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Komitet Naukowy/Scientific Committee:

Prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Żuchowski, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu – przewodniczący Komitetu Naukowego

Prof. dr Tom Bramorski, University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, USA

Prof. dr Horst Brezinski, Technische Universität-Bergakademie, Freiberg, Niemcy/Uniwesytet Ekono- miczny w Poznaniu

Prof. dr Pasquale Giungato, University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari, Włochy Prof. dr Mitsuharu Mitsui, Okayama University, Okayama, Japonia

Prof. dr Grygory Pugachevsky, Kiev National University of Technology and Economics, Kijów, Ukraina Prof. dr hab. Marian W. Sułek, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu Redaktorzy Naczelni/Editors in Chief:

Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu

Redaktorzy Tematyczni/Subject Editors:

Towaroznawstwo kosmetyków i produktów chemii gospodarczej – dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, prof. UTH

Towaroznawstwo opakowań – prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Lisińska-Kuśnierz Towaroznawstwo przemysłowe – prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński Towaroznawstwo żywności – dr hab. Maria Śmiechowska, prof. AM Zarządzanie jakością – prof. dr hab. inż. Jerzy Żuchowski

Towaroznawstwo wyrobów tekstylnych i odzieżowych, bezpieczeństwo produktów nieżywnościowych – dr hab. inż. Renata Salerno-Kochan, prof. nadzw. UE

Redaktor Statystyczny/Statistical Editor:

Dr hab. Andrzej Sokołowski, prof. UEK Komitet Redakcyjny/Editorial Board:

Dr hab. inż. Regina Borek-Wojciechowska, prof. UTH, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu

Dr hab. inż. Bożena Borycka, prof. UTH, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr hab. inż. Tomasz Wasilewski, prof. UTH, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Dr Anita Bocho-Janiszewska, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu

Dr Halina Garbacz, Politechnika Warszawska

Dr inż. Dorota Koprowska, Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB w Radomiu Dr inż. Małgorzata Zięba, Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny w Radomiu Adres Komitetu Redakcyjnego

Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny, Katedra Nauk o Jakości, ul. Chrobrego 31, 26-600 Radom, tel./fax (48) 361-74-82, (48) 361-75-38; e-mail: tpj@uthrad.pl, www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl

Redakcja czasopisma „Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości” informuje, że formą referencyjną czasopisma jest wersja drukowana.

Publikacje można nadsyłać na adres Komitetu Redakcyjnego ISSN 1733-747X


Uniwersytet Technologiczno-Humanistyczny im. K. Pułaskiego, ul. Chrobrego 31, 26-600 Radom

Instytut Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB, ul. K. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom Opracowanie wydawnicze: Joanna Iwanowska, Iwona Nitek


ul. Malczewskiego 20A, 26-600 Radom, tel. centr. (48) 361-70-33, fax (48) 361-70-34 e-mail: przypis@poczta.onet.pl http://www.uniwersytetradom.pl

Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji – PIB

ul. K. Pułaskiego 6/10, 26-600 Radom, tel. centr. (48) 364-42-41, fax (48) 364-47-65 e-mail: instytut@itee.radom.pl http://www.itee.radom.pl


Spis treści

Przedmowa ... 7 Magdalena Niewczas, Tadeusz Sikora: Bezpieczeństwo a inne cechy żywności

opinii konsumentów ... 11 Monika Majewska, Helena Panfil-Kuncewicz, Anna Lis: Młody konsument

na rynku żywności – jego wiedza i preferencje wobec informacji żywieniowych .. 24 Michał Halagarda, Katarzyna Kowa-Halagarda: Wybrane właściwości opakowań z polietylenu niskiej gęstości przeznaczonych do zamrażania żywności ... 34 Anna Gątarska: Wody butelkowane w diecie przedszkolaków ... 43 Łukasz Gralak, Daria Wieczorek, Katarzyna Wybieralska: Analiza zawartości

związków antyutleniających obecnych w wybranych napojach funkcjonalnych.... 48 Mariusz Florek, Marcin Pizoń, Rebeka Sobolewska, Małgorzata Ryszkowska-

-Siwko, Małgorzata Dmoch: Jakość mięsnych produktów blokowych dostępnych na rynku lubelskim ... 56 Izabela Przetaczek-Rożnowska, Jacek Rożnowski, Paulina Pająk, Teresa Fortuna:

Analiza korelacji jakości sensoryczna i wybranych cech fizykochemicznych

galaretek o smaku truskawkowym ... 70 Małgorzata Jasińska, Katarzyna Skryplonek: Charakterystyka wybranych cech

jakościowych serów ricotta w czasie chłodniczego przechowywania ... 80 Paulina Malinowska: Egzotyczne owoce jako źródło naturalnych

przeciwutleniaczy w produktach kosmetycznych ... 92 Ryszard Zieliński: Zastosowanie indeksów topologicznych do szacowania

wartości CMC dla surfaktantów w roztworach wodnych ... 101 Anita Bocho-Janiszewska: Zastosowanie niejonowych surfaktantów w płynach

do prania w pralkach automatycznych ... 111



Preface ... 7 Magdalena Niewczas, Tadeusz Sikora: Food safety versus other characteristics of food by consumers ... 11 Monika Majewska, Helena Panfil-Kuncewicz, Anna Lis: Young consumer

on the market of food – their knowledge and preferences towards nutritional

information ... 24 Michał Halagarda, Katarzyna Kowa-Halagarda: Selected properities

of low-density polyethylene freezer bags ... 34 Anna Gątarska: Bottled water in the diet of preschoolers ... 43 Łukasz Gralak, Daria Wieczorek, Katarzyna Wybieralska: Analysis of the content of antioxidant compounds in selected functional beverages ... 48 Mariusz Florek, Marcin Pizoń, Rebeka Sobolewska, Małgorzata Ryszkowska-

