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Zagadnienie typologii ważniejszych gleb Karpat fliszowych


Academic year: 2021

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D epartm ent of Soil Science, Faculty of Biology and Sciences of Earth, Maria Curie-Skłodow ska U niversity in Lublin

Head — Prof. Dr. B. Dobrzański

T ypology of soils is n o t a new p rob lem b u t it has not lost its a c tu a lity u p to th e p re s e n t day. It is still a su b je c t of discussions and considerations in m an y countries. T he sta te of rese a rc h on typology of p a rtic u la r soils is n o t uniform . In o u r c o u n try v e ry few p ap ers on ly deal w ith th e typology of m o u n ta in soils.

T he p re se n t p ap er re fe rs to this p ro b lem since it discusses tw o of th e m ost com m on soil groups in th e C arp ath ian s, th e so called b ro w n acid and th e pseudopodzolic soils [2 0].

P s e u d o p o d z o l i c s o i l s p red o m in ate in th e C arp ath ian s F oothills and in in te rm ó n ta n e basins. T h ey cover m ore th a n 20%i of th e F ly sch C a rp a th ian area on P olish te r r a in [2]. T h eir occu rren ce is con­ n ected w ith m ild slopes and fa irly lev eled tops of foothills o r fla t te rra c e s in basins. T he m a jo rity of soils occur a t 300— 400 m .a.s.l. The p a re n t m a te ria l is form ed by th ic k loess-like deposits w ith o u t C a C 03 and w ith a considerable co n te n t of clay fraction s ( < 0.002 mm.). Beside th e relief a n d p a re n t m ate ria l, an eq u ally stro n g in fluence is e x e rte d by th e high r a te of p re c ip ita tio n (700— 800 m m .). F or some h u n d re d years th e m a jo rity of th e soils discussed have b een c u ltiv a te d a n d only few of th em a re covered w ith fo rest vegetatio n .

In m orphologic re sp e c t th e pseudopodzolic soils a re sim ilar to podzolic ones. A tte n tio n deserves th e occurrence of a v e ry com pact and im p e rm e ­ able illu v ia l horizon in th em . This com m on phenom enon is associated w ith w a te r sta g n a tio n in m o re h u m id periods, periodical anaerobiosis an d w ith th e process of pseudogleying. T hree profiles w ere ta k e n to illu s tra te th e p ro p ertie s of pseudopodzolic soils (1 — forest, 2 and 3 —


206 S. Uziak

a ra b le land). Som e of th e p ro p e rtie s1 (sorptive, S i02/R203 an d A l203/F e203

ratios, reactio n and clay fra c tio n content) are show n g rap h ically in Fig. 1, 2 and 3.

W hen considering th e analysis resu lts, a tte n tio n should be given to th e d iffe re n tia tio n of th e m ech anical com position in th e profiles (a con­ sid erab le accu m u latio n of colloids in horizon B), th e high acidity, th e low or m ed ium degree of basic cations sa tu ra tio n depending on th e k ind of u tilization, the re la tiv e ly sm all Ca an d Mg c o n ten t in th e sorption com plex and th e considerable h y d ro g en content.

The to ta l chem ical com position of soil p a rticle s sm aller th an 1 m m . in p a rtic u la r horizons of th e soils exam ined is d iffe re n tia te d . The S i02/R203 ratio s (Fig. 3) p oint to th a t. The elu vial horizons are d istin ctly p o orer in oxides, p a rtic u la rly those of iron, in com parison w ith th e illu v ial horizons. This is connected w ith th e d iffe re n tia tio n of clay fra c tio n con tents in th e soil profiles.

Ju d g in g from th e S i02/R203 ratio, th e chem ical com position of th e clay fractio n is sim ilar in th e w hole profile (Fig. 3). T hus th e v alue of th e so called G e e r i n g coefficient is close to 1. W hen we base th e n on th e A l203/F e203 ratio, some disp lacem ent of iro n and its accum ulation in th e illu v ial horizon can be assum ed (Fig. 3). It seem s th e re fo re th a t th e G eering coefficients cannot alw ays be reg a rd e d as a u th o rita tiv e . S im ilar in stan ces a re found in lite ra tu re fa irly o fte n [7, 1 2, 15].

