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Improving productivity of driving processes for special baggage handling at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines


Academic year: 2021

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(1)FACULTY MECHANICAL, MARITIME AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Delft University of Technology. Department Maritime and Transport Technology Mekelweg 2 2628 CD Delft the Netherlands Phone +31 (0)15-2782889 Fax +31 (0)15-2781397 www.mtt.tudelft.nl. Specialization:. Transport Engineering and Logistics. Report number: 2013.TEL.7794 Title:. Improving productivity of driving processes for special baggage handling at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Author:. R. Bolijn. Title (in Dutch). Verbeteren van productiviteit van rijprocessen voor de speciale bagage afhandeling bij KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Assignment:. Master thesis. Confidential:. yes (until August 16, 2018). Initiator (university):. Prof. dr. ir. G. Lodewijks. Initiator (company):. ir. A. Kieskamp (KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Schiphol). Supervisor:. Prof. dr. ir. G. Lodewijks. Date:. August 16, 2013. This report consists of 12 preliminary pages, 84 research pages and 11 appendices. It may only be reproduced literally and as a whole. For commercial purposes only with written authorization of Delft University of Technology. Requests for consult are only taken into consideration under the condition that the applicant denies all legal rights on liabilities concerning the contents of the advice..


(3) FACULTY OF MECHANICAL, MARITIME AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Delft University of Technology. Department of Marine and Transport Technology Mekelweg 2 2628 CD Delft the Netherlands Phone +31 (0)15-2782889 Fax +31 (0)15-2781397 www.mtt.tudelft.nl. Student: Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor. (TUD): (TUD) (Company) (Company). Subject:. R. Bolijn Prof. dr. ir. G. Lodewijks ir. M.B. Duinkerken ir. A. Kieskamp ir. M. Gangadin. Assignment type: Creditpoints (EC): Specialization: Report number: Confidential:. Master thesis 35 TEL 2013.TL.7794 Yes until August 16, 2018. Improving productivity of driving processes for special baggage handling at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Each day 120.000 to 160.000 pieces of baggage are handled at Schiphol Airport. Roughly 95.000 pieces of baggage are handled by KLM. The department Baggage Turnaround Services (BTS) is responsible for all baggage handling operations.. The current baggage transport processes are based on outdated methods and IT support. Part of these processes is the issuance of hard-copy work-orders for transport tasks. Receiving such orders takes results in extra non-value adding drives. The project BS Mobiel accomplishes digitalization of this work-order issuance process with the goal of increasing efficiency and thereby reducing costs. The scope of this project is momentarily focused on the major flows of incoming baggage. However, introduction of BS Mobiel might also be an opportunity to further optimize the special baggage transport processes.. Special baggage handling processes have been exposed to many business changes over the last years, in the course of which task responsibilities have shifted. These changes have had a negative impact on both the efficiency and the effectiveness of these processes. The required resources in terms of drivers per bax of e.g. handled odd-size is roughly 5 times more than the required resources for the transport of incoming baggage. Furthermore there’s no clear overall understanding, documentation or data of these processes at this moment.. A strong wish exists to reduce cost and/or increase effectiveness of baggage handling. As stated before the introduction of BS Mobiel is an opportunity to improve special baggage transport processes. However, also other scenarios must be considered. Taking this opportunity might moreover be necessary to prevent special processes from becoming less efficient and effective with the introduction of BS Mobiel.. i.

(4) FACULTY OF MECHANICAL, MARITIME AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING Delft University of Technology. Department of Marine and Transport Technology Mekelweg 2 2628 CD Delft the Netherlands Phone +31 (0)15-2782889 Fax +31 (0)15-2781397 www.mtt.tudelft.nl. Your assignment is to determine how the processing of special handling baggage flow can be more effective and/or efficient. Opportunities as a result of the introduction of BS Mobiel as well as other possible scenarios must be considered. The results of this assignment should contain:. •. Analysis of the various special baggage flows processed by BTS. •. Design scenarios and recommendations for more effective and efficient processing of this baggage. This result should incorporate an understanding of:. •. o. Baggage flows (directions, magnitude, etc.). o. Driver flows (directions, magnitude, etc.). o. Required information flows. o. Supporting means and required IT-infrastructure. o. Overview of organizational consequents. Recommendations on which handling concept should be implemented supported by: o. Modeling (e.g. calculations and/or simulation) to prove gain and benefits. o. Business case (determining the required additional investment if necessary and the complementing justification by the gained cost reduction). The report should comply with the guidelines of the section. Details can be found on the website. The professor,. Prof. G. Lodewijks. ii.

(5) PREFACE. P REFACE This report is the deliverable for a thesis carried out as part of the Master program ‘Transport Engineering and Logistics’ at Delft University of Technology. This thesis is performed during an internship at the department of ‘Baggage Turnaround Services’ at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. During the course of my study Mechanical Engineering I have become interested in the field of logistics, particularly the study of process optimization. For my final assignment I was eager to learn more about process environments and experience the day to day operations. The airport scene always had a huge attraction on me and the intriguing KLM activities moved me towards applying for this internship. I am very grateful to Arjen Kieskamp for taking the time to formulate an assignment that fitted my interests and study background. During this internship I learned much about being part of a big organization. Both retrieving the required information from various departments as well as working together with employees in the operational environment have been a successful experience. The assignment itself has been a challenge; the immense diversity in processes of just yet the baggage department and the stretched operational environment were quite a surprise. As such it was quite a job to get familiar to the complexity of all relevant processes and cover all aspects for a successful analysis and redesign. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards Arjen Kieskamp and Mahender Gangadin. Both have been very helpful in giving me advice and feedback on the assignment approach and results as well as pointing me in the right direction regarding the gathering of the right information. I would also like to thank Gabriel Lodewijks for all the relevant advice and help through the course of this assignment. Furthermore I would like to express gratitude towards Mark Duinkerken for the extended feedback and helping me with the approach on modeling and simulation. Ronald Bolijn, Schiphol, August 16th 2013. iii.


(7) SUMMARY. S UMMARY Each day 120.000 to 160.000 pieces of baggage are handled at Schiphol Airport. Roughly 95.000 pieces of baggage (both KLM and other partners) are handled by KLM. The current baggage transport processes are based on outdated methods and IT support. The project BS Mobiel accomplishes improved driving process by digitalization of the work-order issuance process. The scope of this project is momentarily focused on the transport of incoming baggage. However, introduction of BS Mobiel might also be an opportunity to improve the special baggage transport processes, such as odd-size, animals, lost- and crew-baggage, etc. There might furthermore be an opportunity in improving special driving processes with the current resources. As such the following research question is formulated:. “How can special baggage processes be improved with logistic strategies and additional IT-infrastructure?” In the first part the special processes are analyzed. With a number of logistic principles opportunities and bottlenecks are identified for each process. A total of nine special baggage processes are defined along with 5 different types of drivers involved in just the transport of special baggage flows. The required resources in terms of drivers per piece of e.g. handled odd-size is roughly 5 times higher than the required resources for the transport of the major flow of incoming baggage. Since there’s no data available whatsoever, data has been obtained by introducing methods for baggage tracking to create a complete understanding of baggage flows. With the results from the first part various conceptual design scenarios for improved driving processes are formulated. These scenarios are divided into two categories: 1.. Increasing productivity with current resources: using logistic strategies such as the rerouting of baggage and driver flows, merging of tasks and changing driver’s responsibilities.. 2.. Increasing productivity with additional IT-infrastructure: using additional information flows for e.g. decentralized work-order issuance and improved driver scheduling.. To quantify the performance of the proposed scenarios discrete event simulation is used. For each of the conceptual designs the performance with the current number of drivers is quantified. For those designs with improved performance the required number of drivers is determined. Since the cost of labor decreases while the cost of expedite baggage increases with less drivers the optimum number of drivers can be determined with respect to minimal cost. Expedite baggage is baggage that missed its flight and needs to be redirected to the passenger resulting in extra handling costs. Thirdly the selected designs are assessed using a multi criteria analysis. As such not only performance and costs but also other qualitative criteria such as flexibility, ease of implementation and operational risk are taken into account. For the first category three scenarios with improved performance and reduced yearly costs are selected in a number of steps. These scenarios involve the rerouting of odd-size drivers. Using different driving strategies the total number of expedite baggage can be reduced with 70% resulting in reduced yearly costs of approximately €600k.. v.

