From the Editor
Elpis 1/1, 277
The C hair o f Orthodox Theology o f the University in B iałystok, which was inaugurated on M arch 5th, 1999, herewith begins publication o f it’s ow n annual academ ic journal o f theology: „Elpis” . In y o u r hands, you now hold the first edition o f this journal. It is our aspiration that this academ ic journal o f theology will be favourably received am ongst the num erous other theological journals which are published in Poland. O ur staff will be interested in cooperating with other theological journals in Poland and abroad.
The assignm ents and designations o f this new journal are outlined in the preface, by His Beatitude, The M ost Blessed SA W A , M etropolitan o f W arsaw and All o f Poland, Prim ate o f the H oly Polish A utocephalous Orthodox Church.