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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. August 19 and 26


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B.—A P P L IE D C H E M IS T R Y AUG. 19 and 26, 1932.*


Drying in the chem ical industry. C. J. Sn ijd e r s

(Chem. Weekblad, 1932, 2 9 , 422—434).—A review of

available methods. H. F. 6 .

Automatic control in the chemical industry.

C. Spa d o n (L’Ind. Chimica, 1932, 7 , 288—297).—A review of available methods and instruments for auto­

matic recording and regulation of temp., pressure, humidity, e tc , and of various industrial applications.

H. F. G.

Automatic operation of valves in the chemical industry. C. H. S. Tu pho lm e (Chem. & In d , 1932, 4-87—489).—The construction and operation of typical automatic valves arc described and their industrial

applications discussed. H. E. B.

Graphical treatment of the separation of solids by dissolution and crystallisation. E. A. Gugg en­

h e im and W. H. Ca m p b e l l (J.S.C.I, 1932, 5 1 , . 161—

169 t).—The graphical treatment described has the advantage th at not only the composition but also the quantities of the various phases involved can be read directly from the diagrams. An instrument is described which enables the geometrical constructions to be performed with ease and rapidity. The method is illustrated with reference to the separation of mixtures of alkali salts.

Granulometric test for [filter] sand. C. M.

Wic k e r s and E . J a c o b s (J . Amer. Water Works’

Assoc, 1932, 2 4 , 705—715).—The surface area of the grains contained in a unit vol. of compact sand and the vol. of the voids per grain of compact sand are suggested as more suitable criteria for the grading of sands for filtration purposes than the usual “ effective size ” and “ uniformity coeff.” Methods of determining the

required data are given. C. J .

Foundations for self-supporting towers. C. 0.

Sandstrom (Chem. & Met. E n g , 1932, 3 9 , 270—272).—

A method of designing the foundations of such towers for absorption or fractionating purposes is given.

D. K. M.

Combination of trisodium phosphate with other chem icals in water softening. F. Kjroemer (Chem.- Z tg, 1932, 56 , 411—412).—Na3P 0 4 is relatively costly as a softening agent. An economy may be effected by returning part of the blow-down water to the feed, and pretreating with CaO. Whether such a procedure is economical or not depends on circumstances. NagP0 4

treatment may also be combined with the usual Na2C03- CaO purification, which must not be carried too far or the especial advantage of the Na3P 04 is lost. The latter may then be added in a special vessel with filter,

in the feed-water heater, or in the boiler. The last is not recommended. It may be advisable to return condensate water through the Na3P 0 4-treatment vessel as the ppt. carries down any oil. C. I.

V essels for gas-liquid reactions. B. Kra m er

(Chem. & Met. E ng, 1932, 3 9 , 262).—A description of a vessel in which C02 is blown through aq. Na phenoxide or cresoxide is given. D . K. M.

Nom ographic solution of hum idity conversions.

D . S. Da v is (Chem. & Met. E n g , 1932, 3 9 , 256—257).—

A nomographic chart for relative-abs. humidity con­

versions is given. D . K. M.

V iscosity determinations using sm all quantities of m aterials. 0. Me r z (Farben-Ztg, 1932, 37, 1191—1192).—Working details and bibliographic refer­

ences of 30 well-known forms of viscosiineter of the capillary, falling-sphere, air-blast, and rotation types are tabulated, with special reference to the amount of material used per determination. The Yogel-Ossag capillary-viscosimeter (using 15 c.c. of material) is illustrated and described in detail. S. S. W.

Extraction of liquids.—See II. CC12F 2.—See III.

Frit-m elting furnaces.—See VIII. Ni-clad steel plate or rubber for equipment.—See XIV. Tan­

ning extraction.—See XV.

See also A , July, 713, Light-absorption m easure­

m ents. D ialysis sacs etc. from cellulose.

Pa t e n t s.

Furnace. W. Isaacs and E. E. McVe y (U.S.P.

1,831,354, 10.11.31. Appl, 19.4.29).—In a regenerative furnace, instead of the wall between the air and gas passages being common to the two, two walls are pro­

vided, maintained apart by, e.g., pierced joists.

B. M. V.

Fluid heater. G. B. Cook, Assr. to Sta nd a r d Oil

De v e l o p m e n t Co. (U.S.P. 1,832,449, 17.11.31. Appl, 28.3.30).—Two exactly similar zig-zags of tubes in a combustion chamber are operated in parallel.

B. M. V.

Heaters or coolers having w alls constituting therebetween a chamber or chambers for the heating or cooling agent. Plate heat-exchange elem ents for heaters or coolers. D . W. Be r l in

(B.P. 290,868 and Addn. B.P. 373,454, [a] 18.8.27,

[b] 22.6.31).—H eat exchangers are constructed of corrugated plates having the inner ridges deformed and spread in such a way that they interlock, enabling the apparatus to resist internal pressure. The inner fluid is permitted to flow both horizontally and verticallv.

B. M. V.

* T h e r e m a in d e r of t h i s s e t of A b s tr a c ts w ill a p p e a r in n e x t w eek’s issue.

7 0 7


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B ,

708 C l. I I .— Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

Refrigerant. C. Da n t s iz e n, Assr. to Ge n. El e c t r ic

Co. (U.S.P. 1,828,559, 20.10.31. Appl, 21.5.29).—The use of IIC02Me is claimed. L. A. C.

Grinding m ill. M. Tr e sc h o w, Assr. to F. L.

Sm id t h & Co. (U.S.P. 1,831,049, 10.11.31. Appl, 2.11.29).—In a tube mill a preliminary grinding chamber is separated from a final grinding chamber by a cooling chamber in which is a tube coil through the interstices of which the material, but not the grinding media, can pass. The cooling-H20 is supplied and exhausted through collars on a trunnion. B. M. V.

P u l p i n g [o f p a p e r s t o c k e t c .] , G. S. Wit ha m, JUN. (U.S.P. 1,831,042, 10.11.31. Appl, 14.12,27).—

Dry material to be pulped is fed continuously, without previous shredding, through an end of a rotating, perforated, cylindrical drum, having beater blades on the interior and dipping into a trough to the cylindrical wall of which it approaches closer in the direction of rotation, so th at pulp which passes through the perfora­

tions is swept over a weir at the rising side of the drum, B. M. V.

Centrifugal separators. H. W. Fa w c e t t (B.P.

373,117 and 374,549, [a] 11.11.30, [b] 26.3.31. [b] Addn. to B.P. 355,366; B , 1931, 952).—Additional methods of operating the nozzles for discharge of solid m atter are described. (Cf. B.P. 362,843 ; B , 1932, 2 1 2.)

