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Oxidation of sucrose in the presence of dif

ferent inorganic nitrogen com pounds. III.

N itrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances in percolating filters. S. H. J e n k i n s (Biochem.

J ., 1933, 2 7 , 245—257, 258—273).—Using NH4C1, N aN 02, and N aN 03 there is no significant difference in the degree of biological oxidation of sucrose. A considerable loss of N was observed, particularly where carbohydrate oxidation was most activç.

III. Recovery of P and K was not quant., possibly owing to inadequate methods of analysis. Liberation of N from NH3 and org. compounds of N m ay be carried out entirely within the cell of an organism. The loss of N does not arise from formation of NH3, N 0 2', or N 0 3' and subsequent denitrification. H. G. R.

A cetic acid bacteria in Form osa. I. S.

T a n a k a (J. Agric. Chem. Soc. Japan, 1932, 8 , 962—

990).—B. ascendens, Henneberg, B. acetosum, Henne- berg, B. aceti, Hansen, and B. xylinum, Brown, were isolated from saké wort and vinegar. 4-2—7-0% of acid is produced; the optimum p nis 4— 6. Ch. A b s.

M echanism of oxidation processes. XXXIII.

Dehydrogenation reactions w ith butyric acid bacteria. H. W i e l a n d and M. G. S e v a g (Amialen, 1933, 5 0 1 , 151—162).—The 0 2 consumption of a mixture of glucose (or EtOH) and B. acidi butyrici (I) a t 34-5° is optimal a t 8 (phosphate buffer). The ratio C 02 evolved : 0 2 consumed for glucose is 0-8—

0-84 after 315—375 min., indicating th a t oxidation of intermediate products occurs; the corresponding ratio for glycerol is about 0-6. Lactic acid is oxidised a t about the same rate as glucose, but the ratio C 02 : 0 2 is < the calc, val., indicating th a t the change 0 H ,CHMe-C02H -f 0 — y AcC02H occurs a t a faster rate th an AcC02H — >- C02+M eCH0. Succinic, citric, and [3-hydroxy butyric acids and AcOH are not oxidised by (i). A larger 0 2 consumption is found for E tO H + (I) than for the other alcohols examined;

PrOH and Pr^OH react similarly, as do Bu°OH and Bu^OH. Reaction with MeCHO, EtCHO, PrCHO (a large amount of C03 is produced in this case, probably by p-oxidation), and Pr^CHO is slower than with the corresponding alcohols. The catalase activity of (I) is diminished by KCN (N /200—JV/800). Oxidation of glucose and EtO H is similarly retarded, but not to the same extent as in the case of acetic acid bacteria (A., 1929, 219). The rate of decolorisation of methylene-blue by (I)-{-glucose and the above alcohols does not parallel the corresponding 0 2 consumptions.

PrOH, Pr^OH, Bu“OH, and Bu^OH are dehydro­

genated by benzoquinone+(I) a t Pn 6-8. H. B.

Lactic ferm entation. G. P. Le G a l l i c (Compt.

rend. Soc. Biol., 1931, 1 0 7 , 146—148; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3569).—The quantity of lactic acid formed in lactose-caseinogen-peptone bouillon by Streptococcus acidi lactici increases with the addition of Iv2C03;

P a ~ log[lactate']=const. (about 2-9). A. A. E.

N ew sporing lactic acid bacterium (L a c to ­ b a cillu s sp o ro g en e s, nov. sp.). L. M. H o r o v it z


V l a s s o v a and N . V . N o v o t e l n o v (Zentr. Bakt.

Par., 1933, II, 87, 331—333).—The organism pro­

duces lactic acid from glucose, sucrose, lactose, mannitol, arabinose, starch, and dextrin.

A. G. P.

Gluconic acid ferm entation. V. B . lio sh ig a ld var. ro se a m o b ilis s a c c lia r o su m . T . T a k a h a s h i a n d T . A s a i (J .A g r ic .C h e m .S o c . J a p a n , 1932,8,1180

1190).— T h e b acteria w ere grow n in 100 c.c. of y e a s t extra ct w ith glu cose (10 g.) a t 2628° for 18 d a y s;

th e y ie ld of glu con ic acid (I) w a s 94-5% of th e t o ta l sugar. S ucrose is in v er te d an d (I) p rod uced from sucrose, m a lto se, d ex trin , raffinose, an d sorbitol.

