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Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization 21 (2001 ) 249–259


W ladys law Sosulski Institute of Mathematics University of Zielona G´ora

Podg´orna 50, 65–246 Zielona G´ora, Poland


We present the concepts of set-valued stochastic integrals in a plane and prove the existence of a solution to stochastic integral inclusions of the form



∈ ϕ


+ Z










)dudυ + Z













Keywords: stochastic inclusions in the plane, set-valued random field, two – parameter stochastic process, weak compactness.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 93E03, 93C30.

1. Introduction

In this paper, we shall consider a stochastic inclusion in a plane of the form:

z s,t ∈ ϕ s,t + Z s


Z t


F u,υ (z u,υ ) dudυ + Z s


Z t


G u,υ (z u,υ ) dw u,υ . (1)

The results of the paper generalize some problems dealing with stochastic integral equations in a plane of the form:

x s,t = x + Z s


Z t

0 a (u, υ, x u,υ ) dw u,υ + Z s


Z t

0 b (u, υ, x u,υ ) dudυ



that have been investigated by Tudor [8], Panomarenco [5] and others. The first integral in equation (2) is a stochastic integral in a plane considered with respect to the Wiener-Yeh process. It was defined by Cairoli [1], Panomarenco [5], Tsarenco [7]. Its generalization with respect to two pa- rameters martingale is given by Cairoli and Walsh in [2].

In this paper, we introduce the stochastic integral in a plane for set- valued mappings taking values from space Comp (R n ) of all nonempty closed subsets of n-dimensional Euclidean space R n with respect to the Wiener- Yeh process and we establish some of its properties. The space Comp (R n ) is considered with the Hausdorff metric h defined in the usual way, i.e., h(A, B) = max{h(A, B), h(B, A)}, for A, B ∈ Comp (R n ) where h (A, B) = sup {dist (a, B) : a ∈ A} and h (B, A) = sup {dist (b, A) : b ∈ B} .

We assume, as given, a complete filtered probability space (Ω, F, (F s,t ) s,t≥0 , P ) where a filtration (F s,t ) s,t≥0 is assumed to satisfy: F s,t ⊂ F u,υ for (s, t) ≤ (u, υ) i.e., for s ≤ u and t ≤ υ. We define F s,t 1 = F s,∞ = S v F s,v and F s,t 2 = F ∞,t = S u F u,t . We put R 2 + = [0, ∞) × [0, ∞) and β + 2 denotes the Borel σ-algebra on R 2 + . We consider set-valued two parameter processes (set-valued random fields) (F s,t ) s,t≥0 and (G s,t ) s,t≥0 that are assumed to be nonanticipative and such that




0 kF s,t k 2 dsdt < ∞ and Z



0 kG s,t k 2 dsdt < ∞ a.s.,

where kAk := sup{|a| : a ∈ A} for a nonempty set A ⊂ R n . Next, using the method which has been used by Kisielewicz in [4], we investigate the existence of solutions to stochastic inclusion (1).

2. Basic definitions and notations

Throughout the paper, we shall assume that filtered complete probability space (Ω, F, (F s,t ) s,t≥0 , P ) satisfies the following conditions:

(i) if (s, t) ≤ (s 0 , t 0 ) then F s,t < F s




; (ii) F 0,0 contains all null sets of F;

(iii) for each (s, t), F s,t = T (u,υ)>(s,t) F u,υ ;

(iv) for each (s, t), F s,t 1 and F s,t 2 are conditionally independent given F s,t .


We write (s, t) ≤ (s 0 , t 0 ) iff s ≤ s 0 and t ≤ t 0 . As usual, we shall consider a set R 2 + × Ω as a measurable space with the product σ-algebra B + 2 N F.