-Siwko, Małgorzata Dmoch: Quality of block meat products from retail

network of Lublin ... 56 Izabela Przetaczek-Rożnowska, Jacek Rożnowski, Paulina Pająk,

Teresa Fortuna: The analysis of sensorial quality correlation with some

physicochemical properties strawberry`s jellies ... 70 Małgorzata Jasińska, Katarzyna Skryplonek: Characterisctic of selected quality features of ricotta cheeses during refrigerated storage ... 80 Paulina Malinowska: Exotic fruits as a source of natural antioxidants in cosmetic products... 92 Ryszard Zieliński: Application of topological indices in estimating of the CMC

value for surfactants in aqueous solutions ... 101 Anita Bocho-Janiszewska: Nonionic surfactants in liquid laundry detergents

for automatic laundry washing machine ... 111


P r z e d m o w a

Zgodnie z przyjętym przez Kolegium Redakcyjne długoterminowym planem wy- dawniczym w połowie kwietnia 2015 roku oddajemy do rąk Państwa – naszych czytelników czterdziesty trzeci numer kwartalnika Towaroznawcze Problemy Jakości (Polish Journal of Commodity Science). Kontynuując próby rozszerzenia grona naszych czytelników, także w bieżącym numerze zamieszczamy kilka artykułów w angielskiej wersji językowej. Tak jak poprzednio, niezależnie od języka oryginalnej publikacji, każdy artykuł zawiera obszerne streszczenie w języku polskim i angielskim. Streszczenia wszystkich prac prezentowanych na łamach kwartalnika w obydwu wersjach językowych dostępne są również na stronie interneto- wej naszego czasopisma pod adresem: http://www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl.

Serię 11 artykułów obecnego wydania naszego czasopisma otwierają dwie prace dotyczące badań ankietowych. W pierwszej z nich Niewczas i Sikora przedstawiają wyniki badań wła- snych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa żywności. W badaniach przeprowadzonych w trzech wo- jewództwach południowo-wschodniej Polski metodą ankietową Ankietowani określali bezpie- czeństwo żywności, brak konserwantów i innych dodatków do żywności, smak, kraj pocho- dzenia, cenę, brak składników GMO, łatwość przygotowania, ładny wygląd. W ocenie respon- dentów najwyższą średnią ocenę uzyskały kolejno: smak, bezpieczeństwo, brak konserwantów oraz brak innych dodatków w żywności. Autorzy stwierdzają, że uzyskane odpowiedzi są zróżnicowane ze względu na cechy socjodemograficzne konsumentów.

W kolejnej pracy Majewska i współautorzy omawiają wyniki ocenę wiedzy młodych kon- sumentów z zakresu informacji żywieniowej oraz określenie, w jakim stopniu informacje te służą kształtowaniu prawidłowego odżywiania. Badania zostały przeprowadzone z zastosowa- niem kwestionariusza ankietowego. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują na duże zainteresowa- nie młodzieży informacjami żywieniowymi znajdującymi się na opakowaniach produktów spożywczych. Ankietowani deklarowali chęć zdobycia dodatkowej wiedzy na temat wartości odżywczej.

Seria kolejnych sześciu prac dotyczy prezentacji wyników badań związanych z jakością żywności. W pierwszej z tych prac Halagarda i Kowa-Halagarda omawiają właściwości opa- kowań z polietylenu niskiej gęstości przeznaczonych do zamrażania żywności. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów wybranych parametrów fizycznych worków wykonanych z polietylenu niskiej gęstości przeznaczonych do mrożenia żywności. Próbki materiałów opa- kowaniowych przechowywano przez 6 miesięcy w temperaturze -18°C, określając co miesiąc właściwości mechaniczne. Nie zauważono istotnych zmian badanych parametrów w trakcie przechowywania.

Analiza spożycia wód butelkowanych na tle innych napojów wśród dzieci w wieku przed- szkolnym stanowi treść pracy Gątarskiej. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 5–6-letnich dzieci z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza wywiadu. Uzyskane wyniki badań wskazują na różnorod- ność spożywanych płynów przez dzieci przedszkolne. Większość przedszkolaków deklaruje spożywanie wód mineralnych, co najczęściej kojarzone jest z zabawą lub spożywaniem posił- ków. Ponadto większość przedszkolaków spożywa również wody smakowe, a ich znaczna część poza domem najczęściej spożywa także słodkie napoje lub wody smakowe.

W kolejnej pracy Gralak i współautorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych dotyczą- cych zawartości związków antyutleniających obecnych w wybranych napojach funkcjonal- nych. Badano napoje izotoniczne, energetyzujące oraz typu health & wellness. Oznaczano zawartość związków fenolowych ogółem oraz aktywność przeciwutleniającą z wykorzy- staniem rodnika DPPH. Stwierdzono, że niektóre z wybranych napojów funkcjonalnych wzbogacone są związkami zwiększającymi działanie przeciwutleniającymi, jednak ich zawar- tość w produktach jest nieznaczna.


