Delft University of Technology
Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Transport Technology
J.M. Kingma RISER3. Dynamic analysis of risers.
Computer program, Report 88.3.OS.2473, Transport Engineering and Logistics / Offshore Engineering.
The program RISER3 is one of the programs available in the section Offshore Engineering.
RISER and RISER2 solve the riser displacement and stress problem in the frequency domain. This implies a linearized calculation model, RISER uses a continuous integration of an assumed harmonic solution. The boundary conditions are satisfied by shooting. RISER2 uses a FE solution for an assumed harmonic solution. Both programs work with complex quantities.
RISER3 solves the riser displacement and stress problem in the time domain for non-linear conditions, using a FE solution. The Newmark-beta=l/4 method is used for integration.
The program RISER3 is public domain. It may be used, copied and changed by anyone. Any responsibility is excluded. Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)