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Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego, ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom

Współpraca wydawnicza:

Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB, ul. K. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom

4 [57]



Komitet Naukowy/Scientific Committee:

Prof. Jerzy Żuchowski, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny, Radom, Polska – Przewodniczący Komitetu Naukowego

Prof. Girma Biresaw, United States Department of Agriculture, Peoria, Illinois, USA Prof. Tom Bramorski, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA Prof. Horst Brezinski, Technische Universität – Bergakademie, Freiberg, Niemcy Prof. Pasquale Giungato, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Włochy Prof. Marcel Mayor, University of Basel, Szwajcaria

Prof. Mitsuharu Mitsui, University of Okayama, Okayama, Japonia

Prof. Marian W. Sułek, Uniwersytet im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa, Polska Prof. Sun Yongqiang, China Research Institute of Daily Chemical Industry, Taiyuan, Shanxi, Chiny Prof. Ryszard Zieliński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, Poznań, Polska

Redaktorzy Naczelni/Editors in Chief:

Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, prof. UTH, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Redaktorzy Tematyczni/Subject Editors:

Towaroznawstwo kosmetyków i produktów chemii gospodarczej – dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, prof. UTH

Towaroznawstwo opakowań – prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Lisińska-Kuśnierz Towaroznawstwo przemysłowe – prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński Towaroznawstwo żywności – prof. dr hab. Maria Śmiechowska Zarządzanie jakością – prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Żuchowski

Towaroznawstwo wyrobów tekstylnych i odzieżowych, bezpieczeństwo produktów nieżywnościowych – dr hab. inż. Renata Salerno-Kochan, prof. nadzw. UE

Redaktor Statystyczny/Statistical Editor:

Dr hab. Andrzej Sokołowski, prof. UEK Komitet Redakcyjny/Editorial Board:

Dr Anita Bocho-Janiszewska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Prof. dr Pasquale Giungato, Uniwersytet im. Aldo Moro w Bari

Dr inż. Emilia Klimaszewska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr hab. Małgorzata Lotko, Prof. Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr inż. Anna Małysa, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu

Dr inż. Małgorzata Zięba, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr inż. Urszula Piotrowska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Adres Komitetu Redakcyjnego

Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny, ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom, tel. (48) 361-75-39; e-mail: tpj@uthrad.pl, www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl

Redakcja czasopisma „Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości” informuje, że formą referencyjną czasopisma jest wersja drukowana.

Publikacje można nadsyłać na adres Komitetu Redakcyjnego ISSN 1733-747X

Wydawca: Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego, ul. Chrobrego 27, 26-600 Radom Opracowanie wydawnicze: Joanna Iwanowska, Iwona Nitek


ul. Malczewskiego 20A, 26-600 Radom, tel. centr. (48) 361-70-33, fax (48) 361-70-34 e-mail: przypis@poczta.onet.pl http://www.uniwersytetradom.pl

Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB

ul. K. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom, tel. centr. (48) 364-42-41, fax (48) 364-47-65 e-mail: instytut@itee.radom.pl http://www.itee.radom.pl


Spis treści

Przedmowa ... 7 Małgorzata Lotko, Magda Chmiel, Magdalena Zwierzchowska:

Bibliometryczna analiza atrybutów jakości usług... 15 Dorota Derewiaka, Paulina Niedziałkowska, Krzysztof Dasiewicz,

Rafał Wołosiak, Agnieszka Grabowska: Wiarygodność informacji

o występowaniu alergenów sojowych w wybranych produktach spożywczych

dostępnych na rynku polskim ... 26 Michał Halagarda: Kształtowanie jakości w procesie projektowania nowych

produktów żywnościowych ... 35 Joanna Brzeska, Magda Morawska, Wanda Sikorska, Marek Kowalczuk,

Maria Rutkowska: Właściwości rozgałęzionych poliuretanów

modyfikowane zmianą struktur ... 56 Anna Żbikowska, Milena Kupiec, Małgorzata Kowalska: Wpływ dodatku mąki

z liści papai na parametry jakościowe wyrobów biszkoptowo-tłuszczowych ... 65 Agnieszka Palka: Ocena jakości sorbetów na bazie awokado ... 76 Aleksandra Wilczyńska, Natalia Żak: Ocena jakości rzadkich odmian miodów

polskich ... 86 Kinga Kozak, Daria Wieczorek, Katarzyna Wybieralska: Właściwości

przeciwutleniające piwa z dodatkiem syropów owocowych ... 94 Anna Kwaśna, Marzena Zygmanowska, Ryszard Zieliński: Zastosowanie

parametrów rozpuszczalności Hansena do ekstrakcji związków fenolowych

z kwiatów nagietka ... 102 Artur Wolak, Wojciech Gołębiowski, Grzegorz Zając: Ocena zawartości

wybranych metali zużyciowych w olejach silnikowych przy wykorzystaniu

metody fluorescencji rentgenowskiej ... 114

Magdalena Woźniak, Małgorzata Kowalska, Anna Żbikowska,

Monika Babut: Ocena mikrostruktury krystalicznej mieszanin tłuszczowych

zawierających łój barani i olej konopny ... 125


Jan Żarłok: Wpływ natłuszczania na właściwości skór związane z komfortem

użytkowania wyrobów skórzanych ... 135 Magda Morawska: Modyfikowane, naturalne polimery otrzymywane ze skrobi kuzu ... 142 Małgorzata Zięba: Zastosowanie modyfikatorów reologii pochodzenia

roślinnego w szamponach do włosów ... 150 Informacje ... 158



Preface ... 11

Małgorzata Lotko, Magda Chmiel, Magdalena Zwierzchowska:

Bibliometric analysis of service quality attributes ... 15 Dorota Derewiaka, Paulina Niedziałkowska, Krzysztof Dasiewicz,

Rafał Wołosiak, Agnieszka Grabowska: Reliability of information about the occurrence of soy allergens in selected food products available on Polish

market ... 26 Michał Halagarda: Designing quality in the new food product development

process ... 35 Joanna Brzeska, Magda Morawska, Wanda Sikorska, Marek Kowalczuk,

Maria Rutkowska: Properties of branched polyurethanes modified by structure

changing ... 56 Anna Żbikowska, Milena Kupiec, Małgorzata Kowalska: Influence of addition

of the flour of papaya on the quality attributes of sponge cake ... 65 Agnieszka Palka: Evaluation of the quality of self-manufactured avocado based sorbets ... 76 Aleksandra Wilczyńska, Natalia Żak: Commodity characteristics of rare honey

varieties ... 86 Kinga Kozak, Daria Wieczorek, Katarzyna Wybieralska: Antioxidant

properties of beer with addition of fruit syrups ... 94 Anna Kwaśna, Marzena Zygmanowska, Ryszard Zieliński: Application

