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Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein in the North Sudetic Trough


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Geological Quarterly, Vol. 39, No.2, 1995, p. 207-228


Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein in the North Sudetic Trough

Four spore*pollen assemblages representing the Lueckisporites virkkiae palynological zone were distinguished within the evaporitic deposits of the Zechstein in the North Sudetic Trough. It was the first attempt to apply biostratigraphy in a series which has been distinguished so far only according to lithological criteria. All the assemblages are strongly dominated by xerophytic elements.


The cyclothem subdivision of the Zechstein is of great use in central part of the Zechstein Basin whereas of limited importance in its marginal part, wherecoparatively quick changes of mineral facies occur. Such situation takes place in the North Sudetic Trough. There have not been sufficient evidences here for detennination of the stratigraphical position of the sulphate-siliclastic complex occurring below the Platy Dolomite. T. M. Peryt and A.

Kasprzyk (1992) gave the two possible interpretation that this complex may represent the top regressive part of the Upper Anhydrite or may be rather a facial parallel of the carbonate-evaporate complex ofthePZ2 cycle. The correlation of the upper clastic sequence of the Zechstein in the southern part of North Sudetic Trough however remained controver- sial (A. Fijalkowska, T. M. Peryt, 1995). Therefore palynological studies of the Zechstein deposits from the North Sudetic Trough were carried out in 1992-1994. Their aim was definition of microfloral characteristics, distinction of spore-polle:n assemblages and work- ing out, for the first time, the palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein evaporitic deposits from the mentioned area.

First data about occurrence of Zechstein miospores in the North Sudetic Trough were presented by H. Kotariska (H. Kotariska, J. Krason, 1966) who described several miospore taxa from the first and third cyclothems.


20k(!l ___ 1




• •

Fig. 1. Location of studied boreholes and outcrops in the North Sudetic Trough (after T. M. Peryt, A. Kasprzyk, 1992)

1 - present limit of Zechstein deposits; 2 - areas without the Zechstein deposits; 3 - boreholes; 4 - outcrops Lokalizacja badanych otwor6w wiertniczych i odsloni~ oa obszarze niecki p61nocnosudeckiej (wedlug T. M.

Peryta. A. Kasprzyk, 1992)

1 - obeeny zasit;g utwor6w cechsztynu; 2 - obszary pozbawione utworow cechsztynu; 3 - otwory wiemicze;

4 - odsloniecia


Palynological data for this study were gathered and complied from the Zechstein interval from 3 boreholes: Czerwona Wada IG I at depths of 672.8-681.2,714.9-738.0 m (Fig. I, Tab. I), Koscielna WieS IG I (780.2-794.6, 813.7-838.0, 871.5-883.0 m) (Tab. 2) and Lutol IG I (804.0-808.4 m) and two outcrops: in Niwnice from the "gypseous shale"

member and in Pluczki Dolne from the gray mudstones overlying the Zechstein Limestone.

In total, 70 samples were taken. The samples from the Lutol IG I borehole and Pluczki Dolne outcrop appeared barren.

Samples were selected mainly from the dark gray and gray mudstones as well dolomites making up interbeds within the anhydrites and also from the clayey anhydrites. The samples taken from the pure anhydrites were generally barren.

Maceration process was based on the HF method.

In total 64 species of miospores from 39 genera and a single algae were recognized (Anex I, Tab. 3).


Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein ... 209


The most recent lithostratigraphic scheme of the studied deposits was presented by T.

M. Peryt, A. Kasprzyk (1992) and A. Fijalkowska, T. M. Peryt (1995).

The Werra Cyclothem (PZI) consists of a few lithological complexes of variable thickness. The lowermost is the Kupferschiefer (TI) overlain by the Zechstein Limestone (Cal), whose thickness increases from 40 m in the southern part of the trough up to 90 m in the center. The Lower Anhydrite (Aid) is built of clayey anhydrites less than 20 m thick in the southern part and changes into pure anhydrite 8 m thick in the center. The horizon of anhydritic breccia (A I b) is observed in all the studied sections. The top of the first cyclothem is made of the Upper Anhydrite (Alg) 35-45 m thick.

The Stassfurt Cyclothem (PZ2) is composed of the "gypseous shale" about 20 m thick in the southern part of the trough and the Main Dolomite (Ca2; several metres thick) overlain by the Basal Anhydrite (A2) with a thickness of 10 m in the center.

The Leine Cyclothem (PZ3) consists of the Platy Dolomite (Ca3), whose thickness decreases from 8 m in the southern part of the trough to 2 m in the center, and the Main Anhydrite (A3) 30-40 m thick, which occurs in the central and northern parts. The uppermost part of the Zechstein is built of the Top Terrigenous Series (pzt).


Four spore-pollen assemblages (I-IV), representing the Upper Permian Lueckisporites virkkiae palynological zone, were distinguished in the Zechstein deposits.


C h a r act e r i s tic s . This is a poor spectrum with respect to both the quality and quantity of differentiation of taxa. It is dominated by bisaccate pollens of Lueckisporites virkkiae Potoni" et Klaus, represented mainly by the Aa, Ab specimens. Lunatisporites noviaulensis (Leschik) Scheuring and Klausipol/enites schaubergeri (Potonie et Klaus) Jansonius occur frequently. whereas J ugasporites, Limitisporites and Crustaesporites forms are less abundant. Moncolpate pollen are represented in greater number by Cycadopites coxii Visscher. Spores are scare.


c cur r en c e. The Czerwona Woda IG I borehole at a depth of 729.1-73 1.5 m.

