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Imany - The good, the bad and the crazy tekst piosenki


Academic year: 2022

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Imany, The good, the bad and the crazy

There's a whole lot of women in me You're wondering what I mean, I see Meet the Good, the Bad and the Crazy I come in many shades and shapes So don't put up the barricades I'm not here to make a war I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound

I won't get home on time

There's no need for you to follow me I don't need a chaperone you see Sanity has gone down the drain I won't apologize to you

I don't know what I want it's true Believe I'll still be fine

I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound

I won't get home on time But I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind

I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound

I won't get home on time Heads up

Close your eyes

Feel the rain and loose your hair

Swing your hips from the right to the left You're free to own yourself

But I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind

I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound

I won't get home on time But I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind

I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound

I won't get home on time But I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind

I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound

I won't get home on time But I get crazy sometimes I'm out of my mind

I'm out of my mind

Nothing can bring me down Or keep me sound


I won't get home on time on time

Imany - The good, the bad and the crazy w Teksciory.pl


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