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Rozmieszczenie cynku, ołowiu i manganu w glebach Łodzi


Academic year: 2021

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K R Y S T Y N A C Z A R N O W S K A , J A C E K W A L C Z A K


Departm ent of Soil Science, Agricultural U niversity at W a rsa w


A ir, w ater and soils on the urbanized areas becom e increasingly contam inated. This contamination brings about disturbances of the eco­ logical balance since it causes a disruption of m etabolism in the living organism s.

H e a v y m etals belong to the particularly troublesom e contam inants, especially in the urban environm ent.

Since alm ost all substances that earlier contam inate the air and w a ­ ter u ltim ately reach the soil, its chem ical composition m a y be used as an indicator of the environm ental pollution level.

T he aim of the present paper is both to estim ate the spatial distri­ bution of zinc, lead and m anganese in the top soil layer of the Łódź area and to indicate parts of the tow n w here the greatest am ounts of h eavy m etals occur in the soil.


T he area of Łódź covers 21 446 ha, 7204 ha, i.e. 3 3 .6 2 % of the total surface being taken b y the farm lands [16]. In the city centre, 7 5 % ; of grounds occupy the b u ilt-u p surfaces. T w e n ty eight industrial plants in the area are particularly burdensom e as th ey em it large quantities of dust and gases. H ere belong the p ow er-, m e ta lu rg y - and som e cotton processing plants. In addition there are a lot of local heating plants, dom estic chim neys and sm all workshops. In tensifying m otorization also


2 0 К . Czarnowska, J. Walczak

adds to the increase of the atm ospheric air pollution. This is proved by the presence of Z n ions, and of, though in lesser am ount, P b, Fe, M n , Cu and Cd ions in the precipitation w ater [16].

In order to determ ine the spatial distribution of Z n , Pb and M n in the soils of Łódź, soil sam ples were taken from the 0— 5 cm layer w ith ­ in the w hole surface of the city, in 1985. B efore starting the field work, a grid of 1 km squares w as plotted on the m ap of Łódź in a scale 1 : 10 000. A s a result, 248 squares were obtained and consecutively n u m ­ bered from west to east. In general, soil sam ples w ere taken from the centre of each square if field conditions perm itted.

Total of 238 soil sam ples w ere analyzed, Z n , Pb and M n being de­ term ined by the m ethod of atomic absorption spectrophotom etry on a P erk in -E lm e r-3 0 0 apparatus, follow ing a treatm ent of the soil with 2 0 % HC1.

The results obtained were used to elaborate m aps show ing the con­ tent of Zn, Pb and M n in the soils of Łódź (Figs 1— 3). The correlation coefficients w ere calculated for the follow ing pairs of elem ents: Zn and M n as w ell as M n and Pb. The results of analyses w ere collected in the synthetical Table.


W h en comparing the data concerning h eavy m etal content in the soils of another towns [1— 3, 5, 8— 14] with those obtained in the present stu dy it becomes clear that the soils of Łódź are h eavily con­ tam inated, especially by zinc and lead. Spatial distribution of z i n c in the soils of Łódź testifies clearly to the influence of anthropogenic fac­ tors upon the soil zinc content (Fig. 1) as the area w ith a higher zinc content (about 200 ppm ) corresponds to the oldest urbanized and in­ dustrialized space. A ssu m in g that natural zinc content in the farm lands at the outskirts of Łódź is 25 ppm , the zinc accum ulation indicator in the soils of the city centre oscillates betw een 8 and 16. In several pla­ ces, the zinc content of soils exceeds 20— 30 tim es the level of its na­ tural content.

The largest quantity of zinc (800 ppm) was found at a stu dy point distant from the centre, situated at a fairly busy and narrow street. In another stu dy point situated in the residential part w ith sm all houses, also far from the centre, the zinc content was 520 ppm . H ow ever, the m ost Zn polluted soils are encountered m ain ly in the central part of Łódź w here the largest dust fall is observed [7, 16]. T he isopleths li­ m iting the largest areas having increased Zn concentrations in the soil arrange concentrically around the centre, though th ey have an irregular shape.