Com par i son san d cor reI at ion s . The assemblage can be most probably correlated to the Lueckisporites virkkiae Ab spectrum distinguished in the Lower Anhydrite (AId) deposits in the Holy Cross Mts. area (A. Fijalkowska, 1991, 1992). A similar assemblage was described by S. Dybova-Jachowicz and D. Laszko (1978) from the Lower Zechstein deposits of the Nida Trough.


Tab I e Palynomorph occurrence in the Zechstein of the Czerwona Woda IG 1 borehole



(after T. M. Peryt. A. Kasprzyk,

1992. slight ly modified) Atd AIO ? A2

729. 1-731. 5 714. 9-721. 4 674. 3-681. 2

I 2 3

Calamospora pedats +

Calamospora cf. tener



Calamospora sp.

I i

++ +

Laevigatisporites sp. I

· ,

ApicuJatisporltes sp.

, ,



Verrucosisporltes sp. ,

Lycaspera permica


Lycospora sp. H

Laevlgatosporltes sp.




Peri saccus granulatu5 + + ,

Cordaitlna donetziana


Cordal tina ur.alens'is H

Nuskoisporltes dulhuntyl



NuskoJsporites kJausi + + H

Nuskoisporltes sp. +


Trizonaesporites grandis

, ,

Crucisaccltes sp. +



Protohapioxypinus latissmius , + Protohaploxypinus samoilovichij , +'


Protohaploxyplnus sp. + v' 'v

Strotersporltes richteri +


Strotersporltes wilsoni

, ,

Strotersporites sp.


Striatoabietites balmei


Lueckisporites vlrkkiae NAa, Ab , x xx xxx

Luecklsporites virkkiae NAc

. ,


Luecklsporites virkkiae NBa, Bb

'v vx

Lueckisporites virkkiae NC + ++

Lueckisporites vJrkkiae ND


Lueckisporites virkkiae NE



Luecklsporites virkkiae f. with a



Ndark body"

Luna t ispor i tes alatus +

Lunatlsporites albertae +

Lunatlsporites graci 1 is + '+ "+

Lunatlsporites labdacus +++

Lunatlsporites mlcrosaccatus +

Lunatlsporites mul t iplex ++

Lunatisporites noviaulensis + x xx xxv

Lunatlsporites ort isei +

Lunatisporites transversundatus

, ,

Lunatisporites sp. , v vv xx'

Protosacculina sp.


Vittatina costabllis



Vlttatina hiltonensis +


Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein ... 211

Tab. 1 continued

1 2 3 4

Vittatlna simplex


Vlttatina subsaccata

, .. ,

V It tatina vittifera

, ,

Vittatlna 5p.

, ,

Aumancispor1tes striatus

Hamlapollen1 tes cf. blfurcatus


Hamiapo}lenites sp.

, ,



KJauslpollenites deciplens vv vv·

Klausipollenites minil1lJs



Klauslpollen1tes schaubergerl


x' xx'

Klauslpollenites stapHn1 i

Klausi polleni tes vestltus


KJausipollenites f. y


Klauslpollenites sp.


v xx xx'

Falclsporites zapfei + v vx 'xx

Falcisporites sp.

, ,

Vesicaspora Paraveslcaspora 5p. sp. "


Platysaccus niger



Platysac~us papilionis ",

Plalysaccus sp.

, ..

JIlinites elegans


Illinites unicus + v "v'

Illiniles sp. v,

Vitreisporites koenlgswaldij


Vitreisporites sp.

, ,


Jugasporites delasaucei " 'v

Jugaspori tes latus


Jugasporites. lueckoides ",

Jugasporites paradelasaucei ' vv xv

Jugasporites cf. parvus

. "

Jugaspor i tes purus


Jugaspor i tes schaubergeroides


Jugasporites NB ,"

Jugasporites 5p.

, ,

vv vx

Triadispora crassa + " v"

Triadispora pllcata "

Triadispora visscher1 "


Triadispora sp. + "v

Llm1tisporites moersensis


"v v" I

Uml.tlsporites rectus " "v



Umltisporites parvus



Limltisporltes sp ..


Gardenasporites heissel1 "

Gardenaspor i tes I1IOroderi

" v"

Gardenasporltes oberrauchi




Gardenasporites sp.



Chordasporites sp.




Crustaesporites globosus


Crustaesporites sp.


?Pakhapi tes sp.


Gnetacaepollenites 5p.


Cycadopites coxii • • vv vv"


Tab. I continued

1 2 3


Cycadopites cr. fo1l1cularis


Cycadopites hartli


Cycadopi tes sp.

'v vv'


Frequency of palinomorphs occurrence: + - 1-4 specimens. * - 5-10 specimens. v - 1-10%, x - more than 10%


C h a r act e r i s tic s . The assemblage is strongly dominated by pollen grains (92.5%

of the spectrum); among them the most abundant are conifer bisaccate forms, which belong to Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonie et Klaus species (23.5% of the spectrum). It is represented mainly by the Aa and Ab norms whereas Ba, Bb norms are less frequent and C, E, as well the form with a "dark body", seldom occur. Striatite pollen grains belonging to Lunati- sporites (10.0% of the spectrum) as well Protohaploxypinus genera are comparatively abundant. The representatives of Vittatina, Hamiapollenites and Strotersporites are less frequent. The vesicate pollen of Klausipollenites as well Jugasporites (J. delasaucei (Potonie et Klaus) Leschik, J. paradelasaucei Klaus, J. latus (Leschik) Foster) are common.

Limitisporites specimens occur seldom.

The monosaccate pollen grains, represented mainly by Nuskoisporites dulhuntyi Po- tonie et Klaus make 3.2% of the spectrum. Moncolpate pollen of Cycadopites are more frequent (S.I % of the spectrum). The share of spores, belonging to Calamospora and Laevigatosporites makes 7.5% of the spectrum.


c c u rre n ce. The Czerwona WodaIG I borehole ata depth of 714.9-721.4 m.

