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–5– ParticipationoftheAGHUniversityofScienceandTechnologyinitscomprehensivepreservation TheHundredandTenthAnniversaryoftheCrossonMountGiewont Abstract Streszczenie


Academic year: 2021

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Metalowy krzy¿ na Giewoncie od 110 lat nale¿y do najbardziej znanych i rozpoznawalnych symboli zarówno polskich Tatr, Podhala, jak i samego Zakopanego. Jest wyrazistym symbolem uczuæ religijnych i patriotycznych Polaków. Krzy¿ zosta³ wpisany na listê zabytków w 2007 roku.

Problem zagro¿enia utraty wytrzyma³oœci krzy¿a wywo³a³ u naszych Rodaków w kraju i za granic¹ wielki wydŸwiêk medialny. W sprawie okreœlenia stanu technicznego konstrukcji przed- stawiciele Narodowego Parku Tatrzañskiego i firm prywatnych zwrócili siê do Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej (AGH) w Krakowie z proœb¹ o pomoc naukow¹. Powo³any Zespó³ Na- ukowy AGH przeprowadzi³ rozpoznanie aktualnego stanu konstrukcji i pod³o¿a oraz wykona³ specjalistyczne badania laboratoryjne.

Monografia jest poœwiêcona tym badaniom i pracom remontowym krzy¿a.

Po remoncie zakoñczonym w 2009 roku stan techniczny zarówno konstrukcji krzy¿a, jak i pod³o¿a jest generalnie dobry. Z badañ podanych w ksi¹¿ce wynika, ¿e informacje zamiesz- czone w mediach o gwa³townie pogarszaj¹cej siê wytrzyma³oœci obiektu s¹ nieuzasadnione.

Autorzy monografii oraz prywatni wykonawcy i sponsorzy serdecznie zapraszaj¹ na otwarty szlak turystyczny. Mamy nadziejê, ¿e po dodatkowym zabezpieczeniu i renowacji, jeszcze piêkniejszy krzy¿ na Giewoncie bêdzie nadal dumnie królowa³ nad Tatrami i Podhalem przez kolejne stulecia.


The Hundred and Tenth Anniversary of the Cross on Mount Giewont Participation of the AGH University of Science and Technology

in its comprehensive preservation

The metal cross on Mount Giewont has always been the most famous and recognizable sign of the Tatra Mountains as well as Podhale and Zakopane. It has also been a distinctive symbol of both the Pole’s religious and patriotic feelings.

What is worth mentioning about the object is the fact that it was signed up onto a list of vintage buildings in 2007. That is why, the problem connected with its strength provoked great media overtone both here in Poland and abroad among our compatriots. Thus, some represen- tatives of the Tatra National Park and privately owned enterprises had asked research workers of the University to comment on the technical condition of the cross.

Hence, a scientific group of researchers appointed from the University conducted an anal- ysis of the present condition of its structure and the ground it was situated on. Moreover, some specialist laboratory tests were carried out.

The monograph is devoted to the researchers and the renovation works of the cross. Since 2009, when all the works were completed, it can be said that the technical condition of the cross as well as the ground it is located, have been in a satisfactory state.

As a result then, the information describing the strength of the cross as the constant wors- ening one, is utterly ungrounded.

In conclusion, the authors of the monograph, private contractors and sponsors would warmly like to invite to a tourist trail and hope that after some additional renovation works, the cross on Mount Giewont will proudly rise over the Tatras and Podhale throughout next centu- ries.

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