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Saturday: 3:00pm and 15 minutes before weekend and weekly Masses Sacrament of Baptism Sunday at 12:00pm by Appointment Sacrament of Marriage


Academic year: 2022

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Rev. Krzysztof Korcz  Sunday Mass

Saturday Vigil: 4:45pm

Sunday: 8:00am 9:00am (Polish) | 11:00am

Weekday Mass

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00am, Wednesday 6:30pm.

7:30AM daily Adoration before Mass with Rosary and Benediction. 

Friday  No Mass, except for First Friday of the month at 8:00am

Holy Days 6:30pm, 

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)

Saturday: 3:00pm and 15 minutes before weekend and weekly Masses

Sacrament of Baptism

Sunday at 12:00pm by Appointment

Sacrament of Marriage

Arrangements must be made at least 12

months prior to wedding. Please contact us to arrange.

Visitation of The Sick

Please notify the rectory if you know of someone who is unable to get to church and wishes to receive the sacraments


54 West Main Street (P.O. Box 98)  Dudley, MA 01571

(508) 9435633 Rectory



Office hours  Monday  Thursday 9:00AM  12:00PM 

March 34, 2018, is In Pew Commitment Weekend for the2018 Partners in Charity Appeal.

Once a year, we commit ourselves to this ongoing work by supporting this life giving appeal. We reflect on God’s great generosity, and respond with generous giving of our own. With your support,faith in actionis visi- ble every day in the compassionate outreach of Catholic Charities, to the least among us; in the prayerful witness of our retired priests and the joy of new priestly vocations; to the many diocesan ministries and programs that heal, teach and care for others.Please be generous and make a commitment to the appeal. 

Thank you for your generosity.  


Ash Wednesday and Every Friday during Lent  11:30am thru 1:00pm and from 4:00pm thru 6:00pm St. Andrew Bobola Church will be hosting a Baked Scrod Dinner. The dinners will be eat in or take out from the church hall.

Scrod dinner includes baked scrod, baked potato, cole slaw, or choice of vegetable, rolls and coffee, tea or soda. The cost per adult dinner is $10.00 and child's dinner $5.00.

Pieczona Ryba w Srode Popielcowa i kaľľľdy piÇľ ÇÇÇtek w Wielkim Poĝĝĝĝcie 

Serwujemy pieczonÇ rybÛ w godzinach 11:30 ±13:00 i od 16:00 do 18:00. Cena obiadu wynosi $10.00 i dzieci $5.

W obiad wliczona jest pieczona ryba, pieczone ziemniaki, surówka lub gotowane warzywa,chleb, kawa/ herbata.


3rd Sunday of Lent March 4, 2018


3rdSunday of Lent

“You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything…” (Exodus 20:4) How many “gods” do you put before God? “Idols” do not always take the shape of physical things, things we can touch and feel. Those are easy to recognize. Many times they take the form of things we cannot touch and are much harder to spot like

My Dear Parishioners,

When our Holy Father visited the United States in September of 2015 he shared these wonderful remarks to Congress, “In these times when social concerns are so important, I cannot fail to mention the Servant of God Dorothy Day who founded the Catholic Worker Movement. Her social activism, her passion for justice and for the cause of the oppressed were inspired by the Gospel, her faith, and the example of the saints.” 

 Bishop McManus recently wrote to you regarding theAnnual Partners in Charity Appeal. It describes the need for this significant appeal. It is most fitting this year that our 2018 Appeal patron is Dorothy Day, Servant of God. I now join our bishop in inviting your generous response. The theme of the appeal this year, “Faith in Action

Loving God by serving others,” is based on our ongoing commitment to serve the needy throughout Central Massachusetts. Once a year, we commit ourselves to this ongoing work with our Annual Partners in Charity Appeal. We as a parish reflect on God’s great generosity, and respond with generous giving of our own.

 Our diocesan goal this year is $5 million.

Our parish goal is $21,900. We will need many generous donors to reach, and hopefully exceed, our goal. I know that I can count on wonderful parishioners like you. This year, it is our hope to increase our parish support of these vital works of charity, education and ministry. Along with general media promotion on TV and in the newspaper, we will be learning more about the appeal through a special bulletin insert. 

 I want you to know that Mr. David Bugajski agr eed to ser ve as our parishchairpersonthis year and I am very grateful forhispersonal support of the appeal. Please pray for the success of our appeal here at St Andrew Bobola, and join me in supporting Partners in Charity. I ask that the Lord bless you and your loved ones Sincerely,

Rev. Krzysztof Korcz


What can keep us from the presence of God? Jesus' dramatic cleansing of the temple was seen by his disciples as a prophetic sign of God's work to purify and restore true worship and holiness among his people. The temple was understood as the dwelling place of God among his people. When God delivered his people from slavery in Egypt, he brought them safely through the Red Sea, and led them to Mount Sinai where he made a covenant with them and gave them a new way of  living in moral goodness and holiness embodied in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:117). God also gave Moses instruction for how his people were to worship him in holiness and he instructed them to make a Tabernacle, which was also referred to as the "tent of meeting" where the people gathered to offer sacrifice and worship to God.