B. M. V.

Apparatus for continuous clarification of liquids.

P. E. J. Gratam a (U.S.P. 1,831,170, 10.11.31. Appl, 14.7.30. H oll, 1.9.29).—In a cylindrical tank with conical bottom the liquid is caused to make several changes of vertical direction on its way from an axial feed well to a clear-outlet launder spaced both from the feed well and the wall of the tank. The first cylindrical baffle around the feed well is extended upwards to retain

froth. B. M. V.

Filter-press leaf. F. J. Ga in e r, E. H. Pa y n e, and W. Ba c h eld o r, Assrs. to Sta n d a rd Oil Co. (U.S.P.

1,830,994, 10.11.31. A ppl, 6.1.28).—The leaf comprises a no. of layers, or a moulded mass, of asbestos formed with passages for compression bolts and for perforated tubes for withdrawal of filtrate. The sheets or moulded mass are compressed at the edges of the leaf between plates by means of the bolts, but the sides are exposed

to the prefilt. B.M. V.

Evaporating apparatus. M. J. Ke r m e r, Assr. to Bu f fa l o Fo u n d ry & Ma c h in e Co. (U.S.P, 1,831,121,

10.11.31. Appl, 23.1.30).—The whole mass of vapour and liquor passes from the’ calandria to a column alongside comprising vapour- and salt-separating and salt-collecting chambers. B . M. V.

A p p a r a t u s f o r e v a p o r a t i n g l i q u i d [by e x h a u s t s t e a m ] . R. N. Eh r h a r t, Assr. to Ellio t t Co. (U.S.P.

1,831,233—4, 10.11.31. A ppl, 3.6.26).—In an exhaust system from a steam engine the temp, difference, usually 6—9°, between the cooling-II20 and the condens­

ate in a main condenser (/I) is rendered available for evaporation (to the extent of at least 3°) by the use, in (a), of two other condensers [B, D) operated at higher and still higher vac. by means of augmenters. Between B and D is a flash evaporating chamber (C). P art of the steam is not passed to A , but goes to B, which is

cooled by the min. quantity of raw II20, which, on account of the good heat transmission due to the high v ac, is raised nearly to the temp, of the steam. The H 20 passes to C, which is maintained at the lowest pressure and temp, of all, so th a t part of the H aO flashes into vapour and is collected from D as distilled H20. In (b) the raw H 20 is heated in a few special coils of small bore in the steam entrance of A and passes direct to C, the vapour therefrom going to D.

B. M. V.

Correction table for therm o-hydrom eters. M. A.

My e r s, Assr. to Scranton Gla ss In s t r u m e n t Co.

(U.S.P. 1,831,315, 10.11.31. Appl, 22.3.29).—In a hydrometer fitted with a thermometer in the bulb, a co-ordinate correction table having indicated sp. gr.

as abscissro and temp, as ordinates is inserted alongside the thermometer so th at the end of the column of Hg indicates the right ordinate. Preferably the readings represent the f.p. of a particular solution. B. M. V.

Dosage of substances. [Manufacture of tablets containing food colours, flavouring extracts, drugs, photographic chem icals, etc.] M. A. Sc h n e l-

l e r (U.S.P. 1,829,947, 3.11.31. Appl, 25.8.27. Re­

newed 1.4.31).—The tablets comprise the active material, a hygroscopic liquid component (e.g., glycerin, invert sugar syrup, aq. Na lactate), and a supporting mass of interlacing crystals of, e.g., Na, K, Mg, or Nil,, sulphate or chloride, Ca lactate, urea, glucose hydrate.

! . A. C.

[Chimney] fire-extinguishing com positions.

W . L. We d g e r and J. W . Edm a nd s (B.P. 375.350, 19.3.31. U.S., 24.3.30).—See U.S.P. 1,807,456; B , 1932, 85.

Protecting shields for burners of reversible regenerative furnaces [for glass etc.]. Ke y Gla ss­

w o r k s, Lt d., H. V. E. M. Re n n, and H. Wr ig h t (B.P.


Measuring properties of liquids. Pptn. of su s­

pended m aterials from gases. Gas an alysis.

Insulating m aterial.—Sec XI.

I I — F U E L ; G A S j T A R ; M IN E R A L O IL S.

Modern practice in coal cleaning. II. H. E.

Wallsom (Fuel E con, 1932, 7, 431—435 ; cf. B , 1932, 582).—Various trough washers are described.

Determ ination of nitrogen in coal and coke.

R. Lanzm ann (Arigew. Chem, 1932, 45, 376—377).—

The material is mixed with T e02, burned in a current of C02, and the gases are passed several times backwards and forwards over heated CuO before being measured

in the nitrometer. A. G.

Action of chlorine on coal. IV. Action of sol­

vents (contd.). II. Kayand A. McCu lloch (J.S.C .I, 1932, 51, 186—1 9 0 t; cf. B , 1932, 407).—Extraction of a chlorinated sub-metalignitous coal with CHC13 and the fractional separation of the extract with light petroleum and EtOH is described. The CHCI3 extract is infusible and appears to oxidise readily during extrac­

tion and recovery to produce CHCl3-insol. products.

This product loses volatile org. components which may or may not contain Cl. EtOH separates it into a


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

C t . II.—*Fo e l; Qa» ; Ta« ; M Inhkai v O i u j . 709

fusible and a non-fusible fraction. The EtOH extract is strongly coking but evolves HC1 on mild heat-treat- ment. A balance of elements indicates that hydrolysis and oxidation occur during extraction and recovery and modify the nature of the products. The extracts are contaminated with sol. inorg. substances produced by interaction of the Cl2 and the inorg. constituents of the coal. The production of these substances favours the retention of moisture in the chlorinated coal and assists hydrolysis of the material.

Agglutinating power of coal. E. R i e f f e l (Ann.

Chim. A nalyt, 1932, [ii], 14,245—253).—Various methods of determining this val. are compared and a modification of the Marshall-Bird method is described. 1 drop of glycerin is incorporated with 11 g. of sand (through a 300 and retained on 370 meshes per sq. cm. sieve) and the sand intimately mixed with 1 g. of coal ground to pass a 1225 meshes per sq. cm. sieve. The mixture is compressed under a load of 6 kg. in a porcelain crucible (37 mm.

high, top and bottom diam. 30 mm. and 16 m m , respec­

tively) for 20 sec. The surface of the button is covered with powder from a previous test and the crucible heated in a muffle furnace for 20 min. at 950“. The agglutinat­

ing val. of the coal is measured by the crushing strength of the Tesultant button and is determined by loading one pan of a Roberval balance with a continuous feed of Pb shot which is automatically cut off when the button, resting on the other pan and pressing against a fixed support, crushes. Results are given showing the order

of agreement of triplicate tests for different coals.

