• Nie Znaleziono Wyników


H o m o lo g u es of P a ris -g r e e n . I I I . M e m b e rs of tb e oleic a n d lin o le ic ac id s e rie s . F. E. De a r­ born (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 140—143; cf. B., 1937, 711).—Crotonic, oleic, erucic, an d linoleic acids form homologous complexes, the ratio CuO : As20 3 being approx. 4 : 3 . A. G. P.

E ffect of d iffe re n t so a p s on fo r m a tio n of so lu b le a rs e n ic fr o m le a d a r s e n a te in so ft a n d b a r d w a te r s . J . M. Gin s b u r g (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 583—590).—In Pb arsenate (I) sprays made with soft H 20 the increase in sol. As content following addition of soaps is oc the am ount of soap used.

H ard H 20 increases the solubility of As from (I), the effect being restricted by addition of sol. soaps and of certain insol. metallic soaps, notably Al palm itate, Ca oleate, and certain Zn soaps. The action of hard H 20 in increasing the sol. As is very largely due to its CO," and HCO,' contents.

A. G. P.

E ffect of fe rric oxide on a c id le a d a r s e n a te a s a s to m a c h p o iso n a n d re p e lle n t fo r J a p a n e s e b e e tle . W. E. Flem ing and F . E. Ba k e r (J.

Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 562).—Addition of Fe?0 3 to Pb arsenate sprays for the purpose of minimising As injury to foliage reduced the insecticidal val. and repellent properties of the spray. A. G. P.

A d h e ren ce a n d r a te of s e ttlin g of le a d a rs e n a te d u s ts fo r a u to g iro a n d a e ro p la n e a p p lic a tio n . C. C. Hamilton (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 399—

404).—Admixture of oil with P b arsenate (I) im ­ proved its adherence to foliage, fish oil being the most effective. The increased rate of settling through air of (I)-oil preps, is oc the am ount of oil present. Both adherence and rate of settling are further improved by incorporation of “ celite ” (diatomaceous earth) with the (I)-oil m ixture. A. G. P.

S tic k e rs a n d s p r e a d e r s u s e d in le a d a r s e n a te s p ra y s fo r c o d lm g -m o th c o n tro l. S. W. Har­ man (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 404—407).—

Among various spreaders and stickers examined, soya-bean flour (1 lb. per 100 gals, of spray) used with Ca(OH), produced the heaviest coverage and the best control of codling moth. A. G. P.

E ffect of c e rta in c o d lin g -m o th s p r a y sch e d u le s o n o th e r o rc h a rd in s e c ts . C. R . Outrig h t (J.

Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 413—417).—All-season spray schedules of phenotliiazine (I) did no t give satisfactory control of red mite, curculio, or codling moth, but reduced the population of green-apple aphis. O il-“ ortho-nicotine ” (H ) controlled green- apple aphis and red mite, but no t curculio or codling moth. Use of Pb arsenate as the calyx spray followed by (I) or (II) schedules gives better control of codling moth and especially of curculio th an adoption of all­

season schedules of (I) or (II). A. G. P.

M eth y l b ro m id e fu m ig a tio n of c o d lin g -m o th larvae. (C o rrectio n .) D . L. Lin d g r e n (J. Econ.

Entom ., 1937, 30, 381; cf. B., 1938, 207).—The commercial product used contained 7% of MeBr.

Complete kill of the larvae was obtained by use of 5 lb. of fum igant per 100 cu. ft. A. G. P.

N a tu r a l cry o lite fo r c o d lin g -m o th c o n tro l.

I. D . Dobroscky (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 656—

658).—Cryolite sprays m arkedly reduced the no. of

“ stings ” an d entries of codling m oth into fru it and caused no injury a t temp. <37-8°. CaO, as such, or in CaO-S or Bordeaux mixture, is incompatible with natural cryolite. The removal of F spray residues is facilitated by addition of 1—2% of H 3B 0 3 to the

1—2% HCl wash liquid. A. G. P.

R e a c tio n s of a p h id s to c o lo u re d in s e c tic id e s.

J . B. Moore(J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 305—309).—

The attraction of M yzus persicce to potato foliage sprayed with Bordeaux m ixture is due to the increased intensity of light reflected from the sprayed surface.

Infestation of cabbage aphid was diminished by dyeing the dusts used, black dusts being the most effective in this respect. A. G. P.

