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British Chemical Abstracts. A. Pure Chemistry, May


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MAY, 1933.

G eneral, P h y sica l, and In organ ic C hem istry.

P re cisio n m e a s u re m e n ts w ith h ig h d isp e rsio n of th e S ta rk effect in h y d ro g en . L . K a s s n e r (Z.

Physik, 1933, 81, 346—362). A. B. D. C.

C u rre n t-in te n s ity re la tio n of th e 600 A. b a n d of h e liu m . J. L. N i c k e r s o n (Physical Rev., 1931,

[ii], 38, 1907). L. S. T.

C h a ra c te ristic s of th e ca rb o n a rc in ch lo rin e.

W. K a n g r o and E. J e e p (Physikal. Z., 1933, 34, 300—303).—Using a pressure of Cl2 of 700 mm., the arc potential was considerably smaller than th a t in air. At the temp, of the arc, the Cl is entirely in the at. form. The conductivity can be regarded as transport of electricity by negatively-charged Cl atoms, or due to the formation of positive atom ions by thermal dissociation. A. J . M.

P re d isso c ia tio n in n itro g e n a n d ex c itatio n of th e g ree n a u ro r a l line. J . K a p la n (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 1079—1080). L. S. T.

New c rite rio n fo r p red isso cia tio n . J . K a p la n

(Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 1079, 1792).

L. S. T.

.Continuous a b s o rp tio n of oxygen betw een 1750 a n d 1300 A. a n d its b e a rin g on th e d isp e r­

sion. R. L a d e n b u r g and C. C. V a n V o o r h is

(Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 315—321; cf. this vol., 10).—The absorption coeff.-wave no. relation is shown graphically. The max. absorption coeff.

reduced to n.t.p. is approx. 490 cm.-1 The calc. / val. is 0-193 compared with 0-202 calc, from dis­

persion measurements. N. M. B.

A lte rn a tin g in te n sitie s of N a , b a n d s. H. C.

U r e y (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 1074—1075).—A n alternating intensity is detectable in Na bands and the spin of the nucleus is probably >5/2. L. S. T.

S p e c tra of p o ta s s iu m a n d so d iu m in th e m e r ­ cu ry a rc . D. A. W e l l s and I. B a l i n k i n (J. Opt.

Soc. Amer., 1933, 23, 105—108; cf. A., 1932, 924).—

The construction of H g-K and H g-N a amalgam lamps with regard to % of K or Na, dimensions, wattage input, and evacuation is described, and spectrograms obtained are reproduced. N. M. B .

D e te rm in a tio n of lig h t yield in th e so d iu m s p e c tru m . G. H a f t (Physikal. Z., 1933, 34, 287—

288, and Z. Physik, 1933, 82, 73—91).—The excit­

ation function (intensity of lino as a function of accelerating potential of electrons) was determined for Na lines by a new method. A. J . M.

P re d isso c ia tio n a n d p re s s u re effects in th e b a n d s p e c tru m of a lu m in iu m h y d rid e . E. Hul-

Q G 439

t h é n and R . R y d b e r g (Nature, 1933, 131, 470—

471). L. S. T.

E lectrodeless d isc h a rg es in a rg o n . I. E lec­

tric a l p ro p e rtie s . S. P. M c C a llu m an d L. K l a t -

zow (Phil. M ag., 1933, [vii], 15, 829—839).

H. J . E.

S p e c tra of c a lc iu m i-lik e ions : m a n g a n e se v i, iro n v i i, co b alt v i i i, a n d nickel IX. W. G. C a d y

(Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 322—328).—Wave­

lengths, frequencies, transitions, and term vais, are tabulated for the vac. spark spectra. The analysis is .compared with theoretical predictions. N. M. B.

N u c le ar m o m e n ts of in d iu m a n d g a lliu m .

J . S. C a m p b e ll and R. P. B a c h e r (Physical. Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 1906—1907).—The nuclear moment of In is > If, whilst th a t of Ga appears to be I.

L. S .T . H yperfine s tru c tu re of th e lin es of th e a rc sp e c tru m of ru b id iu m . D. A . J a c k s o n (Proc. Roy.

Soc., 1933, A, 139, 673—682).—The two resonance lines, 7947 and 7800 Â., possess the same fine structure, and each has four components. The lines 4215 and 4201 Â. possess three components, th a t of longest wave-length being slightly broadened. The observed structure is explained on the assumption th a t each isotope (Rb85 and Rb87) has its 5S v2 level split up into two levels. There is an appreciable isotope shift ; the centre of gravity of the levels of R b85 is 0-2 cm.*1 higher than th a t of those of R b87. I is 3/2 for Rb85, the most probable val. for R b87 being 5/2.

The magnetic moment of the nucleus of Rb87 is about 2-5 times th a t of Rb85. This indicates a considerable difference in the structure of the two

nuclei. L. L. B.

D e te rm in a tio n of in te n sity of th e m e m b e rs of th e p rin c ip a l se rie s of ru b id iu m a n d cæ sium . H. K o h n and H. J . H u b n e r (Physikal. Z., 1933, 34, 278—282).—The intensity ratios of doublet com­

ponents of the higher members of the principal series of Rb and Cs were determined by a photographic- photometric method. There is a deviation from the Burger-Dorgelos intensity rule, probably due to

hyperfine structure. A. J . M.

Z eem an effect of th e te r m s of Z r i a n d Z r II.

P. M. S a n c h o (Anal. Fis. Quim., 1932, 30, 867—

875).—Theoretical. The magnetic factors are calc,

by Russell’s formula. H. F. G.

A ction of a m a g n e tic field on a b so rp tio n sp e c tru m of iodine. I. I. A g a r b ic e a n t t (Compt.

rend., 1933, 196, 760—763).—The effects of a mag-



netic field of 1400 gauss, transverse to the direction of observation, on the absorption spectrum of I vapour a t 90° and also with addition of 02 a t 86° are compared. The broadening effect of the 02 is reversed by th a t of the magnetic field, supporting Van Vleck’s explanation of the action of a magnetic field (cf. A., 1932, 787). C. A. S.

A rc s p e c tru m of iodine. W. E. C u r t i s (Nature, 1933, 131, 398—399).—A criticism (cf. this vol.,

200). L. S. T.

B ro ad enin g of th e u ltra -v io le t a b so rp tio n b a n d s of xenon u n d e r p re s s u re . J . C. M c L e n n a n

and R. T u r n b u l l (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139, 683—698).—Experiments are described to show how the absorption coefF. for various wave-lengths in the band varies with pressure. The results indicate the pressures at which collisions between > two atoms become effective in the absorption, as suggested by

Eranck. L. L. B.

H yperfine s tru c tu re a n d n u c le a r m o m e n t of rh e n iu m . W. F. M e g g e r s , A. S. K in g , and R. F.

B a c h e r (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 1258—1259;

cf. A., 1931, 993).—Most of the lines of the spectrum of Re i have 2—6 components. Both isotopes of Re appear to have the same nuclear moment 2 i

(A/2tv). L. S. T.

“ Q u an titativ e ” [sp ectral] lin es of rh e n iu m . S. PrSTA d e R u b ie s (Anal. Fis. Quim., 1932, 30, 918—921).—Quant, lines are defined as those visible in the arc spectrum of 5 X 10-4 g. of an element. The lines emitted by R e a t eonens. of 1-0 and 0-1%



under standard conditions are re­

corded, 14 being new lines below 2500


H. F. G.

D eepest te r m in th e A u II s p e c tru m . R. A.