of Hansen solubility parameters to extraction process of phenolic compounds

from pot marigold flowers... 102 Artur Wolak, Wojciech Gołębiowski, Grzegorz Zając: The determination

of selected trace elements in engine oils by X-ray fluorescence ... 114


Magdalena Woźniak, Małgorzata Kowalska, Anna Żbikowska, Monika Babut: Evaluation of crystalline microstructure of fat blends

containing mutton tallow and hemp oil ... 125 Jan Żarłok: Effect of fatliquoring on properties associated with comfortable use of leather products ... 135 Magda Morawska: Modified natural polymers obtained from kuzu starch ... 142 Małgorzata Zięba: Application of plant-derived rheology modifiers in hair

shampoos... 150 Informations ... 158


P r z e d m o w a

Zgodnie z przyjętym przez Kolegium Redakcyjne długoterminowym planem wy- dawniczym w pierwszych dniach października 2018 roku oddajemy do rąk Państwa – naszych czytelników – pięćdziesiąty siódmy numer kwartalnika Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości (Polish Journal of Commodity Science). Wszystkie artykuły są publikowane w angielskiej wersji językowej, przy czym każdy artykuł zawiera obszerne streszczenie zarówno w języku polskim, jak i angielskim. Streszczenia wszystkich prac opublikowanych na łamach kwartal- nika w obydwu wersjach językowych dostępne są również na stronie internetowej naszego czasopisma pod następującym adresem: http://www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl. Ponadto infor- mujemy, że obecnie na stronie internetowej dostępne są w formule open-access pełne wersje wszystkich artykułów, które zostały opublikowane na łamach naszego czasopisma do roku 2017 włącznie.

Serię 14 artykułów obecnego wydania naszego czasopisma otwiera praca Lotko i współau- torów dotycząca bibliometrycznej analizy atrybutów jakości usług. Autorzy tego opracowania zidentyfikowali częstości występowania atrybutów jakości usług stosowanych w modelach dostępnych w literaturze. Przedstawione w pracy wyniki badań obejmują analizę 24 modeli jakości usług opisanych zarówno w literaturze polskiej, jak i zagranicznej. Na podstawie ana- lizy wyników przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, że blisko połowa analizowanych atry- butów odnosi się bezpośrednio do personelu mającego kontakt z klientem. Jednocześnie zaob- serwowano, że najczęściej wskazywanym atrybutem jakości usług jest komunikacja z klien- tem.

Przedmiotem kolejnego artykułu jest weryfikacja wiarygodności informacji o obecności alergenów sojowych w wybranych produktach spożywczych i potrawach. Derewiaka i współ- pracownicy badają obecność alergenów w samodzielnie produkowanych modelowych produk- tach spożywczych oraz pakowanych produktach spożywczych i daniach dostępnych na pol- skim rynku. Wiarygodność informacji podanych przez producentów Autorzy sprawdzali przez zastosowanie testu immunologicznego ELISA opartego na wykrywaniu inhibitorów trypsyny.

Kztałtowanie jakości nowego produktu spożywczego stanowi przedmiot zainteresowań Halagardy. Autor omawia możliwości wyboru elementów procesu opracowywania nowego produktu spożywczego, które można zastosować w celu poprawienia jakości produktu.

W pracy przeanalizowano modele rozwoju nowych produktów oraz techniki badań konsu- menckich wraz z czynnikami sukcesu nowych produktów. Potwierdzono, że wykorzystanie narzędzi prowadzących do optymalizacji jakości przyczynia się do sukcesu produktu na ryn- ku, jednak nie określono w sposób jednoznaczny, które metody powinny być zastosowane w konkretnym przypadku.

Zapewnienie wysokiej jakości surowców i produktów spożywczych wrażliwych na zmiany oksydacyjne wymaga opracowania szybkich efektywnych metod monitorowania tych proce- sów. W kolejnej pracy Wójcicki przedstawia wyniki badań własnych dotyczących monitoro- wania zmian oksydacyjnych oliw z oliwek, wykorzystując do tego celu widma absorpcyjne w zakresie widzialnym i porównuje te informacje z klasycznymi parametrami chemicznymi, np. zmiany liczby nadtlenkowej, liczby kwasowej, zwartości karotenoidów i chlorofili. Wyni- ki analizowano z wykorzystaniem zaawansowanych metod analizy statystycznej (PCA i PLS).

Stwierdzono, że spektroskopia w zakresie widzialnym może być cennym narzędziem do oce- ny zmian oksydacyjnych różnych oliw z oliwek.

Kolejna praca dotyczy także nowych surowców spożywczych ważnych z punktu widzenia produkcji wyrobów bezglutenowych. Żbikowska i współautorzy zajmują się oceną parame- trów jakościowych wyrobów biszkoptowo-tłuszczowych wytworzonych z dodatkiem mąki z liści papai. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań fizykochemicznych i sensorycznych stwierdzono, że w ograniczonym zakresie jest możliwe zastąpienie mąk bezglutenowych mąką


z liści papai. Zaobserwowano, że ten dodatek w największym stopniu wpływał na parametry barwy ciasta surowego i wypieczonego produktu, a wzrost udziału mąki z papai prowadzi do otrzymania ciemniejszych produktów i spadku jakości sensorycznej. Jednocześnie stwierdzo- no, że dodatek mąki z liści papai nie wpływa na jakość ciasta surowego i większości badanych parametrów fizycznych gotowego wyrobu.

Przedmiotem zainteresowań badawczych Palki jest ocena jakości sorbetów wytworzonych na bazie awokado oraz mango. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań oceny sorbetów wytwo- rzonych z dodatkiem różnych stabilizatorów. Przeprowadzono badania fizykochemiczne, organoleptyczne oraz ocenę aktywności przeciwrodnikowej sorbetów. Stwierdzono, że badane produkty różniły się między sobą pod względem wyróżników fizykochemicznych oraz wła- ściwości organoleptycznych. Wykazano także, że dodatek stabilizatorów wpływał istotnie na cechy sorbetów, a najlepszymi cechami charakteryzował się sorbet zawierający gumę guar jako stabilizator.

W kolejnej pracy Wilczyńska i Żak przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych dotyczące oceny jakości rzadziej spotykanych odmian miodów takich jak miody: faceliowy, mniszkowy, malino- wy oraz nawłociowy. Oceniono parametry fizykochemiczne, barwę, właściwości przeciwutle- niające oraz atrybuty sensoryczne tych miodów. Stwierdzono, że wszystkie odmiany badanych miodów spełniają wymagania dotyczące zawartości wody, zawartości cukrów redukujących oraz zawartości wolnych kwasów. Wykazano, że badane odmiany miodów mają jasną barwę i cha- rakteryzują się stosunkowo niską zawartością 5-HMF, liczbą diastazową oraz niewielką aktyw- nością antyoksydacyjną. Stwierdzono wyraźne różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi odmianami zarówno w składzie chemicznym, jak i cechach sensorycznych badanych miodów.