E x te n d e d in s e c tic id a l u s e s of c o a l- ta r d is til­

la te s . M. H. Do n e r (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 374).—Emulsions of the distillate m ay be used as cover sprays in aphid control. P la n t injury by higher concns. in th e emulsion is prevented by additions of CaO. Addition of the emulsion to dorm ant or post- dorm ant CaO-S preps, improves coverage an d efficiency. The emulsions serve as effective spreading and adhesive agents for Pb arsenate and Bordeaux

mixtures. A. G. P.

G re n z r a d io g r a p h s of s u lp h u r [sp ra y ] d is ­ p e rs io n on fo liag e. G. F . McLe o d and H. F . Sherwood (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 395—398).—

H ard X-rays are no t absorbed by the fine S particles forming a spray deposit. The use of Grenz radio­

graphs in examinations of the nature and persistence of S spray residues is described. A. G. P .

C o n ta c t in s e c tic id a l p r o p e rtie s of d e riv a tiv e s of cy cio h ex y lam in e. C. W. Ke a r n s and W. P.

Fl in t (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 158—166).—

Substitution of iV-H in q/cZohexylamine by alkyl produces substances of toxicity > when the sub­

stitution is by acyl, aryl, or aralkyl. The toxicity of such substances increases with the no. of C in the alkyl group, possibly as a result of improvem ent in penetrating properties, which more an d more resemble those of petroleum oil as the series is ascended.

iV-Acyl substitution of th e remaining H in iV-amyl- cycZohexylamine is associated with increased toxicity, whereas substitution by iV-propionyl or iV-butyryl resulted in loss of toxicity. Benz- and acet-iV-amyl- cj/ctohexylamide possess exceptionally high toxicities to the aphid M yzus porosus. A. G. P.

C o n tro l of r e d s p id e r o n g re e n h o u s e c ro p s w ith s u lp h u r a n d cy elo h ex y lam in e d e riv a tiv e s. C. C.

Comptonand C. W. Ke a r n s (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 512—522).— “ Selocide ” (I) (8% of K N H 4 selenosulphide), N H 4 polysulphide, and a derivative of cycfohexylamine (II) gave effective control and caused no foliage in ju ry to m any species. Rose was very sus­

ceptible ; (I) and (H) caused least damage. A. G. P.

P y r e th r u m a s a n in se c tic id e fo r c a b b ag e w o rm s . H . C. Hu ck e t t (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 323—328).—Dusts prepared with pyrethrum of low pyrethrin content were more efficient th an those with high pyrethrin vals. As a diluent clay was less satisfactory th a n talc, gypsum, or infusorial earth.

A. G. P.

Cl. XVI.—AGRICULTURE. 567 B io lo g y a n d c o n tro l of th e ju n ip e r w e b w o rm

in M a ry la n d . G. S. Lang ford (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 320—323).—P b arsenate or pyrethrum - soap sprays proved the most satisfactory. Timing the applications is an im portant factor. A. G. P.

P P'-D ichloroethyl e th e r fo r w ire w o rm co n tro l.

R. E. Cam pbelland M. W. Stone (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 212—213).—The ether applied to soil surfaces a t the rate of 5—7 c.c./I gal./cu. ft. of soil gave 100% kill of wireworm a t depths of 4 and 8 in.

Drilling the solution below the surface improved the kill w ith smaller bu t not with larger dosages. A. G. P.

C o n tro l of w ire w o rm a n d on ion t h r ip s b y c a rb o n d isu lp h id e c a rry in g n a p h th a le n e o r

;>-dichlorobenzene. B. B. Pe p p e r (J. Econ.

Entom., 1937, 30, 332—336).—Emulsions containing

$ oz. of CS2 with 1 g. of CjoH8 or p-C0H4Cl2 (per plant) gave an 80% kill of wiroworm and caused no injury to plants, whereas J oz. of CS2 per plant gave a smaller % kill and damaged tho plants. Efficiency of CS, omulsions varied with the emulsifier used.

A. G. P.

In se c tic id e a g a in s t scale in s e c ts . P . V. Karay-

annis (B.P. 480,143, 9.8.37).—Tho prep, contains raw castor oil, N H , sulphoresinate, a- or p-C10H 7\NH2, 1- and 2-C10H / S d 3H, cresol, NH.„ Na, or K resin soap, and aromatic substances, tho p n of tho mixturo being adjusted to 8-5—9-0 with N H 3. Petroleum (d 0-780—0-855) m ay also be incorporated.

