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Przemysław Gedl


Academic year: 2021

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Eighty-fifth An ni ver sary of the Birth of Pro fes sor Krzysztof Birkenmajer

This vo lume of An nal es So ciet atis Geo log orum

Polo-niae is de dic ated on the occa sion of his 85th bir thd ay to

Krzysztof Bir kenm ajer, an il lus trious Po lish geo log ist and

explor er, who devo ted his life to the se arch for the tru ths

pre ser ved in the rock re cord. An emin ent fi gure in world

-wide geo

logy and po

lar explor


on, with more than 66

years of scien tif ic act ivity, do cum ented in over 600 scien tif

ic pa pers, bo oks, and tens of geo log ical maps and crosssec

-tions, Krzysz tof Bir kenm ajer is known to his co-wor kers

and pu pils as Pro fessor Bir kenm ajer. His ma jor acc ompl

ishments in a wide va riety of fields inc lude po lar explor ati

on, stra tig raph ic and re gion al stu dies of the Al pide mo unt

-ain belt, and car



ic work, pro

blems in mag



rocks, and in par tic ular his con trib uti ons to the un der

stand-ing and re cons tructi on of the evo lut ion of the Pie niny

Klip-pen Belt (West Car pat hians), per haps the most complicated

geological structure of Europe, are milestones in world


Pro fes sor Birkenmajer was born on Oc to ber 6, 1929, in

Warszawa, Po land. He was raised in a fam ily with a long

pa tri otic tra di tion. His fore fa thers in clude Antoni Karol

Birkenmayr (1778–1830), a sol dier un der Gen eral D¹brow-

ski and Prince Poniatowski dur ing the Na po le onic ep och;

Ber nard Birkenmayr (1819–1894), a trooper un der Gen eral

Bem dur ing the Hun gar ian Up ris ing (1830–1831); Al fred

Józef Birkenmajer (1892–1977), a gun ner in the Pol ish Le

gions dur ing the First World War, a sol dier dur ing the Pol

-ish-So viet War in 1920, in the 3


Silesian Up ris ing in 1921,

and the Sec ond World War; and Aleksander Ludwik

Bir-kenmajer (1890–1967) who re fused to sign the Reichslist

dur ing his in tern ment in the Ger man con cen tra tion camp at

Sachsenhausen, where he was held by the Ger mans af ter the

in fa mous Sonderaktion Krakau. Pro fes sor Birkenmajer’s

fa ther, Józef Antoni (1897–1939), like so many Poles, fol

-lowed a road that in cluded Si be ria, as an Austro-Hun gar ian

sol dier in Rus sian cap tiv ity dur ing 1916–1918, then as a vo-

lunteer in the fa mous 5


Pol ish Si be rian Di vi sion (1918–

1920), and as a ref u gee from So viet cap tiv ity (1920), only

to fall in bat tle de fend ing Warszawa against the Ger man in

-vad ers in Sep tem ber, 1939.

A char ac ter is tic fea ture that Pro fes sor Birkenmajer in

-her ited from his an ces tors is ex cep tional skill in sci ence. His

grand fa ther, Ludwik Antoni (1855–1929), a pro fes sor at the

Jagiellonian Uni ver sity and the Di rec tor of its As tro nom i cal

Ob ser va tory, was the first Pol ish geo physi cist, known not

only for fun da men tal re search in gravimetry, but also fa

-mous for his pi o neer ing stud ies on the ther mal sys tems of

lakes of the Tatra Mts.; he was also an out stand ing his to rian,

de voted to the bi og ra phy of Nicolaus Co per ni cus.

Aleksander Ludwik, his un cle, a his to rian of sci ence, was a pro fes

-sor at the Jagiellonian Uni ver sity and the Di rec tor of the

Jagiellonian Li brary, Kraków, and Poznañ Uni ver sity Li

-brary. His fa ther, Józef Antoni, a poet, writer and trans la tor

was an ex pert in Old Pol ish lit er a ture, as for ex am ple the

author of a mono graph on “Bogurodzica”, the old est Pol ish

song, and also fa mous for his un matched trans la tions of such

clas sic books as Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jun gle Book”, Dan

-iel De foe’s “Rob in son Cru soe” and Rob ert Louis Ste

ven-son’s “Trea sure Is land”.

It is no won der that Pro fes sor Birkenmajer made his life

motto Pro pat ria et scientia, hav ing such fore fa thers and be

-ing raised in such an in tel lec tual at mo sphere.

From his boy hood, Krzysztof Birkenmajer had been

fas ci nated with na ture and ex cited by sto ries of ex otic jour

-neys and ex plo ra tion. The de vel op ment of these in ter ests

was cut short by Ger man hos til i ties against Po land and the

start of World War Two in Sep tem ber, 1939. The Pro fes sor

Pro fes sor Krzysztof Birkenmajer in the Pieniny Moun tains


fre quently re called his re turn from the sum mer hol i days in

the first days of Sep tem ber, when he was trav el ling with a

knap sack full of fos sils from Z³oty Potok (a vil lage in the

north ern part of the Kraków-Czêstochowa Jura, where there

are nu mer ous ex po sures of fossiliferous Oxfordian lime

-stone) to his home town of Warszawa in a train crowded

with ref u gees flee ing from the Ger man ar mies. Dur ing the

oc cu pa tion, ed u ca tion was banned by the Ger mans and

Krzysztof Birkenmajer could only at tend classes in se cret.

He was in the scouts, en gaged in the re sis tance move ment

of the Home Army (Armia Krajowa) and in volved in the

preparations for the Warszawa Up ris ing. The out break of

the up ris ing on Au gust 1, 1944, found 15-year-old

Krzysz-tof Birkenmajer out side of Warszawa; his at tempts to join

his fight ing col leagues had failed and he de cided to res cue

his youn ger sib lings by mov ing them along the front line to

Kraków, where he came in the au tumn of 1944. Af ter the

war, he de cided to con tinue his ed u ca tion by tak ing classes

in ge ol ogy and palae on tol ogy at the Jagiellonian Uni ver sity

in Kraków. The courses started in 1947 and as a young stu

-dent Krzysztof Birkenmajer soon showed great en thu si asm

and dil i gence, fea tures that dis tin guish him to this day, by

pre par ing in 1949 a man ual, ti tled “Tabele stratygraficzne”

(Strati graphic Ta bles) for ge ol ogy stu dents. Hav ing the op

-por tu nity to study un der such prom i nent Pol ish ge ol o gists

as Mar ian Ksi¹¿kiewicz, Stanis³aw Siedlecki, Jan

Czarno-cki and Stanis³aw Soko³owski, he soon un der took his own

in di vid ual stud ies. In par tic u lar, Stanis³aw Siedlecki, ge ol o

-gist, alp in ist and em i nent po lar ex plorer, in flu enced the later

in ter ests of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer.

Pro fes sor Birkenmajer’s ad ven ture with sci ence got off

to a good start in 1949, when he started geo log i cal in ves ti

ga tions un der the guid ance of Stanis³aw Soko³owski in con

-nec tion with the dam planned at Czorsztyn, in the Pieniny

Mts. Soon af ter, in 1950, Krzysztof Birkenmajer grad u ated

af ter pre sent ing his Mas ter of Sci ence dis ser ta tion on the

fresh wa ter Neo gene de pos its of Orawa, Podhale and the

Pieniny Mts. (Carpathians), su per vised by Mar ian Ksi¹¿kie-

wicz and W³adys³aw Szafer. A part of his the sis, pub lished

in Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (now

Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae) a year later, was

the first orig i nal sci en tific pa per of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer.

These early stud ies in the Pieniny Mts., his be loved study

area, ini ti ated over 65 years ago and last ing up to the pres ent

day, were the be gin ning of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer’s work

on the stra tig ra phy, palaeo ge ogra phy, and tec tonic and re

-gional set ting of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, the north ern most

In ner Carpathian el e ment, bor der ing on and dove tailed with

the struc tures of the Outer Carpathians. The doc toral the sis

of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer, pre sented in 1957 at Warszawa

Uni ver sity, su per vised by Mar ian Ksi¹¿kiewicz, re viewed

by Bronis³aw Halicki and Ed ward Passendorfer, de voted to

the stra tig ra phy and palaeo ge ogra phy of the Czorsztyn Suc

-ces sion, the shal low est se ries of the Pieniny Klippen Belt,

was sup ple mented and pub lished as a mono graph in 1963.

