SURVEY OF LITERATURE 1952—1953 383 This article deals with the question of process and forms concer-ning the transition from the s.c. slavery system to the feudal sy-stem. It has in fact been written to supplement an article by E. M. S t a j e r m a η under the title: Problemu padienija rabovladiel-ceskogo stroją (Yestnik Drevnej Istorii No. 2 (1953) p. 51—79) con-cerning the same subject. The article deserves attention of the papyrologists because it makes use to a large extent of papyrolo-gical material. His remarks on the slavery papyri of the VI cent, are also noteworthy.
E d u a r d o V o l t e r r a, Su tavoletta accadica proveniente da Ras Samrah (Estr. Acad, nazionale dei Lincei, Red. di Classe di sc. mor. stor. e filol., Estr. dal. fasc. 7—12, Serie VIII, vol. VII, 1952).
E m i l e S z l e c h t e r , L'affranchissement en droit sumêro-accadien (Extrait de la Revue "Archives d'Histoire du Droit Oriental et Revue internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité", I, 125—196). J o s e p h K l i m a , La posizione degli schiavi seconda le nuove leggi
pre-hammurapiche (Estr. dagli Studi in onore di V. Arangio-Ruiz, vol. IV, 225—240).
These three dissertations which deal with the law of slavery and are undoubtedly very interesting for the papyrologists, will be dis-cussed by K l i m a in his report concerning the cuneiform law.
R. T a u b e n s c h l a g , Miscellanea papirologica (Aegyptus X X X I I , p. 459—465).
This article is devoted to the δίκη καρπού and to the question in what manner the Greco-Egyptian law protects the proprietor of the ground against someone who intends to build or who has already built on that ground. The problem in what manner this law pro-tects the proprietor who intends to build on his ground and is impe-ded by someone, is also dicussed.
C a r l o A l b e r t o M a s с h i. Proprietà divisa per piani, super-ficie e Гestensione ai provinciali del principia "supersuper-ficies solo