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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. June 9 and 16


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JU N E 9 and 16, 1933 *


Solution o f problem s in heat conduction by the m eth od of w ave-train s. J . Ro ber tson (Phil. Mag., 1933, [vii], 15, 937—957).—M athematical.

Internal-corrosion phenom ena in w arm -w ater b oilers and p ip es. P. S chi.apfer (Elektrizitiits- Verwertung, 1932—3, Spec. no. 4/5, 1—8).—Internal corrosion of domestic hot-water installations (with electrical immersion heaters) where the boilers and pipes are constructed of homogeneous soft Fe is ascribed to simple chemical*action of the oxygen and C 02 expelled from the H20 on warming, the low rate of circulation in such appliances allowing the bubbles to remain attached to the plates, thereby facilitating corrosion. Preheating is helpful if provision is made for releasing the liberated gases before the H aO enters the boiler. Soft waters are the m ost corrosive unless de-aerated. Those with carbonate hardness ]> 7 mg. CaO per 100 c.c. frequently deposit a protective scale below which rusting does not take place. Artificial scales of chalk-cement mixtures m ust be applied carefully and uniformly to be effective, and are removed by soft waters and those rich in C 02- Thorough cleaning is essential before renewing a coating.

Parkerising yielded disappointing results, and tinning is not recommended, as thin or bare patches lead to accelerated corrosion. The org. paints so far tested slowly softened and peeled. Zn coating was examined in detail. Thin electrodeposited coatings (80— 100 g.

per sq. m.) were practically useless. Thick, non-porous coatings (600— 1200 g. per sq. m.) produced by applica­

tion of molten Zn were effective except under severe conditions as to quality of H 20 and duty. J . W. W.

P urification of boiler feed-w ater. R. Sc h m id t

(Chem.-Ztg., 1933, 57, 341—344).—A review and bibliography.

U se of T er M eer typ e centrifugal separators i n sa lt w ork s. R. W . Mil l e r (Chem. and Ind., 1933, 3 6 8 — 3 7 0 ).—The Ter Meer centrifuge is more efficient and more economic«! than a suction strainer. D. R. D.

S m a ll c r y sta ls. O. Zahn (Chem.-Ztg., 1933, 57, 302—303).—The introduction of tubular crystallisers has made small crystals much cheaper to produce than

large. A. G.

Formulae for control of air separation. A. B.

Hki.big (Cement, 1933, 6, 124— 126).—Calculations on the relative quantities of coarse and fine material produced in a grinding mill are discussed. C’. A. K.

T entative Standards (American Society for Testing Materials, 1932, 1236 pp.).

S upplem ent to Book of Standards. (American Society for Testing Materials, 1932, 102 pp.).

Illum ination in the chem ical in d u stry. W.

Kir c h e r (Chem. Fabr., 1933, 6, 191—194).

Sec also A., May, 153, Effect of tem p , on v isco sity of liq u id s. 480, Production of low tem p . 481, D eterm ining the sp . g r. of pow ders. V iscosi- m eters.

Pa t e n t s.

O pen-hearth furnaces. C. J . Ba k e r and N. E.

Sk a r e d o ff (B .P . 390,207, 1.10.31).—An open-hearth furnace is heated by jets of fuel inclined downwardly through the roof, meeting horizontal currents of air a t an obtuse angle so th a t the flame is formed on the bath rather th an on the. roof. B . M. V.

T unnel kiln. E. B . Fo r seand C. F . Geiqf.r, Assrs.

to Ca r b o r u n d u m Co. (U.S.P. 1,861,266, 31.5.32. Appl., 16.1.31).—The cooling zone is provided with sectional, hollow walls (of a m aterial with thermal conductivity

> 0-006 g.-cal./c.c./sec./°C.) through which the flow of

air can be regulated. ’ J . A. S.

T unnel ovens. J. Wedgw ood & So n s, Lt d., and N. Wil so n (B.P. 390,358, 15.6.32).— Ovens for pottery firing or ore roasting are claimed, in which the traverse of trucks is from a parallel return track into the kiln and back a t the other end. B. M. V.

T w in tunnel kiln. W. L. Ha n l e y, j u n. (U.S.P.

1,859,507, 24.5.32. Appl., 3.5.28).—The tunnels are divided by a substantial wall through which there is no gas communication, and the goods travel in the same direction on each side of i t ; such an arrangem ent is claimed to act as a tem p, stabiliser. B. M. V.

Apparatus for dryin g, calcining, roastin g, and/or sin terin g . “ MiagMu h l e n b a u u. In d., A.-G. (B.P.

389,976, 27.2.32. Ger., 22.9.31).—The material is supplied as a slurry to a perforated, horizontally rotating drum in which a mass of discrete bodies, e.g., pebbles, are tumbled. Drying gases are passed through the drum diametrally and the outlet of the dry powder is through the perforations in the opposite direction to the stream of gases. The slurry is preferably supplied through an axial pipe and the gases preferably come from a rotary kiln into which the dried material drops. B. M. A'.

R otary dryer. W . A. Ha r t y and F . W . Moo re, Assrs. to W . S. Ty l e r Co. (U.S.P. 1,860,738, 31.5.32.

Appl., 23.4.28. Renewed 1.6.31).—A rotary, cylindrical dryer is described in which an inner axial tube forms a combustion chamber and the gases return in the annular space in contact with the material. The outlet of dry

* The rem ainder of th is se t of A b stra cts will appear in n e x t w eek's issue.

4 1 7 a


B r i t i s h C h e m ic a l ,4 b s f r a c i s —B .

448 Cl. I.— G e n e r a l ; P l a n t ; M a c h i n e r y .

material is past the edge of the annular baffle causing the return of the gases. B. M. V.

Mercury boilers. B. P. Coulson, j u n,, Assr. to Gicn. Electric Co. (U.S.P. 1,861,264— 5, 31.5.32.

Appl., 14.6.29).—Devices for leading liquid Hg into the central downtake, and vapour and liquid away from the annular uptake, of concentric tubes are described.

B. M. V.

[Effecting] heat transfer. M. D . Ma n n, j u n., Assr.

to St a n d a r d Oil De v e l o pm e n t Co. (U.S.P. 1,869,340, 26.7.32. Appl., 17.12.29).—An apparatus for cooling gas is similar to an evaporator with a vertical calandria (A). Cooling medium is passed through the steam space and the gas is bubbled through oil or other liquid in the base of A ; these rise together through the tubes to the separator, whence the liquid is returned to A.

B. M. V.

Tubular heat exchangers, particularly preheat­

ers for gas purifiers. R. & J. De m p st e r, Lt d., and A. J. Sh e e r a n (B.P. 390,788, 3.2.33).—A tubular apparatus suitable for the heating of gas by steam is arranged so th a t the nest of tubes may be removed complete, and while under repair the casing may be closed and gas passed through. B. M. V.

