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British Chemical Abstracts. B.-Applied Chemistry. March 27 and April 3


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MAR. 27 and APRIL 3, 1931*


Adsorption in ten sity and its technical im p or­

tance. J. T r a u b e (Z. angew. Chem., 1931, 44, 73—

75).—I t has long been known th a t thermal, mechanical, or electrical energy is an expression of the multiple of capacity and intensity factors. This is equally true of energy quantities in dissolution and adsorption pro­

cesses. Methods which have been investigated by the author and his pupils for the measurement of adsorption intensity are as follows. The heat of adsorption of 1 g.

by a sufficient quantity of the adsorbent may be measured. This often depends on the adsorption inten­

sity, but in other cases also on the capacity, as expressed by adsorbing surface and molecular volume of the adsorbed substance. Oils examined in this way fall into two classes, viz., those of low and of high adsorption heats. Another method depends on the displacement principle, using different liquids. The adsorption intensity of different vapours to activated carbon may be measured comparatively by passing a constant current of air over saturated carbon and determining the rate of removal. The question of “ w ettability ” is im portant in flotation technique and lubrication. Lubrication efficiency depends on both viscosity and surface tension, and here also the adsorption intensity depends on the polarity of the oil. C. I r w in .

Heating of liquids in w ooden v e sse ls. W . G r a u - lic h (Farben-Chem., 1930, 1, 16—20).—An example is given of the calculation of the therm al balances in the heating of water in a wooden vessel from 15° to 95°

by steam a t 2 atm. and a t 8 atm. Heating surfaces and radiation losses are calculated and the significance in the latter connexion of surfaces of hot liquid open to the atmosphere is pointed out. Approximate formula; for heat-transmission coefficients are given and steam velocities in pipes for a given pressure and throughput are tabulated. The advantage of using steam a t the higher pressure is shown to be negligible, provided th a t large enough steam pipes are used. C. I r w in .

Determ ination of v isco sity . S c h l e n k e r . M easure­

m ent of flow of g a s. K in g and W i l l i a m s .—See II.

Silver and ch em ical plant. M c D o n a ld .—See X.

D eterm ination of m oistu re in ch em icals. P r i t z k e r and J u n g k u n z .—See XX. P h osph ates in boiler water. S c a r r i t t . —See X X III.

Pa t e n t s,

Furnaces. B a b c o c k & W i l c o x , L t d . From B a b ­ c o c k & W i l c o x C o. (B .P . 340,780, 2.1.30).—The furnace is adapted to heating fluids by means of gases a t not too high a temperature. Combustion takes place under the

best conditions, viz., with preheated undiluted air, bu t after combustion some of the flue gases are returned and the mixture is passed over the fluid-heating device. Only th a t proportion of the flue gases th a t is not returned is sent through the air preheater. B. M. V e n a b le s .

F urnaces. A. S m a llw o o d and J. F a l l o n (B.P.

340,710, 13.11.29. Addn. to B.P. 312,391 ; B., 1929, 625).—A recuperator for use underneath the furnace claimed in the prior p atent is described. I t com­

prises vertical tubes through which the air passes up­

wards and the gases pass horizontally around.

B. M. V e n a b le s . R otary-hearth furnace. 0 . A. C o lb y , Assr. to W e s t in g h o u s e E l e c t r i c & M a n u fg . Co. (U.S.P.

1,770,970, 22.7.30. Appl., 7.12.28).—A rotary annular furnace of which the hearth is formed of tilting trays is provided with means to jar the trays when they are tilted to discharge the goods. B. M. V e n a b le s .

H eat-treating furnace. P. W. McCoy and J. A.

M a s u r y , Assr. to S u r f a c e C o m b u stio n C o., I n c . (U.S.P.

1,770,081, 8.7.30. Appl., 21.12.28).—The m aterial to be treated, e.g., small metallic articles, is placed on a shoot inclined across the furnace a t an angle rather less th an the angle of repose ; it is supported on cushioned rests and the articles are caused to travel by rapping the shoot and are discharged down a vertical passage within the furnace. B. M. V e n a b le s .

T unnel k iln s. W o o d a ll - D u c k h a m (1920), L t d ., and A. McD. D u c k iia m (B.P. 340,271, 19.7.29).—In a tunnel kiln (preferably annular) having continuous motion of the vehicles and therefore perm anently open ends, ports are provided some distance from the inlet and outlet ends which lead to longitudinal flues in the walls and/or roof of the kiln leading to the chimney and combustion zone, respectively. Control dampers are provided and a booster fan may be connected across a partition in the flue which carries the air from the outlet end of the

kiln. B. M. V e n a b le s .

H eating apparatus for w ater or other liq u id s.

G en . E l e c t r i c Co., L td ., and 0 . W. H u m p h r e y s (B.P.

342,073, 11.12.29).—In heating apparatus in which cold liquid is fed under pressure through a valve-controlled inlet pipe into a storage tan k where it is heated, an expansion chamber, arranged outside the tank, com­

municates with the outlet pipe and is adapted to receive and retain any liquid displaced from the tan k owing to expansion after the inlet pipe has been closed.

J. S. G. T h o m a s.

H eating of decom posable liqu ids. J . Y. J o h n s o n . From I. G. F a r b e n in d . A.-G. (B.P. 341,383, 25.10.29).—

Another form of rotating electric heater which produces

* The rem ainder of th is set of AbstraotB will appear in n e x t -week’s issue.

277 a


B r itis h C h em ical A b s tr a c ts — B .

2 7 8 Cl. I.—General ; Plant ; Maciiinery.

mediate larger zone the relation is alternately con- and counter-current. B. M. V e n a b le s . little disturbance of the liquid is described. (Cf.

B.P. 333,241 ; B., 1930, 970.) B. M. V e n a b le s . Heat exchangers. Soc. A n o n , d e s U s in g s J.

G a l l a y , and F. G a l l a y (B.P. 341,247, 28.12.29).—

A heat exchanger such as a honeycomb radiator is constructed of pairs of corrugated strips between which are other strips having bridge-like projections in the air spaces, inclined a t angles which increase in the direction of flow of the air. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Tubular heat exchangers. W. S i l l e r (B.P.

340,893, 31.3.30).—An exchanger of the bundle-of- tubes type suitable for high pressures has the tubes attached to the tube plate and the latter to the casing by welding. The thickness of the tube plates m ust not differ by more than 2 mm. from th a t of the tubes, and the distance between adjacent tubes is similarly limited ; it is preferable to eliminate the “ islands ” between tubes by giving the latter a non-circular, e.g., hexagonal,

section. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Finned or gilled tubes for heat exchangers.

