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Consumer protection in the ligt of Directive 2008/122


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Jarosław Szczechowicz

Consumer protection in the ligt of

Directive 2008/122

Studia Prawnoustrojowe nr 16, 247-263



Jaro sław Szczechowicz

K ated ra Postępow ania Cywilnego Wydział P raw a i A dm inistracji UWM

Consumer protection in the light of Directive

2008/122/EC of 14 th Ja n u a ry 2009

on the protection of consumers in respect

of certain aspects of timeshare, long-term

holiday product, resale and exchange contracts

In tr o d u c to r y is s u e s

E uropean U nion consum er policy, in itia ted in th e Mid 70’s, led to the estab lish m en t of legislation, w hich aim s a t th e broadly understood consum er protection. It has been form ed an d determ ined by m eans of legal in s tru ­ m ents, know n as directives. D irectives create and determ ine th e basis of consum er policy legal stan d ard s. C om m unity law is superior to M ember S tates regulations, since M em ber S tates are obliged to im plem ent this legi­ slation, therefore M em ber S tates ad ju st th e ir own regulations to th e E urope­ an U nion legislation. The h arm onization of M em ber S tates law ensues b a ­ sing on policies em bedded in directives. The evaluation of th e E uropean U nion consum er protection law s in force m u st be conducted both in the light of regulations of certain directives as well as by the prism of n atio n al im ple­ m en tatio n m eans.

One of th e fields reg u lated by th e M em ber S tates law in term s of consu­ m er protection are to u rist services. P a rtic u la r group of services, nam ely tim esh are, is functionally associated w ith th e b ran ch of tourism . Tim eshare relates to th e rig h t of acquiring th e rig h t to use things, m ost frequently an immovable property (for instance, holiday resort, hotel, guesthouse, suite, bungalow) for consideration for to u rist purposes over a defined period during a y e a r or over a defined nu m ber of years.

Consum er rig ht to spending particu lar tim e (one or a few weeks) of a year in a holiday facility is also referred to as holiday property right.


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The concept of tim esh are w as alread y covered by th e Directive 94/47 of th e E uropean P a rlia m e n t and th e Council of 26th October 1994 on th e pro­ tection of p u rch asers in respect of certain aspects of contracts relatin g to the p urchase of th e rig h t to use im m ovable properties on a tim esh are b a sis1. However, th e norm ative definition tim esh are was first introduced by D irecti­ ve 2008/122 of th e E uro pean P a rlia m e n t and th e Council of 14th F ebruary 2009 on th e protection of consum ers in respect of certain aspects of tim esh a ­ re, long-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts2. U ntil the D irective 2008/122 came into effect, th e term tim esh are was doctrinal in n a tu re . Since th e Directive 94/47 of 1994 came into effect, tim esh are has evolved. New holiday products, which were not covered by the provisions concerning th e use of immovable properties on a tim esh are basis, appeared on th e m arket. The m ost common forms of such an activity on th e m arket are long-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts as well as o th er ancillary to tim esh are contracts. These products are sold sim ilarly to tim esh are services. Since th ey were not covered by the Directive 94/47, it enabled the u n fair tra d e rs to circum vent th e laws. As the consequence, the phenom enon was th e source of considerable problem for both th e consum ers an d th e tra d e rs offering tim esh are services basing on th e provision of D irec­ tive 94/47. Taking into account th e growing in te re st of consum ers in a new type of services reg ard in g en terin g into tim esh are contracts, th e E uropean P a rlia m e n t decided to create regulations which would protect the consum ers, who purchase such services. The E urop ean P a rlia m e n t and th e Council by enacting th e Directive 2008/122 aim ed a t up d atin g th e provisions of D irecti­ ve 94/47 an d introducing new regulations concerning new sim ilar holiday products and tran sactio n s involving tim esh are contracts, such as resale and exchange contacts, whose lack of restric te d proper consum er protection. M em ber S tates shall adopt and publish th e laws, regulations and adm ini­ stra tiv e provisions necessary to comply w ith the D irective 2008/122 by 23rd F ebruary 20011.

T h e p u r p o se a n d sc o p e o f D ir e c tiv e

The purpose of the Directive, besides increasing th e protection of consu­ m ers was to create fun dam ents of th e proper functioning of th e in te rn al m ark e t and to achieve a high level of consum er protection, by approxim ating

1 T he O fficial J o u r n a l o f th e E u ro p e a n C o m m u n itie s L 280 o f 29.10.1994, p. 83; h e r e in a ­ fte r re fe rre d to a s D irectiv e 94/47.

2 T he O fficial J o u r n a l o f th e E u ro p e a n C o m m u n itie s L 33 o f 3.02.2009, p. 10, h e re in a fte r re fe rre d to a s D irectiv e 2008/122.


th e laws, regulations and ad m in istrativ e provisions of the M em ber S tates in respect of c e rtain aspects of th e m arketing, sale and resale of tim eshares and long-term holiday products as well as exchange contracts.

