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Objaśnienia zastosowanych symboli i skrótów

2. M etodyka

2.3. Objaśnienia zastosowanych symboli i skrótów

Nazewnictwo gatunków roślin przyjęto za „Krytyczną listą roślin naczyniowych Polski” (Mirek i in. 2002), a ich nazwy podano w porządku alfabetycznym.

Stanowiska poszczególnych gatunków oznaczono na mapkach kropką - • . Przed nazwami gatunków zastosowano następujące symbole:

* - archeofit

** - kenofit

[*] - status gatunku niepewny

A - gatunek rodzimy, posiadający na badanym terenie głównie stanowiska synantropijne

A tla s rozm ieszczenia roślin naczyniow ych w R ybniku


Distribution altas o f vascular plants in Rybnik, is another issued in 2014 monograph dedicated to vascular plants that currently occur in the city area. The first is Vascular plants o f Rybnik in which the general information about Rybnik and its vegetation can be found, moreover a complete list o f 1264 species that have been recorded within its borders since the M id-19th Century is given. There are chapters on invasive alien species, protected species and plants included in The Red List o f Vascular Plants o f Silesian Voivodship.

This book contains 946 distribution maps o f permanently established species recorded in Rybnik, starting in 1990. It also includes distribution analysis o f presently occuring species. For making the maps cartogram method was used. The study area was divided into units equal in size and shape (usually squares). The presence o f vascular plant species was recorded systematically within each cartogram unit. The data obtained this way can be easily graphically presented as a schematic map of the species distribution.

In the 80s o f the 20th Century first studies based on this method were published, firstly in other countries (Jung 1982; Burton 1983; Dull, Kutzelnigg 1987; Celesti Grapow 1995) and then in Poland (Jackowiak 1993; Sudnik-W ójcikowska 1987; Tokarska-Guzik 1999;

Urbisz 2001; Witoslawski 2006; Zając et al. 2006; Urbisz 2012 and others).

The data presented in the Atlas are based on large material (over 13000 floristic data), collected mainly during own field studies but also based on literature, herbarium collections and unpublished other authors’ studies.

The aim of this monograph is to present the individual species distribution within the city administrative boundaries and to identify botanically valuable areas.


Rybnik is located in the south-western part of the Silesian Voivodeship (Southern Poland), about 50 km south-west from Katowice. It occupies an area about 148km2 and is inhabited by 138 000 people. According to the division o f Poland into physical-

Rybnik Plateau mesoregion, Silesian Uplands macroregion, Silesia-Cracow Uplands subprovince and Polish Uplands province. Only the northern part o f Rybnik is located in Racibórz Basin - mesoregion which is a part o f Silesian Lowlands macroregion, Central Poland Lowlands subprovince and Central Eoropean Lowlands province.

The area o f the city is situated at 205 to 305 m above sea level (Czuczwara et al. 2011). In the soil cover o f the city, podzols derived from acid sands, brown soils and alluvial soils in river valleys can be distinguished. The main river in Rybnik is Ruda - its left bank tributaries are Nacyna (with its tributaries - Potok Chwałowicki, Potok Niedobczycki and Potok Radziejowski), Potok Gzel, Potok Boguszowicki and Potok Kłokociński. The right bank tributaries are: Potok Grabownia, Potok z Kamienia and Potok Przegędza. The growing season lasts 211-230 days, the average annual temperature balances from 7 to 8.5°C, an average annual precipitation is 700-800 mm and western and south-western winds are dominating (Ligęza 1970).



Historical monographs on the Silesian flora (Schwenckfeld 1600; M attuschka 1776 Krocker 1787-1823; Grabowski 1843; W immer 1857; Uechtritz 1863, 1864, 1865 b, 1868, 1872; Fritze 1868, Engler 1870; Fiek 1881; Schube 1903, 1904, 1904-1925) provide a lot o f information on the plant species distribution tens or even hundreds years ago. However continuous human pressure causes significant changes in species composition o f a given area, therefore the studies on the current trends and patterns in species distribution should be carried out. In this Atlas, beside the autor’s data, all localities given after 1989 in literature (Cabała 1990; Celiński et al. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1998; Stebel, Domański 1993; Rostański 1994; Urbisz 1996, 2001; Domański et al.

1997; Stebel et al. 1997; Urbisz et al. 1998, 2003, 2005; Krotoski 2001, 2005a,b, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010a,b, 2012a,b, 2013; Rok, Henel 2001; Sojka 2001, 2005; Stankiewicz 2002; W ęgrzynek 2003; Zalewska-Gałosz 2008 and others), BA, M A and PhD thesis (Szendera 1997; Ziętara 2004; Brauner 2006; Korsak 2011), herbarium collections and ATPOL database were included.

D istribution atlas o f va scu la r p la n ts in R ybnik


Field studies were carried out from 1990 to 2014. Cartogram method was used. The study area was divided into units o f the same area. The area o f the city was divided into 2 km2 squares according to a system proposed in “Distribution Atlas o f Vascular Plants in Poland - ATPOL” (Zając 1978) All cartogram units covering at least 10% o f the city area were analysed - finally 53 units. Distribution o f cartogram units and its designations

according to ATPOL methods are shown in Fig. 1 - see page 9.

The presence o f vascular plant species was recorded systematically within each unit several times, in different phenological aspects of growing season. Observations were made using the list o f species which occurrence was reported once in each cartogram unit. Finally over 13000 floristic data were collected. Only permanently established species (Mirek et al. 2002; Tokarska-Guzik et al. 2012), which was confirmed in Rybnik after 1989 in this atlas were included. During botanical survey, 1:50 000, 1:25 000 topographic maps and the plan o f Rybnik were used.


Nomenclature o f plant species follows „Flowering plants and pteridophytes o f Poland. A checklist” (Mirek et al. 2002). Species are ranked in alphabetical order.

Localities o f individual species are shown by a dot on the map - • . The following symbols were applied before names o f species:

* - archaeophyte

** - kenophyte

[*] - status o f species unknown/uncertain

A - native species that occurs mainly in synanthropic sites in the study area


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