This pa per in cludes tens of hand-drawn maps, sketches of

rock ex po sures, and cross-sec tions pre pared dur ing his

fiel-dwork with un be liev able pre ci sion and at ten tion to de tail,

an other “trade mark” of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer. This and

la-ter field work re sulted in the de tailed map ping of the Pieniny

Klippen Belt in Po land, pub lished as a se ries of eight geo

-log i cal map sheets at a scale of 1:10 000 (1959–1970). An

even more de tailed map is now in prep a ra tion and will be

pub lished by the Pieniny Na tional Park; it has been pre

-pared by Pro fes sor Birkenmajer at an un par al leled scale of

1:5 000!

Years of ac tiv ity in the Pieniny Klippen Belt, both in

the Pol ish and Slo vak sec tors, in volv ing co op er a tion with

sev eral spe cial ists, led Pro fes sor Birkenmajer to es tab lish in

1977 a lithostratigraphic scheme for the Ju




-ceous of the Pieniny Klippen Belt in Po land. Most of these

lithostratigraphic units have been adopted by Slo vak ge ol o

-gists, and the scheme it self has re mained al most un changed

up to now. It is note wor thy that Birkenmajer’s

lithostrati-graphic scheme for the Pieniny Klippen Belt is one of only a

few such for mal ones in Po land, i.e., the pro posed di vi sions


low the rules of the In



tional Subcommission on

Strati graphic Clas si fi ca tion (ed ited by Pro fes sor

Birkenma-jer in the Pol ish lan guage in 1975). In 1986, Pro fes sor

Bir-kenmajer sum ma rized the re sults of his stud ies on the

Pie-niny Klippen Belt and re con structed the geo log i cal his tory

of one of most com pli cated struc tures in the world. De spite

the pas sage of time, Pro fes sor Birkenmajer still re mains de

-voted to his be loved area of study and con tin ues to pub lish

pa pers on the ge ol ogy of the Pieniny Klippen Belt.

Pro fes sor Krzysztof Birkenmajer in the Pieniny Moun tains (Flaki Ridge, sum mer 2001)


Not far from the Pieniny Mts., there is an other glo ri ous

range of moun tains, the Tatra Mts. Pro fes sor Birkenmajer

vis ited them for the first time as a young boy, in the au tumn

of 1944, as sist ing his el der brother, Zygmunt. Soon af ter,

the Tatra Mts. be

came the lo


tion, where he prac


mountaineering, an

other pas

sion of the young Krzysztof

Birkenmajer, who be came a mem ber of the Moun tain eer ing

Club of the Pol ish Tatra So ci ety. This was an other fam ily

leg acy; his un cle, Wincenty Birkenmajer, one of the most

out stand ing Pol ish alp in ists of the inter war pe riod, died

while climb ing in the Tatra Mts. in 1933. The ex pe ri ence

and climb ing skills ac quired in this way be came very help

-ful in an other of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer’s ac tiv i ties, a few

years later. Much later, the sci en tific ac tiv ity of Pro fes sor

Birkenmajer in the Tatra Mts. re sulted in the re vi sion of a

part of the geo log i cal map of the Tatra Mts. (1:10 000) and

in sev eral stud ies on tec ton ics, lithostratigraphical sub di vi

-sions and karst phe nom ena.

The year 1956 saw the be gin ning of a new kind of ad

ven ture in the life of Pro fes sor Birkenmajer: po lar ex plo ra

-tion. In flu enced by his older friend, Stanis³aw Siedlecki,

and the need of a young man to ex plore the un known, para

-phras ing, Go North, young man!, Pro fes sor Birkenmajer

took part in his first po lar ex pe di tion in 1956. It was fol

lowed by 22 sub se quent ex pe di tions, be fore he bade fare

-well to the lands of ice and snow in Spitsbergen in 2002, at

the age of 73! Dur ing his 23 ex pe di tions, Pro fes sor

Birken-majer ex plored gla ci ated lands and led geo log i cal stud ies in

the un

tamed wil


ness ar

eas of Spitsbergen, East


Greenland and West ern Antarctica. As a re sult, he

publi-shed a huge num ber of orig i nal pa pers and car to graphic

works, usu ally pi o neer ing in na ture. On Spitsbergen, he ex

-plored and de scribed, inter alia, a sec tion in the south ern

part of the is land, al most 20 km thick and em brac ing the un

be liev ably long timespan of al most 1.8 bil lion years (Pro

-tero zoic-Ce no zoic), and car ried out car to graphic works in

the Hornsund fjord area. They were pub lished as the first

geo log i cal maps of this re gion at the scales of 1:75 000 and

1:100 000. Pro fes sor Birkenmajer’s ac tiv i ties on East ern

Greenland fo cused on car to graphic works (1:100 000) of

Perm ian and Me so zoic rocks and stud ies of the shal low ma

-rine Oligocene, over ly ing ba saltic com plexes, as so ci ated

with the ini tial stages of open ing of the North ern At lan tic.

From 1977 to 2001, Pro fes sor Birkenmajer took part in

eight ex pe di tions to West ern Antarctica, where his ac tiv i ties

fo cused on car to graphic works on the King George Is land

and stud ies on the stra tig ra phy of the Cre ta ceous and Ce no

-zoic mag matic and sed i men tary rock as so ci a tions and their

evo lu tion. To his most re mark able achieve ments in the ex

-plo ra tion of po lar ar eas may be added the dis cov ery and

doc u men ta tion of the old est glaciations in West ern

Antar-ctica, radimetrically dated as Eocene, Oligocene and Early

Mio cene.

A huge col lec tion of sam ples, mainly fos sils, but also

mag matic and sed i men tary rocks as sem bled dur ing his voy

-ages, served as ob jects of study for nu mer ous spe cial ists and

sig nif i cantly con trib uted to our knowl edge of the geo log i cal

his tory of the po lar ar eas.

Other, very im por tant re cords of his ac tiv i ties in these

far-away lands, are a num ber of geo graphic names, given by

Pro fes sor Birkenmajer and later of fi cially ap proved by the

Sci en tific Com mit tee on Ant arc tic Re search, which sound

fa mil iar to Pol ish ears: Fryderyk Cho pin Ridge, Kraków

Glacier, Mount Wawel, Mount Barbakan…

The achieve ments in po lar ex plo ra tion of Pro fes sor

Birkenmajer were ap pre ci ated and hon oured by Pol ish trav

el ler and ex plorer cir cles, who nom i nated him for the dis

-tinc tion of “Super Kolos”, awarded to him on Feb ru ary 15,

2014, in Kraków.

It is not pos si ble for me to sum ma rize all of the top ics of

sci en tific re search and the achieve ments of Pro fes sor

Bir-kenmajer here. Among the most im por tant is his in ter est is

palaeomagnetism and the ra dio met ric dat ing of mag matic

rocks. Prob lems as so ci ated with mag matic rocks have been

al ways close to the Pro fes sor’s heart: tens of pub li ca tions

deal ing with the mag matic rocks of Po land [e.g., Perm ian

por phy ries and melaphyres of Kraków and the sur round ing

area, the Palaeozoic and Ce no zoic bas alts of Lower Silesia

(Dolny Œl¹sk) and the Ce no zoic andesites of the Pieniny

Klippen Belt] and po lar ar eas (e.g., the Eocene bas alts of

East Green land, the in tru sive rocks of Spitsbergen, the mag

-matic rocks and ac tive vol ca noes of West ern Antarctica)

were pub lished in co op er a tion with many spe cial ists.

If all of this were not enough, Pro fes sor Birkenmajer

has been and still is deeply en gaged in many other ac tiv i ties,

in clud ing an ed i to rial one (e.g., as Sec re tary and Chief Ed i

-tor of Studia Geologica Polonica; 136 vol umes be tween

1954 and 2014), ac tiv i ties for na ture con ser va tion, and ac

-Strati graphic Ta bles (1949) – first pub li ca tion of Pro fes sor Krzysztof Birkenmajer


tiv i ties in many Pol ish and in ter na tional sci en tific

organizations, in clud ing the In ter na tional Arc tic Sci ence Com mit

-tee, the In ter na tional Geo log i cal Cor re la tion Programme and

the Sci en tific Com mit tee on Ant arc tic Re search. He is an

hon or ary Mem ber of the Pol ish Geo log i cal So ci ety, the Pol

-ish Geo graphic So ci ety, the Geo log i cal So ci ety of Amer ica,

and Österreichische Geologische Gesellschaft, the holder of

sev eral hon ours and or ders, among which the most mean ing

-ful for him is the Home Army Cross (Krzy¿ Armii Krajowej).

For al most his en tire sci en tific ca reer, Pro fes sor Birken-

majer has been as so ci ated with the In sti tute of the Geo log i

-cal Sci ences of the Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences in Kraków.