Chociaż właściwości przeciwutleniające piwa znane są od dawna, to wydaje się, że niektó- re naturalne dodatki smakowe do piwa mogą wpływać na te właściwości. W kolejnej pracy Kozak i współautorzy zajęli się doświadczalnym określeniem oceny potencjału przeciwutle- niający piwa, pasteryzowanego i niepasteryzowanego. Oceniono także wpływ dodatku boga- tych w polifenole syropów owocowych (z aronii oraz malin) do piwa na zmiany właściwości przeciwutleniających piwa. Stwierdzono, że piwo niepasteryzowane wykazuje wyższy poten- cjał antyoksydacyjny niż piwo pasteryzowane. Zaobserwowano także, że piwo z dodatkiem soku z aronii wykazuje wyższą zdolność przeciwutleniającą niż piwo z dodatkiem soku z malin.

Pozyskiwanie naturalnych substancji przeciwutleniających stosowanych jako dodatek do żywności lub składnik wyrobów kosmetycznych wymaga zastosowania procesu ekstraktu surowca roślinnego. Efektywność tego procesu w odniesieniu do konkretnego surowca uza- leżniona jest nie tylko od rodzaju surowca i czasu trwania ekstraktu, ale przede wszystkim od rodzaju zastosowanego w tym procesie rozpuszczalnika. W następnej pracy Kwaśna i współ- autorzy analizują możliwości wykorzystania parametru rozpuszczalności Hansena (HSP) do wyboru najlepszego składu mieszaniny stosowanej do ekstrakcji związków fenolowych z kwiatów nagietka. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań własnych w odniesieniu do mie- szanin wodno-alkoholowych jako efektywnych ekstrahentów tych składników w oparciu o wartości HSP substancji aktywnych obecnych w kwiatach nagietka.

W kolejnej pracy Wolak i współautorzy prezentują wyniki badań własnych dotyczące oce- ny zawartości metali obecnych w zużytych olejach silnikowych. Autorzy zastosowali metodę fluorescencji rentgenowskiej. Stwierdzono, że rodzaj i stężenie metali w badanych próbkach zużytych olejów silnikowych zależą od rodzaju stosowanego oleju oraz pojemności silnika.

Wykazano wyższe średnie stężenie chromu, żelaza, niklu i ołowiu w olejach stosowanych w silnikach o niższej pojemności oraz wyższe stężenie miedzi w olejach silników o wyższej pojemności. Nie zaobserwowano różnic stężeń manganu i molibdenu w olejach pracujących w silnikach o różnych pojemnościach. Stwierdzono, że uzyskane wyniki mogą być przydatne dla określenia sposobu zużywania się silników o różnej pojemności.


Przedmiotem badań Woźniak i współautorów jest określenie mikrostruktury krystalicznej mieszanin tłuszczowych zawierających w swoim składzie łój barani i olej konopny. Badaniom poddano mieszaniny fizyczne tych składników tłuszczowych oraz produkty ich estryfikacji przeprowadzonej w obecności enzymów. W przypadku mieszania tych składników zaobser- wowano zjawisko rozcieńczenia struktury krystalicznej postępujące ze wzrostem zawartości oleju w mieszaninie. Stwierdzono znaczną modyfikację gęstości struktury krystalicznej, roz- miaru kryształów oraz ich morfologii w mieszaninach tłuszczowych poddany. W opinii auto- rów otrzymane mieszaniny mogą stanowić atrakcyjną bazę tłuszczową emulsyjnych produk- tów spożywczych, jak i kosmetycznych.

Natłuszczanie skór stanowi istotny element procesu kształtowania ich właściwości użyt- kowych. Żarłok przedstawia wyniki badań własnych, których celem było określenie wpływu rodzaju środków natłuszczających zastosowanych do natłuszczania na właściwości higienicz- ne skór. Jako substancje natłuszczające skóry w badaniach zastosowano środki na bazie tłusz- czów naturalnych, syntetycznych oraz środki hydrofobowe. Oceniano wpływ rodzaju stoso- wanych środków na miękkość skór, czas wnikania kropli wody oraz sorpcję, desorpcję i przepuszczalność pary wodnej. Wykazano, że rodzaj zastosowanego środka natłuszczającego w istotny sposób wpływa na odporność skór na działanie wody, której miarą jest czas wnika- nia kropli wody w skórę.

Badania modyfikacji właściwości naturalnych polimerów skrobiowych za pomocą sub- stancji naturalnych oraz możliwości zastosowania ich jako materiałów opakowaniowych sta- nowią przedmiot badań Morawskiej. W pracy przedstawiono badania biodegradowalnych folii ze skrobi kuzu otrzymywanych metodą odlewania plastyfikowanych za pomocą glicerolu i glikolu polietylenowego (400). Badano wpływ naturalnych ekstraktów (ekstrakt z yerba mate, żel aloesowy, olejek eukaliptusowy) na grubość, gęstość, twardość, właściwości ter- miczne i przepuszczalność pary wodnej wytworzonych folii skrobiowych. Stwierdzono, że naturalne ekstrakty obecne w foliach ze skrobi kuzu ograniczają wzrost krystaliczności i re- krystalizacji skrobi. Z kolei obecność w tych foliach ekstraktu z yerba mate i żelu aloesowego nieznacznie zwiększa przepuszczalność pary wodnej, podczas gdy dodatek olejku eukaliptu- sowego pogarsza przepuszczalność pary wodnej.

W ostatniej pracy Zięba przedstawia wyniki badań własnych dotyczących właściwości reo- logicznych szamponów. Badano płynne szampony do włosów wykonane według autorskich receptur zawierające jako modyfikatory właściwości reologicznych: agar, gumę arabską, gumę karagenową, gumę ksantanową oraz gumę guar. Stwierdzono, że zastosowanie gum: ksanta- nowej, karagenowej i guar pozwala na otrzymanie szamponów o wysokiej lepkości, co umoż- liwia obniżenie szybkości spływania tych produktów z włosów. Z kolei użycie gumy arabskiej i agaru pozwala na uzyskanie szamponów o niższej lepkości. Wykazano, że badane substancje pochodzenia naturalnego modyfikujące właściwości reologiczne pozwalają na komponowanie receptur szamponów do włosów odpowiednich dla produktów przeznaczonych dla różnych grup konsumentów.

Pięćdziesiąty siódmy numer naszego kwartalnika zamyka stała rubryka „Informacje TPJ”.

Zamieszczono w niej informacje o kolejnej międzynarodowej konferencji towaroznawczej z cyklu „Current Trends in Commodity Science” organizowanej przez Wydział Towaroznaw- stwa Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Poznaniu, która odbędzie się w czerwcu 2019 roku.

