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Zadanie 1.1.1.Girl:


Academic year: 2021

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Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM Język angielski

Poziom podstawowy Transkrypcja nagrań

Zadanie 1.

1.1.Girl: Where’s Mike? How long do we have to wait here? I’m cold!

Boy: Yeah, me too. It’s a pity we aren’t meeting in the cinema. Or we could wait for him in the café.

Girl: Well, let’s hope he’ll come quickly.

Boy: Oh look! The bus is coming. And I can see Mike inside.

Girl: Great!

1.2.Girl: Hi Sue. It’s Sarah. I just wanted to say hi and send greetings from my holiday! The we- ather is fantastic but I’m a little bit bored with lying on the beach all the time. But diving is the best. I can do it non-stop. You can see so many colorful fish under water! And today we’re planning to go surfing. I’m a little bit afraid. I hope I won’t fall into the water. I’ll send you some photos. Bye!

1.3.Woman: Hi. How can I help you?

Boy: Hello. Do you have green tea? I’d like to order one for my mother.

Woman: No, I’m afraid not.

Boy: Hmm, OK. So, I’d like to get a cup of black coffee for my mum and a glass of juice for me.

Woman: Sure, What juice would you like? We have freshly squeezed orange juice.

Boy: No, I don’t like oranges. Do you have black currant juice?

Woman: Yes, we do.

Boy: I’ll take it.

Woman: OK. Wait a minute and I’ll bring your order to your table.

Boy: Thank you.

1.4.Girl: Hi Henry. Do you want to ride a bike with me and Jill? I know that you love it.

Boy: Well, I’m not interested in bicycles anymore. I’ve found a new hobby.

Girl: It must be skateboarding! You’ve always wanted to try it.

Boy: Not really. Last week I went with my dad to a chess competition and I got so interested that now I spend all my free time on practicing chess.

Girl: Cool! I have to try it. Maybe it’ll become my hobby, too?

1.5.Man: Frank, it’s dad. I know you asked me to pick you up but I have to stay longer at work.

I can’t drive you to your football training. And I’m sorry but your mum can’t do it either. She’s going to the dentist in the afternoon. You have to take the bus.

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Transkrypcja nagrań. Język angielski. Poziom podstawowy Próbny Egzamin Gimnazjalny z OPERONEM i „Gazetą Wyborczą”


Zadanie 2.

Girl: Mark, the barbecue party was fantastic! Thank you for inviting me!

Boy: You’re welcome, Jenny. I’m happy that everybody had a good time. But how will you get home? Are you taking a taxi with Gina?

Girl: No, I’m not going with her. Taxis are too expensive for me. I think I’ll go by bus with Frank. The bus stop is around the corner and the bus number 54 stops opposite my house.

Boy: But Frank has already left! But he didn’t go to the bus stop. He had his bike. He bought it one month ago and rides it all the time.

Girl: Oh, I see.

Boy: Jim’s waiting for his mother now. They’ll go home by car. Maybe you’ll go with them? You live in the same street, so you can go together.

Girl: Jim has moved. Don’t you remember, Mark? He doesn’t live near me anymore. His mo- ther would have to drive through the whole city.

Boy: Oh, that’s too bad. I didn’t know.

Girl: Oh, never mind. You know what? The weather is perfect for a short walk. It’ll take about 30 minutes.

Boy: Jenny, I can walk you home if you want.

Girl: Sure, why not? And you can come back by bus!

Zadanie 3.

Woman: Attention everybody! We remind you that the main hall is being painted this week.

It means that the main entrance is closed from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. every day and the bus stop for the city centre is now located behind the building. Follow the signs to get to the platforms.

There are extra ticket offices on Platform 1. Passengers can also buy the train tickets in the ticket machines in front of the building. We’re sorry for the problems. Thank you for travelling with British Railways.

Zadanie 4.

4.1. Will you lend me your pencils?

4.2. Why does Jane look so sad?

4.3. What are you looking for?

4.4. Whose pencil is it?

Więcej arkuszy znajdziesz na stronie: arkusze.pl


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