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Spacelike intersection curve of three spacelike hypersurfaces in E4/1


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U N I V E R S I T A T I S M A R I A E C U R I E - S K Ł O D O W S K A L U B L I N – P O L O N I A

VOL. LXVII, NO. 1, 2013 SECTIO A 23–33


Spacelike intersection curve of three spacelike hypersurfaces in E


Abstract. In this paper, we compute the Frenet vectors and the curvatures of the spacelike intersection curve of three spacelike hypersurfaces given by their parametric equations in four-dimensional Minkowski space E41.

1. Introduction. The surface-surface intersection(SSI) is one of the basic problems in computational geometry. The main purpose here is to deter- mine the intersection curve between the surfaces and to get information about the geometrical properties of the curve. Since the surfaces are mostly given by their parametric or implicit equations, three cases are valid for the SSI problems: parametric-parametric, implicit-implicit and parametric- implicit.

There are two types of SSI problems: transversal or tangential. The inter- section at the intersecting points is called transversal if the normal vectors of the surfaces are linearly independent, and is called tangential if the nor- mal vectors of the surfaces are linearly dependent. The tangent vector of the intersection curve can be obtained easily by the vector product of the normal vectors of the surfaces in transversal intersection problems. There- fore, so many studies have recently been done about this type of problems.

Hartmann [6], provides formulas for computing the curvatures of the in- tersection curves for all types of intersection problems in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Willmore [11], and using the implicit function theorem

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53A35, 53A04, 53A05.

Key words and phrases. Intersection curve, hypersurface.


Alessio [1], give the methods to compute the unit tangent, the unit principal normal, the unit binormal vectors, and then the curvature and the torsion of the transversal intersection curve of two implicit surfaces. Goldman [5], provides formulas for computing the curvature and the torsion of intersec- tion curve of two implicit surfaces, using the classical curvature formulas in Differential Geometry. Ye and Maekawa [12], present algorithms to com- pute the Frenet vectors and curvatures of the intersection curve for all three types of transversal and tangential intersections. Alessio and Guadalupe [2], give formulas for computing the local properties of a transversal intersection curve of two spacelike surfaces in the Lorentz–Minkowski 3-space. Using the implicit function theorem, Alessio [3], presents algorithms for computing the differential geometry properties of intersection curves of three implicit sur- faces in R4. D¨uld¨ul [4], gives methods for computing the Frenet apparatus of the transversal intersection curve of three parametric hypersurfaces in four-dimensional Euclidean space.

In this paper, we find the tangent, the principal normal, the first and sec- ond binormal vectors and the first, second and third curvatures of the space- like intersection curve of three parametric spacelike hypersurfaces which are intersecting transversally in E14.

2. Preliminaries. The Minkowski space E14 is the real vector space R4 provided with the (standard flat) metric given by

g = −dx21+ dx22+ dx23+ dx24,

where (x1, x2, x3, x4) is a rectangular coordinate system of E14. A vector u ∈ E14 is called a spacelike, a timelike, and a null (lightlike) vector if g(u, u) > 0 or u = 0, g(u, u) < 0, and g(u, u) = 0 for u 6= 0, respectively, [8]. The norm of a vector u is defined by ||u|| =p|g(u, u)|. Two vectors u and v are said to be orthogonal if g(u, v) = 0. A vector u satisfying g(u, u) = ±1 is called a unit vector. For an arbitrary curve α = α(s) in E14, if all of its velocity vectors α0(s) are spacelike, timelike or null vectors, then the curve is called a spacelike, a timelike or a null curve, respectively, [8].

A hypersurface in E14 is called a timelike (spacelike) hypersurface if the induced metric on the hypersurface is a Lorentz (positive definite Riemann- ian) metric. The normal vector on the timelike (spacelike) hypersurface is a spacelike (timelike) vector.

The ternary product of the vectors u = P4

i=1uiei, v = P4

i=1viei, and w =P4

i=1wiei is defined by

u ⊗ v ⊗ w = −

−e1 e2 e3 e4

u1 u2 u3 u4

v1 v2 v3 v4 w1 w2 w3 w4



where {e1, e2, e3, e4} is the standard basis of four-dimensional Minkowski space E14.

