• Nie Znaleziono Wyników


to it. Cu cannot be extracted in th e same "way as Ni, owing to its insolubility in 10% H 2S 0 4, > 6— 12%

being thus removed. Aeration of the emulsion somewhat raises extraction (30%), w ithout lowering the quality of the fat. Electrolytic oxidation of Cu to CuO raises its solubility in H 2S 0 4 (50% extraction), b u t oxidation of fa t also occurs. The best results were given by heating with 100% excess of 10%

H 2S 0 4 containing 10% of H N 0 3, in presence of 0-4%

of sulphonic acids, when only undeterminable traces of Ni and 0-05—0-1 p.p.m. of Cu remain in the fat.

R . T.

E xp erim en tal soap m a k in g . D. C. Ev a n s (J.

Chem. Educ., 1937, 14, 534—536).—Laboratory

preps, are described. L. S. T.

W hale prod ucts [oils] in th e m anufacture of soap and sulphonated o ils. K . Li n d n e r (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 45, 76—81).—The deodorisation, polymerisation, and hydrogenation of whale oils and the use of the products in the m anufacture of soap and sulphonated oils are discussed. E . L.

P h ysico-ch em ical soap a n a ly sis. H . Fl a m m e r

(Fette u. Seifen, 1938,45,133—137).—The significance and the m easurement of y, p n, and foaming properties

are discussed. E. L.

H eat of com p ressive sw e llin g of soap s. H.

Zi l s k e (Seifens.-Ztg., 1938, 65, 17—19, 38—39, 56—57).—H eating up due to compressive swelling (which leads to a m usty odour, and m ay ultim ately cause charring of stored soap powders and flakes) is favoured by subjection of th e swelling (H20- absorbing) soap to pressure, e.g., by overlying soap;

by intim ate mixing of very finely-divided, wet and dry soap; and by too high a storage temp. Accordingly, freshly-made soap flakes should be cooled in thin layers under free ventilation before packing, and mixing of flakes of different H 20 content in silos

should be avoided. E . L.

C racking of to ilet soap s. J . M. Va l l a n c e

(Soap, 1938, 14, No. 2, 26—29, 69, 71, 73).—The various theories concerning the causes of th e cracking of milled soaps are critically examined, with especial reference to Sadgopal’s theory; besides the need for proper technique in the soap-pan and in drying, a careful balance between “ soft ” oils and high-titre fats in the fa t charge and the maintenance of even temp, during the final processes (chipping etc.) are m ost im portant if cracking is to be avoided. Super- fatting agents m ay have a useful plasticising effect.

E. L.

P reparation of h igh er fatty alcoh ols b y hydro­

gen ation of copper so a p s under p ressu re. S.

Ue n o and R. Ko m a t su (J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 1938, 41, 62— 63b).—The Cu soaps were obtained by adding aq. Cu acetate to a coconut oil soap solution.

These soaps were dried and then reduced in an auto­

clave, th e initial H 2 pressure being varied for each experiment. Results show th a t as the pressure is decreased from 70 to 30 atm . th e sap. val. of the pro­

duct rises, suggesting th a t waxy esters are produced during hydrogenation. The product obtained by hydrogenation a t 100 atm . was fractionally distilled

under reduced pressure. The distillates obtained were clear, oily liquids consisting m ainly of higher fa tty alcohols. Results show th a t the direct hydro­

genation of the Cu soap a t < 100 atm . yields a product containing approx. 70% of higher alcohols.

W. J . B.

S m a ll-sca le extraction [exp ressio n ] of p a lm o il. J . N. Mil s u m and C. D. V. Ge o r g i (Malay.

Agric. J., 1938, 26, 53—58).—A hand-operated, wooden cage-press is described. B y careful sterilising and processing (technique described) about 70—75%

of the total oil in the fru it and nuts equal in quality to the corresponding estate products can be obtained.

E. L.

P o ly m e ris a tio n of tu n g o il. I . M. T a t i h o r i (Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap an , 1938, 13, 142— 151).—

Polymerisation of tung oil a t 206—245° has been followed by measurements of its d, I val., relative y j,

and ni>°. The reaction follows a second-order equation and has a heat of activation of about 24,000 g.-cal.

J . W. S.