T he genesis of pseudopodzolic soils is associated w ith th e process of w eak podzolization (lessivage) and pseudogleying. T he lessivage process has caused th e d iffe re n tia tio n b etw e en soil profiles, as reg a rd s th e ir m echanical com position and th e fo rm atio n of im p erm eab le illu v ial horizons. The high acid ity to g e th e r w ith th e m echan ical disp lacem en t of colloids m u st have produced som e slig h t decom position in th em [1 1]. Lessivage caused also th e o ccu rren ce of th e pseudogleying process w hich again in ten sified th e effect of th e lessivage process. F or th is reason it is now v e ry difficult, and o fte n im possible, to m ake a d istin ctio n b etw een those tw o processes. It can be also assum ed th a t th e gleying process m ay h ave caused th e low ering of th e so called G eering coefficients.

In th e fo re st soil profiles, p a rtic u la rly u n d e r coniferous and m ix ed forests, occurs beside th e gleying process also som ew h at m o re in ten siv e podzolization. O ur m icrom orphological studies are pointing in th is direction.

1 Sorption capacity was determined after M e h 1 i с h, w hereas particular exchangeable cations in the follow in g way: Ca and Mg — com plexom etrically, К and Na — by the flam e photometer. The total chem ical composition of par­ ticles < 1 mm. and clay fraction ( < 0.001 mm.) was determined in m elts.


Sahjrahon %

Fig. 1. The degree of saturation of soils w ith basic cations

P r o f i l e 1.

0 5 10

m.e /ЧООд soi)


io <5 20

Cctiona in m.e.


208 S. Uziak

Fig. 3. The distribution of pH, clay, S i 0 2/R20 3 and A l20 3/F e20 3 in soil profiles

l — p a r t i c l e s < 0,002 m m p e r c e n t , 2 — t h e m o l e c u l a r r a t i o o f Si02/R 2C >3 in p a r t i c l e s 1 m m , 3 — t h e

m o l e c u l a r r a t i o o f Si02/R 2C >3 i n p a r t i c l e s ^ 0,002 m m , 4 — t h e m o l e c u l a r r a t i o o f A lo0 3/ F e2 0a in p a r t i c l e s < 0.002 m m , 5 — p H in K C 1

Soil changes, n a m e ly th e d isap p earance of th e podzolic fe a tu re s as reg a rd s m orphology a n d changes of chem ical p ro p ertie s (the so called reg rad atio n ), proceed h e re v e ry slow ly and we can assum e th a t th e y w ill n o t soon un dergo it com pletely. T he periodic effect of th e gieying process does n ot fav o u r reg rad atio n , since it m ain ta in s fav o u rab le conditions for w ash o u t and d ow nw ard displacem en t of co n stitu en ts [15, 16]. '

The ex am ined soils of th e C a rp a th ia n F oothills w ere classified as belonging to th e podzolic type, pseudopodzolic su bty pe. T hey d iffe r on ly in resp e c t to w ashing degree, som e of th em (un der forestsi) show ing m ore d istin ct podzolization fea tu re s. The degree of th e ir pseudogleying is also d iffe re n t. T he ‘‘podzolic ty p e ” is u n d ersto o d h e re in a b ro ad sense.


R e fe rrin g to th e discussion in re c e n t lite ra tu re on so called lessivés soils [3, 5, 7, 12, 15] it a p p ears th a t u n til easy and quick m eth od s for distin ctio n of th ese soils in th e field have b een w orked out, th e pseudo­ podzolic soils o u g h t to be classified as podzolic soil type. This view is su p p o rte d b y th e fact th a t b oth lessivage and th e pseudogleying processes produce m orphological effects ap p roaching those in podzolization process an d lead to im p o v erish m en t of th e u p p e r soil horizons [16]. From th e v iew p oin t of a g ric u ltu re w e m u st th e re fo re tre a t th e pseudopodzolic soils to g eth e r w ith th e ty p ical podzolic ones.