He was em ployed there be tween 1954 and 1999, when he


tired, and was em

ployed part-time be

tween 2000 and

2004. How ever, even as an emer i tus, Pro fes sor Birkenmajer

re mains ac tive and works on a wide va ri ety of sci en tific

prob lems.

At this point, Dear Pro fes sor, I would like to wish you,

on be half of my self and the other con tri bu tors to this vol

ume, many years of fur ther ac tiv ity, in good health and sur

rounded by your fam ily and friends. We all wish you a hun

-dred years, Dear Pro fes sor! Sto lat, Panie Profesorze!

Przemys³aw Gedl

Po lar Ex pe di tions of Krzysztof Birkenmajer

Be tween 1956 and 2002, Krzysztof Birkenmajer took part in 23 sci en tific po lar ex pe di tions, as a mem ber or as leader: 13 to Spitsbergen, 2 to East Green land and 8 to West Antarctica. 1. Spitsbergen (Svalbard ar chi pel ago), 1956. Arc tic sum mer, 4

weeks. Mem ber of a 5-men re con nais sance party, pre par ing for Pol ish par tic i pa tion in the IIIrd In ter na tional Geo phys i cal Year (IIIrd IGY), 1957–1958. Ex pe di tion leader, Stanis³aw Siedlecki.

2. Spitsbergen, 1957. Arc tic sum mer, 3 months. Geo log i cal in ves -ti ga -tions in the Hornsund fjord area (Wedel Jarlsberg Land, Torell Land, SÝrkapp Land), par tic i pa tion in erect ing the Pol ish Sci en tific Sta tion at IsbjÝrnhamna for the IIIrd IGY. Ex pe -di tion leader, Stanis³aw Siedlecki.

3. Spitsbergen, 1958. Actic sum mer, 3 months. Geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions in the Hornsund fjord area (as above), IIIrd IGY. Ex -pe di tion leader, Stanis³aw Siedlecki.

4. Spitsbergen, 1960. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Geo log i cal in ves -ti ga -tions in the Hornsund fjord area (as above). In ter na -tional Geo phys i cal Co-op er a tion. Ex pe di tion leader, Stanis³aw Siedlecki. K. Birkenmajer co or di nated the field work of the ex -pe di tion’s geo log i cal group, led the sci en tific ex cur sion of the 21st In ter na tional Geo log i cal Con gress „Norden” (Co pen ha -gen) to the Hornsund fjord.

5. Spitsbergen, 1962. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Geo log i cal in ves -ti ga -tions of Torell Land and SÝrkapp Land. Ex pe di -tion of Norsk Polarinstitutt (Oslo): K. Birkenmajer (geo log i cal party leader) and 2 Nor we gian as sis tants.

6. Spitsbergen, 1966. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Geo log i cal in ves -ti ga -tions of Torell Land. Ex pe di -tion of Norsk Polarins-titutt (Oslo): K. Birkenmajer (geo log i cal party leader) and 2 Nor -we gian as sis tants.

7. Spitsbergen, 1970. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Geo log i cal in ves -ti ga -tions of SÝrkapp Land and Torell Land. Ex pe di -tion of

Norsk Polarinstitutt (Oslo): K. Birkenmajer (geo log i cal party leader), 2 Nor we gian and 1 Pol ish as sis tants.

8. East Green land, 1971. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Geo log i cal in ves ti ga tion of Scores by Sund, Jameson Land and Scores by Land. Ex pe di tion of GrÝnlands geologiske UndersÝgelse (KÝbenhavn); ex pe di tion leader, Niels Henriksen. K. Birken-majer (geo log i cal party leader) and 1 Dan ish as sis tant. 9. Spitsbergen, 1974. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Palaeontological

and geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions in the Hornsund fjord area. Ex -pe di tion of the In sti tute of Palaeo bi ol ogy, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, War saw. Ex pe di tion lead ers, K. Birkenmajer and G. Biernat, and 4 Pol ish mem bers. Palaeomagnetism of the Hornsund area, 2 weeks, In sti tute of Geo phys ics of the Pol ish Ascademy of Sci ences, Warszawa, and St. Louis Uni ver sity, USA: K. Birkenmajer (leader) and M. Kramer (USA). 10. East Green land, 1976. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Geo log i cal

in ves ti ga tions be tween Kong Os cars Fjord and Clav er ing . Ex pe di tion of GrÝnlands geologiske UndersÝgelse (KÝben-havn), Agnete Steenfelt and Bjarne Leith Niel sen, lead ers. K. Birkenmajer, geo log i cal party leader, plus 1 as sis tant. 11. East Spitsbergen, 1977. Arc tic sum mer, 2 months. Ex pe di tion

of the In sti tute of Geo phys ics, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, Warszawa, and St. Louis Uni ver sity, USA. Geo log i cal, pala-eomagnetic and seis mic in ves ti ga tions at Storfjorden and Hornsund. K. Birkenmajer (leader), 2 Pol ish (M. Jeleñska and J. Jeleñski) and 1 US (J. Kohsmann) par tic i pants.

12. West Antarctica, South Shet land Is lands, King George Is land: IInd H. Arctowski Pol ish Ant arc tic Sta tion Ex pe di -tion, 1977/78. Ant arc tic Sum mer (5 months, in clud ing ma-rine voy ages). Or ga nizer: In sti tute of Ecol ogy of the Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, Warszawa, S. M. Zalewski, ex pe di tion leader. K. Birkenmajer, geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of the Ad -mi ralty Bay area, King George Is land and par tic i pa tion in erect ing the H. Arctowski Sta tion.

13. IIIrd H. Arctowski Sta tion Ex pe di tion, West Antarctica, 1978/79. Ant arc tic Sum mer (6 months, in clud ing ma rine voy -ages). Or ga nizer: In sti tute of Ecol ogy, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ence, S. Rakusa-Suszczewski, ex pe di tion leader. K. Birkenmajer, leader of the geo log i cal and palaeontological par -ties (5 per sons).

14. Vth H. Arctowski Ant arc tic Sta tion Ex pe di tion, 1980/1981. Ant arc tic Sum mer expeditition (7 months, in clud ing ma rine voy ages). Or ga nizer: In sti tute of Ecol ogy, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences (with a 6-man party for Earth Sci ences, mem bers from In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences; Palaeo bio logi cal In sti tute, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci -ences; De part ment of Me te o rol ogy and Cli ma tol ogy, Wro-c³aw Uni ver sity). K. Birkenmajer ex pe di tion leader. 15. West Antarctica: 2nd Geodynamic Ex pe di tion, 1984/85.

Ex pe di tion or ga nized by the In sti tute of Geo phys ics (leader, A. Guterch) and the In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, (K. Birkenmajer and 1 as sis tant). Ant -arc tic Sum mer (2 months): Bransfield Strait and west coast of Ant arc tic Pen in sula.

16. West Antarctica: 3rd Geodynamic Ex pe di tion, 1987/88. Ex pe di tion or ga nized by the In sti tute of Geo phys ics (leader, A. Guterch), In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences (K. Birkenmajer and 2 as sis tants), and In sti tute of Palaeo bi ol ogy, Pol ish Acad -emy of Sci ences (A. GaŸdzicki and 1 co-worker). Ant arc tic Sum mer (2 months).

17. Spitsbergen, 1990: Arc tic Sum mer (1 month). Norsk Po lar-institutt’s Ex pe di tion (Y. Ohta, W. K. Dallmann, K. Birken-majer); geo log i cal com par a tive stud ies in S Wedel Jarlsberg Land and SÝrkapp Land.


-pe di tion or ga nized by the In sti tute of Geo phys ics (leader, A. Guterch), In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences (K. Birkenmajer and 2 par tic i pants from Po land and USA), and In sti tute of Palaeo bi ol ogy, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences (A. GaŸdzicki and 1 co-worker). Ant arc tic Sum mer (2 months).

19. Spitsbergen, Hornsund, 1993: Arc tic Sum mer (2 months), ex pe di tion of the In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences. K. Birkenmajer (leader) and two as sis -tants. Geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions in the ar eas of Hansbreen and Werenskioldbreen, Wedel Jarlsberg Land.

20. King George Is land, South Shet land Is lands, West Antar-ctica: Bra zil ian Geo log i cal Ex pe di tion from the Uni ver sity of S±o Paulo, 1994: Ant arc tic Sum mer (2 months). K. Birken-majer (leader of geo log i cal party) and 4 ge ol o gists (3 from S±o Paulo Uni ver sity, 1 from Ne braska Uni ver sity, USA). 21. Spitsbergen, Hornsund, 1995: Arc tic Sum mer (2 months).