Com par i son san d cor reI a t ion s . This spectrum can be correlated to the L virkkiae Ab and Strotersporites sp. div. assemblage distinguished within the Terrigenous Series (Tlr) and Upper Anhydrite(Alg) in the Holy Cross Mis. area (A. Fijalkowska, 1991, 1992). A similar assemblage was recognized in the Nida Trough (A. Fijalkowska, 1991).

A similarity to the EZI assemblage described from the Lower Magnesian Limestone in England (J. Pattison et al., 1973) can be suggested.


C h a r act e r i s tic s . The assemblage is dominated by pollen grains (95.3% of the spectrum) among which the Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonie et Klaus forms are the most abundant (22.4%). Lunatisporites specimens (Lnoviaulensis (Leschik) Scheuring, L multi- plex (Visscher) Scheuring, L labdacus (Klaus) Fijalkowska, L. microsaccatus (Jansonius) Fijalkowska) make 14.4% of the spectrum. Pollen of Klausipollenites (K. schaubergeri (potonie et Klaus) Jansonius, K. decipiens Jansonius, K. minimus G6czan) occur in similar quantity (16.5% of the spectrum). The specimens of Jugasporites make S.O% of the


Palynostratigraphy Oflhc Zechstein ... 213

spectrum. Besides the dominant form of J. delasaueei (potoni" et Klaus) Leschik such taxa as J. lueckoides Klaus and J. sehaubergeroides Klaus appear here. The comparatively high amount of Gardenasporites specimens (3.0% of the spectrum) is the characteristic feature for this assemblage.

The share of monosaccate pollen is almost the same as in assemblage II. Moncolpate pollen makes 6.5% of the spectrum. Spores belonging mainly to Verrueosisporites, Cala- mospora and Laevigatosporites genera are less frequent.


c cur r en c e . The Czerwona Woda IG I borehole at a depth of 678:7-681.2 m,

Ko~cielna Wie~ IG 1 borehole (820.5, 829.8-830.8 m) and probably in the Niwnice outcrop.


0 m par i son san d cor rei at ion s . A similar spectrum was described in the Basal Anhydrite (A2) from the Opoczno PIG 2 borehole (A. Fijalkowska, 1993). It shows greater similarity to the L. virkkiae Ac Subzone distinguished in the PZ3 deposits than to the L virkkiae Ab Subzone, recognized within the PZl cyclothem. Some taxa characteristic for the Upper Zechstein, for example, Jugasporites lueekoides Klaus and Vitlatina hiltonen- sis Chaloner et Clarke, appear here. This assemblage can be also correlated to the spectrum described by H. Grebe (1957) and H. Grebe, H. J. Schweitzer (1962) from the Stassfurt Cyclothem in Germany.


C h a r act e r i s tic s . The assemblage is dominated by pollen grains (98.0% of the spectrum) among which the Lueekisporites virkkiae Potonie et Klaus specimens are the most frequent. The Ac norm is comparatively abundant here. Striatite pollen are common. The representatives of Lunatisporites make 15.2% of the spectrum and Striatoabietites forms as well Strotersporites are more frequent than in older assemblages. The share of Klausipo/lenites is high (17.0% of the spectrum). The representatives of Gardenasporites (G. heisseli Klaus, G. moroderi Klaus, G. oberrauehi Klaus) make 4.0% of the spectrum.

Monosaccate pollen are scare whereas moncolpate comparatively abundant (7.9% of the spectrum).


c cur r e n C e . The Ko~cielna Wie~ IG I borehole at a depth of785.4--786.4 m.


0 m par i son sao d cor reI a t ion s . This spectrum cao be correlated to the L virkkiae Ac assemblage of the L virkkiae Ac Subzone distinguished in the Main Anhydrite (A3) and at the base of the Top Terrigenous Series (pzt) in the Holy Cross Mts. area (A. Fijalkowska, 1991, 1992).


A combination of the H. Visscher, C. J. van der Zwan (1981) and G. Jerenie, B. Jelen (1991) models, based on the statistical analyses of xerophytic and hygrophytic elements in microfloral assemblages, were used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions (Fig. 2). The ten groups of palynomorphs (A-J) containing elements characteristic for a dry climate (G-J)


Table 2 Palynomorph occurrence In the Zechstein of the K~cielna Wie~ IG 1 borehole


(after 1. M. Peryt, A. Kasprzyk. P22 PZ3 1992)

820.5 829. 8-830. B 785.4-786. 4

1 2 3

Calamospora sp. +

Aplculatisporites sp. +

Lycospora permlca


Lycospora sp.



Peri saccus granulatus +

£ndosporites hexarecticulatus


Nuskoisporites klausi




Trizonaesporites grandis





Protohaploxypinus laUssmlus +

Protohaploxypinus samoilovichii


Lueckisporltes vlrkkJae NAa, Ab + x

Luecklsporites virkklae NAc


Luecklsporltes vlrkkiae NBa, Bb


Lueckisporltes virkkiae NBc +

Lueckisporltes vlrkkJae NC +

Lu.ecklspor i tes vlrkklae NE +

Luecklsporites vlrkklae f. with a +

"dark body"

Lunatisporltes alatu5 +

Lunatlsporites gracilis


Lunat lspor J tes labdacus

Lunatlsporltes rul t iplex +

Lunat ispor i tes noviaulensls


+ x

Lunatisporites sp. + + x

Vlttatlna subsaccata


Vittatlna vittifera

·VHt-at1na sp. + v

Hamiapollenites sp. +

Klausipollenites minimus v I

Klausipollenltes schaubergeri + + x

Klausipollenites stapl in1 i

KlausJpollenites sp. + + x

Falclsporites zapfel v

Falclsporites &p.