W. N.

Influence of oven width on carbonisation of coking coals. I. C. B . Marsonand H. V. A. Brisc oe

(Gas World, 1932, 96 ; Coking Sect, 56—60).—Recent developments in coke-oven construction in England, America, and on the Continent are reviewed : in all Countries the tendency is towards increased outputs obtained by the use of larger chambers, working at higher flue temp. The influence of high temp, on the quality and yields of by-products is briefly discussed ; high temp, appear to have an adverse influence on the by-product yields. Two Durham coals, one yielding

& special coke and the other a blast-furnace coke of average quality, have been coked in 2 0-, 18-, and 16-in.

ovens. The identity of the different batches of each kind of coal was proved by the usual analytical methods and by special tests. Cokes made in narrow ovens are smaller and more uniform in size than those from wider ovens ; narrow-oven cokes arc darker in colour ; coking in narrow ovens has no effect on the 2-in. or lf-in. shatter indices of the cokes, but the coke made from the average quality coking coals is more abradable if made in a narrow oven. The behaviour of the coke in combustion is not influenced by the width of oven, nor, apparently, are the bulk density, apparent sp. g r, and porosity.

C. B. M.

Coke and charcoal. Ignition process. XI.

Ignition in constant air flow. XII. Influence of [rate of] air current on ignition. XIII. Influence of ash on ignition. Y. Oshima and Y. Fpkoda (J. Soc. Chem. I n d , Japan, 1932, 35, 197—-199 b,

199—200B, 200— 2 0 1 b ; cf. B , 1931, 870).—XI. When coke or charcoal is heated in a const, current of air, evolu­

tion of II20 is complete at about 150°, ignition com­

mences at a higher tem p, and volatile matter is not evolved until a still higher temp, is attained. The volatile matter has thus no direct influence on the ease of ignition. The tem p-ignition loss curves indicate th a t there is an induction period during which the rate of combustion rises from zero to a max. v a l, the com­

bustion proper taking place at approx. this max. rate and being independent of tem p, except in so far as the evolution of volatile matter retards the supply of air to the C surface. Since the reaction between the C and

0 2 takes place almost instantaneously, the rates of combustion of various kinds of C should be the same at all temp, above the ignition temp. ; this is confirmed by experiment, if allowance be made for the varying reactiv­

ity of C towards COa. The higher the temp, of produc­

tion of the C, the higher the ignition temp, and the longer the induction period.

X II. Variation of the rate of air supply (between 120 and 24 c.c. per min.) does not alter the duration of the ignition period or the ignition te m p .; at any given rate the velocity of combustion above the ignition temp, is practically the same for all kinds of C.

X III. Ash exerts a-considerable influence on the combustion of C ; its removal from a coke reduced the ignition temp, by 1 0°, whilst with charcoal the ignition temp, was increased by about 100°. With all specimens except those of high-temp. coke, extraction of the ash causes a gradual increase of w t, presumably due to adsorption of 02 by the C, during the induction period.

The adsorption complex breaks down sharply at a certain temp., and normal combustion then sets in. The adsorp­

tion process cannot be regarded as one of ordinary or mol. adsorption, but rather as a type of activated adsorp­

tion. II. F. G.

Determ ination of phosphorus in coke. I. E x ­ traction of phosphorus from coke ash. A. H.

Ed w a r d s, C. B. Marson, and H. V. A. Brisc oe(J.S.C.I, 1932, 51, 179186 t).—Examination of 9 different methods for the determination of the P content of 57 different coke ashes shows that 7 of these methods give low results compared With those given by the remaining 2. Systematic examination of the residues normally rejected indicates th at these contain the missing P.

With most of the methods now in use either the P is not completely extracted from the ash or precautions taken to remove Ti also remove P. The following rapid method is recommended as the basis for a standard test.

The requisite quantity of the ash (0 • 1—1 g , according to its P content) is slowly digested in a P t crucible with 5 c.c. of HE and 10 c.c. of IIN 0 3. The solution is evaporated to dryness, but not ignited, and the digestion and evaporation are repeated with the same quantities of acids. 15 c.c. of H N 03, ¿1-2, are added to the residue, which is then evaporated to a low bulk. The solution is transferred to a beaker, diluted with H2 0 , boiled, and filtered. The filtrate is evaporated to 50 c.c, neutralised with aq. NH2, the ppt. just dissolved in cone, HNOj, 4 o.c. of excess HNOj are added, and the P is pptd. at 65° with NH4 molybdate and determined volumetrically. A more lengthy method, which may be used as a check or alternative, consist« in fusing the ash with fusion mixture, dissolving in HCi, baking to remove


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

7 1 0 Cl. I I . — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Min e r a l Oi l s.

S i02, and then determining the P as above. Blank tests must be made on all reagents. C. B. M.

Application of antioxygenic action to fire extinc­

tion : extinction of burning charcoal in presence of oxygen. C. Du f r a isseand R. Vie il l e f o s s e(Compt.

rend., 1932, 194, 206&—2070 ; cf. B , 1931, 573).—

Air charged with increasing amounts of vapour of P0C13 or CC14 was passed over burning charcoal, and the concn.

of 0», CO, and C02 in the outgoing gases was determined and plotted against the concn. of P0C13 or CC14. Results indicate, with increasing amounts of vapour, an increase in the concn. of 0 2, and a retention of part thereof in the burning charcoal, with a relative increase followed by decrease in CO. A definite antioxygenic effect is

inferred. C. A. S.

T re a tm e n t of oil-bearing san d s. K. K ellerm ann and A. Bock (Petroleum, 1932,28, No. 20,1—20).—The effect of interfacial tension in the 3-phase system (air, vapour, oil, and sand) present in such sands and the re­

moval of oil by treatment with aq. NaHC03 are discussed.

Measurement of the crit. solution temp, of mixtures of MeOH or EtOH with vac.-distillation fractions from an oil indicated rapid changes of the crit. solution temp, with change in proportion of the constituent already present in excess in the mixture and, in general, the presence of a max. val. The surface tensions of the oil fractions (as measured by the bubble method) and the inter­

facial tensions of the oil-H20 mixtures (measured in the stalagmometer) are reduced by mixing with small amounts of MeOH or EtOH. The partition coeff. of the alcohols between H 20 and the oil is shown to decrease with increase of b.p. of the fractions. Application of the results to the separation of oil from oil-bearing sands shows th at by passing aq. solutions of MeOH or EtOH through the sand-NaHC03 mixtures at 50—75°, a more rapid and efficient separation is effected than by the use

of aq. NaHC03 alone. H. E. B.