(8) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. For the second category of designs two scenarios involving BS Mobiel for integrated driver functions are proposed. With the introduction of BS Mobiel drivers can be scheduled from a central control point. As such there’s no need for a non-value adding drive back to an allocator to collect paper work-orders. Besides the less drives back, integrating driver functions does yield even higher productivity since scheduling becomes more efficient with more drivers. It is concluded that with respect to costs the optimum number of drivers is 11 (54% less than the 24 drivers currently deployed). As a result of less required drivers and a decrease of 77% in expedite baggage the net yearly gain is over €1,8 M relative to the current situation. Although the BS Mobiel scenario for integrated drivers requires a considerable business change and there’s an operational risk involved, the reduced yearly costs lead to this scenario being rated the best of those discussed. Furthermore this scenario scores relative well for the criteria scalability and flexibility. As such it is recommended to launch development of BS Mobiel. It was furthermore concluded that implementation of the design scenario is feasible as no major implementation bottlenecks have been identified.. vi.

(9) SUMMARY (IN DUTCH). S UMMARY ( IN D UTCH ) Elke dag worden 120.000 tot 160.000 stuks bagage afgehandeld op Schiphol. Daarvan worden ongeveer 95.000 stuks (van KLM en partners) afgehandeld door KLM. De huidige bagage transport processen zijn gebaseerd op verouderde methoden en IT-support. Het project BS Mobiel bewerkstelligt het verbeteren van deze rijprocessen door het digitaal uitgeven van ‘work-orders’. De scope van dit project is op dit moment gericht op het transport van de hoofdstroom: inkomende bagage. Echter biedt de introductie van BS Mobiel ook mogelijkheden voor het optimaliseren van andere speciale afhandelingsprocessen, zoals odd-size, dieren, verloren- en crew-bagage, etc. Daarnaast is het wellicht mogelijk om deze processen met de huidige middelen te verbeteren. De onderzoeksvraag is dan ook tweeledig en luidt:. “Hoe kunnen speciale bagage processen worden verbeterd met logistiek strategieën en/of extra ITinfrastructuur?” In het eerste deel worden de speciale processen geanalyseerd. Met een aantal uitgangspunten zijn kansen voor verbetering geïdentificeerd voor elk proces. Negen verschillende bagage processen zijn gedefinieerd samen met vijf verschillende type rijders die de rijprocessen voor het transport van de special bagagestromen verzorgen. Het benodigd aantal rijders voor de afhandeling van bijvoorbeeld een stuk odd-size is ongeveer vijf keer zo groot als het benodigd aantal rijders voor inkomende regulier bagage. Omdat er geen of weinig bagage data over deze processen beschikbaar is, is de benodigde data verzameld door het introduceren van bagage tracking methoden. Op deze manier is een compleet beeld van de verschillende bagagestromen verkregen. Met de resultaten uit het eerste deel zijn verschillende conceptuele ontwerp scenario’s voor verbeterde rijprocessen geformuleerd. Deze scenario’s zijn onderverdeeld in twee categorieën: 1.. Verhogen van de productiviteit met huidige middelen: het gebruik van logistieke strategieën zoals het routeren van bagage en rijder stromen, het samenvoegen van taken of het verschuiven van rijder verantwoordelijkheden.. 2.. Verhogen van de productiviteit met additionele IT-infrastructuur: het gebruik van additionele informatiestromen voor bijvoorbeeld het decentraal aansturen van rijders en het verbeteren van planning en allocatie.. Om de prestaties van de ontwerp scenario’s te kwantificeren zijn ‘discrete-event’ simulaties gebruikt. Ten eerste zijn voor elk scenario de prestaties met het huidig aantal rijders gekwantificeerd. Voor de scenario’s met verbeterde prestaties is in een aantal iteraties het benodigde aantal rijders bepaald. Omdat de arbeidskosten verminderen terwijl de kosten voor na te sturen bagage hoger worden met minder rijders kan het optimale aantal rijders ten opzichte van de kosten worden bepaald. Als laatste zijn de geselecteerde ontwerpen aan de hand van een multi-criteria analyse beoordeeld. Op deze manier zijn niet alleen de prestaties en kosten in beschouwing genomen maar ook kwalitatieve criteria waaronder flexibiliteit, implementeerbaarheid en operationeel risico.. vii.

(10) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. Voor de eerste categorie zijn op deze manier drie scenario’s met verbeterde prestaties en verminderde jaarlijkse kosten geselecteerd. Deze scenario’s omvatten het anders routeren van odd-size rijders. Met verschillende route strategieën kan het aantal na te sturen bagage worden verminder met 70% wat resulteert in een kostenreductie van ongeveer €600k. In de tweede categorie zijn twee scenario’s met BS Mobiel en geïntegreerde rijders geformuleerd. Met de introductie van BS Mobiel kunnen rijders vanaf afstand worden aangestuurd. Op deze manier is het niet nodig om terug te rijden naar een uitgiftepunt om hard-copy work-orders op te halen. Het integreren van rijders resulteert in een nog hogere productiviteit omdat de planning en het toewijzen van taken kunnen worden geoptimaliseerd. Zo kan de totale rijafstand tussen twee taken worden verkleind en kunnen pieken in werkdrukte worden verspreid. Het is geconcludeerd dat het optimale aantal rijders met BS Mobiel 11 is (54% minder dan in de huidige situatie). Als gevolg van het kleiner aantal benodigde rijders en de reductie van 77% in het aantal na te sturen bagage kan jaarlijks €1,8 mln. worden bespaard. Ondanks het feit dat het BS Mobiel scenario voor geïntegreerde rijders een aanzienlijke proces verandering betekent en er een operationeel risico mee gaat gepaard, wordt dit scenario door de relatief lage kosten het best beoordeeld. Bovendien scoort dit scenario goed op de criteria schaalbaarheid en flexibiliteit. Het wordt dan ook aanbevolen dat de ontwikkeling van BS Mobiel voor de speciale processen word gestart.. viii.