S a w y e r and K. T h o m so n (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 2293—2294).—Three lines locating 1<SI0 are

recorded. L. S. T.

F lu o rescen t ex citatio n of m e rc u ry by th e resonan ce frequency a n d by lo w er freq u en cies.

V. (L o r d ) R a y l e i g h (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139, 507—517).—When Hg is made fluorescent by wave-lengths > a few


longer than the resonance line, neither 23P X nor 23P0 atoms are formed a t any stage. I t is concluded th at with this kind of ex­

citation the mechanism of fluorescence producing the 3300 and 4850 max. is concerned solely with excited

Hg mols. L. L. B.

D ependence of th e in te n sity of m e rc u ry [spec­

tra l] lines on te m p e ra tu re an d th e p ro d u ctio n of contin u o u s b a n d s. O. M a s a k i (J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., 1932, A, 3, 61—65).—The change of colour with temp, of excited Hg vapour containing Ne has been analysed spectroscopically. The intensity of some lines decreases with rising temp., with a min.

at about 160°. The resonance line shows max.

intensity at about- 80°. Above 160° all bands become

stronger. F. L. U.

Z eem an effect of lea d I I , i n , a n d iv . J . B.

G r e e n and R. A. Loring (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 459—466).—Various minor corrections are

made. N. M. B.

A rc s p e c tru m of ra d iu m e m a n a tio n . E. R a s ­ m u sse n (Z. Physik, 1933, 80, 726—734).—Lines between 10,000 and 3000


are tabulated.

A. B. D. C.

A b so rp tio n of m e ta ls in th e visible a n d u ltr a ­ violet. H . F r o h l i c h (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 297—

312).—The width and position of the forbidden energy regions of Kronig can be determined from the optical consts. of a given metal. Available measure­

ments for Cu, Ag, and Au are discussed; the proper function of the electron in these deviates to a greater extent from th at of the free electron than in alkali

metals. A. B . D. C.

H igh-frequency electric d isc h a rg e s in g a ses.

J . C. W ils o n (Nature, 1933, 131, 546—547).—

Discharges of an unusual type are described.

L. S. T. r D istrib u tio n of ra d ia tio n in th e a rc . Iv.

B r u c k e r s t e i n k u h l (Z. wiss. Phot., 1933, 32, 3—

62).—The spectra of 13 metals were examined with a quartz spectrograph, and of 3S metals with a concave grating. Most spectra have a greater intensity at the poles, and the lines are classified into 6 groups, according to their intensity distribution, which may be greater a t one pole than a t the other.

This distribution affords a method for differentiating arc and spark lines. Certain Cu lines (cf. Sommer, A., 1927, 83) are spark, not arc, lines. The temp, groupings of King (Astrophys. J., 1922, 56, 318) above and below >. 2810 are not identical. Com­

parison with the arc types shows the latter to corre­

spond with a series of energy levels. The effects pro­

duced by impurities are described, and a method for the quant, analysis of mixtures is suggested. J . L.

E le ctro n a n d p ro to n sp in m o m e n ts a n d th e p o ssib ilitie s of th e ir o rie n ta tio n as a consequence of th e q u a n tu m -d y n a m ic a l, re la tiv istic , in v a ria n t d ifferen tial eq u ation of th e m an y -b o d y p ro b le m .

H . S e y f a r t h (Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 16, 636—646).

W. R. A.

S p e c tru m of th e n ig h t sky as o b serv ed in In d ia . K. R . R a m a n a th a n (Indian J . Physics, 1932, 7, 405—410).—The spectrum does not differ markedly from th a t observed in other parts of the world.

W. R. A.

T ra n sfo rm a tio n s in th e th e o ry of com plex s p e c tra . G. H . S h o r t l e y (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 451—458; cf. A., 1932, 668).—Mathematical.

N. M. B.

C orrected rela tiv e in te n sitie s of th e A'-ray lin es in th e ta n ta lu m L s e rie s. V. H ic k s (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 572—573).—Corr. vals. are recorded (cf. A., 1931, 3). L. S. T.

X-Ray sc a tte rin g p o w er of silv e r for Kx co p p er ra d ia tio n . L. C h r o b a k (Z. Krist., 1933, 84, 475— 477; cf. A., 1930, 1491).—Ag powder was used, and the observed intensities were plotted.

C. A. S.

S tru c tu re of K line of b o ro n . A. H a u t o t

(Compt. rend., 1933, 196, 688—689; cf. A., 1931, 4, 889).—The K fine of B consists of a more intense component 2


wide with centre a t 67-9


and a weaker one 0-6


wide separated from the former by



C. A. S.


GENERAL, PHYSICAL, AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 441 M levels of m a g n e tise d iro n . P r i v a u l t (Compt.

rend., 1933, 196, 854—856).—The greatest difference detectable in X of isTPj and Kfir> on applying a field of 5000 gauss to an Fe anti-cathode was +0-12 X, average +0-025 X, and in the energies of the levels i f3 and M r> of 0-2 and 0-4 ev., respectively.

C. A. S.

C hem ical a n d p h y sical conditio ns of h y d ro g en in p la tin u m a n d p a lla d iu m w hen influencing photo-electric activ ity. G. B e t h e (Z. Physik, 1933, 80, 701—725).—Mol. H2 influences photo­

electric activity of P t and Pd only when 02 and H 20 are present; at. H, obtained from glow discharges, increased the photosensitivity. A. B . D. C.

A b so rp tio n of en erg y in io n ised g a ses. T. V.

I o n e s c u and (Mme.) I. M ih u l (Compt. rend., 1933, 196, 682—684; cf. this vol., 9).—Curves are deduced showing th a t the absorption of energy is a function of the intensity of the current in the tube containing the gas, the nature and pressure of the gas, the wave­

length, and the length of the tube. C. A. S.

T h e rm io n ic a n d a d so rp tio n c h a ra c te ris tic s of th o riu m on tu n g ste n . W. H. B e a t t a i n and J . A.

B e c k e r (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 428—450).—

The dependence of the thermionic emission of W on the temp, and surface density of Th deposited on a W ribbon was investigated. The variation of emission with applied field, and the evaporation and migration of Th on the W surface were studied.

N. M. B.

Relative io n isa tio n of a ir, n itro g e n , oxygen, and a rg o n w ith th e Cu-Jia line. O. G a e r t n e r

(Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 16, 613—624).—The ionis­

ation vals. a t various pressures were determined with A as a standard and using two ionisation chambers.

The following vals. are given : A 28-8, air 35-49+

0-17, N2 39-31 ±0-20, 02 32-95+0-22 volts per ion

pair. “ W. R. A.

P hoto -electric e m issio n in a m a g n e tic field.

R . S ch m id (Aim. Physik, 1933, [v], 1 6 , 647— 656).

W. R. A.

S ta n d in g lig h t w aves ; re p e titio n of an e x p e ri­

m en t by W iener, u sin g a p h oto -electric p ro b e surface. H. E. I v e s and T. C. F r y (J. Opt. Soc.

Amer., 1933, 23, 73—83).—An active layer of Cs is formed on a P t surface, and, supported on quartz, at an angle with the surface. Variations in the photo-electric current for different angles of incidence, conditions of polarisation, and wave-lengths indicate the photo-electric sensitivity along the inclined layer, corresponding with variations of the standing wave

pattern. N. M. B.

