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______________________________________________________ PhD, Associate ProfessorTernopil Ivan Pu/uj National Technical UniversityTernopil, Ukraine


Academic year: 2021

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PhD, Associate Professor

Ternopil Ivan Pu/uj National Technical University

Ternopil, Ukraine______________________________________________________

O ne o f the m ost popular topics for discussion on m ass m edia, everyday lives, m eetings at different levels are: global ecological problem s and business. Is there any relation betw een tw o o f them and w hich one influences w hich? So, today it w ill be relevant to rephrase a popular saying «Egg or chicken: w hich com es first?» in: «B usiness o r ecology: w hich com es first today?» A nd what are the spheres o f their responsibilities?

B u siness-ecological relation today creates a definition o f «environm ental bu sin ess ethics». In a business sense, environm ental ethics deals w ith the c o m p a n y 's resp o n sib ility to protect the environm ent in w hich it operates.

B u sinesses hav e traditionally show n egregious indifference to w ard s the env iro n m en t. E nvironm ental protection w as rarely seen as an issue. A com pany w ould harm th e environm ent to w hatever extent w as profitable, and they often harm ed the environm ent d esp ite the fact that it w as unw arranted to do so. Shaw discusses th e attitudes o f businesses that lead to unw arranted environm ental dam age. In p articular, people saw the «natural w orld as a ‘free and unlim ited g o o d '» . People at on e point thought that the w o rld ’s resources could be taken w ithout end and w ith o u t any m orally significant harm done. Pollution could dam age the environm ent, but the dam age d one w as considered to be insignificant because the w orld w as seen a s such a large place [ IJ.

H ow ever, w e understand that resources are lim ited and so w hen w e use w e have to keep that in m ind to follow the principle o f sustainable developm ent. M oreover w e do understand that both people and anim als su ffer from environm ental dam age. T h a t’s w hy it becom es even m ore relevant to pay attention to the fact how m odem b u sin esses can save th e environm ent and in the sam e w ay satisfy people needs. T oday sm all en terp rises should pay great attention to the fact that consum ers and g overn m en t dem and from businesses to sustainability standards. S ustainability refers to the ability o f eco sy stem s to rem ain healthy and productive o v er tim e. A positive side o f environm ental business ethics is the creation o f new opp o rtu n ities centered on repairing ex istin g enviro n m en tal dam age and d eveloping new tech n o lo g ies to enable people to conduct th eir business w ithout further dam age to the environm ent. E nvironm ental tech n o lo g ies w ill provide a path to profitability for sm all business for the foreseeable future [2].

M oreover enviro n m en tal aw aren ess has m ade m any co n su m ers to lead environm entally friendly lifestyles,w hich affect businesses around the w orld. O ne o f the biggest m overs in the m arket today are g reen packaging, env iro n m en tally friendly products and eco -lab elin g . T hey are biggest m overs due to c o n su m e rs’ increasing environm ental aw areness. C o m p an ies produce these products to prevent degradation o f the environm ent. A survey conducted by Y ale U niversity few years ag o show ed


that most americans were willing to buy products that were environmentally friendly, such as automobiles, computer printer paper and laundry detergent. Although these consumers also considered the quality and price o f the product, many americans were willing to pay more for green products [3].

The fact that company accepts its responsibility for environmental ethics can be demonstrated through the development o f corporate environmental strategy. As an example - environmental strategy o f Marriott International: «Both in our hotels and beyond, we seek to understand and act on the direct and indirect environmental impacts o f our business operations» [2]. Businesses around the world, regardless o f size, must make such a strategy part o f their business model in order to protect o f the natural resources they use to make a profit.

For many enterprises environment can be the primary source o f raw materials. Companies across the globe arc integrating environmental interest with business and are becoming proactive in finding ways to reduce environmental impact [3]. Additionally, consumers are favoring businesses which protect the environment. The fact how the company addresses environmental issues affects the turnout o f the business. Small businesses should adopt environmental business ethics to reduce environmental impact and increase operating efficiency. Such practice includes dealing with environmental regulations, conserving water, reducing greenhouse emissions and practicing reduce, reuse and recycle.

Thus, the environment is one o f the most important moral issues today which arise in business activity. The ignoration o f the environment while doing business affects the latter and not in a positive way as we already understood. That is why it is a relevant and emerging topic o f discussion how to integrate both working together and not harming each other. This is where «environment» and «business» come together.

R eferen ces:

1. E nvironm ental Issues o f B u sin ess Ethics available ai https://cUiicalrcalisni.wofdprcss.coin/ 2 0 1 1 /0 5 /1 7/cnv ironm cntal-issu cs-of-b usm css-cth ics/

2. Environmental Business Ethics by Kenneth V Osier available at http //smallbustncss chron com/ environm cntal-busincss-cthics-64692.htm l


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