]. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Forum in Collegium MISH-S (Individual Interdepartmental Stud-ies in the HumanitStud-ies), KUL, Lublin, 26 May 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC: “Ecumenism in Eastern Europe (Poland).” Workshops during the International Congress of the International Ecumenical Fellowship, Wittenberg (Germany), 25 August 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC: “Chrzest i Eucharystia w dialogach katolicko-luterań-skich i katolicko-reformowanych” [Baptism and the Eucharist in Catholic–Lutheran and Catholic–Reformed dialogues]. Paper presented at the scientific conference titled “The Catholic and Evangelical Perspectives on Baptism and the Eucharist,” Faculty of Theology, University of Opole, 18 October 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC, PHD, DSC: “Luter, Melanchton, Kalwin. Ojcowie Reformacji” [Luther, Melanchthon, Calvin. The Fathers of the Reformation]. Paper presented at the conference titled “The Reformation and Its Legacy in the Lublin Region,” Hieronim Łopaciński Voivodeship Public Library in Lublin, 25 October 2017. —Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC: “Protestantyzm. Propozycja dla współczesnego czło-wieka” [Protestantism: A proposal for the contemporary man]. Introduction to de-bate at the International Ecumenical Congress “Lublin. A City of Religious Har-mony,” 31 October 2017.

—Piotr KOPIEC, PHD, DSC: “Healing the Wounds of History: The Stuttgart Declaration of Guilt (1945) as a Constitutive Act of the Post-war German Evangeli-cal Church.” Paper presented at the International Conference “Icoană. Mărturie creștină. Totalitarism,” Faculty of Orthodox Theology of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 7 November 2017.


—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Geneza chrześcijańskiej posługi hospicyjnej” [The origins of Christian hospice ministry]. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the Podlasie School of Palliative Medicine “Legal and Bioethical Aspects of the End of Life,” Podlasie Oncological Hospice Foundation, Michałowo, 28 January 2017.

—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Ćwiczenia duchowe w hezychazmie jako pomoc w synchronizacji rytmów człowieka” [Spiritual exerci-ses in hesychasm as helpful in the synchronization of human rhythms]. Paper presented at the 5th Interdisciplinary Symposium “The Rhythms and Cycles of the Orthodox Church and Health” (a series of interdisciplinary symposia “Health as a Gift and a Task”), Department of Biostructure of the Medical University of Białystok and the Department of Orthodox Theology at the KUL Ecumenical Insti-tute, Białystok, 7 April 2017.

—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete. Scriptural, Liturgical and Hesychastic Invitation for an Encounter with God.” Paper presented at the Fourth International Patristic Symposium, Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania), 2–4 May 2017.

—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Człowiek jako miste-rium. Rozświetlony mikrokosmos cielesności” [Man as a mystery: An illuminated microcosm of corporeality]. Paper presented at the 12th International Research and Teaching Conference “Life-Giving Death” in remembrance of Elizabeth Kübler-Ross, Department of Integrated Medical Care, Medical University of Białystok, Białystok, 18–21 May 2017.

—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Pamięć o śmierci we wschodniochrześcijańskiej terapii duchowej” [Remembrance of death in Eastern Christian spiritual therapy]. Paper presented at the All-Poland Scientific Confer-ence “Suffering, Dying, Mourning. Interdisciplinary Aspects,” Elbląg University of Humanities and Economics (EUHE), Elbląg, 31 May 2017.

—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Dobra Nowina w for-macji duchowej wolontariatu” [The Gospel in the spiritual formation of volunteers]. Paper presented at the 10th All-Poland Conference on Hospice Volunteering “Go and Proclaim in Hospice Ministry,” The Queen of the Apostles Hospice in Radom and the Bishop Jan Chrapek College of Business in Radom, 6–8 October 2017. —Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Przyszłość ekumenizmu—znaki nadziei” [The future of ecumenism—signs of hope]. Paper presented at the Ecumenical Weekend titled “To Understand the Reformation in the Hope of Reconciliation,” Warszawa-Wesoła, 28 May 2017.

