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Managerial Economics 15/1, 133-136



Ewa Beck-Krala, Elżbieta Tarczoń: Evaluation o f m otivation system in H ealth

C are O rga n iza tio n - p e rc ep tio n o f e m p loyees. A case stu d y analysis fro m

P olish h osp ita l ■

Managerial Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: J24.J28, H52, 015

K e y w o rd s : m otivation system, m otivating employees in the health care sector

The article concerns the evaluation o f m otivation system in the Health Care Sector in Poland. Using the m odified N adler and Lawler questionnaire, the effectiveness o f m otivation system and the em ployee satisfaction level is tested in on e o f the Małopolska Hospital in Krakow. The results o f the study indicate that there is lack o f critical failures in the design o f the m otivational system. H ow ever, the em ployees' expectations are m et on a very lo w level, which means, that the m otivation system is rather ineffective.

Brygida Cupiał, Ewa Sobolewska-Poniedziałek: C o n cept o f a reg io n a l silver

e c o n o m y illustrated w ith the e x a m p le o f Lu b u sz provin ce ■


Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: J140

K e y w o rd s : silver economy, regional development, regional cohesion

Dem ographic trends in d evelo ped countries require focus on the problem o f aging popula­ tions. These trends are directly related to structural changes within the economy. Modifications o f econom ic m odels im ply a need fo r the creation o f a n ew regional developm ent concept. An exam ple o f such a concept is the silver-econom y strategy im plem ented at the regional level. This article attempts to identify the existing potential and the main barriers to the introduction o f the silver-econom y concept in the region. Investigations w ill be carried out by a case study o f Lubusz Province.

Aleksandra Grabowska, Monika Krakowiak-Drzewiecka: Interests o f territorial self-

governm ents in shaping local developm ent on the exam ple o f tourism econo­

m y in Poland - selected aspects ■

Managerial Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: H701

K e y w o rd s : commune, loca l self-government, loca l development region, tourism

Communes in Poland are entities that act on market, have defined resources at their disposal, are independent, which is legally guaranteed, and are also responsible for their decisions. Moreover, they com pete with each other for various forms o f capital. Their effectiveness in management and rationality o f undertaken actions are essential as they can reach a specific (desired) market



position. In this paper, the assumption was made that relationships o f entities interested in activi­ ties o f com mune can have a diversified nature (n o t necessarily favorable from the point o f view o f their goals and interests), and the p ow er o f their influence may significantly facilitate o r im pede management in a com mune and thereby influence the effectiveness o f its activity. In the present conditions o f com m une functioning, the ability to recognize the interests o f particular entities related by market relationships with the com m une may guarantee and, in the case o f a lack o f this ability, may limit the accomplishment o f interests o f a com m une as a collective. The reflec­ tions presented in this paper include broadly understood interests o f local self-governments. This area is multi-dimensional and p oo rly recognized, which inspires us to make an attempt to create the system o f notions. This attempt has been undertaken in further part o f the paper. This constitutes an introduction to direct studies on the problem s o f interests o f local self- govern m ent on the exam ple o f tourism econom ics

Henryk Gurgul, Marcin Suder: T h e effect o f location o n the distribution o f

w ith d ra w a ls fro m selected ATM s o f the “E u ro n et” n e tw o rk ■


Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: C32

K e y w o rd s : distribution o f withdrawals, location o f ATMs, replenishment management

In form a tion about the distribution o f withdraw als is very essential fo r ATM netw orks. It sup­ ports op tim ization o f the replenish m ent process fo r ATMs. T h e con du cted research sh o w ed that the daily distribution o f withdraw als was sim ilar am on g the exam ined ATMs o w n e d by the Euronet company. Location was the main factor in d eterm in in g em pirical distribution on the same days o f the w eek. Logistic distribution fit best to withdraw als from ATMs located in sh oppin g centers, bank branches, shops, and supermarkets. In addition, u n iform distri­ bu tion was fou n d to be the best alternative fo r w ithdraw als from ATMs op eratin g at p etro l stations.

Otto Lucius: In se a rc h o f fin a n c ia l sta b ility - the case o f s h a d o w b a n k in g

■ Managerial Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

K e y w o rd s : fin a n cia l system, fin a n cia l stability, shadow banking, regulation JEL Classification: GOI, G23, G24, G28

Financial stability seems to be an im portant buzzw ord these days. This paper discusses the threats to financial stability that might arise from shadow banking. In order to properly discuss the problem s, shadow banking is defined. Then, w hich measures to take to rem edy this situa­ tion w ill be discussed.