For the vectors e1, e2, e3, e4 the following equations are satisfied:

e1⊗ e2⊗ e3= e4, e2⊗ e3⊗ e4= e1, e3⊗ e4⊗ e1= e2, e4⊗ e1⊗ e2= −e3, [13].

From the definition of ternary product, we get g(u, u ⊗ v ⊗ w) = g(v, u ⊗ v ⊗ w) = g(w, u ⊗ v ⊗ w) = 0; that is, the vector u ⊗ v ⊗ w is orthogonal to u, v and w. The triple vector product of vectors u, v and w in E13 is defined by

(u × v) × w =

u v

g(u, w) g(v, w)

= g(v, w)u − g(u, w)v,

a linear combination of vectors u and v, [7, 10]. In an analogous manner in E14 we can express the quintuple vector product of vectors u, v, w, x, and y as

(u ⊗ v ⊗ w) ⊗ x ⊗ y =

u v w

g(u, x) g(v, x) g(w, x) g(u, y) g(v, y) g(w, y) ,

a linear combination of vectors u, v and w (see [10] for the Euclidean case).

We may also write

g(u ⊗ v ⊗ w, x ⊗ y ⊗ z) = −

g(u, x) g(v, x) g(w, x) g(u, y) g(v, y) g(w, y) g(u, z) g(v, z) g(w, z)


Let {t(s), n(s), b1(s), b2(s)} be the moving Frenet frame along the curve α(s) in the Minkowski 4-space E14. Then t(s), n(s), b1(s), b2(s) denote the tangent, the principal normal, the first binormal, and the second binormal vector fields, respectively.

Let α(s) be a spacelike curve with arc length parameter s in E41. Then t(s) = α0(s) is a spacelike unit vector, i.e., ||α0(s)|| = 1. Therefore g(α0(s), α0(s)) = 1 and g(α0(s), α00(s)) = 0. Depending on the vector α00(s) we investigate the following cases [9].

Case 1: n is spacelike:

Case 1.1: The second binormal vector b2 is the unique timelike vector in the Frenet frame {t, n, b1, b2}. Then the Frenet formulas are



t0 = k1n

n0 = −k1t + k2b1 b01 = −k2n + k3b2

b02 = k3b1,

where ki’s (i = 1, 2, 3) are the ith curvature functions of the curve α.

Case 1.2: The first binormal vector b1 is the unique timelike vector in the tetrad {t, n, b1, b2}. In this case, the Frenet formulas are given by




t0 = k1n

n0 = −k1t + k2b1

b01 = k2n + k3b2 b02 = −k3b1. Case 2: n is timelike:

The Frenet formulas have the form



t0= k1n

n0 = k1t + k2b1 b01= k2n + k3b2 b02= −k3b1.

From elementary differential geometry, we know that α0(s) = t(s). Also, the second derivative α00(s) is equal to k1n in all above cases. The third derivative α000(s) can be obtained as α000 = k01n + k1n0 by differentiating the equation α00= k1n. If we replace n0 using the Frenet formulas, we get

Case 1:

(2.1) α000= −k21t + k10n + k1k2b1. Case 2:

(2.2) α000 = k21t + k10n + k1k2b1.

Then the second curvature k2 of the curve α can be obtained from Eq. (2.1) and Eq. (2.2) as

Case 1.1 and Case 2: k2 = g(α000k,b1)

1 .

Case 1.2: k2 = −g(α000k,b1)

1 .

Now let us find the fourth derivative α(4)(s) similar to the third derivative α000(s):

Case 1.1: α(4) = −3k1k01t + (−k31+ k100− k1k22)n + (2k01k2+ k1k02)b1 + k1k2k3b2

Case 1.2: α(4) = −3k1k01t + (−k31+ k100+ k1k22)n + (2k01k2+ k1k02)b1 + k1k2k3b2

Case 2: α(4) = 3k1k10t+(k13+ k100+ k1k22)n+(2k01k2+ k1k02)b1+k1k2k3b2. Using the above equations, the third curvature of α can be found by k3 = −g(α(4),b2)

k1k2 for Case 1.1 and k3 = g(α(4),b2)

k1k2 for Case 1.2 and Case 2.