The Directive applies to trader-to-consum er transaction s. According to th e definition of Directive 2008/ 122, a “tra d e r” is a n a tu ra l or legal person who is acting pro purposes relatin g to th a t person’s trad e, business, craft or profession and anyone acting in the nam e of or on b ehalf of a trader, w here­ as a “consum er” m eans a n a tu ra l person who is acting for purposes which are outside th a t person’s trad e, business, craft or profession.

T he o b je c tiv e sc o p e o f D ir e c tiv e

Directive 2008/122 introduces a num ber of new definitions describing its objective scope. T im esh are co n tract m eans a co n tract, e n te re d into by a consum er and a trader, of a d u ratio n of more th a n one y ear u n d e r which a consumer, for consideration, acquires th e rig h t to use one or more overni­ g ht accom modation for m ore th a n one period of occupation. Thus, tim eshare contract should not be understood as covering m ultiple reservation s of ac­ commodation, including hotel rooms, in so far as m ultiple reservatio n s do not imply rig h ts and obligations beyond those arising from sep arate rese rv a ­ tions. Nor should tim esh are contracts be understood as covering ordinary lease contracts since the la tte r refer to one single continuous period of occupation and not to m ultiple periods. The definition of a tim esh are con­ tra c t does not lim it to th e rig h t to use overnight accom modation only in immovable properties, therefore it also includes the accom modation on ple­ asure boats or in caravans. However, th is regulation does not cover contracts in w hich a consum er is not g u aran teed accommodation, for instance ren tin g a p arkin g sport for a caravan.

Long-term holiday product contract m eans a contract of a d u ratio n of more th a n one y ear un d er which a consumer, for consideration, acquires prim arily th e rig h t to obtain discounts or other benefits in respect of accom­ m odation, in isolation or to geth er w ith tra v e l or o th er services. By definition, long-term holiday product contract should not be understood as covering ordinary loyalty schem es w hich provide discounts on fu ture stays in the hotels of a hotel chain. Sim ilarly it should not be understood as contracts u n d er which a consumer, for a consideration, obtains cards g ran tin g disco­ u n ts in hotels, and contracts of a d u ratio n of less th a n one year. O ther contracts whose m ain aim is not to provide a consum er w ith discounts or oth er benefits in respect of accommodation should also not be understood as a long-term holiday product contract, as providing discounts is not th e m ain purpose of such agreem ents.


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Resale contract m eans a contract u n d er which a trad er, for considera­ tion, assists a consum er to sell or buy a tim esh are or a long-term holiday product. The introduction of th is contract into th e D irective aim s a t th e legal reg u latio n of contracts involving m ediation betw een a consumer, who w ants to sell or buy tim esh are or long-term holiday products, and a trader.

Exchange contract m eans a contract u n d er which a consumer, for consi­ deration, joins an exchange system which allows th a t consum er access to overnight accom modation or other services in exchange for g ran tin g to other persons tem porary access to th e benefits of th e rig h ts deriving from th a t consum er’s tim esh are contract.

A ncillary contract m eans a contract u n d er which th e consum er acquires services which are rela te d to a tim esh are contract or long-term holiday product contract and w hich are provided by th e tra d e r or a th ird p a rty on th e basis of an arran g em en t betw een th a t th ird p a rty an d the trader. The objective of ancillary contracts are services involving th e exploitation of the accommodation, for instance contracts w ith reg ard to providing electricity, w ater, refuse collection services, m aintenance, as well as contract involving adm in istering various types of common facilities.

It should also be noticed th a t th e Directive 2008/122 w ith reference to tim esh are and long-term holiday products contracts sta te s th a t in order to define th e actual d u ratio n of th e contracts, any provision in th e contract allowing for tac it renew al or prolongation shall be tak e n into account. The aim of such a n action is to preclude tra d e rs from circum venting provisions concerning th e d u ratio n of tim esh are and long-term holiday product con­ tracts. The actual d u ratio n of th e contract, tak in g into account th e extension or renew al of a contract, contributes to th e factor being considered as valid an d fulfilling th e provisions em bedded in th e Directive. This indicates th a t, for instance, e n terin g into a contract, which in its characteristics is sim ilar to a tim esh are contract, however, th e d u ratio n period is sh o rte r th a n the m inim um period (over a year) and th e extension of th e d u ratio n tim e is perform ed by th e application of an annex, according to th e D irective m eans e n terin g into a tim esh are contract.

A dvertising concerning tim eshare, long-term holiday products, resale an d ancillary contracts

The Directive 2008/122 imposes an obligation th a t w here a tim eshare, long-term holiday product, resale or exchange contract is to be offered to a consum er in person a t a prom otion or sales event, th e tra d e r shall clearly indicate in th e inv itatio n th e comm ercial purpose and the n a tu re of th e event. In addition, the tra d e r in an advertisem ent shall not offer a tim eshare or a long-term holiday as an investm ent.


