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Logika Starożytnego Orientu


Academic year: 2021

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Logika Starożytnego Orientu. Sikora Sławomir

Instytut Językoznawstwa UAM

Część I

Trzy okresy rozwoju logiki indyjskiej Starożytna szkoła logiki indyjskiej

1. Ānviks.iki – filozofia i logika.


2.1. Epistemologiczne i metodologiczne założenia Nyāya - Śāstra - prāmana (Wiedza Poprawna)

- prāmeya (przedmiot Wiedzy Poprawnej) - prayojana (cel)

- samśaya (wątpienie ) - drs.tanta (egzemplifikacja) - siddhanta (doktryna)

2.2. Nyāya – Śũtra i logika dyskursu mistrza Aks.apada Struktura i kategorie logiczne Nyāya – Śũtra

- avāyava (części sylogizmu) - tārka (błędy )

- nirn.āya (dowodzenie) - vāda (debata)

- jāpa (kłótnia)

- hetvabhasa (falsyfikacja) - jati (analogia)

- nigrāhasthāna (niepowodze)

Średniowieczna szkoła logiki indyjskiej 1. System logiki Jaina

2. Teoria sylogizm Bhadrabāhu 3. Logika buddyjska

3.1 Budda Gautama

3.2 Brahmajāla Sutta i Anumāna Sutta

3.3 Mādhyamika – kārikā szkoła buddyjska Nāgārjuny i Ārya Deva 3.4 Mitreya – sztuka debatownia Ārya Asańga i Vasubandhu 4. Dignāga ojciec średniowiecznej logiki buddyjskiej

- Dignāga – Nyāya – praveśa - Dignāga – Hetu – cakrahamaru - Pramāna – Sāstra – Nyāya – Praveśa Nowożytna logika indyjska

1.Neo – brāhman.ic 2.Nyāya i Vaiśes.ka

3.Tattva – cintāman.i mistrza Gangeśa system


6. Od Nyāya –Sātra, Nyāya Praveśa do Tattva – cintāman. - pojęcie ciągłość metodologicznej w indyjskiej logice

Część II

Starożytna filozofia i logika chińska

1. Projekt poprawy nazw 孔子 Kǒngzǐ, shǔ 属[屬] zasady, rzeczy i nazwa.

2. Mò Dí (Micius) 墨 翟 (480?-400 p.n.e) rúyǎ 儒 – szkoła wszechogarniającej miłości.

3. Yáng Zhū 杨朱 [楊-] (ok 400 p.ne) – mędrzec deklarujący etyczny egoizm.

4. Mèng Zǐ 孟子 (372-289 p.n.e)

5. Míngjiā 名 家 . Szkoła Nazw (School of Logicians).

Teoria względności Hui Shi , teoria powszechników Gongsun Longa.

6. Lǎo Zǐ 老子- podstawy daoizmu, Księgi drogi i cnoty.

7. Zhuāngzǐ 庄子[莊-] ( 369-286 p.n.e) tzw. trzeci okres taoizmu.

8. Szkoła Późnych Moistów – style logicznej argumentacji.

Część III

Chińska Logika Buddyjska

1. Historyczne osadzenie buddyzmu w filozofii chińskiej.

2. YIN MING 因 明n ( Indian “science of cause”).

3. System chińskiej logiki buddyjskiej Xinzonga. Właściwa forma argumentacji w chińskiej logice buddyjskiej.

4. Konstytutywna rola presupozycji i porozumienia w formułowaniu dowodów.

5. Pojęcie i struktura tezy.

6. O metafizycznym związku między podmiotem i orzeczeniem.

Rozumowanie 因 yin – aspekt lingwistyczny, intelektualny i semantyczny.

7. Dziewięć rodzajów yin 因 w chińskiej logice buddyjskiej.

8. Jedyny Aksjomat systemu - filozofia jedynej świadomości Porównanie systemu yin ming z Organon Arystotelesa.

Część IV

Komparatystyka logiczna – metodologia (próba)


Literatura :

Logika Indyjska

Buddhist logic and epistemology: studies in the Buddhist analysis of inference and language. Edited by Matilal Bimal Krishna and Evans Robert D. Dodrdrecht: Reidel Publishing Company 1986.

