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Acta Sci. Pol. Architectura 15 (4) 2016, 169–183



Volodymyr Trach


, Mikolaj Semenuk


, Andrej Podvornyi


1Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW

2S.P. Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

3National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne, Ukraine

Abstract. The paper presents an approach to the solution of a problem of stability of cy- lindrical anisotropic shells under the infl uence of axial compression. The approach is ba- sed on the application of the Bubnov-Galerkin procedure, taking into account boundary conditions on surfaces and end edges of cylindrical shells as well as on the application of a numerical method of discrete orthogonalization. It has been solved a problem of stability of cylindrical shells made of a material characterized by one plane of elastic symmetry. It has been investigated a dependence of values of critical stresses on the rotation angle of main directions of elasticity properties in respect to the main curvatures of the cylindrical shell. The results are presented in form of graphs and provided in the tables. Their analysis also has been carried out.

Key words: stability, cylindrical anisotropic shells, Bubnov-Galerkin procedure, three-di- mensional state


Extensive literature is dedicated to the problem of calculations of stability of thin, thick and medium thickness shells, made of isotropic or orthotropic materials [Volmir 1967, Ambartsumyan 1974, Richards and Teters 1974, Guz’ and Babich 1985, Guz’ 1986, Vanin and Semenyuk 1987]. Some of researchers [Korolyev 1965, Mykyshcheva 1968, Mytkevich and Kul’kov 2006] classify the shells made out of fi brous composites wound on a mandrel as orthotropic. The material of such structures is orthotropic if related to Corresponding author: Volodymyr Trach, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 159 Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw,

e-mail: trach-vm@ukr.net

© Copyright by Wydawnictwo SGGW, Warszawa 2016


its own axes. However, after winding this material becomes anisotropic and gains pro- perties of a material with a single plane of elastic symmetry. Appearance of such type of anisotropy is due to a mismatch of the directions of orthotropy of the fi brous material and the main directions of coordinate lines of a given shell structure. Interconnection in the elasticity ratios between tension and shift, tension and bend, shift and torsion is the factor that, the most frequently, causes a meaningful reduction in critical stresses for anisotropic shell structures. It is confi rmed by many researchers: Weaver et al. [2002], Weaver [2003], Semenyuk and Trach [2004, 2006], Trach and Podvornyi [2004], Wong and Weaver [2005], Trach [2006, 2007, 2008], Bazhenov et al. [2010], Weaver [2015], Kolakowski and Teter [2015].

The topic on stability of thin anisotropic shells has been researched by many resear- chers and the results were presented in publications by Korolyev [1965], Karmyshyn et al. [1975], Guz’ [1986], Grygoryenko and Kryukov [1988]. The most thorough analysis is carried out in the monograph by Bazhenov et al. [2010].

However, many questions on determination of stability parameters of medium thick- ness anisotropic shell constructions still require further clarifi cation. Therefore, such cal- culations are still topical and are not only of scientifi c but also of practical importance. It is commonly known that the calculations of such constructions should be conducted with the use of specifi ed theories. Works of many researchers have been dedicated to solve this problem: Vanin and Semenyuk [1987], Reddy [2015], Weawer [2015], Kolakowski and Teter [2015], Muc and Pastuszko [2015], Trach and Khoruzhyy [2015], Castro et al.

[2015]. The authors of the works cited above used the simplest and most well-known refi ned Timoshenko’s theory that is based on the kinematic hypothesis.

Computational problems concerning stress-strain state and stability of anisotropic composite thick shell constructions are the least researched because of the complexities in creating analytical and numerical methods of calculations of such three-dimensional systems. However, it is noteworthy that such solutions exist for cylindrical thick shells.

Monographs by Guz’ and Babich [1985], Guz’ [1986] describe calculations of stability of cylindrical shells being under the infl uence of axial stresses and external pressures. The researches by J. Grygorenko, A. Vasylenko, N. Pankratova present methods of description of a stress-strain state of a thick shell under the infl uence of external pressure by means of the introduction of appropriate types of boundary conditions on its surface.

This paper describes the researches on the stability of thick anisotropic composite cylindrical shells, made of a material with one plane of elastic symmetry, under the infl u- ence of axial compression.


Let us consider an elastic cylindrical shell in a cylindrical coordinate system r, z, θ.

