I. Listen to the text and choose the best answer: a, b, c or d. (5 pts) 1. At what time of the day did the rescue take place ?
b) nighttime c) dusk
d) dawn e) lunchtime 2. What is Nanga Parbat also known as ?
a) Father Parbat b) Killer Mountain
c) Devil Mountain d) Father Mountain 3. What did the rescuers say about the rescue conditions?
a) they were treacherous b) they were challenging
c) they were harsh d) they were cold 4. What kind of vehicles were used to spot the climber?
a) snow mobiles b) drones
c) light aircraf d) helicopters 5. What else besides altitude may have endangered the lives of rescuers?
a) no water b) weather
c) lack of light d) no batteries
II. Listen to the text and mark the statements true (T) or false (F). (5 pts)
1. Online shopping is causing chaos on city streets. T/F 2. The problem of more delivery trucks will soon disappear. T/F 3. Parcel deliveries will rise by as much as 25% next year . T/F 4. Many cities have taken action over to deal with delivery trucks. T/F 5. London is trying to increase the use of motorbike deliveries. T/F
III. Complete the gaps with the words from the box. (10 pts)
accurate/ arrangements/ dilemma/ down/ generally/ include/ measures/ protective/ relocate/ unique
1. If we ……….. the sales department to India, we will have lower costs.
2. How ……….are these project figures?
3. Because of previous ………. I won’t be able to come to the conference.
4. ……….. speaking, business people appreciate efficient service.
5. Visitors don’t have to wear ……… clothing in the reception area.
6. The project should ………. commercial ideas to fund it.
7. If you feel let ………. you are disappointed.
8. What ……….. could be taken to reduce the risks.
Name Book no. Department Teacher Date
9. The situation in which you have to choose between two things that are equally important is called a(n)
………. .
10. Emphasize the ……… selling points of the project.
IV. Complete the sentences. Use one word for each gap. (10 pts)
1. I don’t believe you! I’m sure you’ve just ……… it up.
2. They sold that huge house of theirs and now they’re keeping their ……….. above water.
3. If you do something good to someone they usually ……… the favour when you need it.
4. I’m afraid we’re running ……….. of time, so let’s move on to the next item on the agenda.
5. When Sam opened his birthday present he was ……….. the moon, because it was exactly what he wanted.
V. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d. (10 pts)
1) Travelling ___________ much easier and more comfortable in the past hundred years.
a) is becoming b) becomes c) became d) has become 2) Peter ___________ football in the afernoon when he got the call.
a) played b) has been playing c) was playing d) were playing 3) We ___________ pay for the tickets because my dad won them.
a) mustn’t b) had to c) didn’t have to d) were not allowed to 4) I ___________ a cake. That’s why my hands are full of flour.
a) have been baking b) baked c) was baking d) had been baking 5) He ___________ in Oxford for two years and when his mother died he moved to London.
a) has lived b) had been living c) was living d) has been living 6) If we hadn’t got lost, we _________________ there now.
a) would have been b) were c) had been d) would be 7) Our office ____________________ into last night.
a) broke b) has been broken c) has broken d) was broken 8) By next weekend we ________________________our exams.
a) will have finish b) will be finishing c) will finish d) will have finished 9) This time tomorrow we ____________________on the beach!
a) will be relaxing b) will relax c) will have relaxed d) are relaxing 10) His marks in the last test were slightly _________ in maths, but much _________ in English.
a) low / high b) lower / high c) low / higher d) lower / higher
VI. Write questions for the underlined part. (10 pts)
1. The meal took two hours to prepare._______________________________________________________________
2. I lef the pub to avoid a fight.
3. I’ll be talking to Bob tomorrow.
4. We are supposed to attend lectures twice a week.
5. I would run away if I saw a UFO.
VII. Complete the dialogue with the phrases in italics. There is one extra phrase you don’t need to use. (5 pts)
it’s unbelievable… what the problem is… make a complaint… speak to me like that… is sorted out…
demand to see the manager
C: Is this where I (1) ………..?
A: This is Customer Service. Can I help you?
C: Are you the manager? I (2)……… immediately!
A: He’s not here at the moment, I’m afraid. Can I help you?
C: Look, I’ve phoned several times already and nothing’s happened. I’m not leaving until it’s (3)
……… .