3. The curvatures of spacelike intersection curve. Let Mi(i = 1, 2, 3) be three spacelike hypersurfaces with parametric equations Xi = Xi(ui, vi, wi). Let us assume these hypersurfaces intersect transversally at an intersection point α(s0) = P on the spacelike intersection curve α(s).


Then, the unit normal vectors Ni of these hypersurfaces are timelike vec- tors and they can be given by

Ni= Xuii⊗ Xvi

i⊗ Xwi



i⊗ Xvi

i⊗ Xwi


Since the intersection curve α is a spacelike curve, the unit tangent vector t of α is a spacelike vector and can be obtained by the ternary product of the normal vectors at P :

t = N1⊗ N2⊗ N3

||N1⊗ N2⊗ N3||.

Since the intersection is transversal, the normal vectors Ni are linearly independent at the intersection point, i.e., N1⊗ N2⊗ N3 6= 0.

3.1. First Curvature. From the Frenet equations, we know k1 = ||t0||.

Then we must find the vector t0 for calculating the first curvature k1. Since t0 is orthogonal to t, we can write

(3.1) α00 = t0 = a1N1+ a2N2+ a3N3, ai ∈R.

Now let us determine the scalars ai to find α00. If we take the dot product of both hand sides of (3.1) with Ni, then we get

(3.2) g(N1, Ni)a1+ g(N2, Ni)a2+ g(N3, Ni)a3= Kni,

where Kni = g(t0, Ni), (i = 1, 2, 3). The coefficients determinant of the linear system (3.2) is ∆ = −||N1⊗ N2⊗ N3||2. Since ∆ is different from zero, solving the coefficients from linear system (3.2) yields (as in [4])

ai = 1

∆{− sinh2θjkKni + bijKnj + bikKnk}, i, j, k = 1, 2, 3 (cyclic), where θij is the angle between the timelike unit normal vectors Ni and Nj. Also, if N1, N2 and N3 are in the same timecone of E14, then

bij = cosh θikcosh θjk− cosh θij. If N1, N2 and N3 are not in the same timecone of E14, then

bij = cosh θikcosh θjk+ cosh θij.

If N1 and N2 are in the same timecone but N3 is in the different timecone, then

bij = (−1)i+kcosh θikcosh θjk − cosh θij.

If N1 and N3 are in the same timecone but N2 is in the different timecone, then

bij = (−1)i+jcosh θikcosh θjk− cosh θij.

If N2 and N3 are in the same timecone but N1 is in the different timecone, then

bij = (−1)j+kcosh θikcosh θjk− cosh θij.


The normal curvatures Kni needed to find the scalars ai are calculated as expressed in [4]. Then the first curvature k1 of the intersection curve α at P is given as follows:

If N1, N2 and N3 are in the same timecone, then k21 =

a21+ a22+ a23+ 2a1a2cosh θ12+ 2a1a3cosh θ13+ 2a2a3cosh θ23

. If N1, N2 and N3 are not in the same timecone, then

k21 =

a21+ a22+ a23− 2a1a2cosh θ12− 2a1a3cosh θ13− 2a2a3cosh θ23

. If N1 and N2 are in the same timecone but N3 is in the different timecone, then

k21 =

a21+ a22+ a23+ 2a1a2cosh θ12− 2a1a3cosh θ13− 2a2a3cosh θ23 . If N1 and N3 are in the same timecone but N2 is in the different timecone, then

k21 =

a21+ a22+ a23− 2a1a2cosh θ12+ 2a1a3cosh θ13− 2a2a3cosh θ23

. If N2 and N3 are in the same timecone but N1 is in the different timecone, then

k21 =

a21+ a22+ a23− 2a1a2cosh θ12− 2a1a3cosh θ13+ 2a2a3cosh θ23 . 3.2. Second Curvature. Now, let us find the second curvature of the intersection curve α at P . Since the timelike unit normal vectors Ni are orthogonal to t, the terms k01n + k1k2b1 in Eq. (2.1) and Eq. (2.2) can be replaced by c1N1+ c2N2+ c3N3. Thus

Case 1: α000= −k21t + c1N1+ c2N2+ c3N3, Case 2: α000= k12t + c1N1+ c2N2+ c3N3.

