• Nie Znaleziono Wyników

Sense of sexual attractiveness, sexual behaviors and satisfaction in gay men and lesbians in late adulthood


Academic year: 2021

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Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 2013, tom 18, numer 4, s. 486-500

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Magdalena Grabowska


ǰȱŠ›¢”ȱŠœ¿™˜ œ”’

2 1Institute of Psychology, Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz

2Choice Care Group, Reading, United Kingdom


ǯȱ‘ŽȱŠ’–ȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ™Š™Ž›ȱ’œȱ˜ȱ™›ŽœŽ—ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜ȱœž’Žœȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ’—Ěž-Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱŠ—ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ of gay men and lesbians in late adulthood. Within the framework of the project it  ŠœȱŠœœž–Žȱ‘Šȱ•˜‹Š•ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŒ˜—œ’œœȱ˜DZȱœŽ—œŽȱ ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ǯȱ —Ž›Žœ’—ȱ›Žœž•œȱ ˜ȱœž’ŽœȱŠ›Žȱ‘Žȱ˜••˜ ’—ȱꗍ’—œDZȱǻŗǼȱŽ—Ž›Š••¢ȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ œŽŽ–œȱ˜ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱŠȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›ȱ‘Š—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢DzȱǻŘǼȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ•Žœ‹’Š—œȂȱ›˜ž™ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱŠȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ‘Š—ȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŠ¢ȱ–Ž—Ȃœȱ ›˜ž™ǰȱŠ—ȱǻřǼȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ–Ž—Ȃœȱ›˜ž™ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱŠȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ self-assessment of sexual ability on sexual behaviors than in the women’s group.

Key words: older homosexuals, sexual behaviors, sexual satisfaction, sense of



Sexual behaviors in late adulthood are studied more and more often and be- Œ˜–Žȱ‘Žȱœž‹“ŽŒȱ˜ȱœŒ’Ž—’ęŒȱ™ž‹•’ŒŠ’˜—œǯȱ‘’œȱ’—Œ›ŽŠœ’—ȱ’—Ž›Žœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ–˜œȱ’—-timate aspect of life of older people may result from a general increase of concern about the quality of older people`s lives, in conjunction with the data suggesting an increase of the population for the discussed age group. The studies on the sexual-ity of people in late adulthood most often concern groups of heterosexual persons ǻŽ›•–žĴŽ›ǰȱŠ••ǰȱŗşşŘDzȱŒ‘ž•£ǰȱ Ž—ǰȱŗşşřDzȱ›Š’ǰȱŗşşŜDzȱ ˜›–•¢ǰȱŗşşŝDzȱ’ŒŽǰȱŗşşŞDzȱ Schaie, Willis, 2002), whereas more numerous research projects focusing on homo-sexual persons concern rather the global meaning of aging for gay men and lesbians or issues of social help for seniors (e.g. McFarland, Sanders, 2003; Phillips, Marks, 2008; Fokkema, Kuyper, 2009; Neville, Henrickson, 2010). It is also usually noted ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱŠ’—ȱŠ¢ȱ–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ•Žœ‹’Š—œȱŠ›Žȱ•’”Ž•¢ȱ˜ȱœžěŽ›ȱ›˜–ȱŠȱ˜ž‹•Žȱœ’–ŠDZȱ›˜–ȱ


homophobia and ageism (McDougall, 1993). The common image of older gay men and older lesbians usually shows them as being depressed, lonely, despairing and inactive sexually (Berger, 1996; Meri-Esh, Doron, 2009).