A. G. P.

T o x icity of p h e n o th ia z in e d e riv a tiv e s to culi- cine m o s q u ito larvae. P . S. Sc h a ffe r, H . L.

Ha ll er, and D. E . Fin k (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 361—363).—Eleven derivatives are examined.

Tho toxicity of 6-methylphonothiazine was approx.

50% of th a t of phenothiazine. Other derivatives

were still less toxic. A. G. P.

A n a ly sis of c o m m e rc ia l p h e n o th ia z in e u s e d a s a n in se c tic id e . L. E. Sm ith (Ind. Eng. Chem.

[Anal.], 1938, 10, 60).—Six samples of commercial phenothiazine (I) contained 1-09— 1-43% of an insol., relatively non-insecticidal, green isomeride or polymeride, determined by removing the (I) by E t20 (Soxhlet). 97-2% of (I) is recovered from E t20 as hydrochloride by dry HCI. R. S. C.

C o n tro l of larvae of th e d ia m o n d -b a c k m o th , P lu tella m a c u lip e tm is , C u rtis . H . G. Walk er

and L. D. And e r so n (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 443—448).—Derris kills newly-hatched larvas, bu t nearly full-grown larvoe were more resistant. Applic­

ation of derris dusts a t 7—10-day intervals gave good control. D crris-pyrethrum dusts were equally effective, b u t “ stabilised ” derris preps, were less

satisfactory. A . G. P.

C o n tro l of p a v e m e n t a n t a tta c k in g eg g p la n ts . H. G. Wa l k er and L. D. An d e r so n (J. Econ.

Entom ., 1937, 30, 312—314).—Among insecticides examined, halowax, “ Loro ” (org. thiocyanate), and C10H 8 gave best results, C10H 8 giving the most lasting protection bu t tending to retard growth if

placed close to roots. A . G. P.

T e s ts of c a ttle fly s p ra y s b y th e “ o ne-half cow ” m e th o d . D. MacCr e a r y and A. H . Go d d in

(J. Econ. Entom., 1937,30,478—482).—The technique of the method is critically examined. A. G. P.

O xy gen a s a fa c to r in v a c u u m fu m ig a tio n . R. T. Cotton, G. B. Wagner, and H . D. Young

(J. Econ. Entom ,, 1937, 30, 560).—Evidenco is advanced confirming the view th a t the superiority of vac. fumigation with (CH2)20 -C 0 2 over th a t a t ordinary pressures is prim arily due to 0 , deficiency.

A. G. P.

N o n -to x icity of g o ssy p o l to c e rta in in s e c ts . E. P. Br e a k e y and H . S. Olcott (Scienco, 1938, 87, 87).—Gossypol and dianilinogossypol are in­

effective either as contact or stomach poisons to woolly aphids or Mexican bean beetles. L. S. T.

M eth o d s a n d e q u ip m e n t fo r la b o ra to ry stu d ie s of in se c tic id e s. H . Waters (J. Econ. Entom ., 1937, 30, 179—203).—Equipmont for the culture of insects and plants is described. A. G. P.

L a b o ra to ry m e th o d s fo r b io lo g ic al te s tin g of in se c tic id e s. I . T e s tin g ov icid es. W . St eer

(J. Pomology, 1938, 15, 338—355).—Appropriate technique is described. A. G. P.

L a b o ra to ry m e th o d fo r te s tin g th e to x ic ity of p ro te c tiv e fu n g icid e s. H . B . S. Montgomeryand M. H. Moore (J. Pomology, 1938, 15, 253—266).—

A definite vol. of spray liquid is placed on a glass slide, spread with a needle to cover a prescribed area, and allowed to dry. A measured vol. of a suspension of spores of Venturia incequalis is placed on tho spray residue, and nos. germinating after 24 hr. in a moist chamber aro examined. Tho toxicity of Cu and S sprays is thus compared. Among org. fungicides examined, tetram ethylthiuram disulphide showed notably high toxicity. A. G. P .

C a a rs e n a te s . D e te rm in in g s u lp h u r co m ­ p o u n d s in so il a ir .—See V II. R u b b e r-y ie ld in g p l a n t s .—See X IV . S u g a r-ju ic e d efecation s lu d g e .

—See X V II. In se c tic id e .—See X X III.