E lectro n e m issio n of th in m e ta l la y e rs u n d e r X -rays. J. K l e i n (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 101—120).

—The electron emission was studied in relation to the layer thickness and frequency of the incident X-rays.

Variation of the “ true absorption coeff. ” with fre­

quency is deduced, including the regions of absorption

edges. A. B. D. C.

T ra je c to rie s of electrons in a lo n g itu d in a l m ag n etic field. B. K w a l (Compt. rend., 1933, 196,758—760; cf. A., 1929, 231). C. A. S.

P o sitive electro n. C. D. A n d e r s o n (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 491—494).—Out of 1300 Wilson chamber cosmic-ray tracks 15 were of positively- charged particles of mass < th a t of the proton, and producing curvatures and ionisations requiring the mass to be < 2 0 times the electron mass. These

“ positrons ” are concluded to be secondary particles ejected from at. nuclei. N. M. B .

N ew evidence fo r th e p o sitive electro n. J.

C h a d w ic k , P. M. S. B l a c k e t t , and G. O c c h ia lin i

(Nature, 1933, 131, 473).—Expansion photographs obtained when Pb is exposed to -/-rays and neutrons afford strong evidence of positive particles with the same mass and magnitude of charge as a negative

electron. L. S. T.

P h o to g ra p h s of tra c k s of p e n e tra tin g r a d i­

ation. P. M. S. B l a c k e t t and G. P. S. O c c h l v l i n i

(Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139, 699—718).—A method is described by which the high-speed particles produced by certain penetrating radiations take their own Wilson cloud-track photographs. Suitable tracks are found on 80% of the photographs. Meas­

urements are made of the ifp of a track (p is the radius of curvature of a track) and the ionisation along it, from which the mass of the particle is determined. Photographs of tracks, definitely curved, some bent slightly in one direction and some in the other, are obtained; i.e., some of the particles are positively charged, some negatively. The salient features of 500 photographs are described, and it is considered th at the showers of particles producing the complex tracks are due to some nuclear dis­

integration process stimulated by particles or protons of high energy associated with tho penetrating radiation. I t is concluded th a t particles exist with a positive charge and a mass comparable with th at of an electron. The frequency of occurrence of the showers, and their possible relation to the bursts of ionisation observed by various workers, are discussed.

I t is suggested th a t the positive and negative electrons in the showers are created during a collision process.

The subsequent fate of the positive electrons is discussed in the light of Dirac’s theory of “ holes ”

(A., 1930, 271). The probable existence of non- ionising neutrons or photons in the showers is dis­

cussed. L. L. B .

N ew m eth o d of p ro d u cin g negative ions.

J . S. Th o m p s o n(Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38,1389).—

Negative ions are formed a t metal surfaces bombarded by positive ions. Positive Li ions bombarding P t produce negative ions of OH '= 1 7 and Cl'= 3 5 ; secondary electrons and ions, probably H / and H 2',

are also formed. L. S. T.

Reflexion of m e rc u ry m o le c u la r ra y s a t c ry s ta l cleavage faces. B . J o s e p h y (Z. Physik, 1933, 80, 755—762).—Diffuse reflexion, but not deviation of max. intensity from the line of geo­

metrical reflexion (cf. Ellett and Olson, A ., 1928, 566), was observed for Hg mol. rays incident on cleavage faces of NaCl and LiF. A . B . D. C.

P ro to n reflexion a n d s ta tio n a ry ra d ia tio n fro m im p a c t of so lid s. C. R a m s a u e r and R .

K o l l a t h (Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 16, 560—569).—



Experimental methods are described by which protons of 30—1500 volts impinge on brass and lampblack. The no. of reflected protons and the emitted secondary radiation have been investigated.

W. R. A.

S c a tte rin g of slow p ro to n s by g a s m olecules.

C. R a m s a u e r and R . K o l l a t h (Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 16, 570—587).—Protons of 30—120 volts velocity in He, A, H 2, and CH4 have been investigated throughout a scattering region of 15—167°.

W. R. A.

P ositiv e ion w o rk fu nctio n of tu n g ste n fo r th e alk a li m e ta ls. R. C. E v a n s (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139, 604—617),—Determinations have been made of the rate of evaporation of K, Rb, and Cs ions from a clean W surface, under conditions such th a t the surface concns. are very small and the particles deposited on the surface with low kinetic energy.

The temp, coeff. of the rate of evaporation is a measure of the positive ion work function. This is 2-43, 2-l4, and 1-81 volts for K, Rb, and Cs, respect­

ively. By considering these vals. in terms of the Born cycle it is concluded th a t the surface ionisation potential of all three elements is about —0-3 volt, and the at. work function about 2-2 volts. L. L. B.

C ollision of slow p o sitiv e io n s in in e r t g a ses.

I. Ion so u rc e s. II. Io n isa tio n b y K + io n s in a rg o n . M. N o r d m e y e r (Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 16, 697—705, 706—719).—The production of suitable ions is discussed and the ionisation function of K + ions at 1000 volts in A has been investigated. Devi­

ations from the results of Beeck (A, 1930, 1494) are discussed. On extrapolation the input potential of the ionisation function is 75 volts. W. R. A.

R evision of th e a t . w t . of a rs e n ic . I . A n aly sis of a rsen ic trib ro m id e . II. A nalysis of a rse n ic tric h lo rid e . G. P. B a x t e r , W. E. S h a e f e r , M. J.

D o r c a s , and E. W. S c r i p t u r e , jun. (J. Amer. Chem.

Soc., 1933, 55, 1054— 1066).—The at. wt. of As is 74-91 from determinations of the ratios AsBr3 : 3Ag and AsCl3 : 3Ag with specially purified materials.

J . G. A. G.

Isotope of hyd rog en. G. N. L e w is (J. Amer.

Chem. Soc., 1933, 55, 1297—1298).—H 20 , d 1-035, of which about 1/3 of the H consists of the heavier isotope, has been obtained by electrolysis. The refractive index is < th at of ordinary H ,0 .

J . G. A. G.

M asses of N e20 an d B 11. T he m a s s of N e22 a n d th e d isin te g ra tio n of F 19. K. T. B a i n b r id g e

(Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 424—427).—Masses obtained by measurements of spectra are : Ne20 19-9967±0-0009; Bu 11-0107±0-001; No22 21-9947 ± 0-0009. The max. val. of Ne22 calc, from Aston’s val. for F19 and the disintegration of F19 is 21-9925±

0-0015; this discrepancy is discussed. N. M. B.

P erio d ic s y s te m of a to m ic nuclei a n d th e prin cip le of re g u la rity a n d c o n tin u ity of se rie s.

A co rrectio n . W. D. H a r k i n s (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 1792; cf. A., 1931, 1349). L. S. T.

D ia g ra m of th e p erio d ic ta b le . F. W. Rixon

(Chem. and Ind., 1933, 260—261).—At. nos. of the elements are plotted as abscissse and the ordinates

are the no. of electrons of the respective elements in excess or defect of the nearest rare gas. The two short periods are duplicated to represent electrons both above and below the inert gas structure. The relation between the sub-groups A and B of the usual table is brought out clearly. E. S. H.

