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IUNG analyses of the assessment of the level of production sustainability in agricultural holdings

W dokumencie 61.1 Warsaw 2007 (Stron 32-37)


4. IUNG analyses of the assessment of the level of production sustainability in agricultural holdings

In the years 2000-2004 IUNG conducted analyses of the assessment of the level of production sustainability in agricultural holdings. For those analyses assumptions were made that an agricultural holding constitutes a limited whole, which means treating it in a systemic way. The basic source of data for the analysis was the data collected in family holdings cooperating with IUNG. Also the published data was also used regarding holdings conducting agricultural accounting under the technical supervision of the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics (IERiGŻ). The scheme of the assessment was presented in table 2.

Table 2. Scheme of assessment of the holdings sustainability level in IUNG research

Item Indexes used

for the assessment of the sustainability level

Factors diversifying the sustainability level 1. The balance of N, P, K area of a holding,

area groups in ha of croplands (UR) 2. Balance of the soil organic substance in tonnes

of dry mass for ha of arable lands (GO) 3. Soil cover by plants index in per cent 4. Net agricultural income in Polish złoty per

holding and per 1 ha UR

5. Relation of net agricultural income per full-time equivalent to the average annual remuneration in non-agricultural sectors of national economy

6. Number of persons that can achieve remuneration for work in a holding comparable with non-agricultural sectors

soil valuation index, quality of soils (natural conditions)

production direction (specialization) of a holding: milk production, pigs fattening, commodity plant

production, multi-directional holding

Source: Own research on the basis of holdings conducting agricultural accounting IERiGŻ-PIB and holdings cooperating with IUNG.

This analysis has shown that natural and organizational conditions limit the possibilities of realizing the sustainable development of holdings (Kuś, Krasowicz 2001). It was found that only holdings with the surface area of over 50 ha achieved agricultural income at the level enabling allotting financial surpluses for the development. However, on the other hand this group of holdings conducted very simplified production, specializing in the plant production, among which corn and rape were dominant. Simplifications in the structure of crops were compensated by a bigger usage of industrial means of production, and as a consequence the balance of fertilizer elements was unfavourable. However keeping the positive balance of soil organic substance was impossible thanks to ploughing significant amounts of straw (from 40% of surfaces of corn cultivation).

In smaller holdings the level of production sustainability in terms of ecology (sustainable balance of fertilizer elements and soil organic substance) was higher. However, the achieved net agricultural income in a holding did not provide remuneration of work at the level comparable with extra-agricultural sectors of economy, even per one person.

With the increase of the soil valuation index, the parameters of economic assessment of holdings were improved, but even a holding with a surface area of 23 ha on good soils did not ensure achieving agricultural income at the level guaranteeing a comparable with extra-agricultural sectors remuneration of work and allotting part of funds for development. In holdings with weaker soils the commodity animal production was clearly dominant. With the livestock density of about 0.6 SD/ha of croplands, the assessed ecological indexes (balances of fertilizer elements, balance of the soil organic substance) were shaped more beneficially than on good soils, where the plant production was dominant conducted in simplified crop rotations. However the net agricultural income was very low.

The research enabled to formulate conclusions with a general character, as well as specify some features of sustainable agriculture.

The possibilities of sustainable development of agricultural holdings are determined by the natural, economic and organizational conditions. The natural and organizational conditions first of all determine the intensity of plant and animal production organization, constituting a derivative of the diversity of the crops and livestock density structure. The economic conditions of agricultural production, resulting from the existing price relations, determine the intensity of management, measured with the level of material inputs and costs per 1 hectare of croplands.

The possibilities of balancing the production taking into account the different groups of aims were also assessed depending on the direction of the production specialization (Krasowicz 2005).

Generally it was found that holdings specializing in the commodity milk production and multi-directional (mixed) holdings realized the aims of sustainable agriculture. It is relatively easiest to realize the concepts of sustainable development in holdings specializing in the milk cattle breeding.

Holdings conducting pigs fattening did not realize the concept of sustainable agriculture on account of the ecological criteria, and holdings specializing in the plant production – on account of unbeneficial economic outcomes. These conclusions relate however to specific economic conditions that are constantly changing.

The discussed analyses (often fragmentary) were first of all aimed at checking the usefulness and verifying the adopted indexes (indicators). At the same time their analysis enabled to indicate features characteristic for sustainable agriculture from the perspective of an agricultural holding.

5. Summary

The presented features of sustainable agriculture at the level of the country and an agricultural holding result from the analysis of different aspects of sustainability. They were indicated on the basis of environmental and agrotechnical analyses by IUNG, respecting however the meaning and strength of influence of economic conditions. Some of the presented features have probably a subjective character, resulting from the assessment from the angle of the environmental and agrotechnical research.

Research of sustainable agriculture, assessed in terms of production, economic, social and ecological criteria, should have an interdisciplinary character. Moreover they should be conducted in a longer period. Some effects that can have effect on the balance in agriculture will be disclosed, or stabilized, after many years.

In the light of the IUNG research the idea of sustainable development of agriculture is not a simple return to the organic theory of an agricultural holding.

This is proved by a wide range of features. The features of sustainable agriculture were specified taking into consideration an assumption that in order to achieve a full realization of all groups of aims of sustainable agriculture it is not enough a strive to provide balance inside a holding.

It is essential to strive for balance in the relation of an agricultural holding with the surrounding. Such methodical approach is one of the indicators of IUNG research that are continued. It constituted also one of the foundations for

the construction of the Code of Good Agricultural Practice, which is a collection of principles enabling achieving the state of sustainability and realization of all groups of aims.


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Professor Józef St. Zegar PhD.

Wioletta Wrzaszcz MSc.

Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics

– National Research Institute Warsaw


W dokumencie 61.1 Warsaw 2007 (Stron 32-37)