(11) TABLE OF CONTENTS. T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Assignment Description .......................................................................................................................... i Preface ............................................................................................................................................. iii Summary ............................................................................................................................................. v Summary (in Dutch) ........................................................................................................................... vii Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ ix Terms and Abbreviations ...................................................................................................................... xi 1.. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 Passenger Business ..................................................................................................... 1 KLM Baggage Turnaround Services ............................................................................... 1 Research Question ....................................................................................................... 2 Definitions and Boundaries ........................................................................................... 2 Approach and Report Structure ..................................................................................... 4. Part I: Analysis 2.. Analysis of Major Baggage Process ............................................................................................ 7 Method for Process Analysis ......................................................................................... 7 Major Process .............................................................................................................. 7 IT-Systems ................................................................................................................11. 3.. Analysis of Special Baggage Processes ..................................................................................... 13 Methods for Analysis and Validation .............................................................................13 Process Delimitation ...................................................................................................13 Special Baggage Processes ..........................................................................................14 Conclusions ................................................................................................................21. 4.. Data Analysis ......................................................................................................................... 23 Required Data ............................................................................................................23 Methods for Baggage Data Collection ...........................................................................24 Number of Measurements ...........................................................................................26 Overview of Collected Data .........................................................................................26 Example of Baggage Data Analysis: Odd-Size ...............................................................29 Baggage Data Summary ..............................................................................................30. 5.. Analysis of Changes with BS Mobiel ......................................................................................... 31 Current Driver Allocation Process .................................................................................31 Primary Changes ........................................................................................................32. Part II: Conceptual Design 6.. Conceptual Design Scenarios ................................................................................................... 35 Increasing Productivity ................................................................................................35 Approach on Conceptual Design Formulation ................................................................35 Scenarios with Current Resources ................................................................................36 Scenarios with Additional IT-Infrastructure ...................................................................40 Overview and Conclusions ...........................................................................................44. ix.

(12) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. 7.. Modeling and Simulation ......................................................................................................... 47 Method ......................................................................................................................47 Model Description .......................................................................................................48 Model Verification and Validation .................................................................................52. 8.. Method for Conceptual Design Assessment............................................................................... 53 Selection By Simulation ...............................................................................................53 Assessment with Multi Criteria Analysis ........................................................................54. 9.. Increasing Productivity with Current Resources ........................................................................ 59 Step 1: Selection by Performance ................................................................................59 Step 2: Optimal Number of Drivers ..............................................................................61 Step 3: Multi Criteria Analysis ......................................................................................64 Conceptual Design Selection ........................................................................................65. 10.. Increasing Productivity with Additional IT-Infrastructure ........................................................... 67 Step 1 and 2: Determining Optimal Number of Drivers ..................................................67 Step 3: Multi Criteria Analysis ......................................................................................69. Part III: Final Design 11.. Final Design ........................................................................................................................... 73 Conceptual Design Selection ........................................................................................73 Process Overview .......................................................................................................74 Implementation Plan...................................................................................................76. 12.. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................... 79. 13.. Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 81 Further Research ........................................................................................................81 Recommendations for the BS Mobiel Design Scenario ....................................................81. Literature ........................................................................................................................................... 83 Appendix A. Scientific Paper.......................................................................................................... I. Appendix B. Special Process Analysis: Process Maps ..................................................................... IX. Appendix C. Data Analysis Example: Odd-Size UQE ................................................................... XVII. Appendix D. Model Verification and Validation ............................................................................ XXV. Appendix E. Model Interfaces ..................................................................................................XXXI. Appendix F. Weights for MCA ............................................................................................... XXXIII. Appendix G. Experimental Plan ............................................................................................. XXXVII. Appendix H. Results of Chapter 9 ........................................................................................... XXXIX. Appendix I. Results of Chapter 10 ..........................................................................................XLVII. Appendix J. Integration With Incoming Drivers ............................................................................. LI. Appendix K. Process Description Language (PDL) ......................................................................... LV. x.

(13) TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS. T ERMS AND A BBREVIATIONS Allocator. Allocates drivers to tasks. AMS-baggage. Baggage with origin or destination Amsterdam. AMS-belts. Belts to/from local check-in and reclaim at Schiphol. Avih. Live animals. BASS. Baggage Sorting System. Bax. Piece(s) of baggage. BSC. Baggage Service Center. BSM. BS Mobiel. BTS. Baggage Turnaround Services. CHIP. Resource planning software. Cold bax. Baggage with very long connection time. Drivers. Drivers who transport baggage from aircraft. EUR bax. Baggage to/from European locations. Expedite. see MHB. FIRDA. Flight and baggage information software. ICA bax. Baggage to/from intercontinental locations. IR-rate. Irregularity rate: number of MHB per thousand. KMar. Military Police. Lateral. Output belt for baggage from BASS. MHB. Mishandled bags, need to be redirected to passenger. OS. Odd-size. OSB. Odd-size buffer. RA-LL. Recovery Agent – Lost Luggage. RA-PT. Recovery Agent – Post Telephone. Reclaim belts. Particular AMS-belt for inbound AMS-baggage. Reg-baggage. Regular baggage (non odd-size or avih). Shocon (SCB). Baggage with relative short connection time. Tail-to-Tail (TTT). Baggage with very short connection time. Temperature. Measure for connection time (cold, hot, etc.). TLO. Team leader VOP. Transfer quay. Input belt for transfer baggage into BASS. TRF-baggage. Transfer baggage. TSD. Unloading transfer quays D-pier. ULD. Unit Loading Device. UQE. Unloading transfer quays E-pier. VOP. Aircraft stand. xi.


(15) 1 INTRODUCTION. 1.. I NTRODUCTION. KLM is the national flag carrier airline of the Netherlands. KLM is a global carrier and forms the core of the KLM Group, which includes KLM Cityhopper, Martinair and Transavia. KLM merged with Air France in 2004 as a holding company: Air France-KLM. Under this flag both KLM and Air. KLM. France are active as the biggest European carrier airline group. KLM achieves its revenue from three core businesses, namely. transport. of passengers, cargo. and. aircraft. Passenger Business. maintenance.. Cargo. Engineering & Maintenance. Figure 1.1: KLM Core Business. P AS SEN GER B U SIN E S S KLM carries over 20 million passengers each year. As a member of the Sky Team alliance KLM is part of a network with 898 destinations and 169 countries. KLM directly connects its home port, Schiphol Airport, to 130 destinations around the world. For KLM, Schiphol Airport acts as a hub in a hub and spokes network. Approximately 70% of all passenger transfer at Schiphol to another flight. The other 30% are local passengers checking in and out. Network and scheduling are arranged to offer short connections to transfer passenger. As such arrivals and departures are concentrated in seven blocks:. Figure 1.2: Arrival and departure blocks at Schiphol Airport. (KLM, 2011). KLM B A GGAG E T UR N AR OU N D S ER VIC ES Each day 120.000 to 160.000 pieces of baggage are handled at Schiphol Airport. Roughly 95.000 pieces of baggage (both KLM and other partners) are handled by KLM. The department Baggage Turnaround Services (BTS) is responsible for all baggage handling operations. Baggage Turnaround Services. BTS is divided into three departments: 1100 employees from BTS Platform load and unload baggage, freight and mail into and out of the aircrafts. Another 1200 employees from BTS Bagage transport baggage from and to the sorting area’s and reclaim belts. Lastly 125 employees work on the planning and the assigning of aircraft baggage and. BTS Bagage. BTS Platform. BTS Loadcontrol. Figure 1.3: BTS Organization Chart. freight capacities. As stated above, BTS Bagage is responsible for all operational baggage handling processes. The majority of tasks can be summarized as:. 1.