P rocesses for perform ing chem ical reactions.

Br it. Ce l a n e s e, Lt d., E . F. Ox l e y, and W. H. Groom- b r id g e (B.P, 390,186, 24.9.31).—The reaction temp, is controlled by surface heat exchange between the reagents and a volatile liquid which is supplied in such quantity to vertical tubes th at it evaporates in the form of a climbing film, the vapour being preferably removed downwardly through inner tubes and, if desired, used to preheat the reagents. B . M. V.

Pyrom eter tube. J. A. Je f f e r y a n d F . H . Rid d l e, A ssrs. to Ch a m p io n Po r c elain Co. (U.S.P. 1,869,151, 26.7.32. Appl., 17.5.26).—A twin pyrometer protection tube, useful for occasional insertion of a standard pyro­

meter alongside the works' instrument, is described.

The two passages communicate with each other.

B. M. V.

H eat-insulating and sound-proofing m aterials.

N. M. Elias (B.P. 390,189, 26.9.31. U.S., 26.9.30).—

The material comprises anhyd. alkali borate-silicate prepared, e.g., by drying aq' N a2S i03 + N aaB407 to 10—30% H 20 and baking the product below its f.p., e.g., a t a temp. 3* 760°; blocks of the material m ay be coated, or pellets of it coated if desired with cellulose esters may be bound, with cement or resin. L. A. C.

Ball m ill. A. F. We n d l e r, Assr. to Na t. An il in e

& Ch e m. Co., In c. (U.S.P. 1,862,557, 14.6.32. Appl., 14,5.26).—A ball mill is adapted to carrying out chemical reactions, e.g., S fusions, by the provision of external heating, gas tight inlets and outlets on the axis, and

explosion doors. B. M. V.

Crushing apparatus. E. B. Sy m o n s, Assr. to Nordbero Ma n u f g. Co. (U.S.P. 1,863,529, 14.6.32.

Appl., 19.9.27).—A no. of claims are made for construc­

tional details of a gyratory cone crusher, mainly relating to the screw adjustm ent of the concave member and springs to permit passage of uncrushable material.

B. M. V.

Apparatus for reducing rock and other m in eral sub stan ces. J. M. Mit ch e l l (U.S.P. 1,861,315, 31.5.32. Appl., 6.9.27).—A no. of plates, alternately rotating and fixed, are superposed. Alined apertures are formed in the axis of the pile of irregular shape, preferably decreasing in size downwardly, the crushing action taking place by shearing and torsion as the apertures in successive plates alternately do and do not

match. B. M. V.

P ulverising or crushing m achine. E . E . Elze- m eyerand H . C. Gr ie s e d ie c k, Assrs. to Am e r. Pu l v e r­ iz e r Co. (U.S.P. 1,862,889, 14.6.32. Appl., 10.11.30).—

A disintegrator of the rotating-hammor type is provided with a concave crushing plate and concave crushing screen occupying about 90° (9 °/c to 6 °/c) of the circum­

ference a ls o ; tangentially with the bottom of the hammer path is a horizontal grizzly, and beyond th a t a pocket for heavy material which is collected substan­

tially free from crushable material. B. M. V.

Subdivision of m aterial. G. E. * Seil (U.S.P.

1,859,992, 24.5.32. Appl., 1.4.26).—An annular je t of gas surrounding one or more co-axial supplies of fluid material causes suction on and disruption of the la tte r without substantial h eat exchange previous to dis­

ruption. The apparatus is applicable to comminution, drying, physical combination, and chemical reaction.

B. M. V.

R otary vacuum filter. S. E . Woo dw o rth, Assr. to Ha m ilto n, Be a u c h a m p, & Woodw orth(U.S.P. 1,859,642, 24.5.32. Appl., 16.9.31).—The boundaries of the cells of a drum filter are placed obliquely to the axis, and conduits for filtrate etc. are connected to the remote diagonal corners of each cell. B. M. V.

Continuous filter. R. C. Ca m p b e l l, Assr. to Ol iv e r Un it e d Fil t e r s, In c. (U.S.P. 1,868,883, 26.7.32. Appl., 23.6.27).— In a rotary drum filter a roller for ironing the cake during drying is provided, having the same rotation as the drum, i.e., in opposite directions a t contact. The segments to support the cloth are re­

movable and interchangeable ; the valve is provided with 5 positions, for cloudy, clear, wash, dry, and dis­

charge, respectively. A shallow feed-tank with ^ 90°

submergence is provided. B. M. Y.

Continuous filter. J. A. McCa sk e l l (U.S.P.

1,860,937, 31.5.32. Appl., 28.9.29).—In a disc filter, means for the secure holding and ready detachm ent of the leaves, and a drip launder for enabling washing to be effected without diluting the feed pulp, arc described.

B. M. V.

A utom atic filtering apparatus. G. Do n a ldso n

(U.S.P. 1,862,050, 7.6.32. Appl., 12.11.28).—A no. of filter pans are attached to an endless band and subjected to vac. while passing over a platform under the upper

straight run. B. M. V.

P rocessin g o f slu d ges and the lik e. C. S. Br y a n, Assr. to Ru m fo rd Ch e m. Works (U.S.P. 1,860,527, 31.5.32. Appl., 15.4.31).—During the filtration of very fine solids, e.g., pptd. CaS04, a wave of slurry is formed on the surface of the sludge by means of an impellor, with the object of plasticising b u t not densifying the

sludge. B.M.V.


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. I . — Gb x e r a l ; Pl a n t ; Ma c h i n e r y. 449

E xtractor. W. Buss, Assr. to Buss A.-G. (U.S.P.

1,859,497, 24.5.32. Appl., 7.11.27. Ger., 12.11.26).—

Extractors, preferably used two or more in series as regards the liquor, are provided with tubular strainers extending over the greater p art of the height as well as with the usual perforated false bottom. B. M. V.

S eparating apparatus. F. A. Quiroz (U.S.P.

1,861,878, 7.6.32. Appl., 6.12,28).—A planetary centri­

fugal separator is described in which the planet bowls are either coned or slightly inclined to cause the solid m atter to travel to one end and be flung off inwards into discharge scoops by the slow rotation of the bowls about

their individual axes. B. M„ V.

A pparatus for separation of finely-divided su b ­ stan ces [from liq u id s]. R. Fa h r and R. Ke i n k e, Assrs. to I . G. Fa r b e n in d. A.-G. (U.S.P. 1,861,156, 31.5.32. Appl., 27.9.29. Ger., 20.10.28).—Turbidity is removed (from a liquid) in a foam produced by a jet of incoming liquid impinging on a body of the liquid in which either natural or artificial foam-producing agents are present. Such a device is useful in the purification

treatm ent of gases. B. M. V.