Vesicaspora sp.


Platysaccus sp. +

Illinites unicus

IllinHes sp. + +

Vitreisporites sp.


Jugasporltes delasaucei



Jugasporites latus +

Jugasporites lueckoides

Jugaspor i fes paradelasauce/ v

Jugaspor i tes cf. parvus

Jugasporites purus +

Jugaspor i tes NB v

Jugaspor i tes sp. + +



Palynostratigraphy ofthe Zechstein ... 215

Tab. 2 continued

1 2 3

Triadlspora crassa +


Triadispora visscheri +

TrladJspora sp. + +

Limitisporites moersensls x

Limilisporites rectus + v

Limltisporites parvus +

Llmitlsporites sp. +


Gardenasporites heisseli +

Gardenasporltes leonardii +

Gardenasporltes moroderi

Gardenasporites oberrauchi +

Gardenasporltes sp.


Chordasporites sp.



Gnetacaepollenltes steevesi +

CycadopJ tes sp. +


Sphaeripollenites sp. v


For explanations see Tab. I

as well for a humid one (A--{:) and mixed forms (D-F) were distinguished here. The frequency of these elements in the three analyzed spectra is almost the same. Strong domination of the xerophytic forms is observed in all assemblages (70.2% in assemblage II, 77.9% in III and 70.2% in IV). Striatite pollen of conifers (G group) are the most abundant among the xerophytic elements. Vesicate conifer pollen (J group) are less frequent.

Thehygrophyticforms make 15.6% of assemblage II, 11.2% of III and 9.9% of IV. They consist mainly of ferns and lycopod spores (A and B groups) as well as cycadales pollen (C group) which make 8.1% of assemblage II, 6.5% of III and 7.9% of IV.

The strong domination of the xerophytic elements indicates a dry, warm climate during the deposition of the studied sediments. This is also confirmed by lithology of the evaporitic series (T. M. Peryt, A. Kasprzyk, 1992).


Four spore-pollen assemblages were distinguished within the Zechstein evapontlc deposits of the North Sudetic Trough. They can be correlated to spectra recognized in the Holy Cross Mts.: Lueckisporites virkkiae Ab from the Lower Anhydrite (A Id), L virkkiae Ab and Strotersporites sp. div. from the Terrigenous Series (Tlr) and Upper Anhydrite (Alg), to the spectrum described from the Basal Anhydrite (A2) as well as the L virkkiae Ac assemblage from the Main Anhydrite (A3) and base of the Top Terrigenous Series (pzt).

The stratigraphic interpretation of results, obtained from palynological study, confirms the earlier suggestions of T. M. Peryt and A. Kasprzyk (1992) who included the sulphate- siliclastic complex occurring below the Platy Dolomite, to the Stassfurt Cyclothem (PZ2).


Table 3 Stratigraphic distribution of palynomorphs in the Zechstein of North Sudetic Trough

ZechsteIn ~




(after T.M. Peryt, A. Kasprzyk,

1992, modified) Cal Aid AI, Co2 A2 CaJ A3

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9

CaJal1/ospora pedata


CaJamospora ef. tener


CaJslIIOspora sp.




,po -


·Apiculat lspori tes sp. - - -

Verrucoslsporltes sp.

- -

LyCDspora permlca

- -

Lycospora sp.





Laevigatosporltes sp. - -


Perl saccus granulatu5 - -

Cordaltlna donetziana


Cordaitlna uralensis -

£ndosporites hexarecticulatus -

Nuskolsporites dulhuntyi -



Nuskolsporites klausl

- -


Nuskoisporites sp.



Trizonaesporltes grandIs - -


Crucisaccj tes sp.



Protohaploxyplnus latissll/Jus - -

Protohaploxypinus S8lI1Oi lovlchii v


Protohaploxypinus sp. -

Strotersporltes richte,i



Strotersporltes vilsonl +

Strotersporites sp. -

Striatoabietltes balmei -


Lueckispor i tes virkJdae NAa·, Ab + v - v v

Lueckispor i tes virkkiae NAe +

Lueckisporites virkkiae NBa. Sb + v

Luecklspor i tes virkiae NBc

- - •

Lueckisporites vlrkklae NC -



Lueckisporites virkklae ND


Luecklsporltes virkJdae NE - - -

Lueckisporites virkklae f. wIth a -



"dark body"

Lunatisporites alatus - -

Lunatlsparites albertae -

Lunatlsporites graeil is - • -

Lunatisporites labdacus -

Lunatisporites microsaccatus


Lunatlsporites multiplex -

Lunatlsporltes navlauJensis - v v



Lunatisparltes ortiseJ


Lunat ispar 1 tes transversundatus



Lunal lspori tes sp. + - - v +

Protasacculina sp.


Vittatina castabl11s



Vittatina hlltonensis


Vlttatina simplex


Vittatina subsaccata

- -

VHtatlna vittlfera - - -

Vittatina sp. - -

Aumancisporites striatus

- -


Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein ... 217

Tab. 3 continued

1 2 3


5 6 7 B 9

Hamiapollenites cf. bifurcatus


HamiapoJJenites sp. - - -


Xlausipollenites dec1piens -


Xlausipollenl £es mlnlllJ.Js - -

Xlausipollenl tes schaubergerl v - v - v

KlausJpolJenJtes stapl1nil - -

KlausipoJlenites vestHus -

KlausipollenJ tes f. Y -

KlausipoJJenltes sp.