R adioactive p hen o m en a of second o rd e r a n d a rtific ia l o rig in . G. R b b o u l (J. Phys. Radium, 1933, [vii], 4, 73—89; cf. A., 1932, 672).—A method is described for the activation, by exposure to radi­

ation in a resistance cell, of paper, cloth, ebonite, and other insulators so as to produce effects analogous to those of radioactive substances. The properties of the activated substances, the relation to ordinary radioactivity, and the mechanism of activation are discussed. The phenomena are attributed to orbital electrons. The wave-lengths of the emitted radiation are of the order of 25—350 A. N. M. B.

N ew rad io activ e su b sta n c e s. A. D e b i e r n e

(Compt. rend., 1933, 196, 770—771).—If a Ra- containing Ba prep, be repeatedly fractionated either by pptn. of the carbonate or crystallisation of the bromide, marked differences in the activity­

time curve of the head and tail fractions are observed.

I t is suggested th a t this is due to formation of neo­

radium (Ne-Ra) thus : R a— >-Ne-Ra—->Rn, and th a t this is the explanation of peculiarities in the emission of (3-rays by Ra, and in its magnetic spectrum (cf. A., 1932, 318, 895). C. A. S.

P a r e n t of p ro to a c tin iu m . O. A. G r a t i a s and

C. H . C o l l i e (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139, 567—

575).—Experiments are described which show th a t when U -1 decays it forms a radioactive element which has similar chemical properties to protoactinium and emits a-particles. Its half-val. period, 7-8 x 101 years, is sufficiently close to th a t of protoactinium (3-2 X104 years) to establish the identity of the two

elements. L. L. B.

R ang e of ra d ia tio n fro m s a m a riu m . G. VON H e v e s y and M. P a h l (Nature, 1933, 131, 434—435).

—The range of Sm radiation (this vol., 4) is 1-1 cm.

a t 15°; the calc, velocity of particles is 1-05 X109 cm.

sec.-1 1 g. of Sm emits 75 a-particles per sec., giving half-period of 1-2 x lO12 years. The activity is not due to an isotope present only in small amounts.

The activity attributed to La and Nd (this vol., 204) is due to radioactive impurities. L. S. T.

R ad ioactiv ity of a fra c tio n fro m a n e o d y m iu m - s a m a r iu m m ix tu re : ele m en t 61. M. C u r ie and S. T a k v o r ia n (Compt. rend., 1933, 196, 923—925;

cf. A., 1931, 890).—Spectral examination of the middle fractions resulting from fractionating 5 kg.

of Nd203+ S m203 showed no trace of element 61, but a radiation was observed more penetrating than th a t attributable to Sm (cf. this vol., 204) and attain­

ing a max. in the fraction in which element 61 is to be expected. Nd and La are not radioactive.

C. A. S.

C onservation of en erg y a n d th e d isin te g ra tio n of Ra-JS. L. W. M c K e e h a n (Physical Rev., 1931,

[ii], 38, 2292—2293). L. S..T.


g e n e r a l, p h y s ic a l, a n d in o r g a n ic c h e m istr y. 443 A nalysis of a-ray s b y a n a n n u la r m a g n e tic

field. (L o r d ) R u t h e r f o r d , C. E. Wynn-Wil-

liams, W. B. L e w s , and B. V. B o w d e n (Proc. R o y . Soc., 1933, A, 139, 617—637).—An account is given of a new method, involving the use of an electro­

magnet to bend the a-rays into a circle, by means of which the relative velocities of a no. of important a-particle groups have been determined with an accuracy of 1 in 5000. The weak group of a-rays from Ra-C (about 1 in 4000 of the main Ra-C' group) is found to comprise two distinct components. The main long-range groups from Th-C' and Ra-C' have been observed. The differences of energy between the main group and two of the long-range groups from Ra-C', deduced from the measurements, are in close agreement with tho y-ray energies found by

Ellis (this vol., 4). L. L. B.

R elative velocities of th e a-p articles fro m th o riu m -X a n d its p ro d u c ts a n d fro m R a-C '.

G. H. B r ig g s (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139, 638—

659).—An account is given of measurements by tho direct magnetic deflexion method of the relative velocities of the a-particles from Th-Z, -Em, -A, -C (mean), -O', and R a -C '; tho probable error is 1 in 20,000. Preliminary results, correct to 1 in 2000, are also given for the relative velocities of Ra-^4 and -Em. The results are combined with the range measurements of Lewis and Wynn-Williams (A.,

1932, 671) to give a new correction curve to the Geiger relation Vz—kR for ranges between S-6 and 4 cm. For ranges > 5 cm. the relation between range and velocity is accurately given by V326= kR .

L. L. B.

R an ge of a-p articles fro m th o riu m b y th e W ilson c h a m b e r. F. N. D. K u r i e and G. D.

K n o p f (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 311—314).—At 0° and 760 mm. the extrapolated no.-distance range from 300 tracks is 2-72+0-03 cm. The low val. of Henderson (cf. A., 1931,16) is discussed. N. M. B.

Q u an titativ e th e o ry of rad io activ e a-em ission.

T. Sexl (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 163—177).—Radio­

active disintegration consts. are calc, from the diffuse­

ness of a-particle levels. Gamow’s work is criticised.

A. B. D. C.

A bsorption of p-rays by, a n d m o le c u la r stru c tu re of, o rg an ic com pou n ds : halo g en d eriv ­ atives. G. F o u r n i e r and M. G u i l l o t (Compt.

rend., 1933, 196, 698—700; cf. this vol., 334).—A being the difference between the observed and calc, vals. of the mass absorption coeff. for (3-rays (¡x/p), the differences between A for a series of org. com­

pounds and their Cl- and Br-derivatives are 0-6—0-9 and 1-85—1-9, respectively, and th a t between A for corresponding Cl- and Br-derivatives is 1-1—1-2. A increases with no. of atoms of Cl. A for Br' is zero (cf. A., 1932, 210); for liquid Br it is 3-0, indicating a behaviour approximating to th a t of the latter in Br

in org. substances. C. A. S.

M a x im u m en erg y of (3-rays fro m u ra n iu m -X a n d o th e r bo d ies. B. W. S a r g e n t (Proc. Roy.

Soc., 1933, A, 139, 659—673).—The range of the P-rays of XJ-X2 is 1-10 g. per sq. cm. in C and in Al.

The end-point of its spectrum is 2-32 X 10® volts. No i3-rays were found having energies from 3 to 7 x l 0 G

volts, and an upper lim it on their no. was determined.

A survey of the data on the end-points of 12 ß-ray spectra, together with a list of preferred vals., is

given. L. L. B.

N u clear s c a tte rin g of ß-rays. T. S e x l (Z.

Physik, 1933, 81, 178—185).—Theoretical.

A. B. D. C.

y- a n d X -Ray s p e c tra of th e th o riu m fam ily.

M. V a l a d a r e s (Compt. rend., 1933,196, 856—858).—

Using Frilley’s crystal diffraction method (cf. A., 1929, 971) and (a) a metal plate activated with thoron, and bulbs containing (b) mesothorium, and (c) radio­

thorium, tho y-ray spectra showed the lines X 103, 143, 160, and 165 X from (a), (b), and (c), 285, 320, 330, and 387 from (b) and (c), and 118 from (6);

103, 285, 320, and 330 are the second order lines corresponding with 52,143,160, and 165, respectively.

