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Building outline extraction from als point clouds using medial axis transform descriptors


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Building outline extraction from als point clouds using medial axis transform descriptors

Widyaningrum, Elyta; Peters, Ravi Y.; Lindenbergh, Roderik C.



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Pattern Recognition

Citation (APA)

Widyaningrum, E., Peters, R. Y., & Lindenbergh, R. C. (2020). Building outline extraction from als point

clouds using medial axis transform descriptors. Pattern Recognition, 106, [107447].


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Ravi Y.




Roderik C.



a Dept. of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, Netherlands b Dept. of Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 134, 2628 BL Delft, Netherlands

c Centre for Topographic Base Mapping and Toponyms, Geospatial Information Agency, Jalan Raya Jakarta-Bogor KM. 46 16911 Cibinong, Indonesia












Article history:

Received 7 November 2019 Revised 22 April 2020 Accepted 13 May 2020 Available online 25 May 2020 Keywords:

Skeleton Point cloud Building outline Medial axis transform Segmentation









Automaticbuildingextractionand delineationfromairborneLiDARpointclouddataofurban environ-mentsisstillachallengingtaskduetothevarietyandcomplexityatwhichbuildingsappear.TheMedial AxisTransform(MAT)isabletodescribethegeometricshapeandtopologyofanobject,buthasnever beenappliedforbuildingroofoutlineextraction.Itrepresentstheshapeofanobjectbyitscenterline, orskeletonstructureinsteadofitsboundary.Notably,endpointsoftheMATinprinciplecoincidewith cornerpointsofbuildingoutlines.However,theMATissensitivetosmallboundaryirregularities,which makesshapedetectioninairbornepointcloudschallenging.WeproposearobustMAT-basedmethodfor detectingbuildingcornerpoints,whicharethenconnectedtoformabuildingboundarypolygon.First, weapproximatethe2DMATofasetofbuildingedgepointsacquiredbythealpha-shapealgorithmto deriveaso-calledbuildingroofskeleton.Wethenproposeahierarchicalcorner-awaresegmentationto clusterskeletonpointsbasedontheirpropertieswhicharetheso-calledseparationangle,radiusofthe maximally inscribecircle, anddefiningedgepoint indices.Fromeachsegment,acorner pointisthen estimatedbyextrapolatingtheposition ofthezero radiusinscribedcirclebasedontheskeletonpoint positionswithinthesegment.OurexperimentusespointclouddatasetsofMakassar,Indonesiaand EYE-Amsterdam,TheNetherlands.TheaveragepositionalaccuracyofthebuildingoutlineresultsforMakassar andEYE-Amsterdamis65cmand70cm,respectively,whichmeetone-meterbasemapaccuracycriteria. Theresultsimplythat skeletonizationisapromisingtooltoextractrelevant geometricinformationon e.g.buildingoutlinesevenfromfarfromperfectgeographicalpointclouddata.

© 2020TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierLtd. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense.(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

1. Introduction

Mappingbuilding roofoutlines, alsocalledbuildingfootprints, is essential for digital base map cartography, planning, surveil-lance,infrastructuremanagementandsustainablecitydesign. Sev-eralurban-related applicationssuch ascadaster maintenance and building taxation requirebuildingoutlines ata routine basis. Ex-tracting building boundary lines manually is expensive and time consuming, especially in urban scenes. Research on extracting buildingoutlines automaticallyfromhigh-resolutiondata remains challengingduetothecomplexityofroofstructuresandvariations inthedesignofoururban environment.Uptonow,building

out-∗ Corresponding author. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, ZUID HOLLAND, Netherlands.