If the dot products of both hand sides of above equations are taken with Ni, we have a linear equation system similar to (3.2). Solving this system yields

(3.3) ci= 1

∆{− sinh2θjkµi+ bijµj + bikµk}, i, j, k = 1, 2, 3 (cyclic), where µi= g(α000, Ni). The scalars µiin Eq. (3.3) are computed as explained in [4]. Then, the second curvature k2 of the intersection curve α at P is given by

Case 1.1 and Case 2: k2 = g(α000k,b1)

1 ,

Case 1.2: k2 = −g(α000k,b1)

1 .

3.3. Third Curvature. Now, let us compute the third curvature k3 of the curve α at P . Similar to the second and third derivatives of α, we may write

Case 1: α(4)= −3k1k10t + d1N1+ d2N2+ d3N3,


Case 2: α(4)= 3k1k01t + d1N1+ d2N2+ d3N3, where di= 1

∆{− sinh2θjkξi+ bijξj+ bikξk}, i, j, k = 1, 2, 3 (cyclic), and ξi = g(α(4), Ni). Obtaining the scalars ξi is mentioned in [4].

Thus, the third curvature of the intersection curve is found as Case 1.1: k3 = −g(αk(4),b2)

1k2 ,

Case 1.2 and Case 2: k3 = g(αk(4),b2)

1k2 . 4. Examples.

4.1. Example 1. Let us consider the spacelike hypersurfaces M1: X1(u1, v1, w1) =

cosh u1+1

2, sinh u1, v1, w1


M2: X2(u2, v2, w2) = (cosh u2, sinh u2cos v2, sinh u2sin v2, w2) , M3: X3(u3, v3, w3)



2cosh u3+1 2, 1

2sinh u3sin v3+1

2, w3, 1

2sinh u3cos v3

in the Minkowski 4-space, where u26= 0, u3 6= 0. Let us compute the Frenet apparatus of the spacelike intersection curve α at the intersection point

P = X1 0,

√5 2 ,1



= X2 ln 3 +√ 5 2

! ,π

2,1 2


= X3 ln√

2 + 1


4 ,

√ 5 2


= 3

2, 0,

√ 5 2 ,1


! .

At this point, the timelike unit normal vectors of these hypersurfaces are, respectively,

N1 = (1, 0, 0, 0), N2= 3 2, 0,

√5 2 , 0


, N3 =

√ 2, − 1

√2, 0, 1


and the spacelike unit tangent vector of α is t =

 0, 1

√ 2, 0, 1

√ 2


Since g(N1, N2), g(N1, N3) and g(N2, N3) are smaller than zero, the time- like unit normal vectors Ni, 1 ≤ i ≤ 3, are in the same timecone. Then, cosh θ12 = 32, cosh θ13 =√

2, cosh θ23 = 3

2 and so b12 = 32, b13 = 5

2 2 and b23= 0.


The non-vanishing first fundamental form coefficients of these hypersur- faces at P are

g111 = g221 = g331 = g112 = g332 = g333= 1, g222= 5

4, g113 = g223 = 1 2 and the non-vanishing second fundamental form coefficients of these hyper- surfaces at P are

h111= h211= −1, h222= −5

4, h311= h322= − 1


As expressed in [4], the values u0i, vi0 and wi0 are found as:

u01 = 1

√2, v01= 0, w01 = 1

√2, u02 = 0, v02= −


√5, w02 = 1

√2, u03 = 0, v03=√

2, w03 = 0.

Hence, for the normal curvatures Kni we find Kn1 = Kn2 = −12, Kn3 = −√ 2.