Fig. 1. The distribution of zinc in soils from Łódź

T he range of determ ined Z n contents fluctuates fro m 16 to 800 ppm , and the average Z n content is 125 ppm (Table 1). In the soils of Łódź, 50— 100 ppn Z n occur as a rule, 2 8 % of the city surface having above 100 ppm of this elem ent. Sim ilar Zn distribution w as found in the soils of W arszaw a and L ublin [4, 12]. K o m a i and Y am am oto [10] as w e ll as K ovacs and N yäri [11] fou nd considerably greater am ounts of this ele­ m ent in urban soils.

T he results obtained corroborate inform ation by num erous authors suggesting a w idespread, considerable contam ination b y Zn in the soils of large towns [1— 5, 10— 13].


2 2 К. Czarnowska, J. Walczak

T a b le 1

Assessment of chemical and statistic analyses of Zn, Pb, Mn from Łódź (n = 238)

Zn Pb 1! Mn j

Mean content of examined

soils — ppm 125,2 55,7 I 189,4

Range — ppm 1 6 -8 0 0 6 - 6 5 0 6 4 -4 3 6

Standard deviation 127,6 79,8 68,3

Mean content in natural soils — ppm 25 20

-Index o f accumulation in urban soils 0 ,6 4 -3 2 ,0 0 ,3 0 -3 2 ,5

-Element Classes of Zn, Pb and Mn content

in urban soils — ppm Frequency per cent

< 25 3,7 2 5 - 50 26,0 Zn 5 0 - 100 31,1 1 0 0 - 200 20,7 2 0 0 - 400 15,1 > 400 3,4 < 20 22,6 2 0 - 50 42,0


Pb * 5 0 - 100 23,0 ! I 1 0 0 - 200 9,5 > 200 2,9 i < 120 1 U 1 2 0 - 180 39,0 1 Mn 180—240 32,3 ; i 2 4 0 - 300 11,7 1 ! > 300 1! 5,9

present study corroborates the observations m ade b y different authors [1, 2, 3, 6 , 8 , 11 and 12]. Increased Pb content is encountered in the central part of the town w here traffic is the m ost dense and along the m ain com m unication w ays (Fig. 2). In the spatial distribution of lead (as in the case of zinc) changes in its content proceed gradually, n ever abruptly.

A reas w ith a considerable Pb am ounts in the soil, i.e. w ithin the lim its 50— 100 ppm , are stretched in the n orth-sou th direction. The latter can be explained by the arrangam ent of main streets. In the soils of Łódź, the prevalent lead content is 20— 50 ppm , the soils w herein such a content occurs occupy 5 1 .5 % of the total city areas. H igher v a ­ lues are also fa irly com m on since 20% of the city area have soils w ith 50— 100 ppm of Pb, and 6% — m ore than 100 ppm of Pb.


Fig. 2. Distribution lead in soils from Łódź

650 ppm (on the average 55 ppm ), and approaches the quantities found in soils of W arszaw a and L ublin [4, 12]. A considerably greater lead contam ination was observed in the soils of two Canadian tow ns (40— 1500 ppm ), in G lasgow (55— 744 ppm ), Baghdad (32— 950 ppm ) and in B udapest (28— 4500 ppm ) [2, 6 , 8 and 11].

Since the m a n g a n e s e content varies greatly in the natural soils it is h ard ly possible to estim ate the soil m anganese level exceeding of w hich m ight be regarded as contam ination. Com paring the present re­ sults w ith literature data [1 0 , 11 and 12], it can be stated that no distinct increase in the soil m anganese content was observed in the soils of Ł ód ź area. T he m anganese contents found in the analyzed sam ples do


24: К. Czarnowska, J. Walczak

not exceed concentrations encountered in the natural soils [15]. The great differentiation in the soil m anganese contents in Łódź is due to the variability of soils in the area.

Spatial distribution of m anganese show s certain regularity (Fig. 3), as the largest areas having the increased content of M n are situated in the eastern, central and northern parts of the city. Such a distri­ bution differs from that found in the soils of L ublin [12], w here the soil m anganese content was distinctly low er w ithin the b u ilt-u p area.

A larger surface (indicated on the map) w here the m anganese con­ tent in the soil exceeds 300 ppm is located in the eastern part of the city, outranging its lim its and em bracing also the farm land. O ther areas


having relatively high m anganese contents are scattered in various parts of the town.

