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Experiences on its applications in Slovakia


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P O LITEC H N IK I ŚLĄ SK IEJ 2002 T R A N S P O R T z.45, nr kol. 1570

ITS, KAREN,MICroS, traffic control, motorway, management

T ib o r S C H L O S S E R 1


The paper is dealing with the situation of Intelligent Transportation Systems in Slovakia spotted on the new up-graded ITS application of Motorway Information and Control System in Bratislava. The paper is dealing with the specific steps on the field of ITS deployment in Slovakia. The goals of ITS Slovakia is defined and constitute the role of the ITS Strategic National Plan. This is done by creating the System and Organisational Architecture o f national ITS. The possible way is to show through the possibility of public private partnership. The general need of traffic information and its situation in Slovakia is described.

A possible way of the ITS Slovakia Association as a partner between public and private sectors on the field o f ITS activities in Slovakia is shown.


Ten referat powiązany ze stosowaniem Inteligentnego Systemu Transportowego na Słowacji oparty jest na unowocześnionej aplikacji 1ST - System Informacji i Sterowania Autostrady w Bratysławie.

Referat dotyczy określonych kroków na polu zastosowania inteligentnych systemów transportowych (ITS) na Słowacji. Celem słowackiego ITS jest zdefiniowanie i ustanowienie jego roli w Strategicznym Planie Narodowym. W ramach utworzonego systemu organizacyjnego możliwym staje się powołanie spółki z kapitałem prywatnym i publicznym.

1. IN T R O D U C T IO N

A t the beginning o f the new century, w hich is characterised by shifting o f the policy o f inform ation society the Central and Eastern E urope C ountries (CEEC) have no other p o ssibility to jo in to this phenom enon. T ransport and traffic is a good exam ple to create a space for this. T h e general aim is: to com pare the effort o f transport system s developm ent in C entral E urope C ountries together w ith the problem o f EU integration. T herefore our advantage o f C EEC region should be essential the declaration o f uniform access to the solving o f IS /IT for the ITS applications. T he area o f C entral E urope is so sm all, that in the case o f different ITS architecture in transition countries it w ould b e g et to negation o f the base advantage o f inform ation society [5].

T h e base thought o f inform ation society is to be connected, and w e know that the inform ation like uniform ity. O nly in this case w e can be inform ed during the m otion and we can b e p rofitable from the inform ation society spatially in transport needs. T he definition o f potential problem s rising from that base axiom are [7].

1 ITS Slovakia Association, Pri üajbâch 3, 831 06 Bratislava 35, Slovakia, schlosser@dopravoprojekt.sk


310 T ib o r SCH LO SSER

• In th e econom ic environm ent a lot o f sm all transition countries,

• D ifferent access to the transport policy o f each country and large asym m etry o f priority allocation in transport,

• S oft and too unequal econom ic background o f inform ation technology in transportation,

• A bsence o f sufficient accum ulation o f population on the forw arded start o f ITS im plem entation,

• Specific environm ent for the developm ent o f inform ation structure, w hich can help to transport telem atics,

• D isability o f th e realisation o f public private partnership, w hich is done by legislation,

• A bstentions in hum an sources in adm inistration,

• U ndesirable shifted lobbing in com m ercial policy in transport branch.


T he m ission o f Inform ation T echnology Services is to reliably connect people, processes, and content through the effective use o f reliable inform ation, com puting, and telecom m unications technologies and services. W ith another w ords w e have to define how to achieve and to deliver the needed data together w ith th eir added value - content - capacity.

W e could abstractly say that this is also a com m ission o f IS/IT for transport. How to receive and transfer the inform ation in m ovem ent? In order to m ove forw ard there-is necessary to m ake follow ing new accesses in the w ork o f [5.]:

• A dm inistration,

• D esign and consultancy,

• Im plem entation control,

• O peration.

In S lovakia w e started an official co-operation betw een public sector represented by M inistry o f T ransport, P o st and T elecom m unication and private sector covered by ITS S lovakia A ssociation as a representative o f private sector. T he resu lt [8.] is a first docum ent o f S lovak ITS needs defined together w ith M inistry o f T ran sp o rt SR as a p ublic deputy and private sector. T he general rules are com ing form the K A R EN architecture [9.].