E-mail addresses: e.widyaningrum@tudelft.nl , elyta.widyaningrum@big.go.id (E. Widyaningrum), r.y.peters@tudelft.nl (R.Y. Peters), r.c.lindenbergh@tudelft.nl (R.C. Lindenbergh).

lines are typically digitized from multiple aerialimages. The use ofaerial images ispreferred above other data sources as human operatorscaneasilydetectbuildingsonsuchimages.For automa-tionpurposes,image disadvantagessuchasshadows,trees cover-ingbuildingroofsandcolorvariationsmayincreasetheextraction error.Moreover,reliefdisplacementmaycauseproblemswhen us-ing an orthoimage to obtain building boundaries in case of un-favourable image acquisition angles [61]. Airborne Laser Scanner (ALS) point cloud data is an alternative data source. ALS point cloudshavebeenusedasamajordatasource formapping appli-cations fora few decades [2]. The ability of ALS point clouds to provide manyaccurate andundistorted 3D points makes it suit-able as data source for object extraction. Man-made urban ob-jects(buildings,roads,canals)typicallyhavesymmetricshapewith straightlines andsharpcorners. Suchcharacteristics enable auto-maticboundaryoutlineextractionfromanALS pointcloud.Thus, the useof ALS point clouds forrooftop mappingin combination



Fig. 1. The MAT skeleton (blue lines) intuitively detects corners (red points) located at the intersection of the skeleton and the object boundary (black lines).

withan efficient algorithmisexpectedto providebetter building outlines.

Medial axis transform (MAT), is a powerful shape extraction technique that provides a compact geometrical representation while preserving topological properties of the input shape [1,4]. TheMATwasintroducedbyBlum[5]todescribebiologicalshapes. Since then, it has been used for applications in image process-ingandcomputer vision.However,MAThasafundamental draw-back, which is its instability to small perturbations of the input shape,whichthen maydisturb thetopologyoftheMATbranches

[3,9].Moreover,widerdeploymentofMATtoextractshapes analy-sisfromsurveyingqualitydatawithitsassociatedproblems,isstill challenging[4].

In principle,the MAT canbe implemented forurban mapping purposes, particularly to extract building shapes by detecting its corners. As illustrated in Fig. 1, corner points(red) are detected whenthetipofaskeletonbranch(blueline)touchesthebuilding boundaries(black).However,generatingaMATskeletonfrompoint cloudsisachallengingproblemassuchdatacontainfuzzyborders, inparticular,whendataismissing[25].Thismakestheapplication ofMATforairbornepointcloudsdifficult.

Corners are important local features and knowledge on their locationcanminimizefurtherdataprocessingwithoutlosing spe-cificfeaturesoftheoriginalobjectshape[35,36].Givenanairborne pointcloudofanurbanarea,we proposeamethodforextracting buildingoutlines automatically by detecting accurate roof corner pointsbasedonMATdescriptors.

2. Relatedwork

Work on the developmentof buildingoutline extraction from variousremote sensingdata hasbeenintensified inparallel with theincreasedinterestinGIS(GeographicInformationSystem) dig-italmapproducts[49].Combiningdifferentdatasourcestoextract buildingoutlinesisbelievedtoincreasethedetectionrateand ac-curacy compared to using a singledata source as more features canbeused.Nevertheless,fusionofdataofdifferentsensortypes isnotatrivialtaskasfusionishamperedbydissimilarresolution, alignmentissuesor mismatchesinfeature informationcausedby sensor characteristics or differences in viewpointduring acquisi-tion [60]. Manno-Kovacs and Sziranyi [54] proposed an Orienta-tionSelectiveBuildingDetectionmethodtodetect buildingsfrom acombinationofaerialandhigh-resolutionsatellite images.They applyactive contouring forobtaining smooth andaccurate build-ing outlines. However, inhomogeneous buildings are sometimes onlypartially detected and anyobject connected to the building (e.g.trees)can resultinfalse positivedetections.Zhao etal.[55],

Awrangjeb [56], and Li et al. [57] combined LiDAR point clouds andaerialimagestodetect buildingsandobtainsmooth building outlinesby regularizationandmathematicalmorphology.Building outline errors occured due to failures to determine the building principaldirectionsduringregularization[55,56]orline redundan-ciesaftersimplification[57]especially,incaseoflowpointdensity. Our previous study [37] proposed an extended Houghtransform methodusing orderedlists ofpointsto detect buildingboundary segments fromairborne point cloud data.Hierarchical filtering is applied to removespurious lines.Thatmethod outperformed ex-istingstate oftheartmethodsintermsofcorrectnessandquality metrics on benchmark dataset.However, the method is likely to introducefalse corners,especiallyforbuildingsofcomplexshape, asspuriouslinesmaystillexistinthefinalstep.