The m ax. y ie ld o f (I) (14-3%) w as o b tain ed w ith 20%

glu cose so lu tio n . G row th an d acid p rod u ction are, resp ectiv ely , o p tim a l a t 2830° an d 2628°. A cO H is n o t oxid ised or d ecom p osed . T h e b acteriu m d id n o t grow or p rod uce acid in 7% E tO H , 2-5% A cO H , or 2-02-5% N aC l so lu tio n . Ch. A b s.

Factors involved in the biological production of acetone and butyl alcohol. L. W e i n s t e i n and L. F. R e t t g e r (J. Bact., 1933, 25, 201—238).—A prolamine (I) or allied siibstance is necessary for the production from carbohydrates of COMe2 and BuOH by Clostridium acelobutylicum (II). In the absence of (I), the fermentation of glucose, xylose* and arabinose yields normal amounts of COMe2, but little or no BuOH (normal ratio 1 :2). Fermentation of acid hydrolysates of sawdust etc. yields COMe2 only, but the addition of zein increases the production of both COMe2 and BuOH. The latter is not derived from (I), which appears necessary for the proper metabolism of (II) and may also have a physical effect on the

substrate. A. G. P.

B utyl alcohol-acetone ferm entation. I, II.

M. T s u c h iy a (J. Agric. Chem. Soc. Japan, 1932, 8, 1209—1221, 1267—1280).—-I. Maize was fermented by B. granulobader pedinovorum. Dil. wort gave the higher yield of COMe2. Addition of soya-bean cake, rice bran, oryzanin, phytin, or various proteins did not increase the yield. Maize yielded more COMe2 than kao-liang.

I I . T ap ioca an d sw ee t p o ta to w ere u sed as source of carb oh yd rate; m olasses d oes n o t ferm en t. T he yield o f COMe2 w as b e st w hen so y a b ean (or cake) w as used as source of p rotein . F o r ta p io ca a d d ition of kao-liang g a v e g ood resu lts. Ch. Ab s.

Acetylmethylcarbinol ferm entation. L. M.

H o r o v it z - V l a s s o v a and E. A. R o d io n o v a (Zentr.

Bakt. Par., 1933, II, 87, 333—339).—CHAcMe-OH is produced by a no. of organisms, especially those of the subtilis group, which can utilise for this purpose sugars, polysaccharides, and glycerol. Smaller pro­

portions of py-butylene glycol and sometimes Ae2 are formed simultaneously. The former may be converted by the organism into CHAcMe-OH or with free access to 0 o may be oxidised to Ac2.

A. G. P.

M icrobiology of the soil. VII. Nitrifying organism s. S. V i n o g r a d s k y (Ann. Inst. Pasteur, 1933, 50, 350—432).—The activity of nitrifying organisms is inhibited by certain org. nutrient- containing materials, and nitrification does not occur until the microbial mineralisation of these is practically

complete. NH3, even in small concns., retards the de­

velopment of Nitrobader, which does not become active until N H 3 is almost entirely converted into N 0 2'.

The isolation of a no. of species of nitrifying organisms on Si02 gel media is described. The general p a range of activity is 6-0—9-2. Certain species of Nitroso- monas tolerate p a < 6-0. The distribution and activity of certain species in soils of different types are

recorded. A. G. P.

Silica bacteria. A. B r u s s o f f (Arch. Mikrobiol., 1933, 4, 1—22).—The isolation of B. siliceus (nov. sp.) from soil is described. Si02 is accumulated by this organism and subsequently eliminated as minute

granules. A. G. P.

Detoxification w ith special reference to sodium ricinoleate. I. T. H. R i d e r (J. Lab. Clin. Med., 1932, 18, 15—23).—Na ricinoleate (I) prepared from crude castor oil soap usually contains Na oleate (II), stearate (III), linoleate (IV), and dihydroxystearate (V). (Ill) and (V) do not appear to detoxify tetanus toxin; (II) and (IV) are much less effective than (I).

The prep, of pure (I) is described. Ch. A b s.