Jakość mięsnych produktów blokowych dostępnych na rynku lubelskim stanowi treść pra- cy Florka i współpracowników. Przeprowadzono badania organoleptyczne i fizykochemiczne konserw blokowych i porównano je z analogicznymi właściwościami wędlin blokowych.

Stwierdzono, że w porównaniu z konserwami blokowymi wędliny blokowe wykazują istotnie większą siłę cięcia oraz twardość, gumowatość i żuwalność. Również wyróżniki barwy po- równywanych obydwu grup produktów blokowych były zbliżone, z wyjątkiem jasności.

W kolejnej pracy Przetaczek i współautorzy przedstawiają wyniki badań własnych zmie- rzających do uzyskania odpowiedzi na pytanie czy istnieje korelacja pomiędzy jakością senso- ryczną i preferencjami konsumenckimi w odniesieniu do sporządzonych deserów galaretek truskawkowych z wybranymi właściwościami fizykochemicznymi koncentratów i żeli galare- tek dostępnych na polskim rynku. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że wyniki analizy sensorycznej dobrze korelują z wynikami instrumentalnych pomiarów kwaso- wości i zawartości białka oraz parametrów barwy i tekstury wykonanych na sporządzonych żelach badanych galaretek.

W ostatniej pracy z zakresu towaroznawstwa żywności Jasińska i Skryplonek przedstawia- ją wyniki badań własnych dotyczących wpływu czasu chłodniczego przechowywania na wy- brane cechy jakościowe serów ricotta. Przeprowadzano ocenę sensoryczną oraz oznaczono zawartość wody, tłuszczu i chlorku sodu, kwasowość czynną i miareczkową oraz twardość serów. Autorki stwierdziły, że badane sery ricotta różniły się cechami organoleptycznymi oraz szybkością zmian wskaźników fizykochemicznych w czasie chłodniczego przechowywania.

W kolejnej pracy Malinowska przedstawia możliwości zastosowania niektórych owoców egzotycznych jako potencjalnego źródła przeciwutleniaczy w preparatach kosmetycznych.

Autorka przedstawiła wyniki badań własnych dotyczących aktywności przeciwutleniającej pięciu handlowych kosmetycznych ekstraktów z owoców egzotycznych dostępnych na pol- skim rynku kosmetycznym: kigelii, bananowca, daktylowca, głożyny i noni. Stwierdzono, że surowce te wykazują wysoki potencjał przeciwutleniający, co stwarza szansę na ich zastoso- wanie w produktach kosmetycznych w charakterze naturalnych przeciwutleniaczy.

Możliwości zastosowania indeksów topologicznych do oszacowania niektórych właści- wości wodnych roztworów surfaktantów stanowią przedmiot pracy Zielińskiego. Autor omó- wił konstrukcję indeksu Wienera i możliwości ich zastosowania do wyznaczania wartości krytycznego stężenia micelarnego dla kilku szeregów homologicznych surfaktantów jono- wych i niejonowych, uzyskując w każdym przypadku bardzo dobre liniowe korelacje. Obser- wacje te mogą zostać w praktyce wykorzystane do oszacowania właściwości użytkowych nieznanych izomerów tych ważnych składników wielu wyrobów.

Ostatni artykuł Bocho-Janiszewskiej dotyczy badania wpływu zawartości niejonowych surfaktantów z grupy związków oksyetylenowych i oksyproylenowych na wybrane właściwo- ści fizykochemiczne modelowych płynów do prania w pralkach automatycznych. Stwierdzo- no, że wzrost zawartości w recepturze związku oksypropylenowego wpływa na właściwości pianotwórcze płynów przeznaczonych do pralek automatycznych. Jednocześnie zaobserwo- wano jednak, że zbyt duża zawartość tych surfaktantów wywołuje znaczący spadek lepkości i właściwości piorących badanych kompozycji. Zaproponowano optymalny skład receptur produktów.

Czterdziesty trzeci numer naszego kwartalnika zamyka stała rubryka „Informacje TPJ”.

Zamieszczono w niej informacje o Polskiej Nagrodzie Jakości oraz konferencji żywnościowej organizowanej przez Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii w Warszawie.

Życzę Państwu przyjemnej lektury.

Redaktor TPJ Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński


P r e f a c e

According to the long-term plan accepted by the Editorial Board, in the middle of April 2015 we present to our readers the 43rd issue of the Polish Journal of Commodity Science.

Continuing efforts to widen the group of our readers we present some papers in English version. Continuing efforts to widen the group of our readers we present some papers in English version. As before, regardless the language of the original publication, each paper contains a wide summary in both Polish and English. The summaries of all the works published one can find on our webpage http://www.tpj.uniwersytetradom.pl.

A series of 11 articles in this issue of our journal is opened by two survey-based works. In the first one, Niewczas and Sikora present the results of their research on food safety. In the study conducted in three provinces of south-eastern Poland the respondents assessed the safety of food, lack of preservatives and other food additives, flavor, country of origin, price, lack of GMO ingredients, ease of preparation, nice appearance. The highest average scores were obtained (in the order): flavour, safety, lack of preservatives and other additives in food.

The authors concluded that the responses varied due to the socio-demographic characteristics of consumers.

In the next paper Majewska et al. discuss the evaluation of the knowledge of young consumers in the field of nutritional information and determine to what extent this knowledge contributes in proper nutrition. The study was conducted using a survey questionnaire. The results obtained indicate a strong youth interest in nutrition information provided on the packaging of food products. The respondents declared their willingness to gain additional knowledge about the nutritional value.