G elation of tu n g o il. I. E ffects of variou s fa tty o ils. M. Ta t im o r i (J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 1938, 41, 39—41b).—The fa tty oils were added in various concns. to tung oil and the gelation tim e (I) under different conditions was noted. Prelim inary tests showed th a t t is affected by th e tem p, of the experiment, the size of th e test-tube used, and the kind of tung oil. W hen fa tty oils were added th e t of the tung oil was prolonged in every case. 1 /1 and the % of fa tty oil added were in linear relationship, under th e same experimental conditions. T h e am ount of substance to be added to m ake th e t of the m ixture infinitely long is fixed, irrespective of the size of the test-tube used. Vals. for this figure for various oils a t 290° and 292° are given. W. J . B.

Influence of g o ssy p o l on unaccounted-for lo s se s of oil during production. V. Rj a d o v o i

(Maslob. Shir. Delo, 1937, No. 6, 25—26).—Dis­

crepancies between the oil content of ground cotton­

seed, as determined by extraction w ith light petroleum (I), and th e yield of oil [expressed oil + oil extracted from the cake with (I)] are due to the solubility of gossypol in (I) before, and its insolubility after,

pressing. R . T.

E ffect of a h igh -ten sio n electrica l d ischarge on contact catalytic rea ction s. III. Change of th e fatty acid s in the hydrogen ation of soy a­

bean o il. I. Seto and M. Ozaici (J. Soc. Chem.

Ind. Japan, 1937, 40, 418— 419b; cf. A., 1937, I, 470).—Fall of I val. during catalytic hydrogenation of the oil is much more rapid when a high-tension discharge is applied. Changes in th e acids present occur in the same order, and to th e same extent, w hether the discharge is applied or not, and there is no indication of polymerisation. I. C. R.

And&-assu o il. M. Sil v a (Bol. Inf. Inst. Nac.

Tech., 1937, 2, No. 5, 6 pp.).—Kernels of Joahnnesia princeps (Veloso) give a t 90° a' 50% yield of oil having d15 0-9263, n 15 1-4749, acid val. 2-3, sap.

val. 192-7, I val. (Hanus) 138-03. The oil is suitable for use in varnish and soap m anufacture.

F . R. G.


F a ts. XLV. D eterm ination of the “ hydro­

iodine '' value and its application in th e an alysis of essan g o il. XLVI. C alculation of th e com ­ p osition of fats w ith the aid of th eir analytical con stan ts. H. P. K a u fm a n n and J . B a lt e s . XLVII. D eterm ination of th e h yd roxyl values w ith acetyl chloride and p yridin e. H. P. K a u f ­ m ann and S. F u n k e . XLVIII. M e so -a n d m icr o ­ m eth o d s for an aly sis of fats. (I) Iodine value and diene v a lu e . H. P. K a u fm a n n and L. H a rtw e g (Ber., 1937, 7 0 , [5 ], 2537—2544, 2545—2549, 2549—

2554, 2554—2559; cf. B „ 1938, 196).—XLV. The

“ hydro-iodine ” val. is defined as the no. of parts of H, calc, as the equiv. am ount of I, 'which are absorbed by 100 pts. of the fat. This is determined b y direct observation of the vol. of H 2 absorbed by a known wt. of the fat dissolved in AcOH in presence of P t-S i0 2. The tim e required is usually 1—2 hr.

and the results are accurate to within about 1%.

P t-B a S 0 4 is possibly a more efficient catalyst.

Mucous m atter and other constituents of th e un­

saponifiable m atter frequently act as catalyst poisons and m ust be removed by treatm ent of the oil with fuller’s earth. Essang oil (cf. B., 1936, 607), from Ricinodendron africanum, contains eloeostearic acid (45-1), linoleic acid (15-1), oleic acid (28-0), saturated acids (6-4), unsaponifiable m atter (0-9), and glyceryl residue (4-5%).