Życzę Państwu przyjemnej lektury.

Redaktor TPJ

prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński


P r e f a c e

According to the long-term plan accepted by the Editorial Board, in the first days of October 2018 we present to our readers the 57th issue of the Polish Journal of Commodity Science. Continuing the efforts to widen the group of our readers all the papers are published in English. We would like to remind that now, only papers written in English are accepted by the editors. As before, each paper contains a wide summary in Polish and English. The summaries in both language versions of all the works published one can find on our web page http://www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl. Moreover, at the web page an open-access to all the papers published up to 2017 is offered.

A series of 14 articles in the current issue of our magazine is opened by the work by Lotko et al. regarding bibliometric analysis of service quality attributes. The authors of this study have identified the frequency of quality attributes of services used in models available in the literature. The research results presented in the paper include the analysis of 24 models of quality of services described in both Polish and foreign literature. On the basis of the results it was found that almost half of the analyzed attributes refer directly to the staff having contact with the client. At the same time, it was observed that communication with a client is the most often indicated attribute of the quality of services.

The next article deals with verification of the reliability of information about the presence of soy allergens in selected food products and dishes. Derewiaka and co-authors investigate the presence of allergens in self-produced model foodstuffs and packaged food products and dishes available on Polish market. Reliability of the information given by producers was checked by application of ELISA immunoassay based on trypsin inhibitor detection.

The quality control of a new food product is the subject of Halagarda's interests. The author discusses the possibilities of choosing the elements of the process of developing a new food product that can be used to improve the quality of the product. The models for the development of new products and consumer research techniques together with the success factors of new products. It has been confirmed that the use of tools to optimize quality contributes to the success of the product on the market, but it is not clearly defined which methods should be used in a specific case.

Ensuring high-quality raw materials and food products sensitive to oxidative changes requires the development of fast and effective methods for monitoring these processes. In the next paper, Wójcicki presents the results of his research on monitoring the oxidative changes of olive oils using the absorption spectra in the visible range and compares this information with classic chemical parameters, eg changes in the peroxide number, acid number, contents of carotenoid and chlorophylls. The results were analyzed using statistical methods (PCA and PLS). It was found that visible spectroscopy can be a valuable tool for assessing the oxidative changes of various olive oils.

In the consecutive paper also new food raw materials important from the point of view of the production of gluten-free products are concerned. Żbikowska and co-authors deal with the assessment of the quality parameters of biscuit-fat products made with the addition of flour from papaya leaves. On the basis of conducted physicochemical and sensory tests it was found that it was possible to replace gluten-free flours with papaya leaf flour. It was observed that this addition had the greatest impact on the color parameters of the raw and the baked product Moreover, the increase in the proportion of papaya flour led to darker products and a drop in


sensory quality. It was also found that the addition of flour from papaya leaves did not affect the quality of the raw dough and most of the physical parameters of the final product tested.

The subject of Palka's research interests is the assessment of the quality of avocado and mango based sorbets on. The paper presents the results of the assessment of sorbets made with the addition of various stabilizers. Physicochemical and organoleptic tests as well as evaluation of antiradical activity of sorbets were carried out. It was found that the tested products differed in terms of physico-chemical and organic-physical properties. It was also shown that the addition of stabilizers significantly affected sorbent characteristics. The best characteristics was revealed by sorbet containing guar gum as stabilizer.

In the next paper, Wilczyńska and Żak present the results of their research on the quality of less common honey varieties such as: faceli, dandelion, raspberry and goldenrod. Physical and chemical parameters, color, antioxidant properties and sensory attributes of these honeys were evaluated. It was found that all varieties of honey tested met the requirements for water content, reducing sugars content and free acid content. It has been shown that the tested honey varieties have a clear color and are characterized by a relatively low content of 5-HMF, low diastase number and low antioxidant activity. There were clear differences between the individual varieties, both in the chemical composition and the sensory characteristics of the honeys examined.

Although the antioxidant properties of beer have been known for a long time, it seems that some natural flavorings for beer can affect these properties. In the next work Kozak et al.

focused on the experimental determination of the antioxidant potential of pasteurized and unpasteurized beer. The influence of the addition of fruit-rich syrups (chokeberry and raspberry) to beer on changes in antioxidant properties of beer was also evaluated. It has been found that unpasteurised beer has a higher antioxidant potential than a bevery beer. It was also observed that beer with the addition of chokeberry juice had a higher antioxidant capacity than beer with the addition of raspberry juice.

Obtaining natural antioxidant substances that can be applied as food supplements or ingredients of cosmetic products requires the use of an extract of a vegetable raw material.

The effectiveness of this process in relation to a specific raw material depends not only on the type of raw material and duration of the extractcion, but also on the type of solvent used in this process. In the next paper, Kwaśna et al. analyze the possibilities of using the Hansen Solubility Parameter (HSP) to select the best composition of the mixture used for extracting phenolic compounds from marigold flowers. The paper presents the results of the research on water-alcohol mixtures as effective extractants of these ingredients based on the HSP values of active substances present in marigold flowers.

In the consecutive article, Wolak et al. present the results of their research regarding the assessment of the content of metals present in used motor oils. The authors employed the X- ray fluorescence method. It was found that the type and concentration of metals in the tested samples of used engine oils depended on the type of oil applied and engine capacity. Higher average concentrations of chromium, iron, nickel and lead were found in oils used in lower- capacity engines and higher concentration of copper in engine oils with higher capacity. No differences were observed in the concentrations of manganese and molybdenum in oils operating in engines with different capacities. It was found that the results might be useful in determining the method of wear of engines of different capacities.

The subject of research by Woźniak et al. was to determine the crystal microstructure of fat blends containing tallow and hemp oil. The physical mixtures of these fat components and the products of their esterification carried out in the presence of enzymes have been assayed. In the case of mixtures of these components, a phenomenon of dilution of the crystal structure was observed, followed by an increase in the oil content in the mix. A significant modification of the density of the crystal structure, size of crystals and their morphology in fatty mixtures


has been found. The authors claim that the mixtures obtained may constitute an attractive fat base for emulsion food and cosmetics.

Oiling skins is an important element of the process of controlling their functional properties. Żarłok presents the results of research that was supposed to determine the effect of the type of fat liquoring agents used on the hygienic properties of the hides. Agents based on natural and synthetic fats as well as hydrophobic agents were used as fat spreading substances.

The effect of the type of agent appliedon skin softness, time of water drop penetration and sorption, desorption and water vapour permeability were assessed. It has been shown that the type of lubricating agent used has a significant impact on the skin's resistance to water which is measured by the penetration time of a drop of water into the skin.

Tests on the modification of the natural properties of starch polymers with natural substances and the possibility of using them as packaging materials are the subject of the Morawska research. The paper presents tests of biodegradable films from kuzu starch obtained by casting plastified with glycerol and polyethylene glycol (400). The influence of natural extracts (extract from yerba mate, aloe gel, eucalyptus oil) on the thickness, density, hardness, thermal properties and water vapor permeability of the produced starch films was investigated.