A series of six consecutive works is devoted to research results related to food quality. In the first of these works Halagarda and Kowa-Halagarda discuss the properties of food-freezing containers made of low density polyethylene. The paper presents the results of measurements of selected physical parameters of bags made of low-density polyethylene. Samples of packaging materials were stored for 6 months at a temperature of -18°C. Their mechanical properties were measured monthly. No significant changes in the parameters measured during storage were observed.

Analysis of bottled water consumption in comparison with other beverages among preschool-aged children is the subject of the paper by Gątarska. The study was conducted among 5–6 year-old children using a questionnaire interview. The results obtained reveal a wide variety of liquids consumed by pre-school children. Most preschoolers declare mineral water consumption, which is most commonly associated with fun and dining. In addition, most preschoolers consume flavored waters and, usually away from home, other sweet beverages.

In the next paper Gralak et al. present the results of research on the content of antioxidant compounds in the selected functional beverages. Isotonic, energetic and health & wellness drinks were tested. The total content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity using DPPH radical were measured. It was found that some of the selected functional drinks were enriched with compounds that increase the antioxidant activity, but their content in the product was negligible.

The quality of block meat products on the Lublin market is the subject of the paper by Florek et al. Organoleptic and physical-chemical tests of block preserves were performed. The results were compared with analogous properties of block meats. It was found that the block meats had cutting force, hardness, gumminess and chewiness significantly increased, as compared to the block preserves. Moreover, the color determiners in the two groups were comparable, except for brightness.


In the next paper Przetaczek et al. present the results of the study aimed to answer the question of whether there is a correlation between the sensory quality and consumer preferences with selected physicochemical properties of jellies and gels concentrates available on the Polish market. Based on the survey, it was found that the results of sensory analysis correlate well with the results of instrumental measurements of acidity and protein content as well as color and texture parameters performed on the prepared gels studied jellies.

In the last work in the field of food commodities Jasińska and Skryplonek present the results of their research on the effect of cooling storage time on selected quality features of ricotta cheese. The sensory evaluation was performed to determine the content of water, fat and sodium chloride, titratable and acidity activity and hardness of the cheese. The authors concluded that the ricotta cheese samples varied by organoleptic characteristics and by the rate of changes of physico-chemical indicators during refrigeration storage.

In the consecutive article Malinowska shows the applicability of some exotic fruit as a potential source of antioxidants in cosmetic formulations. The author presents the results of research on the antioxidant activity of five commercial cosmetic exotic fruit extracts available on the Polish cosmetics market: sausage tree, banana, date palm, jujube and noni. It was found that these materials exhibit a high antioxidant potency, which creates an opportunity for their use in cosmetic products as natural antioxidants.

The possibility of the application of topological indices to estimate some of the properties of aqueous solutions of surfactants is the subject of the paper by Zielinski. The author discusses the structure of the Wiener index and its applicability to the determination of the critical micelle concentration for several homologous series of ionic and nonionic surfactants.

In each case a very good linear correlation was obtained. These observations may be used in practice to estimate the performance of unknown isomers of these important components of many products.

In the last work Bocho-Janiszewska investigated the effect of the content of non-ionic surfactants belonging to the group of oxyethylated and oxypropylated compounds on selected physicochemical properties of machine laundry liquids. It was found that increase of the oxypropylated compound content affected the foaming ability of liquids intended for machine washing. On the other hand, too high content of these surfactants caused a significant decrease in viscosity and washing properties of the tested compositions. Optimal composition of the products was proposed.

The 43rd issue of the quarterly is closed by the regular column “TPJ Announcements”. It contains information on the Polish Quality Prize and on the food conference organized by the Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Warsaw.

I wish you a nice reading

Prof. dr hab. inż. Ryszard Zieliński TPJ Editor


Magdalena NIEWCZAS, Tadeusz SIKORA Cracow University of Economics

Faculty of Commodity Science Department of Quality Management

Food safety versus other characteristics of food by consumers

Key words: food quality, food safety, food characteristics, food quality perception.

Słowa kluczowe: jakość żywności, bezpieczeństwo żywności, cechy żywności, postrzeganie jakości żywności.

1. Introduction

Food that is offered to consumer must be safe [12].

However, as a product on the market food products should also have other characteristics, for instance look well, of good quality, tasty etc. As it is defined by the Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) food safety “refers to all those hazards, whether chronic or acute, that may make food injurious to the health of the consumer. It is not negotiable”. Whereas food quality includes “all other attributes that influence a product's value to the consumer. This includes negative attributes such as spoilage, contamination with filth, discoloration, off- odours and positive attributes such as the origin, colour, flavour, texture and processing method of the food”.

Food safety is the most important food characteristics in line with law requirements, but what about the other characteristics? Do consumer also think that food safety is the most important characteristic or do they pay attention to other characteristics? According to research conducted by van Rijswijk and Frewer [21] quality was more frequently defined by respondents in terms of “taste”, “good product”,

“natural/organic” and “freshness”, safety was defined as “absence of risk” or “harmfulness”. Food quality is a very complex issue [8, 13]. According to Peri [13] food quality is a set of consumer requirements that includes: safety requirements, commodity requirements, nutritional requirements, sensory requirements, requirements concerning the production context, ethical requirements, guarantee requirements, the requirements of the product/packaging system, requirements of the product/market system. Cardello [4] expresses the opinion that food quality is both the most well-defined and the least well-defined concept in the food industry.