- •



Faicisporites zaplei -


Falcisporites sp. -

- •

Vesicaspora sp. -

Paravesicaspora sp. -

PJatysaccus nIger



Platysaccus papIllonis


Platysaccus sp. -


I J Unites elegans -

111inites unlcus - -


111inites sp. - - -

VitreIsporites koenlgswaldiI


Vitreisporites sp.

- •

Jugasporltes delasaucei


Jugasporites latus - -

Jugaspor i tes luecKoides

- -

Jugasporltes paradelasaucei


• •

Jugasporites cf. parvus

- - •

Jugasporites purus

- -

JugasporJtes schaubergeroldes -

Jugasporites NB -


Jugasporltes sp. - v - v

Triadispora crassa -

- •

Tdadispora pJicata -

Triadispora visscheri -


Triadlspora sp. - ~


Llm1tisporltes moersensis

• •

Limitlsporites rectus


Llmitlsporites parvus - -

Llmitisporltes sp.

- - -

Gardenasporltes helssell


- -

Gardenasporltes leonardii


Gardenasporites moroderi - • •

Gardenasporites oberrauchl - -


Gardenasporites sp.

• •

Chordasporltes sp. - - -

Crustaesporites globosus


Crustaesporites sp. -

?Pakhapites sp. -

GnetacaepolJenites steevesi -

Gnetacaepollenites sp. -

Cycadopites coxii - v

- •

• •

Cycadopites cr. lollicularis -

Cycadopites hartil -

CycadopJ tes sp. -


Sphaerlpol1enite~ sp.


Frequency or palynomorph occurrence: -- singly, + - rare, v - common



50% II 50.



40 40 40

30 30 30

20 20 2

10 10 10

5 5 5

a a a



lID 2 03

Fig. 2. Palaeoclimatical model

I - hygrophytic elements; 2 - mixed elements; 3 - xerophytic elements; palynomorph groups: A - trilete, acavate, laevigate and apiculate spores, B - trilete, cingulate and zonate spores, C - monosulcate pollen, 0 - bisaccate monolete pollen, E - bisaccate, trilete pollen, F - bisaccate alete pollen. G - menie. bisaccate pollen, H - Triadispora group, I - vesicate pollen, J - monosaccate pollen

Model paJeoklimatyczny

1 - clementy higrofilne; 2 - elementy mies7.ane; 3 -clementy kserofilnc; grupy palinomorf: A - gladkic spory ze znukiem lrilet, B - spory ze makiem trilet z piertcieniem lub zonll. C - pylki monosu!CiJle, D - pylki dwuworkowe ze znakiem monolet, E - pylki dwuworkowe ze znakiem trilct, F - pylki dwuworkowe bez znaku.

G - pylki dwuworkowe pnttkowanc. H - grupa Triadispora. I - pylki vesicate. J - pylkijednoworkowe

The more detail consideralions concerning this correlation are presented by T. M. Peryt (A.

Fijalkowska, T. M. Peryt, 1995). The determination of position of this complex is of a great importance for reconstruction of the Stassfurt Cyclothem development. At the end of deposition of the Upper Anhydrite (A Ig) in the northern part of the North Sudetic Trough (Ko,cielna Wid IG I borehole), a sulphate shelf was subaerial exposed, which then was submerged during transgression of the Main Dolomite (Ca3), whereas, in the southern part of the trough (Czerwona Woda IG I borehole), the sulphale-clastic sedimentation of sebha provenance took place (A. Fijatkowska, T. M. Peryt, 1995).

All the microfloral assemblages are strongly dominated by xerophytic forms (mainly conifer pollen), which indicates a dry, warm climate during the deposition of the Zechstein evaporitic series.

An e x 1


Anteturma SPORITES Potoni", 1893

Turma Triletes (Reinch) Potoni': et Kremp. emend. Dybova et lachowicz, 1957


Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein ...

Subturma Azonotriletes Luber, 1935 Infratunna Laevigati (Bennie et Kidston) Potonie, 1956 Genus Calamospora Schopf, Wilson et Bentall, 1944 Calamospora pedata Kosanke, 1950

Calamospora cf. tener (Leschik) de lersey, 1964 (PI. I, Fig. 1) Calamospora sp.

Genus Laevigatisporites Dybova et lachowicz, 1957 Laevigatisporites sp. (PI. I, Fig. 2)

InfraturmaApiculati (Bennie et Kidston) Potonie, 1958 Genus Apiculatisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie et Kremp, 1956 Apiculatisporites sp.

Infraturma Verrucati Dybova et lachowicz, 1957

Genus Verrucosisporites (Ibrahim) Potonie et Kremp, 1956 Verrucosisporites sp.

Turma Triletes·Zonales (Bennie et Kidston) Potonie, 1956 Subturma Zonotriletes (Waltz) Potonie et Kremp, 1954

Infraturma Cingulati Potoni~ et Kremp, 1954 Genus Lycospora Schopf, Wilson et Bentall, 1944 Lycospora permica (Inosova) Fijalkowska, 1991 (PI. I, Fig. 3) Lycospora sp.