Laboratory apparatus for the continuous extrac­

tion of liquids by low-boiling solvents. R. T.

L eslie (Bur. Stand. J. R es, 1932, 8, 591—599).—

Apparatus for the continuous extraction of petroleum with liquid S 02 on the countercurrent principle is described with reference to scale drawings. Glass and metal modifications of the apparatus are illustrated.

A. R. P.

Refining cracked gasoline from cracking par- affinic residues of petroleum from Grozni oilfield.

P. Vuibo ro v and A. Vuiboro va (Azcrbaid. Neft. Choz, 1932, No. 1, 76—86).—The raw distillate is preferably treated with conc. NaOH solution before acid refining and after redistillation in pipe stills. Distillates low in S are preferably refined by : acid, H20, NaOH, H20, redistillation, “ doctor” treatment, H20. Ch. Abs.

Phosphorus pentoxide as refining agent for m otor spirit. B. Malishf.v (Petroleum, 1932, 28, No. 17,7—10).—The action of P206 on cracked distillates gives a colourless, but not colour-stable, distillate liable to gum, but mixtures of P205 and metal halides (e.g., CuCl2) or org. oxy-compounds (COPh2, oxidised mineral oil, bitumen, oxidised asphalt) produce a colourless, colour-stable, and gum- and acid-free distillate. The action is considered to depend on

condensation of unstable constituents of the oil. P205 in proportions of 0-5—2 - 0 wt.-% of crude spirit is generally required and the amount of metal halides or oxy-compounds required varies according to conditions (e.g., up to 3 wt.-% of spirit with oxidised asphalt).

The applications to continuous and discontinuous refining process are discussed and compared with other methods. The product does not require neutralisation, but may require removal of H2S. H3P 04 (convertible into fertiliser), kerosene, and lubricating oil fractions may be obtained from the residues containing also the

residual reagent. H. E. B.

Preparation of m otor fuel. Stajídard-I. G. Ges. (Petroleum, 1932,28, No. 19,14—16).—Heavy mineral oil is converted into motor fuel conforming to the A.S.T.M.

specifications (without special mixing with low-b.p.

petroleum fractions) by heating at 425—485° with H2 under pressure (e.g., 2 0 0 atm.) in a tube furnace and passing the mixture into a reaction chamber containing a catalyst (e.g., W 03 containing MgO). The resultant mixture is heated to 510—540° and passed through a second catalyst chamber or series of chambers and thence to condensers. The product is distilled. Supple­

mentary H2 may be passed into the reaction chambers.

Results obtained with a crude West Texas oil are briefly described; an 80% yield of motor fuel of good anti-knock properties and stable to light was obtained.

H. E. B.

Automobile lubricating oils. C. Eh l e r s (Petrol­

eum, 1932, 28, No. 19 ; Motorenbetr, 5, 2—4).—The results of tests on oils subjected to running conditions for various distances are compared with laboratory tests to show that the author’s “ gumming index ” and

“ carbonising index ” (effect of 02 for 5 hr. a t 170°) correctly assess the relative practical lubricating val.

High vals, of the gumming index in the tests as applied to compounded oils containing fatty oils are due to the presence of solid fatty acids in the residues obtained.

H. E. B.

Influence of various hydrocarbons, especially of the unsaturated (olefines) and arom atic type, on the illum inating power of lamp oils. II.

N. Da n á il a and (Mm e.) V. Z. Sto enescu (Petroleum, 1932,28, No. 17,1—4; cf. B , 1930,175).—Aromatic and olefinic hydrocarbons were extracted from two medium- quality (Campiña and Baicoi) and two inferior (Moreni and Bustenari) lamp oils, the residues mixed in various proportions, and the illuminating power (Hefner units) of the mixture was determined. The effect of refining on the illuminating power (I.P.) was also studied. The I.P. increased to a max. with increasing proportion of aromatic hydrocarbons up to an optimum percentage.

The oil residues (free from aromatic and olefinic hydro­

carbons) had smaller I.P. than the unrefined oils and synthetic mixtures. Refining with 1-5 and 3% of 98% H aS 04 produced increased I .P , probably due to the larger proportionate removal of tarry constituents.

Refining with floridin, trass, or Akronite had little effect on the I .P , but the use of liquid S 02 with the inferior oils gave increased I.P. compared with th a t of the unrefined oils. The conclusions are briefly discussed with respect to the quality of Rumanian lamp oils.

H. E. B.


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. II.— Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 7 1 1

Determ ination of carbon disulphide in benzene.

T. Calla n, J. A. R. He n d e r so n, and N. St r a ffo r d

(J.S.C.I, 1932, 5 1 , 193—194 t).—The reaction between NHEt3 dietlivldithiocarbamatc and Cu salts (cf. A , 1930, 53) has been adapted to the colorimetric deter­

mination of CS2 in C6H6 and other org. liquids. Solu­

tions of N IIE t2 in purified C0H6 and of Cu(OAc) 2 in EtOH are added to the liquid under test, and the mixture is diluted to a definite vol. with EtOH. The colour obtained is matched against standard comparison solutions containing known amounts of CS2. The method will detect 1 pt. of CS2 in 106 of C6HG. Thiophen does not interfere.

Gas-liquid reactions.—See I. Determining phenols.—See III. Tar for roads.—See IX. Her­

bage near coke ovens.—See XVI.

See also A , July, 701, Pyrolysis of C2H6 and C2H4.

703, Hydrogenation of adsorbed ethylenic hydro­


Pa t e n t s.

D istillation of coals. W. E. Tr e n t (B.P. 372,805, 11.11.30).—The pulverised coal is mixed with a regulated supply of air and blown through a chamber wherein part is burned and the remainder carbonised by the heat produced. The gases and suspended particles are passed through a separator, whence a determined proportion of the finely-divided solid is removed with the gases for use as a composite fu e l; the remaining particles settle and are removed for use as a solid fuel.

A. B. M.

Apparatus for distilling solid carbonaceous m aterial. R. L. Me r r il l, Assr. to Me r r il l Su p e r- Po w e r Sy s t e m, In c. (U.S.P. 1,828,781, 27.10.31. Appl, 25.2.26).—The material is fed to a horizontal rotary retort by a screw conveyor operating within a horizontal casing projecting into one end of the retort, and is conveyed through the latter by means of screw blades attached to its interior surface. The body of the retort is enclosed in a combustion chamber heated by oil or gas burners. The retort is also heated by means of an electrical core heater which extends longitudinally down the centre thereof. The coke and other products of distillation are discharged into a tower from the bottom of which the coke is withdrawn after being quenched, and from the top of which the volatile products are passed to the condensers and purifiers etc.