Discussing the question of sexuality of people in late adulthood it is worth emphasizing that the results of research projects on sexual behaviors and sexual satisfaction of older people are still not unambiguous (Grabowska, 2009). Both a de-crease of sexual activity as well as lack of changes in this area can be observed in addition to a slight increase of interest in sexuality. This ambiguity may suggest, Š–˜—ȱ ˜‘Ž›œǰȱ Šȱ œ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ ’—’Ÿ’žŠ•’£Š’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ Œ‘Š—Žœȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ œ™‘Ž›Žȱ ’—ȱ late adulthood and also point to the need of detailed knowledge of the factors de-termining sexual behaviors in the discussed age group. Showing and describing Š••ȱ‘ŽœŽȱŠŒ˜›œȱǻ‹˜‘ȱœ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ˜›ȱ‘’œȱŠŽȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱ™‘¢œ’˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŒ‘Š—ŽœȱŒ˜——ŽŒŽȱ  ’‘ȱ Š’—ȱ Šœȱ  Ž••ȱ Šœȱ —˜—œ™ŽŒ’ęŒǰȱ ™›ŽœŽ—ȱ Šȱ Š••ȱ ™‘ŠœŽœȱ ˜ȱ ŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—ȱ œžŒ‘ȱ Šœȱ Ž—Ž›Ǽȱ˜Žœȱ‹Ž¢˜—ȱ‘ŽȱœŒ˜™Žȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ™Š™Ž›ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ—›ŠŽœȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱŠ—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠ¢ȱ–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ•Žœ‹’Š—œȱ in late adulthood. Ž¡žŠ•ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ ’œȱ Žę—Žȱ ’—ȱ œ‘˜›ȱ Šœȱ Šȱ œŽȱ ˜ȱ ŽŠž›Žœȱ Š›˜žœ’—ȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ interest and desire (Goldenson, Anderson, 1996). It is worth emphasizing that sex-žŠ•ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ ’—ȱ –Š—¢ȱ Œž•ž›Žœȱ ’œȱ Œ˜——ŽŒŽȱ  ’‘ȱ Š—ȱ ŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ  ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’—Œ•žŽœȱ ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱ Š™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽǰȱ ‹˜¢ȱ ˜˜›ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ œ˜ž—ȱ ˜ȱ voice (Giddens, 2005). One of the evaluation criteria of the physical appearance is a healthy complexion. A suntan is generally appreciated, the results of research suggest that persons with a suntan are perceived more favourably than people with a pale complexion (Leary, 1995). Body weight is also important (Mirucka, 2003), ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ’ȱ‘Šœȱ˜ȱ‹ŽȱŽ–™‘Šœ’œŽȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‹˜¢ȱ Ž’‘ȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ™Ž›ŒŽ™-’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŽ™Ž—œȱ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŒž•ž›ŽȱŠ—ȱ ŽŠ•‘ȱ˜ȱŠȱ’ŸŽ—ȱŽ››’˜›¢ǯȱ ȱ‘Šœȱ been found that in an area where there is lack of food (poverty areas) plump and Š‹ž—Š—ȱœ‘Š™ŽœȱŠ›Žȱ™›ŽŽ››Žǰȱ ‘Ž›ŽŠœȱ’—ȱ ŽŠ•‘¢ȱŠ›ŽŠœȱœ•’–ȱ˜›ȱ‘’—ȱœ’•‘˜žŽĴŽœȱŠ›Žȱ favored (Leary, 1995; Doroszewicz, 2002). However, it seems that a more important ŠŒ˜›ȱ˜›ȱŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŽ–’—’—ŽȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ’œȱ‘Žȱ’œ›’‹ž’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠȱ’œœžŽȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ body, namely the waist to hip ratio (WHR) (Wojciszke, 2006). Women with a slim  Š’œǰȱ ‘˜ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱȱ›˜–ȱŖǯŜŝȱ˜ȱŖǯŞŖǰȱŠ›Žȱ“žŽȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱ‘Žȱ–˜œȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱǻ˜›˜-œ£Ž ’Œ£ǰȱ ŘŖŖŘDzȱ ’¡œ˜—ȱ Žȱ Š•ǯǰȱ ŘŖŖŝǼǯȱœȱ Š›ȱ Šœȱ ŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ –Š•Žȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ ’œȱ concerned an important index is waist to chest ratio (WCR), calculated as a relation of waist circumference to chest circumference (Weeden, Sabini, 2007). However, the ŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜Žœȱ—˜ȱŽ™Ž—ȱ˜—•¢ȱ˜—ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱ™Š›Š–ŽŽ›œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ‹˜¢ǯȱ ȱœŽŽ–œȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱ›Ž•ŠŽȱŠ•œ˜ȱ˜ȱŠŸŠ’•Š‹•ŽȱŒ˜–™Š›’œ˜—ȱŒ›’Ž›’Šǯȱ˜ȱŒ˜—ę›–ȱ‘’œȱ thesis it is worth mentioning some research where the subjects were asked to eval-žŠŽȱŠȱ™Ž›œ˜—ȱŠŽ›ȱ ŠŒ‘’—ȱŠȱ–˜Ÿ’ŽȱœŠ››’—ȱœ˜–ŽȱŸŽ›¢ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱŠŒ›ŽœœŽœǯȱ‘’œȱ evaluation usually turned out to be negative (Myers, 2008).

—ȱ›Ž•Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•’¢ȱ’ȱœŽŽ–œȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ‘ŠȱŠȱ‘’‘ȱ•ŽŸŽ•ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ-’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜Ž—ȱœ’—’ęŽœȱŠ—ȱŠŒŒŽ™Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱ˜—ŽȂœȱ˜ —ȱ‹˜¢ȱŠ—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ›˜•Žǰȱ ™›˜Ÿ’ŽœȱŠȱ‘’‘ȱ•ŽŸŽ•ȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŽœŽŽ–ȱŠ—ȱŽ¡›ŠŸŽ›œ’˜—ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’—ȱž›—ȱ’—Ž—œ’ęŽœȱœ˜Œ’Š•ȱ contacts of an individual and favors openness of behaviors including sexual


behav-ior (Faith, Schare, 1993; Koch et al., 2005; Davison et al., 2008). However, it is worth mentioning that too high level of self-evaluation in this area may lead to focusing on oneself and one’s own needs, treated as superior in comparison with the part-ner’s needs (Kaschak, 1992; Pietrzak, Halaj, 2000). Too low level of self-evaluation ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ–Š¢ȱ•ŽŠȱ˜ȱŠŸ˜’’—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŒ˜—ŠŒœȱ˜›ȱŽŠ›ȱ˜ȱ—ŽŠ’ŸŽȱ evaluation. Moreover, the results of research suggest that negative self-evaluation ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ‘ŠœȱŠȱ—ŽŠ’ŸŽȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱŠœœŽ›’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱœ™‘Ž›Žȱ˜ȱ sexual behaviors and on self-evaluation of sexual ability (Yamamiya, Cash, Thomp-œ˜—ǰȱŘŖŖŜǼǯȱȱ›Ž•Š’˜—œ‘’™ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•’¢ȱ ‘Šœȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱœ‘˜ —ȱ˜ȱŽ¡’œȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱŠ—ȱ‹Ž¢˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŽěŽŒœȱ˜ȱ›ŽŠ•ȱ‹˜¢ȱœ’£ŽǰȱœžŽœ’—ȱ that a woman’s perception and cognition of her body size, rather than her actual ‹˜¢ȱœ’£Žǰȱ‘ŠœȱŠȱœ›˜—ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•’¢ȱǻŽŠŸŽ›ǰȱ¢Ž›œǰȱŘŖŖŜǼǯ