P r e -c o n tr a c tu a l in fo r m a tio n

Directive 2008/122 sta te s th a t before the consum er is bound by any contract or offer, th e tra d e r shall provide th e consumer, in a clear and com prehensible m anner, w ith accurate and sufficient inform ation. This obli­ g atio n concerns both tim esh a re, long-term holiday product, resa le and exchange contract. A tra d e r shall provide th e consum er w ith inform ation on seperate forms, designed for p a rticu la r type of contract.

In case of tim esh are agreem ents a consum er will receive inform ation in th e form of a sta n d a rd inform ation form set out in Annex I as well as inform ation req u ired in th e th ird p a rt of th is form. The forms were in tro d u ­ ced in th e form of Annexes to th e Directive. S ta n d ard inform ation form for tim esh are contracts in th e first p a rt includes:

• identity, place of residence and legal s ta tu s of th e trader(s) w hich will be p a rty to th e contract,

• short description of the product (e.g. description of the immovable property), • exact n a tu re an d content of th e right(s),

• exact period w ithin w hich th e rig h t which is th e subject of th e contract m ay be exercised and, if necessary, its duration,

• date on w hich th e consum er m ay s ta r t to exercise th e contractual right, if th e contract concerns a specific property u n d e r construction, d ate w hen th e accommodation and services/facilities will be com pleted/available, • price to be paid by the consum er for acquiring th e right(s),

• outline of additional obligatory costs imposed u n d e r th e contract; type of costs and indication of am ounts (e.g. a n n u a l fees, other re c u rre n t fees, special levies, local taxes),

• a sum m ary of key services available to th e consum er (e.g. electricity, w ater, m aintenance, refuse collection) and an indication of th e am ount to be paid by th e consum er for such services,

• a sum m ary of facilities available to the consum er (e.g. sw im m ing pool or sauna): are these facilities included in th e costs indicated above and, if not, specify w h at is included and w hat h as to be paid for,

• is it possible to join a n exchange scheme and, if yes, specify the nam e of th e exchange scheme,

• indication of costs for m em bership/exchange,

• has th e tra d e r signed a code/codes of conduct and, if yes, w here can it/they be found.

The second p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for tim esh are con­ tra c ts includes general inform ation, namely:

• th e consum er has th e rig h t to w ithdraw from th is contract w ithout giving any reason w ith in 14 calen d ar days from th e conclusion of the contract or any binding prelim inary contract or receipt of those contracts if th a t takes place later,


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• during th is w ith d raw al period, any advance paym ent by the consum er is prohibited. The prohibition concerns any consideration, including pay­ m ent, provision of g u aran tees, reservation of money on accounts, explicit acknow ledgem ent of debt etc. It includes not only paym ent to th e trader, b u t also to th ird parties,

• th e consum er shall not b ear any costs or obligations other th a n those specified in the contract,

• in accordance w ith in te rn atio n a l private law, th e contract m ay be gover­ ned by a law o th er th a n th e law of th e M em ber S ta te in w hich the consum er is resid en t or is h ab itu ally domiciled and possible disputes m ay be referred to courts o th er th a n those of th e M em ber S ta te in w hich the consum er is resid en t or is h ab itu ally domiciled,

• sig n atu re of th e consumer.

The th ird p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for tim esh are contract includes additional inform ation to w hich the consum er is en titled and w here it can be obtained specifically (for instance, u n d e r w hich ch ap ter of a general brochure):

1. Inform ation about th e rig h ts acquired:

• conditions governing th e exercise of the rig h t w hich is th e subject of the contract w ithin the territo ry of th e M em ber States(s) in w hich th e proper­ ty or properties concerned are situ ated and inform ation on w h ether those conditions have been fulfilled or, if they have not, w hat conditions rem ain to be fulfilled,

• w here th e contract provides rig h ts to occupy accom modation to be selected from a pool of accommodation, inform ation on restriction s on th e consu­ m er’s ability to use any accom modation in the pool a t any time.

2. Inform ation on th e properties:

• w here th e contract concerns a specific im m ovable property, an accurate an d detailed description of th a t property and its location; w here th e con­ tra c t concerns a num b er of properties (m ulti-resorts), an ap p rop riate de­ scription of th e properties and th e ir location; w here th e contract concerns accommodation other th a n im m ovable property, an ap prop riate description of th e accom modation and th e facilities,

• th e services (e.g. electricity, w ater, m ainten ance, refuse collection) to which th e consum er has or will have access to and u n d er w h at conditions, • w here applicable, the common facilities, such as swim m ing pool, sauna,

etc., to w hich th e consum er h as or m ay have access and u n d e r w hat conditions.

3. A dditional requirem en ts for accom m odation u n d e r construction (whe­ re applicable):

• th e sta te of com pletion of th e accom modation and of the services ren d e ­ rin g th e accom modation fully operational (gas, electricity, w ater and tele ­


phone connections) an d any facilities to which th e consum er will have access,

• th e deadline for com pletion of th e accom m odation and of th e services ren d ering it fully operational (gas, electricity, w a te r and telephone connec­ tions) and a reasonable estim ate of th e deadline for th e com pletion of any facilities to w hich th e consum er will have access,

• th e num b er of the building p erm it and th e nam e(s) and full address(es) of th e com petent au th o rity or auth orities,

• a g u a ra n tee regarding com pletion of the accom modation or a g u aran tee regard ing reim bursem en t of any paym ent m ade if the accom modation is not completed and, w here appropriate, the conditions governing the opera­ tion of such g uarantees.