J. E. G o r t n e k (B.P. 310,422, 23.1.30).—A tube of flattened section (opposite long sides being straight) is provided with a continuous, roughly spiral gill com­

prising an L-shaped strip, the flange of which is cut by T-shaped slits a t regular intervals, so th a t it may be bent round the short sides of the tube. The web, which lies in contact with the tube, may be formed by bending the strip back on itself or round a reinforcing wire.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. H eat-exchanging apparatus. H e e n a n & F r o u d e , L t d ., and G. H . W a l k e r (B.P. 340,765, 20.12.29).—

Fins of heat-exchanger tubes which are formed from discs or spirally wound strip have their outer edges slit and twisted. B. M. V e n a b le s .

H eat-interchanging apparatus. D . G. B r a n d t , Assr. to D o h e r t y R e s . Co. (U.S.P. 1,770,375, 15.7.30.

Appl., 6.2.28).—An exchanger composed of a number of W -shaped tubular elements assembled together to form a number of superposed circular elements is described.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. H eat-transm itting apparatus. E . M o r t e r u d (U.S.P. 1,770,320, 8.7.30. Appl., 16.6.27. Norw., 25.6.26).—An evaporator or condenser is constructed of a number of vertical double-concentric or Field tubes with the closed ends uppermost, so th a t the steam or vapour passes downwards while condensing; to maintain the velocity the annular space is caused to decrease in size downwards, preferably by tapering the inner tubes.

At least one of the Field tubes is connected in series with the remainder, to discharge permanent gases from the intermediate condensate chamber. In addition to this discharge the bulk of the vapours may be circulated back from the condensate chamber to mix with the supply of new steam. B. M. V e n a b le s .

D rying plant. N. P a n z i r e f f (B.P. 341,192, 19.11.29).—The goods are conveyed on a vertical zig-zag conveyor through a casing to which heated air is admitted. The first few and last few of the conveyor runs are divided off by partitions between each, forming a sort of seal for the air and causing it to travel counter- current to the goods a t exit and entry, bu t in the inter-

D rying of m aterial. F . P. R e n n e b u r g , Assr. to E. R e n n e b u r g & S o n s Co. (U.S.P. 1,771,141, 22.7.30.

Appl., 21.2.25).—The drying is effected in two stages, through which the material passes in series and the medium in p arallel; though separate streams of the drying medium are used, they m ay be derived from and discharge to a common furnace and stack. The appar­

atus described comprises a double-concentric rotating cylinder through which the m aterial passes in the same direction in both stages, the interm ediate return being effected by a longitudinal conveyor, which also affords opportunity for escape of vapours. B . M. V e n a b le s .

D rying of chem ical and sim ila r products.

S a c h t l e b e n ” A.-G. f . B e r g b a u u . Chem. In d . (B.P. 341,140, 22.10.29. Ger., 25.10.28).—The apparatus comprises a twin-concentric cylinder dryer in the outer zone of which hot gases pass concurrent and out of contact with the material, e.g., lithopone, being d rie d ; in the inner zone another supply of drying gases, pre­

ferably of an inert nature, pass countercurrent to and in contact with the goods. Preferably the inner zone starts a t the feed end as a single circular section of small diameter, expands rapidly to the maximum diameter, and then becomes subdivided into a convenient number, e.g., seven, of smaller cylinders. The countercurrent gases on leaving are preferably scrubbed free from dust by the moist material entering or by water.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. D rying apparatus [for p lastic m aterial]. J. J.

and J. B . B e r r i g a n , Assrs. to K. P. M a lo n (U.S.P.

1,770,727,15.7.30. Appl., 9.5.28).—Plastic materal, such as clayey substances or sewage press-cake, is dried and reduced to powder by passing it in thin layers over highly heated surfaces (red hot in the early stages), and subjecting it to a reciprocating rubbing action by other parallel surfaces ; a drying medium such as air may also be injected. An apparatus described comprises a tru n k piston for feeding the material, from which depend a number of sheets alternating with fixed heavier partitions, the whole bundle being heated by fire gases in a suitable casing. B. M. V e n a b le s .

D ryin g of m o ist su bstan ces. G u t e h o f f n u n g s - h u t t e O b e r h a u s e n A .-G . (B .P . 340,057, 8.10.29.

Ger., 8.10.28).—The substance is inserted as a resistance in an electric circuit carrying currents of very high frequency, e.g., “ Tesla ” currents ; even “ non-con­

ductors ” will pass sufficient current a t suitable voltage and frequency for considerable heating to take place.

The drying may be assisted by known means, e.g., removal of expelled moisture by a current of drying gas.

B. M. V e n a b le s . D ryin g or conditioning of a rticles. B r i t . U n i t e d S h o e M a c h in e r y Co., L t d ., and C. J. S m ith (B.P. 340,321, 28.9.29).—A dryer of the type comprising a permeable conveyor is provided with means for pro­

ducing a drying atmosphere a t 60° and 50% hum idity, the drying medium (air) being supplied by and exhausted from similar ducts on opposite sides of the conveyor.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. D oll-head bearin gs for d rying cylin ders and such


B ritis h C h em ica l A b s t r a c t s —B .

Cl. I.— Genkral ; Plant; Machinery. 27fl

like. J. W. W. E v a n s (B.P. 3-11,260,10.1.30).—A form of steamtight trunnion is described. B. M, V e n a b le s .

Cooling tow ers. K. W. B r a n c z ik (B .P . 340,127, 16.12.29).—A method of construction of a Venturi- shaped tower is described. A vertical section exhibits straight lines only. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Furnace-cooling s y s te m s . B. J. M u l l e n (B.P.

339,972, 17.9.29. U.S., 19.12.28).—A furnace, e.g., a blast furnace, having water-cooled parts from which leakage might take place into the furnace, has the pressure of the gas in the furnace maintained nor­

mally above the pressure of the w a te r; any reduction in flow of the latter or admission of gas through a leak into the water system is indicated by a device com­

prising a float suspended in a gastight vessel the lower part of which is connected to a water-pipe, preferably the outlet pipe of the cooler. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Dehydrating apparatus. S. L. Aims and H.

L augh Lin, Assrs. to C h e m - E le c t r ic E n g . C orp. (U.S.P.