1. Studies in the Buddhist epistemological tradition. Proceedings of the Second International Dharmakirti Conference, Vienna, June 11-16, 1989. Edited by Steinkellner Ernst. Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1991.

2. Dharmakirti's thought and its impact on Indian and Tibetan philosophy. Proceedings of the Third international Dharmakirti Conference, Hiroshima, November 4-6, 1997. Edited by Katsura Shoryu. Wien: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1999.

3. Bandyopadhyay Nandita, The Buddhist theory of relation between Prama and Pramana, Journal of Indian Philosophy 7:

43-78 (1979).

Betty Stafford L., Nagarjuna's masterpiece: logical, mystical, both, or neither?, Philosophy East and West 33 (2): 123-138 (1983).

Betty Stafford L., "Is Nagarjuna a philosopher: a response to Professor Loy," Philosophy East and West 34 (4): 447-450 (1984).

4. Bharadwaja Vijay K., Rationality, argumentation and embarrassment: A study of four logical alternatives (Catuskoti) in Buddhist logic, Philosophy East and West 34 (3): 303-319 (1984).

5. Bhattacharya Kamaleswar, The dialectical method of Nagarjuna, Journal of Indian Philosophy 1: 217-261 (1971).

6. Bronkhorst Johannes, Nagarjuna and the Naiyayikas,Journal of Indian Philosophy 13: 107-132 (1985).

7. Bugault Guy, Logic and dialectics in the "Madhyamakakarikas", Journal of Indian Philosophy 11: 7-76 (1983).

8. Chakrabarti Kisor Kumar, The Svabhavahetu In Dharmakirti's logic, Philosophy East and West 37 (4): 392-401 (1987).

Cheng Hsueh-li. Empty Logic: Madhyamika Buddhism from Chinese sources. New York: Philosophical Library 1984.

Reprinted: New Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1991.

9. Chi Richard S.Y., Topics on being and logical reasoning, Philosophy East and West 24 (3): 293-300 (1974).

10. Chi Richard S.Y., A semantic study of propositions, East and West, Philosophy East and West 26 (2): 211-223 (1976).


11. Chi Richard S.Y. Buddhist logic and Western thought. In Buddhism and American thinkers. Edited by Inada Kennet K.

and Jacobson Nolan P. Albany: State University of New York Press 1984. pp. 111-119

12. Chi Richard See Yee. Buddhist formal logic. London: Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1969.

Reprinted Delhi, Motilal Banarsidass, 1984 Contains "A Bibliography of Indian and Buddhist Logic" pp.


13. Chinchore Mangala, Some thoughts on significant contributions to Buddhist logicians, Journal of Indian Philosophy 15: 155-171 (1987).

Conze Edward, "The ontology of the Prajnaparamita,"

Philosophy East and West 3 (2): 117-129 (1953).

14. Daye Douglas Dunsmore, On logic and algebraic and geometric logic, Philosophy East and West 25 (3): 357-364 (1975).

15. Daye Douglas Dunsmore, Remarks on early Buddhist protoformalism (logic) and Mr Tachikawa's translation of the

"Nyayapravesa ,Journal of Indian Philosophy 3: 383-398 (1975).

Daye Douglas Dunsmore, Metalogical incompatibilities in the formal inscription of Buddhist logic (Nyaya), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (2): 221-231 (1977).

16. Daye Douglas Dunsmore, Empirical falsifiability and the frequence of Dar'sana relevance in the Sixth Century Buddhist logic of Sankaravamin, Logique et Analyse 86 (1979).

17. Daye Douglas Dunsmore, Metalogical clichés (proto-variables) and their restricted substitution in Sixth century Buddhist logic, Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20: 549-558 (1979).