It was found that the natural extracts present in the kuzu starch films limit the increase in crystallinity and recrystallization of starch. In turn, the presence of yerba mate extract and aloe gel in these films slightly increases the water vapour permeability, while the addition of eucalyptus oil degrades the water vapour permeability.

In the last work, Zięba presents the results of her research on the rheological properties of shampoos. Liquid hair shampoos made according to original recipes containing modifiers of rheological properties: agar, arabic gum, carrageen gum, xanthan gum and guar gum were tested. It was found that the use of xanthan, carrageenan and guar gums allowed to obtain shampoos with high viscosity, which led to reduce the rate of the products flowing from the hair. In turn, the use of arabic gum and agar allows to obtain shampoos with lower viscosity. It has been shown that the test substances of natural origin modifying rheological properties allow the formulation of hair shampoos suitable for products intended for different groups of consumers.

The fifty-seventh issue of our quarterly is closed by the section “TPJ Information”. It contains information about the next international commodity science conference “Current Trends in Commodity Science” organized by the Faculty of Commodity Science at the University of Economics in Poznan, which will be held in June 2019.

I wish you a nice reading

PJCS Editor

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński



Małgorzata LOTKO, Magda CHMIEL, Magdalena ZWIERZCHOWSKA University of Technology and Humanities in Radom Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences

Department of Commodity Science and Quality of Science

Bibliometric analysis of service quality


Received: February 20, 2018; accepted April 17, 2018 DOI: 10.19202/j.cs.2018.04.01

Key words: services, features of services, quality of services, service quality models.

Słowa kluczowe: usługa, cechy usług, jakość usług, modele jakości usług.

1. Introduction

The end of the Second World War became a turning point in the service sector and dynamic development of this area took place. The end of the war was characterized by numerous socio-economic transformations, which influenced the development of Western economies. The Europe destroyed during the war was rebuild thanks to modern technologies and investment projects in the field of banking and financial services. There was also an increase in consumer spending on services related to leisure, entertainment or travel, telecommunications and postal services, medical and educational services. Over the past 50 years the service sector has become more important [21]. Services significantly contribute to the progress of the economic, social and cultural area of a given country conditioning its economic development. The growth of the services sector affects the recovery of the national economy and the activation of society`s life. Service is therefore an economic factor conditioning the process of social production and reproduction. The services sector has economic as well as non-economic functions. On the one hand, it contributes to the production of material

goods, satisfies the living, social, educational, administrative and scientific needs of the population, and on the other hand, it plays protective role for the whole society and determines activities of trade unions and other member organizations [4]. At the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, dynamic changes of economic processes in Europe and the world took place. The revival of the trade sphere between countries and continents, technological and scientific innovations are important reasons for the increase in the significance of the market of services. In the countries of the European Union, the USA and Japan, the service sector accounts for over two-thirds of GDP. Therefore, the growth of importance of services in Polish economy is observed, although it is not as significant as in developed countries [23]. The intensification of the role of services in the modern economy contributes to the growth of employment, production and consumption, and the greater importance of service activities in industrial processes and agriculture. Some authors describe the economy as a service-based one. Various factors and global phenomena have initiated significant changes in the perception of services sector as the key one for the national economy development. It is important to note the growing importance of new information and communication technologies


and innovations that shorten the service life cycle and affecting the investment in the R&D sector in the area of knowledge and information, development of business processes, growing consumer expectations about the service, the increase in affluence of societies, the expansion of the public sector, growing demand for consumer services and the increase in the specialization of services and companies providing them [15, 23, 24]. All this factors make the scientific elaboration of such a complex sector as services highly desirable but also difficult.

Undertaking this effort, the aim of this study is to identify the frequency of occurrence of service quality attributes in models available in the literature.

2. Definition of the service

The revolution in the development of the service sector after the World War II was a great surprise to marketing theoreticians. At that time definitions of the service were not precise, e.g. “the service is everything that is not very smooth or permanent” [11]. However, the practise of economic life itself tried to fill the gap in the lack of the definition of the service, which resulted in determining different concepts depending on the needs of the population.

Services are defined in various ways depending on the complexity of views on the nature of services in the economic literature [17, 31]. Table 1 presents the most important definitions of services in the order in which they were created.

Table 1. Evolution of the definition of services in Polish and world literature Tabela 1. Ewolucja definicji usług w literaturze polskiej i światowej

Definition Author (year)

Services are activities, benefits or satisfaction that are offered for sale or delivered in connection with the sale of other goods.

American Marketing Association (1960) The service is the satisfaction of the buyer with the activity or series of activities that

takes place during interaction with a person or a machine. Lehtinen (1983) Services can be sold and bought, but you cannot drop them on your feet. Gummesson (1987) A service is an activity or an advantage without transfer of ownership, which one

exchange site offers to the other. Its performance may be or may not be related to the

delivery of material product. Kotler (1988)

A service is an activity or a group of activities of a more or less immaterial nature, which usually takes place during the interaction between the client and the representative of the service provider or customer and the physical

environment/system of the service provider. Services are provided as solution to customer problems.

Grönroos (1990)

Services are ancillary activities for someone other than the contractor himself, actions

that satisfy someone`s essential need, more or less fleeting activities. Kotarbiński (1955) Services are the provision of socially useful activities not directly related to the

production of products by institutions dealing with this profession. Niewadzi (1975) Services are the benefits offered for sale, essentially intangible and subjectively

assessed by buyers. Styś, Olearnik (1985)

The service is a useful non-material product that is produced as a result of human work in the production process, by affecting the structure of a specific object in order to meet human needs.

Daszkowska (1987) The service is commissioned, intentional job provision and benefits aimed at

enriching personal values or the volume of utility values that the recipient has. Rogoziński (1993) The service is any activity that involves affecting the client or objects or property in

his possession.

Hamrol, Mantura (2002)

The service is the manifestation of all economic human activities, which are non- material and characterized by the interactivity between the service provider and the

service recipient. Łańcucki (2006)

Source: own study, based on [1-3, 7, 15, 27, 29].


A common element of all these definitions is non-material service delivery process and its final effect, and its basis is the meeting of needs of the service recipients. Analysis of the definition raises the question about factors characterizing services. The formal specificity of services includes such elements as immateriality (not possible to measure, transport, show before buying), inseparability of the production and consumption process, diversity (inconsistent, difficulties in their standardization), and impermanence (you cannot store them) [14, 17, 28].