Ex pe di tion of the In sti tute of Geo log i cal Sci ences, Pol ish Academy of Sci ences. K. Birkenmajer (leader) and 2 as sis -tants. Geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions in SE part of Wedel Jarlsberg Land.

22. XXVth Ex pe di tion to H. Arctowski Sta tion, King George Is land, West Antarctica, 2000/2001: Ant arc tic Sum mer (2 months). Ex pe di tion or ga nized by the De part ment of Po lar Bi ol ogy, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, T. Janecki (leader), K. Birkenmajer, geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of the Ad mi ralty Bay area, King George Is land.

23. Spitsbergen, Bellsund (Calypsobyen), 2002: Arc tic Sum mer (6 weeks). Geo log i cal ex pe di tion of the In sti tute of Geo log i -cal Sci ences, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences. K. P. Krajewski (leader). K. Birkenmajer, geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of the areas: Kapp Lyell, Recherchefjorden, Chamberlindalen.

Se lected Pub li ca tions

of Krzysztof Birkenmajer

Birkenmajer, K., 1949. Tablice stratygraficzne (skrypt do æwi-czeñ stratygraficznych) [Strati graphic ta bles]. Ko³o Geolo-gów Studentów Uniwersytetu Jagielloñskiego, Kraków, 1–3 pp + 16 text-ta bles + 15 fig–ta bles (in sert). [In Pol ish.] Birkenmajer, K., 1951. Uwagi o utworach plioceñskich w

okolicy Kroœcienka nad Dunajcem (Re marks con cern ing Plio -cene for ma tions in the vi cin ity of Kroœcienko on the Dunajec river, south ern Po land). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Po-logne), 20: 319–331. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1952. Kontakt melafiru z arkoz¹ kwaczalsk¹ we wzgórzu Belweder ko³o Porêby ¯egoty (Con tact of the melaphyre with the Kwacza³a Ar kose at Belweder, Cra cow dis -trict). Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego, 80: 5–17. [In Pol ish, with Rus sian sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1952. W sprawie morskiego miocenu na Pod-halu (La ques tion du MiocÀne marin de Podhale, Carpates Cen- trales). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, 21: 235–278. [In Pol ish, with French and Rus sian sum ma ries]. Birkenmajer, K., 1953. Pre lim i nary re vi sion of the stra tig ra phy

of the Pieniny Klippen-Belt Se ries in Po land. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Classe III, 1: 271–274. Birkenmajer, K., 1953. Æwiczenia w oznaczaniu ska³ i

minera-³ów ska³otwórczych. [Ex er cises in de ter mi na tion of rocks and their min er als]. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, 8: 1–143. Pañ- stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Kraków. [In Pol ish.] Birkenmajer, K., 1954. Sprawozdanie z badañ geologicznych

przeprowadzonych nad neogenem na Podhalu w latach 1949– 1951 (Geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of Podhale Neo gene, Cen tral Carpathians). Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego, 86: 59–79. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1954. Sprawozdanie z badañ geologicznych wykonanych w pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym w latach 1950– 1951 (Geo log i cal re searches in the Pieniny Klippen-belt, Central Carpathians). Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego, 86: 81–115. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.] Birkenmajer, K., 1955. O dyskusjê naukow¹ i spo³eczn¹ nad

problemem zapory wodnej na Dunajcu w Czorsztynie. Pro-blemy, rok XII, nr 12 [117]: 818–821. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K. & Znosko, J., 1955. Przyczynek do stratygrafii doggeru i malmu pieniñskiego pasa ska³kowego (Con tri bu -tion to the stra tig ra phy of the Dogger and Malm in the Pieniny Klippen-belt, Cen tral Carpathians). Rocznik Polskiego Towa-rzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 23: 3–36. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1956. Wystêpowanie wód mineralnych na tle budowy geologicznej Szczawnicy (Oc cur rence of min eral waters against the back ground of geo log i cal struc ture of Szczawnica (Carpathians)). Przegl¹d Geologiczny, 4(11): 499–502. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1957. Dajki andezytowe góry Bryjarki w Szczawnicy (An de site dykes of Bryjarka Mt. in Szczawnica, Pieniny Range, Carpathians). Przegl¹d Geologiczny, 5(2): 62–65. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1957. Zabytki przyrody nieo¿ywionej pieniñ-skiego pasa ska³kowego. Czêœæ I. Odcinek prze³omowy do-liny Dunajca miêdzy Zamkiem Czorsztynem a Zamkiem Nie- dzic¹ (Mon u ments of in an i mate na ture in the Pieniny Klippen Belt. Part I. The gorge of the Dunajec val ley be tween the cas -tles of Czorsztyn and Niedzica). Ochrona Przyrody, 24: 157– 178. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Nowe dane o geologii ska³ magmowych okolic Szczawnicy (New con tri bu tions to the ge ol ogy of mag -matic rocks of the Szczawnica area within the Pieniny Klip-pen-belt). Prace Muzeum Ziemi, 1: 89–103. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Sub ma rine ero sional breaks and Late Ju -ras sic synorogenic move ments in the Pieniny Klippen-Belt geosyncline. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Chimiques, Géologiques et Géographi-ques, 6: 551–558.

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Przewodnik geologiczny po pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym. Czêœæ I. Szkic geologiczny pasa ska³ko-wego. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 135 pp. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Przewodnik geologiczny po pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym. Czêœæ II. Wycieczki w rejonie Czarny Du-najec-Nowy Targ-Frydman. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 72 pp. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Przewodnik geologiczny po pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym. Czêœæ III. Wycieczki w rejonie Falsztyn-Czorsztyn-Niedzica-Sromowce. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 88 pp. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Przewodnik geologiczny po pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym. Czêœæ IV. Wycieczki w rejonie Kroœ-cienko-Szczawnica-Jaworki-Bia³a Woda. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 55 pp. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1958. Polskie badania na Spitsbergenie (Pol ish in ves ti ga tions in Svalbard). Przegl¹d Geologiczny, 6: 88–89. [In Pol ish.]


the Hecla Hoek For ma tion in Wedel-Jarlsberg Land, Vest-spitsbergen. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Chimiques, Géologiques et Géographi-ques, 6: 143–150.

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Re port on the geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of the Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen, in 1958, Part I. The Hecla Hoek For ma tion. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Chimiques, Géologiques et Géo-graphiques, 7: 129–136.

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Re port on the geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of the Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen, in 1958, Part II. The post-Cal edo nian suc ces sion. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo -naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Chimiques, Géologi-ques et GéographiGéologi-ques, 7: 191–196.

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Re port on the geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions of the Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen, in 1958, Part III. The Qua ter nary ge ol ogy. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Chimiques, Géologiques et Géo-graphiques, 7: 197–202.

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Systematyka warstwowañ w utworach fliszowych i podobnych (Clas si fi ca tion of bed ding in flysch and sim i lar graded de pos its). Studia Geologica Polonica, 3: 1–128. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary].

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Diapiric tec ton ics in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci -ences, Série des Sci ences Chimiques, Géologiques et Géogra- phiques, 7 : 123–128.

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Pieniny. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy [Pieniny Klippen Belt]. In: Po¿aryski, W. (ed.), Przekroje geologiczne przez Polskê. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, pp. 1– 20 + 2 fig., map (in sert). [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Seria czertezicka – nowa seria ska³kowa Pienin (A new klippen se ries in the Pieniny Mts., Carpathians – the Czertezik Se ries). Acta Geologica Polonica, 9: 499– 517. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.] Birkenmajer, K., 1959. Znaczenie Ska³ki Haligowieckiej dla

geologii pieniñskiego pasa ska³kowego (Sig nif i cance of the Haligovce Klippe for the ge ol ogy of the Pieniny Klippen-Belt (Carpathians). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicz-nego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 29: 73–88. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1960. Ge ol ogy of the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po land. Jahrbuch der geologischen Bundesanstalt, 103: 1– 36. Wien.

Birkenmajer, K., 1960. Ge ol ogy of Hornsund. In: Winsnes T. S., Heintz A. & Heintz N. (eds), As pects of the ge ol ogy of Svalbard. Guide to Ex cur sion A 16, In ter na tional Geo log i cal Con gress, 21 Ses sion Norden (1960). In ter na tional Geo log i -cal Con gress, Co pen ha gen, pp. 15–16.