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Wzajemne ubogacanie się chrześcijan: co chrześcijanie różnych wyznań czerpią z duchowości innych wyznań?” [Mutual enrichment of Christians: What do Christians of various denominations take from the spirituality of different confessions?]. Speech at the Ecumenical Meeting in Mariapoli FIORE on the 500th anniversary of the Refor-mation, 9 September 2017.


—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Teologiczne zasady XVI-wiecznej Reformacji” [The theological principles of the 16th-century Reformation]. Paper presented at the conference titled “The Reformation and Its Legacy in the Lublin Region,” Lublin, 25 October 2017.

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Sytuacja Kościołów w Polsce” [The situation of churches in Poland]. Speech at the 36th Meeting of Bishops of Christian Churches, Katowice, 16 November 2017.

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Doświadcze-nie roku Reformacji w oczach katolika” [The experience of the year of the Reformation as seen through the Catholic’s eyes]. Paper presented at the conference titled “Identity and Moral Renewal in the Church. Reformation 500 Years Later,” Warsaw, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW), 28 November 2017. —Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): “Znaczenie homilii w Kościele rzymskokatolickim” [The significance of homilies in the Roman Catholic Church]. Paper at the presentation of the “Ecumenical Video-Postil” pro-ject, Lublin, 17 December 2017.

—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PhD: “Czy Słowo potrzebuje ram?—zasady interpre-tacji Słowa” [Does the Word need a framework?—The rules of interpreting the Word]. Paper presented at the International Conference “Ecumenical School of the Word of God,” Lublin, 18 May 2017.

—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD: Participation in “Wittenberg Ecumenical Assem-bly. 44th Conference of the International Ecumenical Fellowship” in Wittenberg, Germany, 21–28 August 2017; participation in the panel discussion titled “Ecumen-ism in Poland.”

—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD: Lectures delivered as part of “The Kielce Forum of Christian Thought—Studnia [Well]” (1 lecture).

—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PHD: A series of lectures delivered as part of the School of the Word of God in Kielce (St. Joseph’s Parish), Małogoszcz, Chęciny, and Miechowie, Kielcach-Posłowicach (50 lectures).



—Ryszard KWOKA, Pentekostalizm Wołynia. Studium historyczno-teologiczne [The Pentecostalism of Volhynia: A historical and theological study], 175 pp., word-processed manuscript, Lublin 2017. Public defense date: 7 June 2017. Supervisor: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).


—Mariusz ORŁOWSKI, Zbór Kościoła Chrześcijan Wiary Ewangelicznej w


Faith Christians’ Church congregation in Puławy, 1991–1995: A historical and ecu-menical study], 71 pp., word-processed manuscript, Lublin 2017. Defense date: 5 June 2017. Supervisor: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).


—Mateusz CZERNIK, Święcenia kobiet we Wspólnocie Anglikańskiej w perspekty-wie dialogu rzymskokatolicko-anglikańskiego [Ordination of women in the Anglican

Communion in the perspective of Roman Catholic–Anglican dialogue], Lublin 2017. Supervisor: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Mateusz NOWAK, Komunijny wymiar małżeństwa i rodziny według „Familiaris consortio” Jana Pawła II [The communion dimension of marriage and family

according to John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio], Lublin 2017. Supervisor: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Iana MULIAR, Święto Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego w tradycji liturgicznej Kościoła prawosławnego [The Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection in the liturgical

tradition of the Orthodox Church], Lublin 2017. Supervisor: Krzysztof LEŚNIEW -SKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Maria RUDNITSKA, Ikonografia w ruskiej tradycji prawosławnej [Iconography in the Ruthenian Orthodox tradition], Lublin 2017. Supervisor: Krzysztof LEŚNIEW -SKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Grzegorz NOWAK, Jezus Chrystus—Słowo Boga jako Sędzia w świetle Ap 19,11–

20. Studium egzegetyczno-teologiczne [Jesus Christ—the Word of God as a Judge in

the light of Rev. 19:11–20], Lublin 2017. Supervisor: Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD. DOCTORAL DISSERTATION REVIEWERS