A. B. M.

Apparatus for carbonising coal. R . L . Ro d g ers, Assr. to Ch a r c o l it e Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,826,573, 6.10.31.

A ppl, 27.2.22).—A vat filled with molten material, e.g., a mixture of CaCl2 and NaCl, contains a series of narrow, rectangular carbonising chambers. The vat can be heated from below by means of a combustion chamber and suitably arranged flues. The carbonising chambers have removable covers and end doors, so that they can be charged through the top and, when car­

bonisation is complete, discharged by pushing in the

usual manner. A. B. M.

M ulti-stage low-temperature coke apparatus.

H . C. Ho l t h o f f, Assr. to B. S. Th a y e r (U.S.P. 1,827,199, 13.10.31. Appl, 23.5.27).—The coal is passed succes­

sively through a drying and preheating unit (A ), a

retort (B) in which its temp, is raised to slightly below the agglomeration point, and a muffle (C) in which carbonisation is completed. A consists of an inclined housing containing a screw conveyor and is externally heated by waste gases. B is stationary and horizontal and contains a hollow rotor carrying a spiral conveyor.

Hot gases from a burner are passed through the rotor and thence to the flues of A . The coal falls from the end of B through a vertical passage on to an endless conveyor which carries it through 0 ; the last-named is externally heated. The hot gases from C pass through flues surrounding B in which the preceding stage of the

process is carried out. A. B. M.

Vertical chamber fcoke] oven. Cl Otto (U.S.P.

1,827,328, 13.10.31. Appl, 7.12.25. Ger, 20.1.25).—

The vertical oven chambers alternate with heating walls having either horizontal or vertical flues. The regenera­

tors are arranged on one side only of the oven chambers.

Between each heating wall and the corresponding regenerators are two vertical channels connecting the upper ends of the regenerators with the heating flues.

The flues of two or more heating walls are connected by horizontal cross-channels so th at the regenerators for supplying air and gas arc connected with an equal no.

of waste-heat regenerators. A. B. M.

Apparatus for drawing off gases b y suction in chamber ovens. C. St il l (B.P. 373,092, 16.3.32.

Luxemburg, 16.3.31).—The volatile products of distilla­

tion are withdrawn through tubes connected with ducts formed in the interior of the charge. A suitable design for the collecting chamber provided in the oven roof at the top of each tube is described. A. B. M.

Manufacture of coke with sim ultaneous produc­

tion of petrol, light oils, and other by-products.

L. Ve r t u (B.P. 372,561, 13.5.31).—Coking coal, anthra­

cite, or pulverised coke is mixed with 12—15% of fuel oil (mazout residues) of d 0 • 920—0 • 940 and destructively distilled at the usual temp. Coking takes place in a shortened time and petrol, Diesel oil, etc. distil off. The heavier liquid fractions obtained may be mixed with

fresh coal and re-treated. R. N. B.

Treatment of am m onia liquors obtained from carbonisation of coal. T. Co x o n, and Im p e r ia l Ch e m. In d u s t r ie s, Lt d. (B.P. 372,801, 11.2.31).—Gas liquor is steam-distilled and the steam subsequently used in processes, e.g., the manufacture of producer gas, involv­

ing temp, sufficiently high to decompose the noxious compounds removed from the liquor. The waste liquor can afterwards be disposed of in any convenient

manner. A. B. M.

Gas producer. F . II. Tre a t, Assr. to Du f f Paten ts

Co, In c. (U.S.P. 1,826,156, 6.10.31. Appl, 12.11.26).—

The producer, the body of which is stationary, is pro­

vided with a water-sealed, rotary ash pan. Water is supplied to the ash pan in any convenient manner and the excess removed by a central overflow below a ribbed cone which by its rotation loosens the ashes and facili­

tates their discharge into the pan. T h e removal of the ashes from the pan is effected by means of stationary ploughs and scrapers. Blast tuyères project radially into the producer above the level of the ash pan.

A. B. M.


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

7 1 2 Cl. X I.— Fu e l; Ga s; Ta r; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

Gas purification. H. F. Sm it h, Assr. to Gas

Re se a r c h Co. (U.S.P. 1,829,068, 27.10.31. Appl, 14.10.26).—An apparatus for purifying producer gas etc. comprises an outer and an inner cylinder, the latter being made of perforated metal and covered with a woollen sleeve through which the gas is filtered.

Before admitting the gas to be purified a quantity of finely-divided charcoal is introduced into the apparatus and the exhauster is started so that the flow of gas carries a layer of the charcoal on to the woollen sleeve to form a filtering layer which prevents subsequent clogging of the fabric with tar fog. The layer may be renewed

as required. A. B. M.

Pitch com position and its manufacture. S. P.

Mi i.i,e r, Assr. to Ba r r e t tCo. (U.S.P. 1,826,428, 6.10.31).

—Coal-distillation gases are passed while hot through an electrical precipitator in such a manner as to separate therein a pitch of high m .p, which is withdrawn and while still hot is mixed continuously with coal tar in such proportions as to give a homogeneous product suitable for use as a fuel, or for road construction etc.

A. B. M.

Treatm ent [cracking] of oils. C. P . Du b b s, Assr.

t o Un iv e r s a l Oil Products Co. (U .S .P . 1,828,398, 20.10.31. Appl, 17.2.21).-—In the starting up of a cracking plant, the raw' oil is continuously circulated through a cracking coil and expansion chamber by a

pump. D. K. M.

Cracking of oil. G. Eg l o f f, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l

Oil Products Co. (U.S.P. 1,821,747, 1.9.31. Appl, 9.5.25. Renewed 10.3.31. Cf. U.S.P. 1,537,593; B , 1925, 951).—The reflux from the dephlegmator is returned to its own heating coil, in which the temp, and/or pressure may be different from that (those) in the main coils, and thence to the expansion chamber. At any point between the entry pipe to the expansion chamber and the receiver a vac. may be maintained.

D. K. M.

Cracking of m ineral oils. A. E. Pe w, j u n, and H. Thom as, Assrs. to Scn Oil Co. (U.S.P. 1,825,976—7, 6.10.31. Appl, [a] 9.11.27, [b] 18.8.28).—The oil is cracked under pressure at just below its crit. temp, in a series of coils heated by vapours, e.g., Hg, condensing at a definite pressure on each coil according to the heat required to be transferred to the oil. D. K. M.