(16) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. 1.. Transport of baggage (by drivers) from aircraft to the sorting- and/or reclaim area.. 2.. Feeding of baggage to automated sorting system.. 3.. Make up of sorted baggage for transport to outbound flight.. 4.. Transport of baggage (by drivers) from make-up area to aircraft.. In addition to the major flows of incoming and outgoing baggage, several special handling baggage flows are defined such as animals, lost luggage, crew baggage, odd-size baggage, etc.. R ESE AR CH Q UE ST I ON Special baggage handling processes have been exposed to many business changes over the last years, in the course of which task responsibilities have shifted. These changes have had a negative impact on both the efficiency and the effectiveness of these processes. The required resources in terms of drivers per bax of e.g. handled odd-size is roughly 5 times more than the required resources for the transport of incoming baggage.1 Furthermore there’s no clear overall understanding, documentation or data of these processes at this moment. A strong wish exists to reduce cost and increase effectiveness of baggage handling. As stated before the introduction of BS Mobiel is an opportunity to improve special baggage transport processes. However also other scenarios will be considered. Taking this opportunity might moreover be necessary to prevent special processes from becoming less efficient and effective with the introduction of BS Mobiel. The following research question has been formulated:. “How can special baggage processes be improved with logistic strategies and additional IT-infrastructure?” To answer this research question, a number of sub questions are formulated: 1. “How are special baggage processes currently organized?” 2. “Which logistic strategies can be used to improve these special baggage processes with the current. resources?” 3. “In which scenario can these special baggage processes be further improved with additional IT-. infrastructure like BS Mobiel?”. D EF IN I TI ON S. AN D. B O UN DAR IE S. As stated before, baggage flows are divided into major en special flows. For clear boundaries of the special baggage flows and processes, definitions will first be discussed: There are two types of baggage:. 1. . Regular: normal/regular suitcases, bags, etc.. . Special: e.g. animals and odd size.. Roughly: 24 drivers for 1.400 handled special bax versus 120 drivers for 30.000 handled incoming bax. 2.

(17) 1 INTRODUCTION. Figure 1.4: regular baggage (left) and various types of odd-size (right). Two flows are furthermore defined: . Major flow: the major baggage flow (both regular and special baggage types) of transfer and local baggage. This flow is further defined in section 2.2.. . Special flow: the flow (both regular and special baggage types) separated from the major flow.. So special baggage flows consist of special baggage types (e.g. animals and odd-size), but also regular baggage that is processed separately (e.g. crew baggage and lost-and-found baggage). For these special baggage flows, special baggage processes are described. Merely these special processes are in the scope of this assignment. As stated before three departments are involved in baggage handling. This assignment will be limited to the boundaries of BTS Bagage: on one side the check-in and reclaim belts and the other side the aircraft stands (VOP).. Figure 1.5: Assignment scope and boundaries. In addition to the currently defined scope, this assignment is primarily focused on the tasks and processes of the drivers and the direct control of these processes, rather than all handling tasks.. 3.

(18) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. A P PR O ACH. AN D. R E PO R T S TR UC TUR E. In this section the approach and accompanying report structure will be discussed. Before answering the research questions a basic understanding of the major baggage process will be obtained: a.. Analysis of the major baggage process (chapter 2). Subsequently an analysis of the special baggage processes will be carried out. Aim of this analysis is twofold. Firstly, answering the first research question (presenting a process model of the current situation) and secondly, identifying bottlenecks and opportunities for improvement as will be input for the formulation of conceptual design scenarios. Part I b.. Analysis of special baggage processes (chapter 3). c.. Analysis of resource flows (chapter 3). d.. Analysis of the information flows to control these special processes (chapter 3). e.. Data analysis (chapter 4). f.. Analysis of planned changes with BS Mobiel (chapter 5). In the second part new conceptual design scenarios will be formulated. By modeling the scenarios the performance will be quantified. In a number of iterative steps the scenarios with highest productivity will be selected. Part II g.. Formulation of conceptual design scenarios (chapter 6). h.. Modeling (chapter 7). i.. Methodology for assessment (chapter 8). j.. Evaluation of conceptual design scenarios (chapters 9 and 10). In the third part a final conceptual design scenario will be chosen and further discussed. Part III k.. Multi-criteria analysis and selection (chapter 11). l.. Final design discussion (chapter 11). Finally the conclusion and recommendations will be presented (chapters 12 and 13).. 4.



(21) 2 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR BAGGAGE PROCESS. 2.. A NALYSIS OF M AJOR B AGGAGE P ROCESS. In this chapter an analysis of the current situation of the major baggage process will be presented. Firstly, the method for analysis will be described. Secondly, the major baggage process will be described.. M ET H OD. F OR. P R OCE S S A N AL Y SI S. The current situations of all special handling flows are represented by process maps. In these maps baggage-, driver- and information flows are presented: . . Boxes represent: o. White: processes, buffers. o. Grey: objects, people, departments. Arrows represent flows of: o. Baggage (double white arrow). o. Drivers (double colored arrow). o. Information (single black arrow). In figure 2.1 the used symbols are presented:. Figure 2.1: Process Map Legend. M AJ OR P R O CE SS BAGGAGE. AND. DRIVER FLOW. The major baggage process consists of an incoming and outgoing process. Incoming baggage is transported directly from the aircraft to the reclaim-belts, another aircraft (optionally through screening), the sorting system (BASS) or a shunt area from where it gets transported to BASS (after a short buffer time). Outgoing baggage is transported from the laterals directly to the outbound aircraft. Other flows of baggage are defined as special baggage flows. In figure 2.2 both incoming- and outgoing baggage flows are presented:. 7.

(22) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. Figure 2.2: Major Baggage Process. Figure 2.3: Lateral for the make-up of outbound baggage. Figure 2.4: Quay for unloading transfer baggage.. Three organizational driver functions with tasks to transport the (major) baggage are distinguished: . incoming driver: transport of baggage from VOP to either another VOP, the shunt area, a transfer quay (BASS input) or the AMS-belts. . shunt driver: transport of baggage from shunt area to the transfer quay (BASS input). . outgoing driver: transport of baggage from the lateral (BASS output) to the VOP. 8.

(23) 2 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR BAGGAGE PROCESS. The three driving processes are presented in figure 2.5:. Figure 2.5: Major Driving Processes. Figure 2.6: Transport of baggage (in containers) by driver. As stated before baggage is classified into local- and transfer baggage. Transfer baggage is furthermore classified according to its connection time. The shorter the connection time the higher the handling priority: . Tail to tail: Some transfers have a very short connection time. In these cases baggage cannot go through the regular sorting process due to the time that’s available. This baggage gets therefore transported directly from aircraft to aircraft (also referred to as Tail to Tail, TTT).. . ShoCon: ShoCon is the abbreviation for short connection. Baggage in this category has a connection time just enough to go through regular sorting. Therefore it gets transported from aircraft to sorting system with highest priority.. . Regular: Regular baggage gets transported from aircraft to sorting system after the shocon.. . Cold: Cold baggage generally has a connection time over 240 minutes and can be processes with little priority.. 9.

(24) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. In 2010 KLM BTS was responsible for approximately 450.000 mishandled bags. A mishandled bag (MHB) does not get loaded on the aircraft together with the passenger but is delayed. MHB’s need to be redirected to the passenger resulting in extra costs for KLM 2. MHB performance is often expressed in number of MHB’s per thousand as the irregularity-rate (IR-rate). MHB’s are also referred to as expedite bags.. HANDLING DOMAINS Baggage is being handled in various halls or more generally speaking: ‘domains’. These domains and the interdomain baggage flows are presented in figure 2.8. Basically two types of domains can be classified: 1.. Central: Firstly, locally checked-in AMS-baggage is screened in this domain and further transported by BASS. Secondly, arriving baggage with Amsterdam destination is unloaded on the reclaim belts.. 2.. D-, E- and Zuid-area: These halls have two functions: •. Loading area: transfer-and local outbound baggage is loaded at the laterals and carrousels. In the E-kelder baggage for intercontinental (ICA) flights are loaded, in the D- and Zuid-hall baggage for European (EUR) flights are loaded.. •. Unloading area: inbound transfer baggage is unloaded at the transfer quays at TSD (D-area), UQE (E-area) or Zuid. This baggage is routed through BASS to one of the loading areas.. All unloading and loading areas are interconnected by the sorting system BASS and the backbone.. Figure 2.7: Part of baggage sorting system: BagTrax (VanDerLande Industries). 2. Cost for expedite are €110 per bax of which €65 is for internal handling costs and €45 is for out of pocket costs (J Janssens, KLM).. 10.