The connections between food safety and food quality are presented in Fig. 1 [18].

Safety (hazard – free)

Nutritional values Sensory value (taste, smell etc.)

Convenience Food


Food Heath Quality

Fig. 1. Diagram of the relationship between food quality, food health quality and food safety traits


The main aim of the study was to characterize the importance of the selected characteristics of food according to consumers’ opinion. The main hypothesis was: according both to food law requirements and to consumers food safety is the most important characteristic of food products.

2. Materials and method

The research was carried out from September to December 2011 in three districts of South- East Poland. 712 respondents (convenience sample) took part in the survey. The questionnaire was built of 22 questions (one or more answers could be chosen, most of the questions were closed-type). The questionnaire was divided into three parts: the first part – general questions about the sources of knowledge about food, self-assessment of the level of knowledge about food. In the second part of the questionnaire respondents were asked about their main concerns related to food (for example: GMO, food additives), stages in food production in which food hazard may appear, their characteristics of food quality, the importance of food characteristics. In the third part respondents were asked about their behavior in the situation of food hazard. In the survey 468 women and 244 men took part. Most of the respondents were between 25–34 years old. They mostly lived in cities of not more than 100.000 residents.

The detailed characteristics of respondents is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of respondents Tabela 1. Charakterystyka respondentów


characteristics Group Measure Districts

Total Malopolskie Podkarpackie Lubelskie


Female N 246 78 144 468

[%] 61.81 72.22 69.90 65.18

Men N 152 30 62 244

[%] 38.19 27.78 30.10 34.27



years N 105 38 89 232

[%] 26.38 35.19 43.20 32.58


years N 155 37 59 251

[%] 38.94 34.26 28.64 35.25


years N 111 26 48 185

[%] 27.89 24.07 23.30 25.98

60+ years N 27 7 10 44

[%] 6.78 6.48 4.85 6.18


Basic N 74 11 13 98

[%] 18.59 10.19 6.31 13.76

Secondary N 160 51 79 290

[%] 40.20 47.22 38.35 40.73

Higher N 164 46 114 324

[%] 41.21 42.59 55.34 45.51

Number of persons in household

1 N 27 5 3 35

[%] 6.78 4.63 1.46 4.92

2 N 68 17 38 123

[%] 17.09 15.74 18.45 17.28

3 N 82 18 47 147


Source: own research. Źródło: badania własne.

Respondents were asked to evaluate the selected food characteristics such as: food safety, taste, no GMO, easiness for food preparation, price, no food preservatives and other food additives addition, produced in Poland on a five-point scale, where 1 means not important, 2 – means important a little, 3 – means medium importance, 4 – means important, and 5 – means very important.

The one-way analysis of variance was used. In a further analysis of variance null hypothesis was verified by Fisher-Snedecor F test (at accepted level of significance, p = 0.05). Post-hoc analysis was performed using Tukey’s test.

3. Results and discussion

Food safety is the most important characteristic according to law requirement. Food safety means lack of food hazards. It is said that consumers perceive food characteristics in other way than food specialists do. The question is – what is the hierarchy of food characteristics among consumers? Do they think that food safety is the most important characteristic or not?

What about the taste, price or country of origin? Food safety and food quality are thought to be the two most important characteristics of food [7, 16].

Based on the results of the survey consumers taking part in the survey expressed the opinion that two the most important characteristics of food are: taste and safety (Fig. 1). The least important food characteristic was the appearance of food. For respondents the lack of food preservatives and food additives was also important as well as the low price of food.

On the basis of Tukey’s test it can be said that among all socio-demographical characteristics of respondents only the evaluation of taste importance does not depend on any socio-demographic characteristics. All of the rest of answers are varied based on socio- demographic characteristics. Moreover, it can be observed that women and consumers aged of more than 40 years old usually evaluate the importance of the food characteristics higher than the other respondents (Fig. 2).

[%] 20.60 16.67 22.82 20.65

4 N 119 41 72 232

[%] 29.90 37.96 34.95 32.58

5+ N 102 27 46 175

[%] 25.63 25.00 22.33 24.58

Place of residence

City up 100,000 residents

N 116 33 88 237

[%] 29.22 31.13 43.14 33.29

City to 100,000 residents

N 164 33 43 240

[%] 41.31 31.13 21.08 33.71

Village N 117 40 73 230

[%] 29.47 37.74 35.78 32.30

Net income per member

of family [in €]

Less than

200 N 84 37 46 167

[%] 21.59 34.58 22.33 23.46

200–300 N 107 30 79 216

[%] 27.51 28.04 38.35 30.34

301–400 N 81 14 41 136

[%] 20.82 13.08 19.90 19.10

+400 N 117 26 40 183

[%] 30.08 24.30 19.42 25.70


3.4 3.9 3.3

4.4 3.5

4.5 3.4 3.2

0 1 2 3 4 5

Without GMO Without food preservatives and other…

Easy to prepare Safe Cheap Tasty Produced in Poland Look well

Fig. 2. The importance of food characteristics. Mean value on a 5-point scale Rys. 2. Ocena ważności cech żywności. Wartości średnie na skali 5-punktowej

In tables 2–9 the result of the answers variance depended on socio-demographic characteristics of respondents is shown.