VariousdefinitionsofMATorskeletonfoundinliterature corre-spondtodifferentmethodsforcomputingtheMATleadingto dif-ferentresultswithdifferentproperties.Ingeneral,MATalgorithms typicallyfocusonderivingthegeometriclocationofthecenterline or medial axis of a surface, so-called skeletonization [11]. Up to now, numerousskeletonization methodsandtheir applicationfor 2Dand3Dobjectdescriptionareavailable inliterature.The exist-ing skeletonization methodsare often categorizedintofour main approaches:

- morphological thinning-based methods that was first applied fordiscrete binaryimages[17], andimprovedby Huangetal.

[22]andother relatednotionsonthedevelopmentof3D thin-ningalgorithm[23,48].

- geometry-basedmethods usingmedial axistransformationfor planarshape [18]including Voronoidiagrams[19]and Delau-naytriangulation[47].

- distance-basedfunctionssuch asskeletongeneration and cen-terline by the distancetransform [40], skeletonization by dis-crete Euclidean distance maps [41], and Euclidean skeleton basedonconnectivitycriterion[42].

- general-fieldfunctionswhicharegeneratedbyfunctionsrather thanusedistance function,forexampleby replacingthe non-lineardistance with a linear transform[16], using Newtonian potential modelto replacethe distancefunction [43],and us-ingElectrostaticFieldTheory(EFT)functiontogenerate poten-tialdistributioninsidetheobject[44].

Reviews on skeletonization methods andits applications have been discussed by Saha et al. [12,13], Pavlidis [21], and Amenta etal.[24].Asmanyskeletonizationalgorithmsweredesignedmore forimageanalysis,welimitthescopeofourstudyon skeletoniza-tionforpointclouddata.

Several works on MAT using geographical data for various purposes have been conducted. Haunert and Sester [30] applied straight skeleton extraction to derive linear representations of polygonsandroadcenterlinesfromacadastraldataset.Yircietal.

[29] extracteddetailed pedestriannetworksby generating a cen-terline using two skeleton operators (straight skeleton by paral-lel thinning and medial axis by Voronoi diagram). Methods for river centerline extraction based on Delaunay triangulations re-main challenging for certain complex situations e.g. a scenario withaskeletonbranchingindifferentdirections[33,34].Broersen etal.[26] usedthe2Dskeleton ofa Voronoidiagramandthe3D skeleton of a shrinking ball for identifying watercourses and de-riving its centerlines fromclassified aerial point clouds. Widyan-ingrum andLindenbergh [38] extract the roadnetwork of an ur-banareafromacoloredpointcloudusingparallelthinning skele-tonization[39].However,afurthergeneralizationstepmaintaining theroadtopologicalorderisrequiredforsmoothingjaggyskeletal linesyieldedbytheparallelthinningalgorithm.

Ma et al.[6]estimate a 3D medial axispoint using a shrink-ing ball approach based on nearest neighbors andnormals from


Fig. 2. Proposed methodological workflow for extracting the building outlines.

a givenset ofpoints. Their work isclaimed asa fasterand sim-ple method that approximates the 3D MAT based on maximally inscribed ballstangent totwo surfacepointswhosecenteris po-sitioned on a normal line. The ball centers are the medial axis points.Theshrinkingballalgorithmisnotonlyaccurateand com-putationally efficient but is also considered as the most simple andfastexisting surface-skeletonization method[4].Thismethod is considered assuitable for the geographical case as it is point based,simple,fast,andscalable[3].However,tousethismethod, finesamplingisrequiredtodirectlyobtainahighqualityskeleton. The fact that the shrinking ball approach can only result in un-structured skeleton pointswhiledisregarding thetopology ofthe skeletonbranchesmakesthisalgorithmnot directlyapplicable for applicationsinvolvingsurveyingdata.Foruseinpractical applica-tions,theMATconsistingofmedialpointsandcorresponding max-imally inscribedcircles(in2D)orballs(in 3D)needs further pro-cessing[10,14,15].

