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PG 1


Academic year: 2021

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Czas pracy: 45 minut

Na starcie otrzymujesz od pulę 112 punktów – tyle ile masz decyzji do podjęcia. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz dodatkowy 1 punkt, za błędną zabieramy 1 punkt. Gdy nie odpowiadasz, zachowujesz podarowany punkt. Pamiętaj, że każda z odpowiedzi A, B, C, D może być fałszywa lub prawdziwa. W czasie konkursu nie wolno wykorzystywać słowników, notatek, podręczników i innych pomocy naukowych. Sprawdź czy test jest obustronnie zadrukowany. Zgłaszaj wszelkie nieprawidłowości.

O szczegółach i wydarzeniach konkursu czytaj na stronie www.jersz.pl i fb.com/LowcyTalentowJersz. Wyniki konkursu będą dostępne 6 tygodni po konkursie. Spróbuj swoich sił w konkursie English Ace 2018.

Życzymy sukcesów i zapraszamy do testu konkursowego English High Flier!

1. Mary was caught by police, but Mandy … .

A) wore out B) looked up C) gave up D) got away

2. Do you … your new colleague?

A) get along with B) get on with C) get up D) get out

3. You’ve been working … since you were promoted.

A) much harder B) as harder C) just as hardly D) more hardly

4. … is fine, thank you for asking!

A) All B) Whole C) Everything D) Everyone

5. Give … peace … chance.

A) the / a B) a / a C) --- / --- D) --- / the

6. Let me give you a(n) … of advice.

A) item B) clap C) set D) piece

7. There are … exported from here, mangoes and pineapples.

A) two main fruits B) two main fruit C) both fruit D) some fruit

8. “I’d love to come, but I’m already going out that evening” is … .

A) offering something B) apologizing C) declining an invitation D) greeting a friend

9. “Entrance free.”

A) You mustn’t pay to go in. B) You shouldn’t pay to go in.

C) You could pay to go in. D) You don’t have to pay to go in.

10. The troops moved at night, … alarm the villagers.

A) in order to B) so that C) in order not to D) so as not to

11. We met … the cinema.

A) in B) at C) on D) along

12. Why didn’t you tell me? If you … me, I … able to help you.

A) had told / would have been B) told / would have been

C) had told / would be D) tell me / will be


PG 1



Arkusz testowy zawiera informacje prawnie chronione

do momentu rozpoczęcia



13. Barb, can you remember to buy some milk?

A) He doubted Barb would remember to buy some milk. B) She refused to buy some milk.

C) He suggested buying some milk. D) He reminded Barb to buy some milk.

14. There’s a party!

A) We’re having a party. B) We’re making a party. C) We’re doing a party. D) We’re throwing a party.

15. In 1789 the French Revolution … .

A) began B) begun C) has begun D) begins

16. I’ll wait here until you … .

A) have finished B) are finishing C) will finish D) finish

17. Don’t eat this! It’s …

A) uneatable B) edible C) unedible D) inedible

18. They … with my parents.

A) sympathy B) sympathetic C) sympathize D) desympathize

19. There’s a small flat to … in Baker Street.

A) afford B) reckon C) hire D) let

20. There were plenty of people waiting in the doctor’s … .

A) office B) surgery C) ward D) examination room

21. Cars should be … from the city centre.

A) stopped B) rejected C) evicted D) banned

22. A snake was … through the grass.

A) plodding B) barking C) pinching D) spinning

23. You should … on fatty food.

A) reduce B) cut down C) get off D) limit

24. Which word is different?

A) bonnet B) windscreen C) wiper D) exhaust

25. The temperature was below zero. … some people swam in the icy water for 10 minutes.

A) Although, B) Even so, C) Nevertheless, D) In contrast,

26. My success was … my hard work.

A) due to B) owing to C) on account of D) since

27. Which sentence is correct?

A) Not only did Richie miss the train, but he also lost his way back. B) Seldom have I watched a better film.

C) Tom had no sooner left, than the phone rang. D) Up went the plane high in the sky.

28. Which word is followed by the preposition FROM?

A) absent B) different C) safe D) famous


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