—Magdalena JÓŹWIK, MA, “De universali vocatione ad sanctitatem in Ecclesia” (KK 39–42) w polskiej eklezjologii posoborowej (1965–2015) [“De universali vocatione ad sanctitatem in Ecclesia” (CCC 39–42) in Polish post-conciliar

ecclesiology (1965–2015)]. Doctoral dissertation written under the guidance of the

Rev. Prof. Jerzy Szymik, PhD, DSc. Faculty of Theology, University of Silesia. Katowice 2017, 240 pp. (word-processed manuscript). Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Rev. Aliaksandr VELISEICHYK, MA, История Гродненской епархии 1992–2016 [Istoriya Grodnenskoy yeparkhii 1992–2016; The history of the Orthodox Eparchy of

Grodno in 1992–2016]. Doctoral dissertation written under the guidance of Prof.

Janusz T. Maciuszko, PhD, DSc, Warsaw 2017, 459 pp. Public defense at the Faculty of Theology of the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw, 28 September 2017. Reviewer: Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Paulina Aleksandra GRUBEK, MA. Człowiek zbędny jako aksjologiczne

wyklu-czenie w wybranej literaturze rosyjskiej XIX i XX wieku. Studium moralno—lite-rackie [The redundant person as a case of axiological exclusion in selected nine-teenth- and twentieth-century Russian literature]. Doctoral dissertation written

under the guidance of the Rev. Prof. Józef Zabielski, PhD, DSc, Warsaw 2017, 209 pp. Public defense at the Faculty of Theology of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński


University (UKSW) in Warsaw, 12 December 2017. Reviewer: Krzysztof LE -ŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Rev. Adam MAGRUK, MA, Św. Marek Eugenikos, biskup Efezu—teolog i hie-rarcha. Studium dogmatyczno-liturgiczne [St. Mark of Ephesus (Eugenikos)—a theologian and a hierarch. A dogmatic and liturgical study]. Doctoral dissertation

written under the guidance of the Most Rev. Prof. Jerzy (Pańkowski), PhD, DSc; Auxiliary Supervisor: Rev. Rostislav Yaremy, PhD. Faculty of Theology of the Christian Academy of Theology in Warsaw, Warsaw 2017, 209 pp. (word-pro-cessed manuscript). Reviewer: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).


—Mariusz ORŁOWSKI, MA, Zbór Kościoła Chrześcijan Wiary Ewangelicznej

w Puławach w latach 1991–1995. Studium historyczno-ekumeniczne [The

Evangeli-cal Faith Christians’ Church congregation in Puławy, 1991–1995: A historiEvangeli-cal and ecumenical study]. Licentiate thesis written under the guidance of the Rev. Sła-womir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc. Defense date: 6 June 2017. Reviewer: Piotr KOPIEC, PhD, DSc.


—Paweł MĘCINA, Chrześcijański kształt Europy w myśli Josepha Ratzingera / Be-nedykta XVI [The Christian shape of Europe in the thought of Joseph Ratzinger /

Benedict XVI], Lublin 2017. Master’s thesis written under the guidance of the Rev. Prof. Ignacy Bokwa. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Sylwester PODGÓRSKI, Wychowanie do radości w katechezie na podstawie

adhortacji apostolskiej „Evangelii gaudium” Ojca Świętego Franciszka oraz wybranej literatury katechetycznej, [Education for joy in catechesis on the basis of

Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and selected catechetic literature], Lublin 2017. Master’s thesis written under the guidance of the Rev. Stanisław Łabendowicz, PhD, DSc. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Mateusz CZERNIK, Święcenia kobiet we Wspólnocie Anglikańskiej w perspektywie dialogu rzymskokatolicko-anglikańskiego [Ordination of women in the Anglican

Communion in the perspective of Roman Catholic–Anglican dialogue], Lublin 2017. Reviewer: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL). —Iana MULIAR, Święto Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego w tradycji liturgicznej Kościoła prawosławnego [The Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection in the liturgical

tradition of the Orthodox Church]. Master’s thesis written under the guidance of Krzysztof Leśniewski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL). Reviewer: Piotr KOPIEC, PHD,DSC.