(25) 2 ANALYSIS OF MAJOR BAGGAGE PROCESS. Figure 2.8: Overview of KLM handling domains at Schiphol. IT-S Y ST EM S As can be seen in figure 2.5 various databases (and interfaces) are used to obtain data about baggage and flights. FIRDA/CODECO Firda contains general information regarding inbound and outbound flights. Codeco contains more detailed information per flight. For the outgoing drivers these systems can be used to obtain information about departure times, load configurations, departure gates, etc. The user interface for these systems run on traditional computers. BAGM ANAGER SITA's BagManager provides a comprehensive baggage management application, suitable for use by airports, airlines and handling agents that provides industry leading functionality in terms of how users load, reconcile, track, trace and manage their baggage operations (Sita, 2013). Mostly used interface devices for BagManager are handheld terminals (HHT). With these devices baggage tags can be scanned to update tracking information. On the other hand baggage status and passenger/flight information can be downloaded.. 11.


(27) 3 ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL BAGGAGE PROCESSES. 3.. A NALYSIS OF S PECIAL B AGGAGE P ROCESSES. In this chapter an analysis of special baggage processes will be presented. Firstly the analysis method will be discussed, followed by the process delineation and definition. Thirdly the numerous processes will be discussed. Finally an overview of the processes, accompanying drivers and opportunities for improvement will be discussed shortly.. M ET H OD S. F OR. A N AL Y SI S. AN D. V AL IDA T ION. The current situation of the special processes will also be presented in process maps. The same objects and symbols are used as in section 2.1. The analysis is performed in a number of iterations. Firstly, observations are made and personnel is questioned. Secondly, with the obtained information, process maps are drawn. The first two steps are followed by the third step: validation of the process map by personnel.. Observation & Questioning. Process mapping. All plans for future changes will also be described, since they might have an impact on the design scenario presented in this report.. Validation. Additionally, for each of the discussed processes in this chapter, opportunities for improvement will be identified. To do so a number Table 3.1: Analysis approach. of fundaments for higher productivity are used: . Increasing effectiveness with less baggage handling steps. . Increasing efficiency by decreasing empty driving mileage. . Lean principle. P R O CE SS D EL IM I TA T I ON The numerous special baggage processes can be defined and delimited in a number of ways. One way is to analyze the different kind of drivers and to map the baggage flows handled by each driver into a unique baggage process. This approach might not be very effective for recognizing the ineffectiveness of overlapping baggage flows. Another way is to define the processes based on baggage flows. This is a more obvious way because the common grounds of drivers will be stressed out. Nine processes are delimited based on this approach. Some of these processes start or end at the assignment boundaries while others start or end with other processes. The following processes have been delimited and will be described in this chapter: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. Recovery Interceptions KMar Offload Lost. 6. 7. 8. 9.. Odd-Size (OS) Live Animals (Avih) VIP Crew. 13.

(28) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. The transportation of special baggage flows are performed by different types of drivers. Besides the three organizational functions as stated in section 2.2 (incoming-, shunt- and outgoing driver) five special driver functions are distinguished. Tasks performed by these drivers will be discussed in the next section. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. BSC-driver SOS-diver OS-driver VIP-driver CREW-driver. S PEC IAL B AGG AGE P R OCE S SE S In this section the special processes will be briefly discussed and identified opportunities for improvements will be stated. The accompanying process maps with baggage-, driver- and information flows are presented in Appendix B. The numbered and colored balloons in the process maps reflect to tracking points and will be referred in chapter 4.. RECOVERY Bax are being recovered at the Baggage Service Centrum (BSC) for basically two reasons: . Booking on another flight: Firstly expedite baggage needs to be redirected to the passenger. Most of this baggage is transported from the laterals to the BSC by the outgoing-driver. Some baggage (mostly from Zuid) is transported through BASS and exited on carrousel 16.. . Unknown tag numbers: Baggage with an unknown or unreadable tag leaves BASS onto ‘Carrousel 16’. It gets periodically collected by BSC drivers and delivered to the BSC.. When the baggage is recovered by BSC employees it is transported to either BASS, a shunt area, a lateral or the VOP by a BSC-driver. Unrecoverable baggage gets delivered to the RC for further processing. In figures 3.2 and 3.3 respectively the process map for the baggage- and driver flows are presented:. Figure 3.2: Recovery baggage flow. 14.

(29) 3 ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL BAGGAGE PROCESSES. Figure 3.3: Recovery driver flow and processes. Figure 3.4: Baggage Service Center (BSC). OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS Baggage is generally buffered on a cart near the laterals for a relative long period. This baggage is supposed to be transported to BSC in between peak hours by the outgoing drivers but is often buffered through multiple peaks. As a result this baggage arrives at BSC relative late and is reflighted later than necessary.. I N TE R C E P TI O N S Baggage interceptions are carried out by the BSC-driver for three major reasons: 1.. A passenger who needs its transfer-baggage (baggage becomes AMS-baggage). 2.. A call from Customs who wants to screen baggage. 3.. A passenger becoming a ‘selectee’ whose baggage needs screening. The BSC receives these various requests for interceptions. Subsequently a work-order is printed and handed over to the BSC-driver. The baggage then gets collected by a BSC-driver at its current location (lateral, other BASS exit, VOP, etc.) and gets delivered to one of the appropriate drop-off locations:. 15.

(30) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. 1.. AV-Oost (customs office). 2.. Recl-14 (Reclaim belt 14, by which baggage is transported to the reclaim area in the terminal). 3.. Screening area and VOP/lateral. 4.. BSC. OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS Introduction of decentralized work-orders will result in one less drive back to the BSC in between to subsequent interceptions.. OFFLOAD Quite often baggage needs to be offloaded when it’s already loaded into an aircraft. One reason for procedure is the waiting lists passengers are on. If the flight is overbooked and it turns out that a passenger cannot board because there are not enough seats their baggage needs to be offloaded. One of the other reasons is the passenger’s last-minute wish to book another flight or completely exit the airport. A VOP team leader (TLO) calls the SOS-driver for the collecting of offload baggage. It then gets collected at the VOP and most of the time delivered to either BASS (case of rebooking) or BSC (case of AMS-baggage) by the SOS-driver. In case of AMS-baggage a BSC-driver ultimately delivers the baggage to the reclaim belt. OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS Offload baggage to AMS is handled by both BSC- and SOS-driver. Combining these drives (i.e. SOS-driver delivering offload to Recl-14) could increase productivity.. KMAR In regard to the baggage process ‘Koningklijke Marechaussee’ (KMar) is responsible for deportees’ baggage. This baggage needs to be collected at the KMar office and delivered to the aircraft or sorting system depending on the time of departure. A baggage transport is requested by phone to the SOS-driver who then picks up and delivers the baggage.. L O S T /F O U N D Another important task of the SOS-driver is the collection of lost baggage. Baggage is often lost on the Schiphol ring-roads around the gates and VOPs. Depending on the destination of the baggage (local or transfer) and the scheduled time of departure the baggage will get delivered to: . The BSC (in case of expedite baggage). . Transfer quay (outbound baggage which can still be loaded onto the outbound aircraft). . VOP (outbound baggage can still be loaded onto the outbound aircraft, but not if routed through the sorting system). . RC (AMS-baggage) Figure 3.5: Lost suitcase near the VOP. 16.

