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Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 61.1 (2019)


Academic year: 2021

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CONTENTS Part 1 Youness Lamzouri, Bruno Martin

On the race between primes with an odd versus an even sum

of the last k binary digits . . . 7 Şaban Alaca, Yavuz Kesicioğlu

Evaluation of the convolution sumPal+bm=nσ(l)σ(m)

for (a, b) = (1, 48), (3, 16), (1, 54), (2, 27) . . . 27 Ahmed Zinedine, Abdelaziz Tajmouati

Algèbres de Jordan sans J-diviseurs topologiques généralisés de zéro . . 47 Efthymios Sofos

Twists of Hooley’s ∆-function over number fields . . . 57 Daisuke Shiomi

On the p-divisibility of class numbers of cyclotomic function fields . . . 85 Cristian D. González-Avilés

Čech cohomology and the capitulation kernel . . . 95 Jérôme Von Buhren

Borne de hauteur semi-effective pour le problème de Mordell-Lang

dans un tore . . . 109 Yosuke Irie


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