In the fram e o f base econom ic category dem and and offer w e can stat that the realisation o f road infrastructure (in w hich the ITS is m ost profitable) together w ith added value o f inform ation traffic services o f passengers (not only drivers!) is the right the group o f activities supported by EU.

T ran sp o rt T elem atics and their services are directly bound w ith the advanced traffic m anagem ent system s and these are strongly tied on the base transport infrastructure construction. In present tim e the E U slow ly does not differentiate, o r b etter to say does n o t

“ r e c o m m e n d ” to se g re g a te th e c r e a tio n o f tr a n s p o r t i n f r a s tr u c t u r e w ith o u t its „ a d d e d v a lu e “ - tr a n s p o r t se rv ic e. T he transport service autom atically covers the p art o f inform ation society. O therw ise telem atic services by o n eself do not have substation. W e can define this by o ther w ords: th e r o u te o r t r a n s p o r t w ay , its n e tw o r k w ith o u t th e a d d e d w o rk - it m e a n s h ig h p e r f o rm a n c e tr a n s p o r t se rv ic e d o es n o t h a v e co m p lex a n d so c iety w id e b en e fit.

A s usually in S lovakia w e have overrun the standard m ethods and conditions for fu nctionality o f ITS applications used in the w orld. W e started w ith the realisation o f ITS ap plication instead o f institutionalisation and standardisation. C om paring the developm ent


and realisation o f ITS applications w e cannot report, that our way is the bad one because we are speaking abo u t the up-grade o f one large ITS application on Slovak m otorw ays. On the exam ple o f the functionality o f M otorw ay Inform ation and C ontrol System (M IC R O S) [1.]

have been show n that:

• In ou r condition does n o t exist the technical or technological problem by solving o f the new traffic control applications,

• T here is no p roblem to provide organisationally the co-operation o f various activities,

• T h ere is no problem to adjust the requirem ents and to create the partnership betw een public and private sector.

In S lovak condition there is a large problem - to operate an ITS application. T his is the result o f m issing institutional rules in ou r country. T here are som e problem s o r lim itations, w hich have to be clearly declared, w hat does m ean who, w hat, why, w here and how to do if som ething goes w rong. T herefore the accom plishm ent o f project realisation has any disproportion according to the follow ing reasons [3.]:

1. Im plem entation o f IS/IT technology in road adm inistration is only a part o f the delivery o f road construction com panies. T he road construction com panies do not have any interest in know ing the functionality and occasions w hat and why behind is w ith in relations. T he delivery o f technology is only the m atter o f pro fit o f these com panies. T he problem is the rules o f the state investors.

2. T he state adm inistration responsible by law for the m aintenance and adm inistration o f the road netw ork does not know how to define its requirem ents, it does not have particular solutions and m ethods how to go on, it does n o t know to create adequate space on physical and m aterial side.


M otorw ay Inform ation and C ontrol System (M IC roS) [1.] is an integrated tool for the acquisition, processing, distribution and archive o f all m onitored data and inform ation on the M otorw ay N etw ork. M IC roS enable the active input to the controlling o f traffic situation w ith the aim o f the traffic condition optim isation. M IC roS is currently open in its system architecture for cooperation w ith other control and/or inform ation system s in the field o f transport o r com m ercial data changes and to provide standard electronic and com m unication services.

T he controlled part o f M IC roS is called the O perative S upervisor C ontrol System (O SC S). T his enables to the m otorw ay operator on the each control level to acquire the view about the all traffic and w eather situation, equipm ent conditions on the referred m otorw ay section and to en ter actively into the traffic process. T he O SCS is com posed by:

• H eterogeneous facilities for data acquisition, inform ation processing and presentation

• C om posite fram ew ork o f telecom m unication devices

• S oftw are.


312 T ib o r SCH LOSSER


F rom the technological p o in t o f view the core o f problem is the question o f inform ation transm ission from different sources w ith different com m unication facilities, inform ation p rocessing and quick response on burden or running situation on th e m otorw ay. T he base goal o f control system is to connect the hum an doings at the beginning and in the end o f the process. T h e road traffic is the object o f ou r case. A t the beginning there is the man - road traffic u ser (driver, passenger) - w ho creates the data and/or inform ation - and in the end is found the m an - adm inistrator, dispatcher, operator w ho transfers backw ard adapted inform ation to the user. B etw een these tw o bodies is an active loop.