Birkenmajer, K., 1960. Geo log i cal sketch of the Hornsund area. In ter na tional Geo log i cal Con gress, Hornsund, Vestspits-bergen. 21 Ses sion, Norden (1960). Sup ple ment to the Guide for Excursion A 16, „As pects of the Geology of Svalbard“. In -ter na tional Geo log i cal Con gress, Co pen ha gen, pp. 1–12. Birkenmajer, K., 1960. Re la tion of the Cam brian to the PreCam

-brian in Hornsund, Vestspitsbergen. In ter na tional Geo log i cal Con gress, 21 Ses sion Norden (1960), Re ports, 8. In ter na -tional Geo log i cal Con gress, Co pen ha gen, pp. 64–74. Birkenmajer, K., 1960. Raised ma rine fea tures of the Hornsund

area,Vestspitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 5: 1–95. Birkenmajer, K. & Czarniecki, S., 1960. Stra tig ra phy of ma rine

Car bon if er ous and Perm ian de pos its in Hornsund (Vestspitsbergen), based on brachi o pods. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo -naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologiques et Géo-graphiques, 8: 203–209.

Birkenmajer, K., G¹siorowski, S. M. 1960. Stra tig ra phy of the Malm of the Niedzica and Branisko Se ries (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians) based on Aptychi). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 8: 137–143.

Birkenmajer, K., G¹siorowski, S. M. & Wieser, T., 1960. Egzo-tyki w osadach pelagicznych batonu serii niedzickiej pasa ska³kowego Polski (Frag ments of ex otic rocks in the pe lagic de pos its of the Bathonian of the Niedzica Se ries (Pieniny Klippen-Belt, Carpathians). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Po-logne), 30: 29–57.

Birkenmajer, K. & Morawski, T., 1960. Dolerite in tru sions of Wedel-Jarlsberg Land, Vestspitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 4: 103–123.

Birkenmajer, K. & Narêbski, W., 1960. Pre cam brian am phi bo lite com plex and granitization phe nom ena in Wedel-Jarlsberg Land, Vestspitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 4: 37–81. Birkenmajer, K. & Œrodoñ, A., 1960. Interstadia³ oryniacki w

Karpatach (Aurig na cian interstadial in the Carpathians). In: Rühle, E. (ed.), Z badañ czwartorzêdu w Polsce, Tom 9 [Qua -ter nary re searches in Po land, Vol ume 9]. Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego , 150: 9–70 + pls i–ii + 3 ta bles (in serts) + 1 fig. (in sert). [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.] Birkenmajer, K., 1961. Pod znakiem bia³ego niedŸwiedzia. Insty-

tut Wydawniczy „Nasza Ksiêgarnia”, Warszawa, 145 pp. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1961. Mizerna near Czorsztyn. Plio cene and older Pleis to cene de pos its. In: Dylik, J. (ed.), INQUA. In ter -na tio-nal As so ci a tion on Qua ter -nary Re search, VIth Con gress, Po land, Au gust–Sep tem ber 1961. Guide-Book of Ex cur sion. From the Bal tic to the Tatras. Part III. South Po land. Pañ-stwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, £ódŸ, pp. 151–155. Birkenmajer, K., 1961. Re marks on the ge ol ogy of the Grestener

Klippenzone, Voralpen (Aus tria). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po -lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences logiques et Géo-graphiques, 9: 205–211.

Birkenmajer, K. & G¹siorowski, S. M., 1961. Sed i men tary char -ac ter of radiolarites in the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci -ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 9: 171–176.

Birkenmajer, K. & G¹siorowski, S. M., 1961. Stra tig ra phy of the Tithonian and Lower Neocomian of the Czorsztyn Se ries (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians), based on Aptychi. Bul le -tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 9: 121–128.

Birkenmajer, K. & Geroch, S., 1961. On the age of Var ie gated Beds (Shales) in the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci -ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 9: 213–220.

Alexandrowicz, S. W., Birkenmajer, K. & Geroch, S., 1962. Micro fauna and age of brick-red Globotruncana Marls (Pú-chov Marls) of the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po land. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 10: 91–98.

Birkenmajer, K., 1962. Re marks on the ge ol ogy of the Pieni-nische Klippenzone near Vi enna (Aus tria). Bul le tin de l’Aca-démie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géolo-giques et Géographiques, 10: 19–25.

Birkenmajer, K., 1962. Forma geologiczna andezytów W¿aru (Re marks on the geo log i cal form of the Mt. W¿ar andesites, Pieniny Mts., Carpathians). Acta Geologica Polonica, 12: 201–213. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.] Birkenmajer, K., 1962. Pol ish ac tiv i ties in Vestspitsbergen,


Birkenmajer, K., 1962. Zabytki przyrody nieo¿ywionej pieniñ-skiego pasa ska³kowego. Czêœæ II. Ska³ki w RogoŸniku ko³o Nowego Targu (Mon u ments of in an i mate na ture in the Pie-niny Klippen Belt. Part II. Klippen of RogoŸnik near Nowy Targ). Rocznik Ochrony Przyrody, 28: 159–185. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K. & Turnau, E., 1962. Lower Car bon if er ous age of the so-called Wijde Bay Se ries in Hornsund, Vestspits-bergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1961: 41–61. Oslo. Birkenmajer, K. & Turnau, E., 1962. Car bon if er ous micro spores

as sec ond ary de posit in the Aalenian Flysch of the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologiques et Géogra-phiques, 10: 99–103.

Birkenmajer, K., 1963. Esquisse de la stratigraphie du Méso-zoÎque et du PaléogÀne dans la zone des Klippes Piénines en Pologne. In: Recherches géologiques dans les Karpates, Vo-lume 10. Biuletyn Instytutu Geologicznego, 182: 207–223. Birkenmajer, K., 1963. Stratygrafia i paleogeografia serii czorsz-

tyñskiej pieniñskiego pasa ska³kowego Polski (Stra tig ra phy and palaeo ge ogra phy of the Czorsztyn Se ries, Pieniny Klip-pen Belt, Carpathians) in Po land. Studia Geologica Polonica, 10: 1–380. [In Pol ish and Eng lish].

Birkenmajer, K. & G¹siorowski, S. M., 1963. Ruchy neokime-ryjskie w polskich Karpatach Zachodnich (Neo-Cim mer ian move ments in the Pol ish West ern Carpathians). Przegl¹d Geologiczny, 11(7): 314–318. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.]

Birkenmajer, K. & Narêbski, W., 1963. Dolerite drift blocks in ma rine Ter tiary of SÝrkapp Land and some re marks on the ge -ol ogy of the east ern part of this area. Norsk P-olarinstitutt, rbok 1962: 68–79. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K. & Skreslet, S., 1963. Breed ing col ony of Ivory Gulls in Torell Land, Vestspitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1962: 120–126. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K. (ed), 1963. Horwitz, L. Budowa geologiczna Pienin – wydanie poœmiertne przygotowa³ do druku i opatrzy³ przypisami Krzysztof Birkenmajer (Geo log i cal struc ture of the Pieniny Mts., Carpathians – post hu mous pa per, ed ited and sup ple mented with com ments by Krzysztof Birkenmajer). Instytut Geologiczny, Prace, 38: 1–152 + 2 figs and 4 pls (in -sert). [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.] Birkenmajer, K., 1964. De vo nian, Car bon if er ous and Perm ian

for ma tions of Hornsund, Vestspitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 11: 47–123.

Birkenmajer, K. & Nairn, A. E. M., 1964. Palaeomagnetic stud -ies of Pol ish rocks. I. The Perm ian ig ne ous rocks of the Kraków Dis trict and some re sults from the Holy Cross Moun -tains. Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Anna-les de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 34: 225–244. Birkenmajer, K. & Wojciechowski, J., 1964. On the age of

ore-bear ing veins in the Hornsund area, Vestspitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 11: 179–184.

Birkenmajer, K. 1965. Zarys budowy geologicznej pieniñskiego pasa ska³kowego Polski (Out lines of the ge ol ogy of the Pie-niny Klippen Belt of Po land). In: Birkenmajer, K. (ed.), Pro-blematyka naukowa XXXVI Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, Pieniny 1963 (Pro ceed ings of the XXXVI An nual Meet ing of the Geo log i cal So ci ety of Po land, Pieniny Mts., 1963). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 35: 327–356, 401–407. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K. (ed.), 1965. Problematyka naukowa XXXVI Zjazdu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego, Pieniny 1963 (Pro ceed ings of the XXXVI An nual Meet ing of the Geo log i

-cal So ci ety of Po land, Pieniny Mts., 1963). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Société Géolo-gique de Pologne), 35: 323–414.