4. Inform ation on th e costs:

• an accurate and appro p riate description of all costs associated w ith the tim esh are contract; how th ese costs will be allocated to th e consum er and how and w hen such costs m ay be increased; th e m ethod for the calculation of th e am ount of charges rela tin g to occupation of the property, th e m an ­ datory s ta tu to ry charges (for exam ple, taxes and fees) and th e a d m in istra ­ tive overheads (for exam ple, m anagem ent, m aintenance and repairs), • w here applicable, inform ation on w h eth er th ere are any charges, m o rtg a­

ges, encum brances or any o th er liens recorded ag ain st title to the accom­ m odation.

5. Inform ation on term in a tio n of th e contract:

• w here appropriate, inform ation on th e arran g em en ts for th e term in atio n of ancillary contracts an d th e consequences of such term ination,

• conditions for term in a tin g th e contract, the consequences of term ination, an d inform ation on any liability of the consum er for any costs which m ight resu lt from such term ination.

6. A dditional inform ation:

• inform ation on how m aintenance and rep airs of th e property and its adm i­ n istra tio n and m anagem ent are arran ged , including w h eth er an d how consum ers m ay influence an d p articip ate in th e decisions reg ardin g these issues,

• inform ation on w h eth er or not it is possible to join a system for th e resale of the contractu al rig h ts, inform ation about the relevant system and an indication of costs related to resale th ro u g h this system ,

• indication of th e language(s) available for com m unication w ith th e tra d e r in relatio n to the contract, for instance in relatio n to m anagem ent deci­ sions, increase of costs an d th e h andling of queries and com plaints,

• w here applicable, the possibility for out-of-court dispute resolution, • sig n atu re of th e consumer.


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In case of long-term holiday product contracts th e consum er will obtain th e inform ation concerning th e en tran ce into th e contract In th e form of a sta n d a rd inform ation form set out in Annex II as well as inform ation req u ired in th e th ird p a rt if th is form. The first p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform a­ tion form for long-term holiday product contract includes:

• identity, place of residence an d legal s ta tu s of the trader(s) w hich will be p a rty to th e contract,

• sh o rt description of th e product,

• exact n a tu re an d content of th e right(s),

• exact period w ithin which th e rig h t w hich is th e subject of th e contract m ay be exercised and, if necessary, its duration,

• date on w hich th e consum er m ay s ta r t to exercise th e contractual right, • price to be p aid by th e consum er for acquiring th e right(s), including any

recu rrin g costs th e consum er can expect to incur resu ltin g from th e rig h t to obtain access to th e accommodation, trav el and any rela te d products or services as specified,

• th e staggered paym ent schedule se ttin g out equal am ounts of in stallm ents of th is price for each y e a r of the len g th of th e contract and th e dates on which they are due to be paid. A fter y ear 1, subsequent am ounts m ay be ad justed to ensure th a t th e real value of those installm en ts is m aintained, for instance to tak e account of inflation,

• outline of additional obligatory costs imposed u n d e r the contract; type of costs an d indication of am ounts (e.g. an n u a l m em bership fees),

• a sum m ary of key services available to th e consum er (e.g. discounted hotel stays an d flights): Are they included in th e costs indicated above? If not, specify w hat is included and w h at h as to be paid for (e.g. th ree-n ig h t stay included in a n n u a l m em bership fee, all other accom modation m u st be paid for separately),

• h as th e tra d e r signed a code/codes of conduct and, if yes, w here can it/they be found?

The second p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for long-term holiday product contract includes general inform ation, namely:

• th e consum er has the rig h t to w ith d raw from th is contract w ithout giving any reason w ith in 14 calen dar days from th e conclusion of the contract or any binding prelim inary contract or receipt of those contracts if th a t tak es place later,

• during th is w ith d raw al period, any advance paym ent by the consum er is prohibited. The prohibition concerns any consideration, including pay­ m ent, provision of gu aran tees, reservatio n of money on accounts, explicit acknow ledgem ent of debt etc. It includes not only paym ent to th e trader, b u t also to th ird parties,


• th e consum er has th e rig h t to term in a te th e contract w ithout incurring any penalty by giving notice to th e tra d e r w ithin 14 calend ar days of receiving the req u est for paym ent for each a n n u a l installm en t,

• th e consum er shall not b e a r any costs or obligations other th a n those specified in the contract,

• in accordance w ith in te rn atio n a l p riv ate law, the contract m ay be gover­ ned by a law oth er th a n th e law of th e M em ber S ta te in w hich the consum er is resid en t or is h abitu ally domiciled and possible disputes m ay be referred to courts oth er th a n those of the M em ber S ta te in which the consum er is resid en t or is habitu ally domiciled,

• sig n atu re of th e consumer.