A c i d b r o w n s o i l s cover in th é F lysch C a rp a th ian s m ore th a n 40%, of th e su rface [2] and form th e larg e st group of soils in th is area. B row n soils are a specific fe a tu re n ot o n ly of o u r hillslopes, b u t also of o th e r m o u n tain s in various co n tin ents [18].

T he region of th e Bieszczady hills w as chosen for in itial ch aracteristics of th e C a rp a th ian acid b ro w n soils. This area [8] shows considerable relief varian ce (600— 1300 m.a.s.l.), a fairly high p rec ip ita tio n ra te (800—

1000 m.), is covered by n u m ero u s fir-sp ru ce-b eech forests (above 60%) and h ig h -m o u n ta in m eadow s (at a ltitu d e s of ju st above 1000 m). The p a re n t rock are silts in te rs tra tifie d w ith shales and also sandstones.

P ro file N r. 4 re p re se n ts a soil u n d e r m ix ed forest, Nr. 5 — a m eadow (cu ltiv ated ab o u t 20 years ago), N r. 6 and 8 — a high m o u n ta in m eadow and N r. 7 — a soil u n d e r coniferous forest.

As reg a rd s m orphology, th ese soils are sim ilar to th e typ ical brow n soils, n am ely th e y possess th e А, (В), С profile. T h eir m echanical com ­ position is v e ry o fte n clay and d iffe re n tia te d in th e profiles, This, how ever, m ay to some e x te n t be due to deposition of lay ers of d iffe re n t com po­ sitions.

T h eir p a rtic u la r c h aracteristics are high acid rea c tio n (pH 3— 4) and low sa tu ra tio n degree w ith bases (Fig. 3 and 1), w hich som etim es is even e x tre m e ly low (profile Nr. 7 an d 8). T he organic m a tte r co n ten t is high in the w hole profile. Am ong th e exchang eable cations pred o m in ate h y d ro g en and alu m in iu m ions (Fig. 2).

The to ta l chem ical com position points to some displacem en t of oxides, p a rtic u la rly iro n oxides (Fig. 3). G e e r i n g coefficients b oth for th e w hole soil m ass an d th e clay fra c tio n a re n ear 1.

T he genesis of acid b ro w n soils is n o t y e t k now n exactly. A g re a t p a rt in th e ir fo rm atio n w as a ttrib u te d to land topograph y, su rface ru n o ff and soil erosion [17, 18]. The lan d to p o g rap h y th o u g h cannot co m pletely ex p la in th is pheno m enon (these soils occur also on fla t land). Because of th e ir chem ical p ro p ertie s th e y w ere called cryptopodzolic soils by M u- s i e r o w i c z [10, 9] who a ttrib u te d a m asking effect to th e hum us.


2 1 0

A big in flu en ce is ascribed to th e hu m u s com position and to m obile a lu ­ m in ium [6], w hich occurs h ere in g re a t q u a n titie s [1].

B asing on the p re se n t in v estig atio n s [6, 14, 19] and ow n resu lts, w e m ay assum e th a t in some acid b ro w n soils occurs a slig h t discplacem ent of colloids and oxides. The fact of non o ccurrence of th e eluviai horizon is m o st pro b ab ly associated w ith th e h u m us and its p ro p erties.

The soils discussed above belong to th e ty p e of bro w n soils, su b ty p e — bro w n acid soils [4]. This applies also to th e m a jo rity of soils of h ig h - -m o u n ta in m eadow s. T hough some pedologists do no t tr e a t brow n soils as an in d iv id u al type, it can no t be denied th a t th e y are a fo rm atio n of defin ed bioclim atic conditions [13]. F u rth e r in v estigations are necessary to ex p lain th e genesis an d typology of th e m o u n ta in b row n soils.


[1] D o b r z a ń s k i В., W o n d r a u s c h J.: Mobile Alum inium in Soils of the Flysch Area. Ann. Univ. Maria Curie-Skłodowska, sec. E, vol. VIII, 8, Lublin 1953.

[2] D o b r z a ń s k i B.: Productivity of Carpathian Flysch Soils. Roczn. Gleb., dod. do t. X III, W arsaw 1963, pp. 26 — 46.