3.1. Appearance of food

As far as the appearance of food is considered, respondents evaluated this characteristic at the average level of 3.2. (on a 5-point scale) (Fig. 2). The answers were varied on the districts and place of residence (Table 2). The respondents living in Lubelskie district declared that it was more important characteristics than other respondents thought. Also the residents of cities of more than 100.000 residents perceived this characteristic as more important than the other respondents.

Table 2. The analysis of variance of the importance of nice appearance of food Tabela 2. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy ładny wygląd

Nice appearance

Criteria Section Statistical measure Analisys of variance

sx F Plimit

District Malopolskie 3.16 a 1.111

10.21* 0.000

Podkarpackie 3.07 a 1.148

Lubelskie 3.55 b 1.000

Sex Female Male 3.27 3.25 1.119 1.076 0.06 0.805

Age 16–24 years 3.25 1.122

1.15 0.318

25–39 years 3.32 1.059

40+ years 3.19 1.144

Education Basic 3.30 1.118

0.06 0.929

Secondary 3.25 1.149

Higher 3.27 1.081

Number of persons in household

1–2 3.27 1.075

0.03 0.992

3 3.26 1.115

4 3.24 1.117

5+ 3.28 1.103

Place of residence City up 100,000 residents 3.44 b 1.051

4.32* 0.014 City to 100,000 residents 3.20 a 1.053

Village 3.16 a 1.177

Net income per member

of family Less than 200 € 3.16 1.136 1.45 0.228


Food appearance is a very important characteristic because it does not only influence the food choice, but it is also a sign of the freshness of food products. Changes in food or its freshness can be evaluated based on the changes of food appearance, for instance the change of colour [11].

In the presented survey consumers evaluated this characteristics as the least important.

There was no distinction between packaged food or not-packaged food. For sure the packaging of food influences the food choice somehow, not only the appearance of the core product.

3.2. Origin of food

Taking the origin of food into consideration, it can be said that respondents evaluated its importance at the level of 3.4 (the same mark as “without GMO”) on a 5-point scale (Fig. 2).

For some consumer the origin of food plays an important role. They can be characterized by the ethnocentrism attitude. The importance of the origin of food products was varied depend on: age, the number of persons in household, and the place of residence (Table 3). As the result of the survey it was observed that respondents at the age of not more than 24 years old declared that this characteristic is not very important in contrary to respondents older than 40 years old. Moreover, respondents living in a 1–2 and 3-person households evaluated this characteristic as more important than the other respondents taking part in the survey did. Also respondents living in cities of more than 100.000 residents thought that this characteristic was more important than other respondents did.

Table 3. The analysis of variance of the importance of food origin Tabela 3. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy pochodzenie żywności

Country of origin is very important characteristics for many consumers. A general preference for domestic products can be observed [17].

Produced in Poland

Criteria Section Statistical measure Analisys of variance

sx F Plimit

District Malopolskie 3.44 1.003

1.35 0.258

Podkarpackie 3.62 1.054

Lubelskie 3.52 1.027

Sex Female Male 3.55 3.39 0.996 1.052 3.69 0.055

Age 16–24 years 3.19 a 1.000

17.58* 0.000

25–39 years 3.56 ab 0.933

40+ years 3.73 b 1.052

Education Basic 3.48 1.044

0.45 0.745

Secondary 3.46 1.067

Higher 3.52 0.985

Number of persons in household

1–2 3.69 b 0.919

3.15* 0.014

3 3.58 b 0.996

4 3.35 a 1.133

5+ 3.44 a 0.931

Place of residence

City up 100,000

residents 3.64 b 0.976

4.12* 0.017

City to 100,000

residents 3.45 a 1.005

Village 3.39 a 1.048

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 3.55 1.086

0.34 0.794

201–300 € 3.47 1.078

301–400 € 3.44 0.951

+ 400 € 3.51 0.962


Age is the variable that correlates with ethnocentrism. Young consumers are seen to be less ethnocentric than older consumers [22].

3.3. Taste

According to respondents taking part in the survey the most important characteristic of food was taste. It was evaluated on an average level of 4.5 on a 5-point scale (Fig. 2). As the result of the variance analysis it can be said that the variance of these answers doesn’t depend on any socio-demographical characteristics of respondents (Table 4). Consumers buy food because they like it, it tastes well. Taste of food is one of the most important criterion of choosing a food product [10]. According to the research results presented in the article of Karen Glanz et al. [6] taste is the most important influence on food choices, too.

According to respondents taking part in the survey the most important characteristic of food was taste. It was evaluated on an average level of 4.5 on a 5-point scale (Fig. 2). As the result of the variance analysis it can be said that the variance of these answers doesn’t depend on any socio-demographical characteristics of respondents (Table 4). Consumers buy food because they like it, it tastes well. Taste of food is one of the most important criterion of choosing a food product [10]. According to the research results presented in the article of Karen Glanz et al. [6] taste is the most important influence on food choices, too.