The th ird p a rt of the sta n d a rd inform ation form for long-term holiday product contract includes additional inform ation to w hich th e consum er is en titled and w here it can be obtained specifically (for instance, u n d er which ch ap ter of a general brochure):

1. Inform ation about th e righ ts acquired:

• an app ro p riate and correct description of discounts available for futu re bookings, illu strate d by a set of exam ples of recent offers,

• inform ation on th e restrictions on th e consum er’s ability to use th e rights, such as lim ited availability or offers provided on a first-com e-first-served basis, tim e lim its on p a rticu la r prom otions and special discounts.

2. Inform ation on th e term in atio n of th e contract:

• w here appropriate, inform ation on th e arran g em en ts for th e term in atio n of ancillary contracts and th e consequences of such term ination,

• conditions for term in a tin g th e contract, the consequences of term in ation , and inform ation on any liability of th e consum er for any costs which m ight resu lt from such term ination.

3. A dditional inform ation:

• indication of th e language(s) available for com m unication w ith th e tra d e r in relation to th e contract, for instance in relatio n to the h and ling of queries and com plaints,

• w here applicable, the possibility for out-of-court dispute resolution, • sig n atu re of th e consumer.

In case of resale contracts, th e consum er shall obtain the inform ation concerning th e en tran ce into th e contract in th e form of a sta n d a rd inform a­ tion form set out in Annex 3 of th is form. The first p a rt of the sta n d a rd inform ation form for resale contract includes:

• identity, place of residence and legal s ta tu s of th e trader(s) w hich will be p a rty to th e contract,

• sh o rt description of th e services (e.g. m arketing),


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• outline of additional obligatory costs imposed u n d e r the contract; type of costs an d indication of am ounts (e.g. local taxes, n otary fees, cost of adver­ tising),

• h as th e tra d e r signed a code/codes of conduct and, if yes, w here can it/they be found?

The second p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for resale contract includes general inform ation, namely:

• th e consum er has the rig h t to w ith d raw from th is contract w ithout giving any reason w ith in 14 calen dar days from th e conclusion of the contract or any binding prelim inary contract or receipt of those contracts if th a t takes place later,

• any advance paym ent by the consum er is prohibited u n til the actual sale h as ta k e n place or th e resale contract otherw ise is term inated . The prohi­ bition concerns any consideration, including paym ent, provision of g u a ra n ­ tees, reservation of money on accounts, explicit acknow ledgem ent of debt etc. It includes not only paym ent to the trader, b u t also to th ird parties, • th e consum er shall not b ear any costs or obligations other th a n those

specified in th e contract.,

• in accordance w ith in te rn atio n a l private law, th e contract m ay be gover­ ned by a law oth er th a n th e law of th e M em ber S ta te in w hich the consum er is resid en t or is h ab itu ally domiciled and possible disputes m ay be referred to courts o th er th a n those of th e M em ber S ta te in w hich the consum er is resid en t or is h ab itu ally domiciled,

• sig n atu re of th e consumer.

The th ird p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for resale contract includes additional inform ation to w hich the consum er is en titled and w here it can be obtained specifically (for instance, u n d e r w hich ch ap ter of a general brochure):

• conditions for term in a tin g th e contract, th e consequences of term ination, an d inform ation on any liability of th e consum er for any costs w hich m ight resu lt from such term ination,

• indication of th e language(s) available for com m unication w ith th e tra d e r in relatio n to the contract, for instance in relatio n to th e h andling of queries and com plaints,

• w here applicable, th e possibility for out-of-court dispute resolution, • sig n atu re of th e consumer.

In case of exchange contracts, in good tim e before th e consum er is bound by any contract or offer, th e tra d e r shall provide th e consumer, in a clear and com prehensible m anner, w ith accurate and sufficient inform ation in th e form of sta n d a rd inform ation form set out in Annex 3 an d inform ation set out in th e th ird p a rt of th is form. The first p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for exchange contracts includes:


• identity, place of residence and legal s ta tu s of th e trader(s) w hich will be p a rty to th e contract,

• sh o rt description of th e product,

• exact n a tu re an d content of th e right(s),

• exact period w ithin w hich th e rig h t which is th e subject of th e contract m ay be exercised and, if necessary, its duration,

• date on which th e consum er m ay s ta r t to exercise th e contractual right, • price to be p aid by th e consum er for the exchange m em bership fees,

• outline of additional obligatory costs imposed u n d e r th e contract; type of costs and indication of am ounts (e.g. renew al fees, other rec u rre n t fees, special levies, local taxes),

• a sum m ary of key services available to the consumer. Are they included in the costs indicated above? If not, specify w hat is included and w hat has to be paid for (type of costs and indication of amounts; e.g. an estim ate of the price to be paid for individual exchange transactions, including any additional charges), • has th e tra d e r signed a code/codes of conduct and, if yes, w here can it/they

be found?