C ollecting and cla ssify in g different kinds of solid s suspended in a liquid. B. Crocker (U.S.P.

1,861,381, 31.5.32. Appl., 17.4.30).—A vac. drum filter operating on partly defibred papermakers’ H 20 is caused to form its own filter medium of the residual short fibres, the pores being large enough to allow clay and other impurities to pass through. B. M. V.

Evaporator. G. G. Cr e w so n, Assr. to Sw en so n Ev apor ato r Co (U.S.P. 1,869,093, 26.7.32. Appl., 31.5.29.)—The liquid in an evaporator (A) is kept in rapid forced circulation by means of a pump and external conduits. A gentle circulation of the liquor is maintained from (A) to an adjacent vessel the lower p a rt of which acts as a salt collector and the upper p art as spray catcher, the vapour from A being led through it.

B. M. V.

Apparatus for evaporating liquids. R. N. Eh r- h a r t,1 Assr. t o Elliott Co. (U.S.P. 1,869,190, 26.7.32.

Appl., 2.6.27).—An auxiliary condenser and flash chamber m aintained under a higher vac, than a main condenser is caused to effect evaporation of circulating (or other raw) H 20 for make-up feed by means of h eat th a t otherwise would be wasted. B. M. V.

C rystal-building pan. T. and J . R. Ray (U.S.P.

1,860,118, 24.5.32. Appl., 19.12.27).—In a salting evaporator the stream of liquor and crystals travelling downwards in a free axial space within the calandria is deflected upwards by an annular curved trough so th a t very small crystals will circulate again with the liquor ; only the comparatively large ones will slide over the surface of the baffle and fall over its edge into

a quiescent zone. B. M. V.

R ectification [and bubbler-tray colu m n s]. S. R . Me r l e y, Assr. to Do h erty Re se a r c h Co. (U.S.P.

1,862,758, 14.6.32. Appl., 9.2.29).—In a bubbling tower having both light and heavy liquid present on each tray, separate downfiows are provided from each layer to the next tra y below, the entrances to those for the heavy liquid being surrounded by bands spaced from the bottom of the tray. B. M. V.

T ray construction for fractionating tow ers.

J. S. Wa l l is (B.P. 390,682, 1.7.32).—A tra y composed of troughs capped with inverted troughs is described.

B. M. V.

A utom atic E ngler distillation apparatus. J. E.

Mooreand G. W. Ciie n ic e k, Assrs. to St a n d a r d Oil Co.

(U .S .P . 1,863,346, 14.6.32'. Appl., 4.4.31).—Temp.,

% off, and time of first drop are recorded electrically on a clockwork chart, and the latter, combined with a float in the distillate, controls the heating so th a t the distillate is formed a t a uniform rate.

B. M. V.

[Laboratory] d istillin g apparatus. S. I. C h a rle s-

\v o rth , A. W. Ha r r i s, and C. P. Lin d e r (U.S.P.

1,868,625, 26.7.32. Appl., 15.1.29).—A pparatus for im itating the conditions in a modem by-product oven is described. The coal is placed in a closed transparent tube and followed by broken S i02 to form a labyrinth for the gases, which is heated by one burner to simulate h o t coke. The furnace surrounding the closed end is made rather hotter, b u t the tube itself is protected by a sliding H ,0 -jack et which is removed slowly by clockwork.

B. M. V.

T reatm ent of liquids [containing adsorbable m aterial], J . J . Na u g l e (U.S.P. 1,860,944, 31.5.32.

Appl., 3.5.26).—In the treatm ent of liquids, such as sugar melts, with an absorbent to remove impurities, all the absorbent necessary to tre a t the whole batch is kept in circulation in a small portion only of the liquid while to the circulating pulp fresh liquid is autom atically added and clean liquid withdrawn. The circulator comprises a centrifugal pump the blades of which are hollow and provided with filter membranes through which clean filtrate is withdrawn against centrifugal force.

B. M. V.

A pparatus for treating liquid w ith a g a s. F. W.

Ma c l e n n a n (U.S.P. 1,859,781, 24.5.32. Appl., 15-7.30).

—In a flotation machine having the air supply through a longitudinal slit in the lower p art of the bath, the slit is provided with flexible rubber lips an d with perforated sliding valves to regulate the passage of air from the blast chamber to the slit in separately controllable sections.

B. M. V.

V iscosim eter. G. C. Fa ir b a ir n, Assr. t o Te x a s Co.

(U.S.P. 1,863,522, 14.6.32. Appl., 15.1.30).—The therm ostatic b ath of a viscosimeter is heated by an electric resistance coiled on a tube which also contains H20 for cooling when th a t is necessary, both being controlled by therm ostatic devices embodying rotating electric contacts to avoid sticking. Stirrers and means for starting the flow of liquid from any sample tube simultaneously with a clock are also electrically operated.

B. M. V.

M icroscope refractom eter. II. W. L in d l e y(U.S.P.

1,868,908, 26.7.32. Appl., 10.4.30. Ger., 16.4.29).—

A finely-divided solid is placed in a bubble of liquid and the n of the latter adjusted to equality while using the instrum ent as a microscope. Afterwards the bubble is formed to any desired shape between transparent plates and the n is measured. B. M. V.

A pparatus for separating d ust from g a se s.

H. E. Br e l sf o r d and N. L. Sn o w, Assrs. to Diam o n d Po w e r Sp e c ia l t y Co r p. (U.S.P. 1,862,839, 14.6.32.


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

450 Cl. II.—Fu e l; Ga s; Ta r; Mineral Oils.

Appl., 2.12.29).—The lower end of a gas passage is closed by a pair of rollers nearly touching each other, and the sides of the passage are permcably closed by fine-mesh bands running over the rollers and diverging to pass over upper rollers into ash passages, where they are cleaned

by air jets. B. M. V.

S e p aratio n of g aseo u s m ix tu r e s . L ’A ra L iq u id e

Soc. A n o n , p o o r l ’E t u d e e t l ' E x p l o i t . d e s P r o c . G. Claude (B.P. 390,354, 9.6.32. Ger., 13.6.31).—In a rectifier for the separation of, e.g., air, operated with a low-pressure zone (4 ) above a high-pressure zone (B ) and a vaporiser-condenser a t the junction which effects only partial condensation of the high-pressure vapour, the liquids from the bottom and the top (except a small reflux) of 11 are sent to A a t correspondingly different levels after heat exchange with, outgoing gases. The vapour uncondensed a t the junction of A and B is con­

densed in another evaporator a t an intermediate noint

of A . B. M. V.

T re a tm e n t of w a ste [obnoxious] g a s e s . II. F.