Within the framework of the discussed project it was assumed that an element ˜ȱŠȱ•˜‹Š•ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ’œȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•-’¢ȱȮȱ‘ŽȱŒŠ™ŠŒ’¢ȱ˜ȱ‹ŽŒ˜–ŽȱœŽ¡žŠ••¢ȱŽ¡Œ’ŽȱŠ—ǰȱ’—ȱ™Š›’Œž•Š›ǰȱ˜ȱŠŒ‘’ŽŸŽȱ˜›Šœ–ȱ (Goldenson, Anderson, 1994). It seems to depend on the physical state of an indi-vidual conditioned, among others, by biological processes of aging, an amount and quality of the taken drugs, diet etc. Biological symptoms of aging in the case of men include, among others, longer time of increasing of arousal and time of refraction as well as greater need of stimulation (Schulz, Ewen, 1993; Smolak, 1993; Turner, Helms, 1994). Men experience weaker ejaculation, there is a higher percentage of men who have erection problems (lack of erection or partial erection). Women can experience vaginal atrophy which consists of the vagina shortening and narrowing, and also elasticity and lubrication problems can occur (Hyde, 1979; Schulz, Ewen, 1993; Smolak, 1993; Turner, Helms, 1994). The results of research demonstrate also a lower level of sexual desire in women during menopause, including women us-ing hormonal therapy (Woods, Mitchell, Smith-Di Julio, 2010). This negative in-̞Ž—ŒŽȱ’œȱŒŠžœŽȱ‹¢ȱ›ŽšžŽ—•¢ȱ˜ŒŒž››’—ȱœ¢–™˜–œȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱ‘˜ȱ̊œ‘Žœǰȱ›Žœž•’—ȱ from a sudden change in the blood vessels diameter, and manifesting themselves by a short feeling of increased body temperature in the upper part of the body, reddened skin and an increased sweating (Kaplan, Sedney, 1980). It is also worth mentioning that in late adulthood sexual ability may be lower due to circulatory system diseases (including: atherosclerosis, hypertension, arteries’ diseases etc.), diabetes (resulting in lowering of libido, decreased sexual reactivity), urological problems or mental disorders (such as anxiety disorders, depression and others). Medications taken by an individual are also of great importance for the sexual abili-ty (e.g. psychotropic drugs or hypotensive drugs) (Lew-Starowicz, 1997). The above mentioned factors may result in sexual problems, most often reported by sexually active persons above the age of 80. In case of men these problems include: prob-lems with reaching erection (28 percent of the subjects), probprob-lems with maintaining erection (35 percent) and problems with reaching orgasm (28 percent) (Bretschnei-der, McCoy, 1998). In the group of studied women the most commonly reported problems were pain experienced during a sexual intercourse and problems with achieving orgasm.


Taking all these facts into consideration, in this research project the following question was raised whether sexual behavior and satisfaction of homosexuals in •ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱŠ›Žȱ–˜’ꮍȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ¡ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœž‹“ŽŒœǰȱ‘Ž’›ȱ•˜‹Š•ȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ǯȱ ‘Žȱ™›˜‹•Ž–ȱ˜ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•-hood was also taken up. It was also assumed that the sex of the subjects might –˜’¢ȱ‘Žȱœ›Ž—‘ȱ˜ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ’œŒžœœŽȱ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ȱŸŠ›’Š‹•Žœȱ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŽ-pendent variables.



The data were obtained from a sample of 80 noninstitutionalized homosexual women (n = 40) and men (n = 40) ranged in age from 61 to 82 years old (M = 67) living in the urban areas of central and northern Poland. All participants were vol-unteers surveyed within a larger research project focused on seniors’ sexuality and its determinants. The sample was collected using such techniques as “from door to door” and “snowball sampling”, with the help of students participating in the author’s MA seminar.


Sexual behaviors were measured using Sexual Behaviors Questionnaire (vide Grabowska, 2007a, 2007b, 2009) which includes, among others, the scale of behav-iors aimed at satisfying own needs (12 items; Cronbach΅ = 0.78), the scale of be-haviors aimed at satisfying partner’s needs (7 items; Cronbach΅ = 0.77), the scale of frequency of sexual activity (in which the subjects have to choose an answer corre-sponding to an average frequency of sexual activity in a given period of time) and the scale of sexual initiative (5 items; Cronbach΅ = 0.83). The subjects were asked to refer to items of the above mentioned scales (apart from the scale of frequency of œŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢Ǽȱ‹¢ȱŠĴ›’‹ž’—ȱŸŠ•žŽœȱ›˜–ȱŗȱǻ—ŽŸŽ›Ǽȱ˜ȱśȱǻŠ• Š¢œǼǯȱ‘ŽȱšžŽœ’˜——Š’›Žȱ includes also the scale of variety of sexual techniques containing a 10-item list of techniques with a request to mark those which apply to the subject.

Ž•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ ŠœȱžœŽȱŠœȱ‘Žȱ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ȱŸŠ›’Š‹•Žǰȱ  ‘’Œ‘ȱ Šœȱ–ŽŠœž›Žȱ ’‘ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠ•Žȱ˜ȱŽ¡žŠ•ȱĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŒ˜—œ’œ’—ȱ˜ȱ ˜ȱœž‹-œŒŠ•Žœǯȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ’œȱ‘Žȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱœž‹œŒŠ•Žǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’—Œ•žŽœȱ˜ž›ȱ’Ž–œǯȱ ‘Žȱœž‹“ŽŒœȱ Ž›ŽȱŠœ”Žȱ˜ȱŠĴ›’‹žŽȱŸŠ•žŽœȱ›˜–ȱŗȱǻ—ŽŸŽ›Ǽȱ˜ȱśȱǻŠ• Š¢œǼȱ˜ȱ‘ŽœŽȱ items. The internal consistency of this scale, calculated with Cronbach΅ȱŒ˜ŽĜŒ’Ž—ǰȱ is 0.78. The second subscale is used to measure self-evaluation of sexual ability. This scale includes three items (e.g. ȱŠ–ȱŠ—ȱŽšžŠ••¢ȱ˜˜ȱ•˜ŸŽ›ȱŠœȱ–˜œȱ‘˜–˜œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ˜–Ž—Ǽǰȱ  ‘’Œ‘ȱ Ž›ŽȱŠĴ›’‹žŽȱŸŠ•žŽœȱ›˜–ȱŗȱǻ ȱ˜Š••¢ȱ’œŠ›ŽŽǼȱ˜ȱśȱǻ ȱ˜Š••¢ȱŠ›ŽŽǼȱ‹¢ȱ‘Žȱ subjects. Internal consistency of this scale, calculated with Cronbach΅ȱŒ˜ŽĜŒ’Ž—ǰȱ is 0.84.