The second p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for exchange contract includes general inform ation, namely:

• th e consum er has th e rig h t to w ithdraw from th is contract w ithout giving any reason w ith in 14 calen d ar days from th e conclusion of the contract or any binding prelim inary contract or receipt of those contracts if th a t takes place later. In cases w here th e exchange contract is offered to g ether w ith an d a t the sam e tim e as th e tim eshare contract, only a single w ithdraw al period shall apply to both contracts,

• during th is w ithdraw al period, any advance paym ent by th e consum er is prohibited. The prohibition concerns any consideration, including pay ­ m ent, provision of gu aran tees, reserv ation of m oney on accounts, explicit acknow ledgem ent of debt etc. It includes not only paym ent to th e trader, b u t also to th ird parties,

• th e consum er shall not b e a r any costs or obligations other th a n those specified in the contract,

• in accordance w ith in te rn atio n a l p riv ate law, the contract m ay be gover­ ned by a law other th a n th e law of th e M em ber S ta te in w hich the consum er is resid en t or is hab itu ally domiciled and possible disputes m ay be referred to courts other th a n those of the M em ber S tate in which the consum er is resid en t or is h ab itu ally domiciled,

• sig n atu re of th e consumer.

The th ird p a rt of th e sta n d a rd inform ation form for exchange contract includes additional inform ation to w hich the consum er is en titled an d w here it can be obtained specifically (for instance, u n d e r w hich ch ap ter of a general brochure):


258 J a ro sła w Szc zech o w icz

1. Inform ation about th e rig h ts acquired:

• explanation of how th e exchange system works; the possibilities an d mo­ dalities for exchange; an indication of th e value allotted to the consum er’s tim esh are in th e exchange system and a set of exam ples of concrete exchange possibilities,

• an indication of th e nu m b er of reso rts available and th e num b er of m em ­ bers in th e exchange system , including any lim itations on th e availability of p a rtic u la r accom modation selected by the consumer, for exam ple, as the resu lt of peak periods of dem and, th e potential need to book a long tim e in advance, and indications of any restrictions on th e choice resu ltin g from th e tim eshare rig h ts deposited into th e exchange system by th e consumer.

2. Inform ation on th e properties:

• a b rie f and appro p riate description of the properties and th e ir location; w here the contract concerns accom modation oth er th a n im m ovable proper­ ty, an app ropriate description of th e accom modation and th e facilities; description of w here th e consum er can obtain fu rth e r inform ation.

3. Inform ation on th e costs:

• inform ation on th e obligation on th e tra d e r to provide details before an exchange is arranged , in respect of each proposed exchange, of any addi­ tional charges for which the consum er is liable in respect of the exchange.

4. Inform ation on th e term in atio n of th e contract:

• w here appropriate, inform ation on th e arran g em en ts for th e term in atio n of ancillary contracts and the consequences of such term ination,

• conditions for term in a tin g th e contract, th e consequences of term ination, an d inform ation on any liability of th e consum er for any costs w hich m ight resu lt from such term ination.

5. A dditional inform ation:

• indication of th e language(s) available for com m unication w ith th e tra d e r in relatio n to the contract, for instance in relatio n to th e h andling of queries and com plaints,

• w here applicable, th e possibility for out-of-court dispute resolution, • sig n atu re of th e consumer.

The tra d e r shall provide th e consumer, in a clear and com prehensible m anner, w ith all th e p re-contractual inform ation which is free of charge, on p ap er or on an o th er durable m edium which is easily accessible to th e consu­ mer. According to th e Directive 2008/122 a durable m edium is a m ate ria l or device enabling storing inform ation in a way th a t precludes any changes or enables to reproduce th e it in th e version and form in which it was first p rep ared or tra n sfe rre d for a necessary tim e, resu ltin g from th e ch a ra c te r of th e inform ation and th e aim of its p rep aratio n or transfer. Additionally, the consum er shall be provided w ith th e p re-contractual inform ation in good tim e before th e consum er is bound by any contract or offer, so th a t he or she


has th e opportunity of g etting acquainted w ith its content. The inform ation shall be draw n up in th e language or one of th e languages of th e M ember S ta te in w hich th e consum er is resid en t or a national. If th ere is more th a n one n atio nal language, th e inform ation should be draw n up in one of these languages, chosen by th e consumer. Pre-contractual inform ation shall form an in teg ral p a rt of th e contract an d shall not be altered unless th e p arties expressly agree otherw ise or th e changes resu lt from u n u su al and unforese­ eable circum stances beyond th e tra d e r’s control, th e consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care h a d been exercised. These changes shall be com m unicated to th e consum er on pap er or on an other durable m edium easily accessible to him, before th e contract is concluded.

T he c o n te n t o f tim e sh a r e , lo n g -te rm h o lid a y p ro d u ct, r e s a le a n d e x c h a n g e c o n tr a c ts.

G en era l c o m m en ts

It should be em phasized th a t D irective 2008/122 introduces alm ost u n i­ form legal policies concerning th e content of four types of contract em bedded in th e directive, nam ely tim esh are, long-term holiday product, resale and exchange contracts. The only exception is th e long-term holiday product contract. H ere, the M em ber S ta te legislator applied specific solutions.