Three faint lines occur between 165 and 285; 143 is a doublet (139 and 143), probably due to Th-Ä— >- Th-C. 160 and 165 belong to K a1 and Ka.z of element

83. C. A. S.

T e m p e ra tu re effect a n d its e lim in a tio n in G e ig e r-M ü ller tu b e c o u n te rs. L. F. C u r t is s

(Bur. Stand. J . Res., 1933, 10, 229—232).—The decrease in rate of counting with rise in temp, is attributed to evaporation of volatile m atter from the hard rubber insulators usually emploj^ed. A new form of counter in which only glass and metal are used is described and is claimed to be free from

temp, effects. A. R. P.

D e te rm in a tio n of e m a n a tio n co n ten t of the a tm o sp h e re a n d its a p p licatio n to in v estig a tio n s of th e re la tio n w ith m eteo ro lo g ical fa c to rs, a n d influence of e m a n a tio n co n ten t of th e a tm o sp h e re on m e a s u re m e n t of co sm ic ra y s . W . M e s s e r - s c h m id t (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 84—100).—The aimual mean content of emanation in the atm. is 300 x l 0~18

curie per c.c. A. B. D. C.

S p e c tru m a n d la titu d e v a ria tio n of p e n e tra tin g ra d ia tio n . E. J . W ill ia m s (Nature, 1933, 131,

511—512). L | S. T.

N u clear en erg y levels. G. G am ow (Nature, 1933, 131, 433).—The level system of the Ra-C' nucleus is constructed from various d ata and com­

pared with the theoretical. L. S. T.

S c a tte rin g po w er of m an y -e le c tro n a to m s.

F. B l o c h (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 363—376).—The Thomas-Fermi method is used and agrees with experi­

ment for elements from H to Au. A. B . D. C.

T h eo ry of a to m ic nuclei. II. E. N. G a p o n

(Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 419—423).—The method pre­

viously developed (this vol., I l l ) is extended to atoms

between A and Nd. A. B. D. C.

S tru c tu re of a to m s a n d m olecu les rev e a le d b y X -ray s. J . W e i g l e (Arch. Sei. phys. nat., 1932,14,

351—362).—A lecture. N. M. B.

R ecent re se a rc h e s on th e tra n s m u ta tio n of th e e le m en ts. ( L o r d ) R u t h e r f o r d (Nature, 1933,131,

388—389). L. S. T.

H eig h ts of n u c le a r p o te n tia l b a r r ie r s a n d n u c le a r s tru c tu re . E. C. P o l l a r d (Nature, 1933, 131, 398).—Theoretical. The view th a t the heights



of the potential barriers of light nuclei are propor­

tional to at. nos. (this vol., 205) agrees with Heisen­

berg’s suggestion th a t nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons with certain attractive forces between

them. L. S. T.

Diffuse double lay er. J . L e n s (Proc. Roy. Soc., 1933, A, 139,596—603).—Mathematical. L. L. B.

A pplication of the d o u b le-lay e r th e o ry of O tto S te rn . F . U r b a n and H. L. W h i t e (J. Physical Cliem., 1933, 37, 399).—Corrections (see this vol., 122).

E xchange energy. V. F o ck (Z. Physilc, 1933, 81, 195—208).—An exchange energy operator is set up for alkali atom s; the operator is linear, and the motion of even a single electron in a given electro­

static field is specified only when the exchange field is included. The classical analogue of this operator vanishes when h becomes zero, but an approx. expres­

sion is given from which an estimate of the exchange

energy may be made. A. B. D. C.

D ensity d istrib u tio n of u n ip o la r ion c u rre n ts . W. D e u t s c h (Ann. Physik, 1933, [v], 16, 588—612).—

Mathematical. W. R. A.

Q u a n tu m m ech an ics of b e ry lliu m h y d rid e.

C. E. I r e l a n d (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43,329—336;

cf. Furry, A., 1932, 319).—Mathematical.

N. M. B.

V ariab le-scale a to m ic w ave fu nction s. J. P.

V i n t i and P. M. Morse (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43,

337340).—Mathematical. N. M. B.

C o rp u scu lar m ec h a n ic s. F. J. d e W is n ie w s k i

(J. Phys. Radium, 1933, [vii], 4, 90—104).—Mathe­

matical. A generalised corpuscular mechanics is co­

ordinated with wave mechanics so as to take into account the properties of neutral He and its analogues, and other anomalies in classical corpuscular mechanics.

N. M. B.

W ave eq u atio n s a n d th e co n serv atio n of energy.

A. L e e s (Nature, 1933, 131, 402).—Theoretical.

L. S. T.

A to m istic conception of space a n d tim e . L.

S ch a m e s (Z. Physik, 1933. 81, 270— 282).

A. B. D. C.

D eterm in atio n of e /m fo r a n electron b y a new deflexion m eth o d . F. G. D u n n i n g t o n (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43,404—416).—An improved method, avoiding measurement of acceleration voltage and eliminating contact potential errors, gives the val.

(1-7571±0-0015) X107 e.m.u. N. M. B.

D e te rm in a tio n of e/m by p h o to -electro n s ex ­ cited b y X -ray s. G. G. K r e t s c h m a r (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 417—423).—A magnetic deflexion method applied to electrons ejected from thin evaporated or sputtered films of Au, Ag, Cu, and P t by Mo K radiation gives the val. (1-7570^

0-0026) X l07 e.m.u. N. M. B.

Z eem an effect in so lid s. F. H. S p e e d in g

(Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 2082). L. S. T.

A b so rption of lig h t b y ozone b etw een X 3050 and 2150 A. N. T. Z e and C. S. P ia w (Compt.

rend., 1933, 196, 916—918; cf. A., 1932, 869).—

The coeffs. of absorption of 194 lines (X 3053-5 —

2135-9) have been recorded, including many new ones (cf. A., 1927, 607). C. A. S.

In te rp re ta tio n of th e B eF b a n d s. R. S. M u l l i - k e n (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 836—837).—The 2I I state is inverted (cf. A., 1930, 520). The bearing of this inversion on the electron configuration is

discussed. L. S. T.

E m issio n an d a b so rp tio n s p e c tra in su lp h u r dioxide. T. C. C h o w and H. D . S m y th (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 838).—A correlation of data.

L. S. T.

B a n d s p e c tru m due to th e m olecule N20 3.

E. H. M e lv in and 0 . R. W u l f (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 2294).—-An absorption spectrum of apparently diffuse bands and probably due to N203 has been observed in the near ultra-violet in mixtures of NO

and N 0 2. L. S. T.

R eflexion sp e c tru m of h alid es of r a r e e a rth s , especially e rb iu m . F. E p h r a im , G. J a n t s c h ,

and C. Z a p a ta (Helv. Chim. Acta, 1933, 16, 261

267; cf. A., 1929, 864).—Reflexion spectra of anhyd.

ErCl3, ErBr3, and E r l3 have been measured. The displacement due to change of halogen is markedly smaller than is the case with P r and Nd. Data are given for HoI3. Narrow absorption bands are absent from the spectrum of Y bl2, whence it is concluded th a t the colour resides in the outer electron shell.

F. L. U.

L ig h t a b so rp tio n an d lattic e energ y for th e alk a li h y d rid e s. J . H. d e B o e r and C. J . D ip p e l

(Naturwiss., 1933, 21, 204—205).—Cs atoms adsorbed on the surface of CaF2 layers rapidly take up H 2, in contrast to ordinary Cs. If a colourless layer is irradiated with light (2500—3000 A.), the blue colour returns and H2 is set free. There is an absorption at a much greater wave-length than for halides of other alkali metals. The small electron affinity of the H atom is the chief cause of this. The failure of the equations of Hilsch and Pohl and of Wolff and Herzfeld to explain the facts for LiH may be due to a specially strong red displacement owing to adsorption of H in the lattice. A. J . M.

