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TITLE OF THE PAPER (font: Cambria 14, bold) CENTERED


Academic year: 2021

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Full title or if too long, use ellipsis (...)

TITLE OF THE PAPER (font: Cambria 14, bold)


Name and surname (Cambria 10, bold) Affiliation

Faculty or other main unit (Times New Roman 9)

Abstract: The abstract should present the purpose of the study, describe its design, and outline the major findings. It should contain 500-1500 characters with spaces. The abstract should give the reader an overview of the content of the article. It is in the Author’s interest to bring the article to potential readers’ attention. Font: Times New Roman, 9, centered, single spacing. Left and right indentation 0.75, spacing before paragraphs 6 points, spacing after paragraphs 0 points.

Keywords: usually from three to seven, in alphabetical order, comma separated DOI: number provided by the Publishing House

Introduction (Times New Roman 12, bold, spacing before paragraphs 24 points, spacing after paragraphs 6 points)

If there are several authors from one university, separate their names with commas. If there are several authors from different universities, divide the text into columns in the areas of “name and surname” and “affiliation”. Use Microsoft Word text editor, A4 format, margins: top 2.5 cm, bottom 7 cm, left and right 4 cm. Main text: Times New Roman 11, single line spacing, centred, indentation 0.5 cm. Do not use hyphenation. In the main text do not use bold or underlining. Borrowed phrased (e.g., caeteris paribus) may be written in italics. Do not use spacing after paragraphs. Do not number the subsequent sections of the text.1 Use Harvard-like referencing style (Surname year, page), e.g.:

(Nowak 2010, p. 15) - it is necessary to give the page number in each footnote (Nowak 2010a, p. 15)

(Nowak 2010b, p. 20)

(Nowak, Kowalski 2010, p. 15) (Nowak, Kowalski, Smith 2010, p. 15)

(Nowak et al. 2010, p. 15) when there are more than three authors (See: Nowak 2010, pp. 15-25)

(quoted after Nowak 2010, p. 15)

1 Footnotes at the bottom of the page, font size 9, single line spacing. Acknowledgements, information on the use of funds or inspiration from people not included in the list of authors should be also placed in the footnotes.

Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Częstochowskiej Zarządzanie Nr … (2018) s. 0–00

available on: http://www.zim.pcz.pl/znwz


Name and surname

(Nowak 1995, p. 10; Kowalski 2000, p. 10; Iksiński 2005, p. 25) in chronological order

First-level points (Times New Roman 12, bold, spacing before paragraph 16, spacing after paragraph 5)

If you use bulleted lists, use them according to the following style:

– In lists use dashes, single line spacing, indentation 0.63.

1. With bullets or numbering indentation 0.63

Equations: Times New Roman 10, line spacing exactly 14 points, centered, variables in italics or with the use of the equation editor Microsoft Equation 3.0.

Number the equations.

2 2

c b x

a 


All used equations should be captioned.

Second-level points (Times New Roman 11, bold, spacing before paragraph 12 points, spacing after paragraph 6 points)

Tables should be centred. Captions for tables should be placed above the table.

Font in tables: Times New Roman 10, or smaller if needed; however, not reducing the legibility of the text, spacing before and after paragraph 0 points, single line spacing. For uneven text or values, use vertical centring. Avoid bold, do not use shading inside the table. Do not leave blank cells.

Table 1. Titles for tables (above the table) Times New Roman 10, bold, italics, spacing before paragraph 6 points, spacing after paragraph 6, centred, indentation 1.5

Description Description Description

Text centred vertically, horizontally left- justified

Content - Text centred

vertically and horizontally Content Blank cells should be filled with “-”

or cut out as shown in the right column

Comments to the table content (font size 9) in line with the text in “Source”, ended with shift+enter Source: (font size 9), spacing before paragraph 6 points, spacing after paragraph 12 points, indicate if based on “own research”, left-justified

Every table and figure should be referred to in the text as, e.g., (Table 1).

Captions for figures should be placed below figures. Captions for figures should be pasted as a defined bitmap, which will allow us to keep their format regardless of the program used by the reviewers or proof-readers. Make sure the content of the figure is legible, axes described, units given. Figures are printed in greyscale,


Full title or if too long, use ellipsis (...)

not in colour. The Author is responsible for correct descriptions and legibility of the figures with respect to the used colours, texture and line thickness. Therefore, authors are asked to place the drawings in shades of grey and verify the readability of the information.

Figure 1. Captions for figures (below the figure): Times New Roman 10, bold, italics, spacing before and after paragraph 6 points, centred, indentation 1.75.

Comments to the content (font size 9) in line with the text in “Source”, ended with shift+enter Source: (font size 9) spacing before paragraph 3 points, spacing after paragraph16 points, indicate if based on “own research”, left-justified

Each figure should include information about its source, should be described and referred to in the text, e.g., (Figure 1). Tables and figures should not exceed the format of a magazine column, i.e., 13x20 cm. Otherwise, they must be divided into 2 pages.

Conclusions (Times New Roman 12, bold, spacing before 18 points, spacing after 6 points)

The text should not be longer than 18 pages in the formatting specified in this stylesheet. If possible, texts with an even number of pages are preferred. Below, in alphabetical order, we attach publications, which were referred to in the text or in sources. The division of words is permitted.


Name and surname

Literature (Times New Roman 12, bold, spacing before paragraph 18, spacing after paragraph 6 points)

Enter the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers at the end of each reference (for publications where is possible). The scope of pages for chapters in monographs and articles in scientific journals should not be included, except in the case of online access journals.

1. Czcionka Times New Roman 9,5 pkt

2. Głowacka M. (2010), Title of publication, Publishing house, place of publication.

3. http://www.website.used., (Access: dd.mm.rrrr).

4. Kowalski S.J. (2010), The title of the chapter in a compact publication, [in:] Nowak A. (ed.), The title of the multi-author dense publication, Publishing house, place of publication. DOI XX.XXXX/XXXX.XXXX.X.XX

5. Kowalski S.J., Nowak A. (2010), The title of the compact publication, Publishing house, place of publication. DOI XX.XXXX/XXXX.XXXX.X.XX

6. Kowalski S.J., Nowak A. (eds.) (2010), The title of the multi-author dense publication, Publishing house, place of publication.

7. Nowak A. (2010), The title of the article in the journal, „Journal title”, number, vol., DOI XX.XXXX/XXXX.XXXX.X.XX

8. Nowak A. (2010), Title of the article in electronic access, http://www.the.page.from.which.it.was/downloaded, (Access: dd.mm.rrrr).

9. The Act of 29 August 1997, Bank law, (Dz.U. 1997 nr 140 poz. 939).

10. Wolski T. (2010), Tytuł publikacji zwartej, Wydawnictwo, Miejsce wydania.



Abstract: Abstract in English for papers written in Polish and in Polish for papers written in English. The Author is responsible for the quality of the translation. Font: Times New Roman, 9, centred, single line spacing. Left and right indentation: 0.75, spacing before paragraph 6 points, spacing after paragraph 0 points.

Keywords: Translated by the Author, identical with the keywords above, separated by commas


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