F orm a n d la n g u a g e r e q u ir e m e n t o f th e c o n tr a c t

The contract shall be draw n up in w riting, on p ap er or oth er durable m edium , an d draw n up in th e language or one of the languages of the M em ber S ta te in w hich th e consum er is resid en t or a national, a t th e choice of th e consumer, provided it is an official language of th e Community. Addi­ tionally, th e Directive 2008/122 allows for th e possibility of im posing by a M em ber S tate in w hich a consum er is resided, a language requirem ent, w ith which th e contract shall comply with. In such a case a consum er shall be provided w ith a contract th a t is draw n up in a language or one of the languages of th e M em ber S tate, provided it is an official language of the Community. In th e case of a tim esh are contract concerning one specific immovable property, th e tra d e r provide th e consum er w ith a certified tra n s ­ lation of th e contract in th e language or one of th e languages of the M ember S ta te in w hich th e property is situ ated , provided it is an official language of th e Community. Additionally, a M em ber S tate on whose territo ry a sale is conducted m ay req u ire th a t th e consum er shall be provided w ith a contract


260 J a ro sła w Szczech o w icz

th a t is w ritte n in a language or one of th e languages of th is M ember State, provided it is an official language of the Community.

T h e c o n te n t o f a c o n tr a c t

A p art from th e req uired p re-contractual inform ation and all th e changes in the pre-contractual inform ation, in accordance w ith th e Directive 2008/ 122 a contract shall include:

a) th e identity, place of residence and sig n atu re of each of th e parties; and

b) th e d ate and place of th e conclusion of th e contract.

Before th e conclusion of th e contract a tra d e r shall explicitly draw the consum er’s atte n tio n to th e existence of th e rig h t of w ithdraw al, th e length of th e w ithdraw al period an d th e b an on advance paym ents durin g the w ith d raw al period. The corresponding contractual clauses shall be signed sep arately by th e consumer.

The contract includes a se p ara te sta n d a rd w ithdraw al form, set out in Annex V, inten d ed to facilitate th e exercise of the rig h t of w ithdraw al in accordance w ith Article 6. The consum er shall receive a copy or copies of the contract a t the tim e of its conclusion.

The form w hich facilitates th e exercise of th e rig h t of w ithdraw al inclu­ des th e following content:

R ight of w ithdraw al

The consum er h as th e rig h t to w ith draw from th is contract w ithin 14 calen dar days w ithout giving any reason. K onsum ent m a praw o odstąpić od niniejszej umowy bez podania przyczyny w term inie cztern astu

The rig h t of w ithdraw al s ta rts from ... (to be filled in by th e tra d e r before providing th e form to the consumer).

W here th e consum er h as not received th is form, th e w ithdraw al period s ta rts w hen th e consum er h as received th is form, b u t expires in any case after one y ear and 14 calendar days.

W here th e consum er h as not received all th e requ ired inform ation, the w ith d raw al period s ta rts w hen th e consum er has received th a t inform ation, b u t expires in any case after th re e m onths and 14 calendar days.

To exercise th e rig h t of w ithdraw al, the consum er shall notify th e tra d e r u sing th e nam e and address indicated below by using a durable m edium (e.g. w ritte n le tte r sen t by post, e-mail). The consum er m ay use th is form, b u t it is not obligatory.


W here th e consum er exercises th e rig h t of w ithdraw al, the consum er shall not be liable for any costs.

In addition to th e rig h t of w ithdraw al, n ational contract law rules m ay provide for consum er rig h ts, e.g. to term in a te th e contract in case of om is­ sion of inform ation.

B an on advance paym ent

D uring th e w ithdraw al period any advance paym ent by th e consum er is prohibited. The prohibition concerns any consideration, including paym ent, provision of gu aran tees, reserv atio n of money on accounts, explicit acknow­ ledgem ent of debt, etc. It includes not only paym ent to th e trader, b u t also to th ird parties.

Notice of w ithdraw al

- To (Name and address of th e tra d e r) (*)

- I/We (**) hereby give notice th a t I/We (**) w ith draw from the contract, - D ate of conclusion of contract (*):

- Nam e(s) of consum er(s) (***): - Address(es) of consum er(s) (***)

- Signature(s) of consum er(s) (only if th is form is notified on paper) (***); - D ate (***):

(*) To be filled in by th e tra d e r before providing th e form to the consumer. (**) Delete as appropriate. (***) To be filled in by th e consum er(s) where th is form is used to w ithdraw from th e contract.

Acknowledgement of receipt of inform ation. S ign ature of th e consumer.

T he r ig h t o f w ith d r a w a l

In accordance w ith th e Directive 2008/122 a consum er is given a period of 14 calendar days to w ithd raw from the tim eshare, long-term holiday product, resale or exchange contract, w ithout giving any reason. G ranting th e rig h t of w ithdraw al w ithout providing any specific reaso n constitutes an indication of protecting th e consum er from pledging his credit precipitously. The w ithdraw al period shall be calculated.