Birkenmajer, K., 1966. Lower Cre ta ceous tidal de pos its of cen -tral Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1964: 73–85. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K., 1967. Bazalty dolnoœl¹skie jako zabytki przy-rody nieo¿ywionej (Lower Silesian bas alts as mon u ments of in an i mate na ture). Rocznik Ochrony Przyrody, 32: 225–276. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Alexandrowicz, S. W., Birkenmajer, K., Scheibner, E. & Schei-bnerová, V., 1968. Com par i son of Cre ta ceous stra tig ra phy in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians). I. Geosynclinal fur -row. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 16: 77–84.

Alexandrowicz, S. W., Birkenmajer, K., Scheibner, E. & Scheib- nerová, V., 1968. Com par i son of Cre ta ceous stra tig ra phy in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians). II. North ern Ridge. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci -ences Géologiques et Géographiques, 16: 85–90.

Birkenmajer, K., 1968. Poszukiwania nowych wód mineralnych w Szczawnicy. Wszechœwiat, 9: 219–221. [In Pol ish.] Birkenmajer, K., Krs, M. & Nairn, A. E. M., 1968. A

paleomag-netic study of Up per Car bon if er ous rocks from the In ner Sudetic Ba sin and the Bo he mian Mas sif. Bul le tin of the Geo -log i cal So ci ety of Amer ica, 79: 589–608.

Birkenmajer, K. & Nairn A. E. M., 1968. Studia paleomagne-tyczne ska³ polskich. III. Neogeñskie ska³y ogniowe Pienin (Palaeomagnetic stud ies of Pol ish rocks. III. Neo gene ig ne ous rocks of the Pieniny Moun tains, Carpathians). Rocznik Pols-kiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 38: 475–489.

Birkenmajer, K. & Pazdro, O., 1968. W sprawie tzw. “warstw ze Sztolni” w pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym Polski (On the socalled “Sztolnia Beds” in the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po -land). Acta Geologica Polonica, 18: 325–365.

Birkenmajer, K. (ed.), 1968. Pol ish Spitsbergen Ex pe di tions 1957–1960. Sum mary of Sci en tific Re sults. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 466 pp.

Birkenmajer, K., 1969. Obserwacje nad mew¹ modrodziob¹, Pa- gophila eburnea (Phipps), w po³udniowej czêœci Zachod-niego Spitsbergenu (Ob ser va tions on Ivory Gull, Pagophila eburnea (Phipps), in south Vestspitsbergen). Acta Ornitho-logica (Warszawa), 11: 461–475. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K. & Lefeld, J., 1969. Ex otic Urgonian lime stones from the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po land. Bul le tin de l’Aca-démie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences Géologi-ques et GéographiGéologi-ques, 17: 13–15.

Birkenmajer, K. & Nairn, A. E. M., 1969. Palaeomagnetic in ves -ti ga -tions of the Ter -tiary and Qua ter nary rocks. V. The ba sic Ter tiary bas alts of Lower Silesia, Po land. Geologische Rund-schau, 58: 697–712.

Birkenmajer, K., 1970. Przedeoceñskie struktury fa³dowe w pie-niñskim pasie ska³kowym Polski (Pre-Eocene fold struc tures in the Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians) of Po land. Studia Geo-logica Polonica, 31: 1–77. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.] Birkenmajer, K., Jerzmañski, J. & Nairn, A. E. M., 1970. Palaeo-

mag netic stud ies of Pol ish rocks. IV. Ce no zoic bas alts of Lower Silesia. Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicz-nego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 50: 31–61.

Birkenmajer, K., 1971. Geneza W¹wozu Homole w Ma³ych Pie-ninach (Or i gin of the Homole Gorge, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians). Rocznik Ochrony Przyrody, 36: 309–359. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]


Birkenmajer, K. & Bruton, D. L., 1971. Some tri lo bite rest ing and crawl ing traces. Lethaia, 4: 303–319.

Birkenmajer, K. & Olsson, I. U., 1971. Ra dio car bon dat ing of raised ma rine ter races at Hornsund, Spitsbergen, and the prob lem of land up lift. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1969: 17–43. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Cross-bed ding and stromatolites in the Pre cam brian Höferpynten Dolostone For ma tion of SÝrkapp Land, Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1970: 128– 145. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Ter tiary his tory of Spitsbergen and con ti -nen tal drift. Acta Geologica Polonica, 22 (2): 193–218. Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Al pine fold belt of Spitsbergen. In:

Arm-strong, J. E. & Hedberg, H. D. (eds), 24th International Geo -log i cal Con gress, Mon treal, Can ada, Section 3, Tec ton ics. In ter na tional Geo log i cal Con gress, Mon treal, pp. 282–292. Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Geotectonic as pects of the Beerenberg

Vol cano erup tion 1970, Jan Mayen is land. Acta Geologica Polonica, 22: 1–15.

Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Re port on in ves ti ga tions of Ter tiary sed i -ments at Kap Brewster, Scores by Sund, East Green land. Rapporter, Grønlands geologiske UndersÝgelse, 48: 85–91. Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Or ni tho log i cal ob ser va tions from Torell

Land, Spitsbergen, in 1970. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1970: 298–301. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K., 1972. Rozrost kolonii mewy modrodziobej w po³udniowym Spitsbergenie (The growth of the col o nies of Ivory Gull in south ern Spitsbergen). Przegl¹d Zoologiczny, 16: 59–61. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K., Fedorowski, J. & Smulikowski, W., 1972. Ig ne ous and fossiliferous sed i men tary drift peb bles in ma rine Ter -tiary of Torell Land, Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1970: 146–164. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K., Jeleñska, M., K¹dzia³ko-Hofmokl, M. & Kru-czyk, J., 1972. Mag netic prop er ties of Pol ish Ter tiary ba saltic rocks from the Opole re gion. Materia³y i Prace Instytutu Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Pub li ca tions of the In sti -tute of Geo phys ics, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences), 57: 59–68. Perch-Niel sen, K., Bromley, R. G., Birkenmajer, K. & Aellen,

M., 1972. Field ob ser va tions in Palaeozoic and Me so zoic sed -i ments of Scores by Land and North ern Jameson Land. Rapporter, GrÝnlands geologiske UndersÝgelse, 48: 39–59. Birkenmajer, K., 1973. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy. Jura karpacka.

Historia badañ. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czer-miñski, J. (eds), Budowa Geologiczna Polski. Tom I. Straty-grafia. Czêœæ 2: Mezozoik. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa, pp. 152–153. [In Pol ish.] Birkenmajer, K., 1973. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy. Jura. Obszary

wystêpowania i stratygrafia. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Budowa Geologiczna Polski. Tom I Stratygrafia. Czêœæ 2: Mezozoik. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa, pp. 408–428. [In Pol ish.] Birkenmajer, K., 1973. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy. Jura.

Paleogeo-grafia. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Budowa Geologiczna Polski. Tom I. Stratygrafia. Czêœæ 2: Mezozoik. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Instytut Geolo-giczny, Warszawa, pp. 468–470. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1973. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy. Kreda. Historia badañ. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Budowa Geologiczna Polski. Tom I. Stratygrafia. Czêœæ 2: Mezozoik. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Instytut Geolo-giczny, Warszawa, pp. 496–497. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1973.. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy. Kreda. Obszary wystêpowania i stratygrafia. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Budowa Geologiczna Polski. Tom I.

Stratygrafia. Czêœæ 2: Mezozoik. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa, pp. 669–690. [In Pol ish.] Birkenmajer, K., 1973. Pieniñski pas ska³kowy. Kreda. Paleo-geografia. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Budowa Geologiczna Polski. Tom I. Stratygrafia. Czêœæ 2: Mezozoik. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Instytut Geolo-giczny, Warszawa, pp. 733–735. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1973. Po lar ex plo ra tions. Pol ish Per spec tives, 12: 48–54.

Birkenmajer, K., Jeleñska, M., K¹dzia³ko-Hofmokl, M. & Kru-czyk, J., 1973. Mag netic prop er ties of Pol ish Ter tiary ba saltic rocks from the Opole re gion. Materia³y i Prace Instytutu Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (Pub li ca tions of the In sti -tute of Geo phys ics, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences), 60: 159– 161.

Birkenmajer, K., Jeleñska, M., K¹dzia³ko-Hofmokl, M., Kruczyk, J. & Nowakowski, A., 1973. Palaeomagnetism and mag netic prop er ties of Ter tiary ba saltic rocks from Gracze, Lower Silesia. Acta Geologica Polonica, 23: 245–271. Birkenmajer, K., 1974. Carpathian Moun tains. In: Spencer, A.

M. (ed.), Me so zoic–Ce no zoic Orogenic Belts (Data for Orogenic Stud ies). The Geo log i cal So ci ety, Lon don. Spe cial Pub -li ca tion, 4: 127–157.