3. Issues of services quality

Currently, the issue of the quality is an extremely important issue, as it applies to every sphere of social and economic life. The Quality is inseparable linked both to a material product, and non-material or service, it is a determinant of the success of entities operating on the market. Initially, the quality area concerned manufacturing processes, product exploitation and trade exchange, which means it was correlated mainly with the industry. However, dynamic development of services sector and the importance of these services for national economies have contributed to the increase in the importance of their quality. The criteria for assessing the quality of non-material goods can not be directly used in the assessment of the quality of services, due to elementary differences between the two objects preseted in table 2.

Table 2. Differences between the material good and the service Tabela 2. Różnice między dobrem materialnym a usługą

Product Service

Material Immaterial

Homogeneous Heterogeneous

The production phase precedes the consumption

phase Production and consumption occur simultaneously

Production separated from buyer The consumer participates in the service Under management control Often provided outside management control Consumer requirements are measurable Consumer requirements difficult to identify

Technology dominates People dominate

They can be stored They ca not be stored

They can be resold Rather, they cannot be resold

They can be presented before sale They cannot be presented before sale Source: [14].

The 1980s were characterized by entry of the concept of the quality into the service sector.

In the scientific literature there are many definitions explaining what the quality of the service is. However, there is no univocal, universal accepted in the theory and used in research practise definition. It results from the fact, that the quality is multidimensional concept construct, and the final evaluator is a buyer often guided by subjective premises [16]. Table 3 presents the terms „quality of service”.

Increasing competition on the market forced companies to seek solutions that would help them stand out from the competition. One way was to provide high quality services. At that time, studies began on the creation of methods, tools or models that could be used to evaluate the quality of services. The most popular model was the quality model defining the most important attributes of the quality of services, helping to mark gaps between consumers and


Table 3. Concepts of the quality of services Tabela 3. Koncepcje jakości usług

Concept Author (year)

…the degree to which the service meets the needs or expectations of the client Lewis, Mitchell (1990) Wisniewski, Donnelly (1996)

… meeting the client`s requirements by the service providers Łańcucki (2001)

…is determined by the set of properties perceived by the client Stoma (2009)

…assessment of the overall excellence or high standard of the service from the

client`s point of view Parasuraman, Berry,

Zeithaml (1988)

…the degree of meeting customer expectations Zeithaml (2000), Nash (1988)

…it is not easily articulated by customers, but only customers can rate this quality and identify with their own words

Hough (2004)

…the reference of object`s features to an objective pattern Urban (2007)

…the difference between the customer`s expectations and its evaluation

of a given service Grönroos (1982)

…subjective evaluation of an object Smith (1993)

…the quality of material elements included in the service product (material quality)

…the interaction between the client and elements of the organization (interactive quality)

…shaped by the company history (company quality)

Lehtinen & Lehtinen (1992)

…expressed by the knowledge and the preparation of personnel providing the service (input quality)

…the interaction between the organization and the client (the process quality)

…determined by results of the service (output quality)

Johnson, Tsiros, Lancioni (1995)

Source: own study, based on [14-16, 30].

service providers in terms of expectations and implying the removal of these gaps [18]. There are many models of service quality. The most commonly used in theoretical and practical studies include [2, 8, 15, 26]:

• Service quality model of Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry (gap model) – which was created in 1985, the authors assumed that there are 5 quality gaps, which identified and eliminated contribute to the increase in the quality perceived by the client. The first 4 gaps are internal gaps, created by the enterprise and the fifth is an external gap describing the company- customer relation. Service quality gaps reflect discrepancies between the level of quality actually obtained and the level expected by the customer;

• Service quality model of Grönroos – which was created in 1982, its fundamental assumption is to consider two categories of the service quality – technical and functional.

Quality according to the author is a key element of the marketing strategy of a company operating on services market. The creator also emphasizes the importance of the company image in shaping the quality experienced by the client;

• Partial quality model of Gummesson (4Q) – created in 1996, where the author, similarly to Grönroos, believed that the quality of the service consists of perceived quality identified with the satisfaction. Gummesson has expanded this model by introducing 4 partial qualities called 4Q as premises of perceived quality and satisfaction, they include: quality of the project, performance, supply and relation;

• Model proposed by Haywood-Farmer – created in 1988, the multi-attribute model assumes that the service company is characterized by a high level of the quality when preferences and expectations of customers are consistently met. The features of services are divided into physical people`s behaviour and professional judgement


• A synthetic model of the service quality of Brogowicz – the concept was developed in 1990, in his opinion, the quality gap may be potential and occur even when the customer has never used the service, but he made an opinion through information from other users;

• Spring`s, Mackoy’s model of perceived quality of services and satisfaction–created in 1996, explains the impact of expectations and perceptions in relation to the quality of the services on the level of customer satisfaction, for which 10 quality attributes are used;

• Quality model of C. Nash – created in 1988, where the author claims that in order to assess the quality of services, the expectations of buyers and the actual features of the service should be compared.

Numerous other quality of service models are characterized in the literature, including both qualitative attributes and customer value and satisfaction. A common feature of the above models is the orientation towards qualitative expectations of consumers by service companies and comparing these postulates with the quality that the company actually has.

4. Bibliometric analysis of the quality attributes characterized in the service quality models

Table 1 shows the quality attributes (column 2) present in the service quality models available in the literature (column 3-26). The last column contains the percentage rate of the occurrence of individual attributes in the model. 24 interpretations have been identified. The models of the following authors are analyzed:

• Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry (1985) [2, 8, 15, 26, 33],

• Grönroos (1982) [2, 8, 15, 26],

• Grönroos, Gummesson (1996) [2, 8, 15, 26],

• Haywod-Farmer (1988) [2, 15],

• Brogowicz, Selene, Lyth (1990) [2],

• Spreng, Mackoy (1996) [2, 14],

• Chui, Lin (2004) [1, 9, 14, 15],

• Johnson (1995) [2, 15],

• Armistead, Clark (1990) [2],

• Lethinen, Lethinen (1982) [2, 14, 26],

• Dabholkar, Shepherd, Thorpe (2000) [2],

• Brady, Cronin (2001) [2],

• Rogoziński (2000) [8, 22],

• Frost, Kumar (2000) [2],

• Berkley, Gupta (1994) [2, 25],

• Kano, Seraku, Takahashi, Tsuji (1984) [9, 10],

• Bugdol (2008) [5],

• Santos (2003) [25],

• Mattsson (1992) [25],

• Philip, Hazlett (1997) [25],

• Rust, Oliver (1994) [20, 32],

• Dabholkar (1996) [32],

• Surcshchandar, Rajendran, Kamalanabhan (2001) [15, 20].