Coordinates z and θ match with the principal curvature lines of the construction, r– nor- mal coordinate or cylinder radius that does not depend on the coordinates z and θ. The material anisotropy is described by the angle of rotation of the main directions of elastici- ty of the material relatively to the z axis in the assumed coordinate system (Fig. 1).


The equations of equilibrium written below are based on the work of Novozhylov [1948]:

ˆrr 1 ˆrr ˆzr ˆșr ˆșș r

ı ı r IJ IJ ı rF

r r z ș

w ª w w

 «     º¼

w ¬ w w


ˆrz 1 ˆrz ˆzz ˆș z z

IJ IJ r ı IJ rF

r r z ș

w w w º


w w w ¼ (1)

ˆ 1

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ

șr șș ș

IJ IJ IJ r IJ ı rF

r r z ș

w w w º

 ª¬     »

w w w ¼

where Fr, Fz, Fθ − projections of the volume force vectors on the directions tangent to the coordinate lines r, z, θ.

Normal and tangent stresses are projected in the form of Novozhylov [1948]:

1 1

ˆrr rr rr ur rz ur ur ș

ı ı ı IJ IJ IJ u

r z r ș r

w w w


w w w

ˆzz zz zz uz 1 uz rz uz

ı ı ı IJ IJ

z r ș r

w w w


w w w

1 1

ˆșș șș șș uș șș r uș uș

ı ı ı ı u IJ IJ

r ș r z r

w w w


w w w (2)

ˆrz rz rz uz rr uz 1 uz


z r r ș

w w w


w w w

1 1

ˆzr rz rz ur zz ur ur ș


r z r ș r

w w w


w w w

Fig. 1. Cylindrical thick anisotropic shell


1 1

ˆ uș r rr uș rz uș


r ș r r z

w w w


w w w

1 1

ˆșr ur ur șș ur șș ș

IJ IJ IJ IJ ı ı u

r z r ș r

w w w


w w w (2)

1 1

ˆ uș r zz uș rz uș


r ș r z r

w w w


w w w

ˆșz uz uz șș1 uz


z r r ș

w w w


w w w

The relationship between the components of the elasticity and displacements has the form given by Novozhylov [1948]:

1 1

; ș ; ;

z r

zz șș r rr

u u u

e e u e

z r ș r r


w  w

w w w


1 ; ; 1 1

ș z r z ș r

u u rz u u u ș u

e e e u

z r ș z r r r r ș

w  w w w w   w

w w w w w w

where: uz, uθ, ur – displacement of the cylinder points in the direction of axes z, θ, r re- spectively.

The relations of the generalized Hooke Law, connecting the components of defor- mation and stress after rotation of the orthotropy axes relatively to the z axis, are written below in the form given by Lekhnytskyy [1977]:

11 12 13 16

zz zz șș rr

e a ı a ı a ı a IJ

12 22 23 26

șș zz șș rr

e a ı a ı a ı a IJ

13 23 33 36

rr zz șș rr

e a ı a ı a ı a IJ

44 45


e a IJ a IJ (4)

45 55

rz rz

e a IJ a IJ

16 26 36 66

zz șș rr

e a ı a ı a ı a IJ

In equation (4), a i jij( , 1, 6) are mechanical constants of a material with one plane of elastic symmetry. Following Lekhnytskyy [1977] the 13 constants in the directions of main curvatures of the cylinder can be expressed by 9 orthotropic constants in the main elasticity axes:


/ 4 / / 2 2 / 4

11 11cos 2 12 66 cos sin 22sin

a a ȥ a a ȥ ȥ a ȥ

/ 4 / / 2 2 / 4

22 22cos 2 12 66 cos sin 11sin

a a ȥ a a ȥ ȥ a ȥ

/ / / / / 2 2

12 12 11 22 2 12 66 sin cos

a a  a a  a a ȥ ȥ

/ / / / / 2 2

66 66 4 11 22 2 12 66 cos sin

a a  a a  a a ȥ ȥ

/ 2 / 2 / / 2 2

16 2 22sin 2 11cos 2 12 66 cos sin cos sin

a «¬ª a ȥ a ȥ a a ȥ ȥ »¼º ȥ ȥ

/ 2 / 2 / / 2 2

26 2 22cos 2 11sin 2 12 66 cos sin cos sin

a «¬ª a ȥ a ȥ a a ȥ ȥ º»¼ ȥ ȥ (5)