Sex of the subjects and sexual behaviors

’‘’—ȱ‘’œȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ™›˜“ŽŒȱ’ȱ ŠœȱŠœœž–Žȱ‘Šȱ‘Ž›ŽȱŒ˜ž•ȱ‹ŽȱœŽ¡ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ concerning sexual behaviors of the subjects and their sexual satisfaction. The re-sults of t tests for independent variables (table 1) prove the existence of statistically œ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱ˜—•¢ȱŸŠ›’Ž¢ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱǻ‘’‘Ž›ȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜›ȱ men).

Š‹•Žȱŗǯȱȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ–ŽŠ—ȱŸŠ•žŽœȱ˜›ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱ Œ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱŠ—ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱȮȱt tests for independent vari-able results

Sexual behavior and satisfaction Women Men t Behavior directed at satisfying own needs 3.19 3.26 -0.41 Behaviors directed at satisfying partner’s needs 3.23 3.22 0.03

Sexual initiative 1.96 2.06 -0.56

Variety of sexual behaviors 1.74 2.16 -2.22*

Frequency of sexual activity 4.50 4.47 0.07

Sexual satisfaction 2.83 2.52 1.27

*p < .05

˜ȱœŠ’œ’ŒŠ••¢ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ Ž›Žȱ˜ž—ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜ȱ ˜–-en and m˜ȱœŠ’œ’ŒŠ••¢ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ Ž›Žȱ˜ž—ȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜ȱ ˜–-en concerning other sexual behaviors or sexual satisfaction. At the same time it can be noticed that an average frequency of sexual activity of people in late adulthood is in the range between 4 (once a month) and 5 (once a week).


—˜‘Ž›ȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›—ŽȱŠȱ•˜‹Š•ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœž‹“ŽŒœǯȱž––’—ȱž™ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜ȱ regression analyses (table 2) it can be stated that both in the group of women and ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ™•Š¢œȱŠȱŸŽ›¢ȱ’–™˜›Š—ȱ role in determining all sexual behaviors included in the study.

Š‹•ŽȱŘǯȱȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱȮȱ–ž•’™•Žȱ›Ž›Žœ-sion analyses results

Sexual behavior Sexual ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœ (in women) Sexual ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœ (in men) Ά R^2 Ά R^2 Ά R^2

Satisfying own needs .69* .481 .76* .569 .64* .396 Satisfying partner’s needs .66* .436 .67* .438 .66* .417


Variety of sexual

behaviors .59* .346 .64* .393 .59* .336

Frequency of sexual

activity .60* .351 .65* .402 .55* .287

*p < .05

The analysis of the percentage of variance of sexual behaviors explained by œŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ••˜ œȱ˜ȱ›Š ȱŒ˜—Œ•žœ’˜—ȱŠ‹˜žȱŠȱœ•’‘•¢ȱ œ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱŸŠ›’Š‹•Žȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ˜ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ‘Š—ȱ–Ž—ǯȱ

Moreover, multiple regression analyses were also performed in order to es-’–ŠŽȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ sexual ability on sexual behaviors of the subjects in late adulthood (table 3 and 4). Š‹•Žȱřǯȱȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱȮȱ

multiple regression analyses results Sexual behavior Sense of physical ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœ

Sense of physical ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœ (in women) Sense of physical ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœ (in men) Ά R^2 Ά R^2 Ά R^2

Satisfying own Reed .66* .431 .71* .496 .62* .374 Satisfying partner’s needs .60* .351 .59* .335 .61* .362

Sexual initiative .64* .405 .67* .433 .62* .375 Variety of sexual behaviors .58* .330 .61* .352 .50* .349 Frequency of sexual activity .54* .284 .59* .330 .49* .223 * p < .05 Š‹•ŽȱŚǯȱȱ —ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱȮȱ–ž•’™•Žȱ regression analyses results

Sexual behavior of sexual ability Self-evaluation

Self-evaluation of sexual ability (in women) Self-evaluation of sexual ability (in men) Ά R^2 Ά R^2 Ά R^2

Satisfying own Reed .50* .245 .47* .202 .55* .285 Satisfying partner’s needs .45* .194 .36* .105 .60* .347

Sexual initiative .51* .255 .45* .178 .60* .346 Variety of sexual behaviors .48* .220 .43* .167 .52* .250 Frequency of sexual activity .38* .136 .35* .103 .43* .164 * p < .05 cd. table 2


An analysis of the percentage of variance of sexual behaviors through the sense ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ȱ•ŽŠœȱ˜ȱŠȱŽ ȱ’–-™˜›Š—ȱŒ˜—Œ•žœ’˜—œDZȱǻŗǼȱŽ—Ž›Š••¢ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱœŽŽ–œȱ˜ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ Šȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›ȱ‘Š—ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢DzȱǻŘǼȱ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱŠȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ—˜’ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ œŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ‘Š—ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ ǻřǼȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱŠȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ—˜’ŒŽȱ˜ȱ self-evaluation of sexual ability on sexual behaviors than in the group of women.


The last research question of the project concerned the conditions of sexual satisfaction of gay men and lesbians in late adulthood. It was assumed that factors,  ‘’Œ‘ȱŽŽ›–’—ŽȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ǰȱ’—Œ•žŽȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœǰȱ self-evaluation of sexual ability and sexual behaviors. In order to answer the above question multiple regression analyses were performed in the whole study group,  ‘˜œŽȱ›Žœž•œȱŠ›Žȱ™›ŽœŽ—Žȱ’—ȱꐞ›Žȱŗǯȱ Frequency of sexual activity

Sexual satisfaction

Satisfying partner’s needs Sense of physical attractiveness Sexual initiative Variety of sexual behaviors Self-evaluation in sexual ability Beta R^2 = .82* = .673 Beta R^2 = .77* = .585 Beta R^2 = .74* = .544 Beta R^2 = .73* = .532 Beta R^2 = .55* = .289 Beta R^2 = .51* = .256 Beta R^2 = .40* = .151 * < .05p ’ž›Žȱŗǯȱȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-ual ability and sex’ž›Žȱŗǯȱȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-ual behaviors on sex’ž›Žȱŗǯȱȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-ual satisfaction in late adulthood Ȯȱ–ž•’™•Žȱ›Ž›Žœœ’˜—ȱŠ—Š•¢œŽœȱ›Žœž•œ