Lipin content of various types of tubercle bacillus. E. R e m y (Biochem. Z., 1933, 259, 238—

239; cf. this vol., 190).—Polemical. W. McC.

Shaffer-H artm ann and H agedorn-Jensen m ethods in determ ining polysaccharide in tuber­

culin. B. M u n d a y and F. B. S e i b e r t (J. Biol.

Chem., 1933,100, 277—285).—The Hagedorn-Jensen method (I) is more suitable for polysaccharide (II) determination than the Shaffer-Hartmann owing to its greater sensitivity to tho pentoses. Free N H 2- acids m ust be removed before tho determination;

the Folin-W u reagent (III) does not remove trypto­

phan (IV) and is therefore unsatisfactory in mixtures containing free N H 2-acids. The Somogyi ZnS04 reagent is less satisfactory, whilst the HgSO„ and H g(N03)2 pptns. remove (II) besides (IV). Hence pptn. of N-containing material before hydrolysis with (III) or after hydrolysis with the Hg reagent and determination of tho reducing substances by (I) give

equally good results. H. D.

Growth factors of low er organism s. G. L.

P e s k e t t (Biol. Rev., 1933, 8, 1—45).—A review.

Nu t r. Ab s.

Culture m edia containing carbam ides. V.

A. J . J . V a n d e V e l d e (Natuurwetensch. Tijds., 1933, 15, 55—61).—CS(NH2)2 a t concns. below 1-25% has but little influence on the activity of B. ladis acidi and B. urece, or on Saccharomyces; B. fluorescens liquifaciens, however, is more sensitive. H. F. G.

M icrobicidal action of organic acids and their copper sa lts. A. J a n k e and F. B e r a n (Arch.

Mikrobiol., 1933, 5, 54—71).—The growth-inhibiting (antiseptic) action and lethal effects of a no. of Cu, Bi, and Cd salts of org. acids on various bacteria and fungi are recorded. Buffering (to p B 5-0) with NaOH appreciably reduced the toxicity of the acids. In tro ­ duction of additional C02H groups into fa tty acid mols. or of their Cu salts reduced their inhibitory action. The introduction of a C02H group in the o-position to a phenolic OH or of OH in the o-position to the C02H group in an aromatic acid increased the


activity of the respective compounds. The activity of free acids was in general > th a t of the Cu salts, among which the salicylate and glycollate showed especially high toxicity. CuCl2 was more toxic than CuS04. The growth-inhibiting action of Cu salts was smallest a t the optimum growth p n of the various organisms. B . subtilis was more sensitive to the inhibitory action of Cu salts and relatively less sensitive to lethal doses than were non-sporing organ­

isms. Cd and Bi acetates and salicylates were less active than the corresponding Cu salts. A. G. P.

Irradiation of bacteriological m edia by ultra­

violet rays. J . P r o k s (Lait, 1933,13, 331—337).—

Media of peptonised gelatin or gelose, in whey, were irradiated and subsequently inoculated with cultures of St. lactis or cremoris. Comparison with controls showed th a t the rate of development of micro-organ­

isms was retarded considerably in the irradiated media, the effect increasing with time of irradiation.

The count was higher in media irradiated before than after inoculation. Similar results were obtained with B. coli, Sarcina lutea, and Torula lactis. In pasteur­

ised milk irradiated and subsequently inoculated with St. lactis the development of acidity was slightly slower than with th a t of the sample of milk inoculated

b ut not irradiated. E. B. H.

Certain properties of toxicity curves. G. F.

G a u s e (Protoplasma, 1933, 17, 548—553).—The mechanism of the killing action of toxic substances on various organisms is of a composite character, each individual process predominating over a definite range of concn. of the poison. Toxicity curves there­

fore show more or less abrupt changes of direction.

The Ostwald equation relating concn. and toxicity is applicable to each branch of the curve. Similar curves represent the action of mixed poisons, e.g., HgCl2+quinine on Paramecium caudaturn.

A. G. P.

Influence of nutrition on adrenaline action.

