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A handheld maintenance application for belt conveyors (summary)


Academic year: 2021

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Delft University of Technology

Faculty Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Transport Technology

W.M. de Gijt A handheld maintenance application for belt conveyors

Computer program, Report 2005.TL.6965, Transport Engineering and Logistics.

When an inspector performs an inspection usually also paper work has to be done. Nowadays many companies use a kind of CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System). Therefore all the paper work needs to be put in the system, that of course takes time.

The time problem raises a question: 'Is it possible to avoid the paper work?' The solution handled in this report is one of the possible solutions. The solution handled in this report is the usage of handheld devises which are able to store the inspection data digitally. This makes it easy to get the data in, for instance, a CMMS.

This report determines the needs of an application which makes it possible to store the data in a structured way. The most important requirement of such an application is that it must be flexible. Flexible in this case means that it must be possible to change input data. This requirement is fulfilled; it is even possible to use the application for a different object other than the belt of a belt conveyor.

As a result of this report a working demo of the application is prepared. The demo can be used in the field for extensive testing. The demo application however is not completely developed. Several minor things still need to be implemented.

The most important part which has not been implemented now is the location check with new and old damages. This will be a valuable upgrade of the application so an inspector will not miss a previous recorded damage.

Reports on Transport Engineering and Logistics (in Dutch)


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