1,770,120, 8.7.30. Appl., 18.7.23).—A spray-dryer for material which is liable to stick on the walls is construct­

ed in conical form and downward movement is given to both the material and gases, the dried material being continuously and quickly removed by a conveyor at the bottom, and the gas through a ring of ports above the bottom. A ring of windows with adjustable aper­

tures is also provided a t an interm ediate height.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. T h e rm o sta ts. J. H. G r a y s o n (B.P. 340,781, 2.1.30).

—The device described in B.P. 327,775 (B., 1930, 591) is modified by the addition of a pair of thin resilient levers in substitution for, or in addition to, the thin disc, according to whether a gradual regulation or snap action is desired. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Grinding m ill. C. 0. B a r t l e y (U.S.P. 1,772,026, 5.8.30. Appl., 14.2.27. Renewed 22.10.29).—A method of attaching the lining to a cylindrical mill is described, m which longitudinal channels are formed outwardly on the interior of the shell and the lining sections have flanges which are wedged into the channels.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. H igh-speed screen m ill. J . C r it e s , Assr. to I n t e r n a t . C o m b u stio n E n g . C orp. (U.S.P. 1,771,163, 22.7.30. Appl., 6.6.29).—-Feeding means for a disinte­

grator are described. B. M. V e n a b le s . Pulveriser. G. H. K a e m m e r ltn g , Assr. to E r i e C ity I r o n W o r k s (U.S.P. 1,772,048, 5.8.30. Appl., 16.7.29).—The apparatus comprises a number of disin­

tegrating chambers and a fan chamber arranged in succession lengthways of the shaft. The feed and transfer passages are near the shaft and the last passage, i.e., th at to the fan, is further obstructed by a sleeve.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. Pulverising m achine. W. J. A r m s tr o n g , Assr. to J e f f r e y M a n u fg , Co. (U.S.P. 1,770,382, 15.7.30.

Appl., 28.4.27. Renewed 3.10.29).—The crusher plate of a disintegrator is supported in such a way th a t it will yield to the impact of uncrushable pieces.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. Manufacture of m aterials in granular form . I m p e r ia l Chem. I n d u s t r i e s , L t d . From G r a s s e l l t

Ciiem. Co. (B.P. 341,349, 4.4.30).—A substance which is solid a t ordinary temperatures, e.g., sodium bisulphate, is melted or rendered pasty and sprayed into a substan­

tially stationary supply of air or other gas which is surrounded by swiftly moving currents of the same gas ; the latter may be formed by injecting air tangentially to the walls of the chamber. B. M. V e n a b le s .

A p p a r a t u s f o r h a n d l i n g a n d c o n v e y i n g lo o s e s o l i d s b y li q u i d f l u s h i n g . A s h Co. (L on d on ), L td . From J. R om e (B.P. 341,108, 2.10.29).—The solids are allowed to accumulate on two sets of superposed (staggered) inclined shelves and arc sluiced away a t intervals through a grid into a channel where the speed of fluid is maintained high. B. M. V e n a b le s .

C lassification of m aterials b y elutriation. L.

A n d r e w s (B.P. 340,027, 19.9.29).—Classification is effected by the combined action of gravity and vertical motion in a cylindro-conical vessel, the intermediate sized particles being caused to join the oversize th a t first drops out by internal conical baffles, and all sandy material being delivered together through a spigot a t the bottom of the conical p a rt of the vessel. The top of the vessel is closed and the overflow is drawn oif through three siphon pipes, or only one if the proportion of water in the overflow is not important. The siphons comprise (1) a main o u tle t; (2) an auxiliary outlet leading back to a feeding device a t a low level, the delivery of this siphon being controlled by a Valve and/or admission of air a t the top ; and (3) a control siphon of small bore taking a sample from (1) and delivering back to the feed pump. Siphons (2) and (3) have rather longer legs than has (1) and in the latter (3) is inserted a bellows or other pressure-sensitive device which, being subjected to reduced internal pressure with increase in density of the sample of overflow pulp, controls the delivery of the return siphon (2) so th a t the proportion of water in outlet (1) is held constant irrespective of variations in the net feed. A stable condition of free-flowing pulp through the oversize spigot is main­

tained by teetering water supplied centrally near the point of the cone. The principles of operation are fully

explained. B. M. V e n a b le s .

C lassification or separation of m ixed m aterials b y elutriation. L . A n d r e w s (B.P. 340,242,19.9.29).—

A classifier of the type in which the pulp flows hori­

zontally, the coarser particles from which drop into hopper-shaped receptacles provided with spigots, is provided with an underflow pipe of comparatively small diameter connecting all the spigots (or all of a g ro u p );

the end remote from the common outlet is connected to the same source of supply of liquid or pulp as the main feed, so th a t a slight upward current of water and fine solids m ay be produced through the spigots. The common discharge end of the pipe may be connected to a device effecting a further classification of the sands.

B. M. V e n a b le s . M achine for d isin tegratin g and siftin g powderous m a sse s. S. S c h w a lb (B.P. 340,812, 22.1.30).—The apparatus comprises a waltzing muller rubbing on the surface of a round screen below which is a receptacle such as a basin. The muller and its driving gear remain in one position, b u t the basin and screen are removable,



B ritis h C h em ical / l b s t r a c t s —B .

2 8 0 Cl. I . — Ge n e r a l ; Pl a n t ; Ma c h i n e r y.

and the latter is lightly pressed against the muller by means of counterweights. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Rotary m ix in g m achine. C. F o r v i l l e (B.P.

340,462. 25.4.30. Belg., 26.4.29).—Two cup-shaped vessels, concave to each other, are fixed to the same rotating shaft, the space between the rims being closed or opened by means of a cylindrical strip operated with­

out stopping rotation by means of a striking gear.

The feed is adm itted through an annular port through one cup surrounding the shaft. B. M. V e n a b le s .

M ixin g of liquids or liquids w ith gases. Further­

ing chem ical reactions between liquids and gases.

L. M e ll e r s h - J a c k s o n . From E. C o iin itz (B.P. 340,268 and 340,503, 22.6.29).—The fluids arc forced through a large-surfaced body comprising a pipe filled with small gravel, glass beads, pumice stone, etc. Excessive flow along the wall of the pipe is prevented by circum­

ferential corrugations. B. M. V e n a b le s . Carrying out m ixin g operations on liquid, pulverulent, granular, or pulpy m a sses. G. II.