/ 2 / 2

13 13cos 23sin

a a ȥ a ȥ

/ 2 / 2

23 23cos 13sin

a a ȥ a ȥ

/ /

36 2 23 13 cos sin

a a a ȥ ȥ

33 33/

a a

/ 2 / 2

44 44cos 55sin

a a ȥ a ȥ

/ 2 / 2

55 55cos 44sin

a a ȥ a ȥ

/ /

45 44 55 cos sin

a a a ȥ ȥ

where: ψ – angle of rotation of the main direction of elasticity of an orthotropic material in relation to the z-axis of the cylindrical coordinates and the quantities aij/ ( ,i j 1,6) are defi ned by the dependences derived by Grygoryenko et al. [1991].


The relationships of the generalized Hooke Law for materials with one plane of elastic symmetry (4) have been transformed to the following form and used to solve the system of equations (1):

11 12 16 1

zz zz șș rr

ı b e b e b e c ı

12 22 26 2

șș zz șș rr

ı b e b e b e c ı (6)


16 26 66 3

zz șș rr

IJ b e b e b e c ı

1 2 3 4

rr zz șș rr

e c e c e c e c ı

45 55 (6)

rz rz

e a IJ a IJ

44 45


e a IJ a IJ

where: b i jij( , 1, 2, 6), (c ii 1, 4) – characteristics calculated with the use of the mecha- nical constants aij( ,i j 1,3;5;6) of the shell material [Grygoryenko et al. 1991].

Equations of stability, based on the Euler’s static criterion, are derived from the sys- tem (1), taking the dependencies (2), (3) into account:

0 0 0

1 1 1

rr r r r

rr zr zz ș șr

ı ı r IJ ı u IJ u u IJ IJ u

r r z z r ș r ș z

ª § · § ·

w w §w · § w · w §w ·

 «  ¨  ¨ ¸ ¨  ¸¸ ¨  ¨ ¸¸

w «¬ w © © w ¹ © w ¹¹ w © © w ¹¹

0 ș

șș u

ı IJ


§ §w ··º

¨©  ¨© w ¸¹ »¸¹¼»


0 0 0

1 1

rz z z z

rz zz zz

IJ u u u

IJ r ı ı IJ IJ IJ

r r z z r ș ș z

§ · º

w w w § w · w § w ·

  ¨   ¨ ¸¸ ¨  ¸»

w w © w © w ¹¹ w © w ¹¼


0 0 0

1 1 1

r ș ș

r zz

IJ u u u

IJ IJ IJ r IJ IJ u ı

r r z z r ș r z

§ ·

w ª § w · w § w · w

 « ¨  ¸ ¨  ¨  ¸ ¸

w ¬ © w ¹ w © © w ¹ w ¹

0 ș

șș u

ı IJ

ș z

w º

w § ·

w ¨©  w ¸¹¼»

where: ı0zz and IJ0 are the known subcritical stress values. Since the problem of axial compression is considered here, the prevailing stresses are ı0zz and IJ0, what is proved by the results of the researches on the stress state of cylindrical shells made of orthotropic materials and materials with one plane of elastic symmetry [Lekhnytskyy 1977, Grygory- enko et al. 1991]. Subcritical stress values are represented in the system (7). It shows the heterogeneity of the subcritical stress state of the cylindrical shell.

A relationship between these stresses has been derived for such a construction. Since until the moment when the stability is lost the shell preserves its non-deformed state, then in subcritical state of deformation e equals to zero and is described as (4):

0 0

16 66 0


e a ı a IJ

where only the prevailing subcritical stresses in axial compression are taken into ac- count.


Based on this, one can identify a relationship between the axial and tangential subcri- tical stresses:

0 16 0


a zz

IJ ı

a (8)

Replacement of the deformations ezz, eθθ, e, erz, e, err in equation (6) with their expressions from equation (3) and substitution of the resulting dependencies σzz, σθθ, τ

into equation (7) yields the following system of equations of stability:

26 26

2 22 12 22

2 2 2

1 1 ș ș

rr rz z z

rr IJ r b b u u

ı c IJ b b u u b

ı u

r r z r ș r r z r ș r z r ș

w w w

w  w    w  w   

w w w w w w w

2 2

0 0 0


2 2 ș

r r

zz u u u


r z ș r z



w w


w w w



2 2

66 12 66 3

1 12 11 2 2 2

1 ș

rz rr r z z rr

rz b b b u c

IJ ı b u u u ı

c IJ b

r z r r z z r ș r z ș r ș


w  w   w  w  w   w 

w w w w w w w w

2 2

2 2 2

0 0

26 16 26

2 16 2 2 2 2

2 ș ș 2

r z z z


b u b u u b u u u

b ı IJ

ș r z ș r z ș

r z r ș z

w w

w w w w


w w w w w w w w (9)

2 2

12 66 2

2 22 22

66 3

2 2 2 2

rr 2 r z ș ș rr

IJ c ı IJ b u b b u b u b u c ı

r r ș r r ș r z ș z r ș z

w  w   w   w  w  w  w 

w w w w w w w w

2 2 2

2 2

0 0 0

26 26 26

16 2 2 2 2

2 ș ș 2 2 ș

r z z r


b u u b u b u u u u

b ı IJ IJ

r z z r ș r z ș z r z r z ș

w w w

w w w w


w w w w w w w w w


2 2

4 1 3 ș ș

r z z

rr r c u u

u c u u c

c ı u c c

r r z r ș z r ș

w w

w   w  w  

w w w w w

55 45

z r


u u

a IJ a IJ

r z

w  w

w w

45 44 1 1

ș r

rz ș

u a IJ a IJ u u

r r ș r

w   w 

w w

To solve equation (9), one can assume any value of ı0zz and then, according to equa- tion (8), determine the value IJ0.

Solution of the system (9) has been found with assumption of boundary conditions:

on the inner surface (r = r0) and the outer surface (r = rn) of the shell

rr rz 0

ı IJ IJ (10)


on the end edges

0, 0

zz zz r ș

ı ı u u (11)

That can prove the existence of absolutely rigid diaphragms on the end edges of the cylinder and fl exible conditions on its upper and lower surfaces.

Hereinafter the Bubnov-Galerkin procedure was used to transform the three-dimen- sional problem into one-dimensional one which was solved below with the application of the method of discrete orthogonalization. In accordance with this, all functions have been developed into trigonometric series according to the coordinates along the generatrix z so that all of them satisfy the boundary conditions (11), and their periodicity has been also taken into account by considering a frequency θ:



1 0

, , , cos , sin sin

rr pk mk m

m k

ı r z ș f f y r kș y r l z

ª  º

¦ ¦ ¬ ¼



0 0

, , , cos , sin cos

rz pk mk m

m k

IJ r z ș f f y r kș y r l z

ª  º

¦ ¦ ¬ ¼



1 0

, , , sin , cos sin

pk mk m

m k

IJ r z ș f f y r kș y r l z

ª  º

¦ ¦ ¬ ¼ (12)



1 0

, , , cos , sin sin

r pk mk m

m k

u r z ș f f y r kș y r l z

ª  º

¦ ¦ ¬ ¼



0 0

, , , cos , sin cos

z pk mk m

m k

u r z ș f f y r kș y r l z

ª  º

¦ ¦ ¬ ¼



1 0

, , , sin , cos sin

ș pk mk m

m k

u r z ș f f y r kș y r l z

ª  º

¦ ¦ ¬ ¼

After several mathematical transformations and the separation of the variables in the equations (9) with help of the relations (12), it has been derived an infi nite system of or- dinary differential equations of stability in the Cauchy’s normal form:


i j,

dy T r y T r t r

dr (13)

where: y


y1, ;pk y2, ; , ;pk y3 pk y4, ; , ;pk y5 pk y6, ; ,pk y1/ mk;y2/,mk; ,y3/mk;y4/,mk; ,y5/ mk;y6/,mk


– solving vector function. The non-zero elements of the matrix T(r) are shown below:

1,1 c2 1,

t r

 t1,2 lp, t1,3 k,

r t1,4 b222 ı l0 2zz p,

r  1,5 pb12

t l

 r 1,6 b222 ,

t k


1,10 0

1 ( , )2 zș m,


t ij p m kIJ l



1,11 262

1 ( , ) ,


t ij p m kb r ¦f


26 0

1,12 1

( , ) m 2 zș m ,


t ij p m b l IJ l

r r

f §  ·

¦ ©¨ ¸¹ t2,1 c l1p, t2,2 1,

r 2,4 b12 p,

t l


2 2 66 0 2

2,5 11p b2 zz p,

t b l k ı l

 r  t2,6 kb12 b66lp, r

  2,7 3

0 ( , ) ,


t ij m p kc

r  ¦f

2,10 262

0 ( , ) ,


t ij m p kb


 ¦f 2,11 16 0

0 ( , ) 2 m 2 zș m ,


kb k

t ij m p l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ¨© ¸¹

2 2 26

2,12 16 2

0 ( , ) m ,


t ij m p b l k b


f § ·

¦ ¨ ¸

© ¹ t3,1 kc2,

r t3,3 2,

r 3,4 22

2 , t kb


12 66

3,5 b b p,

t k l


  3,6 66 2p 2b222 0 2zz p,

t b l k ı l

 r  3,7 3

1 ( , ) m,


t  ¦f ij p m c l

26 0

3,10 1

( , ) m 2 zș m ,


t ij p m b l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ¨  ¸

© ¹ 3,11 16 2 2 262

1 ( , ) m ,


t ij p m b l k b r

f § ·

¦ ¨© ¸¹

0 3,12 26

1 ( , ) 2 m 2 zș m ,


kb k

t ij p m l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ©¨ ¸¹ t4,1 c4, t4,4 c2,

 r t4,5 c l1p,

4,6 c2,

t k

 r 4,11 3

1 ( , ) ,


t ij p m kc


 ¦f 4,12 3

1 ( , ) m,


t  ¦f ij p m c l t5,2 a55,

5,4 p,

t l 5,9 45

0 ( , ) ,


t ¦f ij m p a t6,3 a44, t6,4 k,

r t6,6 1, r

6,8 45

1 ( , ) ,


t ¦f ij p m a 7,4 0

1 ( , )2 zș m,


t ij p m kIJ l


 ¦f 7,5 262

1 ( , ) ,


t ij p m kb r ¦f

26 0

7,6 1

( , ) m 2 zș m ,


t ij p m b l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ¨© ¸¹ 7,7 c2 1,

t r

 t7,8 lp, t7,9 k1,  r

22 0 2 7,10 b2 zz p,

t ı l

r  t7,11 lpb12,

 r 7,12 22

2 , t kb

r 8,1 3

0 ( , ) ,


t ij m p kc r  ¦f

8,4 262

0 ( , ) ,


t ij m p kb r

 ¦f 8,5 16 0

0 ( , ) 2 m 2 zș m ,


kb k

t ij m p l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ¨ ¸

© ¹

2 2 26

8,6 16 2

0 ( , ) m ,


t ij m p b l k b r

f § ·

¦ ©¨ ¸¹ t8,7 c l1p, t8,8 1,

r t8,10 b12lp,  r

2 2 66 0 2

8,11 11p b2 zz p,

t b l k ı l

 r  8,12 b12 b66 p,

t k l


  9,1 3

1 ( , ) m,


t  ¦f ij p m c l


26 0

9,4 1

( , ) m 2 zș m ,


t ij p m b l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ¨©  ¸¹ 9,5 1 ( , ) 16m2 2 262 ,


t ij p m b l k b r

f § ·

¦ ¨ ¸

© ¹

26 0

9,6 1 ( , ) 2 m 2 zș m ,


kb k

t ij p m l IJ l

r r

f § ·

¦ ¨© ¸¹ t9,7 kc2,

 r t9,9 2,

r 9,10 b222 ,

t k


12 66

9,11 b b p,

t k l


  9,12 66 2 2 22

2 ,

p b

t b l k

 r 10,5 3

1 ( , ) ,


t ij p m kc


 ¦f (14)

10,6 3

1 ( , ) m,


t  ¦f ij p m c l t10,7 c4, t10,10 c2,

 r t10,11 c l1p, t10,12 kc2,  r

11,3 45

0 ( , ) ,


t ¦f ij m p a t11,8 a55, t11,10 lp, 12,2 45

1 ( , ) ,


t ¦f ij p m a

12,9 44,

t a t12,10 k,

r t12,12 1 r where: m , ,p

l l

L L L – length of the cylinder generatrix, p, m – wave numbers in the Fourier series (12).