The tent of meeting was later replaced by the construction of the temple at Jerusalem. The New Testament Scripture tells us that these "serve as a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary"  God's true Temple in heaven (Hebrews 8:5). Jesus' cleansing of the temple is also a prophetic sign of what he wants to do with each of us. He ever seeks to cleanse us of our sinful ways in order to make us into living temples of his Holy Spirit 

24 Hours for the Lord ±

Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration

Please contact the other parishes for their times/

schedule based on your location: Annunciation, Gardner; St. Roch, Oxford and St. Joseph, Charlton.

As an extension of the “Come Home to God’s Mercy”

program initiated by Bishop McManus several years ago, “24 Hours for the Lord” is an additional request which was made by Pope Francis. This is to be celebrated in every diocese around the world. At the invitation of Bishop McManus, Christ the King Parish, 1052 Pleasant Street, Worcester, will offer confessions and Eucharistic Adoration from 7:45 am on Friday, March 9 through 7:45 am on Saturday, March 10.

Please come and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this time. Eucharistic Adorers are needed and welcome throughout this period and the doors of the church will be open day and night. For more information, read the letter from Bishop McManus which is posted at worcesterdiocese.org.


2018 Partners in Charity


3rd Sunday of Lent March, 2018

St. Andrew Bobola Parish is looking for a qualified and experienced Secretary. The job involves between 3 and 4 hours per day, 4 days per week (Monday to Thursday) for a total of 12 to 15 hours per week. A qualified candidate should have education that includes an Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree, or professional level of knowledge or equivalent related experience. This person should have experience or training with office management practices and computer systems or software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Publisher. Knowledge of Quick Books is preferred. The position of Parish Secretary requires excellent phone and letter writing skills or abilities. Please contact our Pastor Father Chris at the rectory, 5089435633. We ask that you provide a Resume and attend an interview. Thank you for your consideration. God bless you. 

Opening position for parish secretary

Dzisiejsza liturgia słowa zaprasza nas do odnowy, do oczyszczenia, do wyprostowania naszych dróg wiary.

Byśmy na nowo zostali zachwyceni miłością Boga do każdego z nas. Niestety, często jednak uważamy siebie za tych lepszych wierzących, a nawrócenie potrzebne jest innym. W pewnej parafii był wierzący, który regularnie chodził do kościoła na Msze św. w niedziele i święta, ale był chyba najgorszym parafianinem.Często złościł się, kłócił się, przeklinał, nie dbał o rodzinę ± jednym słowem, żył jak poganin.

Jego proboszcz od czasu do czasu ganił te jego przywary w czasie niedzielnych homilii, ale ów parafianin po Mszy św. przychodził do księdza i mówił: „Księże, dzisiaj dał im ksiądz niezłą szkołę!”

Kiedyś zdarzyło się, że w niedzielę spadło tak dużo śniegu, że do kościoła nie mogli dotrzeć parafianie ± przyszedł tylko ten jeden parafianin, który mieszkał niedaleko kościoła. Korzystając z okazji, ksiądz miał długie kazanie, w którym wezwał do przemiany serca, mówiąc o słabościach, grzechach tego jedynego obecnego w kościele parafianina i myślał sobie, że te słowa trafią do jego serca. Po Mszy św.

ów parafianin przyszedł do księdza i mówi: „Proszę księdza, powiedział ksiądz dzisiaj wspaniałe kazanie!

Dał im ksiądz dobrą szkołę! Szkoda, że ich nie było w kościele!”Bracie i siostro nie oglądaj się na prawo i lewo myśląc, że to on, czy ona powinni się nawrócić.

Ten czas Wielkiego Postu to czas dany przez Boga, abyś ty sie nawrócił! 


Kochani Parafianie,

Jego Ekscelecja Ks. Biskup Robert McManus w liście swoim zachęca swoich wiernych diecezji Worcester do czynnego zaangażowania się w misję Partners in Charity. Patronem tej misji jest Dorothy Day, Sługa Boży. Hasłem przewodnim misji jest ±

“Wiara w akcji  Miłować Boga przez służbę innym”. Sługa Boży. Dorothy Day jest rzeczywiście przykładem tej misji. Jej życie w służbie najbiedniejszym jest przykładem miłości w działaniu w służbie potrzebującym. To misja odzwierciedla  misję Partners in Charity w diecezji Worcester. To wyzwanie jest podejmowane codziennie przez niezliczononą liczbę mężczyzn i kobiet  duchownych, zakonników i świeckich.

Zwracamy się do Dorthy Day szukając jej wstawiennictwa do udanej akcji Partners in Charityw naszej parafii i dieceji, aby nasza wiara stała sie czynem.Twój wkład w Partners in Charity sprawi, że dzięki waszemu wsparciu finansowemu, dostępne będą fundusze na działania duszpasterskie, edukacyjne i charytatywne.