Sc iiie f e r s t e in (B.P. 314,097, 22.6.29. Ger., 22.6.28).—

Mixing is effected by the reciprocation of a vessel which is divided by partitions parallel to the direction of motion, with the object of damping out objectionable turbulence and causing the pulp or liquid to be more rapidly accel­

erated. The partitions may be broadened a t the base to prevent jamming. B. M. Ve n a b l e s.

Preparation of filter elem en ts particularly applicable for testing m ilk . A. M. V a n D o o r n (B.P. 340,879, 17.3.30).—Filter medium is glued to and/or sandwiched between strips of paper formed with holes to suit the filter machine. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Filtering of suspended sed im en ts (sludge).

C. P o n to p p id a n (B .P . 341,176, 11.11.29).—The filter comprises a hollow permeable body of cylindrical or other shape th a t slides into and out of a pressure tank containing the prefilt through a yielding gland, so th a t a layer of cake formed on it will be dragged out of the tank, and, continuing its journey, may pass into another tank for washing or drying by fluids forced through it.

A continuous type is described, the permeable body being in the form of a hollow conveyor belt.

B. M. V e n a b le s . Filter aid. V . V o o r h e e s , Assr. to S t a n d a r d Oil

Co. (U.S.P. 1,770,052, 8.7.30. Appl., 22.6.29).—The prefilt is cooled to below 0° and finely-divided ice is added as a filter aid, the process being suitable for the separation of paraffin wax from oil.

B . M. Ve n a b l e s. Vacuum distillation. P. Subkow, Assr. to U n io n O i l Co. o f C a l i f o r n i a (U.S.P. 1,771,385, 22.7.30.

Appl., 6,9.27).—A bubble tower is used for rectification under high vacuum by dividing it into stages (preferably between each bubble plate) by impervious diaphragms and connecting a separate vapour pump across each diaphragm. If the pull of the pumps is greater than the hydrostatic back-pressure of the bubble trays the vacuum -will increase upwardly of the tower.

B. M. V e n a b le s . Bubble tow ers, (a) P. J. S w e e n y , (b) E . E . B a r t e l s , Assrs. to S t a n d a r d O i l Co. (U.S.P.

1,770,221 and 1,770,725, [a ] 8.7.30, [b] 15.7.30. Appl., [a ] 13.5.27, [b] 28.9.27).—A form of trapped downflow is described. The liquid is taken from a point above the surface of a bubble plate a t a distance from the axis of the tower, passes through an inverted siphon trap, and is delivered on the axis of the tower in a stream, dropping freely through the vapour space to the plate next below. In (b) the downflow is provided with a hole a t the bottom of the trap, large enough to discharge any deposited solid m atter, bu t too small to unseal

the trap. B. M. V e n a b le s .

M achines for production of em u lsio n s. F. C.

R a n d s and T. F. N. A l e x a n d e r (B.P. 341,193,19.11.29).

—A rotating disc runs between two fixed ones, the former being provided with ports and the latter with recesses ; in the ports are inclined blades of alternate hand in successive outward rings, so th a t the m aterial after entering near the axis passes from one side of the disc to the other several times and exhausts through a passage a t the periphery. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Centrifugal separators. W . Z e le z n i a k (B.P.

341,298, 6.2.30).—The materia], e.g., sugar, passes in succession over a number of conical separating drums, on each of which it has opportunity of parting with moisture and fine material. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Centrifugal treatm ent of su bstan ces. L. P.

S h a r p le s , Assr. to S h a r f l e s S p e c i a l t y Co. (U.S.P.

1,761,593, 3.6.30. Appl., 12.3.27).—One form of appar­

atus described comprises an imperforate bowl increasing in diameter towards the open end and divided into three compartments by transverse annular partitions, the central one of which is the main sedimentation chamber and lias its outer wall lined with filter medium supported on wire gauze or the like, which permits filtrate to percolate through it to the end compartments.

These latter serve for decanting, and later draining, p a rt or all of the clear liquid. In the usual case of heavier solids, most of the clear liquid is preferably decanted from the main sedimentation compartment, bu t if the solids are lighter than the liquid all the latter m ust be passed through the filter medium. In any case, the solid is collected by sedimentation only until it has accumulated up to the capacity of the bow l;

draining is then effected simply by moving the decan ta- tion pipe in the end compartment of larger diameter outwards as far as possible. Washing may be effected by inward or outward flow before or after draining, and a scraper is provided to remove solids. Various modifi­

cations in construction and use are claimed.

B. M. V e n a b le s . Separating tanks [for em u lsion s or su sp en sion s].

J. S c h u l t e (B.P. 340,320, 27.9.29).—A settling tank is provided with a number of inclined, parallel, submerged plates, and the fluid material is fed through supply means disposed a t points intermediate the ends of the plates, the position of which means may be adjusted

vertically. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Apparatus for the autom atic d ischarge of liquids in accordance w ith their sp . gr. I m p e r ia l Chem.

I n d u s t r i e s , L t d ., and J. S. B. F le m i n g (B.P. 340,270, 18.7.29).—The apparatus comprises a balanced float


B ritish C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts —B .

Cl. I I . — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 281

controlling a diverter which delivers the liquid into one of two conduits.according to the sp. gr.

B. M. V e n a b le s . Separation of the constituents of gaseou s m ix ­ tures [e.g., air]. C. 0. v a n N u y s and J. L . S c h l i t t , Assrs. to A ir R e d u c t io n Co., I n c . (U .S .P . 1,771,197, 22.7.30. Appl., 23.10.26).—In the separation of air a primary rectifier is worked so as to produce pure gaseous nitrogen, the oxygen-rich liquid being run to an auxiliary rectifier at about the same pressure. Surplus vapour from an intermediate point of the first rectifier is trans­

ferred to the auxiliary column, partly direct for use as vaporising medium, and the other p art after heating by interchange with incoming air, re-compression, and re- liquefication, as reflux liquid. The rectified liquid from the auxiliary column is substantially pure oxygen and the vapour comprises nitrogen, all the argon, and a little oxygen, and is run to waste or utilised in any desired manner. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Separating dust, g rit, and the like, and rem ov­

ing sulphurous and other g a ses, from flue or fur­

nace gases. 0 . B. J a c o b s e n (B.P. 341,058, 6.9.29 and 21.2.30).—The gases are passed through a centrifugal separator of the turbo-blade type, and while issuing from the lower side of the group of blades are sprayed with water or other liquid. W ater or steam may also be injected a t an earlier stage. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Apparatus for treating flue g a ses. P. J. R o b in so n (B.P. 341,109, 11.7.29).—Another form of apparatus, applicable to steamships, for carrying out the process described in B.P. 338,492 (B., 1931, 95) is described.

