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zanie problematycznego zagadnienia etnicznej populacji, która przed ponad 1500 laty zamieszkiwała Kotlinę Hrubieszowską na Lubelszczyźnie


1. A k s ja n o w a G. A., Z u b o w A. A., K o c z e w R. S.: Matieriały po odontołogii komi-zyrian kak etnogienieticzeskij istocznik. Sow. Etn. 3 (1979).

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3. D ie b ie c G. F.: Paleoantropołogija SSSR. Moskwa-Leningrad 1948, 164-167, 376-377.

4. D ie n is o w a R. J., G r a u d o n i s J. J., G r a w ie r ie R. U.: Kiwutkalnskij mogilnik epochi bronzy. Zinatnie, Riga 1985.

5. G ą s io r o w s k i A., K o z a k - Z y c h m a n W.: Ludzkie szczątki kostne z grobu II, IV i V na stan. 25 w Moroczynie, woj. zamojskie. Spraw. Archeol. 39, 209-319 (1987).

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9. G ó r a l s k i A.: Metody opisu i wnioskowania statystycznego w psychologii i pedago­

gice. PWN, Warszawa 1987, 189-193.

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13. K a c z m a r e k M.: Charakterystyka morfologii zawiązków koron zębów stałych w gro­

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14. K a s z y b a d z e W. D. ( W a s z c z a je w a ) : O gietierogiennosti nasielenija Kawkaza po odontołogiczeskim dannym. Wopr. Antrop. 74 (1984).

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16. K o k o w s k i A.: Stosunki kulturowe na Lubelszczyźnie od II w. p.n.e. do schyłku starożytności (w młodszym okresie przedrzymskim i wpływów rzymskich). Archeol.



Lublin 1983.

17. K o k o w s k i A.: Stan i potrzeby badań nad młodszym okresem przedrzymskim i okresem wpływów rzymskich na Lubelszczyźnie. [w:] Stan i potrzeby badań nad młodszym okresem przedrzymskim i okresem wpływów rzymskich w Polsce. Kraków 1986, 181-200.

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19. K o k o w s k i A.: Grupa masłomęcka w okresie rzymskim. Lublin 1987.

20. K o k o w s k i A.: Z problematyki badań cmentarzyska z okresu wpływów rzymskich w Masłomęczu. Roczn. Zamojski 1, 265-292 (1987) — tam wcześniejsze piśmiennic­


21. K o k o w s k i A.: Piąty sezon badań południowej części stanowiska 1C w Gródku nad Bugiem, woj. zamojskie, [w:] Sprawozdania z badań terenowych katedry Archeologii UMCS w 1988 roku. Lublin 1988, 13-17.

22. K o k o w s k i A.: Jedenasty sezon badań w Masłomęczu, stan. 15, gm. Hrubieszów, woj. zamojskie, [w:] Sprawozdania z badań terenowych Katedry Archeologii UMCS w 1989 roku. Lublin 1989, 26-28.

23. K o k o w s k i A.: Szósty sezon badań w południowej części stanowiska 1C w Gródku nad Bugiem, woj. zamojskie, [w:] Sprawozdania z badań terenowych Katedry Arche­

ologii UMCS w 1990 roku. Lublin 1990, 30-34.

24. K o k o w s k i A.: Dwunasty sezon badań stanowiska nr 15 w Masłomęczu, woj.

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25. K o k o w s k i A.: Die sarmatischen Elemente in Masłomęcz-Gruppe. Acte du XIe Congres USPP. Mainz 1992.

26. K o k o w s k i A., K u r z ą t k o w s k a U.: Badania na eponimicznym cmentarzysku grupy masłomęckiej. [w:] Sprawozdanie z badań terenowych Katedry Archeologii w 1987 roku. Lublin 1987, 28-32.

Wyniki wstępnej analizy kraniologicznej i odontologicznej...


27. K o k o w s k i A., K u r z ą t k o w s k a U.: Dziewiąty sezon badań stanowiska nr 15

w Masłomęczu, gm. Hrubieszów, woj. zamojskie, [w:] Sprawozdania z badań tereno­

wych Katedry Archeologii UMCS w 1988 roku. Lublin 1988, 31-38.

28. K o k o w s k i A., M a z u r e k W.: Stanowisko wielokulturowe nr 25 w Moroczy- nie, gm. Hrubieszów w woj. zamojskim, [w:] Sprawozdania Archeologiczne XXXIX, 261-307 (1987).