Me r r ia m, Assr. to Ge n. Chem. Co. (U.S.P, 1,862,695, 14.6.32. Appl., 13.3.26).—Waste obnoxious gases are diluted with air and heated to increase their rate of diffusion into the atm . In, e.g., the burning of S and con­

version of S 02 into S03, the reactions being exothermic, heat is given up to air a t both those stages and, after absorption to an economic extent of S03 in a compar­

atively cool apparatus, thegasesare mixed w ith the heated air and sent up the stack, preferablv a t > 400°.

B. M. V.

D ry in g to w e r [for g a ses]. L. Gil l e t t, Assr. to Ge n. Ch em. Co. (U.S.P. 1,862,746, 14.6.32. Appl., 16.10.26).—A tower in which gases are dried by H2S 04 is operated under positive pressure in order to avoid formation of mist. The acid is supplied through Pb pipes extending some distance into the filling, to avoid

splashing. B. M. Y.

D e h y d ra to r [for liquefied g a se s]. W. D. Mou n t

(U.S.P. 1,868,755, 26.7.32. A p p l, 20.10.30).— Gas for the prep, of solid C 02 is dehydrated by mixing the in- going gas with gas from the expansion chamber, in a group of concentric tubes, the inner tubes being shorter than the outer, situated above a settling chamber for the

H,,0-icc. B. M. V.

M ag n esia [h e a t-in su la tin g p ro d u c t]. A d s o r b ­ e n ts .—-See VII. M a rk in g q u a rtz th e r m o m e te r s .—

See V III. In s u la tin g m a te ria l.—-See IX . O re fu rn ace. See X. P r e c ip ita to r fo r g a se s.—See XI.

Vac. p a n s fo r s u g a r etc.—See XVII.


C oals fro m C h erem khovo. D. I. Yakov lev (J . Appl. Chem., Russia, 1932, 5, 998—1024).—The coals are of bituminous type, but in some districts resemble

lignite. ' Ch. Abs.

C oal v a rie tie s fro m th e K izelovski b a s in . A. M.

Gla d sh t e in (Khim. Tverd. Topi., 1931, 2, No. 11—12, 3 3 — 5 2 ).—Results of analysis and of various technical tests, including coking and carbonisation, are reported.

Ch. Ab s.

D eterm ination o f m oistu re in R u ssian coal. I.

N. V. Mi k u l in a, A. I. Ko r e l i n, and A. P. Sh a k h n o

Izvest. Teplotekh. Inst,, 1932, 933—950).—Distillation with gasoline is preferred. Ch. Ab s.

R elationship betw een specific g ra v ity and ash content of hard coal. V. A . Gu sk o v (Khim. Tverd.

Topi., 1931, 2, No. 11— 12, 71—79).—The sp. gr. is not directly related to the mineral content of the admixtures.

Ch. Ab s. Application of ash-correction formulae to A labam a coals. E. S. Hertzog (Fuel, 1933, 12, 112—117).—The coals were separated into fractions of low and high ash content respectively by a float-and- sink method and analyses and calorific val. (C.V.) determinations were made on each fraction. The C.V.

of the pure coal substance was calc, by various formula!, agreement between tlie vals. obtained from the low- and high-ash samples of the same coal being used as a criterion of the accuracy of the particular formula used.

The most accurate method of calculation (“ pure coal const, formula ” ) was based on the extrapolation to zero ash content, of the C.V. of the float and sink, respectively (in liquid of d 1-35), assuming a linear relation between ash content and C.V. P a rr’s formula corrected for C 02 appeared to be the next in accuracy.

The J-ash formula [B.Th.U. of pure coal == B.Th.U. as d e ter mi n c d / (100—1 ash % )] ranked th ird in point of accuracy b u t first in practicability for it required only ash and C.V. determinations for the calculation. Other formula: tested were th a t of Fieldner and Selvig and P arr’s original standard formula. The simplest method of calculation, which assumes th a t the mineral m atter in the coal and the ash produced on burning it are identical, was the least accurate. The conclusions are based on experiments with relatively low-S co.als and may not

hold with high-S coals. A. B. M.

Tendency of coal to spontaneous com b u stion . B. P . Pe n t e g o v and R. N . Ny a n k o v sk a y a (Khim.

Tverd. Topi., 1931,2, N o . 11— 12, 3—12).—The relative temp, o f spontaneous combustion and the fluctuations of temp, depend on the decrease in the adsorption ability of the coal, its oxidisability, and humic acid content. W hen coal containing > 18% O in the combustible mass is oxidised the humic acid content is lowered and the relative spontaneous combustion temp, is raised. Russian coals were examined.

Ch. Ab s. R elation betw een caking pow er and w eathering of coals. I. O xidation of Chikuho coals b y air.

S. Ik i (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1933, 36, 98 b).—

Air-oxidation of 70 varieties of coal a t various temp., and determination of the change in wt., am ount of humic acid formed, an d alteration in hygroscopicity, indicates th a t the effect of weathering is the less the higher is the caking power of the coal, and is not dependent on the

content of N or S, H. A. P.

E xplosib ility, spontaneous inflam m ab ility, and briquetting pow er of constituents of brow n-coal d ust. W. Gs b h a r d t (Braunkohlenarch., 1932, No, 38, 1—38; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, .3812),—The bitumen, humic acid, and residue were examined ; the behaviour of a brown coal can be predicted from a knowledge of the


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. II.—Fu e l; Ga s; Ta r; Mineral Oils. 451

proportion of these constituents. The bitumen-free portion shows greatest spontaneous inflammability and determines the strength of the briquette. A. A. E.

D eterioration of coal for firing cem ent on drying and grinding. K . Ko y a n a g iand T. Ar a i (J. Japan.

Ceram. Assoe., 1932, 40 , 234—241).—Thompson’s calorimeter is unsuitable for determining the small changes in calorific power. There is practically no loss in the calorific power of slack coal during drying and grinding unless the coal is heated a t an unnecessarily high tem p., e.g., 150°. Ch. Ab s.

Calorific values of Indian w oods. S. Kr is h n a

and S. Ra m a sw a m i(Forest Bull., 1932, No. 79,1—27).—

Vais, are given for 150 varieties, hcartwood and sap- wood being examined separately where possible. The former usually gives the higher v a ls ; vac. drying or extraction w ith org. solvents lowers the vals. Marked differences occasionally occur in the same, species.

The average val. for all samples was 5016 g.-cal., and for conifers 5120 g.-cal. Ch. Ab s.

M echanism of the alkaline perm anganate o x id ­ ation o f coal. W. Fr a n c is (F u e l, 1933, 12, 128—138;

ef. B., 1932, 630; 1933, 2-56).—The main reaction between alkaline permanganate and coal can be repre­

sented by a formula of the unimol. type. The reaction coeff., k, calc, therefrom is a convenient measure of the reactivity of the coal. A chart has been con­

structed showing the course of the reaction for coals of C content from 80% (k = 0-080) to 89% (k = ' 0-0050).