3. Methodology

Our research focuseson the adaptation of MAT for extracting building outlines fromnoisy point cloud data required for map-ping and spatialmodelingpurposes. We extendthe work onthe iterativeshrinkingballalgorithmanddevelopastrategytoexploit skeleton featurestoaccomplish thegoalofaccuratebuilding out-lineextraction.Anewapproachforskeletalpointsegmentationis alsoproposed inthisstudy.Theproposed methodachieves state-of-the-artinhandlingnoisysurfaceboundariesandreconstructing thebuildingoutlines.Itrequiresminimalhumaninteractionby op-timizingtheuseofskeleton-basedfeatures.Specifically,the contri-butionsofourworkareasfollows:

We integrate skeleton-derivedfeatures and global features to perform robust skeletal points (MAT) segmentation handling varyingpointdensityandnoiselevel.

Wecombineorderedsurfacepointindicesandskeletal-derived featurestodetectcornerpoints.

We introduce the useof skeletal-derived features to estimate buildingcornerpositionsaccurately.

Overall,ourmethodovercomes some traditionalpitfallsof us-ingMATtechniquesincaseofnoisyinput.

AsthisstudyrequiresusingtheMATin2Dspace,weadaptthe 2D shrinkingcirclealgorithm by Ma etal.[5]. Thegeneral work-flowofourproposedmethodforautomaticallyextractingbuilding roof outlines consistsoffourmain steps (see Fig.2). First, build-ing boundary points are extracted by an alpha-shape algorithm

[45].Next,theboundarypointsaretransformedintoits2DMATor skeletonpointsusingthe2D shrinkingcirclealgorithm.Third,we thenapply ourMAT segmentationtosegment theMAT pointsby exploitingtheir geometric attributes.The segments arethen used to detect corner points. Fourth, polygonization is carried out to forma2Dclosedpolylinebasedonthedetectedcornerpoints.

Thisstudyusestheextendedshrinkingcircleapproachthat im-plementsthedenoisingheuristicasproposedbyPeters[3].We de-finetheskeletonofan objectsurfaceSasasetofcenterpointsc






The 2D skeleton pointsare also called medial axis points. By associatingthe circle radius


function to the set ofmedial axis points, we obtain the so-calledMedial Axis Transform (MAT).As showninFig.3,themedialaxispoints(redpoints)formtheMAT skeleton(bluelines) ofarectangularobjectS.Eachmaximally in-scribedcircle(ingrey)touchesatleasttwopointsoftheboundary ofS(blackoutline).Centerpointsofanycirclethatisnotmaximal


Fig. 3. The skeleton (blue line) of a rectangular shape with its corresponding in- scribed circle (grey) and medial axis point c (red point).

ornotinscribedinS(green circles)aredismissedandnot consid-eredasmedialaxispoints.

To provide a clear and coherent narrative, further details on each methodological step are provided in the following: Section III.1describes the alpha-shape algorithm. Section III. 2 and III. 3 providenecessarydetailsontheshrinkingcirclemethodand skele-tal points extraction, respectively. Skeletal point segmentation is describedin Section III. 4.The last step, cornerpoint estimation andbuildingoutlinegeneration,isexplainedinSectionIII.5. Eval-uation methods for building outline extraction used in this re-searcharediscussedinSectionIII.6.