K. Y o s h io (J. Biochem. Japan, 1933, 17, 11—27).-—

The hyperglycemia (I) duo to injection of adrenaline is greater and of longer duration with dogs on a carbohydrate-free diet (II) than with dogs on a carbohydrate-rich diet (III). W ith (II) the extent of (I) is also influenced by the relative amounts of fat and protein in the diet. In each case the lower is the content of glycogen in the muscle and liver the greater is the extent of (I). Hence the character of (I) due to adrenaline is not directly related to the condition of the glycogen depots of the body.

F. 0 . H.

Effect of insulin, adrenaline, and pbloridzin on blood-phosphate and -lactic acid in rabbits.

S. Y a m a d a (J. Biochem. Japan, 1933, 17, 61—89).

—Following the adm inistration of normal doses of insulin (I), both the inorg. P 0 4 (II) and lactic acid (III) decrease, whilst with convulsive doses there are slight increases, th a t in (III) being due not to direct glucose oxidation, b ut to a deficiency in the supply of 0 , to the tissues. Adrenaline (IV) produces a rise in (III), but (II) is unchanged. Phloridzin produces a slight fall in (III), whilst there is a slight increase followed by a slow and steady decrease in (II). The changes in hexose mono- and pyro-phosphate (V)

during these reactions indicate th a t (I) promotes the conversion of (III) by way of hexose phosphate into glycogen, whilst (IV) promotes the opposite reaction.

During hyperglycsemia (V) appears to promote the degradation of glucose into (III), a reaction not

influenced by (I). F. 0 . H.

Action of insulin and adrenaline on the ex­

cretion of sulphur and nitrogen. B . M. J a k o b s o n

and H. R e in w e in (Arch. exp. Path. Pharm., 1933, 170, 84—93).—Administration of insulin (I) to dogs produces an increased excretion of N which is not due to increased protein catabolism, since the urinary S remains const, and since the effect does not occur after diuresis induced by H 20 . Adrenaline (II) also produces an increased excretion of N in moderately starved dogs, whilst in severely starved dogs there is a decrease. Unliko (I), (II) causes an increased excretion of S, especially in dogs to which glucose has been orally administered until glycosuria results.

T hat the increased excretion of S is not dependent on a hyperglycemia follows from the increase due to injection of (II) into dogs previously rendered hypo- glycsemic by injection of (I). F. 0 . H.

Purity of insulin preparations. N . A. N i e l s e n

(Skand. Arch. Physiol., 1933, 65, 305—310).—The blood-sugar-raising component of impure insulin is more readily detected by the discharge of glycogen in the perfused liver than by the production of a preliminary hyperglycsemia when injected into the

whole animal. N u t r . Abs.

Effect of thyreoglobulin on the secretion of insulin and adrenaline. E . Z u n z and J . L a B a r r e

(Compt. rend. Soc. Biol., 1932, 110, 1001—1003;

Chcm. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3732).—Thyreoglobulin in­

creases the secretion of insulin (I) and adrenaline (II), as does thyroxine (III), b u t less uniformly. In the organism (III) or a similar compound is liberated from thyreoglobulin. The increase in secretion of (I) is due to the increased production of (II). A. A. E .

Effect of thyroxine on glycogen content of cartilage. A. S c h i t t e n h e l m and B. E i s l e r (Z.

ges. exp. Med., 1933, 86, 383—386).—The glycogen of the liver, heart, and skeletal muscle of rabbits was greatly reduced after the animals had received thyroxine intravenously; the greater the no. of injections and amount injected the more marked was the diminution. The glycogen content of carti­

lage (ear and tracheal) was unaffected. N u t r . A b s.

Relations between the effects on anim al growth of thym ocrescin and thyroxine. W. W. Nowinski

(Biochem. Z., 1933, 259, 182—190; cf. A., 1932, 970).—As regards their growth-promoting effects on young rats and their effects on the sex organs thyrox­

ine and thymocrescin act antagonistically.

W. McC.

Distribution of iodine in central nervous system after adm inistration of thyroid products.

A. S c h i t t e n h e l m and B. E i s l e r (Z. ges. exp. Med., 1933, 86, 275—289).—In healthy rabbits the I content of the mid brain (I) and thereafter of the medulla was > th a t of other parts of the central nervous system (II). Administration of thyroxino caused a rise in the I content of (II), and especially

BIOCHEMISTRY. 539 of (I). Oral administration of dried thyroid pro­

duced similar results noticeable only in (I). K I and di-iodotyrosine had no apparent effect.