The results of regression analyses demonstrate that there is a statistically signif-’ŒŠ—ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱŠ••ȱ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ȱŸŠ›’Š‹•Žœȱ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœž‹“ŽŒœǯȱ On the basis of the above results it can be stated that the factor that most strongly –˜’ęŽœȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœž’Žȱœž‹“ŽŒœȱ’œȱ‘Žȱ›ŽšžŽ—Œ¢ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱ ‘Ž›ŽŠœȱ‘ŽȱŠŒ˜›ȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ•ŽŠœȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱ‘’œȱŽ™Ž—Ž—ȱŸŠ›’Š‹•Žȱ’œȱ self-evaluation of sexual ability.

Within the discussed research project it was assumed that the role of particular independent variables in explaining sexual satisfaction may depend on the sex of the subjects. In order to verify this assumption analogous regression analyses were ™Ž›˜›–ŽȱœŽ™Š›ŠŽ•¢ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱǻꐞ›ŽȱŘǼȱŠ—ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱ ǻꐞ›ŽȱřǼǯȱ Frequency of sexual activity

Sexual satisfaction


partner’s needs Sense of physicalattractiveness

Sexual initiative Variety of sexual behaviors

Self-evaluation in sexual ability Beta R^2 = .77* = .578 Beta R^2 = .71* = .487 Beta R^2 = .65* = .409 Beta R^2 = .61* = .356 Beta R^2 = .59* = .339 Beta R^2 = .49* = .217 Beta R^2 = .40* = .139 * < .05p ’ž›ŽȱŘǯȱȱ‘Žȱ ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œŽ—œŽȱ ˜ȱ ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœǰȱ œŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ȱŠ—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱȮȱ–ž•-tiple regression analyses results


Frequency of sexual activity

Sexual satisfaction

Satisfying partner’s needs Sense of physical attractiveness Sexual initiative Variety of sexual behaviors Self-evaluation in sexual ability Beta R^2 = .89* = .795 Beta R^2 = .89* = .793 Beta R^2 = .88* = .768 Beta R^2 = .83* = .676 Beta R^2 = .63* = .381 Beta R^2 = .47* = .205 Beta R^2 = .39* = .129 * < .05p ’ž›Žȱřǯȱȱ‘Žȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ȱŠ—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ–Ž—ȱȮȱ–ž•’™•Žȱ regression analyses results

The results of regression analyses allow to notice that sexual satisfaction of women in late adulthood is strongly determined by the frequency of sexual activity and behaviors aimed at satisfying partner’s needs. A smaller, however still very ’–™˜›Š—ȱ›˜•Žȱ’œȱ™•Š¢Žȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱœ–Š••ŽœȱȮȱ self-evaluation of sexual ability.

—ȱ‘Žȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ‘Š—ǰȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱŠȱœ›˜—ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ was noted of behaviors aimed at satisfying own needs, the frequency of sexual ac-tivity and sexual initiative on sexual satisfaction. In this research sample the factors  ‘’Œ‘ȱ›Ž•Š’ŸŽ•¢ȱ ŽŠ”Ž›ȱ–˜’ꮍȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱ Ž›ŽȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ-›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœǯȱ


‘ŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱ™›ŽœŽ—Žȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜ȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱŒ˜—ę›–Žȱ‘ŽȱŠœœž–™’˜—ȱ‘Šȱ‘Ž›Žȱ ’œȱ Š—ȱ ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ œŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ ˜—ȱ œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱ Š—ȱ satisfaction of gay men and lesbians in late adulthood. It is worth noticing that œ˜Œ’Š•ȱŒ˜—œŽšžŽ—ŒŽœȱ˜ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ˜‹œŽ›ŸŽȱ›˜–ȱ‘ŽȱŽŠ›•’Žœȱ™‘ŠœŽœȱ˜ȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ•’ŽǯȱŽ ‹˜›—ȱ‹Š‹’Žœȱ‹Ž—Žęȱ›˜–ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱȮȱ’ȱ’ŸŽœȱ‘Ž–ȱ ŒŠ›Žȱ‹¢ȱ’—žŒ’—ȱŠ’’˜—Š•ȱŠěŽŒ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠ›Ž’ŸŽ›œǯȱ ȱ Šœȱ™›˜ŸŽȱ‘Šȱ–˜‘Ž›œȱ