Nasze szkoły katolickie polepszyły życie dzieciom, dajac im przykład życia jako prawdziwy chrześcijanin.  Różnorodne programy edukacyjne angażują się w kształtowanie naszej  młodzieży, dorosłych i ciągłego wspomagania studujących kleryków i księży, oraz tych na emeryturze . Te programy docieraja do uczniów w każdym wieku, w parafiach, w szkołach i na uczelniach. Decezja pragnie zebrać w tym roku $5 million. Dla każdej parafii decezja wyznaczyno kwotę do zebrania na

“Partners in Charity”  $21,900. Dziękuję wszystkim Parafianom za osobiste zaangażowanie w tę misję

“Partners in Charity” i za wasze choijne ofiary na ten cel. Mam nadzeję, że w tym roku również dopełnimy nasze zobowiązanie i zbierzemy wyznaczoną kwotę.

Pragnę serdecznie podziekować Panu David Bugajski za pomoc i osobiste zaangażowanie w “Partners in Charity” w naszej parafii jako przewodniczącego tego program. Dziękuje serdecznie wszystkim za parafianom za wasze wprowadzanie wiary w czyn i wzajemną służbę we wspólnocie parafialnej św.

Andrzeja Boboli. Niech Wam błogosławi.  Ks. Proboszcz Krzysztof Korcz

2018 Partners in Charity



 In memory of Evelyn Jezierski,  given by Barbara Mosio

In memory of Stanley Lukaszek int. family

Blessed Altar Candle Marshalkowski Family given by Alice Moninski

In memory of Helen Forand Omer given by Daughter

Our Lady of Czestochowa

In memory of Paul Bednarz given by Alice Moninski

18th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men's Conference at Assumption College: All men are invited to this important annual Conference scheduled for Assumption College on Saturday, March 17th. Ticket prices are $45 each if ordered before March 1st. Ticket prices increase to $60 each if ordering on or after March 1st. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders: Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Father David Cavanagh, Robert Rogers, Ryan Tremblay, and Elvis Grbac. Bishops and diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions. Bishop McManus will offer Holy Mass. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 5089294345. Visit the website www.firstmensconf.org for information and ticket purchases.

During this penitential season of Lent, the Chur ch pr escr ibes the threefold traditional practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. In Saint Andrew Bobola Parish, we are blessed by God to have many opportunities to engage in these practices. Please consider participating in some of the following this Lent: Eucharistic adoration with the Holy Rosary before weekday morning Masses, Eucharistic adoration with the Chaplet of Divine Mercy Wednesdays at 6:30pm, Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 6:30pm, volunteering to assist with our Fish Dinners during Lent on Fridays and our Fellowship Meals program on the 1stand 3rd Wednesday of the month. We have a Spaghetti Dinner planned for Saturday evening after Mass on March 3rdand welcome any help with the meal. Although the Summer Festival is not until August 24thand 25th, plans and preparations are underway now and volunteers for various booths and activities are needed. Jesus invites us to be his disciples. He wants us to follow his example in loving and serving God and others. Please consider what form of prayer, fasting and almsgiving you can give to God during this Lent. Don’t stop at just one. God loves a generous heart.  Thank you. God bless you.

The Holy Rosary Sodality meeting will be held on Wednesday March 7th after the 6:30p.m Mass.



 Saturday, March 3

4:45PM s.p Hier onim Ucher int. Br ata Walentego

Sunday, March 4

8:00AM r .s Wiktor Pach int. r odziny

9:00AM I s.p Stanislaw Czer epica  int. Zony dzieci I wnuczkow  II s.p Kazimierz Ciemiega int. rodzina 

I1:00AM s.p. Kr ystyna Gumienny int. cor ki

Monday, March 5

8:00AM s.p. Mar ia Debski int. Kryzsytof Reszko

Tuesday, March 6

8:00AM s.p. Mar ia Debski int. Wladzslawa Kadziewicz Wednesday, March 7 

6:30PM sp. Mar ia Debski int. Emilia i Walenty Ucher  Thursday, March 8

8:00AM O zdr owie i opieke Boza dla syna int. mamy

Friday, March 9

6:30PM Station at the Cr oss

Saturday, March 10

4:45PM s.p. Fr anciszek, Henr yk J ankowskich  int. Haliny i Zbigniewa Wrona

Sunday, March 11

8:00AM r.s. J akub ,J ozefa Bilska  int. Weronika Mroczka

9:00AM I s.p J an Szfajnos i Czeslaw Maciusiak  int. Nowak family 

II s.p Stanislaw , Katar zyna, J an Niemiec int. r odziny

11:00 AM r.s. Fr . Joseph Bielonko

int. Emilia i Walenty Ucher

Financial Blessings: February 25, 2018

Weekly  $1783 .00 Fuel$339.00,Renovation Fund

$28.00,Pierogi $220.00, Online giving$60.00,Fish Dinners$867.00, Special Thank you for donation 

$500Kitchen Renovation

Special collection for Partners in Charity  March 34, 2018

Please pick up the copy of your Contributions for the year in the parish office. 

Thank you and God bless.


Online Giving  www.standrewbobola.com



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