—Maria RUDNITSKA, Ikonografia w ruskiej tradycji prawosławnej [Іконографія

в руській православній традиції; Ikonohrafiya v rus’kiy pravoslavniy tradytsiyi;

Iconography in the Ruthenian Orthodox tradition]. Master’s thesis written under the guidance of Krzysztof Leśniewski, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL). Defense date: 25 September 2017. Reviewer: Piotr KOPIEC, PhD, DSc.



—Piotr KOPIEC, PhD (KUL), Konsumpcjonizm. Perspektywa protestanckiej

kon-cepcji człowieka i społeczeństwa [Consumerism. A perspective based on the

Protestant concept of man and society]. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016, 338 pp. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Rev. Wojciech WOJTYŁA, PhD (Major Seminary in Radom), Transcendencja

i uczestnictwo. Wprowadzenie do myśli filozoficznej Jana Pawła II [Transcendence

and participation. Introduction to the theological thought of John Paul II]. Radom: Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy SPATIUM 2016, 120 pp. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Ma-rek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL), Chrześcijańska alterglobalizacja. Człowiek wobec globalizacji w antropologicznej wizji Światowej Rady Kościołów [Christian alterglobalization: Man facing globalization according

to the theological anthropology of the World Council of Churches]. Lublin: Wydaw-nictwo KUL, 2016, 114 p. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc. —Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC (KUL), Chrześcijańska alterglobalizacja. Światowa

Ra-da Kościołów na rzecz budowy globalnego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego

[Chri-stian alterglobalization. The World Council of Churches promoting the construction of a global civil society]. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016, 250 pp. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Rev. Marcin SKŁADANOWSKI, PhD, DSc (KUL), Etyka ekumeniczna w warun-kach globalizacji. Główne rysy refleksji etycznej i działalności społecznej Świato-wej Rady Kościołów [Ecumenical ethics in the conditions of globalization: An

outline of ethical reflection and social activity of the World Council of Churches]. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016, 220 pp. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGO -DZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Piotr KOPIEC, Przemysław KANTYKA, Marcin SKŁADANOWSKI, Christian Alter-globalization in the Ecumenical Documents of the World Council of Churches,

trans. B. Kula. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016, 178 pp. Reviewer: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Prof. Włodzimierz WOŁOSIUK, PhD, DSc, Zjawisko kontrafaktury we wscho-dniosłowiańskim prawosławnym śpiewie liturgicznym. Zagadnienia wybrane. [The

phenomenon of countertexture in Eastern Slavic Orthodox liturgical singing. Se-lected issues]. Review for Wydawnictwo Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej [Christian Academy of Theology Press] in Warsaw. Reviewer: Krzysztof LE -ŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

— 200 lat teologii uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie [200 years of university theology in

Warsaw]. Collective monograph. Review for Wydawnictwo UKSW in Warsaw [Cardinal Wyszyński University Press]. Reviewer: Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).


— The Biblical Annals—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PhD.

— Duchowość w Polsce—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PHD,DSC.


— Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI,PHD,DSC; Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PHD,DSC, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PHD.


— Rocznik Naukowy Duszpasterstwa Nauczycieli—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PHD,DSC.

—Rocznik Teologiczny ChAT—Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PHD, DSC, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

— Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 2: Teologia dogmatyczna [Dogmatic theology]—Piotr


— Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 6: Teologia pastoralna [Pastoral theology]—Rev.


— Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 7: Teologia ekumeniczna [Ecumenical theology]—

Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PHD,DSC, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

— Stan Rzeczy—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

— Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PHD,DSC; Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PHD,DSC, Assoc. Prof. (KUL)

— Studia Oecumenica—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD.

— Studia Sandomierskie. Teologia— Filozofia— Historia—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGO -DZIŃSKI, PHD,DSC.

— Verbum Vitae—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD. — Zeszyty Naukowe CBES—Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

X. OTHER FUNCTIONS OF THE ECUMENICAL INSTITUTE STAFF MEMBERS In 2017, EI employees performed various research, teaching, and organizational functions, particularly ecumenism-related ones, in both domestic and international structures. They also engaged in a number of research and teaching activities in other disciplines, outside the EI.