The velocity of the main reaction is proportional to the to tal surface of coal exposed, a relationship which may be used to compare results obtained with coals of different particle size. Towards the end of the main reaction secondary reactions take place, e.g., further oxidation of the prim ary alkali-sol. products to simpler products, and oxidation of the “ opaque m atter ” present. The difference between the end-point residue of the main permanganate reaction and th a t of rational analysis, i.e., using Hoffmeister’s reagent (cf. Francis and Wheeler,

B., 1931, 466), ;:ives a measure of the*“ opaque m atter ”

in the coal. A. B. M.

Effect of m oistu re content on heat consum ption during carbonisation of coal. An o n. (Koppers Mitteilungen, 1932; Fuel, 1933, 12, 139—143 ; cf.

Baum, B., 1933, 209).—The usual method of calculating tiie heat consumption during carbonisation for dry coal from the observed heat consumption of a wet coal by deducting the heat required for evaporating and super­

heating the 1LO present leads to erroneous results because 5—8% of H 20 in coal can be evaporated by the gases of the precarbonisation without the necessity of any additional supply of hoat from the heating system. The heat consumption for coking 1 kg. of coal (600 kg.-cal.

for ash-free, dry coal) is shown diagrammatically as a function of the H 20 and ash contents of the coal. There is no advantage in predrying the coal below its optimum H aO c o n te n t; with coals of low caking power such predrying is disadvantageous as moisture in the coal prevents destruction of the caking property due to a prem ature rise of temp, in the coal. A . B. M.

C om bustion of carbon. R. Wig g in t o n (Fuel, 1933, 12, 118— 128).— The rates of combustion of pow­

dered diamond ( J ) , graphite (B), sugar char (C), and coke (D), when heated in a current of air under controlled conditions, have been determined. 0-05 g. of the material (through 100-, on 150-mesh I.M.M. sieve) was distributed evenly over the bottom of a S i02 or P t boat, to form a layer one particle deep, and the boat was placed in an electrically-heated tube m aintained a t 700°, through which air was drawn a t about 1-75 litre s/h r.; the C 02 content of the issuing gases was determined and recorded automatically. The rate of combustion, as indicated by the C 02 in the issuing gases, rose rapidly to a max., 5% for A (at 800°), 8% for B (Aclieson), 8-9% for D (Durham), and 2-7% for B (Ceylon), and then fell more gradually to a relatively low val. The max. val. in the case of A (at 800°) was the rate of combustion of a clean C surface, and the low val. th a t of an oxygenated surface ; p artly burnt A gave a max. val. of 0-85% C 0 2. P artly burnt B, how­

ever, gave a max. val. slightly th a t given by the original. The surface area of the C particles has been estim ated and th e abs. rates of combustion in g./sq. cm./

sec. have been calc.; they varied from about 10~° to 1 0 '5; the rates relative to C (100) were approx. : A 3, Ceylon B 14, Acheson B 41, Durham D 44. The effect of velocity of flow on rate of combustion is briefly

discussed. A. B. M.

D eterm ination o f the sp . gr. of coke. B. G.

Sim e k and R. Ka ss l e r (Mitt. Kohlenforsch. Inst.

Prag, 1932, 254—265 ; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3650).—

A review. A. A. E.

E xam ination of the m echanical properties of bone char in the laboratory. K. Sa n d e r a (Z.

Zuckerind. Czechoslov., 1933, 57, 221—224).—In place of the usual sieving test, a more reproducible figure is obtained by counting the no. of grains present in 100 g., after sifting off the dust and very fine particles, the result being expressed as the average wt. per grain.

D ust is found b y sifting through a 1 X 1 mm. sieve.

Fractionation of the grain according to the nature of the particles is done by separating the hard, porous, and brittle particles and the du st present in 1 kg., and deter­

mining the % wt. of each fraction. The resistance to abrasion of the material is ascertained by using the Sandera-Zimmermann apparatus (B., 1932, 1049).

J. P. O.

R efractom etric determ ination of naphthalene [in g a s]. B. G. Sim ekand Z. B eran b k (Mitt. Kohlen­

forsch. Inst. Prag, 1932, 208—224; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3650).—The C10E8 is removed with aq. picric acid or glacial AcOH, and liberated by reduction of the picric acid to picramic acid or neutralisation of the AcOH ; it is then dissolved in »-Bu20 and determined by measuring n. A nomogram is given. A. A. E.

R unning of autom obile en gin es on suction g a s.

P. Sc h l a pfe r and H. Drot sc h m a n n (Schweiz. Ges, Studium Motorbrennstoffe, 1933, No. 2, 92 pp.).—Bench tests are reported of a 30-h.p. motor-lorry engine using petrol and suction gas generated in a portable producer by gasifying lignin, pine wood, fir and beech charcoals, and charcoal briquettes. D ry purification was found necessary, and a cloth filter was used. The best grate area gave a consumption of 100 kg./sq. m ./hr. Wood

a 3


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

452 Cl, IX.— Fu e l * Ga s ; Ta b ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

with a low resin content was better than charcoal.

Suction gas gave flatter torque-r.p.m . curves than p etro l;

hence the engine is less flexible. For a given compression ratio, there is 20—70% less power, and 1—6 times the wt. consumption of fuel, compared with petrol. Further improvements in producers, the design of which is very important, are necessary. T. H. B.

A nalysis of bitum ens and asp h alts. S. J. dos

Santos (Rev. Soc. Brasil, Cliim., 1932, 3, 177—190),—

An essay. R. K. C.

Com parison of the Hutchinson tar tester and the road-tar consistom eter for determ ining the v is­

co sity of road tars. P. Sc h l a pfe r and W. Rodel

(Schweiz. Z. Strassenwesen, 1932, Nos. 7 and 9, 6—14).—

The viscosity of Swiss tars varied with temp, so th a t log %—log ti2=m(log ?2—log ij), where v and t represent corresponding viscosities and temp, (cf, B., 1931, 575).

Log v (consistometer) when plotted against- log v (H utch­

inson tar tester) gives straight lines. H. J. H.