Giventhesegmentedbuildingpoints,creatingbuildingoutlines startswithboundarypointselectionbythealpha-shapealgorithm asintroducedbyEdelsbrunner[45].Analpha-shapeiswellknown forits capabilityto preserve small shapedetails of a finitepoint setatarequiredlevelofdetail.The2Dalpha-shapeisconstructed basedon the 2D Delaunay triangulation ofthe input points. The methodidentifies boundarypointsthat aredefinedin termsofa parameter


≥ 0,whichcontrolsthelevelofdetailoftheboundary shape. Givena set S of pointson a plane and a value of


, the algorithmworksasfollows:

1.Compute the Delaunay triangulation DT(S) of S. All edges in DT(S)arecandidateforthealpha-shapeSα.

2. ForalledgeseofDT(S)withendpointspandq,say:

a. FindtwocirclesBpq1andBpq2ofradius




edgee.Thecirclesaredefinedintermsofthebelowcircle centers: cpq





xp+xq 2 ±






yp− yq 2

, yp+yq 2 ±






xp− xq 2




isthelength oftheedgebetweenendpointsp


b. IfatleastoneofthecirclescontainsnopointsfromSinits interior,eisavalidboundaryedge(Fig.4.a), otherwisethe edgeisremoved(Fig.4.b).

3. Theunionofallvalidboundaryedgesformsthealpha-shapeSα


The value of


is a real number with 0≤


≤ ∞. As


ap-proaches0,theshapemayshrink,developholesandmaybecome disconnected. In the extreme case, the value of


=0 results in thedatapointsitself.When



shape approaches the convex hull of the set S of points. In case ofgeospatialpoint clouds,the pointdensityisoftenvarying,and is dependingon sensor characteristics and measurement geome-try andan appropriate value of


should be chosen accordingly. To identifyboundary pointsof unorderedbuilding roof pointsin our study areas,we decided empirically for an


-value between 0.3and0.5

3.2. Theshrinkingcircleprinciples

GivenareasetofnoisyedgepointsVonasurfaceSwith corre-spondingnormalvectorsN.TheMATpointsaredefinedastheset ofcenterscandcorrespondingradius


ofmaximallyinscribed cir-clesB(c,



andcorrespondingcirclecentercaredenotedasmedialcircleand medialaxispoint,respectively.

Thebasicprinciplesoftheshrinking circlemethod(see Fig.5) areasfollows:

1. Amedialcircletouchesthesurfaceinatleasttwopoints(p,q) wherep,qS.

2. FollowingthelinedefinedbynormalvectorNpofedgepointp,





Np.IterationstopsifthemaximalBp circleisfound.

3. Amedialcircleisamaximalemptycircle,whichmeansit con-tainsnosurfacepoints.

3.3. Skeletalpointsextraction

ToobtaintheMATofsurfaceS,medialaxispointsc(p)are com-puted.Hence,themaximalinscribedmedialcircleBforallsample pointspinSiscomputedbythefollowingsteps:

1. An initial circle Binit of p is defined based on an initial



init. The


init value is set sufficiently large e.g. equal to

thelargestdistancebetweentwoinputpoints. 2. Given



p, wherek={1,2,..,i}denotesthek-thiterationstep, thecirclecenter ck

p isgivenby:

c k

p = p − Np


pk (2)

3. Findthesurfacepoint qk

pSclosest to ckp such that qpk =


4. Testforcirclemaximalityforthecircledefinedbyqk p andp: a. If the distance fromck

p toqkp equals the radius of the cir-cle



p, the circle Bkp is maximal and ckp is a medial axis point.

b.Otherwise, compute the radius of the next shrinked circle



p usingthefollowingequations:


k+1 p = d


p, qk+1




kp+1 (3) Where: cos


pk+1 = N

p− qk+1



p, qk+1


(4) d


p, q k+1



p− qk+1

2 (5)

Theiterationwillstopwhenthemedialaxispointasdescribed instep5.a.isfound.Fig.5.a.showsconsecutiveshrinkingofacircle touching S at point p, which results in a medial circleBi

p and a medialaxispoint ci


Givenadefinedinside andoutsideof surfaceS,the MAT con-sistsoftwocomponents:one partinsidesurfaceS(Np),consisting


Fig. 4. The alpha-shape criteria.