XLVI. After a preliminary qual. analysis the com­

position of fats can be calc, from the following equations in which a — hydro-iodine val., b = I val., c = partial I val. (determined by use of Br in CC14 in the dark), d — CNS val., and e = diene val. E, L i, Le, L, O, S, TJ, and Gl are used for elseostearic, licanic, linolenic, linoleic, oleic, and saturated acids, unsaponifiable m atter, and glyceryl residue, respectively. F or fats containing L , O, and S : if b, d, and U are deter­

mined, L — l-004(& — d) ; O — 1-113(2(2— b) ; S = 100 — V — Gl — L — 0, and if a, d, and U are determined, L = l-104(a — d) ; 0 = 1 -113(2cZ — a ) ; G — 100 — U — Gl — L — 0. For fats containing Le, L, 0, and S : if b, d, S, and U are determined, Le = — (100 — U — Gl —S) + 1-104(2, L = (100 — U — Gl — G) — 1-104(2d — b), and 0 = (100 — V — Gl — G) — 1-104(6 — d) ; if a is determined in place of 6, d is substituted therefor in the equations. For fats containing E, L, O, and S : if c, d, e, and U are determined, E - l-095e; L = l-104(c — d — e ); 0 — 1-113(2<2 - c), and S = 100 - U - Gl - E - L - O . I f a is determined in place of c these equations become : E = l-095e; L = l-104(a — d — 2e); O — 1-113(2<2 + e - a), and G — 100 — U — Gl — E — L — O. F or fats containing L i, L , O, and S : if the determinations include a, d, e, and TJ, L i = l-151e;

L = l-104(a — d — 2e); O == 1-113(2(2 + e — a), and S — 100 — U — Gl — L i — L — 0. I f tho fat con­

tains E, Le, L , O, and S and c, d, e, S, and U are determined : E — l*095e; Le = — (100 — E — U — Gl - S) + 1-104((2 — e) ; L = (100 - E - U - Gl - S) - 1-104(2(2 - c ); O = (100 - E - U - Gl - S)

— l-104(c — d e), or if a, d, e, S , and U are deter­

mined, E = l-095e; Le = — (100 — E - U — Gl — S) + 1-I04(t2 — e ); L = (100 - E - U - G l - S ) - 1-104(2(2 + e - a) ; 0 = (100 - E - U - Gl - S ) - l-104(a — d — 2e). For fats containing L i, Le, L,

0, and S : if the determinations include a, d, e, S , and U, L i = l-151e; L e — — (100 — L i — TJ — Gl - S ) + 1-I04(c2 - e ) ; L = (100 - L i - U - Gl -S) - 1-104(2(2 + e - a ) ; 0 = (100 - L i - U - Gl

— S) — l-104(a — d — 2e). I f the fat contains Li, E, Le, L, 0 , and S and a, d, e, S, and V are deter­

mined : L i + E — l-122e; Le = — (100 — jLi — E - U - G l - S ) + 1-104((2 - e ); L = (100 - L i - E - U - G l - S ) - 1-104(2<2 + e - a) ; 0 = (100 — U - E - U — G l - S ) - 1-104(« - d - 2e). The above equations are valid only for fats, b u t c a n bo applied t o m ixtures o f fa tty acids if suitable vals.

are introduced, whereby U and Gl aro omitted. They can be applied only t o fats derived exclusively from fa tty acids o f the C18 series. The presence o f lower saturated fa tty acids in considerable am ount also introduces errors since these are not determined by B ertram ’s method. W ithin these limitations the glyceryl content m ay be regarded a s 4-5%.

X L V lI. The substance under investigation is weighed into a round-bottomed flask, the am ount being such th a t a t least 100% excess of AcCl is u lti­

mately present. The sample is dissolved in 5 c.c. of anhyd. C5H 5N and treated with 5 c.c. of 1— 1-5m- AcCl from a “ Derona ” burette the top of which dips just below the surface of the solution. The flask is closed with a rubber stopper and heated for 5 min., with continuous shaking, a t 65—70°. The m ixture is cooled and 10 c.c. of H 20 are added, after which it is heated to boiling under reflux for 5 min.

After being cooled it is titrated with O-Sn-KOH- E tO H in presence of phenolphthalein. A blank experiment is necessary. OH val. = [(blank — main) X 28-055]/(wt. of substance) + acid val. The new method is very rapid and gives more accurate results th an those obtained by the filtration and distillation method and double hydrolysis. The OH vals. of OH-acids can be determined if estolides aro absent.

X L V III. The term “ m eso ” is used in place of semi-micro. For the micro-determination of tho, I val. 0-01—0-015 g. of tho fat is dissolved in 2 c.c. of CHC13 and treated from a Derona burette with 5 c.c.

of 0-lN-Br in MeOH saturated with NaBr. After 15 min. as a max. 3 c.c. of 10% K I are added and the liberated I is titrated with 0-05N-Na2S20 3. A blank experiment is necessary. During the short time required there is no action by diffused daylight.

