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Introduction to International Trade


Academic year: 2021

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1.1. Th e impact of macroeconomic trends on international trade 5

Table of Contents

Preface ... 9

Chapter 1. International trade in the global economy ...11

1.1. Th e impact of macroeconomic trends on international trade ...11

1.2. Major trends in international trade ...15

1.3. Infl uence of international trade on the national economy: macroeconomic approach ...22

1.4. International institutions and organizations in the world trade system ...29

Chapter 2. International trade policy ...37

2.1. Th e dominant models of foreign trade policy ...37

2.2. Instruments and tools of foreign trade policy ...40

2.3. Customs policy and its functions ...45

2.4. Customs policy tools ...48

2.5. Calculation elements of duty ...52

Chapter 3. EU regulations on the foreign trade of member states ...57

3.1. Framework and principles of EU trade policy ...57

3.2. EU principles for the internal market ...62

3.3. Common trade policy ...66

3.4. Customs policy of the European Union ...72

Chapter 4. Marketing strategies on international markets ...83

4.1. Factors aff ecting internationalization of enterprises ...83

4.2. Th e concept of a strategy ...89

4.3. Models of internationalization ...91

4.4. Segmentation in international markets ...97

4.5. Estimation of market attractiveness and target market choice ...101


Table of Contents 6

Chapter 5.

Th e way of doing business with foreign partners ...109

5.1. Organizing export/import activities ...109

5.2. Indirect trade ...110

5.3. Direct trade ...117

5.4. Non-equity foreign market entry modes: licensing and franchising ...118

5.5. Foreign market equity entry modes: joint ventures and strategic alliances ...121

5.6. Wholly owned subsidiary as a foreign market entry mode ...124

Chapter 6. Negotiations and their determinants in international business ...126

6.1. Defi nition and elements of negotiations ...126

6.2. Communication in negotiations ...129

6.3. Stages of negotiations ...132

6.4. Negotiating team ...133

6.5. Types of negotiations and techniques used ...135

6.6. Culture as a factor infl uencing the negotiations in international business ...139

6.7. Th e impact of cultural diff erences on negotiations ...148

Chapter 7. International trade transaction ...152

7.1. Trade on international market ...152

7.2. Specifi c nature of international trade transactions ...154

7.3. Phases of trade transactions ...157

7.4. International trade contract and commercial off er ...158

Chapter 8. Documents in international trade ...167

8.1. Commercial documents ...168

8.2. Shipping documents ...169

8.3. Customs documents ...173

8.4. Insurance and fi nancial documents ...175

8.5. Auxiliary documents ...176

Chapter 9. Usages and practices in international trade ...181

9.1. International customs of trade ...181

9.2. Incoterms® 2010 rules ...184


Table of Contents 7

9.3. Th e interpretation of Incoterms® 2010 rules ...185

9.4. Classifi cation of Incoterms® 2010 rules ...193

9.5. Selected obligations of parties to a sale contract under Incoterms® 2010 ...195

Chapter 10. Financing of foreign trade ...202

10.1. A classifi cation of the forms of foreign trade fi nancing ...202

10.2. Financing of export transactions ...203

10.3. Commercial credits in foreign trade...203

10.4. Short-term bank credits for exporters and importers ...206

10.5. Export factoring ...208

10.6. Eurocredits as a source of fi nancing foreign trade operations ...209

10.7. Countries’ support for export credits ...210

10.8 Medium- and long-term bank credits for foreign trade fi nancing ...211

Chapter 11. Transaction settlement in international trade ...214

11.1. Th e infrastructure for international settlements...214

11.2. Classifi cation of international settlements ...215

11.3. Unconditional forms of payment in foreign transactions ...217

11.4. Cheques in international trade ...219

11.5. Bills of exchange in international trade ...220

11.6. Conditional methods of settlement ...222

Chapter 12. Transport services in international trade ...228

12.1. Defi nition of transport and transport modes ...228

12.2. Maritime transport ...232

12.3. Airway transport ...235

12.4. Railway Transport ...238

12.5. Road Transport ...240

12.6. Intermodal transport ...244

Chapter 13. Cooperation with carriers in the course of commercial transactions ...246

13.1. General characteristics of the transport process ...246

13.2. Maritime transport process ...248

13.3. Air transport process ...250

13.4. Railway transport process ...252

13.5. Road transport process...255


Table of Contents 8

Chapter 14.

Complaints and disputes in international trade ...257

14.1. Confl ict risk in international business transactions ...257

14.2. Mediation and its role in the resolution of disputes...259

14.3. Th e rules of arbitration ...262

Index ...269


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