R oadside equipm ents are based on m icroelectronics, w hich absorb and reflect different physical features on im pulses and signals. H erew ith m ethods they retain and survey the actions on m otorw ay. T he general equipm ents are: traffic counters, m eteorological devices, variable m essage signs, equipm ent for w eighing in m otion, C C TV and incident detection, em ergency SOS cabs, w ater pum ps, etc. In the com plicated engineering w orks like tunnels on m otorw ays o ther devices are included: traffic lights, overhight vehicle detection, opacity m easuring and air-quality equipm ents, lighting, ventilation, fire protection equipm ents, inside radio and m obile links, etc. U sually any o f above-m entioned equipm ents are from different pro d u cer offering his ow n controlling system . T he goal o f the M IC roS is exactly integrate the control com ponents that neither the o perator no r the user need to know the background o f the com plicated provided and presented inform ation.

T h e telecom m unication technology is covered by all-accessible sources on the m otorw ay. T h ese are: classical m etallic cables, fibre optics, radio transm ission, video signal, te lephone lines, as w ell as G SM , GPS a D SRC. T he problem o f the system architecture is the co n solidation and unification o f the com m unication tools so that they w ill be used effectively to the expenditures. T he efficiency takes the certain

line transmission speed

from one to other system points and

information capacity

in the cross-section o f com m unication m edia. N eedful rules for data transm ission -

protocols and interfaces

are defined. F rom th e operation point of view it reflects the qualitative and com fortable w ork condition.


F ig.l. Architecture of the MICroS application software


T he M IC roS will have an associated Central M otorw ay C ontrol Room . T he project in B ratislava form s a com pletely new construction. Essentially, the new m otorw ay section (fig.

2.) connects m otorw ay routes from the A ustrian and H ungarian borders to the D -l m otorw ay that links B ratislava in the w est w ith Ladce to the north. Slovak Road A dm inistration had com m issioned ITS m otorw ay C om m and C entre features control room designed to international standards (fig. 3.). T here are designed on high levels o f ergonom ic styling, the m odular and, therefore, is specially designed for technology - intensive environm ents providing superb levels o f operator com fort. T he consoles are configured as tw o desks each for four operators and a separate tw o-person desk. V ideo screen wall due to the m odular design display w alls and rear projection system is realized o f size 3x4 5 5 “ displays.


314 T ib o r SCH LO SSER

T he 6.5km D1 M ierova - S enecka m otorw ay (see fig. 2) new ly opened in the end o f A ug u st 2002 had created a possibility to up-grade the existing M otorw ay inform ation and C ontrol System , w hich is operating on 65 km m otorw ay section from H orna S treda to Ladce (operated by Local dispatcher room in T rcncin) from 1998.-N ew C entral M otorw ay Control R oom w here it houses the screens and equipm ent necessary for it to function, initially, as a local dispatcher room for the som e 46 km o f m otorw ay in the B ratislava area together with the new m otorw ay city tunnel w hich w ill be 1.1 km long. H ow ever, over the course o f the next tw o-to-three years, the sam e C om m and C entre w ill becom e fully utilised, covering all sections o f the M IC roS system fitted w ith the ITS technology.

Legend: ^m ^m a m m Operated motorway sections mam amm Opened motorway section

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Motorway sections under construction

Fig.2. Motorway sections in Bratislava


Fig.3. Central Control Room in Bratislava

W hen w e w ould like to follow the ITS deploym ent in B ratislava there is an institutional problem how to cooperate betw een the levels o f public sector. It is up to the discussion betw een the adm inistration o f the C apital B ratislava and M inistry o f T ransport how w ill look the Integrated T raffic M anagem ent System in the B ratislava R egion.


T o be useful on the field o f ITS in own country w e know that we should have a perfect w orking en vironm ent w ith traffic engineers, electronic and inform atics engineers together with sy stem s’ integrators on one side, w hat is natural according to the sophisticated technology. On the other side w e need to have a cooperative and open environm ent on the side o f public sector. T he o bject o f the ITS is the inform ation. H ow looks like the operative schedule o f com m on and general traffic data in our countries? In ou r conditions fo r ITS is absolutely im perative the base rules for transm itting, processing, distribution and providing of transport/traffic and w ith them related data.