B . M. V e n a b le s . Treatm ent of g ases and vapours and m ixtu res of the sam e w ith liqu ids. S. G. W a t s o n , D. M. H e n - sh a w . and E.M.S. I n d u s t r i a l P r o c e s s e s , L t d . (B .P . 340,631. 8.10.29).—The apparatus, which is particularly suitable for the treatm ent of distillation products of coal etc., comprises a vessel in which the gas passes under and over baffles which are kept wet by sprays of liquid withdrawn from the bottom of the vessel.

A settler for solid m atter is provided in the return conduit to.the circulating pump. B . M. V e n a b le s .

Liquid and g as contact apparatus. F. II.W a g n e r , Assr. to B a r t l e t t H a y w a r d Co. (U.S.P. 1,771,364, 22.7.30. Appl., 4.4.28).—A gas washer having fixed screens and a rotating disintegrator of the pin type is

described. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Purification of sm ok e. M. J a c o b and J. C u t h b e r t - son (B,P. 340,252, 23.9.29).—A device is described in which smoke may be collected or destroyed by chalk, lime, or coke after addition of steam or atomised water to the gases. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Gas w asher. H. A. S t r a i n (U .S .P . 1,766,267, 24.6.30.

Appl., 6.10.27).—-Water or other liquid is sprayed by a rotating device a t the top of a tower and falls in sheets upon and from horizontal ring splashers of which the cross-section is A ; the rings are superposed and decrease m diameter down the tower, so th a t the gas flows up­

wards and inwards through vertical sheets of water and finally through the fine spray produced by the distri­

buting device. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Apparatus for the h eat-treatm ent of g a ses and vapours. A. S. R a m a g e (B.P. 340,277, 17.9.29).—A form of heater comprising horizontal tubes and vertical electric heaters disposed between vertical rows of tubes is described. B. M. V e n a b le s .

Gas- or fu el-storing m aterial. F . G. K e y e s , Assr.

to F r i g i d a i r e C orp. (U.S.P. 1,770,526, 15.7.30. Appl., 15.1.25).—A hard absorbent material for storing gas or liquids, e.g., ammonia, is composed of a halide of a metal of group I I with, in addition, zinc oxychloride, alundum cement, and, if desired, sodium silicate. Methods of pre­

paration are described. B. M. V e n a b le s . C om pression refrigerating apparatus. S u l z e r F r è r e s Soc. A n o n . (B.P. 342,188, 12.3.30. Switz., 4.7.29).

T herm al insulator (U.S.P. 1,770,663). Cyclone apparatus (U.S.P. 1,773,840). D etecting foreign m atter in flu ids (B.P. 341,086).—See X I.


P lastom eter : an instru m en t for m easuring the plastic properties of coal. J . D'. D a v i s (Ind. Eng.

Chem. [Anal.], 1931., 3, 43—45).—An instrum ent is described which is designed to enable measurements to be made of the plasticity of coal within the plastic range and of the tem perature limits of the plastic range. I t consists of a cylindrical steel retort, 5 in. by I f in., mounted on a tubular axle and placed in the middle of a cylindrical furnace ; the retort is capable of rotation at constant speed. Through the axle passes a shaft fitted with five blades which just clear the inside of the retort, whilst the outer end of the shaft carries a graduated brass disc and a pulley, to which are attached a chain and spiral spring. The plastic stage of the coal is indicated by the development of tension in the spring.

H . F . Gil l b e. Pétrographie stu d y of bitum inous coal b ri­

q uettes. II. Bode (Brennstoff-Chem., 1930, 11, 476—

478 ; 1931, 12, 7—9).—Briquettes of a blend of “ fat ” and “ lean ” coals possessed much less resistance to abrasion than those made under the same conditions from a blend of “ fat ” and “ forge ” coals. Both coal blends had approximately the same sieve analysis.

Pétrographie examination showed th a t the lower strength of the former briquettes was due to the greater vitrain content of the lean coal ; under the pressure used in manufacturing the briquettes, the more brittle vitrain particles readily broke down, leaving hollow spaces within the briquette, and thereby bringing about a decrease in strength. The presence of fusain in the coal affected the strength of the briquettes adversely, unless a correspondingly higher proportion of pitch was used. The pitch was absorbed into the pores of the larger particles of fusain ; the very fine fusain (under O '12 mm.) was harmless, and absorbed no more pitch than the same sized vitrain or durain.

A. B. Ma n n in g. N ature of coal b itum ens. G. Stadnikov and R. W a h n er (Brennstoff-Chem., 1931, 12 , 23—25. Cf.

Stadnikov and Weizmann, B., 1929,1002).—A number of Russian coals have been extracted successively with

b :2


B r itis h C h em ica l A b s tr a c ts —B ,

l'S 2 Cl. H . — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta b ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

(a) benzene-alcoliol under the ordinary pressure (yield­

ing bitumen-A), {b) benzene under increased pressure (bitumen-5), and (c) benzene-alcohol under the ordinary pressure after an intervening treatm ent with hydro­

chloric acid (bitumen-C). The yields of bitumen-(7 were in many cases greater than those of bitum en-5.

The m.p., acid, saponification, and iodine values of the products have been determined. Bitumen-B appears to be a decomposition product of organic acids of high mol. wfc., which exist in the coal in the form of salts insoluble in benzene-alcohol. Bitumen-C is derived from salts of similar acids, which, however, are stable a t 250—260°, and are therefore not extracted by benzene under pressure. A. B. M a n n in g .

F leissner coal-drying process for lignite. H.

K l e i n (Braunkohle, 1930, 29, 1—10, 21—30 ; Chem.

Zentr., 1930, ii, 172).—The amount of water evolved in the steaming period increases rapidly with rising steam temperature, in the release period it rises to a maximum, whilst in the aeration period it is always diminished. Most of the water is evolved in a short steaming period. The liberation of liquid water results from a change in the capillary surface of the colloidal coal substance. The increasing hydrophobia of the capillary surfaces is due to gradual conversion of humic acid into humin, with liberation of carbon dioxide.

Associated phenomena, and the genetic relation of bituminous with brown coal, are discussed.