[3] D u c h a u f o u r P.: Lessivage et podzolisation. Rev. Forest. Française, 10, 1951, 647 — 652.

[4] Genetic Classification of Soils in Poland. II Ed. Roczn. Gleb., vol. VIII, Nr. 2. Warsaw 1959.

[5] G i e r a s i m o w I. P.: Gley Pseudopodzolic Soils of Central Europe and the Formation of D ouble-L ayer Deposits. Izw. AN SSSR, ser. Geogr. 3, 1959, 20—30.

[6] G o g o l e w I. N.: On the Genessis of Brown Forest Soils in the Carpathian Mountains. Lwowskij Otdzieł Geogr. Obszcz. SSSR, Geogr. Sbornik, w yp. 6. 1961.

[7] G o r b u n o w I. N.: Fine Dispersed M inerals and their Study Methods. Publ. by the Soviet Acad, of Sei., M oscow 1963.

[8] L e n c e w i c z S.: Physical Geography of Poland. Warsaw 1955.

[9] M u s i e r o w i c z A.: Studies on Mountain Meadows of the “Baba Ludow a’" Chain. Rocz. Nauk Roi. i Leśn., vol. 46, Nr. 2, Poznań 1939.

[10] M u s i e r o w i c z A.: On the Exam ination of Cryptopodzolic Soils of Mountain Regions. Roczn. Nauk Rol., vol. 54, Warsaw 1950.

[11] M ü c k e n h a u s e n E.: Entstehung, Eigenschaften und System atik der Böden der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Frankfurt am Main 1962.

[12] P a r f i e n o w a E. J., J a r i ł o w а E. A.: A Contribution to Lessivage and Podzolization, Poczvov., 9, 1960.

[13] P r a s o l o w L. I.: M ountain Forest Soils in the Caucasus. Trudy Poczv. Inst, im. Dokuczajewa, vol. 25, 1947, 5—28.

[14] R u d n i e w a E. N.: Soils of Zakarpatie Region. Publ. by the Soviet Acad, of Sei., Moscow 1960.

[15] S i u t a J.; Influence of the Gleying Process on Formation of the Morpholo­ gical and Chemical Properties of Soils Profiles. Soils Formed from Loess and Silty Clay. Roczn. Gleb.? vol. X, Nr. 2, 1961, 367—395.


[16] S i u t a J.: On the Genesis and Chemical Composition of the Arable Soils of the D ynów Foothills. Pam iętnik Puławski, vol. 9, 1963, 177—206.

[17] S t r z e m s k i M.: The Typology of Mountain Forest Soils. Sylw an, vol. 97, Nr. 1, Warsaw 1963.

[18] S t r z e m s k i M.: Soils of the K raków District. Przegl. Geograf., vol. 26, Nr. 4, Warsaw 1954.

[19] S w e d e r s k i W..: Studies of M ountain Soils in the Eeast Carpathian Mountains. Part V. On the Decom position of Alum inium Silicates in D ifferent Mountain Soil Types. Pam iętnik PINGW, vol. 14, Puław y 1933.

[20] U z i a k S.: The Origin and C lassification o f M ountain Soils in the Flysch Carpathian. Roczn. Gleb., dod. do t. XIII, Warsaw 1963, 56—71.

s. U Z I A K


L e h r s t u h l f ü r B o d e n k u n d e a n d e r M a r ia C u r i e - S k ł o d o w s k a U n i v e r s i t ä t in L u b l i n

Z u s a m m e n f a s s u n g

D ie Studie ist den Typologieproblem en der Böden gewidmet, die im G ebiet der polnischen Flyschkarpaten vorherrschend auftreten. In Karpatenbergland sind es Böden, deren M orphologiemerkm ale denen der Podsolboden nahestehen. D ie Entstehung dieser Böden steht hauptsächlich in Zusam menhang m it einer schw achen Podsolierung und einer Pseudogleybildung, m anchm al aber auch m it ausgespro­ chenen Podsolierungsprozessen (unter Forstvegetation, Nadew ald oder Wald m it gem ischter Population). Solche Böden sind in den Podsoltyp eingereiht worden (Pseudopodsol).