See also A., I, 212, R a p id c o lo rim e tric d e te r m in ­ a tio n of K [in fe rtilis e r s ]. II, 151, C o n stitu e n ts of p y r e th r u m flo w ers. I l l , 357, V e rn a lis a tio n of c e re a ls.

Pa t e n t s.

[P re p a ra tio n of] in se c tic id e s. Rohm & Haas

Co. (B.P. 480,528, 20.8.36. U.S., 27.9.35).—Aliphatic polyeyano-compounds useful as insecticides, fungicides, and repellents for, e.g., flies, moths, animal and plant insects are prepared by the interaction of an inorg.

(Na, N H 4, Ca) thiocyanate and an org. poh'halogen compound of «£ C4 in which the C chain is interrupted by a t least one 0 , S, or N and each group of C atoms contains > 1 halogen, in a solvont (EtOH, COMe2) if desired, a t 50—150° (80—120°) and, if desired, under pressure and employing a catalyst (Cu). E.g., (CHjCl-CH^O (143), anhyd. NaSCN (240) in COMeBu^

(140), and Cu (3 pts.) a t 120—130° for 25 hr. give a product containing 87% of bis-(P-thiocyanoethyl) ether. Tho following are prepared sim ilarly: bis- (p-thiocyanoethoxymetlioxy)othane, bis-($-thiocyano- ethyl)sulphoxide, m.p. about 57-5—58-5°, 2 : 3 -bis- (c,-thiocyanoethoxy)dioxan, m.p. about 89-5—90-5°, oLx-bis-($-thiocyanoethoxy)-ethane, -butane, -heptane-,


-methane, -(}-methylpropane, -y-thiocyanopropane, -A$- butene, bis-(y-thiocyanopropoxy)methane, aa-bis-(y-thiocyanopropoxy)-$-viethylpropane, tris-($-thiocyano- ethyl)amine, and bis-(p>-thiocya?ioethyl)sulphide. Of the starting materials, 2 : 3-bis-($-cliloroethoxy)dioxan, b.p. 175—177°/14 mm., is prepared from dichloro- dioxan and 0H-[CH2J2-C1 with CaC03 in boiling C6H 6 and ay.-bis-($-chloroet]ioxy)-&P-butene from

CHMe.’CH-CHO and 0H-[CH2]2-C1 by shaking with CaCl2 and H C 02H for 19 hr. “ N. H . H.

C ell fo r tr e a tm e n t b y f e rm e n ta tio n of d o m e stic m a n u re . Ea u et As sa in iss e m e n t An c. Et a b l.

C. Gibault (B.P. 479,635, 9.2.37. Fr., 7.10.36).—

Tho top is open and air drawn through by sirnplo suction under a perforated base. B. M. V.

T re a tin g n o n -to b acco sm o k in g m ix tu r e s o r m ix tu r e s fo r g iv in g off in h a le n ts . T. D . Kelly

(B.P. 473,299, 9.4.36).—EtOH-sol. oxides or peroxides, e.g., H 20 2, B a 0 2, N20 , are incorporated with a

suitable absorbent, e.g., shredded peat. E. H . S.

S p ra y in g a p p a r a tu s [for b o p v in e s].—See I.

L iq u id s p ra y s .—See X X II. F e rm e n ta tio n [of g a rb a g e to p ro d u c e fe r tilis e r ] .—See X X III.


Influence of te m p e r a tu r e of e x h a u s te d [beet]

slices on t h e ir b e h a v io u r w h e n e n sila g e d . J.

Vondrak (Z. Zuckerind. Czeclioslov., 1938, 62, 193—

200).—In two series of experiments the unfavourable influence o f a high temp, during storage of slices was shown in tho formation of a yellowish and slimy acid product. Thore was a large contraction in vol. and a considerable loss in wt. o f dry substance and mark.

On the other hand, in another sories of experiments slices otherwise similarly treated gave practically the same results with small losses whether tho temp, were low or high. This serves as a further illustration of tho complexity of the ferm entation processes occurring in slice silos. J . P. 0 .

C o m p o sitio n of [s u g a r] ju ic e s s e p a ra te ly e x tra c te d b y v a rio u s m ills of a ta n d e m . J . G.

Sa l i n a s (Int. Sugar J., 1938, 40, 77).—In the case of a tandem consisting of two crushers and five mills, it is more economical to trea t tho juices from the last threo mills separately from the rest. They have different isoelectric points, and the elimination of their colloidal m atter is easier if separately subjected to liming and heating, as compared with treating the combined mixed juice of the tandem . Resulting from the separate evaporation of the two types of juice, a high- and a low-purity syrup m ay bo produced.