B a n d s p e c tra of b a riu m oxide. P. C. M a h a n t i

(Nature, 1933, 131, 402).—An arc between C electrodes containing BaCl2 or Ba(N03)2 gives red- degrading bands between 4300 and 8000



to BaO. L. S. T.

Line a b so rp tio n of ch ro m ic s a lts in re la tio n to co -o rdin ation. C. H. J o h n s o n and A. M e a d

(Nature, 1933, 131, 399).—Aq. solutions of Crm compounds show only one narrow band. This band moves farther into the red as the three electrically neutral mols. of C2H4(NH2)2 in [Cr (en)3]" ‘ are succes­

sively replaced by negatively-charged C20^ radicals.

The band for [Cr (en)3]'" is near th a t of Cr" , presum­

ably [Cr(H ,0)6]" ’ in violet solutions of Cr111 salts.

The position of the band for green solutions of Cr2(SO.j)3 is in agreement with the view th a t when a solution of Cr3(S04)3 is boiled SO./' displaces H 20 mols. and the green colour is due to [Cr(H20 )4S04”]‘.

The linkings uniting en and C204 radicals"are con­

sidered to be predominantly covalent. L. S. T.


GENERAL, PHYSICAL, AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 445 New b a n d in th e s p e c tru m of th e OH m o le c u le .

H. L. J o h n s t o n , D . H. D a w s o n , and (Miss) M. K.

W a l k e r (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 4 3 , 473—480).—

91 new lines were observed. 44 of these are exten­

sions of X 3428, 54 lines (including 11 in common with /. 3428) form a new band with a head a t A 3484, and 4 lines are unidentified. N. M. B.

A b so rp tio n s p e c tra of co b alto u s com pounds.

IV. T h e a lk a li ox id e-b o ric oxide g lasse s. W. R.

B k o d e (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1933, 55, 939—947).—

The position of the absorption bands in the blue glasses is independent of the alkali oxide (Li, Na, K, or Cs) and therefore the alkali metal is not attached to or p a rt of the chromophore. The sub­

stitution of alkali chloride or sulphide for oxide produces characteristic bands, indicating th a t the CoO blue glasses belong to the system of co-ordinated Co blue compounds investigated previously (A., 1931, 1109). Pink glasses, with high [B20 3], contain un­

co-ordinated Co". By adjusting the relative concn.

of oxides, glasses can be prepared which change from pink to blue on raising the tem p .; the effect is most evident with K 20 glasses and is due to change of relative intensity of the absorption hands.

J. G-. A. G.

O rien ta tio n of co -o rd in atio n w a te r m olecules ab o u t r a r e - e a r th ions in solution. F. H. S p e d - d in g and G. C. N u t t i n g (Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 2295).—Absorption spectra of the Gd'" ion in solutions of GdCL,6H20 and Gd(EtS04)3,9H20 show th a t the H20 mols. take up definite positions about the Gd"' ion to give a field of definite symmetry.

L. S. T.

O ptical a b so rp tio n of su b s titu te d benzenes.

II. X ylidines a n d xylenols. I II . C alculation of d isp la c em e n t of b a n d s b y su b s titu e n ts . H.

C o n r a d - B i l l r o t h (Z. physikal. Chem., 1933, B, 20, 222—226, 227—236; cf. A., 1932, 1188).—II. The ultra-violet absorption spectra of the xylidines consist of a single band, but with the xylenols there is separ­

ation into two bands.

III. A method of calculating the displacement of the ultra-violet absorption bands of C6H6 caused by substituents from vals. characteristic of the latter by a kind of vector addition is described, and its validity demonstrated from experimental data.

Discrepancies, which are allowed for, occur when a Me group is in the o-position or a OH group in the

^-position to any second substituent. R. C.

O ptical a b so rp tio n of so m e c a rb o n com p o un d s in S c h u m an n u ltra -v io le t. G. S c h e ib e , F. P o v e n z ,

and C. F. L in s t r o m (Z. physikal. Chem., 1933, B, 20, 283—304).—Measurements have been made down to about 1500


with alkyl iodides, MeCHO, COMe2, various aliphatic acids and esters, and CgH8. The results are correlated with Raman frequencies.

R. C.

New long-w ave a b so rp tio n b a n d of carb o n disulphide. D . M. D e n n i s o n and N. W e i g h t

(Physical Rev., 1931, [ii], 38, 2077—2078).

L. S. T.

S election p rin cip le in oscillatio n sp e c tru m of calcite. F. M a t o s s i (Physikal. Z., 1933, 34. 230—

232). There are two special cases in which the rule

pu t forward by Dennison (Rev. mod. Phys., 1931, 3, 280) can be te s te d : (1) the linear XY2 mol. (e.g., CS2), and (2) the plane trigonal XY3 group (e.g., C03).

For CS2 results are in agreement with theory, but for C03 in CaC03 there are some discrepancies, which, it is suggested, may be due to asymmetry in the C03

group. A. J . M.

In fra -re d in terferen ce sp e c tra . J . W. E l l i s

(J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 1933, 23, 88—91).—Series of 60 or 70 interference max. and min. observed in an investigation of the infra-red transmission of thin sheets of cellophane and mica are recorded and

discussed. N. M. B.

In fra -re d a b so rp tio n s p e c tra of c e rta in a lk a l­

oids. (M iss) M. E. O ’B y r n e (J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 1933, 23, 92—100).—D ata are recorded, with rock- salt and fluorite prisms, in the range 1— 12 ¡x for 2 : 3'-dipyridyl, methylanabasine, nicotine, sparteine, sparteine sulphate, pelletierine, arecoline, arecoline hydrobromide, pilocaipine, pilocarpine hydrochloride, anabasine (plant product), and neonicotine (synthetic;

probably identical). N. M. B .

R o ta tio n -v ib ra tio n s p e c tru m of w a te r vap o u r.

I. R, M e c k e (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 313—331).—17 Bands of H 20 vapour are analysed, and the necessary series formulae, sum rules, symmetry properties, selection and intensity rules are discussed in relation to mol. consts. In the ground state of zero vibra­

tional quantum nos., the vertical angle for H 20 is 105° 6' and the OH distance is 0-970


A. B. D. C.

In fra -re d ab so rp tio n b a n d s of m eth a n e. W. V.

N o r r i s and H. J . U n g e r (Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 467—472).—In the region 1—2 (x new Lands were located a t 1-135, 1-187, 1-330, and 1-734 ¡i, and fine structure data are tabulated. 14 new lines were observed for the 1-66 ^ band (cf. Moorhead, A., 1932,

212). N . M. B.

B ib lio g rap h y of th e R a m a n effect, 1930—1932.

S. C. S ir k a r (Indian J . Physics, 1932, 7, 431—490).

R em ovalof continuous b a c k g ro u n d fro m R a m a n s p e c tru m of c a rb o n te tra c h lo rid e . M. E. H ig h an d M. L. P o o l (P h y sic a l R e v ., 1931, [ii], 38, 374—

375).—T h e con tin u ou s sp ectrum o f CC14is a lm o st co m ­ p le te ly rem oved b y sm all am o u n ts o f m-C0H4(NO2),.