Birkenmajer, K., 1974. Trzeciorzêdowe wulkany Graczy na Dol- nym Œl¹sku i ich za³o¿enia uskokowe (Ter tiary vol ca noes of Gracze, Lower Silesia, and in ferred fault pat tern). Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la So-ciété Géologique de Pologne), 44: 557–575.

Perch-Niel sen, K., Birkenmajer, K., Birkelund, T. & Aellen, M., 1974. Re vi sion of Tri as sic stra tig ra phy of the Scores by Land and Jameson Land re gion, East Green land. Bul le tin, GrÝn-lands geologiske UndersÝgelse , 109: 1–55.

Alexandrowicz, S. W., Birkenmajer, K., Burchart, J., Cieœliñski, S., Dadlez, R., Kutek, J., Nowak, W., Or³owski, S., Szul-czewski, M. & Teller, L., 1975. In: Birkenmajer, K. (ed.), Zasady polskiej klasyfikacji, terminologii i nomenklatury stratygraficznej. Instrukcje i Metody Badañ Geologicznych, 33: 1–63. Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa.

Birkenmajer, K., 1975. Polarne drogi i bezdro¿a. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 166 pp. [In Pol ish.]

Birkenmajer, K., 1975. Caledonides of Svalbard and plate tec ton -ics. Bul le tin, Geo log i cal So ci ety of Den mark, 24: 1–19. Birkenmajer, K., 1975. Ju ras sic and Lower Cre ta ceous sed i men

-tary for ma tions of SW Torell Land, Spitsbergen. Studia Geo-logica Polonica, 44: 7–44.

Birkenmajer, K., 1975. Tec tonic con trol of sed i men ta tion at the Ju ras sic–Cre ta ceous bound ary in the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians. Col lo quium sur la limite Jurassique–Crétacé (Lyon-Neuchâtel). Mémoirs du BRGM (Paris), 86: 294–299. Birkenmajer, K. & Pugaczewska, H., 1975. Ju ras sic and Lower Cre ta ceous ma rine fauna of SW Torell Land, Spitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 44: 45–92.

Birkenmajer, K. & Stuchlik, L., 1975. Early Pleis to cene pol len-bear ing sed i ments at Szaflary, West Carpathians, Po land. Acta Palaeobotanica, 16: 113–146.

Birkenmajer, K. & Trammer, J., 1975. Lower Tri as sic cono donts from Hornsund, south Spitsbergen. Acta Geologica Polonica, 25: 299–308.

Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Carpathian orogen and plate tec ton ics. Pub li ca tions of the In sti tute of Geo phys ics, Pol ish Acad -emy of Sci ences, A-2 (101): 44–53.

Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Ju ras sic. Carpathians. His tory of re search. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœ-liñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Ge ol ogy of Po land. Vol ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydawnictwa


Geolo-giczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, Warszawa, pp. 152–154. Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Ju ras sic.

Carpathians. Ar eas of oc cur rence and stra tig ra phy. In: Soko-³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Ge ol ogy of Poland. Vol ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydaw-nictwa Geologiczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, Warszawa, pp. 421–443.

Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Ju ras sic. Carpathians. palaeo ge ogra phy. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñ-ski, S. & CzermiñCieœliñ-ski, J. (eds), Ge ol ogy of Po land. Vol ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, Warszawa, pp. 483–486.

Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Cre ta -ceous. Carpathians. His tory of re search. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Ge ol ogy of Po land. Vol -ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydawnictwa Geolo-giczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, Warszawa, pp. 483–486. Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Cre ta

-ceous. Carpathians. His tory of re search. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Ge ol ogy of Po land. Vol -ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydawnictwa Geolo-giczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, Warszawa, pp. 498–499. Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Cre ta

-ceous. Carpathians. Ar eas of oc cur rence and the stra tig ra phy. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Ge -ol ogy of Po land. V-ol ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, War-szawa, pp. 680–702.

Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Pieniny Klippen Belt. The Cre ta -ceous. Carpathians. Palaeo ge ogra phy. In: Soko³owski, S., Cieœliñski, S. & Czermiñski, J. (eds), Ge ol ogy of Po land. Vol -ume I. Stra tig ra phy. Part 2: Me so zoic. Wydawnictwa Geolo-giczne & Geo log i cal In sti tute, Warszawa, pp. 748–750. Birkenmajer, K., 1976. The Carpathian orogen and plate tec ton

-ics. Pub li ca tions, In sti tute of Geo phys ics, Pol ish Acad emy of Sci ences, A-2 (101): 43–53.

Birkenmajer, K., 1976. Plejstoceñskie deformacje tektoniczne w Szaflarach na Podhalu (Pleis to cene tec tonic de for ma tions at Szaflary, West Carpathians, Po land). Rocznik Polskiego To-warzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Sociéte Géologique de Pologne), 46: 309–323. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.] Birkenmajer, K., 1977. Ju ras sic and Cre ta ceous lithostratigraphic units of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Po land. Studia Geologica Polonica, 45: 1–159.

Birkenmajer, K., 1977. Trace fos sil ev i dence for pre da tion on trilobites from Lower Cam brian of south Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1976: 187–194. Oslo.

Birkenmajer, K., 1977. Tri as sic sed i men tary for ma tions of the Hornsund area, Spitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 51: 7–74.

Birkenmajer, K., 1977. Ero sional un con formity at the base of ma rine Lower Tri as sic at Wegener HalvÝ, cen tral East Green -land. Rapporter GrÝnlands geologiske UndersÝgelse, 85: 103–107.

Birkenmajer, K. & Jednorowska, A., 1977. Foraminiferal ev i -dence for the East Green land Cur rent dur ing the Oligocene. Rapporter GrÝnlands geologiske UndersÝgelse , 85: 86–89. Birkenmajer, K., Jeleñska, M., K¹dzia³ko-Hofmokl, M. &

Kru-czyk, J., 1977. Age of deep-seated frac ture zones in Lower Silesia (Po land), based on K-Ar and palaeomagnetic dat ing of Ter tiary bas alts. Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicz-nego (Annales de la Société Géologique de Pologne), 47: 545–552.

Birkenmajer, K. & Myczyñski, R., 1977. Mid dle Ju ras sic de pos -its and fauna of the Magura Suc ces sion near Szlachtowa,

Pieniny Klippen Belt (Carpathians). Acta Geologica Polo-nica, 27: 387–400.

Birkenmajer, K. & Or³owski, S., 1977. Olenellid fauna from the base of Lower Cam brian se quence in south Spitsbergen. Norsk Polarinstitutt, rbok 1976: 167–186. Oslo.

Kruczyk, J., K¹dzia³ko-Hofmokl, M., Jeleñska, M., Birkenmajer, K. & Arakelyants, M. M., 1977. Ter tiary po lar ity events in Lower Silesian bas alts and their K-Ar age. Acta Geophysica Polonica, 25: 183–191.

Radwañski, A. & Birkenmajer, K., 1977. Oolitic-pisolitic dolo-stones from the Late Pre cam brian of south Spitsbergen: their sed i men tary en vi ron ment and diagenesis. Acta Geologica Po- lonica, 27: 1–39.

Alexandrowicz, S. W. & Birkenmajer, K., 1978. Up per Maas-trichtian and Paleocene de pos its at Szaflary, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Po land. Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego (Annales de la Sociéte Géologique de Po-logne), 48: 27–37.

Birkenmajer, K., 1978. Cam brian suc ces sion in south Spitsber-gen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 59: 1–46.

Birkenmajer, K., 1978. Or do vi cian suc ces sion in south Spitsbe-rgen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 59: 47–82.

Birkenmajer, K., 1979. Przewodnik geologiczny po pieniñskim pasie ska³kowym. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, Warszawa, 237 pp.

Birkenmajer, K., Dudziak, J. & Jednorowska, A. 1979. Wg³êbna budowa geologiczna pó³nocnej strefy dyslokacyjnej pieniñ-skiego pasa ska³kowego w Szczawnicy (Subsurface geolo-gical struc ture of the north ern bound ary fault zone of the Pie-niny Klippen Belt at Szczawnica, Carpathians). Studia Geo-logica Polonica, 61: 7–36. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.] Birkenmajer, K. & Jerzmañska, A., 1979. Lower Tri as sic shark

and other fish teeth from Hornsund, south Spitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 60: 7–37.

Birkenmajer, K., 1980. Ter tiary vol ca nicsed i men tary suc ces -sion at Ad mi ralty Bay, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 64: 7–65. Birkenmajer, K., 1980. A re vised lithostratigraphic stan dard for

the Ter tiary of King George Is land, South Shet land Is lands (West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci -ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 27 (for 1979): 49–57. Birkenmajer, K., 1980. Dis cov ery of Plio cene gla ci ation on King

George Is land, South Shet land Is lands (West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci -ences de la Terre, 27 (for 1979): 59–67.