The functions φ(p, m) and φ(m, p) depend on the integral numerical parameters p, m and are determined from the formulas:


( , ) 2 1 1

ij p m

ʌ p m p m


§ ·

® ¨  ¸

° ©   ¹

¯ 0,

( , ) 2 1 1

ij m p

ʌ m p m p


§ ·

® ¨  ¸

° ©   ¹


Implementation of the resulting system of equations (13) with the given boundary conditions (10) has been conducted with the use of the numerical method of discrete orthogonalization [Grygoryenko and Kryukov 1988]. The solving algorithm for the pro- blem of stability of axially compressed shells of revolution is developed as a software package.

One of the approaches confi rming reliability of the obtained critical values of the axial compression are convergence tests of the solution of the stability problem by increasing in the members of a trigonometric row. As the performed calculations have shown, the critical values stopped to change when already fi ve members of a row (12) were used.

if p + m – even number,

if p + m – odd number.

if p + m – even number,

if p + m – odd number.



RESULTS OF THE NUMERICAL CALCULATIONS AND THEIR ANALYSIS Tests of the results of the solution based on the recommended approach of stability of cylindrical orthotropic shells under the infl uence of axial compression have been carried out and then compared to the values of the critical stresses obtained by Guz’ and Babich [1985]. The shell having been calculated has: radius R = 0.6 m, length L = 2.15 m, physi- cal and mechanical material properties E11 = 10.0E0, E22 = 2.8E0, E33 = E0, G12 = 1.075E0, G13 = G23 = 2E0, ν21 = 0.3, ν12 = 0.084, ν32 = 0.22, ν31 = 0.35, E0 = 1,0 МN⋅m2. The com- parison of the obtained values of critical stresses is presented in Table 1.

The analysis of the results of the test calculations of stability, shown in Table 1, indicates the full conformity of the solutions obtained according to the recommended approach and the results presented in the work of Guz’ and Babich [1985]. Unfortunately, the authors of the present article were not able to fi nd in the literature any reliable data concerning calcula- tions of the stability of anisotropic cylindrical shells in a three-dimensional system.

As an example of application of this methodology, let us consider the stability of a cylindrical shell of constant thickness built of multiple cross-stacked layers of a fi brous material, laid at the angles ±ψi to the axis z. The shell parameters correspond to those of the previous problem and the wall thickness h is assumed as 0.03 m. Eight types of shells under axial pressure have been tested. The constructions under consideration differed by the number of cross-stacked layers, changing from one to eight. For the single layered orthotropic shell, the calculation has been carried out without taking anisotropic material constants ai6, i 1,3, into account.

The values of the critical buckling stresses shown in Table 2 should be multiplied by 102 MN⋅m2, wherein near each of the critical values the number of waves of stability loss is presented in the brackets. Figure 2 displays the results of the calculations, respectively for the shells with: 1 – one layer (+ψ), 2 – two layers, cross-wound (+–ψ), 3 – three layers (+–+ψ), 4 – four layers (+–+–ψ); 5 – shells calculated without taking anisotropic con- stants of material into account. Results of the calculations of other types of shells are not displayed for sake of a drawing’s clarity.

The character of changes in the critical stresses, shown in Table 2 and graphically presented in Figure 2, suggests that their values under the axial pressure highly depend on the value ±ψi of the stacked layers whose quantity varies from one to fi ve. Furthermore, an increase in number of shell layers does not have any impact on the values of the criti- cal axial stresses, approaching critical values obtained without taking anisotropic material constants into account.

Table 1. Results of the test calculations of stability Wall


Calculation results based on methodology acc.

Guz’ and Babich

Calculation results based on recommended methodology

h [m] number of waves

critical stress value σcr [МN·m2]

number of waves

critical stress value σcr [МN·m2]

0.012 6 4.0·104 6 4.0·104

0.02 5 6.5·104 5 6.5·104

0.025 4 8.0·104 4 8.0·104


Moreover, critical values being obtained in calculations without taking anisotropic material constants into account converge to their values faster for the shells with odd number of layers than for the shells with even number of cross-wound layers. This cor- responds to the results of the calculations presented by Bespalova [1999], Semenyuk Table 2. Stability of a cylindrical shell of constant thickness built of multiple cross-stacked layers