L. S. T.

R a m a n effect. XXIV. R a m a n s p e c tru m of o rg an ic su b sta n c e s (m olecules w ith CiCiX lin k ­ ing). H. K o p p e r and A. P o n g r a t z (Monatsh., 1933, 62, 78—89; cf. A., 1931, 284; this vol., 144).—

Raman frequencies are given for the following:

CH2Br-CHBr-CH2Br, CH2:CBr-CH2Br, CH2:C:CH2, CH2:CH-CHEt-OH, CH2:c:CHEt, CHMerCICHMe, MeNCO, EtNCO, an d “ Pr^NCO. The Raman spectrum of allene corresponds with th at calc, for a symmetrical linear mol. containing a !C! linking.

F. L. U.

R a m a n s p e c tra of cyclenes. M. G o d c h o t ,

E. C a n a ls , and ( M ll e .) G. C a u q u il (Compt. rend., 1933, 196, 780—781; cf. A., 1932, 559).—The Raman spectra of cyc/o-C„H2„_2 for n = 5—8 (11, 18, 13, and 14 lines, respectively) closely resemble each other. All contain lines near 1600, 1440, and 1200



cm.-1 characteristic respectively of the double linking, CH2, and the cyclic structure; the frequencies < 1000, characteristic of C-C, diminish as n increases; all show a strong line near 1000. C. A. S.

R o tation s tru c tu re of R a m a n b a n d s of poly­

atom ic m olecules. G. P l a c z e k and E. T e l l e r (Z.

Physik, 1933, 8 1 , 209—258, 839).—Placzek’s polaris­

ation theory of the intensity of Raman lines due to oscillation (cf. A., 1931, 893) is extended to rotation lines and th en envelopes. Examples discussed a r e : H 2, C02, N20 , C2H 2, NH3, C03, mols. of types ZXY3 and XY4, and H20 . A. B. D. C.

R a m a n sp e c tru m of g aseo u s a m m o n ia . E.

A m a ld i and G. P l a c z e k (Z. Physik, 1933, 8 1 , 259—

269).—Observations previously recorded (A ., 1932, 897) are interpreted according to Placzek’s theory (cf. preceding abstract). A . B. D. C.

D ep o larisatio n of R a m a n ra d ia tio n in diffusion s p e c tra of liq u id s. J . C a b a n n e s and A. R o t j s s e t

(Ann. Physique, 1933, [x], 1 9 ,229—303).—The polar­

isation of Raman radiation was studied in 23 liquids, and conclusions are reached concerning the symmetry of various types of mols., including XY2, XY3, NY4, ZXY3, Z2XY2, and the C6H6 nucleus, which possesses

only a ternary axis. A. J . M.

C alculation of c h a ra c te ris tic freq u encies of org an ic chain -m olecules by m e a n s of m o d els.

K. W. P. K o h l r a u s c h (Z. physikal. Chem., 1933, B, 20, 217—221).—Polemical (cf. this vol., 114).

R. C.

C olour in film s of s p u tte re d tin . C. J. O v e r ­

b e c k (J. Opt. Soc. Arner., 1933, 2 3 , 109—113).—

Films sputtered on glass in air or 02 showed rings or colour cycles attributed to interference effects due to variation in film thickness, probably of Sn02. Films sputtered in N2 consist of an opaque brown Sn-N compound, which produces a nearly transparent colour film, similar to the first-mentioned, when heated in 0 2. Films produced in H2 have mirror surfaces of high reflecting power. N. M. B.

A bsorption s p e c tra of photo ch em ically coloured alk a li halide c ry sta ls. H. F r o l i c h (Z. Physik, 1933, 8 0 , S19—821).—Mollwo’s empirical law (A., 1932, 673, 1074) relating frequency of absorption of

coloured alkali halide crystals with the grating const, is deduced theoretically. A. B. D. C.

A rtificial colouring of c ry s ta ls . V. B i l u e t

(Natuurwetensch. Tijds., 1933, 1 5 , 52—54).—The staining and change of habit of H2C204 crystals produced in aq. and COMe2 solutions containing methylene-blue are described. H. F. G.

E ffect of te m p e ra tu re on extinctio n of flu o re s­

cence of dye so lu tio n s by electroly tes. A. W.

B a n o v (Z. physikal. Chem., 1933, 1 6 3 , 172184).

—Cases of both increase and decrease of extinction with rise in temp, have been observed. If the extinction is duo to collisions of the second kind between ions and excited dye mols. it may be ex­

pected to increase with rise of temp., whilst the reverse will be true if the cause is increase of the activity of the dye by the electrolyte (A., 1930, 1235). Where there are no collisions of the above kind the influence of

ions on the fluorescence intensity apparently runs parallel with their hydration. R. C.

In v estig a tio n of th e glow of p h o sp h o ru s w ith th e a id of a p h o to -electric co u n te r. C. O u e l l e t

(Trans. Faraday Soc., 1933, 2 9 , 486—494).—The kinetics of the oxidation of P has been investigated with the help of a sensitive photo-electric quantum counter. No radiation < 2800


is emitted outside the explosive limits. The variation of intensity of radiation with pressure of 0 2 is explained by a chain mechanism. The glow is composite and the various spectral components vary independently. Some or all of the bands situated above X 2800


the threshold val. of the counter, are emitted only, or suddenly increaso in intensity a t a definite pressure which is

> th a t a t which the visible glow sets in. The form of the intensity-tim e curve for the radiation suggests th a t two chemical reactions, unequally affected by pressure, are involved in the glow. M. S. B,

L um inescence by cathode ra y s . I. C h ro m ­ iu m a n d o th e r elem en ts as a c tiv a to rs fo r a lu m in ­ iu m oxide. S. I z a w a (J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Japan, 1933, 3 6 , 43—44b).—Traces of various elements were added to A120 3, which was then heated a t 1300° for 1 hr. and cooled rapidly. The luminesccnce to cathode rays of 4000 volts was then observed.

D. R. D.

F luorescence of p u re s a lts of th e r a r e e a rth s . R. T o m a s c iie k and 0 . D e u t s c h b e i n (Nature, 1933,

1 3 1 , 473).—Pure salts of certain rare earths fluoresce when excited by violet and ultra-violet light.

L. S. T.

Lum inescence a n d cry sta llin e s tr u c tu r e . B. E.

C o h n (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1933, 5 5 , 953—957;

cf. A., 1931, 284).—The emission spectrum of fluores­

cence of Zn borate glass containing Mn is a band extending from 5670 to 6750


(max. a t 6100


which is independent of the wave-length of the exciting (ultra-violet) light. The intensity of fluores­

cence is max. when the Zn : Sin at. ratio is 23 : 1, whereas the intensity of thermoluminescence, max.

a t 6050 A., is greatest with the Zn : Mn ratio 200 : 1. The substituted cryst. lattice theory is not supported

by these data. J . G. A. G.

A b so rp tio n s p e c tra of n a tu ra lly coloured flu o rite s. J . Y O sh im u r a (Sci. Papers Inst. Phys.

Chem. Res. Tokyo, 1933, 2 0 , 170—177).—The absorption spectra may be ascribed to the presence of rare earths. No connexion is found between the photoluminescence of fluorites and ultra-violet ab­

sorption spectra. C. W. G.

In te n s ity of th e b a n d s p e c tru m of p h o sp h o rs.