Daye Douglas Dunsmore. Aspects of the Indian and Western traditions of formal logic and their comparisons. In Buddhist and Western philosophy. Edited by Katz Nathan. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press 1981. pp. 54-79

18. Daye Douglas Dunsmore, On translating the term "Drstanta" in early Buddhist formal logic, Philosophy East and West 38 (2):

147-156 (1988).

Dunne John D. Foundations of Dharmakirti's philosophy.

Boston: Wisdom Publications 2004.

19. Eckel Malcolm D., Bhavaviveka and the early Madhyamika theories of language, Philosophy East and West 28 (3): 323.


20. Ellingson-Waugh Ter, Algebraic and geometric logic, Philosophy East and West 24 (1): 23-40 (1974).

21. Fenner Peter G., Candrakirti's refutation of Buddhist idealism, Philosophy East and West 33 (3): 251-261 (1983).



Logika Starożytnych Chin

1. Comparative approaches to Chinese philosophy. Edited by Mou Bo. Aldershot: Ashgate 2003.

2. Bao Zhiming, Language and world view in ancient China,"Philosophy East and West 40 (2): 195-219 (1990).

Chan Wing-tsit, "Basic Chinese philosophical concepts,"

Philosophy East and West 2 (2): 166-170 (1952).

3. Chan Wing-tsit, A bibliography of Chinese philosophy, Philosophy East and West 3 (3): 241-256 (1953).

4. Chan Wing-tsit, "Chinese philosophy. A bibliographical essay,Philosophy East and West 3 (4): 337-357 (1953).

5. Chan Wing-tsit, Basic problems in the study of Chinese philosophy, Philosophy East and West 4 (4): 157-166 (1954).

6. Cheng Chung-ying. Classical Chinese philosophies of language:

logic and ontology. In History of the language sciences. An international handbook on the evolution of the study of language from the Beginnings to the Present. Edited by Auroux Sylvain et al. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2000. pp. 19-35 Vol. 1

Feng Yu-Lan. A history of Chinese philosophy. Princeton:

Princeton University Press 1953.

Two volumes. Translated from Chinese by Derek Bodde

Two roads to wisdom? Chinese and analytic philosophical traditions. Edited by Mou Bo. Chicago: Open Court 2001.

Foreword by Donald Davidson 7.

8. Feng Yu-Lan. The spirit of Chinese philosophy. London: Kegan

Paul 1962.

Translated from Chinese by E. R. Hughes

9. Graham Angus Charles. Disputers of Tao. Philosophical argument in ancient China. La Salle : Open Court Publishing Company 1989.

10. Harbsmeier Christoph. Science and civilisation in China.

Volume 7 Part I: Language and logic. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press 1998.

General Editor: Joseph Needham

11. Hu Shih. The development of the logical method in ancient China. Shangai: Oriental Book Company 1922.

Second edition: New York, Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1963 12. Schwartz Benjamin Isadore. The world of thought in ancient

China. Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1985.

13. Hansen Chad. Language and Logic in Ancient China. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

14. Nakamura Hajime. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples, India.

Hawaii University Press, Honolulu.


Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part I," Rocznik Orientalistyczny 26 (1): 7-22 (1962).

1. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part II,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 26 (2): 91-105 (1963).

2. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part III,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 27 (1): 103-121 (1963).

3. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part IV,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 28 (2): 87-111 (1965).

4. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part V,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 29 (2): 117-138 (1965).

5. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part VI,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 30 (1): 31-52 (1966).

6. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part VII,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 31 (1): 117-136 (1968).

7. Chmielewski Janusz, "Notes on early Chinese logic. Part VIII,"

Rocznik Orientalistyczny 32 (2): 83-103 (1969).

8. Chmielewski Janusz, "Concerning the problem of analogic reasoning in ancient China," Rocznik Orientalistyczny 40 (2):

64-78 (1979).

9. Chong Chaehyung, "The neo-Mohist conception of "bian"

(disputation)," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 26: 1-19 (1999).

10. Cikoski John S., "On standards of analogic reasoning in the late Chou," Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2: 325-357 (1975).

"A theory of analogic reasoning is established in which concepts are equated with boolean algebras and analogies with homomorphism.


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