Cracking of petroleum oil. A. I). Da v id, Assr.

t o Un iv e r s a l Oil Products Co. (U.S.P. 1,827,073, 13.10.31. Appl, 7.2.23. Renewed 14.9.2S).—The reflux (which is recracked) from the dephlegmation of cracked petroleum oil preheats the raw oil and also the pressure distillate formed by condensing the vapours from the dephlegmator, this condensation being partly effected by the further preheating of the pressure distillate which is redistilled under atm. pressure. D. K. M.

Cracking of petroleum oil. G. Eg l o f f, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oil ProductsCo. (U .S .P . 1,828,362,20.10.31.

Appl, 14.12.25. Renewed 12.8.30).—When petroleum oil, e.g., Mexican gas oil, is about half vaporised at 427—154°/150 lb. per sq. in. and the vapours are super­

heated to 649—704°/150 lb. per sq. in , gaseous defines

are produced. D. K. M.

Activation of fuller’s earth and the like [in the cracking of petroleum ], H. L. Pe l z e r, Assr. to Sin c l a ir Re f in in g Co. (U.S.P. 1,831,635, 10.11.31.

Appl, 16.4.27).—The earth is dehydrated and activated by heating it under pressure with the oil to be cracked.

On further raising the temp, and pressure, cracking of the oil takes place and the process is maintained by continuous addition of fresh oil and removal of the pitch-laden heavy oil which retains most of the S in

the original oil. A. R . P.

Treatment [cracking] of hydrocarbons. C. P.

Du b b s, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oil Products Co. (U.S.P.

1.827. Appl, 30.10.20. Renewed 18.1.29).

•—The cracking apparatus consists of a battery of stills each with its own condenser and receiver. The pressure on the condenser and receiver is maintained at the required v a l, e.g., 90 lb. per sq. in , by means of a header (for incondensable gas) connected to each receiver; th at on the stills is kept at the required val, e.g., 1 0 0 lb. per sq. in , by automatically pumping sas, e.g., natural gas, into the stills from a common

header. ' D. K. M.

Treatm ent [cracking] of hydrocarbons. J. D.

Se g u y, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oil Products Co. (U.S.P.

1,827,915, 20.10.31. A ppl, 25.2.27).—Hydrocarbon oil is mixed with absorbent material, e.g., fuller’s earth (5—50 lb. per barrel), and cracked and the product is separated into light hydrocarbons, unconverted oil which is recycled, and a mixture of pitch and absorbent

earth. D. K. M.

Conversion of hydrocarbons. C. J. Pr a t t, Assr.

to Un iv e r s a l Oi l Produ cts Co. (U.S.P. 1,827,908, 20.10.31. Appl, 4.11.26).—In the cracking of hydro­

carbon oil, the vapours from a reaction chamber are cooled during their passage to a dephlegmator (-4) by indirect contact with the raw oil or distillate returned to A , the condensate formed flowing into the bottom

of A . D. K. M.

Conversion [cracking] of hydrocarbons. C'. P . Du b b s, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oil Products Co. (U.S.P.

1,829,637, 27.10.31. Appl, 24.7.18).—Raw oil is passed through a no. of cracking coils in series with decreasing diam , e.g., 1J in. to J in. Each coil is connected to its own vapour chamber, which is also connected to the adjacent coil and communicates with an air condenser.

These condensers deliver vapour to a common condenser.

A float-valve maintains the oil at a predetermined level in the vapour chambers, and another regulates the discharge with reduction of pressure of the residual oil from the last vapour chamber to a fractionator.

D. K. M.

Cracking of hydrocarbons. E. C. He r t h e i, and H . L. Pe l z e r, Assrs. to Sin c l a ir Re f in in g Co. (U .S .P . I,826,782, 13.10.31. A ppl, 11.6.27).—The reflux from a fractionating tower (A) into the top of which raw oil is pumped is carried to the top of a pipe extending from the bottom of a drum (B) and thence to a cracking coil (C) and back to B. The vapours pass into A , whilst the liquid is filtered through a bed of absorbent material, e.g., fuller’s earth, inside B and is recirculated through G while the pitch-laden oil on the top of the


B ritis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. II.— Fu e l; Ga s; Ta r; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 7 1 3

bed ia continuously discharged through a heat exchanger, thus preheating the raw oil. D. K. M.

Treatment of hydrocarbons. R. F. Da v is, Assr.

to Sta n d a r d Oil Co. o f Ca l if o r n ia (U.S.P . 1,829,213, 27.10.31. A ppl, 15.6.25).—Heavy hydrocarbon oil containing light paraffins, e.g., C H 4, C2H 6, C3Hg, etc, in solution and a catalyst, e.g., a metal acetate or formate or Ni(CO),,, in solution or suspension is cracked at about 400° in the liquid phase. The crude product is distilled to yield motor spirit, hydrocarbons too heavy for use as motor fuel (which are hydrogenated in the vapour phase with the gas formed during the cracking operation, yielding motor spirit and hydrocarbons, which are dissolved in a fresh heavy oil), and a residue,

which is recycled. D . K. M.

Decomposition of organic [hydrocarbon] m ate­

rials. R . J . D e a r b o r n , A ssr. to T e x a s Co. (U .S .P . 1,828,998, 27.10.31. A p p l , 22.4.26).—L iq u id h y d ro ­ ca rb o n , e.g., c ru d e p e tro le u m , o r a su sp en sio n of finely- d iv id e d o rg. m a te ria l, is p re h e a te d a n d p assed in to th e low er p a r t of a f r a c tio n a tin g c o lu m n (A) below t h e tr a y on w h ich th e re flu x is co llected . T h e re flu x is crack ed a t 426—540°/800—1000 lb. p e r sq . i n , a n d a f te r re d u c ­ tio n of p re s su re to 300600 lb. p e r sq . in . is m ixed w ith th e fresh c h a rg e fro m th e b o tto m of A a n d passed in to one o f a no. of in te rc o n n e c te d vessels (B ) in to w hich a ir is fo rc e d fo r th e p a r t ia l c o m b u s tio n of th e h y d ro c a r b o n s a n d c ra c k e d p ro d u c ts . T h e v a p o u rs fro m B p a ss th r o u g h A , a r e f u r th e r fr a c tio n a te d in a reflu x c o n d e n se r, a n d a r e th e n co n d en sed , y ie ld in g m o to r fuel, a ld e h y d e s, k e to n e s , f a t t y a c id s, o r p h en o ls, a c c o rd in g to th e c ra c k in g , p a r t ia l c o m b u s tio n , a n d fr a c tio n a tio n c o n d itio n s . D . K. M.