Im K arpatengebirge überw iegen entschieden die morphologisch als Braunerden bezeichneten Böden. Diese w eisen eine stark saure Reaktion auf und der Sättigungs­ grad ist sehr niedrig. In A nschluss daran sind diese Böden als zum Typ der Braunerden gehörig klassifiziert worden, Untertyp — saure Böden. D ie Bildung dieser Böden ist jedoch noch nicht hinreichend geklärt.

s. U Z I A K


C h a i r e d e P é d o l o g i e à l ’U n i v e r s i t é M a r ie C u r i e - S k ł o d o w s k a d e L u b l i n , P o l o g n e

R é s u m é

Le travail présente le problèm e de typologie des sols prédom inant sur le terrain des Carpathes de flysch en Pologne. Sur les avant-m onts des Carpathes (Pogórze Karpackie), ce sont des sols à caractères morphologiques proches des sols podzoli- ques. Leur genèse est en connexion avec le processus de lessivage faible et de pseudo-gleyification, et parfois égalem ent avec un processus de podzolisation plus accentué (sous des forêts de conifères et des forêts m ixtes, à essences diverses). Ces sols ont été classés et attribués au type de sols podzoliques, sou s-typ e de sols pseudo-podzoliques.


2 1 2

Dans les Carpathes mêmes, les sols à caractères de sols bruns prédom inent décidément. Ils sont caractérisés égalem ent par leur forte réaction acide et par leur saturation basique très faible. En conséquence, ils classés parmi les sols bruns, sous-type de sols bruns acides. Toutefois, leur genèse n’est pas encore bien élucidée.

S . U Z I A K


K a t e d r a G l e b o z n a w s t w a U n i w e r s y t e t u M a r ii C u r i e - S k ł o d o w s k i e j , L u b l i n

S t r e s z c z e n i e

Praca om awia problem typologii gleb, dom inujących na obszarze polskich Karpat fliszow ych. Na Pogórzu Karpackim są to gleby o cechach m orfologicznych zbliżonych do gleb bielicow ych. Geneza ich związana jest głów nie z procesem słabszego bielicow ania (lessivage) i odgórnego oglejenia, a niekiedy również (pod lasam i iglastym i i m ieszanym i) z procesem w yraźniejszego bielicowania. Gleby takie zaliczono do typu gleb bielicowych, podtypu — psudobielicowe.

W Karpatach w łaściw ych przeważają zdecydow anie gleby o cechach m orfolo­ gicznych gleb brunatnych. Odznaczają się one przy tym silnie kwaśnym odczynem i bardzo niskim stopniem w ysycenia zasadami. W związku z tym zaliczane są one do typu gleb brunatnych, podtypu — kwaśnych. Geneza ich nie jest jednak jeszcze dostatecznie wyjaśniona. с. У З Я К ВОПРОС ТИПОЛОГИИ НЕКОТОРЫХ ПОЧВ ФЛИШЕВЫХ КАРПАТ К а ф е д р а п о ч в о в е д е н и я У н и в е р с и т е т а и м . М а р и и К ю р и - С к л о д о в с к о й в Л ю б л и н е Р е з ю м е В работе рассматривается вопрос типологии почв, доминирующих в районе польских флиш евых Карпат. В пределах предгорья Карпат почвы эти по мор­ фологическим признакам близки подзолистым почвам. Их генезис связан гла­ вным образом с процессом слабого оподзоливания (лессиваж) и с оглеением верхних горизонтов, а иногда такж е (под хвойным и смешанвым лесом) с про­ цессом более резкого оподзоливания. Такие почвы зачислены к типу подзоли­ стых почв, подтип — псевдоподзолистые. В подлинных Карпатах преобладают почвы с морфологическими признаками буроземов. Они отличаются сильно кислой реакцией и очень низкой степенью насыщенности основаниями. В связи с этим они зачислены к типу бурозема — подтип кислый бурозем. Генезис этих почв однако ещ е не вполне выяснен.


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