This is behoved to lead to the production of a uniform type of sugar, of higher filterability and of better grain structure, and finally to an appreciable reduction in the amount of final molasses produced. J . P. 0 .

C larifica tio n of P O J can e ju ices. J . C. B.

Davidson (Int. Sugar J., 1938, 40, 117— 11S).—

Provided P 20 5 was present to the am ount of 250—

340 p.p.m., hot-liming produced in laboratory tests a very satisfactory clarification giving a ppt. of granular nature which settled rapidly, leaving a brilliantly clear juice above. Cold-liming, on the

other hand, gave a finely-divided ppt. which settled very slowly and left a scum on top of the liquid. In the factory, hot-liming gave brilliant juices in runs from 6 to 16 hr., after which, due to the large vol.

of mud in the subsiders, the juice ra n d irty and cold- liming had to be resorted to. Davies’ fractional fiming-doublc heating process (B., 1936, 1119) a t first gave brilliantly clarified juices until the high level in the subsiders made it apparent th a t th e mud difficulty had here also to be solved. When th e rate of mud withdrawal from the subsiders was increased and the mud level in the subsiders was lowored, tho system worked very satisfactorily. J . P. O.

[S u g a r-]ju ic e c la rific a tio n w ith d e c re a se d lim e a d d itio n . N. Sz e n d e and R . Va d a s (Z.

Zuckerind. Czeclioslov., 1937, 62, 28—32).—Dif­

fusion juice a t 54° was progressively prelimed accord­

ing to the D6dek-Vasatko process (cf. B., 1937, 1256) in 3 portions during 25 min. After heating to 88°, it was carbonatated to 0-08 alkalinity, treated w ith a further 0-2% of CaO, resaturated to 0-08, filtered, heated to 88°, subm itted to second carbon- atation to 0-02 alkalinity, and finally sulphured. Juice so clarified had a purity only a little < th a t in tho clarification of which 1-25% of CaO had been used.

Its colour was n o t so good, but its Ca salts content was

about the same. J . P. 0 .

A c tio n of o x id is in g m e d ia o n b e e t ju ic e s. V.

Mocker (Z. Zuckerind. Czechoslov., 1938, 62, 185—

192).—Addition of 0-01—0-05 w t.-% of H 20 2, Cl (using chloram ine-J1), (NH4),S ,0 8, an d N H 4B 0 3 to in te r­

mediate beet juice a t 62-7° Bg. heated on a boiling water-bath for 1-—-5 hr. caused marked colour form ­ ation. A t laboratory tem p., however, H 20 2 an d Cl, in the am ounts stated, caused decolorisation up to 65% of the original colour present. J . P. O.

D e te rm in a tio n of so lu b le s ilic a in can e ju ice.

J . G. Da v ie s, A. C. Gomez, and D . Boon (Int. Sugar J ., 1938, 40, 105—106).—A modification of Cerny’s colorimetric m ethod (A., 1935, 949), depending on the reaction w ith molybdate, is described, the in ­ fluence of H 3P 0 4 present in the case of juice being avoided by addition of N H 4 citrate. A Duboscq colorimeter is used for m atching the colours produced by sample an d standard solutions. B y determ ining total SiO, by a standard method, and sol. SiO, by th a t now described, the org. colloidal S i02 present in cane juices can be found. J . P . O.

S in g le -so lu tio n m e th o d of d e te r m in in g th e p u r ity of [b eet] ju ic e . F . R . Bach ler (Facts about Sugar, 1937, 32, 327—328; In t. Sugar J., 1938, 40, 68).—This method (cf. B., 1934, 344) is compared w ith the Spengler-Brendel procedure, which is stated to be unsuitable for mass analysis as it requires relatively large samples an d ample time.

On the other hand, the Bachler method lends itself readily to mass analysis and to the routine purity determ inations of the sugar factory. Its results agree for purity among themselves by < 0 -1 % , which high order of accuracy is attribu ted to the fact th a t the same liquid serves both for the determ ination of the refractometric Brix as for the polarisation.

J . P. O.


D ry in g of [su g a r-ju ic e ] d efeca tio n s lu d g e . E.

Rie g e r (Deut. Zuckerind., 1938, 63, 57—60).—

Machinery for drying of sludge is described.

Analyses of the product are recorded and its manurial

val. is discussed. A. G. P.