Nu t r. Ab s.

Changes in chem istry and secretion of bile under influence of thyroxine. S. L e i t e s and R.

I s a b o l i n s k a j a (Klin. Woch., 1933, 12, 149—150).—

Injection or ingestion of thyroxine in dogs with per­

manent bile fistulas greatly decreased the quantity of bile, and the bile salts, Ca and K , decreased in propor­

tion, their % remaining unchanged. The cholesterol in the fistula fluid did not decrease and its concn.

therefore greatly increased. N u t r . A b s.

D etoxication of thyroid horm one. I. E.

H e s s e , K. R. J a c o b i, and G. B r e g u l l a [with H .

D ick m a n n and R. N a g e l ] (Arch. exp. Path. Pharm., 1933, 170, 13—25).—The toxicity of thyroid gland preps. (I) in mice is decreased by the feeding of egg- white, a prep, from rye germ, and myrcene. W ith dogs, 3-0 g. per kg. per day of (I) (D.A.B. VI) causes death in 15—41 days, whereas such a dose is harmless when 0-4 mg. per kg. body-wt. of Cu is added to the diet. Egg-white, Fe", and F e " ’ are also effective.

The deprivation of fat from the liver and adipose tissue due to (I) is inhibited by Cu, which, however, is without action on the N and carbohydrate m eta­

bolism. The above action of Cu is due not to deposi­

tion of Cu in the liver or heart, but probably to the formation of non-toxic Cu derivatives of thyroxine.

F. 0 . II.

Substances w ith thyroid-like action from arti­

ficially iodinated protein. I . A b e l i n (Naturwiss., 1933, 21, 223).—Substances not yet identified which possess both the morphogenetic and metabolic effects of thyroid gland have been obtained by decomp, of iodinated protein. Formation of products of this nature outside the thyroid is possible. R. K. C.

M aternal and fcetal distribution of parathyroid and thyroid horm ones. S. Ujite (Tohoku J . Exp.

Med., 1932, 20, 34—64).—The placenta is permeable to the hormones of the foetus. Ch. A bs.

Influence of parathyroid horm one on blood- calcium . G. M o s c h in s k i (Arch. exp. Path. Pharm., 1933, 170, 1—7).—Following subcutaneous injection of parathyroid extract (I) into rabbits, the blood-Ca level (II) immediately rises, attains a max. after 15—20 min., then falls, and rises to a second max. val.

3 hr. after injection, after which the level falls to normal vals. The amount of (I) injected has no influence on the times of occurrence of the max. and min. vals. Injection of CaCl2 (III) or Ca gluconate (IV) produces a max. val. of (II) in 30 min., the max.

with (IV) being > with ( I I I ) ; no second max. occur.

Injection of both (I) and (III) or (IV) produces an approx. summation of the two effects; the max. val.

of (II) is high and the hypercalcemia is prolonged.

F. O. H.

Thyreotropic horm one of the anterior pituitary lobe. K. J u n k m a n n and W. S c h o e l l e r (Klin.

Woch., 1932, 11, 1176—1177; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 2480).—The effects on the rabbit’s thyroid of injection of an aq. extract of the anterior pituitary lobe are described, and a unit is specified. By purification a powder of which 1 mg. represents 80—

120 units was obtained. The hormone (I), which is insol. in org. liquids, rapidly loses its activity in aq.

solution, is thermolabile, and is readily adsorbed by colloids. I t is not dialysable through collodion or parchm ent; i t appears to be related to the albumoses and peptones, and it resembles the gonadotropic anterior pituitary hormone, the posterior pituitary substances, and insulin. 1 kg. of dry, fat-free ox anterior pituitary lobe affords 0-25—0-5 million units.

I t was not found in normal human urine. Purified (I) had no gonadotropic properties, and prolan has no thyreotropic properties. (I) is not identical with Paal’s hormothyrin, and does not affect the blood-

COMe, of the rat. A. A. E.

Diabetic effect of anterior pituitary extracts in the dog. B . A . H o u s s a y , A . B i a s o t t i , E. d i B e n e d e t t o , and C. T. R i e t t i (Compt. rend. Soc.