There is little tendency towards substitution by Br, so th a t accurate results are obtained with cholesterol and castor oil. For the determ ination of th e diene val. 0-01 g. of the substance is heated at 100—130°

with 10 c.c. of 0-2N-maleic anhydride in PhMe ip, a sealed tube. After about 2 hr. th e tube is ogSned and the experiment finished as in the macro-method.

H. W.

E x t r a c t i o n o f o i l s e e d s . V. Me r z (Ole, F ette, Wachse, 1936, 1, No. 15, 3—5).—Some of the advan­

tages of the older and simpler types of stationary extraction plant aro briefly in dicated; a new system of continuous extraction, avoiding the disadvantages of existent systems, is mentioned (without details).

E. L.

C o m p o s i t i o n o f t h e o i l p h a s e o f s e e d s . A. M.

Go l d o v s k i and M. I. Li s c h k e v i t s c h (Maslob. Shir.


Delo, 1937, No. 6, 7—8).—The phosphatide and unsaponifiable m atter contents of oil expressed from whole sunflower-seed kernels were, respectively, 0-041 and 0-7%, as compared with 0-051 and 0-86% for cottonseed and 0-037 and 0-48% for groundnuts;

the corresponding vals. for the oil expressed from ground kernels were 0-049 and 0-75, 0-064 and 0-8, and 0-028 and 0-45%, and for the oil extracted with light petroleum 0-311 and 0-95, 0-426 and 1-15, and 0-25 and 0-66%. The sterol content of sunflower-seed oil obtained in the above three ways is 0-3, 0-3, and 0-52%, respectively. - I t is concluded th a t phos­

phatides are present chiefly in the aq., unsaponifiable m atter in the oily phases, and sterols equally in both the aq. and the oily phases. R. T.

P h o sp h o ru s -c o n ta in in g c o n s titu e n ts of c e rta in o leag in o u s see d s. M. I . Li s c h k e v it s c h (Maslob.

Shir. Dclo, 1937, No. 6, 9—10).—The total and phos­

phatide P 20 5 and phytin contents of a no. of seeds w ere: soya 1-53—1-69, 0-0813—0-1403, 1-37— 1-39;

cotton 1-84—2-28, 0-1098—0-1540, 2-17—2-64; flax 1-47—1-73, 0-0385—0-0633, 1-47— 1-72; sunflower 1-70, 0-00744, 2-01; and groundnut 1-05, 0-0388,

1-13%, respectively. R. T.

E le m e n ta r y c o m p o sitio n of lin s e e d oil. E.

Fritz(Ole, Eette, Wachse, 1937, 2 , No. 7, 5— 6).—I t is pointed out as remarkable th a t of 24 combustion analyses of linseed oil reported in the literature, 19 record figures for % C (74-4— 77-58, of which 15 are

< 77-0) considerably < th e theoretical figure of 77-877-9% , which can be calc, from the known composition of the oil. The remaining 5 reported figures range from 78-09 to 78-86. E. L.

In flu en ce of v a rio u s tu rp e n tin e oils on th e v elo city of o x id a tio n of lin se e d oil. H. C. Co h e n

(Verfkroniek, 1938, 11, 27—29).—The rate of absorp­

tion of 0 2 by linseed oil is increased by the addition of turpentine oil, the magnitude of the effect depending on tho peroxide content of the latter. Gum turpentine and wood turpentine gave similar results when of similar peroxide content. D. R. D.

S u n flo w er-seed h u s k s , a n d t h e i r in flu en c e on th e q u a lity of th e see d o il. A. Skipin and G.

P a v l o v (Maslob. Shir. Delo, 1937, No. 6, 5—7).—The husks contain up to 11% of fat, m .p. 46-5—47-5°, containing N 0-12—0-2 and P 20 5 0-055—0-065%, with 2% of unsaponifiable m a tte r; protein is absent.

The fat dissolves in sunfiower-seed oil a t 48°, separat­

ing a t 25° as a white, flocculent ppt. R. T.

Im p ro v e m e n t of q u a lity of su n flo w e r-se e d oil.

A. - Tscheenuchxn and I. Eng el (Maslob. Shir.

Delo, 1937, No. 6, 13—14).—The oil is deodorised by. passing in steam a t 150—170° for 45 min.