Turma Monoletes Ibrahim, 1933 Subturma Azonomonoletes Luber, 1935 Infraturma Laevigatomonoietes Dybova et Jachowicz, 1957

Genus Laevigatosporites Ibrahim, 1933 Laevigatosporites sp. (PI. I, Fig. 4)

Anteturma POLLENITES Potonie, 1931 Turma Saceites Erdtman, 1947

Subturma Monosaceites (Chitaley) Potonie et Kremp, 1954 Infraturma Monpolsacciti (Hart) Dibncr, 1970

Genus Perisaccus (Naumova) Potonie emend. Klaus, 1963 Perisaccus granulatus Klaus, 1963 (PI. I, Fig. 5)

Genus Endosporites Wilson et Coe, 1940 Endosporites hexarecticulatus Klaus, 1963



Genus Potonieisporites Bharadwaj, 1954 Potonieisporites cf. catagraphus (Andreyeya) Hart, 1965 (PI. I, Fig. 6)

Infraturma Dipolsacciti (Hart) Dibner, 1970 Genus Cordaitina (SamoiloYich) Hart, 1963 Cordaitina donetziana Inosoya, 1976

Cordaitina uralensis (Luber) Dibner, 1970

Genus Nuskoisporites Poloni" el Klaus, 1954 Nuskoisporites dulhuntyi POloni" el Klaus, 1954 (PI. I, Fig. 7) Nuskoisporites klausi Grebe, 1957 (PI, I, Fig. 9)

Nuskoisporites sp.

Genus Trizonaesporites (Leschik) Klaus, 1963 Trizonaesporites grandis Leschik, 1956

Crucisaccites sp.

Genus Crucisaccites Lele el Maithy, 1964

Sublurma Disaceites Cookson, 1947 Infraturma Striatiti Pant, 1954

Genus Protohaploxypinus (Samoiloyich) Hart emend. Morbey, 1975 Protohaploxypinus latissimus (Luber el Waltz) Samoiloyich, 1953

Protohaploxypinus samoilovichii (Jansonius) Hart, 1964 Protohaploxypinus sp.

Genus Strotersporites (Wilson) Klaus, 1963 Strotersporites richteri (Klaus) Wilson, 1962

Strotersporites wilsoni Klaus, 1963 Strotersporites sp.

Genus Striatoabietites (Sedoya) Hart, 1964 Striatoabietites balmei Klaus, 1964

Striatopodocarpites cf. bricki Sedoya, 1956 (PI. I, Fig. 8)

Striatoabietites multistriatus (Balme el Hennelly) Hart, 1964 (PI. I, Fig. 10) Genus Lueckisporites (Poloni" el Klaus) Jansonius, 1962

Lueckisporites virkkiae Poloni" el Klaus, 1954, NAa (after H. Visscher, 1971) (PI. I, Figs.

13, Ab; 14, Ac; 12, Ba, Bb; 17, Bc, C, D, E, form with a "dark body" A. Fijalkowska, 1991;

Fig. 18)


PaJynostratigraphy of the Zechstein ...

Genus Lunatisporites (Leschik) Scheuring, 1970 Lunatisporites alatus (Klaus) Fijalkowska, 1991

Lunatisporites albertae (Balme) Fijalkowska, 1993 Lunatisporites gracilis (Jansonius) Fijalkowska, 1991

Lunatisporites labdacus (Klaus) Fijalkowska, 1991 (PI. I, Fig. 21) Lunatisporites microsaccatus (Janson ius) Fijalkowska, 1991 Lunatisporites multiplex (Visscher) Scheuring, 1970

Lunatisporites noviaulensis (Leschik) Scheuring, 1970 (PI. I, Fig. II) Lunatisporites ortisei (Klaus) G6czAn, 1987


Lunatisporites transversundatus (Jansonius) Fijalkowska, 1991 (Pl.!, Fig.1S) Lunatisporites sp.

Genus Protosacculina (Maljavkina) Jansonius, 1962 Protosacculina sp.

Genus Vittatina (Luber) Wilson, 1962 Vittatina costabilis Wilson, 1962

Vittatina hiltonensis Chaloner e1 Clarke, 1962

Vittatina cf. saccata (Hart) Jansonius, 1962 (PI. I, Fig. 22) Vittatina simplex Jansonius, 1962

Vittatina subsaccata Samoilovich, 1953

Vittatina vittifera (Luber e1 Wallz) Sarnoilovich, 1953 Vittatina sp.

Genus Aumancisporites (Alpern) Jansonius, 1962

Aumancisporites striatus (Alpern) Jansonius, 1962

Genus Hamiapollenites Wilson ex Jansonius, 1962 Hamiapollenites cf. bifurcatus Jansonius, 1962

Hamiapollenites sp.

lnfraturma Disacciatrileti Leschik, 1956 Genus Klausipollenites Jansonius, 1962 Klausipollenites decipiens Jansonius, 1962

Klausipollenites minimus G6czAn, 1987

Klausipollenites schaubergeri (polonie el Klaus) Jansonius, 1962 (PI. I, Fig. 23) Klausipollenites staplinii Jansonius, 1962

Klausipollenites vestitus Jansonius, 1962 Klausipollenites f. Y Jansonius, 1962 Klausipollenites sp.


Genus Falcisporites (Leschik) Klaus, 1963 Falcisporites zapjei (Potoni" et Klaus) Leschik, 1955 (PI. J, Fig. 19) Falcisporites sp.

Genus Vesicaspora Schemel, 1951 Vesicaspora sp.

Genus Paravesicaspora Klaus, 1963 Paravesicaspora splendens Klaus, 1963 (PI. J, Fig. 20) Paravesicaspora sp.

Genus Platysaccus (Naumova) Potonie et Klaus, 1954 Platysaccus niger Madler, 1964

Platysaccus papilionis Potoni" et Klaus, 1954 Platysaccus sp.

Infraturma Disaccitrileti Leschik, 1956

Genus JIIinites (Kosanke) Potonie et Kremp, 1954 llIinites elegans Kosanke, 1950

lIlinites unicus Kosanke, 1950 IIIinites sp.