(31) 3 ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL BAGGAGE PROCESSES. O D D -S I Z E (OS) Odd-size baggage cannot be routed through the sorting system BASS because of its dimensions or mass. Just as the major baggage flow, the odd-size flow contains transfer and local checked-in baggage. Incoming oddsize for AMS is handled along with the regular baggage and is therefore not part of the special flow. Animals are also partially handled along with odd-size baggage but this flow is described in a separate process (see section 3.3.7). The odd-size flow routing is similar to the major process except that transport between domains is carried out by driver rather than BASS. Processing of transfer odd-size baggage is done in the same three domains the major flows are handled. Additional to the lateral and quay locations at each domain (as discussed in section 2.2.2), each domain also has an ‘odd-size screening’ or ‘odd-size buffer’. These are in fact the same except from the fact that the odd-size buffer in Zuid has no screening machine. The odd-size flow of local checked-in odd-size and transfer odd-size (two of the three domains) is graphically represented in figure 3.6:. Figure 3.6: Odd-size inter-domain flow (from local and transfer UQE). 17.

(32) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. Figure 3.7: Odd-size screening in for transfer (left) and Runout belt for local checked -in odd-size (right). Handling at each domain involves three steps: 1.. Baggage gets delivered to various odd-size screenings or buffers: . Transfer odd-size by incoming- or shunt-drivers (part of the major process).. . Local departure odd-size is checked in by the passenger and gets delivered to two especially equipped processing points via conveyor belts. 2.. The baggage is then screened (manually with a standalone screening machine for transfer baggage). 3.. Finally the baggage is transported to the laterals of the various domains. . In Zuid all outgoing baggage is delivered to the odd-size buffer rather than the laterals. Baggage is further distributed to the laterals by the odd-size driver working in Zuid.. It should be noted that in the future all local check-in odd-size will be entered at a single point: the Runout. For modelling and calculations this future scenario will be used; as such the two flows will be added up. The flow of drivers is presented in figure 3.8:. Figure 3.8: Network of odd-size drives. 18.

(33) 3 ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL BAGGAGE PROCESSES. OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS It should be noted that currently there are a lot of odd-size drivers involved in the total odd-size driving process. Each domain deploys its own drivers resulting in high total empty driving mileage. A driver from for instance UQE transports odd-size from E to the lateral in D and drives back empty while a driver from TSD transports odd-size from D to E and also drives back empty. The strategy applied in Zuid-area can be thought of as a consolidation center where multiple loads are combined into a single transport to the laterals. As such total driving efficiency is increased due to reduction in total driving mileage. This strategy does however result in less effective odd-size baggage flow as the extra distribution point results in extra handling steps and process time. Transport to the laterals does often result in high driver delays due to congested lateral lanes. As a result, oddsize located at the odd-size buffers have relative high buffer time due to lack of available drivers. Ultimately the Zuid-strategy could reduce the number of drivers located at congested areas.. L I V E A N I M A L S (AVIH) Cats and dogs are loaded together with other passenger baggage. The sorting, handling and transport processes are different however. PROCESS BOUNDARIES : Other animals than cats and dogs are handled by the cargo department. Avih for AMS is handled just as AMS odd-size and is part of the major baggage process; thus outside the scope of this assignment. Local-checked in avih and transfer avih that have a connection time under 2 hours are handled as odd-size as discussed in the preceding section. These Avih flows will not be discussed separately. Transfer-Avih from inbound aircrafts with a connection time over 2 hours are delivered together with transfer. Table 3.9: Avih. odd-size to the various odd-size buffers/screenings. However, from there on its process is different from the other odd-size baggage. Avih is delivered to the BSC (by an odd-size driver). A BSC-driver then transports the animal to the animal-hotel. 70 Minutes before departure the animal is once more transported from the hotel and to the lateral of the outbound flight. OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS The handling of Avih is currently not very effective. There are a lot of processing steps. Moreover there are various different types of drivers involved. As a result it can take up relative much time before the animals actually arrive at the hotel. The greatest inefficiency in avih handling is the transport from an odd-size buffer/screening to the hotel via the BSC by two different types of drivers. Also the last step of the Avih process (transport from hotel to aircraft) could be more effective with a direct connection, rather than having an extra stop at the lateral. This will generally not result in higher efficiency though, since the drive has to be performed anyway.. 19.

(34) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. VIP-B A G G A G E There are two flows of VIP baggage: 1.. Local checked-in baggage: This baggage of VIP passengers is collected at the VIP-center and delivered directly to the VOP by a VIP-driver. The request for transport of this baggage is made an employee of the VIP-center by telephone directly to the VIP-driver.. 2.. Local arriving baggage: The other way around, VIP-baggage is picked up at the VOP and delivered to VIP-center.. Figure 3.10: VIP-center. OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS In the near future outbound VIP-baggage will have to get screened due to AAS regulations. As such VIPbaggage will need to be transported from the VIP-center to one of the screening positions. This transport will be performed by AAS employees. Subsequently the baggage can be picked up by the VIP-driver at the screening location.. As such for modeling and calculations this new scenario will be used. VIP-baggage. transport is currently not very efficient. The VIP-driver has a very low occupancy due to the relative low amount of VIP-baggage.. CREW Crew baggage is processed completely separate from passenger baggage. However the process is similar to the major baggage process: . Local inbound baggage is transported to the crew-center (CC) instead of the reclaim belts.. . Local outbound baggage is transported from crew-center (instead of the laterals) to the VOP.. . Transfer baggage is transported to either another VOP (tail-to-tail) or the crew-center (instead of the transfer quays). The baggage is then manually sorted instead of sorting by BASS.. Figure 3.11: Manually sorted crew-baggage at crew-center. 20.

(35) 3 ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL BAGGAGE PROCESSES. OPPORTUNITIES AND /OR BOTTLENECKS The driving process itself is quite efficiently organized. Incoming and outgoing baggage is often combined resulting in relative low empty drives. Contrary to the major process decentralized work-order would not significantly increase efficiency since the location of paper work-order issuance is the same as the start- or endpoint of a task. KLM is currently working on a plan to integrate crew-baggage flow with the major baggage flow. Both localdeparture and transfer baggage will be then be handled together with the passenger bax. As such the special driving tasks for crew-baggage will no longer have to be performed in the future.. C ON CL U SI ON S Driving tasks for the nine special baggage processes are performed by a total of eight types of drivers. Two of these eight driver functions (shunt and outgoing) mainly focus on the primary process. The incoming-drivers are not involved in any kind of special baggage process. BS Mobiel, as is currently developed for the incoming process, will thus not have any effect on the special baggage processes. The other five types of drivers are completely assigned to the special processes. Table 3.12 gives an overview of the involved drivers for each process. An overview of the interaction between the various special processes is. 1.. Recovery. 2.. Interceptions. 3.. KMAR. 4.. Offload. 5.. Lost/Found. 6.. Odd-Size (OS). 7.. Live Animals (AVIH). 8.. VIP. 9.. Crew. CREW. VIP. OS. SOS. BSC. Outgoing. Shunt. Special baggage processes:. Incoming. presented in Appendix B.. Table 3.12: Involved drivers per process. BOTTLENECKS AND O PPORTUNITIES Multiple bottlenecks and opportunities have been identified in this chapter: •. Recovery: There’s a high buffer time at the laterals resulting in high total processing times for recovery baggage. Periodically collecting of expedite baggage by for instance a BSC-driver could reduce the total processing time.. •. Offload: The flow of offload baggage to the reclaim belts can be improved in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency. Direct transport from the VOP to the reclaim belts will result in both decreased total processing time and decreased number of transports for the BSC-driver. For such a change an improved. 21.