A. A. E ld r d d g e . Benzine obtained b y the hydrogenation of brown coal under high pressure but w ithout the addition of tar. J. V a r g a and I. M a k r a y (Brennstoff-Chem., 1931, 12, 21—22).—The hydrogenation was carried out in a rotating autoclave, each charge consisting of 2200 g. of brown coal and 330 g. of iron oxide. The initial hydrogen pressure was 110 atm. ; the autoclave was heated to 470° and allowed to remain a t th a t tem ­ perature for 1—2 min. About 50% of the coal was converted into benzene-soluble products. The fraction boiling to 230° amounted to about 400 c.c. from each hydrogenation. A number of such fractions were com­

bined and on analysis gave : bases 3-0% , phenol 1-58%, cresol and higher phenols 19-42%, unsaturated com­

pounds 6-6%, benzene 0-7% , toluene 2-0% , xylene 2-65%, other aromatic hydrocarbons 6-13%, paraffins and hydroaromatic compounds 53 • 8%, loss 4 • 1 %. The bases were principally of tertiary character. The pro­

duct contained no naphthalene. A. B. M an n in g.

Sulphuric acid treatm ent of lignite d istil­

lates. S. R u h em a n n (Z. angew. Chem., 1931, 44, 75—82).—The action of sulphuric acid of concentration from 60% to 100% on (a) benzine recovered from the gases produced in the carbonisation of lignite and (b) the distillates of producer-gas ta r was studied. The acid and basic constituents were first removed and an attem pt was made to separate oxygen-containing con­

stituents with hydroferrocyanic acid. The oils were then fractionated and subjected to acid treatm ent. The acid of 60% conceutration was found to dissolve sulphur and oxygen compounds in the form of sulphonium and oxonium salts, the sulphur originating from thiopheu and sulphides. Only traces of alcohols and ketones were

found. Neutral or acid esters of olefines were also dis­

solved by the 60% acid. W ith increasing concentration of sulphuric acid the polymerising action of the latter intensifies and the sulphur content of the resins formed diminishes. The benzine was much more readily poly­

merised than the ta r distillate. A number of hydro­

carbons of the type CnH°»-s were identified in the pro­

ducts. W ith 96% acid aromatic hydrocarbons were sulphonated and the residue consisted of cyclic hydro­

carbons both saturated and unsaturated. Analytical methods are described in detail. The polymerisation products were depolymerised by distillation over fuller’s earth. Their mol. wts. were determined cryoscopically in benzene and other physical constants were obtained, bu t it was not possible to establish constitutional formula:, which apparently m ust be of the ring type with 3 or 4 double linkings. They bore little resemblance to the polymerisation products of limonene and terpene. In one case the fuller’s earth treatm ent yielded a hydro­

carbon C^Hgg apparently formed by the condensation of an aromatic and a hydroaromatic hydrocarbon.

C. I r w in . B erginisation of coals and ta r s . N. A. O r l o v , V . V.

T is h c h e n k o , and N. D. L i c h a t s c h e v (J. Appl. Chem., Russia, 1930, 3, 699—719).—Pobedinski, Bobrikovski, Shchekinski, Balkasliit, and Barsas coal were submitted to berginisation in presence or absence of catalysts ; the composition of the products is tabulated. Results of the rehydrogenation of oils so obtained are also re­

corded. Phenols containing sulphur as im purity are hydrogenated more readily than pure phenols in presence of a molybdenum c a ta ly st; the product contained 67%

of ej/cZoparaffins. Xylenol, o-cresol, and quinol were hydrogenated in the presence of molybdenum.

Chem ical Abs t r a c t s. Coke “ porosity p ictu res.” F. R o l l (Brennstoff- Chem., 1931, 12, 1:—3. Cf. Zipperer and Lorenz, B., 1930, 974).—Coke structure has been studied by apply­

ing printers’ ink to a carefully ground surface of the material and using this to produce a direct contact print on paper. The structures observed have been classified ; they can be divided into two groups exhibiting continu­

ous and discontinuous porosity respectively, and these groups can be subdivided according to the shape of the pores (round or elongated), the thickness of the walls,

etc. A. B. M a n n in g .

M easurem ent of a rapidly fluctuating flow of ga s. J. G. K in g and B. H. W i l l i a m s (Dept. Sci. Ind.

Res., Fuel Res., 1930, Tech. Paper No. 27, 18 pp.).—

The use of various methods of gas-volume measurement to the blue-gas and blow-gases formed in a water-gas plant have been investigated. A P itot tube, in the case of blue-gas, was not satisfactory, but an orifice was successfully used. In a 12-in. main the orifice diameter was 6 | i n . ; 22 ft. of straight main preceded, and 12 ft. followed, the orifice in order to eliminate turbulence. Pressure measurements, given by a record­

ing differential meter, were found to provide low results in comparison with a calibrated gas-holder, but an inclined pressure-gauge was then developed which was satisfactory. A difference of 0 • 5 in. water-pressure gave a displacement of 4 in. in this gauge, and movement of


B ritis h C h em ical A b s tr a c ts —B ,

Cl. I I . — Fu u l ; Ga s ; Ta b ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s. 2 8 3

the meniscus was recorded continuously by a photo­

graphic method on a moving strip of paper. The instrument was calibrated and showed a direct relation between displacement and pressure drop over the range explored ; the total gas volume was determined by integration of an area marked on the chart and inter­

preted in the ordinary way. For the air supplied to the plant, a main 14 J- in. in diam., with an orifice of in., was used; Pitot-tube measurements were taken for comparison, at varying distances from the centre of the main. The results agreed within about 1%, b u t the Pitot-tube method is less satisfactory as it necessitates preliminary exploration of the system, and where the duration of the air stream is short this is often difficult.

As the deflexions obtained in the orifice-plate method are also larger, they are more likely to be accurate.

E . H . Gr if f it h. Bitumen from bitum inous sands. K. A. C la r k (Nature, 1931, 127, 199).—The 2>h of bituminous sands varied from 2-5 to 6• 4. Separation .of the bitumen by washing with hot water is improved as the f a approaches 6-4 ; sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate have been used for this purpose. A preliminary washing of a;

bituminous sand with cold water reduces the am ount of alkali required and helps to remove clay, which appears to hinder separation. L. S. T h e o b a ld .