Genus Vitreisporites (Leschik) Jansonius, 1962 Vitreisporites koenigswaldii Jansonius, 1962

Vitreisporites sp. (PI. I, Fig. 26)

Genus Jugasporites (Leschik) Foster emend. Tiwari et Singh, 1984 Jugasporites delasaucei (potoni'; et Klaus) Leschik, 1956

Jugasporites latus (Leschik) Foster, 1983 (pI. J, Fig. 16) Jugasporites lueckoides Klaus, 1963

Jugasporites paradelasaucei Klaus, 1963 (PI. I. Fig. 29) Jugasporites parvus (Klaus) Foster, 1983

Jugasporites cf. parvus (Klaus) Foster, 1983

Jugasporites purus (Leschik) Tiwari et Singh, 1984 (pI. I. Fig. 25) Jugasporites schaubergeroides Klaus, 1963

Jugasporites NB (after H. Visscher, 1971) Jugasporites sp.

Genus Triadispora (Klaus) Scheuring emend. Brugman, 1979 Triadispora crassa Klaus, 1964

Triadispora plicata Klaus, 1964

Triadispora visscheri (Visscher) Fijalkowska, 199 I (PI. I. Fig. 28)


Triadispora Sp.

Palynostrntigraphy of the Zechstein ...

Infraturma Dlsacclmonoleti Klaus, 1963 Genus Limitisporiles (Leschik) Klaus, 1963 Limitisporiles moersensis (Grebe) Klaus, 1963

Limilisporiles parvus Klaus, 1963

Limitisporites reclus Leschik, 1956 (pI. I, Fig. 24) Limitisporites sp.

Genus Gardenasporiles Klaus, 1963 Gardenasporiles heisseli Klaus, 1963

Gardenasporiles leonardii Klaus, 1963 Gardenasporites moroderi Klaus, 1963 Gardenasporites oberrauchi Klaus, 1963 Gardenasporites sp.

Chordasporites sp.

Genus Chordasporiles Klaus, 1963

Subturma Polysaccites Cookson, 1947 Infraturma Polysacciti Cookson, 1947 Genus Cruslaesporiles Leschik. 1956 Crustaesponles globosus Leschik, 1956

Pakhopiles sp.

Turma Plicates Naumova, 1937 Subturma Praecolpates Potonie et Kremp, 1954

Infcaturma PraecolpaU Potonit et Kremp, 1954 Genus Pakhapiles Hart, 1965

Subturma Polyplicates Erdtman, 1952 Infraturma Polyplicati Erdtman, 1952

Genus Gnelacaepol/enites (Thiergart) Jansonius, 1962

Gnelacaepol/eniles sleevesi Jansonius, 1962

Subturma Moncolpates (WOOehouse) Iversen-Troels et Smith, 1950 Infraturma Inorti (Naumova) Potonit, 1958

Genus Cycadopites (WOOehouse) Wilson et Webster, 1946 Cycadopiles coxil Visscher, 1966 (pI. I, Fig. 27)

Cycadopites/ollicularis Wilson et Webster, 1946 Cycadopites hortii Jansonius, 1962

Cycadopites sp.



Turma Aletes Ibrahim, 1933

Subturma Azonaletes (Luber) Potoni" et Kremp, 1954

Infratunna Psilonapiti Erdtman. 1947

Genus Sphaeripol/enites (Couper) Jansonius, 1962 Sphaeripol/enites sp.

Oddzial Swi~tokrzyski

Pal1stwowego Instytutu Geologicznego Kielce, ul. Zgoda 21

Received: 29.11.1994


DYBOVA·JACHOWICZ S., LASZKO D. (1978) - Spore-pollen spectrum of the Permian-Triassic junction beds in Holy Cross MIs. In: Guide of excursions, part 2 (eds. R. Wagner, O. Pienkowski). Symp. on European Central Pennian. p. 81-106.

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FlJAt.KOWSKA A. (1992) - Palynostratigraphy oftbe Zechstein and lower Buntsandstein in the north-western part of the Holy Cross Mis. (Central Poland) (in Polish with English summary). Prz. Geo!.. 40. p. 468--473.

no. 8.

FIJAt.KOWSKA A. (1993) - Wyniki badafi sporowo-pylkowych. In; Dokumcntacja wynikowa otworu badaw- czego Opoczno PIG 2 (ed. Z. Kowalczewski). Arch. Paristw. Inst. Geo!. Warszawa.

FIJAt.KOWSKA A., PERYTT. M. (1995) - The PZ2 cycle in the Zechstein in the North Sudetic Trough (SW Poland) (in Polish). Prz. Geot., 43, p. 31-34, no. I.

GREBE H. (1957) - Zur Mikroflora des niederrheinischen Zechstein. Geol. Jb., 73, p. 51-74.

GREBE H., SCHWEITZER H. J. (1962)-Die Sporne dispersae des niederrheinischen Zechstein. Fortsch. Geol.

Rheinland Westf.,12, p. 201-224.

JERENIC G .• JELEN B. (1991) - Palynostratigraphy. depositional environment and climate of the Upper Triassic in Vlatka-l off-shore well, SW orVis Island (Adriatic sen. Cvoatia). Abstr. 2nd Inter. Symp. on the Adriatic carbonate platform,ladar 1991.

KOTANSKA H .• KRASON J. (1966) - New sites of sporomorphs in the Zechstein deposits of Polahd. Bull.

Acad. Pol. Sc., Ser. G~o!. Geogr.,14, p. 237-241, no. 4.

PATIISON J., SMITH D. B., WARRINGTON G. (1973) - A review of Late Permian and Early Triassic biostratigraphy in the British Isles. In: The Permian and Triassic systems and their mutual boundary (eds. A.

Loghan, L.V. Hills). Can. Soc. Petrol. Geo!. Mem., 2, p.220-26O.