An n-dimensional two parameter stochastic process z (random field) understood as a function z : R 2 + × Ω → R n with F-measurable sections z s,t , each s, t ≥ 0, is denoted by (z s,t ) s,t≥0 . It is measurable if z is B + 2 N Ω- measurable. The process (z s,t ) s,t≥0 is F s,t -adapted or adapted if z s,t is F s,t - measurable for s, t ≥ 0. Every measurable and adapted process is called nonanticipative. In what follows, the Banach space (L 2 (R 2 + × Ω, β + 2 N F, dsdt N P ), k · k 2 ), where dsdt denotes Lebesgue measure on R 2 , will be denoted by L 2 n . Similarly, the Banach spaces (L 2 (Ω, F, P, R n ), k · k) and (L 2 (Ω, F s,t , P, R n ), k · k) are denoted by L 2 (F) and L 2 (F s,t ), respectively.

Let M 2 (F s,t ) denote the family of all (equivalence classes of) n-dimensional nonanticipative processes (f s,t ) s,t≥0 such that R 0 R 0 |f s,t | dsdt < ∞, a.s.

We shall also consider a subspace L 2 (F s,t ) of M 2 (F s,t ) defined by

L 2 (F s,t ) =


(f s,t ) s,t≥0 ∈ M 2 (F s,t ) : E Z



0 |f s,t | 2 dsdt < ∞

¾ .

It is a closed subset of the Banach space L 2 n . Finally, by M n (F s,t ) we de- note a space of all (equivalence classes of) n-dimensional F s,t -measurable mappings. Throughout, by (w s,t ) s,t≥0 we mean two parameter F s,t -Brownian motion, i.e., a continuous Gausian process such that E(w s,t ) = 0 and E(w s,t ·w s




) = min(s, s 0 )·min(t, t 0 ) for every s, s 0 , t, t 0 . Given g ∈ M 2 (F s,t ), by ( R 0 t R 0 s g u,υ dw u,υ ) s,t≥0 we denote its stochastic integral with respect to an F s,t -Brownian motion (w s,t ) s,t≥0 . Let us denote by D the family of all n- dimensional F s,t -adapted continuous processes (z s,t ) s,t≥0 such that E sup s,t≥0 |z s,t | 2 < ∞. The space D is considered as a normed space with the norm | · | l defined by |x| l = k sup s,t≥0 |x s,t | k L


for x = (x s,t ) s,t ∈ D, where k · k L


is a norm of L 2 (Ω, F, P, R). It can be verified that (D, | · | l ) is a Banach space. In what follows, we shall deal with upper and lower semi- continuous set-valued mappings. Recall that a set-valued mapping R with nonempty values in a topological space (Y, T Y ) is said to be upper (lower) semicontinuous [u.s.c.(l.s.c.)] on a topological space (X, T X ) if R (C) :=

{x ∈ X : R(x) ∩ C 6= φ} (resp. R (C) := {x ∈ X : R(x) ⊂ C}) is a closed

subset of X for every closed set C ⊂ Y. In particular, for R defined on a

metric space (X , d) with values in Comp (R n ), it is equivalent (see [4]) to

lim n→∞ h(R(x n ), R(x)) = 0 (lim n→∞ h(R(x), R(x n )) = 0) for every x ∈ X


and every sequence (x n ) of X converging to x. In what follows, we shall need the following well-known (see [4]) fixed point and continuous selection theorems.

Theorem 1 (Schauder, Tikhonov). Let (X, F X ) be a locally convex topo- logical Hausdorff space, K a nonempty compact convex subset of X and f a continuonus mapping of K into inself. Then f has fixed point in K.

Theorem 2 (Kakutani, Fan). Let (X, F X ) be a locally convex topological Hausdorff space, K a nonempty compact convex subset of X and CCl(X) a family of all nonempty closed convex subsets of K. If K : K → CCl(K) is u.s.c. on K, then there exists x ∈ K such that x ∈ K(x).

Theorem 3 (Michael). Let (X, F X ) be a paracompact space and let K be a set-valued mapping from X to a Banach space (Y, k · k) whose values are closed and convex. Suppose, further K is l.s.c. on X. Then there is a continuous function f : X → Y such that f (x) ∈ K(x), for each x ∈ X.

3. Set-valued stochastic integrals in the plane

Given measure space (X, β, m), a set-valued function R : X → Comp (R n ) is said to be β-measurable if R (C) ∈ β for every closed C ⊂ R n . For such a multifunction we define integrals subrajectory (see [6]) as a set

S p (R) = {g ∈ L p (X, β, m, R n ) : g(x) ∈ R(x) a.e. }.