Rapid determ ination of benzol and phenol in amm oniacal and w a ste liquors. W. M u n z (Brenn- stoff-Chem., 1931, 12, 3—4).—Benzol is determined by passing about 10 litres of the liquor, in 1 hr., up through a cylindrical tube packed with activated charcoal (100—150 g.). The charcoal is then allowed to drain and the benzol is driven off by a current of superheated steam, condensed, and measured. Phenol is determined by adding ammoniacal copper sulphate to 25 c.c. of the filtered liquor, in a 250-c.c. distilling flask, until the liquid over the precipitate remains blue. Then 5 c.c.

of 40% sodium hydroxide are added and the whole is heated until free from ammonia. The flask is attached to a condenser and a current of carbon dioxide is passed through the solution until neutralisation is complete.

The whole is then distilled to dryness in a gentle current of carbon dioxide and the phenol content of the distillate is determined by titration with bromate-bromide

solution. A . B. M a n n in g .

Rapid determ ination of asphaltic precipitates by vacuum filtration. P. W o o g and J. G iv a u d o n (Bull. Soc. ¿him., 1930, [iv], 47, 1419—1420).—Neither sintered glass crucibles nor Gooch crucibles containing filter paper, cellulose, or mixtures of silica and cellulose are suitable for filtration of the asphaltic precipitate obtained by addition of light petroleum to oils. Talc, without any binding agent, permits the total separation of the asphalt, but adsorbs colouring m atter from the solution, and the results are liigh. Rapid and efficient filtration is possible through a layer of powdered glass (0-058 mm. mesh) in a sintered glass crucible ; the precipitate and filter pad are easily removed.

H. F. G i l l b e .

^N atu ral ga s. V. A. S o k o lo v (Neft, Choz., 1930,18, 793—796).—N atural gas from Surakhani, Grozni, and Dagestanskie Ogni contains, respectively, air 1-0, 1-0,

1 -0 ; carbon dioxide 18-2, —, 7 -5 ; methane 77-5, 5 1 -8 ,8 9 -0 ; ethane 2-0, 10-7, 1-9 propane 0■ 8, 25• 1, 0 -6 ; butane 0-5, 8-8, 0-6% . Grozni gas contains 1-9% of hydrocarbons higher than butane.

Ch em ical Ab s t r a c t s. Shirak crude oil. V. N. Kh u d a k o v (Neft. Clio/.., 1930, 18, 543—550).—The oil has d 0• 8074—0• 885, flash point 0°, and contains gasoline (d 0-7307) 15%, kerosene (¿0-8074) 35%, and residue (¿0-9023) 50%.

Chem ical Ab s t r a c t s. Sakhalin crude o ils. S. S. N a m e tic in and E. M.

S h aehnazarova (Neft. Choz., 1930, 19, 290—291).—

Crude oils from the Ekhabi district and Kadzussa (wells Nos. 2 and 3) are described.

Chem ical Ab s t r a c t s. Crude oil from gu sh ers in M aikop. M . A.

B e s t u z h e v and P . A . M a la s h k in (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 965—970).—Oil from the layer e contains paraffin, 37—38% of a fraction having b.p. below 200°, and 15—16% of kerosene (d 0-837). Cracking with re­

cycling gave 37% of gasoline, 48% of fuel oil, and 15%

of gas." C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s . B righ t stock s from Grozni crude oil. A. N.

S a k h a n o v , L . G. Z h e r d e v a , and G. V. P o ly a n s k a i a (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 800—805).—The production of a bright stock from bottom oils of Grozni paraffinic fuel oil is described, and the characteristics of the oils are recorded. C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s .

Naphthenic acid content of E m ba crude oil and d istillates. T. Y u is t a v k in a (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 1000).—Crude oil contained 0-43—0-74% of acids;

distillates contained 0-18—1-44%, of mol. wt. 218—

466. The yield from sludge was lower. The composi­

tion of salted-out sludges is recorded.

Chem ical Ab s t r a c t s. A ction of sulphuric acid on the ligh test products obtained in vapour-phase cracking of crude oil.

M. B. M a r c o v ic h and Y. V. P i g u l e v s k i (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 627—640).—The “ amylene ” fraction, con­

taining about 43% of dissolved gases, was treated with sulphuric acid at —45°, the product being fractionally distilled and saponified ; 66% or 75% acid dissolves more polymerides than 85% acid. From 12-8 to 25-5% of the gas was converted into alcohols.

Chem ical Ab st r a c t s. Sem i-cracking [of fuel oil]. K. P. L ik h u s h in (Rep. Sci. Tech. Council Oil Ind., Baku [1929], 1930, I [Cracking], 45— 60).—The feasibility of obtaining a fuel oil which can be easily pumped through pipe-lines over long distances in cold weather has been investi­

gated. Sakhurani paraffin-base fuel oil when cracked in a Pintsch gas producer afforded 67-5% of fuel oil, d 0-8779, cold test — 15° (with gasoline 9-68% , gas 10%, composition recorded), or when cracked in a coil a t 500°

gave a- fuel oil, ¿0-878, cold t e s t —5° to —T .

Chem ical Abs t r a c t s. Cracking and destructive hydrogenation of peat tar. B. K . K lim o v and V. A. L a n in (J. Appl. Chem., Russia, 1930, 3 , 727—740).—Cracking of low-tempera- ture carbonisation peat ta r in a rotating autoclave afforded 30% of products having b.p. below 200° and 35% of coke. Admission into a. bomb of insufficient


B r itis h C h em ical A b s tr a c ts —B .

2 8 4 Cl. I I . — Fu e l ; Ga s ; Ta r ; Mi n e r a l Oi l s.

hydrogen for complete hydrogenation results in the production of coke even in presence of aluminium oxide or hydroxide, chromic, manganic, stannic, or cupric oxide. Zinc, ferrous, and particularly nickel and cobalt oxides are better hydrogenation catalysts, coke not being formed ill presence of the last two. Hydrogena­

tion at 100 atm. and 450° yielded 27% of gasoline, or 20% after treatm ent of the distillate with acid and alkali. A higher temperature or longer heating increased the yield of light products, gases, and coke. A kerosene fraction (37%) contained phenols 30, bases 5-4, and unsaturated compounds 14%. Repeated hydrogenation affords 48% of gasoline (35%, d 0-760, after treatm ent with acid and alkali). C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s .

Condensation of hydrocarbons. B. K. T a r a s o v and N. V. P o p o v a (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 992—995).—

A cracked gasoline of b.p. below 200° and one to which benzene (10%) was added were treated with 90%

sulphuric acid at 0°, distilled, and the fractions treated with 98% sulphuric acid. These fractions were free from unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, the latter being present only in the higher-fraction polymerides.

