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Alan Walker - Alone tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Alan Walker, Alone

Lost in your mind I wanna know

Am I losing my mind?

Never let me go

If this night is not forever At least we’re together I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone Anywhere, whenever Apart, but still together I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone Unconscious mind I'm wide awake

I wanna feel one last time Take my pain away If this night is not forever At least we’re together I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone Anywhere, whenever Apart, but still together I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone I know I'm not alone

I'm not alone, I'm not alone

I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone I'm not alone, I'm not alone

I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone

Alan Walker - Alone w Teksciory.pl


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