Biol., 1933, 112, 494—496).—Normal, hypophysect- omised, and thyroidectomised dogs, injected intra- peritoneally with alkaline anterior pituitary extracts, developed hyperglycaemia, glycosuria, acetonuria, increased resistance to insulin, prolonged blood-sugar curves, hyperlipsemia, hypcrcholesterolsemia, and in­

creased plasma-protein. Such actions are apparently sp., since control injections of other tissue extracts were without effect. N u t r . Ab s.

Action of proteolytic enzym es on the oxytocic principle of the pituitary gland. J . M. G u l l a n d

and T. F. M a c r a e (Nature, 1933, 131, 470; cf. A., 1932, 655).—The activity of the oxytocic hormone Í3 destroyed slowly by aminopolypeptidase and rapidly by dipeptidase and proteinase from brewer’s yeast.

The inactivation is due apparently to an enzyme in these preps, having a p a optimum a t 7-4. Papain preps, also destroy the hormone rapidly. L. S. T.

Inhibition of oestrus by extracts of the anterior lobe of the pituitary body. M. C. D ’A m o u r and H. B. V a n D y k e (J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1933, 47, 269—280).—From ox anterior pituitary lobes (I) and from whole sheep pituitaries (II), extracts liavo been prepared, best by extracting a t an alkaline p n, which inhibit oestrus in the adult female white rat and stimulate oestrus in the immature rat. The extracts made from (II) are more active in respect of both functions than those prepared from (I). Gland desiccated by COMe2 may bo satisfactorily used as the source of the extract. E xtracts made from control tissues have no oestrus-inhibiting power. W. O. K.

Prolan and tum our growth. Inhibiting effect of prolan on im planted carcinom a in the white m ouse. H . Z o n d e k , B . Z o n d e k , and W. H a r t o c h

(Klin. Woch., 1932, 11, 1785—1786; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3433—3434).—The growth was largely inhibited by prolan but not by Ca or K salts, glucose, thyroxine, adrenaline, insulin, pituitrin, or folliculin.

. Prolan-4 behaves similarly. A. A. E.

Excretion of the sexual horm ones by the salivary glands. M. T r a n c u - R a in e r (Compt.

rend. Soc. Biol., 1931,106,1001—1002; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 3731).—In pregnancy the saliva always con­

tains the follicular-ripening and luteinising hormone.

Tests for oestrin in the 2nd, 3rd, and 7th month were positive [e.g., 500 mouse units per litre). A. A. E.


Colour reactions of the follicular horm ones.

E. S c h w e n k and P. H i l d e b r a n d t (Biochem. Z., 1933, 259, 240—242).—The p (I) and 8 (II) forms and the dihydro-derivative (III) of (II) of the follicular hormone give the reaction of Montignie (A., 1932, 868), bu t pregnandiol and crude testicular hormones do not. (I) and (II) and also the hydrate (IV) of the hormone give the reaction of Gerngross and Voss, but (II) and Gerard’s equilin (A., 1932, 433) do not. (I) and (IV) differ from (II) with regard to the colours which they develop on coupling with diazo-compounds, the results in this case being similar to those produced by ar-tetrahydronaphthols. Formulae for (I) and (II) based on deductions from these reactions and in harmony with recent views are suggested.

W. McC.

Reduction of the follicular horm one. E.

S c h w e n k and F. H i l d e b r a n d t (Naturwiss., 1933,21, 177).—Reduction converts the CO into a CH-OH group, affording the dihydro-hormone, C18H 240 2, m.p.

168—170° (benzoate, C25H 280 3, m.p. 187-5—190°), which gives a green H 2S04 solution with a blue fluorescence, and has an activity of 30 X 10® mouse units per g. in the Allen-Doisy test. The mofher- liquor yields a substance, C18H 240 2, m.p. 198—204°, with an activity of 20 X106 mouse units per g.

A. C.

■Constitution of the follicular horm one. A.

B u t e n a n d t , H. A. W e i d l i c h , and H. T h om p son

(Ber., 1933, 66, [5], 601—604).—The hormone hydrate (I) is transformed by molten KOH into a phenoldicarboxylic acid (II), C18H220 5, probably con­

taining tho C02H groups in the I : 5 position and

taining tho C02H groups in the I : 5 position and

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