—member of the Polish Theological Society (Kielce Branch): Rev. Tomasz SIE -MIENIEC, PhD.

—member of the Advisory Board of Zeszyty Formacji Katechetów—a quarterly published by the Institute of Pastoral Theology and Catechesis at the KUL Faculty of Theology and the Catechetical Department of the Curia of the Diocese of Ra-dom: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—member of the Policy Board of the “Świętokrzyski Sztetl” Educational and Mu-seum Centre in Chmielnik: Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD.

—member of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Team for Dialogue with the Seventh-Day Adventist Church Community: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc.


—member of the Series Editorial Board of “Biblioteka Kieleckich Studiów Teolo-gicznych” [Kielce Theological Studies Library]: Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PhD. —ordinary member of the Association of Polish Biblical Scholars: Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC,PHD.

—member of the Committee of Theology at the Lublin Branch of the Polish Acad-emy of Sciences—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—membership in the Lublin Learned Society (Societas Scientiarum Lublinensis): Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Slawomir PA -WŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in the Polish Branch of the European Society of Catholic Theologi-ans: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Krzysztof LE -ŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc Prof. (KUL); Rev. Slawomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in the Polish Theological Society in Cracow—Head of the Radom Branch of the PTS: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—membership in the Learned Society of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc Prof. (KUL); Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Marcin SKŁADANOWSKI, PhD, DSc.

—membership in the Society of Ecumenical Theologians: Rev. Przemysław KAN -TYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc Prof. (KUL); Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

—membership in the Advisory Board of Studia Teologii Dogmatycznej—a year-book of the Society of Dogmatic Theologians, published by the Catholic Theology De-partment of the University of Białystok: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc. —membership in the Advisory Board of Rocznik Naukowy Duszpasterstwa

Na-uczycieli, published by the National Teachers’ Chaplaincy: Rev. Prof. Marek JA -GODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Director of the KUL Ecumenical Institute: Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Head of the Department of Orthodox Theology: Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Head of the Department of Protestant Theology: Rev. Przemysław Kantyka, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Consultor and Secretary of the Polish Bishops’ Conference Council for Ecumen-ism: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—President of the Archdiocesan Ecumenical Council to the Metropolitan of Lu-blin: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—President of the Diocesan Ecumenical Council of the Diocese of Kielce: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).


—Editor-in-Chief and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Polish edition of

International Theological Review “Communio”: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Chairman of the Ecumenical Committee of the 11th Congress of Gniezno: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Scientific Editor of the series “Radomska Biblioteka Teologiczna” [Radom Theological Library], published by Wydawnictwo Diecezji Radomskiej AVE, Ra-dom: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Scientific Editor of the “Theologia Radomiensis” series, Wydawnictwo Diecezji Radomskiej AVE, Radom: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.

—Section Editor of Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 7: Teologia ekumeniczna [Ecumeni-cal theology] (from 2008 to 2013—Editor-in-Chief of Roczniki Teologii

Ekume-nicznej): Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Secretary of Roczniki Teologiczne, no. 7: Teologia ekumeniczna [Ecumenical theology]: Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

—membership in the Advisory Board of Studia Oecumenica: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Secretary of the KUL Ecumenical Institute: Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

—membership in the Society of Polish Dogmatic Theologians (formerly: Polish Theologians’ Dogmatic Section): Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc (2014– 2017—Treasurer and Secretary of the Society of Dogmatic Theologians [TTD]); Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Sławomir PA -WŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—participation in the work, congresses, and conventions of the Polish Region of the International Ecumenical Fellowship: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL) (Vice-President of the Polish Region of the IEF); Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL) (Treasurer of the Polish Region), Piotr KOPIEC, PhD, DSc (President of the Polish Region).

—participant in the work of the Commission for Dialogue between Polish Bishops’ Conference and the Polish Ecumenical Council: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—participation in the work of the Theological Commission of the International Ecumenical Fellowship: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

—Lecturer at the Institute of Family Studies and Social Work (KUL): Piotr KOPIEC,PHD,DSC.

—Lecturer at the Pallottine Great Seminary in Ołtarzew: Rev. Sławomir PAWŁO -WSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—Lecturer at the Great Seminary in Kielce: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PhD.