It is clear that for nonemptiness of S p (R) we have to assume more than β-measurability of R. In what follows, we shall assume that β-measurable set-valued function R : X → Comp (R n ) is p-integrably bounded, p ≥ 1, i.e., that a real-valued mapping X 3 x → kR(x)k ∈ R + belongs to L p (X, β, m, R + ) where kAk := sup{|a| : a ∈ A} for A ∈ Comp (R n ). It can be verified that a β-measurable set-valued mapping R : X → Comp (R n ) is p-integrably bounded p ≥ 1, if and only if S p (R) is nonempty and bounded in L p (X, β, m, R n ) (see [4]). Finally, it is easy to see that S p (R) is decompos- able, i.e., such that 1| A f 1 + 1| X\A f 2 ∈ S p (R) for A ∈ β and f 1 , f 2 ∈ S p (R).

We have the following general result dealing with properties of subtrajectory integrals (see [4], [5]).

Proposition 4. Let R : X → Comp (R n ) be β-measurable and p-integrably

bounded, p ≥ 1. The set S p (R) is a nonempty bounded and closed subset


of L p (X, β, m, R n ). Moreover, if R takes on convex values, then S p (R) is convex and weakly compact in L p (X, β, m, R n ).

Let G = (G s,t ) s,t≥0 be a set-valued two parameter stochastic process with values in Comp(R n ), i.e., a family of F-measurable set-valued mappings G s,t : Ω → Comp(R n ), s, t ≥ 0. We call G measurable if it is β + 2 N F- measurable. Similarly, G is said to be F s,t -adapted or adapted if G s,t is F s,t - measurable for each s, t ≥ 0. A measurable and adapted set-valued two pa- rameter stochastic process is called nonanticipative. Denote by M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) a family of all nonanticipative set-valued processes G = (G s,t ) s,t≥0 such that R



0 kG s,t k 2 dsdt < ∞, a.s. Immediately from the Kuratowski and Ryll- Nardzewski measurable selection theorem (see [4]) it follows that for every F, G ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) their subtrajectory integrals

S 2 (F ) = f ∈ {M 2 (F s,t : f s,t ∈ (ω) ∈ F s,t (ω), dsdt × P − a.e. } and

S 2 (G) = {g ∈ M 2 (F s,t ) : g s,t (ω) ∈ G s,t (ω), dsdt × P − a.e. },

are nonempty. Indeed, let P = {Z ∈ B 2 + N F : Z s,t ∈ F s,t , each s, t ≥ 0}, where Z s,t denotes a section of Z determined by s, t ≥ 0. It is a σ-algebra on R 2 + × Ω and function f : R 2 + × Ω → R n (a multifunction F : R 2 + × Ω → Comp (R n )) is nonanticipative if and only if it is P -measurable. Therefore, by the Kuratowski and Ryll-Nardzewski measurable selection theorem, every nonanticipative set-valued function admits a nonanticipative selector. It is clear that for F ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) such selectors belong to M 2 (F s,t ). Finally, denote

L 2 s−υ (F s,t ) =


G ∈ M s−υ (F s,t : E Z



0 kG s,t k 2 dsdt < ∞

¾ . Given set-valued two parameter processes

F = (F s,t ) s,t≥0 ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) and G = (G s,t ) s,t≥0 ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) by their stochastic integrals we mean families ( R 0 s R 0 t F u,υ dudυ) s,t≥0 and ( R 0 s R 0 t G u,υ dw u,υ ) s,t≥0 of subsets of M n (F s,t ), defined by

Z s


Z t

0 F u,υ dudυ :=

½Z s


Z t

0 f u,υ dudυ : f ∈ S 2 (F )



and Z

s 0

Z t

0 G u,υ dw u,υ :=

½Z s


Z t

0 g u,υ dw u,w : g ∈ S 2 (G)

¾ .

Immediately, from the above definitions the following simple results follow.

Theorem 5. Let F, G ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ). Then

(i) R 0 s R 0 t F u,υ dudυ and R 0 s R 0 t G u,υ dw u,υ are nonempty subsets of M n (F s,t ), each s, t ≥ 0. They are convex if F and G take on convex values.