Table 4. The analysis of variance of the importance of tasty of food Tabela 4. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy smak żywności


Criteria Section Statistical measure Analysis of variance

sx F Plimit


Malopolskie 4.45 0.696

0.12 0.891

Podkarpackie 4.46 0.664

Lubelskie 4.48 0.692

Sex Female 4.47 0.676

0.16 0.685

Male 4.45 0.741


16–24 years 4.48 0.783

0.21 0.788

25–39 years 4.47 0.657

40+ years 4.44 0.628


Basic 4.36 0.799

2.18 0.115

Secondary 4.51 0.643

Higher 4.44 0.699

Number of persons in household

1–2 4.45 0.656

0.06 0.980

3 4.46 0.755

4 4.48 0.665

5+ 4.46 0.704

Place of resi- dence

City up 100,000 residents 4.46 0.685

0.07 0.927

City to 100,000 residents 4.45 0.667

Village 4.47 0.711

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 4.51 0.735

0.91 0.426

201–300 € 4.47 0.713

301–400 € 4.37 0.666

+400 € 4.48 0.637


3.4. Price of food

This characteristic was evaluated by respondents at the average level of 3.5 on a 5-point scale (Fig. 2). The answers were varied depend on the educational degree of respondents and the net monthly income per the member of a family (Table 5). Consumer taking part in the survey having the higher education evaluated this characteristic as less important than other respondents. On the other hand, the respondent with the net monthly income per member of family below 800 zł more often expressed the opinion that it is important to food to be cheap than other respondents.

Table 5. The analysis of variance of the importance of price of food Tabela 5. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy cena żywności


Criteria Section Statistical measure Analysis of variance

sx F pgraniczne


Malopolskie 3.55 0.933

0.21 0.812

Podkarpackie 3.48 1.097

Lubelskie 3.54 0.929

Sex Female 3.52 0.958

0.31 0.584

Male 3.56 0.955


16–24 years 3.59 0.951

0.72 0.482

25–39 years 3.47 0.978

40+ years 3.56 0.957


Basic 3.71 b 0.962

5.00* 0.007

Secondary 3.61 b 0.958

Higher 3.42 a 0.941

Number of persons in household

1–2 3.40 a 1.044

1.96 0.099

3 3.50 ab 0.901

4 3.53 ab 0.969

5+ 3.68 b 0.884

Place of residence

City up 100,000

residents 3.49 0.966

1.67 0.205

City to 100,000

residents 3.49 0.989

Village 3.62 0.929

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 3.84 b 0.916

8.32* 0.000

210–300 € 3.52 a 0.946

301–400 € 3.45 a 0.938

+400 € 3.36 a 0.949

3.5. Safety of food

The primary characteristic of food according to food law requirements is its safety.

Respondents also indicated safety as one of the most important characteristics. Food safety means lack of food hazards. Food hazard according to Regulation No 178/2002 of 28 January 2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safe [14]

“hazard means a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food or feed with the potential to cause an adverse health effect”.

The safety of food was evaluated at the average level of 4.4 on a 5-point scale (as the


because of the sex of respondents (Table 6). Women more often than men thought that this characteristic was more important.

Table 6. The analysis of variance of the importance of safety of food Tabela 6. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy bezpieczeństwo żywności


Criteria Section Statistical measure Analysis of variance

sx F Plimit


Malopolskie 4.40 0.716

1.05 0,350

Podkarpackie 4.52 0.665

Lubelskie 4.42 0.832

Sex Female 4.52 0.678

22.48* 0.000

Male 4.24 0.828


16–24 years 4.35 0.846

1.09 0.329

25–39 years 4.44 0.679

40+ years 4.46 0.714


Basic 4.39 0.763

0.35 0.716

Secondary 4.42 0.722

Higher 4.44 0.756

Number of persons in household

1–2 4.44 0.736

0.11 0.949

3 4.44 0.713

4 4.41 0.788

5+ 4.41 0.735

Place of residence

City up 100,000

residents 4.47 0.699

0.36 0.711

City to 100,000

residents 4.40 0.769

Village 4.41 0.798

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 4.54 0.765

2.06 0.116

201–300 € 4.45 0.733

301–400 € 4.37 0.744

+400 € 4.33 0.756

Consumers know that safety of food is very important because it influences their health, but while they buy food products they usually do not think about food safety – maybe because it is the obvious characteristic. However, when a food hazard appears, consumers pay attention to food safety [2]. Higher or lower quality of food can be discussed, better or worse taste of food can be discussed, it means that consumers can make a choice between products of various level of quality, can choose products that are more tasty, but they cannot make a choice between safe and unsafe food as safety is the primary food characteristics. Food should always be safe. Unfortunately, recently more and more food hazards is appearing.

Consumers are increasingly expecting food products of better quality and safer [1]. According to Grunert [7] and Röhr et al. [16] two the most important characteristics in consumers perception of food are: safety and quality.

3.6. Easy to prepare

This easiness for preparation was evaluated by respondents at the average level of 3.3 on a 5-point scale (Fig. 2). On the basis of the variance analysis it was observed that consumers having higher education taking part in the survey evaluated this characteristics as less important that other respondents (Table 7).


Table 7. The analysis of variance of the importance of easiness for preparation Tabela 7. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy łatwość przygotowania

Easy to prepare

Criteria Section Statistical measure Analysis of variance

sx F Plimit

District Malopolskie 3.42 1.071

2.40 0.091

Podkarpackie 3.21 1.054

Lubelskie 3.26 1.001

Sex Female Male 3.34 3.34 1.053 1.056 0.01 0.959

Age 16–24 years 3.31 1.047

0.60 0.554

25–39 years 3.32 1.055

40+ years 3.39 1.062

Education Basic 3.51 b 1.024

3.32* 0.037

Secondary 3.40 b 1.063

Higher 3.24 a 1.040

Number of persons in household

1–2 3.40 0.969

1.33 0.422

3 3.35 1.045

4 3.24 1.098

5+ 3.41 1.067

Place of residence City up 100,000 residents 3.35 1.025

0.03 0.959

City to 100,000 residents 3.34 1.114

Village 3.32 1.024

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 3.37 1.097

1.11 0.351

201–300 € 3.28 1.065

301–400 € 3.30 1.089

+400 € 3.44 0.979

3.7. With no food preservatives and additives

Lack of content of food preservatives and other food additives was evaluated by the respondents at the level of 3.9 on a 5-point scale (Fig. 2). The answers were varied because of the age and sex of respondents. As far as the age is considered, the consumers taking part in the survey at the age to 24 years old evaluated this characteristic as less important than the other respondents. In opinion of women participating in the survey this characteristics was more important than men thought (Table 8).