Birkenmajer, K., 1980. Lichenometric dat ing of gla cier re treat at Ad mi ralty Bay, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci -ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 27 (for 1979): 77–85. Birkenmajer, K., 1980. Ge ol ogy of Ad mi ralty Bay, King George

Is land (South Shet land Is lands) – An out line. Pol ish Po lar Re search, 1: 29–54.

Birkenmajer, K., 1980. Ju ras sic–Lower Cre ta ceous suc ces sion at Agardhbukta, East Spitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 66: 35–52.

Birkenmajer, K., 1980. New place names in tro duced to the area of Ad mi ralty Bay, King George Is land (South Shet land Is -lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 64: 67–88. Birkenmajer, K., Kumoch, L. & Zubek, K., 1980. The last stages

of Trolltunga drift in Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Pol ish Po lar Re search, 1: 235–237.

Baženov, M. L., Be gan, A., Birkenmajer, K. & Burtman, V. S., 1981. Palaeomagnetic ev i dence of the tec tonic or i gin of the cur va ture of the West Carpathian arc. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 28


(for 1980): 281–290.

Birkenmajer, K., 1981. Lithostratigraphy of the Point Hennequin Group (Mio cene volcanics and sed i ments) at King George Is -land (South Shet -land Is -lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 72: 59–73.

Birkenmajer, K., 1981. Geo log i cal re la tions at Lions Rump, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 72: 75–87.

Birkenmajer, K., 1981. Raised ma rine fea tures and gla cial his tory in the vi cin ity of H. Arctowski Sta tion, King George Is -land (South Shet -land Is -lands, West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 29: 109–117.

Birkenmajer, K., 1981. The ge ol ogy of Svalbard, the west ern part of the Barents Sea, and the con ti nen tal mar gin of Scan di na -via. In: Nairn, A. E. M., Churkin, M., Jr. & Stehli, F. G. (eds), Ocean Bas ins and Mar gins, 5 (6): 265–329. Ple num Press, New York.

Birkenmajer, K. & Dudziak, J., 1981. Wiek fliszu magurskiego (paleogen) pó³nocnego obrze¿enia pieniñskiego pasa ska³ko-wego w Polsce na podstawie nannoplanktonu (Age of the Magura flysch (Palaeogene) along the north ern bound ary of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Po land, based on nannoplankton). Studia Geologica Polonica, 70: 7–36. [In Pol -ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K. & Narêbski, W., 1981. Ter tiary calcal ka line is -land-arc vol ca nic suite of the South Shet land Is lands (West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 28 (for 1980): 291–302. Birkenmajer, K., Narêbski, W., Skupiñski, A. &

BakunCzubarow, N., 1981. Geo chem is try and or i gin of the Ter tiary is -land-arc calc-al ka line vol ca nic suite at Ad mi ralty Bay, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 72: 7–57.

Vincenz, S. A., Cos sack, D., Duda, S. J., Birkenmajer, K., Jeleñska, M., K¹dzia³ko-Hofmokl, M. & Kruczyk, J., 1981. Palaeomagnetism of some late Me so zoic dolerite dykes of South Spitsbergen. Geo phys i cal Jour nal, Royal As tro nom i cal So ci ety, 67: 599–614.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. Plio cene tillite-bear ing suc ces sion of King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 74: 7–72.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. Me so zoic stratiform vol ca nicsed i men -tary suc ces sion and An dean in tru sions at Ad mi ralty Bay, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, Antarctica). Studia Geologica Polonica, 74: 105–154.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. The Pen guin Is land vol cano, South Shet -land Is -lands (Antarctica): its struc ture and suc ces sion. Studia Geologica Polonica, 74: 155–173.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. Ta lus mo raines in South Spitsbergen and com par i son with East Green land. In: Re sults of In ves ti ga tion of the Pol ish Sci en tific Spitsbergen Ex pe di tions 4. Acta Uni-versitatis Wratislaviensis, 525: 29–38.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. PreQua ter nary fossiliferous glacioma -rine de pos its at Cape Mel ville, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 29 (for 1981): 331–340.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. Struc tural evo lu tion of the Mel ville Peak vol cano, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 29: 341–351.

Birkenmajer, K., 1982. Polskie badania geologiczne w Zachodniej Antarktyce (1980–1981) (Pol ish geo log i cal in ves ti ga -tions in West Antarctica in 1980–1981). Przegl¹d

Geolo-giczny, 30: 582–588. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.]

Birkenmajer, K., Pugaczewska, H. & Wierzbowski, A., 1982. The Janusfjellet For ma tion (Ju ras sic–Lower Cre ta ceous) at Myklegardfjellet, East Spitsbergen. Palaeontologia Polo-nica, 43: 107–140.

Birkenmajer, K., 1983. Uskoki przesuwcze w pó³nocnym obrze-¿eniu pieniñskiego pasa ska³kowego (Strike-slip faults in the north ern bound ary zone of the Pieniny Klippen Belt, Car-pathians). Studia Geologica Polonica, 77: 89–112.

Birkenmajer, K., 1983. Ex tent and course of the Plio cene glacia-tions in West Antarctica. Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 30 (for 1982): 9–20.

Birkenmajer, K., 1983. Late Ce no zoic phases of block-fault ing on King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, West Antar-ctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 30 (for 1982): 21–32.

Birkenmajer, K., 1983. Polskie badania geologiczne Arktyki i Antarktyki. 50-lecie polskich badañ polarnych 1932–1982 (Pol ish geo log i cal in ves ti ga tions in the Arc tic and the Ant arc -tic re gions). Przegl¹d Geologiczny, 31: 1–15. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish and Rus sian sum ma ries.]

Birkenmajer, K., GaŸdzicki, A. & Wrona, R., 1983. Cre ta ceous and Ter tiary fos sils in glacio-ma rine strata at Cape Mel ville, Antarctica. Na ture, 303 [5912]: 56–59.

Birkenmajer, K., & Jednorowska, A., 1983. Stratygrafia górnej kredy p³aszczowiny braniskiej okolic Sromowiec Wy¿nich w Pieninach (Up per Cre ta ceous stra tig ra phy in the Branisko Nappe at Sromowce Wy¿ne, Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po land). Studia Geologica Polonica, 77: 7–26. [In Pol ish, with Eng lish sum mary.]

Birkenmajer, K., & Jednorowska, A., 1983. Górna kreda i starszy paleogen w Maruszynie (p³aszczowina pieniñska i ³uska ma-ruszyñska), pieniñski pas ska³kowy (Up per Cre ta ceous and Lower Palaeogene de pos its at Maruszyna, Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po land). Studia Geologica Polonica, 77: 27–53. Birkenmajer, K., Narêbski, W., Nicoletti, M. & Petrucciani, C.,

1983. Late Cre ta ceous through Late Oligocene K-Ar ages of the King George Is land Supergroup Volcanics, South Shet land Is lands (West Antarctica). Bul le tin de l’Académie Po lo -naise des Sci ences, Série des Sci ences de la Terre, 30 (for 1982): 133–143.

Birkenmajer, K., 1984. Ge ol ogy of the Cape Mel ville area, King George Is land (South Shet land Is lands, Antarctica): PrePlio -cene glaciomarine de pos its and their sub stra tum. Studia Geo-logica Polonica, 79: 7–36.

Birkenmajer, K., 1984. Mid-Car bon if er ous red beds at Horn-sund, South Spitsbergen: their sed i men tary en vi ron ment and source area. Studia Geologica Polonica, 80: 7–23.

Birkenmajer, K., 1984. Cy clic sed i men ta tion in mixed al lu vial to mar ginal-ma rine con di tions: the Treskelodden For ma tion (?Up per Car bon if er ous and Lower Perm ian) at Hornsund, south Spitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 80: 25–46. Birkenmajer, K., 1984. Fa cies vari a tion in the Helvetiafjellet

For ma tion (Barremian) of Torell Land, Spitsbergen. Studia Geologica Polonica, 80: 71–90.

Birkenmajer, K., 1984. In ter re la tion of Neo gene tec ton ics and vol ca nism in the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Po land. Acta Geo-daetica, Geophysica et Montanistica Hungarica, 19: 37–48. Birkenmajer, K., 1984. Fur ther new place names for King

George Is land and Nel son Is land, South Shet land Is lands (West Antarctica), in tro duced in 1981. Studia Geologica Po-lonica, 79: 163–176.


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