• from the day of the conclusion of the contract or of any binding p relim in a­ ry contract; or

• from th e day w hen th e consum er receives th e contract or any binding prelim inary contract if it is la te r th a n th e date of th e conclusion of th e contract or any binding prelim inary contract.


262 J a ro sła w Szc zech o w icz

W here th e consum er inten d s to exercise the rig h t of w ithdraw al the consum er shall, before th e expiry of th e w ithdraw al period, notify th e tra d e r on paper or on an o th er durable m edium of th e decision to w ithdraw. The consum er m ay use th e sta n d a rd w ith d raw al form set out in Annex V and provided by th e trader. The deadline is m et if th e notification is sent before th e w ithdraw al period has expired.

The exercise of th e rig h t of w ithdraw al by th e consum er term in a te s th e obligation of the p a rties to perform th e contract. th e consum er shall n e ith e r b e a r any cost nor be liable for any value corresponding to th e service which m ay have been perform ed before w ithdraw al.

The Directive 2008/122 prohibits any advance paym ent to th e tra d e r by th e consum er before th e end of th e w ithdraw al period in relatio n to tim esh a ­ re, long-term holiday product and exchange contracts. The prohibition con­ cerns also all th e other considerations to th e tra d e r or to any th ird party by th e consumer, including provision of g u aran tees, reserv atio n of money on accounts, explicit acknow ledgem ent of debt. In relatio n to exchange contract th e b a n is in force un til th e actual sale tak es place or th e resale contract is otherw ise term inated . W here th e consum er exercises th e rig h t to w ithdraw from th e tim esh are or long-term holiday product contract, any exchange contract ancillary to it or any o th er ancillary contract is autom atically term i­ n ated , a t no cost to th e consumer. W here th e price is fully or p artly covered by a credit g ran te d to th e consum er by th e trad er, or by a th ird p a rty on the basis of a n arran g em en t betw een the th ird p arty and th e trad er, th e credit agreem ent shall be term in ated , a t no cost to th e consumer.

S p e c ific p r o v is io n s r e la t in g to lo n g - te r m h o lid a y p ro d u ct c o n tr a c ts

For long-term holiday product contracts, th e Directive 2008/122 states th a t th e paym ent shall be m ade according to a staggered paym ent schedule. Any paym ent of the price specified in th e contract otherw ise th a n in accor­ dance w ith th e staggered paym ent schedule shall be prohibited. The pay­ m ents, including any m em bership fee, shall be divided into yearly in sta ll­ m ents, each of w hich shall be of equal value. The tra d e r shall send a w ritten req u est for paym ent, on pap er or on an o th er durable m edium , a t least fourteen calend ar days in advance of each due date.

From th e second in sta llm e n t paym ent onw ards, th e consum er m ay te r ­ m in ate th e contract w ithout in currin g any penalty by giving notice to the tra d e r w ithin fourteen calen d ar days of receiving th e req u est for paym ent of each installm ent.


Im perative n a tu re of th e Directive and application in in te rn atio n a l cases Directive 2008/122 ensu res th a t, w here the law applicable to the con­ tra c t is th e law of a M em ber S tate, consum ers m ay not waive th e rights conferred on th em by th e Directive. W here th e applicable law is th a t of a th ird country, consum ers shall not be deprived of th e protection g ran ted by th is Directive, as im plem ented in th e M em ber S ta te of the forum if:

• any of th e im m ovable properties concerned is situ a te d w ithin th e territo ry of a M em ber S tate, or

• in th e case of a contract not directly related to imm ovable property, the tra d e r pursu es comm ercial or professional activities in a M em ber S ta te or, by any m eans, directs such activities to a M em ber S ta te an d th e contract falls w ithin the scope of such activities.

C o n c lu sio n s

I hope th a t this article will clarify th e concept of the Directive for tim esh are contracts and th a t it will also contribute to th e developm ent of ideas regard ing th e proper and effective consum er protection in th e subject m a tte r discussed.

S tr e s z c z e n ie

O chrona k o n su m en ta w św ietle D yrektyw y 2008/122/EC z 14 sty c zn ia 2009 r. w s p ra w ie ochrony kon sum en tów w o d n iesien iu

d o n iek tó rych a sp ek tó w um ów tim esh are, um ów o d łu g o term in o w y p r o d u k t w akacyjny, um ów o d sp rze d a ży o ra z w ym ian y

S łow a kluczow e: o ch ro n a k o n su m en tó w , tim esh erin g .

D yrektyw a 2008/122/EC m a n a celu zwiększenie zaufania konsum entów w b ranży nieruchom ości oraz w yelim inow anie działań nieuczciwych przed­ siębiorców. D yrektyw a ta w prow adza także nowe definicje w skazujące n a jej zakres przedmiotowy: umowy o długoterm inowy pro du kt wakacyjny, umowy odsprzedaży, umowy wym iany oraz umowy pomocnicze.


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