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Combinatory Semantics


Academic year: 2021

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Combinatory Semantics

Jerzy Pogonowski

Zakład Logiki Stosowanej UAM www.logic.amu.edu.pl


JP — Publications

Jerzy Pogonowski (MEG) Combinatory Semantics JP — Publications 1 / 3


Combinatory Semantics

Combinatory Semantics

Jerzy Pogonowski.

Combinatory Semantics.

Poznań 1993.

Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Pp. 110. Seria Językoznawstwo nr 16.

ISBN 0239-7617.

ISSN 83-232-0482-9.

Jerzy Pogonowski (MEG) Combinatory Semantics JP — Publications 2 / 3


Combinatory Semantics

Combinatory semantics is an axiomatic description of a fragment of natural language. Its central concepts are those of semantic parameter,

word-token, the relations of hyponymy and homophony. We investigate several formal structures in the lexical universe. A special emphasis is put on lexical similarities and oppositions as well as on semantic subordination.

The relation of extended hyponymy is used in the description of semantically endocentric syntagmas.

Jerzy Pogonowski (MEG) Combinatory Semantics JP — Publications 3 / 3


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