Wind- ing angle ψ, Degrees

Single- layered


Double- layered (cross- -wound


Triple- layered (cross- -wound


Qua- druple- layered (cross- -wound


Quintuple- layered

(cross- -wound


Septuple- layered (cross- -wound


Octuple- layered (cross- -wound


Calcula- tions with-

out taking anisotro- pic mate- rial con- stants into


Fcr Fcr Fcr Fcr Fcr Fcr Fcr Fcr

0 28.2 (4) 28.2 (4) 28.2 (4) 28.2 (4) 28.2 (4) 28.2 (4) 28.2 (4) 28.2(4) 10 20.0 (3) 27.4 (4) 28.5 (4) 30.1 (4) 31.0 (3) 31.0 (3) 30.9 (4) 31.0(4) 20 16.3 (3) 28.2 (3) 28.8 (3) 32.6 (3) 32.8 (3) 32.8 (3) 32.7 (3) 32.8(3) 30 15.9 (3) 28.5 (2) 29.6 (3) 33.2 (3) 33.6 (3) 33.5 (3) 33.4 (3) 33.5(3) 40 18.6 (3) 28.8 (1) 31.7 (1) 31.9 (0) 32.6 (1) 32.8 (1) 32.6 (0) 32.7(0) 50 24.8 (2) 30.7 (0) 32.1 (1) 32.1 (0) 32.5 (0) 32.6 (0) 32.6 (0) 32.6(0) 60 27.6 (2) 30.0 (3) 32.3 (2) 31.4 (2) 31.4 (2) 31.5 (2) 31.6 (2) 31.6(2) 70 27.4 (4) 27.5 (4) 28.4 (4) 28.3 (2) 29.8 (2) 29.8 (2) 29.3 (2) 29.9(2) 80 26.6 (4) 26.3 (4) 27.4 (4) 27.4 (2) 28.0 (2) 28.1 (2) 28.0 (2) 28.2(2) 90 28.0 (4) 28.0 (4) 28.0 (4) 28.0 (4) 28.0 (4) 28.0 (4) 28.0 (4) 28.0(4)


Fcr (ɆN-m)

0 20 40 60 80 100

14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32

34 5

4 3





Fig. 2. Axial critical load distribution given shell material’s winding angle of main direction of elasticity


and Trach [2006], Trach [2008] for the values of free vibration frequencies of cylindrical shells. Figure 2 also shows that for the angles ȥi r700y800 an increase in the number of cross-wound layers does not have signifi cant impact on the character of changes in the critical values of the axial load, as it does for smaller winding angles.

At the angles close to 0, the values of critical stresses slightly differ from each other for the shells with the number of layers bigger than one. According to the authors, it is connected to the reduction of infl uence of the constants a ii6 1,3 and which charac- terize the anisotropy of material under consideration. It is confi rmed by the analysis of the dependences (5). Due to this, one can state that at angles ψ close to 0о and 90о these coeffi cients slightly affect the sizes of critical stresses. Thus, it is possible to claim that at such angles the shell is orthotropic.


As shown, the application of the recommended approach, based on the application of Bubnov-Galerkin procedure (with taking boundary conditions on surfaces and end edges of a cylindrical shells into account) as well as the numerical method of discrete orthogo- nalization, allows to solve three-dimensional problems of stability of cylindrical shells being under axial load, made of materials with one plane of elastic symmetry in a wide range of variety of geometric and mechanical characteristics.


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Streszczenie. Przedstawiono próbę do rozwiązania problemu stateczności anizotropowych powłok cylindrycznych pod naciskiem osiowym, które opiera się na procedurze Bubno- va-Galerkina przy wykorzystaniu warunków brzegowych na powierzchni i na krawędzi powłok cylindrycznych oraz na metodzie numerycznej ortogonalizacji dyskretnej. Rozwią-


zano problem stateczności powłok cylindrycznych wykonanych z materiału charakteryzu- jącego się jedną płaszczyzną symetrii. Badano zależność obciążenia krytycznego od kąta obrotu głównych kierunków sprężystości. Wyniki obliczeń przedstawiono na wykresach i tabelach, ponadto przeprowadzono ich analizę.

Słowa kluczowe: stateczność, powłoki cylindryczne anizotropowe, metoda Bubnowa-Ga- lorkina, trójwymiarowy stan

Accepted for print: 28.11.2016

For citation: Trach, V., Semenuk, M., Podvornyi, A. (2016). Stability of anisotropic cylindrical shells in three-dimensional state under axial compression. Acta Sci. Pol. Architectura, 15 (4), 169–183.


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