R. T.

F a t c h e m is try . L II I. D e v e lo p m e n t of n ew G e rm a n o il re s o u rc e s . I I I . L im e -tre e see d oil.

H . P. Ka u f.m a nn and H. Fie d l e r. LIV . C o m ­ p o s itio n of T s u b a k i o il. H. P. Ka u f m a n n and J . Baltes (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 4 5 , 149—151, 152;

cf. B ., 1938, 185).—L III. The relevant literature is reviewed. Fruits of Tilia parvifolia contained 17—

28% of seeds from which 13—23% of oil could be obtained having I vals. of 119—126 according to the

tim e of harvesting. One sample of the light petroleum- extracted oil had acid val. 9-34, sap. val. 181-8, I val. 125-5, SCN val. 77-7, OH val. 9-88, un ­ saponifiable m atter 1-8%. The fa tty acids consisted of 13-7% of saturated acids and 86-3% of u n ­ saturated acids (I val. 114-1, chiefly oleic and linoleic a c id s ; linolenic acid was absent). The extracted fru it meal contained H 20 12-65, crude fibre 72—74, N 2-1, and ash 0-51%. As all wind-fallen fruits and 40% of picked ripe fruits contain no seeds, and the yield of oil on the fruits (which it is impracticable to shell) and th e val. of the meal are so low, the collec­

tion of these fruits for practical oil production cannot be recommended.

LIV. The oil (66-7%) extracted by light petroleum from kernels of Japanese Camellia japonica, L., had acid val. 1-05, sap. val. 197-2, I val. 78-0, SCN val.

76-1, unsaponifiable m atter 0-2%, saturated acids (Bertram) 11-0%, OH and polybromide vals. nil.

From these figures the oil is calc, to contain 82-6%

of oleic and 2-1% of linoleic acid, both of these acids being identified qualitatively by elaidinisation and bromination tests, respectively. The oil is a con­

venient raw m aterial for the prep, of oleic acid.

E. L.

S u ita b ility of v e g e ta b le o ils fo r m a n u fa c tu re of lu b r ic a tin g g re a s e s . E . Ga l l e and W. Fr i e d l

(Ole, F ette, Wachse, 1937, 2, No. 12, 3 pp.).—Results of experiments show th a t rape, castor, and soya-bean oils are unsuitable for use, either as the oil or the soap constituent, in greases. E . L.

E ffect of p re s e n c e of w a te r on b le a c h in g [of o ils] b y b le a c h in g e a r th s . A. Be r c z e l l e r and E . Er d ii e i m (Ole, F ette, Wachse, 1936, 1, No. 15, 1—3).—W ith m any oils (but not with a sample of hempseed oil) addition of H 20 to the oil-earth m ixture (cf. B ., 1936, 1214) improved th e bleaching action of the la tte r; the optimum am ount of H 20 (ranging from 30 to 100%, calc, on the earth used, the latter being 2—8% of the oil) depended on the kind of oil. I n general, the improvement in the bleaching due to the H 20 was more m arked in the case of the more active bleaching earths th an w ith the poorer ones. The acid val. of th e oils was not increased by the bleaching treatm en t either w ith or w ithout H 20 ; in th e case of wet soya-bean oil th e acid val. fell during bleaching. E . L.

P ro c e s s in g of w h a le s . P. L. Fa u t h (F ette u.

Seifen, 1938,4 5 , 58—60).—By thorough disintegration of the tissues (blubber, bones, or flesh) prior to rendering, high-grade oils can be rapidly recovered w ithout prolonged boiling a t high pressures and temp.

E.g., properly comminuted lean flesh needs only 4 min. treatm ent w ith H ,0 a t 95°, followed by pressing and drying to yield oil and m eat meal. F u rth er such rational working perm its the recovery of valuable by-products, e.g. blubber fibre, to be used in gelatin etc. m anufacture, bone residue for glue and meal m anufacture, etc. The endocrine glands and whale­

bone can bo utilised, and full-scale trials are in progress for th e recovery of the dried blood, of the stomach and intestines, of the liver for vitam in extraction, and of the fresh m eat for hum an con­

sumption. E . L.

Cl. X II.—FA TS; O ILS; WAXES. 547 B lu b b e r oils of se i, fin , a n d h u m p b a c k w h a le s.