Fig. 5. Basic principles of the shrinking circle algorithm applied on noisy building edges.

oftheso-calledinnermedialaxispoints,andanotherone outside surfaceS(-Np),theoutermedialaxispoints.

ForeachpS,thecorresponding innerandouterMAT points are computedby iteratingsteps 2 to4. Theinward normal Np is

usedfortheinnerMAT calculation,whiletheoutwardnormal–Np

isusedfortheouterMATcalculation.Fig.5.b.showsthegeometry for calculating the medial axis point cp and the directionof the



Noisehandlingisan essentialsteptoovercomethesensitivity of MAT to noisy boundaries. In casea small bump or noise

ex-istonthe inputsurface, acirclemaygetshrunktoo muchwhich thenlikelyresultsinundesireablemedialaxispoints.Such overly shrinkedcircle, typicallyhasasmallseparationangle


.The sep-arationangle


(see Fig.5.b) istheanglebetweenlinep-cp (the lineconnecting pointp andmedial axispoint cp) andlineq -cp (thelineconnectingpointqandmedialaxispointcp).



= −→c pp . −→c pq




−→c pq


The denoisingheuristicstechnique presentedby Peters [2018] isusedto selecttheso-calledgood circlethat isoftencomputed


Fig. 6. Characteristics of skeletal points used for segmentation in case of uniform edge point spacing.

duringtheabovedescribedshrinkingapproach.Thegoodcircleis definedasthelastcircleintheshrinkingapproachwitha separa-tionangle





After thisstep,every medial axis pointcpcomes witha num-berofattributes.AttributesofeachMAT pointmp aremedialaxis pointcpcoordinate,radius





point pand q, and normalvector Np or-Np. Theoretically, using

theseMATattributes,thegeometryofScanbereconstructed com-pletely.


MAT attributes provide rich information that can be used to groupMAT pointsinto differentmedialsegments or branches.In ourcase,segmentingthepointsintodifferentbranchesisusedfor detectingthe cornerpoints. Oneissuewhen obtaining askeleton fromapoint cloudwiththeshrinkingcirclealgorithmisthat the pointcloudprovidesanunstructuredpointsamplingofS.Alsofor theMATpointsresultingfromsteps1to4,adjacencyrelationsare initiallynotknown.ForfurtherapplicationoftheMAT,twouseful observationstoidentifyMATpointconnectivityareasfollows:

- MAT pointsheadingtowards thesameturning pointorcorner areconsidered asonesegment.Finesampledsurfacepointsof asquare shapeSinFig.6.aresultinfineMAT pointsinwhich some ofthe MAT pointsgraduallyapproach a specificturning point.Inthissense,eachMAT pointcreatedfromamaximally inscribed circle, touching at surfacepoint p andq appointto aturningpointthatisequallylocatedbetweensurfacepointp

andq.AsillustratedinFig.6.b,themedianvalueoftwosurface pointspandq(inredtext)issimilartothecorner’sindex(76). - MAT pointsare expectedto havea separationangle


closeto 90° As shown in Fig. 6.c, MAT pointsof a rectangular shape haveseparationanglesthataredistributedaround90° Inpractice,surfacepointsare notperfectlydistributedand noise-freeandarenotasregularasshowninFig.6.a.Smallperturbations onthesurfaceboundarycreateso-calledskeletalnoise[7,8].When detectingshapecorners,skeletalnoisemayinducefalsesegments, whichthenresultsinfalsecorners.

Oursegmentationcriterionreliesontheproximityofthe turn-ing point location of the boundary point. Intuitively, MAT points that lie close to each other and have similar features values are groupedtogether.Moreover,weexpectthattheradius


will grad-uallychangealongasegmentbranch.