of more beautiful babies spend more time with them; they cuddle them more often, have more eye contact with them and talk to them more often. On the other hand, –˜‘Ž›œȱ˜ȱ•ŽœœȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱŒ‘’•›Ž—ȱŠ›Žȱ–˜›Žȱ›ŽœŽ›ŸŽȱ’—ȱœ‘˜ ’—ȱŠěŽŒ’˜—ȱ˜ Š›œȱ ‘Ž–ȱǻ˜›˜œ£Ž ’Œ£ǰȱŘŖŖŘǼǯȱĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱŒ‘’•›Ž—ȱŠ›Žȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ›ŽŠŽȱ‹¢ȱ‘Ž’›ȱŽŠŒ‘Ž›œǰȱ  ‘˜ȱœ‘˜ ȱ–˜›Žȱ™Š’Ž—ŒŽȱŠ—ȱŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱ˜ Š›œȱ‘Ž–ǰȱŒ˜—œ’Ž›ȱ‘Ž–ȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱœ–Š›-Ž›ǰȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸŽȱŠ—ȱ–˜›Žȱ™›˜–’œ’—ȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱžž›Žȱǻ˜œ’—œ”ŠǰȱŘŖŖŚǼǯȱ’–’•Š›•¢ȱ ˜ȱŒ‘’•‘˜˜ǰȱŠ•œ˜ȱ’—ȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ‘ŠœȱŠȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ on people’s behaviors. For example, people are more willing to have contact with ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱ™Ž›œ˜—œǰȱ–Š’—•¢ȱ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŠŒȱ‘Šȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ›Žȱ™Ž›ŒŽ’ŸŽȱŠœȱ–˜›Žȱœ˜Œ’Š-‹•Žǰȱ›’Ž—•¢ǰȱ‹Š•Š—ŒŽǰȱ–˜›Žȱ’—Ž••’Ž—ǰȱœ›˜—Ž›ǰȱ ’‘ȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›ǰȱ‘Š™™’Ž›ǰȱ ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱœž’Žȱœ˜Œ’Š••¢ȱŠ—ȱ–˜›ŽȱŠŒ’ŸŽȱœŽ¡žŠ••¢ȱǻŽŠ›¢ǰȱŗşşśDzȱ’Ž›£Š”ǰȱŠ•Š“ǰȱŘŖŖŖDzȱ Gindrich, 2006; Lipowska, Lipowski, 2006; Myers, 2008). A common belief that at-tractive people besides a nice appearance have also many other positive features is ŽœŒ›’‹Žȱ’—ȱ•’Ž›Šž›ŽȱŠœȱŠȱœŽ›Ž˜¢™Žȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱǻ˜œ’—œ”ŠǰȱŘŖŖŚǼǯȱ ˜–Žȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘Ž›œȱŽ¡™•Š’—ȱ‘’œȱ™‘Ž—˜–Ž—˜—ȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱœ˜ȬŒŠ••ŽȱŠž›Ž˜•ŽȱŽěŽŒǯȱ ȱ’œȱ Šœœž–Žȱ‘Šȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱȮȱŠœȱŠȱ™˜œ’’ŸŽȱŽŠž›ŽȱȮȱ–˜’ŸŠŽœȱŽ—Ž›Š••¢ȱ˜ȱ ™˜œ’’ŸŽ•¢ȱŽŸŠ•žŠŽȱŠ—ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱ™Ž›œ˜—Dzȱ‘’œȱŽŠž›ŽȱœŽŽ–œȱ˜ȱȁ‹ŽŠ–ȂȱŠȱ˜‘Ž›ȱŽŠ-ž›Žœȱ˜ȱŠ—ȱ’—’Ÿ’žŠ•ȱǻ˜“Œ’œ£”ŽǰȱŘŖŖŜǼǯȱ‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱŠ•‘˜ž‘ȱ™›˜Ÿ’Žœȱ –Š—¢ȱ‹Ž—Žęœǰȱ–Š¢ȱŠ•œ˜ȱ‹ŽȱŒ˜——ŽŒŽȱ ’‘ȱœ˜–Žȱ•˜œœŽœǯȱ˜–Žȱœž’ŽœȱŽ–˜—œ›ŠŽȱ ‘ŠȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱ ˜–Ž—ȱŠ›Žȱ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱ–˜›ŽȱŸŠ’—ǰȱŒ˜—ŒŽ’ŽǰȱŽ˜’œ’Œǰȱ materialistic and prone to betrayal. In turn, very handsome men are believed to be less intelligent (Baron, Byrne, 1997; Aronson, Wilson, Akert, 2004; Wojciszke, 2006). ˜›Ž˜ŸŽ›ǰȱœžŒŒŽœœŽœȱǻŽǯǯȱ™›˜Žœœ’˜—Š•Ǽȱ˜ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱ ˜–Ž—ȱŠ›Žȱ˜Ž—ȱŽ¡™•Š’—Žȱ‹¢ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŠ—ȱ—˜ȱ‘Žȱ•ŽŸŽ•ȱ˜ȱŒ˜–™ŽŽ—ŒŽȱǻ ŠœŒ‘Š”ǰȱŗşşŘǼǯȱ‘ŽœŽȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ are often not treated as equal partners in communication (Buczkowski, 2005). This Š Š›Ž—Žœœȱ‘Šȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ‹›’—œȱ–˜›Žȱ‹Ž—Žęœȱ‘Š—ȱ•˜œœŽœȱœŽŽ–œȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱ socially common. For example, a great majority of those surveyed (90 percent) by CBOS (Bialy, 2003) declared that physical appearance is very important for them. ‘Žȱœž‹“ŽŒœȱŠ•œ˜ȱœŠŽȱ‘ŠȱŠ”’—ȱŒŠ›Žȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ›Š—œ•ŠŽœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ quality of personal life (82 percent) and professional life (80 percent). Also the ma-jority of the studied women (84 percent) stated that they would like to change some ŽŠž›Žȱ˜ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽȱȮȱ–˜œȱ˜Ž—ȱ‹˜¢ȱ Ž’‘ȱ˜›ȱ‘Š’›ȱœ¢•Žǰȱ•Žœœȱ ˜Ž—ȱȮȱ‘Ž¢ȱ–Ž—’˜—Žȱ‘ŠŸ’—ȱŠȱœž›Ž›¢ȱǻ £Ž‹œ”’ǰȱŘŖŖŚǼǯȱ˜ȱ’–™›˜ŸŽȱ˜—ŽȂœȱ˜ —ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ’쎛Ž—ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱŠ›ŽȱžœŽǰȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱŒ‘˜˜œ’—ȱŠ™™›˜™›’ŠŽȱŒ•˜‘Žœǰȱ make-up, suntan and plastic surgeries. Most women who decided to have a breast Šž–Ž—Š’˜—ȱŠŸŽȱ‘Žȱ–Š’—ȱ›ŽŠœ˜—ȱŠœȱ’—Œ›ŽŠœ’—ȱ‘Žȱ•ŽŸŽ•ȱ˜ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ˜ —ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ-—ŽœœȱǻŽŠ›¢ǰȱŗşşśǼǯȱŽ˜™•Žǰȱ ‘˜ȱ‘Šȱ‹ŽŠž’¢’—ȱ™•Šœ’Œȱœž›Ž›’ŽœǰȱŠ›ŽȱŽŸŠ•žŠŽȱȮȱ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ‹Šœ’œȱ˜ȱ‘Ž’›ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽȱ’—ȱ™’Œž›Žœȱ‹Ž˜›ŽȱŠ—ȱŠŽ›ȱ‘Žȱœž›Ž›¢ȱȮȱŠœȱ—’ŒŽ›ȱŠ—ȱ –˜›ŽȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱœŽ¡žŠ••¢ȱǻ›˜—œ˜—ǰȱ’•œ˜—ǰȱ”Ž›ǰȱŘŖŖŚǼǯȱ