O ver the w orld the traffic inform ation services are com m only accessible and they purvey the dynam ic inform ation in real tim e. T h ese services are provided by private sector.

W e know that for this kind o f service w e need a sufficient database o f historical data with reliable values. F rom this activity follow s up the fu n c tio n o f m o b ility in f o rm a tio n fo r th e


316 T ibor SC H LO SSER p u b lic , used the transport infrastructure. T he role o f public sector for the com m ission o f these kinds o f services is:

• to define the rules o f data collection and com m unication,

• to w ork o u t the instructions for assem bling and operation o f facilities and equipm ents,

• to declare the legal system o f using and exploitation o f transport/traffic data,

• to provide the safety, enforcem ent, responsibility and determ ination o f user fees.

T h e first p rinciple is the legal fo rm o f th e se se rv ic e p ro v isio n s in tr a n s p o r t in f r a s tr u c tu r e , w h ic h s h o u ld b e in te g r a te d o n th e w h o le c o u n try a r e a . W e cannot say how it w ill look the concession and licence policy in transport services. U sing the advanced traffic m anagem ent system s is necessary, on the technological and inform ation level, to assign the rules and responsibility on services perform ance. In any case it does n o t tread about the classification o f artefacts but d e te rm in e th e h ie ra rc h y o f levels o f c o n te n t, o b je c tiv e an d fu n c tio n .


T he suggestion for this discussion w e can start w ith the question: can we achieve to create an en vironm ent for form ation o f desired authorisation and to confirm the perm itted extent and using o f traffic data for user charges in transport electronic services? T his should be the goal not only to construct the hardw are o f transport infrastructure - the road (way)!.

T he strategy should be defined in the S tate T ransport P olicy, and so it should open the space for im plem entation o f executive standards, instructions and rules o f traffic/transport services.

T his is a general lack o f the transition countries. T his state causes another questions:

• H ow clearly and functionally declare the base legal principles for m ultim edia services, w hich far aw ay exceed the transport sphere?

• How will be created the environm ent o f telecom m unication services in transport and its related activities?

• H ow the link o f data security w ill w ork in transm ission and processing o f inform ation?

• H ow the ad m inistrative operational connections w ill look for providing th e adm inistrative m isdem eanour, enforcem ent, legal code and copyright?

• H ow the functional root o f control traffic system s operation w ill be designed - w ith clear responsibilities and institutional not com plicated form s o f connection: ad m inistrator - o perator - p olice together on real tim e link up o f transport logistics and evidence o f goods and passengers?

T ran sp o rt is a dynam ic tool o f the society and m ake up the inform ation society.

The quality o f transport, expressed by mobility in agglomerations and whatever in territory, docs not represent only the quality of movability but the capability of human being to have benefit from transport system as well.

T herefore the transport service oriented com plex has to give us an answ er: how w ill be secure the o bject o f transport/traffic process - it m eans m anly hum an being - passenger. In order to create this kind o f structure on q u alitative high level transport services w e have to do the base item s and principles. T hese are:

• Security o f traffic / transport data,

• P rocessing principles o f personal data,

• D uty o f transport service providers,


• P roviders and u ser rights o f transport services to the data and supervision o f data security.

T he rules and legislation should be clear for the dom ain o f telem atics (technology background) and in public sector (state - region - city) as w ell. T hereafter it is possible to solve the user problem s in ITS applications, w hich are:

• T raffic and travel inform ation,

• M ultim odal route planning,

• T raffic/tran sp o rt netw orks control,

• T ran sp o rt logistics o f goods and fleet m anagem ent,

• T elem atics for vehicle control.

F rom S lovakia point o f view it should declare the follow ing steps:

• to create th e uniform ITS architecture for all kind o f transport and services. S lovakia is a very sm all region for experim ents and to co-ordinate the effort w ith neighbouring countries,

• to segregate com pletely the im plem entation o f technology from the “road co nstruction” o f the public acquisition,

• to initiate the possibility o f private sector accession to the operation o f transport control system s by licensing.