(36) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. information flow is necessary. Transport to the reclaim belts should be prepared by the BSC prior to the unloading of baggage. •. Odd-size: One major bottleneck in the odd-size process is the delivery of odd-size to the congested lanes near the laterals. Opportunities for improvement yield increasing efficiency by introducing consolidation centers as currently used in Zuid. This however results in decreased effectiveness. As the total processing time might increase so might the number of expedite baggage. Another opportunity for higher efficiency is the combination of baggage handling by drivers from various domains.. •. Avih: There are a lot of processing steps and different drivers involved. By eliminating processing steps effectiveness can be increased. However, with current information system, it might be hard to keep control of flows.. •. Crew: It is concluded that are no significant opportunities for the crew baggage process. The driving process itself is efficiently organized. Incoming and outgoing baggage is often combined resulting in relative low number of empty drives. Additional IT-infrastructure will neither increase productivity to great extent. The major difference with the incoming-drivers is that crew baggage is either pickup up (outbound flight) or delivered (inbound flight) to the same location of the work order-issuance. Therefor there are no or few non-value added drives back to the allocators. There’s a great opportunity in integrating crew baggage with passenger baggage thereby eliminating the whole necessity of the crew-center. As KLM is currently working on this integrations the crew process will not be under further consideration for improvement. This possibility will not be further discussed.. Special baggage processes are furthermore reviewed from a driver’s point of view. Odd-size drivers have already been discussed, but opportunities are also identified for other driving processes: . BSC-driver: There are no striking inefficiencies in the various tasks performed by the BSC-driver. However improving routing and scheduling might lead to increased efficiency. As is the case for the incoming drivers, BSC-drivers often have to drive back to the BSC to collect paper work-orders. Introducing decentralized work-order issuance will result in one less drive back to the BSC in between tasks.. . SOS- and VIP-driver: There’s no direct opportunity of improving SOS- and/or VIP-driver’s driving processes.. As stated in chapter 1 the required resources in terms of drivers per bax of handled odd-size is roughly 5 times more than the required resources for the major flow incoming bax. This is partly due to the high number of different drivers involved in the handling of special baggage flows. Integrating these driver functions and introducing central control can contribute to increased efficiency. For such a change additional information flows and IT-infrastructure between the central control center and the numerous drivers is necessary.. 22.

(37) 4 DATA ANALYSIS. 4.. D ATA A NALYSIS. In this chapter data of the special processes will be obtained and a statistical analysis will be performed. The goal of this analysis is twofold: Magnitude of special flows: Firstly, this is an addition to the special process analysis as presented in. •. chapter 3. Together with the process maps this data analysis presents a complete overview of the current processes. Secondly, with the magnitude of baggage flows, the effects of the previously described opportunities can be estimated. As such it can be used to filter and select opportunities for the formulation of design scenarios in chapter 6. Input for calculations: To assess various design scenarios this data is required for calculations/modeling.. •. For the special processes as described in section 3.3 there’s currently no available data whatsoever. So for each of the special processes input data must be obtained. In section 4.1 the required baggage- and flight data will be presented. In sections 4.2 and 4.3 methods for data collection as well as calculations of the required number of observations will be presented. In section 0 an overview of all data sources will be presented. In section 4.5 and Appendix C a statistical analysis of the data for one of the processes will be discussed. Since this analysis is comparable for the other processes not all analyses will be described in detail. Finally, in section to 4.6, a summary of all obtained data will presented.. R EQU IR E D D A TA In this section an overview of the required data for modeling the current situation is presented. For modeling and calculations a period corresponding to the yearly average will be used, reason for this approach will be further discussed in section 8.1.1.. BAGGAGE DATA For a complete picture of baggage flows the following parameters will be obtained: 1.. Day Totals: First of all the total number of bax per day for each process is required. As this number is expected to be of stochastic nature its theoretical distribution will be obtained. Parameters of the distribution are expected to change over time (influence of different seasons), so also historical data is needed to reveal seasonal trends.. 2.. Number of bax grouped together: For some processes bax are clustered. E.g. offload bax are clustered per passenger or group of passengers. While the driving processes are often independent of the number of clustered bax, the theoretical distribution is required. This way the required number of handling operations is obtained.. 3.. Daily pattern: As discussed in section 1.1 arrivals and departures are concentrated in seven blocks. The bax arrival rate for processes subjected to these fluctuations is not constant. As such the arrival rate as function of time will be obtained.. 4.. Connection time: For some processes the bax connection time (or scheduled time of departure) will be obtained in order to forecast the number of bax that are likely to become expedite. Due to the concentrated departure blocks the connection time is expected not to be constants. As such the connection time distribution as a function of time will be obtained.. 23.

(38) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. 5.. Internal flow: For e.g. odd-size it is furthermore required to know in which domain baggage for its departure flight is unloaded and loaded. This way the procentual flow from and to each domain (interdomain flow) can be described. Data of inter-domain flow will also be obtained for a number of other processes.. F L I G H T D A TA In addition to the baggage input data, actual flight information (both inbound and outbound) of the observed period will be acquired. This information will be used for the determination of for instance connection time and make-up domain. . Flight#. . Departure Date. . Scheduled time of departure. . Lateral for loading. . Domain of lateral. . Departure Gate. M ET H OD S. F OR. B A GGA GE D AT A C OL L E CT I ON. As mentioned before there’s no data available for the special processes. As such data has been obtained in two ways: 1.. Tracking of bax. 2.. Collection of paper work-orders. TRACKING OF BAX As stated in section 2.3 BagManager HHT’s are broadly used by drivers and other employees to obtain detailed baggage information as well as to update baggage tracking information. Both SOS- and VIP-drivers as well as the employees who screen the incoming odd-size baggage use HHTs. This available IT-system offers easy collection of incoming baggage by tracking every piece with an HHT. Each time a baggage is scanned with the HHT the tag number, departure flight, HHT-ID and the time of scanning are stored in a database. Odd-size employees working at the odd-size buffer as well as the VIP-driver only handle baggage for a single process as delimited in section 0. So baggage scanned with their HHTs can be directly coupled to accompanying process. If drivers and other employees always use the same unique HHT each day, information about incoming baggage for a longer period can be obtained. Hence odd-size employees as well as the VIP-driver have been instructed to scan all incoming baggage.. Table 4.1: Scanning of odd-size with BagManager HHT. However for the SOS-driver, baggage of various processes is collected. As such extra information is required to link the scanned baggage to a process. With BagManager it is possible to create barcodes for fictive locations.. 24.