Operation of pressure stills [for cracking of hydrocarbon oils]. E. C. He r t iie l, Assr. to Sin c l a ir

Re f in in g Co. (U.S.P. 1,829,220, 27.10.31. Appl, 27.2.28).—Petroleum oil, e.g., gas oil, is circulated through a cracking coil (/I) and a drum (B) connected to a fractionating tower (C). The reflux from C flows into an auxiliary drum inside B, through an auxiliary cracking coil, and then joins the return liquid from A.

Raw oil is introduced into the main circulation pipe and/or about halfway up C. Liquid of the same character as the final product obtained by condensing the vapours from C, e.g., gasoline, or part of that product, is pumped into the top of C. D. K. M.

Apparatus for [fractional] condensation of hydro­

carbon vapours and the like. JVC. Sw an (U.S.P.

1,829,424, 27.10.31. A ppl, 25.3.29).—A horizontal tube (A) is divided into a no. of longitudinal sections, one for each fraction, by division plates. Attached to and below each section is a length of vertical tube forming a well (B). A refrigerant, e.g., liquid NH3, flows through jackets around the lower part of A and B and also through two horizontal pipes inside A passing through the division plates. The vapours are led to the bottom of B in the first section, emerging through perforations in the inlet pipe ; thence they bubble through the liquid already formed and the uncondensed vapours are carried by the exit pipe from the top of A to B in the next

section. D. K. M.

Treatment [cracking] of hydrocarbon o ils. G.

Eg l o ff and H . P . Be n n e r, Assrs. to Un iv e r s a l O n , Pro du cts Co. (U.S.P. 1,327,883, 20.10.31. Appl, 26.6.20. Renewed 29.5.28).—P art of the vapour gener­

ated by cracking oil, e.g., Kansas crude (d 0-859), in the lower of two stills mounted in the same furnace passes into the upper one in which it is superheated, and thence to a dephlegmator (the reflux being returned to the upper still) and condenser, yielding a light oil, e.g., of d 0-726; the rest of the vapour passes to a separate dephlegmator (the reflux being returned to the lower still) and condenser, yielding a somewhat heavier oil, e.g., of d 0-787. D. K. M.

Treatm ent [cracking] of hydrocarbon oil. R. T.

Pollock, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oil Pro du cts Co. (U.S.P.

I,828,440, 20.10.31. A ppl, 12.5.20).—Tlie raw oil is preheated by passing through ducts inside a de­

phlegmator. D. K. M.

Hydrocarbon oil conversion. C. J. Pr a t t, Assr.

to Un iv e r s a l Oil Products Co. (U .S .P . 1,827,107, 13.10.31. Appl, 13.5.25. Renewed 30.4.29).—The liquid from the heating coil flows downward in the reaction chamber through the coke that accumulates there, and then upward through an internal pipe to outlet pipes, thereby being freed from suspended solids.

D. K. M.

Hydrocarbon oil conversion. J. C. Mo r r e l l and W. F . Fa r a g h e r, Assrs. to Un iv e r s a l Oil Products

Co. (U.S.P. 1,827,899, 20.10.31. A ppl, 6.1.28).—The residue from the cracking of hydrocarbon oil is re­

cracked, light oil being produced and the fluidity of the

residue increased. D. K. M.

Treatment of hydrocarbon oil with m etallic halides. R. W. Ha n n a, Assr. to Sta n d a r d Oil Co.

o f Ca l if o r n ia(U.S.P. 1,803,670,5.5.31. Appl,22.1.27).

—A mixture of hydrocarbon oil and halide, e.g., A1C13, is heated to 260—370° under pressure and passed into a chamber (A) in which it remains for a period sufficient only for the vaporisation of a part of the light hydro­

carbons ultimately produced. The liquid from A is passed into a still operated under a vac. from which the remainder of the light hydrocarbons, unconverted oil, and unspent halide are vaporised and fractionally con­

densed, the unconverted oil with the halide in solution and fresh oil which is pumped into the fractionating tower being returned to the heating coil. A higher yield of light hydrocarbons and a lower yield of halide- coke sludge are obtained. D. K. M.

Treatm ent of heavy [hydrocarbon] oils for production of light oils by m eans of m etallic halides. W. H . Siiif f l e r, Assr. to St a n d a rd Oil Co.

o f Ca l if o r n ia (U .S .P . 1,819,006, 18.8.31. A ppl, II.8.26).—During the distillation with metallic halide, e.g., A1C13, the time of reaction is reduced and the yield increased by operating under 15 lb. per sq. in. pressure and a t a temp. 28—39° above th at adopted for atm.

distillation. D. K. M.

D ehydration of em u lsified o il. J. C. M o r r e l l , Assr. to U n i v e r s a l O i l P r o d u c t s Co. (U.S.P. 1,827,714, 13.10.31. A ppl, 5.12.29).—When a mixture of an emulsion of oil and H20 and a finely-divided metal or


S u p p l e m e n t l o j o u r n a l o j m e s o c i e t y o j ^ n e m i c a i i n d u s t r y . -u iii. l i t , i

B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

7 ! 4 Cl. II.— Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

alloy (1 0%) is submitted to the action of an a.c. at 550—33,000 volts, the emulsion is cut. The metal may be recovered by sedimentation and re-used.

D. K. M.

Production of hydrocarbons suitable for use as motor spirit. W . I. Jo n e s, and Im p e r ia l Ch e m. In d u s t r ie s, Lt d (B.P. 372,783, 11.2.31).—The fraction of the crude oil produced by the destructive hydrogen­

ation of coal boiling at 170—200°/atm. pressure and containing substantially all the phenolic constituents of the oil is submitted in the vapour phase, with or without the addition of hydrocarbon oil or hydrogenisable vapour, to the action of H2 and/or CO at 400—600°/^> 20 atm.

pressure in the presence of a hydrogenating catalyst,

e.g., Mo03. * D. K. M.

Manufacture of liquid unsaturated hydrocax bons of high m ol. w t. J . Y. John son. From I. G. Farb- En in d. A.-G. (B.P. 372,321, 2.2.31).—defines up to C5 are passed in the vapour state a t 40—300° (200°) over inorg. halides which volatilise at 100—800° ; liquid defines are formed. Chlorides, bromides, iodides, and fluorides of Al, Sn, Sb, Co, Zn, Cu, or Fe, alone, mixed, or supported on earners, may be used with a time con­

tact preferably of 1—65 sec. II. N. B.