The soils of Łódź, com pared to these of other cities, contain low quantities of m anganese (on the average 189 ppm ) and the relatively sm all fluctuations of the determ ined concentrations testify to the lack of im portant sources of m anganese contamination. In effect, large flu c­ tuations of m anganese content w ere found in another tow ns, its con­ centrations exceeding 1000 and even 3400 ppm , w hat m a y be considered as the contamination of the soils b y this elem ent [11, 12]. It should be added that in the spatial distribution of lead and zinc, as observed in Łódź, another regularity exists, i.e. the soil sam ples taken fro m central parts contain largest am ounts of these m etals w hile w ith the increasing distance fro m the centre the concentrations of Z n and Pb in the soil decrease. The sam e regularity was observed in W arszaw a and in L ublin [4 , 1 2 ].

In order to estim ate the interrelationship betw een the occurrence of the m etals in question in the soil, the correlation coefficients w ere cal­ culated. For individual pairs of elem ents these coefficients w ere esta­ blished as follow s: for Z n -M n — r = 0.33, for M n -P b — r = 0.19 and for P b -Z n — r = 0.64. Davies [5] also found a high degree of correlation of zinc and lead contents occurring in the urban soils.

The results obtained in the present stu dy indicate that the soil contam ination by zinc and lead is of the anthropogenic character, i.e. the quan tity of zinc increases along w ith the increase in the content of lead, and inversely, w hile the content of m anganese in the soils is not clearly related to the urbanization processes.


— Soils of Łódź are, in som e places, heavily contam inated b y zinc and lead. The zinc accum ulation indicatior in the top soil layer (0— 5 cm) attains up to 32, w hile that of lead — up to 32.5. Zinc and lead con­ centrate ch iefly in the soils in the city centre and their concentration decreases w ith the distance fro m the centre.

— L argest am ounts of m anganese w ere observed in the soils at the city outskirts. In general, the soils of Łódź are not contam inated by m anganese.


[1] A n d e r s e n A . et al. Atm ospheric heavy metal deposition in the Copenha­ gen area: Environ. Pollut. 1978, Vol. 17, p. 133— 151.


2 6 К. Czarnowska, J. Walczak

M oncton, N ew Brunsw ick, Canada, Bull. Environm . Contam . Toxical. 1980, V o l. 25, p. 407— 415.

[3] C z a r n o w s k a К . H eavy m etal accum ulation in soils, plant and in some anim als in the W a rsa w area. (In Polish). Roczn. Glebozn. 1980, Vol. 31, No. 1, p. 77— 115.

[4] C z a r n o w s k a K. , G w o r e k В., J a n o w s k a E., K o z a n e c k a T. Spatial distribution of heavy m etals in soil and soil pH in W a rsaw area. Pol. Ecol. Stud. 1983 V o l. 9 N o. 1— 2 p. 81— 95.

[5] D a v i e s B. E. Plant available lead and other m etals in British garden soils. Sei. Total Environ. 1978 V o l. 9 p. 342— 362.

[6] F a r m e r J. G. , L y o n T. D. Lead in G lasgow street dirt and soil. Sei. Total Environm . 1977 V ol. 8 N o. 1 p. 89— 93.

[7] K ę s y - D ą b r o w s k a I., N o w a c k a - B a r c z y k K . Aerozol concentra­ tions in the air of areas of different traffic intensity in Łódź. (in Polish). Ochr. Pow . 1977 t. 3 s. 60— 64.

[8] К h a 1 i d B. Y ., S a 1 i s h В. M ., I s s а с M . W . Lead contam ination of soil in Baghdad City. Iraq. Bull. Environ. Contam . Toxical. 1981 V ol. 27 p. 634— 638.

[9] К o m a i Y . H eavy m etal contam ination in urban soils. I— II Bull. Univ. Osaka Prefect. Ser. В 1981 V ol. 33 pp. 7— 15 and 17— 22.

[10] K o m a i Y ., Y a m a m o t o К . H eavy m etal contam ination in urban soils. III. Bull. Univ. Osaka Prefect., Ser. В 1982 V o l. 34 p. 47— 56.

[11] Kovacs M argit és N yâri Istvan Budapesti K özterületek talajainak n ehézfém - tartalana. A grokem ia és Talajtan 1984 V ol. 33 p. 501— 510.

[12] K u k i e r U. Im pact or urbanization and industry on heavy m etal pollution in soils of Lublin (in Polish). Doctoral dissertation, A gricultural A cadem y in Lublin, m anuscr. L u b lin 1985 s. 103.