A: All right, there’s no need to get angry! Just tell me what the problem is.
C: Don’t (4)……….. . I’ve got good reason to be angry and I won’t be spoken to in that tone of voice.
A: I’m not speaking to you in any tone of voice. I’m just trying to find out (5)……… . C: Well, I’ll tell you. I’ve got a maintenance contract with this company on my computer , a very expensive maintenance contract if you ask me, and it says that if my computer goes wrong someone will come to my house within 24 hours and repair it.
VIII. Match each beginning of a sentence (1-5) to a suitable ending (a-f). There is one extra ending you don’t need to use. (5 pts)
1. My purpose today is to a) make our staff feel appreciated?
2. I’d really appreciate it b) talk about our new project.
3. Any idea how we can c) are you in?
4. What line of business d) if you could help me out with this.
5. I’m phoning about the email e) it would be helpful.
f) that you sent this evening.
IX. Read the text and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). (10pts) Are you a blogger too?
Only a few years ago, a “web log” was a little-known way of keeping an online diary. At that time, it seemed like
“blogs” (as they quickly became known) were only for serious computer geeks or obsessives.
This didn’t last long, though, and within a very short period of time, blogs exploded – blogs were everywhere, and it seemed that almost everyone read blogs, or was a blogger.
The blogging craze of a couple of years ago (when it was estimated that ten new blogs were started somewhere in the world every minute) now seems to have died down a bit – yet thousands of blogs (probably the better ones) remain. Blogs are no now longer seen as the exclusive possession of geeks and obsessives, and are now seen as important and influential sources of news and opinion. So many people read blogs now, that it has even been suggested that some blogs may have been powerful enough to influence the result of the recent US election.
Blogs are very easy to set up – all you need is a computer, an internet connection and the desire to write something.
The difference between a blog and a traditional internet site is that a blog is one page consisting mostly of text (with perhaps a few pictures), and – importantly – space for people to respond to what you write. The best blogs are similar to online discussions, where people write in responses to what the blogger has written. Blogs are regularly updated – busy blogs are updated every day, or even every few hours.
Not all blogs are about politics, however. There are blogs about music, film, sport, books – any subject you can imagine has its enthusiasts typing away and giving their opinions to fellow enthusiasts or anyone else who cares to read their opinions.
So many people read blogs now that the world of blog writers and blog readers has its own name – the
But how influential, or important, is this blogosphere really? One problem with blogs is that many people who read and write them seem only to communicate with each other. When people talk about the influence of the blogosphere, they do not take into account the millions of people around the world who are not bloggers, never read blogs, and don’t even have access to a computer, let alone a good internet connection.
Sometimes, it seems that the blogosphere exists only to influence itself, or that its influence is limited to what is actually quite a small community. Blogs seem to promise a virtual democracy – in which anyone can say anything they like, and have their opinions heard – but who is actually listening to these opinions? There is still little hard evidence that blogs have influenced people in the way that traditional mass media (television and newspapers) have
the ability to do. (Adapted from:
1. Not long ago, only people who knew a lot about computers had blogs. T/F 2. The increase in popularity of blogs has happened very quickly. T/F 3. Today, blogs are becoming less popular. T/F 4. Blogs affected the outcome of the US election in 2008. T/F 5. If you can use a computer with internet access, you can start a blog. T/F 6. On a blog, people respond to what is written. T/F 7. Blogs concern many different subjects. T/F 8. According to the article, bloggers do not reach many people around the world. T/F 9. The article suggests that it is not true that blogs have a lot of influence. T/F 10. Television has more influence than blogs. T/F
X. Write an email (around 80 words) in reply to the following message. (10pts.)
Hi Bob!I hope you remember me. I have your e-mail address from the last speed-networking event for young graduates and employers. I’m Steve and I’m currently looking for a new team member to the project that is going to be launched soon. If you like to be a part of international community, please let me know. Write some information about your educational background and previous experience. If you have any questions about the position, just write.
Regards, Steve
Message: ______ / 4 Grammar: ______ / 3 Vocabulary: ______/3
Score: 0-47 NDST 48-54 DST 55-61 +DST 62-67 DB 68-74 +DB 75-80 BDB