Table 8. The analysis of variance of the importance of lack of food preservatives and other food additives Tabela 8. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy brak konserwantów i innych dodatków do żywności

No food preservatives and other additives

Criteria Section Statistical measure Analysis of variance

sx F Plimit


Malopolskie 3.91 1.032

1.66 0.191

Podkarpackie 4.11 1.054

Lubelskie 3.99 0.995

Sex Female 4.10 0.935

24.58* 0.000

Male 3.70 1.138


16–24 years 3.76 a 1.106

8.55* 0.000

25–39 years 3.98 b 0.942

40+ years 4.15 b 0.993


Basic 3.85 1.223

0.87 0.416

Secondary 3.96 1.027


Number of persons in household

1–2 4.09 0.922

1.08 1.740

3 4.01 0.999

4 3.85 1.117

5+ 3.94 1.013

Place of residence

City up 100,000 residents 4.05 0.982

2.66 0.071

City to 100,000 residents 3.98 0.985

Village 385 1.121

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 3.98 1.091

0.06 0.975

201–300 € 3.97 1.041

301–400 € 3.97 1.011

+400 € 3.95 0.967

3.8. Without GMO

Lack of GMO ingredients was evaluated by the respondents at the level of 3.4 (Fig. 2). The answers were varied because of the same socio-demographic characteristics as “with no food preservatives and food additives”, that is sex and age. Women participating in the survey evaluated this characteristics as more important than men did. Respondents at the age of not more than 40 years old evaluated this characteristic as less important (Table 9).

Table 9. The analysis of variance of the importance of lack of GMO ingredients Tabela 9. Analiza wariancji oceny ważności cechy brak składników GMO


Criteria Section Statistical measure Analysis of variance

sx F Plimit

District Malopolskie 4.04 1.081

0.24 0.784

Podkarpackie 4.13 1.229

Lubelskie 4.03 1.136

Sex Female Male 4.20 3.77 1.055 1.200 19.46* 0.000

Age 16–24 years 3.84 a 1.168

9.75* 0.000

25–39 years 4.00 a 1.127

40+ years 4.34 b 1.006


Basic 4.21 0.908

1.39 0.249

Secondary 3.97 1.143

Higher 4.08 1.153

Number of persons in household

1–2 4.12 1.074

0.38 0.765

3 4.07 1.147

4 3.98 1.183

5+ 4.05 1.083

Place of residence

City up 100,000 residents 4.15 1.133

1.11 0.329

City to 100,000 residents 4.06 1.116

Village 3.98 1.118

Net income per member of family

Less than 200 € 4.09 1.132

0.49 0.694

201–300 € 4.10 1.145

301–400 € 4.07 1.138

+400 € 3.96 1.106

* indicates that the calculated value of F allows to reject the null hypothesis (p = 0.05) The same superscripts next to the mean value means that there are no significant differences between the average, based on Tukey’s test.


Respondents could also choose the answer “I have no opinion”. In the case of this characteristic some respondents chose this answer, that is why the level of importance was not very high. Most consumers are afraid of GMO food and do not accept products containing GMO ingredients. Most European consumers are afraid of GMO [15]. Some consumer (i.e.

from Great Britain says that they could buy GMO food if it were cheaper than the conventional food [19]. Moreover, 2/3 of Americans declared to buy GMO food if it would be tastier than the conventional food [3].

4. Conclusions

1. For consumers taking part in the survey food safety is thought to be one of two the most important food characteristics (as well as taste). It can be said that consumers see the importance of food safety and its influence on their health. The taste of food was evaluated at a mean level of 4.5 (on a 5-point scale), and the food safety was evaluated at the mean level of 4.4.

2. Consumers perceive the importance of food characteristics in a various way – food characteristics were evaluated on a 5-point scale, the highest mark was 4.5 for taste and 4.4. for safety, and the lowest was 3.2 for nice appearance of food and 3.3 for easiness for preparation.

3. The answers varied on socio-demographic characteristics. Only the assessment of the taste of food did not vary on any socio-demographical characteristics of respondents.

Respondents could also choose the answer “I have no opinion”. This answer was most often chosen in case of GMO.

5. References

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[14] REGULATION (EC) No 178/2002 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 28 January2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safe.

[15] Rollin F., Kennedy J., Wills J. (2011) Consumers and new food technologies. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 22, 99–111.

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In this paper the comparison of selected food characteristics such as: safety, lack of food preservatives and other food additives, taste, country of origin, price, lack of GMO ingredients, easiness for food preparation, looking well is presented. Consumers compared food characteristics on a five-point scale. The survey was carried out among 712 respondents from three districts of South-East Poland from September to December 2011. According to consumers taking part in the survey food products should be tasty (average 4.5), safe (4.4), and with no food preservatives or other food additives (3.9). The answers varied based on socio-demographic characteristics.


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