H. N i t k a (Atm. Physik, 1933, [v], 1 6 , 720—744).—

The intensity of the emission spectrum of SrS-Cu, ZnS-Mn, CaS, and CaS-Bi phosphors was investigated.

The dependence of the intensity of individual bands on the method of prep, and of excitation of the

phosphor is discussed. W. R. A.

E m issio n fro m o xide-coated cath o d es. M.

B e n ja m in and H. P. R o o k s b y (Phil. Mag., 1933, [vii], 1 5 , 810829).The coating on active cathodes prepared from BaCOa or SrCO, has been shown by X -ray analysis to consist of BaO or SrO. The mixed


GENERAL, PHYSICAL, AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 447 oxides form solid solutions. Preferential evaporation

of BaO may occur on flashing BaO-SrO-coated cathodes poisoned by 02, with irreversible loss of activity. Such poisoned cathodes are reactivated on bombarding with A or Hg ions. H. J . E.

R e v e rsa l of c u rre n t in re c tifie r photo-cells.

H. H. P o o l e and W. R. G. A t k in s (Nature, 1933, 131, 547—548; cf. this vol., 338). L. S. T.

C h a ra cte ristic v ib ra tio n s a n d th e selective e x te rn a l p h oto -electric effect. I. C o a l-ta r dyes in th e v isible s p e c tra l reg io n . II. M etals in th e u ltra -v io le t. F. H l u c k a (Z. Physik, 1933, 81, 66—75, 76—79).—I. The selective external photo­

electric effect is shown to occur a t the same spectral regions as characteristic frequencies for several coal- ta r dyes.

II. Characteristic frequencies deduced from optical d ata are shown to he in the region of the selective external photo-electric effect. A. B. D. C.

E x isten ce of a n in n e r photo-effect in cu p ro u s oxide. D. N a s l e d o v and L. N e m b n o v (Naturwiss., 1933, 21, 205).—No inner photo-effect could be found even a t the temp, of liquid air. A. J . M.

E ffect of te m p e ra tu re on c ry s ta l photo-effect.

G. B a r t h and H. D e m b e r (Physikal. Z., 1933, 34, 284—286).—Investigation of the dependence of the photo-electric current and potential obtained on illumination of a Cu20 crystal on the wave-length of the incident light, and comparison with the optical absorption coeff. curve shows th a t the max. does not he a t the position of strongest absorption, but a t the long-wave absorption edge. There is thus a close connexion between the inner and crystal photo-effects, W ith fall of temp, the crystal photo-potential increases rapidly, and the max. moves towards the shorter waves. The displacement of the max. is due to the shifting of the absorption edge with fall of temp, towards shorter waves. After m any observ­

ations, tho crystal appears to change its properties.

The effect is limited at very low temp, by tho resist­

ance of the crystal. The difference in behaviour between Zn blende and CiuO is explained.

A. J . M.

T h eory of c ry s ta l photo-effect. H. T e ic h m a n n

(Physikal. Z., 1933, 34, 283—284). A. J . M.

D ielectric lo sse s in ro c k s a lt. P. L. B a y l e y

(Physical Rev., 1933, [ii], 43, 355—357).—The phase angle, in the range 1— 1000 kilocycles, was < 0-0001. Moisture increases tho power factor, especially at lower frequencies. Traces of org. surface contamination may cause apparent dipole properties. N. M. B.

Debye effect in visco us d ielectrics. G. T o d e s c o

(Nuovo Cim., 1932, 9, 125—131; Chem. Zentr., 1932, ii, 2602).—W ith an oscillator working down to X 9 m.

castor oil was shown to have an absorption band with max. a t X 21-60 m. (21°; internal friction 7-7 e.g.s.), whence the mol. has a 1-7 x lO-8 cm. The val. calc, from the temp, coeff. of the dielectric const, is 1-8 X

10-® cm. A. A. E.

C ryoscopic ru le s a n d dipole th eo ry . W.

F i s c h e r (Z. physikal. Chem., 1933,163, 257—262).—

Empirical rules connecting degree of association as

deduced from cryoscopic data with chemical consti­

tution are interpreted in the light of the dipole theory.

R. C.

In v estig a tio n of th e d ielectric p ro p e rtie s of so d iu m p o ta s s iu m t a r t r a te b y m e a n s of X -ray s.

H. S ta u b (Physikal. Z., 1933, 34, 292—296).—The intensity of X-ray interference produced by a crystal of Na K tartrate is altered by application of an electric field. The dependence of this change on temp, and field strength is investigated, and it is shown th a t the abnormally high dielectric const, of the salt is accom­

panied by a high displacement of ions in the lattice.

A. J . M.

D e te rm in a tio n of s ta tic dielectric c o n sta n t of so d iu m p o ta ssiu m ta r tr a te . G. O p la t k a (Phygi- kal. Z., 1933, 34, 296—300).—A new method of determining dielectric properties is described and applied to the determination of the effect of duration of charging and field strength on tho dielectric const, of Na K tartrate. The results agree with those of Staub (cf. preceding abstract). The fatigue effect was also

investigated. A. J . M.

In v e stig a tio n of dipole m o m e n ts w ith m o le­

c u la r ra y s . I. E s t e r m a n n and M. W o h l w i l l (Z.

physikal. Chem., 1933, B, 20, 195—208).—The dipole moments of pentaerythritol and some related com­

pounds have been determined by the semi-quant, condensation method (A., 1928, 1309). A method of determining the intensity distribution in mol. rays, depending on measurement of the heat liberated in condensation of the mols., has been worked out, and used for the determination of dipole moments from observations on the deviation of mol. rays in electric fields (cf. this vol., 210). R. C.

Influence of p re s s u re on th e d ielectric c o n sta n t of c a rb o n dioxide up to 1000 a tm o sp h e re s be­

tw een 25° a n d 150°. A .M ic h e ls and (M rs.) C.

M i c h e ls (Phil. Trans., 1933, A, 231, 409—434; cf.

Keyes, A., 1931, 147).—Using the heterodyne beat method a t a frequency of 508 kilocycles results are tabulated for a range of pressures a t each of 12 different temp. The val. of the Clausius-Mosotti expression is independent of the temp, and tends to decrease with rise of pressure. N. M. B.

D ielectric c o n sta n t of liq u id s. V III. G.

D e v o t o (Gazzctta, 1933, 63, 50—58; cf. A., 1932, 794).—Vais, of the dielectric constant-concn. coeff.

for aq. solutions of glycine and its homologues are given in more detail, and new measurements for solutions of hydantoin, hydantoic acid, pyrrolidone, C5H5N, ethyl- and propyl-carbamide, leucylglycyl- glycine, and glycyl-leucine are reported. The struc­

ture of these substances is discussed. 0. J . W.

D ielectric p o la risa tio n of so lu tio n s of s u lp h u r in c a rb o n disu lp h id e. S. D o b i n s k i (Bull. Acad.

Polonaise, 1932, A, 239—247).—From measurements of the dielectric const, and densities of solutions of S in CS2 of various concn. and a t various temp, the polarisation of S is calc, as 0-252 c.c. per g. As the sp. refraction for tho D line is 0-262 c.c. per g. the chpole moment of S in CS2 solution is zero. J . W . S.

F requen cy v a ria tio n of th e d iele ctric c o n sta n t of d ilu te non -aq ueo us so lu tio n s. L. J . O n c l e y


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