Sim ultaneous production of benzine and tow n gas from brow n-coal tar. F. Seedenschntjr (Braunkohl- enarch., 1932, No. 38, 39—5 4 ; Chem. Zentr,, 1932, ii, 3812).—The vapour is passed over “ floridin ” catalyst a t 450—475° a t ordinary pressure. The “ carburol ” (pressure) process gives higher yields of benzine. The crack-gas mixed with water-gas is utilisable as to ™ gas,

A. A. E.

Com position of peat gas-producer and low - tem perature carbonisation tars. V. E. Rak o v sk i

and P. M. Ioffe (Khim. Tverd. Topi., 1931, 2, No. 11—

12, 93— 107).—Procedures and characteristics are recorded. Low-temp. ta r is not spontaneously combust­

ible. The “ aspkaltene ” layer contains 80% of acidic substances sol, in NaOH. Cn. Ab s,

Products of hydrogenation of phenolic o il from low -tem perature tar. I, I I . S. Axdo (J, Soc. Chem, Ind., Japan, 1933, 36, 86—90b).—Hydrogenation over Ni at 250°/100 atm. of the phenolic fraction of the ta r from the low-temp. carbonisation of bituminous coal gives a mixture of homologous alcohols of the cyclo- hexane series, b.p. 160—230° (58% a t 170— 185°), converted by further hydrogenation a t 335°/40—50 atm. into the corresponding cycZohexanes, b.p. 95—185°, by Al203 in N2 a t 300° into the c^cfohexenes, b.p.

95—200°, and bv Ac20 into the cj/ciohexyl acetates, b.p. 185—235° (68% a t 185—200°). 'H . A. P.

Production and consum ption of organic road- m aking m aterials in Sw itzerland. P. Sc h l a pfe r

(Schweiz. Z, Strassenwesen. 1932, No. 15,4 pp.).

H . J .H . N ew [Sw iss] specifications for organic road- surfacing m aterials. P. SchlIp f e r (Schweiz. Z.

Strassenwesen, 1932, Nos. 7 and 9, 1—5).—The differ­

ences between the refined road tars and the less viscous tars hitherto used axe discussed and new methods of testing described. The consistometer replaces the Hutchinson viscosity tester. A free-C te st by centrifuging a mixture of the tar and xylene is described. Tests for binding power, C10H8, phenols, loss by vaporisation, and stability of emulsion on freezing and storage are described.

H . J . H.

A pparatus for p y r o ly sis of gaseous hydrocar­

bons. V. Je ij n e k (Mitt. Kohlenforsch.-Inst. Prag, 1932, 198—207; Chem. Zentr., 1933, i, 164).—The apparatus employs regenerative heating. A. A. E.

Influence of cracking conditions on com position and reactivity of the cracked benzine. F. Sager

(Petroleum, 1933, 29, No. 15, 1—6).—The benzine (yield 38%) obtained by cracking Russian m azout in the new type of Dubbs (“ full-flashing ” ) p lan t contained defines 18*2, arom atic hydrocarbons 48-8, naphthens 13-5, and paraffins 19-5%, whilst the corresponding figures for a benzine (yield 42%) produced in an older type of Dubbs plant were 7-2, 36-1, 16-0, and 40-7% , respectively. The main differences in the method of operation responsible for this change in composition were the rapid and complete removal of the liquid phase from the reaction chamber, and the increased heat consump­

tion per ton of crude oil. The influence of minor variations in the method of operation are briefly dis­

cussed. A. B. M.

B enzine sy n th esis from carbon m on oxid e and hydrogen at atm ospheric pressure. X III, XIV.

N ickel ca ta ly sts. K. Fu jim u r a and S. Tsun e o k a

(J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1933, 36, 119— 121 b ; cf.

B., 1933, 7).—-The effect on the activity of a Ni catalyst used in the synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons from CO and H2 (cf. B., 1932, 666) of various promoters is studied.

A pure Ni catalyst gives the best yield, which is < with Co, a t 190—200°. The activity of N i-T hO , (18%

T h 0 2), which is greatest a t 195°, is markedly increased by K2C03 or R b2C 03. Ni-Mn catalysts (18% Mn), however, are adversely affected by N a2C 03 or K2C03, b u t improved by addition of R b2C03. Cr does not affect the activity of a Ni-Mn catalyst, b u t improves th a t of a pure Ni catalyst. N i-U308 (18% U30 8) catalysts prepared from the copptd. carbonates or from NiC03 and U308 (from the nitrate and aq. NH 3) show greater activity than Ni catalysts, b u t a prep, from Ni oxalate and U308 was inert. H. A. P.

C om position of p etroleum . A. N. Sach an ov

(Gozudarstv. Nauch.-Tekh. Izdat. Moscow-Petrograd, 1931, 344 pp.).—Reports (14) are collected.

Cn. Ab s. Venezuelan p etroleu m and its w orking up. G.

Eg l o ff, E. F. Ne l s o n, and P. Tr u e s d e l i, (Petroleum, 1933, 29, No. 14, 7—11).—D ata are tabulated relating to the production of oil, the distillation ranges, and physical properties of the fractions, of oils from the principal fields, and the yields of products obtained on

cracking the oils. A. B. M.

F orm ation of com p lex naphthenic acids in petroleum . O rigin of petroleum . E. Pyhala (Chem.- Ztg., 1933, 57, 273, 294—295).—The distillates from a Russian petroleum contained 12 times as much naphth- enic acids (I) as the original oil, and a Rum anian oil gave similar results. Presumably in the crude oil these com­

pounds exist for the most p art as unsaponifiable com­

plex. This view is supported by experiments in which the acid treatm ent of crude oil was varied with great changes in the content of (I) in the distillate. In one case the residue from distillation of the naphthenic acid fraction when treated w ith NaOH gave a ppt. of S i0 2,


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. II.— Fu e l; G as; T a r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 453

and S or S 02 is present w ithout any II2S 04 treatm ent.

A complex containing “ concealed ” (I) was artificially produced by treating a m ixture of kerosene and (1) repeatedly with oleum, the complex containing S 0 2.

C. 1.

C oal-oil problem . W. T. La n e (Proe. S. Wales Inst. Eng., 1933, 49, 113—150).—A discussion of the economic aspects of the recovery of oil from coal.

P ro g re ss in the reconstruction of the [oil-]

cracking process. E. G. G in z b u r g (A z n e ft., 1932, 44 pp.).—A discussion. Results obtained with Russian oils are considered. Ch. Ab s.

B a sic p rob lem s in connexion w ith the rectific­

ation of o ils. S. N. Obr y a d c h ik o vand A. A. Ka r a s e v a

(Azneft., 1932, 75 pp.).—A discussion. Ch. Abs.

D eterm ination o f sulphur and chlorine in ga so ­ lin e. C. Wir t h I I I and M. J. Str o ss (Ind. Eng.

Chem. [Anal.], 1933, 5, 85—87).—The products of combustion of the sample are absorbed in N a2C03, and S is determined by difference from the to tal acidity ; the Cl content is determined in the neutralised solution with AgN03 and K2C r04. A. A. L.