Thus, we have a1= 6

5, a2= 1

5, a3= − 1

√2, k1=

√3 10, α00= 1

2,1 2, 1

2√ 5, −1


, n =

√5 6,

√5 6, 1

√ 6, −

√5 6

! ,

where n is a spacelike vector. Also, the values u00i, vi00 and w00i are calculated as:

u001 = 1

2, v100= 1 2√

5, w100= −1 2, u002 = 1

5, v200= − 1

5, w200= −1 2, u003 = 1

2, v300= 0, w300= 1 2√

5. Using above, we get µ1= µ2= − 3


2 and µ3 = 0. So, the coefficients ci are found as c1 = − 12


2, c2= 3


2, c3 = 32. Then, we get α000 = 3

2√ 2, − 9

5√ 2, 3√

5 10√

2, 6 5√


! , α0⊗ α00⊗ α000=

 3 2√

5, 0,3 2, 0

, ||α0⊗ α00⊗ α000|| = 3

√ 5,


b2= α0⊗ α00⊗ α000

||α0⊗ α00⊗ α000|| = 1 2, 0,

√ 5 2 , 0

! ,

b1= b2⊗ α0⊗ α00

||b2⊗ α0⊗ α00|| = 5 2√

3, 1


√5 2√

3, − 1


! .

Note that b2 is a spacelike vector and b1 is the unique timelike vector in the tetrad {t, n, b1, b2}. Because of this, Case 1.2 is valid. Then the second curvature k2 of α is found as k2 = 2√

5. Also, k01= g(α000, n) = −7

15 10 . For the values u000i , v000i and wi000, we obtain

u0001 = − 23 10√

2, v0001 = 3√ 5 10√

2, w0001 = 6 5√

2, u0002 = 3

10, v0002 = 32 5√

10, w0002 = 6 5√

2, u0003 = 3

2, v0003 = − 13 5√

2, w0003 = 3 2√

10. Hence, we have

ξ1 = 18

5 , ξ2= 69

20, ξ3 = − 21 10√

2 and using these values

d1 = 201

25 , d2 = −39

25, d3= − 93 10√

2 are found. So, we obtain

α(4) =

−18 5 ,38

5 , − 39 10√

5, −3 2

 , k3 = − 3

20√ 6.

4.2. Example 2. Let M1, M2, and M3be the spacelike hypersurfaces given by, respectively,

X1(u1, v1, w1) =

cosh u1, sinh u1+ 1 2, v1, w1

 , X2(u2, v2, w2) = 1

2cosh u2,1

2sinh u2cos v2, w2,1

2sinh u2sin v2

 , X3(u3, v3, w3) = 1

2cosh u3, w3,1

2sinh u3sin v3−1 2,1

2sinh u3cos v3



where u2 6= 0, u3 6= 0. The Frenet vectors and the curvatures of the spacelike intersection curve of these surfaces at the intersection point

P = X1

 0, 0, 1


= X2 ln

2 +√ 3

, arctan√ 2, 0

= X3


 2 +√


, arctan 1

√ 2 ,1




2, 0, 1

√ 2

are found as:

t = 0, −

√2 5, −

√2 5, 1



, n = 5

√15, − 1

√15, − 1

√15, −2√

√ 2 15

! ,

b1= −


√ 3, 1

√ 6, 1

√ 6, 2

√ 3


, b2=

 0, − 1

√ 2, 1

√ 2, 0


k1 = 2√ 15

25 , k2= 2, k3 = 0.

Here, the timelike unit normal vectors N2and N3 are in the same timecone but N1 is in the different timecone. Also, n is the unique timelike vector in the Frenet frame {t, n, b1, b2} and for this reason, Case 2 is valid.


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B. Uyar D¨uld¨ul M. C¸ alı¸skan

Department of Mathematics Education Department of Mathematics

Education Faculty Science Faculty

Yıldız Technical University Gazi University

˙Istanbul Ankara

Turkey Turkey

e-mail: buduldul@yildiz.edu.tr e-mail: mustafacaliskan@gazi.edu.tr Received February 2, 2012


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