Oil refining. C. L. Hen d er so n (U.S.P. 1,825,466, 20.10.31. A ppl, 12.8.27).—Hydrocarbon oil, mixed with

clean condensate produced in the cracking process, is heated to cracking temp, under pressure while flowing through a long coil at sufficient velocity to keep the C formed in suspension. The cracked oil is passed into the upper portion of an enlarged zone where the lighter cracked products are separated by distillation. The residual liquid is separately withdrawn a t a rate adequate to prevent accumulation thereof, the heavier constituents are removed by partial condensation, and the lighter products stripped therefrom by suddenly expanding it at low pressure into a flash chamber where vaporisation by the heat of the oil takes place, and from which a high grade of fuel oil can be withdrawn. H. S. G.

Refining of hydrocarbons. T. T. Gr a y, Assr. to Gray Pro cesses Co r p. (U .S .P . 1,825,861, 6.10.31.

A ppl, 23.4.29).—An unrefined hydrocarbon product is distilled in contact with Hg(OAc) 2 to sweeten sour S compounds and the vapours are brought into contact with a solid absorptive catalyst capable of polymerising

unstable hydrocarbons. fi. S. G.

Salvaging oil from sludge. H. C. Edd y, Assr. to Petr o leu m Re c t if y in g Co. o f Ca l if o r n ia (U.S.P.

1,826,276, 6.10-31. Appl, 28.12.26).—The sludge ob­

tained by passing petroleum emulsion through an electric field is passed upward through hot water, any solids present falling to the bottom of the vessel. The emulsion is withdrawn from the top and after the addition, if necessary, of a substance capable of modifying the interfacial tension of the emulsion particles, e.g., PhOH, sulphonated fatty acids, Ca oleate, and also, if necessary, some of the oil from the first electric field, it is passed through a second electric field from which clean oil is

obtained. D. K. M.

(a) Reclamation of contaminated o ils, (b) Treat­

ment of oils to remove suspended im purities, (c) Purification of oils. H. H. Mo reto n, Assr. to

O. B. En g l isc h and C. F. Cr a ig (U.S.P. 1,828,428—30, 20.10.31. A ppl, [a ] 18.2.28, [b, c] 8.10.28).—(a) Used crank-case oil is heated to remove volatile diluents and then filtered through a bed of finely-divided calcareous cement possessing the property of mechanically attract­

ing to it C particles suspended in the oil. (b) The oil is brought into contact with solid CaS04 (e.g., gypsum), the amount to be added depending on the size of the ppt. formed thereby, and finally filtered to remove solids, (c) A mechanical mixture of H2S 04 (1 gal.) with powdered S i02 (100 lb.) is mixed with a calcareous cement (100 lb.) substantially free of H20, sufficient of the mixture being used to bleach hydrocarbon oil and ppt. mechanically suspended solids ; the purified oil and solids are finally separated. H. S. G.

Removal of hydrogen sulphide from oils etc.

L . Ro s e n s t e in (U.S.P. 1,827,912, 20.10.31. A ppl, 16.4.27).—Hydrocarbon oil is brought into intimate contact with an aq. solution of Na2C03 and NaHC03 of 1 0 3—10~6 M . The solution containing extracted H20-sol. sulphides is removed, brought into contact with an oxidising agent in the presence of a minute quantity of catalyst, the liberated S removed, and the solution returned for re-treating further oil.

H. S. G.

Desulphurisation and purification of hydro­

carbon oil. J . C. Mo r r e l l, Assr. to Un iv e r s a l Oil

Products Co. (U.S.P. 1,827,537, 13.10.31. A ppl, 28.6.26).—Hydrocarbon vapours from the dephlegm­

ator of an oil-cracking plant are fractionated into

2 or more fractions each of which is separately treated with a desulphurising agent, e.g., aq. NaOH, absorbent earth, aq. Na plumbite, BaOs and H2S04, the heavier fractions requiring the more drastic treatment, and the purified fractions are mixed. D. K. M.

Degum m ing and stabilising hydrocarbon d is­

tillates. Gu l f Re f in in g Co, Assees. of D. R . St e v e n s

and C. R . Pay ne (B .P . 372,928, 28.4.31. U .S ., 7.5.30.

Addn. to B .P . 370,672 ; B , 1932, 587).—The yield of petrol is increased and the duration of the degumming operation reduced by adding to the hydrocarbon before it is degummed part of the residue (2—50% of the hydrocarbon) from the redistillation of cracked petrol distillates, especially that from degummed petrol.

D. K. M.

Manufacture of conversion products of higher paraffin hydrocarbons. A. Ca r p m a e l. From I. G.

Fa r b e n in d. A.-G. (B.P. 372,784—5, 6.2.31. Addn. to B.P. 343,948 and 367,545; B , 1931, 578; 1932, 589).—(a) When halogenated paraffins above C8 and containing <£ 9 Cl atoms per mol. are boiled under reflux with aq, caustic alkali or alkali carbonate a saturated product containing less Cl than originally is obtained; when heated with milk-of-lime a t 150—160°

for 1 0 hr. under pressure the product is unsaturated and has the character of a drying oil. (b ) The boiling with alkali is carried out in the presence of a Cu salt or the oxide or hydroxide of a metal (e.g.. Zn or Fe)

having 5-5 as catalyst. D, K. M.

Conversion of paraffins or other saturated hydrocarbons into ethylenic and acetylenic hydro­

carbons and into other chem ical products. Soc.


Powiązane dokumenty

lubricant, but it is only a t low speeds and high pressures th a t the benefit of the use of graphite is realised. The object of graphite lubrication is to obtain a

acids (1 :5 equilibrium mixtures) offers the simplest and quickest method for determining the availability of soil P, but several extractions w ith acids of

sulphide. 345,668, 18.11.29).—Precipitated titanium hydroxide is treated with a peptising agent, e.g., nitric or hydrochloric acid or barium chloride, and the

neutralised chromed hide powder from pure egg-yolk fat-liquors; it was all extractable with light petroleum and EtOH, and was increased as the amount of egg yolk used and

T reatm ent of hydrocarbons. of H aO, heated, and the agglutinated solid material is removed and added to a relatively large vol. Renewed 21.8.31).—Naphthene-containing

of wool for acid dyes is a stoicheio- metric relationship independent of the nature of the dye (cf. The general conclusion is drawn th a t whereas cotton dyeing is

Bleaching of kraft pulp. —Kraft pulp cannot be bleached to a good colour by single-stage hypochlorite bleaching without considerable chemical degradation and loss in

manganate, excess of the latter being removed by the addition of hydrogen peroxide solution. Phosphoric acid is now added, the excess of hydrogen peroxide being