PERYTT. M., KASPRZYK A. (1992) -Stratigraphy and sedimentary history of the Zechstein (Upper Pennian) of the North Sudetic Trough (SW Poland) (in Polish with English summnry). Prz. Oeo1., 40, p. 457-467, no. 8.

VISSCHER H .• VAN DER ZWAN C. J. (1981) - Palynology of the Circum-Meditemmean Triassic: phytogeo- graphical and palaeoclimatological implications. Gco!. Rund., 70, p. 625-63.


Palynostrnligraphy of the Zechstein ... 225




Badaniami paJinologicznymi obj~to serie ewapomtowe ccchszlynu z niecki p6lnocnosudeckiej. Wyr61niono cuery zespoty mikroflorystyczne. kt6re skorclowano ze spektrami znanymi z G6r Swil;tokrzyskich. Zesp61 I wykazuje dute podobienstwo do spektrum Lueckisporites virkkiae A b wyr6:inianego w osadach dolnego anhydrytu (A J d). z.esp6t II- do L virkkiae Ab i Strorerspon·tes sp. div. z osad6w serii terygenicznej TI r i anhydrytu g6mego (A I g), zesp61 m - do spektrum siwierdzonego w anhydrycie podstawowym (A2) na terenie dalszego obrzez.enia G6r Swietokrzyskich oraz z.esp61 IV - do speklrum L virkkiae Ac wyr6zniunego w anhydrycie gl6wnym (A3) i

sp~gu stropowej serii terygenicznej (pzt).

Stratygmficznn inlerpretacja wynik6w badan palinologicznych potwierdziJa wczeSniejszli sugestie T. M.

Peryta i A. Kasprzyk (1992). kl6rzy zaJiczyli siarczanowo-siliciklastyczny kompleks, letClcy ponitej dolomitu ptytowego, do cyklu PZ2. Okre.{lenie st.ratygraficznej pozycji lego kompleksu rna duZc znaczenie dla rekonstrukcji rozwoju cyklu PZ2.

We wszystkich zespolach mikroflorystycznych wyrainie dominuj~ fonny kserofilne - pylki ro§lin iglastych.

co wskazuje na suchy. ciepJy klimat panuj~cy w czasie sedymenlacji serH siarczanowych.


Fig. 1. CaJamospora cf. ltnu (L.eschik) de Jersey Fig. 2. i.tuvigalisporites sp.

Fig. 3. Lycosporapermica (Inosova) Fijalkowska

Fig. 4. Uuvigatospori/es sp.

Fig. 5. Perisaccus granulatus Klaus

Fig. 6. Potonieisporitescf. catagraphus(Andreyeva} Hart Fig. 7. Nuskoisporites dulhuntyi Potonie et Klaus Fig. 8. Strialopodocarpiles ct. brick; Sedova Fig. 9. Nuskoisporites klaus; Grebe

Fig. 10. Striatoabietites multis/riatus (Balme et Hennelly) Hart Fig. 11. Lunatisporites noviaulensis (Leschik) Scheuring Fig. 12. Lueckisporites virkkiae Potonie et Klaus NAc Fig. 13. Lueckisporitesvirkkiae Polonie et Klaus NAa Fig. 14. LueckisporileslIirkkiae Potonie et Klaus

Fig. IS. Lunatisporires transversundatus (1ansonius) Fijalkowska Fig. 16. Jugasporites latus (Leschik) Foster

Fig. 17. Luuld.rporitesvirkkiae Potonie et Klaus NBb

Fig. 18. Luukisporilesvirkkiae Potonic et Klaus form with a "dark body"

Fig. 19. Falcisporites zapfei (Potoni6 et Klaus) Leschik Fig. 20. ParavesicasporaspJendens Klaus

Fig. 21. Lunatisporites labdacus (Klaus) Fijalkowska Fig. 22. ViUatina cf. saccata (Hart) Jansonius

Fig. 23. KlausipoJlenites schaubergeri (Potonic et Klaus) Jansonius Fig. 24. Limitisporites reclus Leschik

Fig. 25. Jugasporiles purus (Leschik) Tiwari et Singh Fig. 26. Vitreisporites sp.

Fig. 27. Cycadopites coxii Visscher

Fig. 28. Triadispora visschui (Visscher) Fijalkowska Fig. 29, Jugasporites parade/asaucei Klaus

Figs. 1,3, 10,25-27 - Czerwona Woda 101 borehole, depth 714.0-715.0 m, PZl (Werra Cyclothem) (Alg);

Figs. 2, 4, 8, 11-21,23.24,29 - Niwnice outcrop, ?PZ2 (?Stnssfurt Cyclothem)(?A2); Figs. 7. 9 - Czerwona Woda IG 1 borehole, depth 674,3 m, ?PZ2 (1A2); Figs. 5. 6.22, 28- Koscielna Wies fG I borehole, depth 785.4 m, PZ 1 (A 1 d); magn, x SOO

Fig. 1,3,10.25-27 - otw6rwiertniczyCzerwona Woos IG I,gl~b, 714,0-715,0 m, PZI (cyklotem werra) (Alg);

fig. 2, 4, 8, 11-21, 23. 24, 29 - odsloni~cie Niwnice, ?PZ2 (cyklotem ?stassfurt)(?A2); fig. 7. 9 - otw6r wiertniczy Czerwona Woda 10 I, gl~b. 674,3 m. ?PZ2 (? A2); fig. S, 6. 22, 28 - otw6r wicrtniczy Koscielna Wies IG I. glob. 785.4 m. PZI (A Id); pow. 500 x


Geol. Quart., No.2, 1995 PLATE I

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Anna FlJALKOWSKA - Palynostratigraphy of the Zechstein in the North Sudetic Trough


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