Bibliometric analysis [13] data contained in table 4 allows one to conclude that among the most common attributes indicated in the service quality models there are the following (table 4, figure 1) [8; 26; 2; 22; 10; 9; 1, 5; 20; 32; 25; 6]:

• communication with the client (models numbers in table 4: 1, 2, 6-10, 12-15, 17-24),

• reliability (models 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15-22, 24),


• interior design (models 1-6, 8-10, 12-14, 20, 22),

• competence (models 1-5, 8, 13-17, 23),

• responding to changes (models 1, 2, 4, 6, 10, 12-14, 20, 22),

• materials attractiveness (models 1-6, 9, 10, 12, 14),

• staff manners (models 1, 2, 8, 9, 13-15, 17, 18, 24),

• customer care (models 1, 2, 6, 7, 12-15, 23, 24),

• security (models 1, 2, 8, 9, 13-15, 17, 18, 24).

Figure 1 presents the ranking of the frequency of individual features of services.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Fig. 1. Ranking of the importance of service features Rys. 1. Ranking ważności cech usług

Source: own study.


The elements that are least frequently used to characterize the quality of services are (in parentheses the number of model is given):

• variety (16),

• complexity (16),

• adaptation (16),

• confidentiality (4),

• tactfulness (4),

• kindness (4),

• currentness (4).

Each of these features has been mentioned only once in 24 analyzed models.

5. Conclusions

The process of monitoring, measuring and evaluating the quality of the service is very complicated. The non-material end result, nature of the service and the recipient`s participation cause significant difficulties in measuring its quality. This is due to the nature of the service, which is fundamentally different from the nature of material products. The quality of services is an individual assessment of what the recipient receives in the context of what he expected to receive.

The process of providing services consists of a number of marketing factors (attributes related to customer service) and commodities (service environment and core of the service).

Among identified attributes indicated in models analysed in this study, almost half (46%) refers directly to the direct contact with the client by the service provider employees.

Communication with the client is indicated by 75% of authors; it is also the most frequent factor. The material environment is characterized by 10% features, while 6% are distinguishing features related to the perception of the organization in the environment. The remaining 38% attributes indicates the core service evaluation.

6. References

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[24] Rudawska I. (2009) Usługi w gospodarce rynkowe. Wydawnictwo PWE, Warszawa, 11-48.

[25] Siameti I., Kakouris A.(2009) Service quality: a critical review of service quality models.

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[26] Stoma M. (2012) Modele i metody pomiary jakości usług. Wydawnictwo Q&R Polska, Lublin, 38-57.

[27] Styś A., Olearnik J. (1985) Ekonomika i organizacja usług. Wydawnictwo PWE, Warszawa.

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[29] UNCTAD. World Bank (1994) Liberalizing International Transactions in Services.

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[30] Urban W. (2007) Definicje jakości usług – różnice oraz ich przyczyny. Problemy Jakości, (3), 4-9.

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The aim of the study was to identify the frequency of occurrence of quality of service attributes in models available in the literature. The study was carried out by bibliometric analysis. The analysis covered 24 models of quality of services available in Polish literature and foreign literature. For each of the features characterized in the models, the percentage frequency was calculated.


The analysis of the results of the conducted study allows to conclude that almost half of the analysed attributes refers directly to the staff having contact with the client, and the most frequently indicated attribute was communication with the client.

An innovative element of the study is the bibliometric analysis of attributes of service quality in models available in the literature. The authors` own contribution includes the selection, comparison and quantitative analysis of service quality models in the context of the presence of particular features.

Małgorzata LOTKO, Magda CHMIEL, Magdalena ZWIERZCHOWSKA

Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Prawnych, Katedra Towaroznawstwa i Nauk o Jakości


Celem opracowania była identyfikacja częstości występowania atrybutów jakości usług w modelach dostępnych w literaturze. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą analizy bibliome- trycznej. Analizie poddano 24 modele jakości usług dostępnych w piśmiennictwie polskim oraz literaturze zagranicznej. Dla każdej z cech charakteryzowanych w modelach wyliczono procentowy częstości występowania.

Analiza wyników przeprowadzonego badania pozwala stwierdzić, że blisko połowa anali- zowanych atrybutów odnosi się bezpośrednio do personelu mającego kontakt z klientem, a najczęściej wskazywanym atrybutem była komunikacja z klientem.

Innowacyjnym elementem opracowania jest analiza bibliometryczna atrybutów jakości usług w modelach dostępnych w literaturze. Wkład własny autorek obejmuje dobór, zestawie- nie oraz ilościową analizę modeli jakości usług w kontekście obecności poszczególnych cech.

dr hab. Małgorzata LOTKO, prof. UTH Radom mgr Magda CHMIEL

mgr inż. Magdalena ZWIERZCHOWSKA University of Technology and Humanities in Radom Faculty of Economic and Legal Sciences

Department of Commodity Science and Quality of Science ul. Chrobrego 31, 26-600 Radom, Poland

emails: m.lotko@uthrad.pl, magda.chmiel3@gmail.com, zwierzchowska.magdalena@o2.pl



Krzysztof DASIEWICZ1, Rafał WOŁOSIAK1, Agnieszka GRABOWSKA2

Warsaw University of Life Sciences

1Faculty of Food Sciences,

2Faculty of Agriculture and Biology

Reliability of information about the occurrence of soy

allergens in selected food products available on Polish market

Received: November 02, 2017; accepted: July 02, 2018 DOI: 10.19202/j.cs.2018.04.02

Key words: dishes, food product, soy allergens.

Słowa kluczowe: potrawy, produkty spożywcze, alergeny sojowe.

1. Introduction

According to WHO (World Health Organization) food allergy is a serious social and health problem. The list of most allergic foodstuffs consumed in Europe (90% of reaction) is as follows: cow’s milk, peanuts, eggs, soybeans, wheat, nuts, fish, shellfish and molluscs, celery, lupine, mustard, sesame seeds and products containing them or obtained from their processing [1, 2].

Soybeans contain about 40% of proteins, characterized with high quality amino acids profile [3].

Soybeans are also a source of potassium (1.5-1.92%), phosphorus (0.352-0.733%), calcium (0.0024-0.063%)

[3], and some vitamins, e.g. of B group: thiamine (0.047 mg/100 g dry seeds), riboflavin (0.13 mg/100 g dry seeds), and pyridoxine (0.77 mg/100 g dry seeds), but they have high content of ascorbic acid (9.95 mg/100 g dry seeds) [4]. Long- term consumption of soy products, exhibiting many of the characteristics of functional foods, is associated with a low risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer [4]. The beneficial effects of soy products are attributed not only to the protein, vitamins and minerals contents, but also to the presence of valuable isoflavones (phytoestrogens) – mainly daidzein and genistein. The content of isoflavones in soy products is highly variable (between 560 and 3810 mg/kg).

Another important nutritional component of soybean is fat (18-20%), including essential fatty acids (oleic, linoleic, α- linolenic), which consumption lowers the level of cholesterol.

Because of the valuable seed composition and properties, the consumption of soy is getting higher worldwide. It creates the potential for use of soybeans as well-known and highly regarded product ingredients (in terms of nutrition and medications) [5, 6, 7, 8].