In the presence of 60% of unsaturated hydrocarbons only one third is converted into acid-soluble compounds, the remainder undergoing further change.

Chemical Abstr a c t s. Steam in rectification of petroleum products.

A . T r e g u b o v (Azerbaid. Neft. Choz., 1929, No. 12, 37—51).—Calculations are given. Saturated steam produces a very small temperature interval within the rectifying column ; large amounts of petroleum vapours and reflux oil are carried over. In the presence of super­

heated steam, distillation proceeds under conditions comparable with those obtaining in the absence of water vapour. C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s .

O xidisability of m ineral oils. B. G. T u ic h in ix and K. I. I v a n o v (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 979—991).—

Baku gas oil, washed after treatm ent with anhydrous sulphuric acid, is oxidised in 3 his. a t 150° by oxygen at 15 atm., giving an oil of saponif. value 104-3 ; when 6% oleum is used the value is 63. The oxidisability of the oil is increased by treatm ent with 50% alcohol.

Treatment with sulphur dioxide affords an oil of saponif.

value 112-6 after oxidation. Addition of potassium, sodium, lithium, iron, or manganese salts of naphthenic acids increases the oxidisability of an acid-treated oil.

Chem ical Abstracts. Effect of treating [with fu ller’s earth etc.] on the oxidisab ility and oilin ess of lubricating oils.

N. I. Tsc h e r n o s h l’k o v and A. M. G u t z a it (Neft. Choz., 1930, 18, 806—817).—Emba spindle oil was most oily when treated with 15% of fuller’s earth. The degree of wetting is independent of the acidity. Treatment with 5% of silica gel is equivalent to th a t with 18%

of fuller’s earth. Experiments on the formation of asphalt or hydroxy-acids by oxidation with oxygen, and on the production of stable oils, from Baku and Emba oils are described. C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s .

Effect of tem perature on form ation of fatty acids in oxidation of paraffin w ax. I. G u t t and A. P l o t k o (Azerbaid. Neft, Choz., 1930, No. 9, 10S—116).—

Increase in the velocity of the air blown through the

heated wax or in the time of oxidation does not affect the yield of acids, bu t decreases th a t of acids soluble in light petroleum and increases th a t of hydroxy-acids;

the mol. wt. of the products is decreased. The optimal tem perature is 150°, the yield of hydroxy-acids being controlled by the time. Oxidation of the unsaponifiable residue does not yield hydroxy-acids.

Chem ical Ab s t r a c t s. Refining of shale oil w ith silica gel and bauxite.

B. S a l a d i n i (Industria chimica, 1929, 1132—1137;

Chem. Zentr., 1930, ii, 172).—Both silica gel and bauxite are suitable as refiners and especially as sulphur absorbents. The sulphur content was reduced by 70%

with the former and by 50% with the latter. The spent absorbents can be reactivated by heating a t 200—500°.

L. S. T h e o b a ld . Corrosive action of naphthenic acids in Maikop petroleum . A. V d ib o r o v a (Azerbaid. Neft. Choz., 1920, No. 9, 117—121).—Corrosion of the refinery equip­

ment is due to naphthenic acids and not to sulphur compounds. C h e m ic a l A b s t r a c t s .

Determ ination of arom atic, unsaturated, and naphthene hydrocarbons in lig h t o ils and m otor sp irits. A. B. M a n n in g and E. M. E. S h e p h e r d (Dept, Sci. Ind. Res., Fuel Res., 1930, Tech. Paper No. 2S, 14 pp.).—Largely a report of work by Manning (B., 1929,546) already abstracted. The following observations appear to be new. In cases where no unsaturated com­

pounds are present in the original oil, the absorption of aromatic substances can be carried out with 98%

sulphuric acid containing 2—3% of silver sulphate ; this method gives a result by direct weighing. Errors in the determinations arise from (i) incomplete oxidation of unsaturated compounds or their polymerides, (ii) partial attack of saturated hydrocarbons, and (iii) uncertainty as to the degree of nitration of different aromatic hydrocarbons. Methods for overcoming or evaluating these errors are described, and numerous results are given for artificial mixtures of known com­

position. F urther investigation of residual saturated hydrocarbons, containing both cyclic and opeu-cliain compounds, has been attem pted. Measurements depend­

ing on critical dissolution points in aniline are considered unsatisfactory, and an alternative is proposed in which naphthenes are dehydrogenated by passage over heated palladium-black, the resulting aromatic hydro­

carbons being determined as before, Loss of hydrogen, however, is not complete unless the opeu-cliain hydro­

carbons are also partly attacked. R. II. G r i f f i t h . Petrol w ith a benzol value up to 71% b y cracking at reduced tem perature. G. E g l o f f and E . F.

N e l s o n (Petroleum, 1931, 27, 59—60).—Six different oils treated a t 497—520° and under 210—350 lb. pressure yielded 53—78% of petrol (calc, on raw oil) of benzene value 54—71%. The method of treatm ent and the results of experiments are described.

II. E. B la y d e n . D eterm ination of hydrogen sulphide in [oil]

refinery s till g a ses. A. R. S c h a r n a g e l and A. W.

T r u s t y (Ind. Eng. Chem. [Anal.], 1931, 3, 29).—The iodometric method is unsatisfactory because of the reaction between the iodine and unsaturated hydrocar­


Powiązane dokumenty

ferably carried out in the pfesence of sufficient acid or acid-reducing agent to bring the p a of the liquor to 2—4. At intervals along the drying chamber the air is

Maturation in presence of oxygen leads to the formation of soda- soluble derivatives (? oxycellulose), the proportion of which increases with the am ount of

diagrams. The filtrate is treated with an equal volume of ether, and hydrogen chloride is passed for 1 hr. after the liquid phase becomes homogeneous. The precipitated

Manufacture of complex metal [organic] com ­ pounds. > 26, other than alkali and alkaline-earth metals, is combined with a monocarboxylic sugar acid or its lactone and

apparatus. Free fatty acids developed more rapidly in the non-homogenised than in the homogenised emulsions, due, possibly, to the presence of anaerobic

D istillation of su b stan ces that are liquid at d istillation tem perature. The desired fractions of heavy oil and the light oil are condensed in separate

T. The residuum is cracked and separated by fractionation into synthetic gasoline b.p. by commingling with the light, cracked, gas-oil stock derived from the

drawn. The extraction is limited to 4 hr. For the analysis of the residue the material is finely divided and extracted without previous drying. A residue of glue in