(ii) If G ∈ L 2 s−υ (F s,t ), then R 0 s R 0 t G u,υ dw u,υ is a nonempty subset of L 2 (F s,t ), each s ≥ 0, t ≥ 0,

(iii) If F, G ∈ L R 2 s−υ (F s,t ) take on convex values then R 0 s R 0 t F u,υ dudυ and

0 s

R t

0 G u,υ dw u,υ are nonempty convex and weakly compact subsets of L 2 (F s,t ), each s ≥ 0, t ≥ 0.

P roof. It is clear that (i) follows immediately from the definitions of set- valued stochastic integrals. To verify (ii) let us obserwe that the operator I s,t defined by the formula I s,t g = R 0 s R 0 t g u,υ dw u,υ is a linear continuous mapping from L 2 (F s,t ) into L 2 (F s,t ). By the properties of stochastic integrals in the plane (see [6]) one has E|I s,t | 2 = kgk 2 2 , each s, t ≥ 0 and g ∈ L 2 (F s,t ), where k · k 2 denotes the norm of L 2 (F s,t ). Therefore, I s,t maps closed subsets of L 2 (F s,t ) into closed subsets of L 2 (F s,t ). Thus (ii) is satisfied. To verify (iii), it sufficies only to observe that for every s, t ≥ 0, all sets S 2 (F ) and S 2 (G) are convex and weakly compact in L 2 (F s,t ). Hence, J s,t (S 2 (F )) and I s,t (S 2 (G)) (where J s,t , is defined by J s,t f = R 0 s R 0 t f s,t dudυ) are convex and weakly compact subsets of L 2 (F s,t ) because J s,t and I s,t are linear and continuous for fixed s, t ≥ 0. Then (iii) also holds.

4. Stochastic inclusions in the plane

Let F = {(F s,t (z)) s,t≥0 : z ∈ R n } and G = {(G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 : z ∈ R n }. Assume F and G are such that (F s,t (z)) s,t≥0 ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) and (G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) for each z ∈ R n . By a stochastic inclusion in the plane we mean the relation

z s,t ∈ z 0,0 + Z s


Z t

0 F u,υ (x u,υ ) dudυ + Z s


Z t

0 G u,υ (z u,υ ) dw u,υ .



Every two parameter stochastic process (z s,t ) s,t≥0 ∈ D such that F s,t (z s,t ) ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) and G s,t (z s,t ) ∈ M 2 s−υ (F s,t ) satisfying a.s. the relation (3) is said to be a global solution to (3). Suppose F and G satisfy the following conditions (C 1 )

(i) F = {(F s,t (z)) s,t≥0 : z ∈ R n } and G = {(G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 : z ∈ R n } are such that mappings R 2 + × Ω × R n 3 (s, t, w, z) → F s,t (z) ∈ Cl(R n ) and R 2 + × Ω × R n 3 (s, t, w, z) → G s,t (z) ∈ Cl(R n ) are β + 2 NN β n measurable.

(ii) (F s,t (z) s,t≥0 ) and (G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 are uniformly square-integrably bounded, i.e.,




kF s,t (z)k ∈ L 2 1 and sup



kG s,t (z)k ∈ L 2 1 .

Now define a linear continuous mapping Φ on L 2 n × L 2 n taking Φ(f, g) = (I s,t f + J s,t g) s,t≥0 for (f, g) ∈ L 2 n × L 2 n . It is clear that Φ maps L 2 n × L 2 n into D. Let ϕ = ϕ s,t ∈ D be given. For F and G satisfying (C 1 ) define a set-valued mapping K on D by setting

K(z) = ϕ + Φ(S 2 F s,t (z)) s,t≥0 × S 2 (G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 for z = (z s,t ) s,t≥0 ∈ D.