Soybeans contain a seed storage and bioactive proteins.

Storage proteins include α-,β-, and γ-conglycinins, glycinin, and other globular proteins that range in molecular weight from 140 to 300 kDa. Bioactive proteins include β-amylase, cytochrome c, lectin, lipoxygenase, lunasin, urease, Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (SKTI),


and Bowman-Birk chymotrypsin/trypsin inhibitor (BBI) [9]. Storage proteins of soybean are divided into fractions of 11S, 7S and 2S globulins [3]. The main allergen-characterized soybean protein occurring in the fraction of 7S extract is Gly m 1. Other soy proteins were recognized as allergens by the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) including two soy hull proteins (Gly m 2), profilin (Gly m 3), a stress induced, pathogenesis- related starvation associated message protein (Gly m 4), β-conglycinin (Gly m 5), and glycinin (Gly m 6) [9].

The most important allergens in soybean are glycinin constituents – globulin with molecular weight of about 320 kDa (Gly m Bd 28k, Gly m Bd 30k). 11S fraction is built almost entirely of glycinin. This protein is not modified during food processing. 7S fraction represents mainly by the β-conglycinin does not show such features. The 2S fraction consists two well-known proteinase activity inhibitors: Bowman-Birk inhibitor (BBI) and Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI) also known as soybean trypsin inhibitors (STI). Kunitz trypsin inhibitor resists acid hydrolysis and thermal denaturation. Allergenicity may also exhibit lecithin (2%

concentration in seed), composed mainly of phospholipids, but also of some proteins resulting in IgE-mediated reactions [2, 10, 11].

For soy protein-allergic persons, the presence of hidden soy constituents in food are a critical problem. Even very low amounts of soy proteins can cause allergic reactions, which may lead to anaphylactic shock in severe cases [9]. Because of this, allergic persons must strictly avoid the consumption of soy or soy-containing food. Undeclared addition of soy products in many foods is of particular importance. Cross-contaminations, mostly in consequence of the production process are another problem. For this reason sensitive detection systems for soy residues in foodstuffs are required. Only a few soy proteins are stable during conventional production processes (example utilizing high temperature). For this reason robust indicator proteins are necessary for detection. Soy trypsin inhibitors (STI) may serve as such proteins [9]. EU Regulation no. 1169/2011 states the important information on the presence of food ingredients, additives, processing aids and substances of scientifically proven allergenic or intolerance effect that should be given to consumers, to enable their safe choices. Member States of EU should enact legal regulations, depending on local practical conditions and circumstances, to settle rules in respect of the provision of information concerning non- prepacked foods [12]. Although in such cases the consumer demand for other information is limited, information on potential allergens is considered very important. Collected data suggest that most food allergy incidents can be traced back to non-prepacked food [13].

Therefore reliable information on potential allergens should always be provided to the consumer.

The aim of the study was verification of the reliability of information about the presence of soy allergens in selected food products and dishes

2. Materials and methods

Materials, listed in table 1 and 2, were: self-produced model foods (hot dogs – homogenized sausages), packaged food products (hot dogs – homogenized sausages, instant soups, frozen yogurts, ice-creams, cookies – Table 1) and dishes from restaurants and catering companies (tarts, sandwiches, dinners – Table 2). Product were available on the Polish market in May 2016. Self-produced homogenized sausages were made of class II pork meat (pork shoulder) – 55%, pork chives – 25% and chick tight – 20%, Peklosól- 1.08%, polyphosphate – 0.5%, L(+) ascorbic acid – 0.05%, nutmeg ground – 0.1%, black ground pepper – 0.1%. Some of self-produced homogenized sausages was supplemented by addition of 1 mg isolate of soy protein per kg of final product. The level of soya addition was evaluated by the highest content of STI, which can be detected by ELISA test. The kit Immunolab Soja/Soy ELISA (cat no.


SOJ-EO1) was bought in Nuscana, Biotechnika Laboratoryjna and stored at 2-8ºC. The expiration date of the test was 20.01.2018.

The research material included 28 products, divided into 8 categories: sausages, instant soups, frozen yogurt, ice cream, biscuits, meat and vegetable tarts, fast food sandwiches, as well as dinner dishes from the catering network and Chinese restaurant chain. Packaged food products as well as dishes or products from gastronomic establishments were examined. All products were purchased in May 2016 on the Warsaw market. Separated dine dishes purchased in Mińsk Mazowiecki.

The selection of research material was based on the information obtained on the presence of soy allergens in the product. Products and dishes were selected with the declaration "does not contain soy" and "may contain soy". The exceptions were model products prepared for the needs of the research: a model sausage without added soy preparation and a model salad with a known addition of soy preparation, as well as a purchased Starbucks chocolate muffin with the declaration "contains soy".

Information on allergens in the composition was obtained based on: allergen cards available in premises and on websites, more visible by electronic means, information provided by the catering staff, assessment of the information on the label.

Among the 28 products were tested: 2 model products, 1 product with the declaration

"contains soy", 9 products with the declaration "may be soy", 16 products with the declaration

"does not contain soy".

Evaluation of the presence of soy allergens in products was performed by application of ELISA immunoassay, that allows to detect soy trypsin inhibitor (STI). The 96-tests kit was purchased from Immunolab GmbH, Germany. Antibodies directed against STI were bound on the surface of a microtiter plate. Extracts of the products were prepared according to the procedure given by producers of the ELISA kit. Soy containing samples extracts or standards were given into the wells of the microtiter plate. After 20 minutes incubation at room temperature, the wells were washed with diluted washing solution to remove unbound material. A peroxidase conjugated second antibodies directed against STI were given into the wells and after 20 minutes of incubation the plate was washed again. A substrate solution was added and plates were incubated for 20 minutes, resulting in the development of a blue colour.

The colour development mechanism is inhibited by the addition of a stop solution, and the colour turns yellow. The absorbance of resulting solutions was measured photometrically at 450 nm. The concentration of STI and hence the concentration of soy was directly proportional to the yellow colour intensity of the test sample. The limit of STI detection was 16 ppb, and the limit of quantification was 40 ppb. For quantity determination a standard curve was prepared with the use of STI concentration levels 0.04; 0.1; 0.4; 1.0 mg/kg, and regression coefficient of the curve was R2= 0.9949.

3. Results and Discussion

Twenty eight products and dishes available on Polish market, collected locally and applied in the study, were divided into 2 groups, basing on their typical use, and into 8 types of products and dishes. The first group consisted of hot dogs, instant soups, frozen yogurts, ice- creams and cookies (Table 1). The second group contained three types of products: tarts, fast food sandwiches and dinners (Table 2). Information about the presence of soy ingredients in the investigated material was obtained from labels (packaged food), during the purchase of dishes (oral information), from the menu (when information was provided) or was collected by e-mail request before buying.


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