—Lecturer at the Great Seminary in Radom: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc.


—Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne: Rev. Tomasz SIE -MIENIEC, PhD.


—membership in the Ecumenical Patristic Society: Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in the European Society for Ecumenical Research “Societas Oecumenica”: Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc; Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Piotr KOPIEC,PHD, DSC; Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in the International Ecumenical Fellowship: Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL); PIOTR KOPIEC,PHD,DSC; Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PhD.

—membership in the Advisory Board of Orizonturi Teologice (Oradea, Romania): Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in the International Commission for Roman Catholic–Baptist Dia-logue as a representative of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in the cooperation network of churches of the Baltic Sea Basin “TheoBalt” as a representative of Polish Bishops’ Conference—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).

—membership in Societas Scientiarum Internationalis (International Learned Soci-ety) Fides et Ratio: Krzysztof LEŚNIEWSKI, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL).


In 2017, the employees of the Ecumenical Institute gave the following interviews in the mass media:

—Rev. Prof. Marek JAGODZIŃSKI, PhD, DSc: participation in Rozmowy niedo-kończone [Unfinished conversations], a programme in Radio Maryja, 13 November


—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Radio eM Kielce, 9 January 2017, O obchodach ogólnopolskich XX Dnia Judaizmu w Kościele

pol-skim i o Tygodniu Modlitw o Jedność Chrześcijan 2017 [The national celebrations

of the 20th Day of Judaism in the Polish Church and the 2017 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity].

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Polskie Radio Szczecin, 12 January 2017, in a programme on ecumenism and migrants in Radio

Szczecin na wieczór [Radio Szczecin for the evening], devoted to the “TheoBalt”


—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): TVP3 Lublin, 19 Ja-nuary 2017, a statement for Panorama lubelska [Lublin news service] on Protestant churches and their similarities to and differences from the Catholic Church.

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Polskie Radio Lu-blin, 14 April 2017, Debata Radia Lublin. Rozmowa na temat Wielkiego Piątku [Radio Lublin debate. A conversation about Good Friday].

—Rev. Przemysław KANTYKA, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): KUL Internet tele-vision, 30 October 2017, a statement on the ecumenical congress “Lublin—A City of Religious Harmony.”

—Piotr KOPIEC, PhD, DSc: Telewizja Lublin, 18 January 2017, Ojcowie

Refor-macji [The Fathers of the Reformation]: an interview.

—Piotr KOPIEC, PhD, DSc: Radio Lublin, 25 October 2017, Skutki Reformacji na

Lubelszyznie [The results of the Reformation in the Lublin region]: an interview.

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): TVP Info, 16 April 2017, a statement on the significance of Joseph Ratzinger’s / Benedict XVI’s theology.

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Radio Lublin, 27/28 April 2017, participation in a radio programme on ecumenism, Cisza w eterze [Radio silence].

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): TVP Info, 29 April 2017, a statement on the significance of Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to Egypt. —Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Warsaw, 17 October 2017, Secretariat of Polish Bishops’ Conference, participation in the conference announcing the International Ecumenical Congress “Lublin—A City of Religious Harmony.”

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): TVP3, 29–31 October 2017, a statement on the International Ecumenical Congress “Lublin— A City of Religious Harmony.”

—Rev. Sławomir PAWŁOWSKI SAC, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof. (KUL): Radio Lublin, 5 November 2017, a statement on the significance and role of ecumenism in the world and in Lublin.

—Rev. Tomasz SIEMIENIEC, PhD: participation in the celebrations marking the 20th Day of Judaism in Poland, Kielce, 17 January 2017, presiding over a press conference (with bishops: Jan Piotrowski and Rafał Markowski, and the Vice-Ambassador of Israel to Poland, Ruth Cohen-Dar). Participation in preparing the biblical service on the Day of Judaism in the cathedral basilica in Kielce.

Translated by Piotr Czyżewski The preparation of the English version of Roczniki Teologiczne (Annals of Theology) and its publication in electronic databases was financed under contract no. 836/P–DUN/2018 from the resources of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the popularization of science.


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