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31. K o n d u k t o r o w a T. S., S ie g ie d a S. P.: Kraniołogiczeskaja i odontologiczeskaja charaktieristika ludiej iz Majackogo VIII-IX ww. Wopr. Antrop. 78, Izd. MGU (1987).

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33. K o z a k - Z y c h m a n W.: Antropologiczna charakterystyka materiałów kostnych z cmentarzyska młodszego okresu wpływów rzymskich w Gródku nad Bugiem, stan. 1C, woj. zamojskie. Lublin 1991 (maszynopis).

34. K o z a k - Z y c h m a n W.: Analiza antropologiczna materiałów kostnych z cmentarzy­

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Nauka, Moskwa 1979.


Craniological analysis takes into account materials from three cemeteries utilized by the population of the Masłomęcz group: Gródek upon the Bug, station 1C (N = 20), Masłomęcz, station 15 (N = 31) and Moroczyn station 25 (N = 2), in the Zamość voivode- ship.

The evaluation of biological distance by the method of L. Penrose showed great similarity in 10 craniometric features taken into account and thereby similar morphological structure of the skulls from Gródek and Masłomęcz, both in case of males (C R = 0.1559) and females (C « = 0.1974). This may be indicative of the common origin of both populations.

Statistical verification by f-Student’s test showed the significance of differences between the compared małe groups only in case of nose index, whereas as regards female groups — in case of average height.

In typological composition of the craniological series from Gródek, determined just like the remaining ones (on the basis of mean values) by the method of A. Wanke, the prevailing element in males turned out to be the Mediterranean one (e = 44%) with a big share of armnoidal element (h = 22%), whereas in female, laponoidal element (1 = 35%).

In Masłomęcz, however, apart from a great percentage of the Mediterranean element (e = 33), there was found a considerable admixture of paleoeuropeidal element (p = 27%) and laponoidal element (1 - 21%). Similarly in females, however the proportions were slighty different (1 = 29%, p = 25%, e = 23%).

As regards the share of 5 basie racial elements, inclusive of the crucial Mediterranean element, the Masłomęcz group is similar both to Wielbar and Czerniachów culture pop­

ulation, however, the Gródek population is also similar to the Black Sea Scytosarma- tians, whereas the Masłomęcz population — to the Scytosarmatians from upon the middle Dnieper and to the Lithuanians of the 3rd —4th century A.D.

The results of craniological analysis did not confirm the thesis about affiliation of the investigated craniological materials to the Gothic population. Nonę of the series did reveal the evident Germanie infiltrates in the form of expected, higher percentage of the Nordic race. However, it is conceivable in case of materials from Gródek, mainly because of 18%

share of the Nordic population.

In odontological studies, the skulls from the cementary in Gródek — station 1C (N = 34) and Masłomęcz — station 15 (7V = 36) were taken into consideration.

The performed analysis showed that the differentiation of teeth structure in the Masłomęcz group is implied within the Europeidal race, and odontological complexes of

The Results of Preliminary Craniological and Odontological...


the Gródek and Masłomęcz groups were formed on the common basis. At the same time they contain morphological components of different origin, connected with differentiation of the northern and Southern branch of Europeids.

The skulls from Gródek show the traits of the northern type, just like the materials from the Gavrilovka cemetery. There are good reasons to contend that the prevalence of the north-Europeidal component in the Gródek series may have been evoked by Gothic influences.

In Masłomęcz, however, the traits of south type prevailed, which can be probably accounted for by the presence of the Sarmatian morphological component, just like in the series from the Czerniachów culture cemeteries on the forest-steppe zonę, on the left side of the Dnieper — Boromlja and Uspenka.

It should be mentioned that the results obtained in the course of craniological and odontological analysis are comparable only in a limited rangę. In the investigations of teeth features małe and female skulls were taken conjointly into consideration, irrespective of biological age, whereas in the assessment of craniological differentiation the skuli from the Infans I — Infans II ranges were left out of account, and the collections were analysed mainly within the sexes.

Inasmuch as in the course of analysis, the statements about great similarity of the series from Gródek and Masłomęcz turned out to be convergent, northern relations of the Gródek population, according to craniometric analysis, revealed by odontological investigations, are not isolated, because they have been also ascertained in the same population from Masłomęcz. Also the connections with Southern groups concern both.

The suggestions with regard to Germanie infiltrations in the materials from Gródek ought to be treated very carefully, taking into consideration also the links with northern groups, others than Gothic.

Further investigations, inclusive of osteometric and cranioscopic studies of epigenetic features, may be will solve the problem of ethnic affiliation of the Masłomęcz group, or at least draw nearer its solution.

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