Let F and G satisfy conditions (C 1 ) and the following condition (C 2 ) : set-valued functions

D 3 z → (F s,t (z)) s,t≥0 (ω) ⊂ R n and D 3 z → (G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 (ω) ⊂ R n are w-w.s.u.s.c. on D, i.e., for every z ∈ D and every sequence (z n ) of (D, k · k l ) converging weakly to z, one has

h Z Z


Z ³

F s,t ³ z (n) s,t ´´ dsdtdP, Z Z



(G s,t (z s,t )) dsdtdP ) → 0 and

h Z Z


Z ³

G s,t ³ z s,t (n) ´´ dsdtdP, Z Z



(G s,t (z s,t )) dsdtdP → 0, for every A ∈ β + 2 N Ω.

Lemma 6. Assume F and G take on convex values and satisfy (C 1 ) and

(C 2 ). Then a set-valued mapping K is u.s.c. as a multifunction defined on

a locally convex topological Hausdorff space (D, σ(D, D )) with nonempty

values in (D, σ(D, D )).


P roof. Let C be a nonempty weakly closed subset of D and select a se- quence (z n ) of K (C) weakly converging to z ∈ D. There is a sequence (y n ) of C such that y n ∈ K(z n ) for n = 1, 2, ... . By the uniform square- integrable boudedness of F and G, there is a convex weakly compact subset B ⊂ L 2 n × L 2 n such that K(z n ) ⊂ Φ(B). Therefore, y n ∈ Φ(B) for n = 1, 2, ...

which, by the weak compactness of Φ(B) implies the existence of a subse- quence (y k ) of (y n ) weakly converging to y ∈ Φ(B). We have y k ∈ K(z k ) for k = 1, 2, ... . Let (f k , g k ) ∈ S 2 (F s,t (z s,t k )) × S 2 (G s,t (z k s,t )) be such that Φ(f k , g k ) = y k , for each k = 1, 2, ... . We have of course (f k , g k ) ∈ B. There- fore, there is a subsequence, say again (f k , g k ) of (f k , g k ) weakly converging in L 2 n × L 2 n to (f, g) ∈ B. Now, for every A ∈ β 2 + N Ω one obtains


 Z Z



f s,t dsdtdP, Z Z



F s,t (z) dsdtdP

¯ ¯

¯ ¯

¯ ¯ Z Z


Z ³

f s,t − f s,t k ´ dsdtdP

¯ ¯

¯ ¯

¯ ¯

+ dist

 Z Z



f s,t k dsdtdP, Z Z



F s,t ³ z k ´ dsdtdP

+ h

 Z Z



F s,t (z k ) dsdtdP, Z Z



F s,t (z) dsdtdP


Therefore, f ∈ S 2 (F s,t (z s,t )) s,t≥0 . Quite similarly, we also get g ∈ S 2 (G s,t (z s,t ) s,t≥0 ). Thus, ϕ + Φ(f, g) ∈ K(z), which implies y ∈ K(z). On the other hand, we also have y ∈ C, because C is weakly closed. Therefore, z ∈ K (C). Now the result follows immediately from Eberlein and ˆ Smulian’s Theorem.

Theorem 7. If F and G take on convex values and satisfy (C 1 ) and (C 2 ), then there is z ∈ D such that

z s,t ∈ ϕ s,t + Z s


Z t

0 F u,υ (z u,υ ) dudυ + Z s


Z t

0 G u,υ (z u,υ ) dw u,υ . P roof. Let

{B = (f, g) ∈ L 2 n × L 2 n : |f s,t (ω)| ≤ kF s,t (ω)k, |g s,t (ω)| ≤ kG s,t (ω)k}

and put K = ϕ + Φ(B). It is clear that K is a nonempty convex weakly

compact subset of D such that K(z) ⊂ K for z ∈ D. By (iii) of Theorem 5


K(z) is a convex and weakly compact subset of D, for each z ∈ D. By Lemma 6 K is u.s.c. on a locally convex topological Hausdorff space (D, σ(D, D )). Therefore, by the Kakutani and Fan fixed point theorem there exists z ∈ K such that z ∈ K(z), i.e.,

z s,t ∈ ϕ s,t + Z s


Z t

0 F u,υ (z u,υ ) dudυ + Z s


Z t

0 G u,υ (z u,υ ) dw u,υ .

Assume now that F and G satisfy condtions (C 1 ) and the following condition (C 3 ) F and G are such that set-valued functions:

D 3 z → (F s,t (z) s,t≥0 (ω) ⊂ R n ) and D 3 z → (G s,t (z) s,t≥0 (ω) ⊂ R n ) are s.-w.s.l.s.c. on D, i.e., for every z ∈ D and every sequence (z n ) of (D, | | l ) converging weakly to z one has

h h (F s,t (z)) s,t≥0 (w), (F s,t (z n )) s,t≥0 (ω) i → 0 and

h h (G s,t (z)) s,t≥0 (w), (G s,t (z n )) s,t≥0 (ω) i → 0 a.e.