T herefore in S lovakia we need to create the N ational Strategic ITS Plan for the standardisation o f the environm ent and rules o f transport inform atics. T here are questions and controversy o f p ossible new adm inistration barrier. T his w ill be the step for the next year as a result o f public - private partnership. W e cannot to use the sam e base rules, w hich are com m on in “n orm al” econom ic countries. T he base problem is the legislation. The adm inistration is really n o t in enviable position. W e have to be conscious that on the side o f the adm inistration there is going on the definition o f two base attributes:

1. ITS m ust be include in to state transport policy - in present tim e unam biguously absent, 2. T ransition o f the public adm inistration in S lovakia together w ith the budget flow can

d estruct the effort about the uniform transport IT system architecture in ou r country.

T he m anagers in road adm inistration and traffic engineering com panies are in the position w here they can to influence how to deep should be the im plem entation o f advance transport control system s inside o f the transport policy docum ent. T he strategy o f ITS im plem entation w e could see only in the developm ent m aterials and they are outside o f the transition process. Even though, in our conditions - in Slovakia, w e changed little b it the standard practise on the im plem entation o f ITS application. O ther w ords, ou r aim o f the strategic N ational plan is to involve the people both sides.


318 T ib o r SCH LO SSER


S lovakia established in 2001 the ITS S lovakia A ssociation. T he ITS A ssociation in Slovakia has a com plex goal on the level o f planning, design, im plem entation and operation o f advanced transport/traffic ITS applications. T his goal is given by the reason o f absolute m arket, w hich is in function and it has a negative im pact on the base rules o f ITS. The A ssociation has been given to consolidate the m ost o f the private com panies and the academ ics under one um brella. T he A ssociation has not only the goal to be an advisor at the p u blic-private partnership fram ew ork activities but to be directly in the centre o f ITS m ovem ent.

T he strategy places considerable em phasis on developing capabilities beyond existing o r specifically targeted transitional objectives. And, since ou r strategic plan is people / resource centric n o t the technology and the system only, w e believed it m ust also address how w e interact, w hat w e stand for and w hat w e value in o ur w ork.

A ssertion o f correct relations betw een the public and private sector is necessary for the institutional tasks. T he experts m ust know how to coordinate the different kinds o f the transport. T he problem s o f road infrastructure are not the problem o f m oney but first o f all to understand its role - the service. F inally the travellers are n o t to interest in w hich kind of transport w ill they use but im portant is how to reach form origin to destination in tim e and com fortable.


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[2] SCHLOSSER T „ Electronic Toll Collection - Mode of User Charging on Slovak Motorways; In: Economic Objectives o f Introducing Tolls on Intercity Road Infrastructure, ECM T Round Table 118, Paris 2000 [3] SCHLOSSER T., Intelligent Transport Systems Their Role in Road Administration - A Look on Central and

Eastern Europe; 7'1' International Conference Mobilita, Bratislava 2001

[4] SCHLOSSER T., Traffic Control Systems in Road Infrastructure and Their Role in Transport Policy; 3rd International Conference Transport in Urban Agglomerations, Zilina 2001

[5] SCHLOSSER T., Intelligent' Transportation Systems in Slovakia; ICS Workshop on Intelligent Transportation Systems: from Physical to Virtual Transport Systems; Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, International Centre for Science and High Technology, ICS-UN1DO, Trieste 2001

[6] Premietnutie dopravncj politiky do aplikacii dopravnych sluiieb (Implementation o f Transport Policy to the Applications o f Transport Services); In: Horizonty dopravy 3/2002, Transport Resaerch institute, Zilina 2002

[7] PRIBYL P., SCHLOSSER T„ Network Operations and Telematics in Central and Eastern Europe, prepared In: Routes/Roads, AIPCR/PIARC, Paris 2002

[8] SCH LOSSER T. et all, Systdmovä a organizainä architektüra Inteligentych dopravnych systdmov (ITS System and Organisational Architecture), ITS Slovakia Association, Bratislava 2002

[9] CONVERGE-System Architecture: Guidelines for the Development and Assessment of Intelligent Transport System Architectures, Atkins Wootton Jeffreys (co-ordinator), Brussel 1998

R eview er: Ph. D. K ornel B. W ydro


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