[13] L a u M . W ., W o n g H . M . A n ecological survey of lead contents in roadside dust and soils in H ong Kong. Environ. Res. 1982 V ol. 28 p. 39— 54.

[14] M i l b e r g R. P., L a g e r w e r f f J. V . et al. Soil lead accum ulation along­ side a n ew ly constructed roadw ay. J. Environ. Qual. 1980 V ol. 9 No. 1 p. 6— 8. [15] M u s i e r o w i c z A. , C z a r n o w s k a К . M anganese in the m ajor soils of

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[16] Environm ental conservation w ith special consideration of Łódź Region (in Polish). Proceedings P Z IT S . Oddział w Łodzi, Ośr. Bad. i Kontr. Srod. w Ł o ­ dzi, W ydz. Ochr. Srod., Gosp. W od. i Geologii Urzędu M iasta Łodzi. Łódź 12— 13.VI.1986 s. 269.

K . C Z A R N O W S K A , J. W A L C Z A K


K atedra G leboznaw stw a S G G W -A R w W arszaw ie

S t r e s z c z e n i e

W latach 1985— 1986 przeprowadzono na terenie Łodzi badania dotyczące prze­ strzennego rozmieszczenia cynku, ołow iu i manganu w w arstw ie 0— 5 cm. A n alizo­ wano 238 próbek glebow ych z 248 kw adratów o powierzchni 1 km 2. N a podstawie uzyskanych w yników analiz sporządzono m apy rozmieszczenia Zn, Pb i M n w gle­


bach m iasta. W celu w zajem nej zależności om awianych metali w ich w ystępow a­ niu w glebie obliczono współczynniki korelacji między nimi. Dla poszczególnych par pierw iastków współczynniki te m ają następujące w artości: r = 0,33 dla Zn — M n, r = 0,19 dla M n — Pb oraz r = 0,64 dla Pb— Zn. Jak dowodzą wyniki uzyskane w niniejszych badaniach, zanieczyszczenie gleb cynkiem i ołow iem m a charakter antropogeniczny. W skaźnik nagrom adzenia cynku w wierzchniej warstw ie gleby dochodzi do 32, a ołow iu do 32,5. W próbkach glebow ych pobranych ze środkowej części m iasta zawartość cynku i ołowiu jest najw iększa i m aleje w miarę odda­ lania się od Śródmieścia. N ajw iększe ilości m anganu zanotowano w glebach po­ łożonych w e w schodniej części miasta. Ogólnie można stwierdzić, że gleby Łodzi nie są zanieczyszczone m anganem .

К. ЧАРНОВСКА, Я. ВАЛЬЧАК РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ Ц И Н К А , СВИ Н Ц А И М А Р Г А Н Ц А В П О Ч В А Х ГОРОДА ЛОДЗИ Кафедра почвоведения Варшавской сельскохозяйственной академии Р е зю м е В 1985-1986 гг. на территории гор. Лодзи проводились исследования по пространствен­ ному размещению цинка, свинца и марганца в почвенном слое 0-5 см. Анализировали 238 почвенных образцов отобранных из 248 квадратов площадью 1 км2. На основании получен­ ных результатов анализов были составлены карты размещения Zn, Pb и Mn в почвах города. С целью определения взаимозависимости указанных металлов и их наличия в почве были исчислены коэффициенты корреляции между ними. Для отдельных пар элементов эти коэффи­ циенты показывают следующие значения: г = 0,33 для Z n — Mn, r = 0,19 для M n —Pb и r = 0,64 для Pb —Zn. Согласно результатам полученным в рассматриваемых исследованиях, загрязнение почв цинком и свинцом носит антропогенный характер. Показатель аккумуля­ ции цинка в поверхностном слое почвы достигает 32, а свинца 32,5. В почвенных образцах отобранных на площади центра города содержание цинка и свинца самое высокое и сни­ жается по мере отдаления от центра. Самые высокие количества марганца были установлены в почвах расположенных в восточной части города. В общем можно констатировать, что почвы гор. Лодзи не загрязнены марганцем.

D oc. dr K r y s ty n a C zarnow ska K atedra G lebozn a w stw a S G G W -A R 02-528 W arszaw a, ul. R a kow iecka 26132



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