Preparation of m ono- and di-nitrotoluenes from arom atic gasoline of Shukkok5 crude oils by direct nitration. M. Mizuta (J. Soc. Chem. Ind., Japan, 1 9 3 3 ,3 6 ,117— 1 1 8 b ; cf. B„ 1 933, 2 1 2 ).—From the crude

“ arom atic gasoline ” a fraction, b.p. 105108°, con­

taining 4 9 -1 % of P h M e, 2 5 - 1 % of naphthenes, and 2 5 -8 % of paraffins is separated by distillation. Details are given for the prep, from it of C8H4M e-N02(9 2 % of theory) and C6H3Me(N02)2(8 0 % of theory) by direct

nitration. H. A. P .

P urification of su lp h o-acid s b y sulphonating the kerosene d istillate. K . P. Lik b u s h in and A. N.

De i-Ka r k h a n o v a (Azerbaid. Neft. Choz., 1932, No. 11, 67—74).—Acids containing a min. quantity of free oil and H2S 04 are obtained by treatm ent of the distillate with gaseous S 0 3. The presence of fractions of high b.p. increases the yield. The kerosene is preferably treated with clay before the acids are extracted with H20 . The burning qualities of kerosene are improved by treatm ent with S 0 3. Ch. Ab s.

H ydrogenation of m ineral o ils. II. Bu r s t in

and J. Win k l e r (Erdol u. Teer, 1932, 8, 428—430, 445—446, 461—463 ; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3813).—

Non-catalytic hydrogenation in an electrically heated autoclave is described. The temp, was lowest for oils poor in asphalt. Four (cracking) hydrogenations gave benzine, gas, and asphalt, with no middle oil. A. A. E.

R ecovery of ceresin s from p etrolatum at the M ax M iller plant in B aku. D. G o ld b e r g and I, A b e z g a u z (Azerbaid. Neft. Choz., 1932, No. 11, 39—

45).—Cold setting is unsatisfactory; the Weir method is preferred. The quality of the kieselguhr is im p o rta n t;

it is preferably added 10° aboTO the crystallisation temp.

W ith a dilution of 1 : 2, 20% , and with 1 :2 - 5 , 15%, of

earth is necessary. Ch. Ajss.

H ydrogenation o f E stonian o il sh ale and sh ale o il. P. N. Ko g erm an and J . Ko p w il l e m (J. Inst.

Petroleum Tech,, 1932, 18 , 833—845).—The shale

heated to 370—410° with H20 , with« and without the addition of F e20 3, under pressures up to 190—287 kg.

per sq. cm. yielded a gas consisting chiefly of saturated hydrocarbons and C 02. From the liquid products a fraction, b.p. < 170°, was obtained, the yield being 8 % on the W't. of shale when the latter was heated to 375—380° and 11% when heated to 400—-110°. This fraction was l l20-white when freshly distilled, but darkened on k eep in g ; after treatm ent w ith 10% aq.

NaOII, dil. H2S 0 4, drying, and redistilling, it did not darken on keeping. The F e203 appeared to have no effect beyond retaining some S. When mixed with Fe203 and heated under pressure to 405— 420° in I l2 the pressure fell while the tem p, was kept const. ; in N2 it increased. About 10% more org. m atter was converted into oil (boiling up to 275°/15 mm.) in the former case than in the latter. W hen hydrogenated for 2—3 hr. a t 380—410°/250 kg. per sq. cm. practically no coke, i.e., C, in the residue after distilling off oils insol.

in C6H6 was formed, and this suggests a method for .studying kerogen. On hydrogenation of shale oils with formation of light oils polymerisation occurs with form­

ation of heavier higher-boiling oils. Crude phenols from shale oil yielded on hydrogenation 24-3% of light oils.

The lower-boiling fractions of oils obtained by hydrogen­

ation of shale oils were almost identical with those obtained on hydrogenation of shale. D. K. M.

A ction of m eta ls on the su lp h u r com pounds in crude benzine from the low -tem p eratu re carbonis­

ation of brow n coal. H . Ho f m e ie rand S. Wis s e l in c k

(Brennstoff-Chem., 1933, 14, 101—103).—On treating the benzine w ith Cu, Ag, or Zn in the form of powder or thin wire only relatively small proportions of the S compounds present were removed, and then only in the presence of a considerable excess of the metal. Experi­

ments with sheet metal showed th a t a resinous protective layer was formed on the surface, presumably by the polymerisation of unsaturated compounds in the benzine, and protected the metal from the further action of the S compounds. Treatm ent with metals, e.g., as in the Cu-dish test, can be used for the detection of corrosive S in benzene, b u t not for its determination. A. B. M.

V isco sity of thinned and unthinned o ils from

—30° to 50°. J . T a u s z and II. Me l l n e r (Petroleum, 1932, 28, No. 45, 1— 10).—Temp.-viseosity cooling and heating curves were plotted for a wide range of mineral and fa tty oils, undiluted and diluted w ith various % of PhMe. The cooling and heating curves rarely coincide a t low temp., and the variations are greater with increase of solids deposited on cooling. The tq vals. are difficult to reproduce w ith oils containing paraffin, as -q is dependent on r.p.m. and duration of test, owing to change of gels to sols by shock. Curves for fa tty oils show flat and steep portions approaching a right angle, especially w ith oleic acid, b u t those for castor oil are much flatter and the cooling and heating curves are identical.

The Y) val. for thick oils can be calc, from the yj of thinned oil, using the equation described previously (B., 1931, 187), and from this the x val. can be calc, for different degrees of thinning. The x val. for different oils is given and shown to be independent of temp.

The practical and theoretical importance of this is a i


B r itis h C h e m ic a l A b s tr a c t«—B .

4 54 C l . IX .— F u e l ; G a s ; T a r ; M i n e r a l O i l s .

discussed, and thfc x val. is proposed as a practical measure of the thinning of motor oils. A modified direct-reading Dallwitz-Wegener viscosimeter perm itting cooling by solid C 02 and liquid air is described.

II, E. T.

Continuous regulation of the neutralisation of oils after acid treatm ent. B. S. Gr e e n s f e l d e r

(Petroleum, 1933, 29, No. 13, 6—8).—A stream of the oil is brought into contact with a stream of a dil.

indicator solution (6 mg. of Me-red and 25 mg. of xylenol- blue per litre) in a small observation tube. The neutralisation of the oil is so regulated as to maintain a slight excess of alkali, as shown by the green colour of the indicator (/>h 7-5—9); with excess of acid the indicator turns red and a t pH 9 blue. A. B. M.