(39) 4 DATA ANALYSIS. Scanning such a barcodes links the subsequently scanned baggage to that location. Especially for the SOS-driver three fictive locations have been created: •. Offload. •. Lost/Found. •. KMar. This way the baggage is separated into three unique fictive locations which in fact are the various processes the SOS-driver handles. Hence the SOS-driver has been instructed to scan all baggage to one of the three locations.. Figure 4.2: SOS barcode sheet. COLLECTION OF PAPER WORK-ORDERS: The BSC-drivers are currently not in (continuous) possession of a HHT. Furthermore baggage collected by the BSC-driver belongs to various processes as is the case for the SOS-driver. As such scanning of baggage is not as simple as for e.g. the odd-size handlers. The number of clustered bax handled by the BSC-driver (e.g. transport from carrousel 16) is relative high. As a result scanning all bax will result in increased processing times. Scanning of all baggage handled by the BSC-driver is a considerable extra effort. Moreover, it might increase baggage processing time significantly. As such, this solution for the collection of data is not desired and another method must be used. For a number of baggage processes handled by the BSC-driver paper work-orders are issued: •. Interceptions. •. Avih. •. Offload to AMS. These paper work-orders will be collected to estimate the number of bax of these flows. The magnitude of other baggage flows such as recovered baggage is obtained by tracking information of the HHTs used by the BSC employees. Finally, some flows (expedite at the laterals and all baggage at carrousel 16) are quantified by using the internal tracking system of BASS. LINKING OF DATABASES By linking the tracked tag numbers of the various processes to each other and to other information systems (e.g. Firda/Codeco) connection times and the magnitude of internal flows can be obtained. HISTORIC DATA As there’s no current data of the special processes, neither is there historic data of these processes. There’s one exception: there is some historic odd-size data available. Prior research (Veldhuizen, 2012) has pointed out that it is unknown how reliable this data is in terms of absolute numbers. However it is assumed to be a good representation of historic trends and will thus only be used for the ratio between day totals and the yearly mean. For regular baggage the daily number of bax are made available by KLM (Cifoglu, 2013) and are divided into daily numbers of local departure-, local arrival- and transfer-baggage.. 25.

(40) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. To forecast seasonal influence on the current daily number of both odd-size and Avih, historic odd-size trends will be used. Current day totals of the other special processes will be linked to historic regular baggage trends. It is for instance assumed that outbound VIP-baggage will move along the local departure trend.. N UMBE R. OF. M E AS UR E M EN T S. For reliable estimates of for instance the mean number of bax per day, observations of multiple days are required. For each observed quantity the sample mean and standard deviation are used to obtain the relative precision of that observed quantity. The relative precision states the maximum procentual deviation of the sampled mean from the real mean for a confidence level of 95%. Relative precision is obtained with equation 1 (Chung, 2003): 𝑅𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =. 𝑡1−𝛼/2,𝑛−1 ∙ 𝑠 𝑥̅ ∙ √𝑛. ∙ 100%. (1). with 𝑡 a t-distribution, 𝛼 the confidence level, 𝑠 the sample standard deviation, 𝑥̅ the sample mean and 𝑛 the sample size. To determine the minimal number of required observation the available time and the desired precision have to be considered. During the data collection period, the relative precision has been calculated in iterative steps for each of the observed quantities. With regard to the required efforts of the collection of data, a relative precision of 15% is feasible. Furthermore a precision of 15% is considered sufficient since the data will only be used with the goal of comparing scenarios relative to each other rather than for instance calculating the absolute required number of drivers. Moreover the scenarios will also be compared for both more and less day totals. To realize a relative precision of at least 15% for all baggage flows, data has been obtained for a period of 12 days.. O VER VI E W. OF. C OL L EC TED D AT A. In figure 4.3 a graphical overview of all collection methods and data sources is presented. The flags in the overview correspond to the flags in the process maps as referred to in chapter 3. As such the sources can be linked to the baggage flows as presented in the process maps. In figure 4.4 an overview of the acquired data fields and the relationships between them is presented.. 26.

(41) 4 DATA ANALYSIS. Figure 4.3: Graphical overview of data collection methods. 27.

(42) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. Figure 4.4: Overview of database- and table relationships. 28.

(43) 4 DATA ANALYSIS. E XA M PL E. OF. B AG GAGE D A TA A N AL Y SI S : O D D -S IZE. For one of the processes an extended statistical data analysis will be performed. Subject for this analysis is arbitrarily chosen to be odd-size in UQE. Data analysis of the other baggage flows is performed with the same methods. As can be seen in figure 4.4 the following data fields (parameters) have been collected for each piece of baggage: 1.. Tag number. 2.. Time of scan. 3.. Departure flight number. The complete discussion of the following statistical analyses is presented in Appendix C: 1.. Measured day totals: The 12 data points are not enough for data fitting so historical trends have to be analyzed. The day totals should furthermore be corrected to correspond to an average period as stated before.. 2.. Historic trends: A monthly trend is fitted through the data using a sliding average. With this trend the fluctuation of daily average and variance can be determined. Secondly, autocorrelation is plotted to reveal non randomness. Finally, cross-correlation with odd-size in TSD is discussed.. 3.. Corrected day totals and theoretical distributions: With the analysis of historical trends the current measured day totals are corrected. Secondly, the data is fitted to a theoretical distribution.. 4.. Arrival rates: The inter-arrival times of baggage is not constant, so the arrival rates as a function of time is obtained.. 5.. Inter-domain flow: The percentage inter-domain flow as a function of time is obtained.. 6.. Connection time: The theoretical distribution of connection time as a function of time is obtained.. LINKING OF DATABASES As described in section 4.2 the data is linked to other databases and tables. Odd-size baggage unloaded in UQE is linked to the baggage recovered at the BSC (by tag number). This way the number of expedite odd-size can be determined. The departure flight number is linked to Firda to determine the STD. This information can later be used for modeling purposes.. 29.

(44) 2013.TEL.7794: IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY OF DRIVING PROCESSES FOR SPECIAL BAGGAGE HANDLING AT KLM. B AGGAG E D AT A S UM M AR Y In table 4.5 baggage totals per process corresponding to the yearly average period are presented. For some processes the distribution of the total number of bax per day is presented (e.g. odd-size). For other processes the distributions for both the number of entries per day and the number of clustered bax per entry are presented. For Avih for instance, there’s an average of 4,2 transports of avih handled by BSC, while there are 1,3 pieces (kennels) of avih per transport. The total number of individual bax (kennels in this case) is the product of the distribution averages.. 3,4 3,3. 1,3 3,1. 25,7 16,1 32,6 33,1 15,5 (57,6). 0,7 3,0. 79,5 45,7 151,7 218,5 31,5 (526,9) 5,3 15,5. 1,1% 1,3% 1,0% 1,2% 1,2% 3 (1,1%). Percentage MHB. 45,7 69,4 60,5 (102,8) 44,6. 1,1 1,2 2,4 1,1. 134,5 217,0 169,2 (520,7) 94,0 29,9 7,3 147,4 46,9. Mean percentage with respect to reg-baggage. Standard deviation. Mean 1,6 1,7 2,1 1,4. bax / day. Mean. 4,2 5,0. 9,6 1,3 16,2 13,8. clustered bax / entry. Standard deviation. 18,7 4,3 70,2 33,5. Standard deviation. Process Recovery Lateral D E Z (Total) Carr-16 Interceptions KMar Offload Lost/Found Odd-Size Local, elev-11 Local, run-out Transfer, TSD Transfer, UQE Transfer, Zuid (Total) Avih VIP. Mean. entries / day. 1,0% 2,1% 6,9% 4,4% (4,4%). Total 1394 Table 4.5: Baggage totals corresponding to the yearly average period. There are no significant differences (∝= 0,05) between the percentage of odd-size for the different domains. Approximately 1,1% of all handled baggage is odd-size.. 3. As can be seen in section 0 transfer odd-size in Zuid has not been tracked (employees do not use HHTs). The number of daily bax has been estimated with the measured percentage of odd-size in UQE and the total number of regular transfer baggage in Zuid.. 30.


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