Lemma 8. Assume F and G take on convex values and satisfy (C 1 ) and (C 3 ). Then a set-valued mapping K is l.s.c. as a multifunction defined on a locally convex topological Hausdorff space (D, σ(D, D )).

P roof. Let C be a nonempty weakly closed subset of D and (z (n) ) a se- quence of R (C) weakly converging to z ∈ D. Select arbitrary u ∈ K(z) and suppose (f, g) ∈ S 2 (F s,t (z) s,t≥0 ) × S 2 (G s,t (z) s,t≥0 ) is such that u = Φ(f, g).

Let (f (n) , g (n) ) ∈ S 2 (F s,t (z (n) ) s,t≥0 ) × S 2 (G s,t (z n ) s,t≥0 ) be such that

¯ ¯

¯ f s,t (ω) − f s,t (n) (ω)

¯ ¯

¯ = dist ³ f s,t (ω), ³ F s,t ³ z (n) ´´ (ω) ´

and ¯

¯ ¯ g s,t (ω) − g s,t (n) (ω) ¯ ¯ ¯ = dist ³ g s,t (ω), ³ G s,t (z (n) ) ´ (ω) ´

on R 2 + × Ω, for each n = 1, 2, ... . By virtue of (C 3 ) one gets |f s,t (ω) −

f s,t (n) (ω)| → 0 and |g s,t (ω) − g (n) s,t (ω)| → 0 a.e., as n → ∞. Hence by (C 1 )

we can see that a sequence (u (n) ), defined by u (n) = Φ(f (n) , g (n) ) weakly

converges to u. But u (n) ∈ K(z (n) ) ⊂ C for n = 1, 2, ... and C is weakly

closed. Then u ∈ C, which implies K(z) ⊂ C. Thus z ∈ K (C).


Theorem 9. If F and G take on convex values and satisfy (C 1 ) and (C 3 ) then stochastic integral inclusion (1) admits a solution.

P roof. Let

B = {(f, g) ∈ L 2 n × L 2 n : |f s,t (ω)| ≤ kF s,t (ω)k, |g s,t (ω)| ≤ kG s,t (ω)k}

and put K = ϕ + Φ(B). It is clear that K is a nonempty convex weakly compact subset of D such that K(z) ⊂ K for z ∈ D. By virtue of Lemma 8, K is l.s.c. as a set-valued mapping from a paracompact space K considered with its relative topology induced by a weak topology σ(D, D ) on D into a Banach space (D, k · k l ). By (iii) of Theorem 5, K(z) is a closed and convex subset of D, for each z ∈ K. Therefore, by Michael’s theorem, there is a continuous selection k : K → D for K. But K(K) ⊂ K. Then K maps K into itself and is continuous with respect to the relative topology on K, defined above. Therefore, by the Schauder and Tikhonov fixed point theorem, there is z ∈ K such that z = k(z) ∈ K(z), i.e.,

z s,t ∈ ϕ s,t + Z s


Z t

0 F u,υ (z u,υ ) dudυ + Z s


Z t

0 G u,υ (z u,υ ) dw u,υ a.s.


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Received 10 October 2001

Revised 18 November 2001


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The paper contains new properties of set-valued stochastic integrals defi- ned as multifunctions with subtrajectory integrals equal to closed decomposable hulls of functional set

istence of the osculating plane of a curve is usually given in the terms of the continuous second derivatives of the functions describing a curve.. However, it

The aim of this paragraph is to show th a t in finite dimension it is possible to obtain a generalization of the Badon-Nikodym theorem to the case of weak