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Academic year: 2021

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Barbara Mikołajczyk


Silesian Journal of Legal Studies 2, 7




Welcome to the second issue of the Silesian Journal of Legal Studies (SJLS).

The first volume has proven that legal texts referring to various branches of law may be interesting for scholars and practitioners regardless of their nationalities and the legal systems of their countries. The first volume of the SJLS, published in 2009, has shown that legal discourse over borders is not only possible, but even desired.

The concept of overcoming frontiers and obstacles in spreading ideas, opinions, analyses and information on law and legal systems is also continued in this volume. It, similarly to the first volume, contains articles written by experts in various branch-es of law who come from Poland, Germany, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain. The authors present topics on the theory of law, European law – especially in context of property law and law referring to consumers’ rights, autonomy and protection of local self-government, legal measures for environmental protection and even codifi-cations of military law of the XVIIIth century. The text on historical matters is

partic-ularly interesting, as it is rather uncommon for works on the history of law to be pub-lished in non-historic journals.

Moreover, it is worth to mention two articles – the article by Elena Pérez Carillo and Francisco Hernandez Rodriguez and the article by Péter Cserne and Ákos Szalai. The Au-thors consider issues of interdisciplinary character – legal and economical. These mat-ters are extremely up to date in the light of the financial scandals of the XXIst century.

It seems that these works overcome another stereotype – that various branches of sci-ence should not be merged. In contemporary world such an approach seems to be ob-solete. Nowadays, economy cannot exist without law and vice versa. They both oper-ate in certain international relations – demographical, historical as well political ones.

This volume contains one book review. This decision was absolutely intentional. In April 2009 Professor Neil MacCormic passed away. Professor MacCormic’s ideas on sovereignty and liberal nationalism are well known and taught in law schools around the world. The review is dedicated to his last book.

Thank you for reading this issue. I hope you find its contents a stimulating food for thought. We also invite researchers from Polish and foreign universities to contribute to our Journal (find us at: www.sjls.us.edu.pl).


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