Michał Możdżeń: Is the state really a Leviathan? Testing the m o d e l o f Buchanan

an d B ren n an in E urope ■

Managerial Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: H U , H21, H24

K e y w o rd s : Leviathan, optim a l taxation, governm ent action, pu b lic choice, tax institutions, people satisfaction

This article is an attem pt to synthetically present and test the main conclusions o f the State- as-Leviathan m odel. In the first part, the main assumptions o f the m od el are described. In the


second, the m od el is d e ve lo p e d further in o rd er to present main research hypotheses. In the third part, the critique and remarks on the m o d el are review ed. The fourth part is d evoted to d evelo p in g an em pirical m o d el and presenting the main findings o f the analysis. The sum­ mary concludes the text w ith som e suggestions fo r future research. The condu cted analysis allows us to draw conclusions p oin tin g to the less-than-perfect ability o f the Leviathan m od el to describe real events in the areas o f fiscal p olicy and taxation and, in som e instances, seems to corroborate the conclusions ascribed to the “ o rth o d o x ” th eory o f public finance criticized by Buchanan and Brennan. A regression m od el bu ilt u pon a database on selected EU cou n ­ tries d erived from the Eurostat, European C om m ission and European Social Survey points to the fact that in d eed the broadness o f the taxable base can positively influence public revenue. An d it also negatively affects the w ay p e o p le perceive the national g overn m en t (in line w ith m od el assum ptions). But w h en w e turn to the influence o f the broadness o f the base on its p erceived quality o f life, w e can find ou t that, in the countries w ith a relatively broad base, p e o p le ’s p erceived life satisfaction is significantly higher (in line w ith “ o rth o d o x ” th eories). At the same time, the analysis corroborates to som e exten t Leviathan-m odel suggestions that progressive taxation is beneficial fo r the citizens in com parison to proportion al, as som e recent research shows.

Agnieszka Peszko: Micro-, sm all-, an d m ediu m -sized enterprises u sin g struc­

tu ral fun d s ■

Managerial Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: G39. G i l

K e y w o rd s : micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Poland, SME, structural funds, f i ­ nancing development sources

N um erous academ ic publications are currently con cen trating o n the ro le that structural funds play in financing small- and m edium -sized enterprises, as w e ll as the level o f possibili­ ties and the benefits that such enterprises m ay b e able to gain as a result o f structural fu nd­ ing. The high form al and substantive requirem ents fo r access to these funds, w h ich causes that these sources are n ot available fo r all enterprises, o ften are skipped. T h e ob jective o f this paper is to answ er th e qu estion o f what attributes are typical fo r m icro-, small-, and m edium -sized enterprises that fu lfilled all requirem ents and received structural funds subsi­ dies. Additionally, this article presents op in ion s expressed o n structural fund access barriers b y entrepreneurs. T h e research (w h o se results are discussed in this p a p er) was con du cted am on g m icro-, small-, and m edium -sized enterprises o f M ałopolska received structural funds subsidies. This article dem onstrates that access to structural funding is lim ited to a particular g ro u p o f enterprises.

Stephan Schlüter, Carola Deuschle: W avelet-based forecastin g o f A R IM A

tim e series - an e m p iric a l c o m p a riso n o f differe n t m eth od s ■


Economics 2014 vol. 15, no. 1

JEL Classification: C22, C53

K e y w o rd s : forecasting, wavelets, dem ising, multiscale analysis

By means o f w avelet transform, an ARIMA tim e series can b e split into different frequency com ­ ponents. In doin g so, on e is able to identify relevant patters within this tim e series, and there are different ways to utilize this feature to im prove existing tim e series forecasting methods.



H ow ever, despite a considerable am ount o f literature on the topic, there is hardly any w ork that com pares the different wavelet-based m ethods with each other. In this paper, w e try to close this gap. We test various wavelet-based m ethods on four data sets, each w ith its ow n character­ istics. Eventually, w e com e to the conclusion that using wavelets does im prove forecasting qual­ ity, especially fo r tim e horizons lon ger than one-day-ahead. H ow ever, there is no single superior m ethod: either wavelet-based denoising o r wavelet-based tim e series decom position is best. Perform ance depends o n the data set as w e ll as the forecasting tim e horizon.


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