Stability of lubricating o ils. G. R. Va in s h t e in

(Azerbaid. Neft, Choz., 1932, No. 11, 45—57).—Sligh’s method for determining stability to oxidation is pre­

ferred. The most stable oils are made from Surakhani crude oil. Paraffin-base oils are the b e s t; asphalt-base oils can be greatly improved by treatm ent. Oils from pipe stills are better than those from shell stills. Use of H2S 04 and NaOH yields only poor p ro d u c ts; H2S 04 and contacting clay give satisfactory oils, b u t the acidity is high. Clay alone yields unstable products of high acidity. H2S 0 4, NaOH, and clay give the best oils.

Ch. Ab s. A nalysis of lubricating o il. Ter po u g o ff (Compt.

rend. Congr. Graissage, 1931, 63—73; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 2575—2576).—Solidifying p o in t: the f.p.

does not always correspond with th a t anticipated from the composition. Acid val. of dark mineral o ils:

Mahler’s method is preferred to Holde’n ; 10 g. are boiled with 25 c.c. of neutral abs. EtO H for 1 hr. and then titrated with 0 ■ lV-NaOH. Contraction errors in viscosity determ ination: the error, even a t 100°, is small enough to be ignored in technical determin­

ations. Obtaining highly viscous oils w ithout heating : differential solubilities in org. solvents are employed.

A. A. E.

Purification of anthracene.—See III. Corrosion of m etals by phenols.—See X. P etroleum and paint m aterials.—See X III. P eat a s fertiliser.—

See XVI. B agasse briquettes.—See XV II.

See also A., May, 484, H ydrocarbons in Ruhr coal.

485, P olym erisation of unsaturated hydrocarbons.

495, D etection of C6H S.

Pa t e n t s.

Manufacture of [fuel] briquettes. G. Ko m a r e k, Assr. to Be r w in d Fu e l Co. o f De l a w a r e (U.S.P.

1,860,743 and 1,860,465, 31.5.32. Appl., [a] 20.6.29, [b] 2.12.29).—(a) Dry carbonaceous m aterial is mixed with a binder and with about 1 % of a hygroscopic salt, e.g., CaCl2 or MgCl2, and the mixture is heated with live steam and briquetted. If desired, a solution of the salt may be applied to the surface of the briquettes after they are moulded. The formation of dust is reduced and the combustion properties of the briquettes are improved, (b) The surface of the briquettes, preferably while hot, is impregnated with a hot solution containing a hygroscopic salt and a substance producing

an abrasion-resistant film, e.g., a m ixture of CaCl2 and

sulphite liquor. A. B. M.

Production of binder and [coal] briquette.

R. E . W i l l a r d , Assr. to B r i q u e t En g. Co. (U.S.P.

I,869,083, 26.7.32. Appl., 22.6.29).—S dissolved in asphalt is incorporated with coal a t a temp, above the m.p. of the binder b u t below the decomp, point of the

coal. B .M .V .

D istillation of c o a ls . C. P . Du b b s, Assr. to Un iv e r­ s a l Oil ProductsCo. (U .S .P . 1,868,732,26.7.32. Appl., 27.10.24).—Coal is mixed into a stream of heated oil on the way to a conversion chamber (A) where simul­

taneous distillation followed by cracking takes place.

The vapours pass to a reflux condenser from which the down flow is returned to the process. The solid remains in A and a liquid is continuously withdrawn therefrom.

B. M. V.

C oking retort oven s. Ko p p e r s Co. o f De l a w a r e, Assees. of J. v a n Ac k er en (B.P. 389,502, 11.9.31.

U.S., 11.9.30).—An oven having flame flues (A) of the hairpin type located in the heating walls, which are arranged above a transverse series of regenerator.', is provided w ith vertical slots (B) vented to the atm . located between the inflow and outflow (C) regenerators to prevent counterflow of gases therebetween. Similar horizontal slots are provided to prevent leakage of gas between the gas guns for supplying rich gas to A and C. The expansion joints are arranged to extend into B.

A. B. M.

A ctivation of carbon. A, E. Ma r sh a l l, Assr. to Co l u m b ia n Ca rbo n Co. (U.S.P. 1,859,450, 24.5.32.

Appl., 20.8.30).—The hot C discharged from a high-temp.

activating device is cooled by being passed through a H20-jacketed tube (A) provided w ith inlet and outlet rotary locks. A is vibrated to facilitate the travel of the C through it, and if desired, an inert gas m ay be passed through i t countercurrent to the C. A. B. M.

C atalytic hydrogenation of carbonaceous m a te r­

ia ls. Ch em. Re a c t io n s, Lt d. From De u t s. Go ld- u. Sil b e r-Sc h e id e a n st a l t, vorm. Ro e ssl e r (B.P. 389,560, II.11.31).—The tem p, in the reaction vessel is controlled by injecting regulated am ounts of cold oil through nozzles distributed over the reaction space. The oil used is preferably a middle-oil fraction of the hydro­

genated product. (Cf. following abstract.) A. B. M.

D estructive hydrogenation, cracking, and sim ila r heat-treatm ent of carbonaceous m aterials. Chem Re a c t io n s, Lt d. From De u t s. Go l d- u. Sil b e r- Sc h e id e a n st a l t, v o r m. Ro e ssl e r(B.P. 389,937,1.1.32).

—The products from the hydrogenation process are cooled in one or more heat exchangers (A), under the working pressure, to such a degree th a t the greater p art of the product condenses. The products after having the pressure released are led to a rectification column (B), the h eat taken up in A being transferred to the evaporating chamber associated w ith B and/or to the stripping sections of the column. (Cf. preceding abstract.)

A .B .H . M echanical g a s producer. F. H, Tr e a t, Assr. to Du f f Pa t e n t s Co., In c. (U .S .P . 1,859,576, 24.5.32.

Appl., 12.11.26).—The fuel bed of the producer is raked


Powiązane dokumenty

densed gases pass a t the beginning of the distillation to the air, and afterwards to the washing plant. The condensate from the first cooler is stored

ing, and washing with ammonium nitrate solution,'the filtrate, after neutralising with ammonia solution and acidifying with acetic acid, is treated with 4% lead

ships between detonation and engine speed are of interest with supercharged engines where the induction temp, may reach 50°. Fuels enriched with benzol for these

sively with boiling water, boiling 10% sodium hydroxide, and water. of the soil is rendered almost neutral, and the iron, aluminium, and phosphoric acid are

tillate are withdrawn. B itum en and tar em ulsions. The amount of alkali present, beyond th a t required to neutralise the organic acids, must be 3—5 mols. of silicic

sulphide. 345,668, 18.11.29).—Precipitated titanium hydroxide is treated with a peptising agent, e.g., nitric or hydrochloric acid or barium chloride, and the

lower ones, contrary to Traube’s rule. Conformity with Traube’s rule was obtained in aq. solutions containing EtOH, which, competing with the fatty acids for

L. for the Mn equilibrium between m etal and slag were found to be irregularly distributed about a curve the equation to which corresponded w ith th a t of th e