Y. Toyamaand K. Uozaki(J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 1937,40,398—402b).—The oils w ereextracted by h ea t­

ing the cut-up blubber, and separated by decantation followed by ho t filtration. The characteristics of the oils and descriptions of the whales are given in detail.

The effect of heat on the properties of the blubber oils was tested by extracting the oil from one specimen of blubber and then strongly reheating the blubber, when a further qu antity of oil was obtained. No appreciable difference was found between the two samples. However, when a blubber, after the oil had been extracted once, was extracted with E t20 , the two samples were not similar in every case.

Comparison of the oils from whales from different districts, according to the sex and species, showed th a t no m arked relationship could be detected. Oils having the lower I val. generally had the higher rj.

Differences in I val. and % of E t20-insol. bromide were observed in the oils from different blubbers of the same whale, b u t no general relationship could be given. F in oils generally had the higher sap. val., and sei oils the higher % of unsaponifiable m atter.

W. J . B.

A n ta r c tic w h a le o ils. Y. Toyama and K.

Uozaki (J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 1937, 40, 462—

464b).—The characteristics of samples of com­

mercially-produced oils from the blubber and/or bones of A ntarctic blue whales (12 samples, di"

0-9123—0-9199, n f 1-4715—1-4737, sap. val. 193-1—

195-6, I val. 104-3—122-5) and mixed blue- and fin-whale oils (19 samples; characteristics, respec­

tively, 0-9123—0-9220, 1-4712—1-4739, 193-2— 195-7, 103-0—124-1) are detailed. The average I val.

(114-5) of the A ntarctic oils is th a t of the oils from Japanese sei, fin, or humpback whales (140-1, 138-5, and 135-2, respectively; see above). The yields (6-3—22-9%) and characteristics of the flesh oils from 6 parts of the body of one female fin whale are detailed (I val. 103-8 for the oil from the ventral ridgy flesh; 134-3—144-8 for oils from other parts).

E. L.

W h ale p ro d u c ts [oils] fo r lig h tin g a n d in s te a r in e m a n u fa c tu re . G. von Krug er (F ette u.

Seifen, 1938, 45, 81—84).—The uses of train (?

sperm) oil as lamp oil, of spermaceti for candles, and of whale stearin (pressed fish tallow) and hydro­

genated whale oils for the production of candle

stearines are reviewed. E. L.

S ig n ific an ce of w h a le o il in p a in t tech n o lo g y . H . F a w e l z l k (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 45, 84—86).—

Possible methods (polymerisation, dehydrogenation, etc.) for improving the properties of whale oil as a

paint oil are reviewed. E. L.

W h ale o il a n d lin o le u m m a n u fa c tu re . F.

Fritz (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 45, 88—90).—Requisite modifications of th e ordinary blowing processes so th a t oxidised whale oil m ay be used in conjunction with linoxyn in the m anufacture of linoleum cement are described. The marine oils lose their fishy odour

on oxidation. E. L.

A p p lic a tio n s of w h a le o il in th e le a th e r in d u s ­ tr y . F. Stath e r (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 45, 86—

87).—A lecture. E. L.

F a t c h e m is try . L II. W h ale p ro d u c ts in p h a rm a c y , w ith esp e cial re fe re n c e to [h y d ro ­ g e n a te d ] w h a le fa ts . H. P. Ka u f m a n n (F ette u.

Seifen, 1938, 45, 94—104).—The chemistry of sperm- whale blubber and head oils and the chemistry and pharmaceutical uses of spermaceti and cetyl alcohol are reviewed a t length, and the possible application of “ whale fa t,” i.e., hydrogenated whale oil, in medicine and especially in pharmacy as a component of salves etc. is discussed. E. L.

W hale o rg a n s a s r a w m a te r ia l fo r re co v ery of h o rm o n e s a n d v ita m in s . C. Bomskov and F.

Un g e r (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 45, 90—94).—The preservation and utilisation of the hypophysis and corpus luteum as sources of hormones, and of the liver as a source of vitam in-A , aro particularly

discussed. E. L.

C h e m is try of w h a le oil a n d its s ta n d a r d is ­ a tio n . A. Schw ieger (Fette u. Seifen, 1938, 45, 64—73).—Inform ation from the literature concerning the analytical characteristics, composition, and bio­

chemistry of the various whale oils (including sperm

chemistry of the various whale oils (including sperm