C ry s ta llis a tio n of m a s s e c u ite s : so m e r e s u lts w ith th e H e ris s o n a p p a r a tu s i n S o u th A frica.

Akon. (Int. Sugar J ., 1938, 40, 62— 64).—A com­

parison between the results obtained with ordinary air-cooled crystallisers and Herisson coolers for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd massecuites is definitely in favour of the former apparatus. N ot only was cooling much more rapid, bu t the final purity of the molasses was lower.

In the Herisson crystalliser it was observed th a t the H20-in let end cooled much more rapidly th an the H,O-outlet end, the two yield figures averaging 65-6

a n d 62-8%. J . P. 0 .

C o n d u c tiv ity m e th o d fo r d e te r m in a tio n of w a te r in b a g a s s e . G. G .'Rao (Int. Sugar J., 1938, 40, 6S—69).—F urther work with this m ethod (cf. B., 1934, 1077) shows th a t a correction m ust be applied to allow for the conductivity of the residual juice of the bagasse. Where the operating conditions are not varied, an d the bagasse electrolytes rem ain about the same, it can be determined once and for all and applied as a const. Some results with the modified method are presented, from which it is seen th a t the average error is now <0-5% . J . P. 0 .

Io n a n ta g o n is m in alco h o lic fe rm e n ta tio n of ca n e m o la s s e s . G. A. Gu a n zo n and F. R . Lopez

(Sugar News, 1936, 17, 505—508; In t. Sugar J ., 1938, 40, 69—70).—Laboratory experiments using a cane-molasses wash a t 18° Brix, an d already con­

taining Ca 0-58, Mg 0-14, K 0-43, and Na 3-96 g./l., showed an increase in the E tO H yield w ith additions of CaS04 and of MgS04 separately. Mixtures of the salts had different effects towards one another. Ca showed a strongly antagonistic action with K, as did also Mg w ith Na, bu t K and N a had none.

J . P. O.

M ic ro -o rg a n is m s c a u s in g fe rm e n ta tio n fla v o u rs in cane s y ru p s , esp e cially B a rb a d o e s m o la s s e s . H . H . Hall, L. H. Jam es, and E. K.

Nelson (J. Baet., 1937, 33, 577—585).—“ Rum- flavoured ” molasses contains EtO H , furfuraldehyde, MeCHO, and BuOH. Zygosaccharomyces nuss- baumeri and Z. major, together with Clostridium saccJiarolyticum, are probably concerned in the

ferm entation process. A. G. P.

B la c k s tra p m o la s s e s a s r a w m a te r ia l fo r b io ­ c h e m ic a l in d u s tr ie s (p ro d u c tio n of c o m p re ss e d y e a s t). W. L. Ow e n (Facts about Sugar, 1937, 32, 263—264; In t. Sugar J ., 1938, 40, 11S—119).—

A process for producing yeast from cane molasses is outlined. Approx. the yield should be 40% of the sugars in the mash, so th a t from 1 gal. of average molasses 4 lb. of yeast should be obtained. Yeast m ay be produced from molasses for 6 cents per lb.

W ith cheap molasses as raw m aterial an d a cheap source of N, feed-protein in the form of yeast can be produced on a competitive basis w ith lucerne or other protein feeds now being produced in the U nited States.

J . P. O.

C h anges in th e co m p o sitio n of fin a l [cane]

m o la s s e s d u rin g s to ra g e . K . W. Ko p f l e r (Int.

Sugar J., 1938, 40, 108—109).—Samples were drawn m onthly for 7 m onths a t different heights and different distances from the outside of tanks contain­

ing 700,000 gals, of cane molasses and analysed.

There was a progressive inversion of the sucrose during the 7 months (37-75—34-98), which slowed up during the 6th and 7th m onths. Nevertheless, the glucose did not increase pari passu, but, on the contrary, showed a gradual loss (11-48—10-58), due probably to interaction with N H 2-acids. This resulted in con­

siderable colour form ation, viz., from 1802 to 3549 units. Tho Brix declined from 89-23° to 88-02°, and the p a fell from 5-92 to 5-23. J . P. 0.

S im p le lim e c la s s ifie r fo r s u g a r m ills . C. W.

Wa d d el l (Int. Sugar J ., 1938, 40, 64—65).—Quick­

lime or hydrated CaO is dumped into a tall cylindrical

lime or hydrated CaO is dumped into a tall cylindrical