The results of research presented in this paper also allow to notice that in the ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱŠȱœ•’‘•¢ȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ—œŽȱ ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱ‘Š—ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ǯȱ —ȱž›—ȱ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ•ŠŽȱŠž•‘˜˜ȱŠȱœ›˜—Ž›ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ—˜’ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•-uation of sexual ability on sexual behaviors than in the group of women. The


dif-Ž›Ž—ŒŽœȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱœŽ¡ŽœȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ–Š—’Žœȱ‘Ž–œŽ•ŸŽœȱ—˜ȱ ˜—•¢ȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ™Ž›’˜ȱ˜ȱ•’ŽȱȮȱ‘Ž¢ȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ˜‹œŽ›ŸŽȱ›˜–ȱ‘ŽȱŽŠ›•’Žœȱ™‘ŠœŽœȱ˜ȱŽŸŽ•-˜™–Ž—ǯȱœȱŽŠ›•¢ȱŠœȱ’—ȱŒ‘’•‘˜˜ȱ’›•œȱŠ›ŽȱŽ¡™ŽŒŽȱ˜ȱ•˜˜”ȱ—’ŒŽȱŠ—ȱ™›ŽĴ¢ȱ ‘Ž›ŽŠœȱ boys are expected to be curious and courageous. An interest in appearance mani-fested by dressing up and looking in the mirror is believed to be a girls’ thing, in turn boys are encouraged to dynamic plays (Kaschak, 1992). In adolescence boys ŽœŒ›’‹Žȱ‘Ž’›ȱ˜ —ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽȱ’—ȱŽ›–œȱ˜ȱœ›Ž—‘ȱŠ—ȱꝗŽœœǰȱ ‘Ž›ŽŠœȱ’›•œȱ’—ȱ Ž›–œȱ˜ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœǯȱ—˜‘Ž›ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱœŽ¡ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ™Ž›’˜ȱŒ˜—œ’œœȱ’—ȱ the fact that unlike boys girls refer to their appearance in a detailed and fragmen-tary way, which is visible in describing particular parts of the body, usually those Œ˜——ŽŒŽȱ ’‘ȱœŽ›Ž˜¢™’ŒŠ•ȱ™Ž›ŒŽ™’˜—ȱ˜ȱŽ–’—’—ŽȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱǻŽǯǯȱ‹›ŽŠœœǰȱ‹ž-˜Œ”œǼȱǻ’àٔ˜ œ”ŠǰȱŘŖŖřǼǯȱž•ȱ ˜–Ž—ǰȱŠœ”Žȱ˜ȱŒ‘˜˜œŽȱ‘Ž’›ȱ˜ —ȱŠ—ȱ–Ž—Ȃœȱ’ŽŠ•ȱ of a woman’s body, in both cases usually choose the slimmer than average body build. Men, on the other hand, in such tasks choose an average build (Buss, 2004). Moreover, women, in comparison with men, are more critical in evaluating their ˜ —ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœǰȱœŽŽ–ȱ˜ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ•ŽœœȱœŠ’œŠŒ’˜—ȱ›˜–ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ˜ —ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›-ance and more often worry about being critically judged (Sabini, 1995; Baron, By-rne, 1997; Buczkowski, 2005). The results of research prove that sexual orientation  Šœȱ—˜ȱ˜ž—ȱ˜ȱ‹ŽȱŠȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱŸŠ›’Š‹•Žȱ’—ȱ–Ž—Ȃœȱ™Ž›ŒŽ™’˜—œȱ˜ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœǯȱ TheŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœ ›Š’—œȱ’ŸŽ—ȱ‹¢ȱ‘˜–˜œŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ—ȱ‹’œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ Ž›Žȱœ’—’ę-cantly lower than those of heterosexual women. Sexual orientation may therefore ‹Žȱ›Ž•ŽŸŠ—ȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ™Ž›ŒŽ™’˜—ȱ˜ȱŽ–Š•ŽȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ‹¢ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱǻŠœ‘ǰȱ’Ž•–Š—ǰȱ Hussey, 2005).

‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŒ‘Š—Žœǰȱ›Žœž•’—ȱ›˜–ȱ‹’˜•˜’ŒŠ•ȱŠŽ’—ǰȱ–Š¢ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ‘Žȱ•ŽŸŽ•ȱ˜ȱ œŽ•ȬŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—ŽœœȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ of the so-called double standard of ageing, i.e. more critical judgement of physical symptoms of ageing in the case of women than in men (Matlin, 1996; Lips, 2005). This phenomenon is connected with a common social tendency to value women ’—ȱŽ›–œȱ˜ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽ—Žœœȱ˜›ȱ–Ž—ȱǻ’™œǰȱŘŖŖśǼǯȱŽ’—ȱ ˜–Ž—ǰȱ ’‘ȱ ‘ŽȱŠ™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱœ¢–™˜–œȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŠŽ’—ȱ™›˜ŒŽœœȱǻŽǯǯȱ ›’—”•Žœǰȱ grey hair, farsightedness), may experience not only losing their feminity, but also losing their own value as a human being. The same physical changes occurring in men are treated as a natural process, they are acceptable or even believed to be dig-nifying or symbolizing maturity. Maturity is, however, a commonly desired feature ’—ȱ–Ž—ȱȮȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽȱ˜ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ’ȱ’œȱ–Ž›Ž•¢ȱ˜—Žȱ˜ȱŽ—Ž›Ȭ›Ž•Š¡Žȱ™›ŽœŒ›’™’˜—œǰȱ‘Šȱ is a feature socially desirable but at the same time the lack of which in women is easily ‘forgiven’ (Prentice, Carranza, 2002). In turn, for the sexual behaviors and satisfaction of gay men in late adulthood an important factor is self-evaluation of œŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ‹’•’¢ǯȱ‘’œȱŠŒȱŒŠ—ȱ‹Žȱ›Ž•ŠŽȱ˜ȱ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ’—ĚžŽ—Œ’—ȱ‘ŽȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ŽĜŒ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ˜ȱ–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱŠŽǯȱ‘ŽœŽȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ’—Œ•žŽȱ•˜—Ž›ȱ’–Žȱ˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱŠ›˜žœŠ•ȱ and refraction as well as grater need for stimulation (Schulz, Ewen, 1993; Smolak, 1993; Turner, Helms, 1994; Lew-Starowicz, 2004). As it was mentioned before, men have weaker ejaculation. There is a greater percentage of men who experience erec-’˜—ȱ™›˜‹•Ž–œȱǻ—˜ȱŽ›ŽŒ’˜—ȱ˜›ȱ™Š›’Š•ȱŽ›ŽŒ’˜—Ǽǯȱ‘Žȱ›Žœž•œȱ˜ȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱǻŽ›•–žĴŽ›ǰȱ


Hall, 1992) demonstrate that already in men in their thirties symptoms of penis’ ageing can be noticed such as hardening and loss of elasticity of blood vessels. Due to the fact that the mechanism of erection depends on the condition of blood vessels ‘ŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱ–Ž—’˜—ŽȱŒ‘Š—Žœȱ–Š¢ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱŠȱ—ŽŠ’ŸŽȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ’–Žȱ˜ȱ›ŽŠŒ‘ȱ erection and its durability.

ž––’—ȱž™ȱ‘ŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱ–Ž—’˜—Žȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ›Žœž•œǰȱŠȱœ›˜—ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-ual behaviors on sexž––’—ȱž™ȱ‘ŽȱŠ‹˜ŸŽȱ–Ž—’˜—Žȱ›ŽœŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ›Žœž•œǰȱŠȱœ›˜—ȱ’—ĚžŽ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱœŽ¡-ual satisfaction of subjects under study has to be emphasized. This fact is in agreement with the results of other research projects, in which it was also found that sexual functioning was strongly correlated with sexual sat-isfaction such that a greater degree of functioning was related to greater sexual satisfaction (Pujols, Meston, Seal, 2010). Moreover, in the discussed period of life —˜ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ ˜–Ž—ȱ Ž›Žȱ˜ž—ȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›—’—ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ ‹Ž‘ŠŸ’˜›œȱȮȱž—•’”Žȱ‘ŽȱŽœŒ›’‹ŽȱŽŠ›•’Ž›ȱœŽ¡ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœȱ›Ž•ŠŽȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜—’’˜—œȱ˜ȱ these behaviors. Discussing the question of sexuality in late adulthood it also has to be emphasized that in many cultures (among others in Polish) there is still a ste-›Ž˜¢™Žȱ˜ȱŠ—ȱ˜•Ž›ȱ™Ž›œ˜—ȱŠœȱŠœŽ¡žŠ•ǰȱž—ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱŠ—ȱ ’‘˜žȱŠ—¢ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ—ŽŽœȱ ǻŠ“­ŒȬŠ–™Š›œ”ŠǰȱŘŖŖŞDzȱ ›Š‹˜ œ”ŠǰȱŘŖŖşǼǯȱ˜–Žȱ™Š›œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœ˜Œ’Ž¢ȱœ’••ȱ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽȱ that in old age sexual activity is neither necessary nor possible. Stereotypically old-Ž›ȱ™Ž˜™•ŽȱŠ›ŽȱŽœŒ›’‹ŽȱŠœȱŠœŽ¡žŠ•ǰȱž—ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽǰȱ‘ŠŸ’—ȱ—˜ȱœŽ¡žŠ•ȱ—ŽŽœǰȱ ‘Ž›ŽŠœȱ their sexuality evokes pity, repugnance, laughter or even contempt (Lips, 2005). What is interesting, the same sexual behaviors undertaken by young people are described as a ‘sign of vitality’, whereas in case of older people they are, according to the studied subjects, a ‘sign of lust’ (Lips, 2005). Sexuality is also associated with ¢˜ž‘ȱŠ—ȱ’œȱŠĴ›’‹žŽœȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱœ•’–ǰȱ Ž••Ȭ‹ž’•ȱ‹˜¢ǰȱœ–˜˜‘ǰȱ‘ŽŠ•‘¢ȱœ”’—ȱ˜›ȱ˜˜ȱ ™‘¢œ’ŒŠ•ȱꝗŽœœȱȮȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœœ˜Œ’Š’˜—œȱ•ŽŠȱ˜ȱ™Ž›ŒŽ’Ÿ’—ȱ˜•Ž›ȱ™Ž˜™•Žȱǻ ‘˜ȱ•ŠŒ”ȱ‘ŽœŽȱ ŠĴ›’‹žŽœǼȱŠœȱŠœŽ¡žŠ•ȱǻ¢ŽǰȱŗşŝşǼǯȱœȱ’ȱ ŠœȱŠ•›ŽŠ¢ȱ–Ž—’˜—Žǰȱ‘Žȱœ’žŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ ˜•Ž›ȱ‘˜–˜œŽ¡žŠ•ȱ™Ž›œ˜—œȱ–Š¢ȱ‹ŽȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ’ĜŒž•ȱœ’—ŒŽȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ›Žȱ•’”Ž•¢ȱ˜ȱœžěŽ›ȱ from a double stigma: from homophobia and ageism. It was found that many older homosexual persons have not publicly revealed their sexual preference. They may experience additional stress due to a perceived need to hide their sexual orientation (McDougall, 1993), and this in turn may result in a decreased satisfaction from be-ing sexually active in late adulthood.


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