Based on aforementioned observations, we use three global thresholdsandfourMAT-derivedfeaturesforsegmentingtheMAT points. The globalthresholdsare not relatedto MAT andare de-finedtoincreasethesegmentationaccuracy.Theglobalthresholds are:

G.1. Abuffer distancebf fromtheobject surfaceS.Onlya MAT pointlocatedwithin thespecifiedbufferwillbe considered for segmentation. This threshold is used to exclude unus-ableouter MATpointsresultingfromthemaximalcircleof twoedgepointswithoutwardnormal.TheseMATpointsare typicalnoiselocatedfarfromthesurfacepoints.

G.2. Minimum number of pointsfor each segment minPts. Any segmenthavinglesspointsthanthegivenminPtsis consid-eredassegmentnoise.

G.3. Point index interval

pt sets the minimum distance be-tweentwocandidatecornerpoints,asexpressedbelow:

pt l

r − 2 (7)

InEq.(7),listheminimumrequirededgelengthandristhe pointcloudinterval.Thepointindexinterval

ptcriterionis designedtoavoidhavingfalse orextracornersata certain minimumdeterminededgelengthincaseofshortandnoisy boundaries. For example, given a set of points with 0.5m point cloudinterval r,we requireto extractbuilding edges ofminimumlengthl=2.5m,thus,

ptissetto 3.Imagine that point 13 in Fig. 7 has the same medial propertiesas point 11, 16, and 20.Point 13 will not be considered as a cornerpoint asithas lessthan3 pointdifference to point 11.

The customized features derived from the MAT attributes, or MAT-derivedfeaturesaredescribedasfollows:

F.1. AMATpointmp havingaseparationangle


closeto90° is consideredforsegmentation.Here‘close’isspecifiedbythe separation angledifference threshold,


.MAT points out-sidethegiven


thresholdareconsideredasskeletalnoise. This means, a MAT point mp will be considered for seg-mentationifithasaseparationangle










p≤ 90◦+



F.2. Each edge point pS is assigned a unique index. For the corner-awaresegmentation,MAT pointsmp ofsimilar char-acteristics are expectedtobelong to the samecluster. This


Fig. 7. Noisy point edge may indicate a false corner.

Fig. 8. Normal vectors (grey lines) of edge points (black points) where p i is the

turning point.

is assessed by considering the point indices of the surface pointsofS.Assumep,qS.Letpidxandqidxdenotethepoint indicesofpandq,respectively.The medianvalue medpq is


me d pq= p idx+

q idx− pidx

2 (9)




F.3. The normal angle differences


N between the normal of pointpi andthenormaloftheprevious point pi−1 andthe normalofthenextpoint pi+1definedby



Np− Npi−1



and (


Np− Npi+1




The normal angle differences


N between 2 consecutive edge points is used to determine candidatecorners Kp for pS. Detection ofcandidate corners Kp is used to obtain

first estimate of the number of building corners which is laterused toremovefalsesegments incaseofnoisyedges. Atnoisyedges,segmentswithsmallmediandifferencemay beformed whichlater mayresultinfalsecorners.Consider two adjacent normal vectors Npi and Npi−1 of point p and pi−1 respectively,compareFig.8.Theangle


Nbetweenthe twonormalvectorsNpi andNpi−1 isobtainedviaEq.(10). cos


N pipi−1

= N pi . N pi−1


N pi



N pi−1





N toits two adjacentpoints(pi−1 and



are above the given angle threshold


N. That is ex-pressedinEq.(11).


N pipi−1,


N pipi+1


N. (11)



N= 20◦,if


Npipi−1≥ 20◦, and




F.4. Themaximummedianindexdifference threshold


feature is used to avoid false corners and additional seg-ments causedby perturbation ornoise onthe surface par-ticularlyneartothecorners.

Givena setof MAT pointsM=















,p, q, N per medial axis point cp, the MAT point


1.SelectMAT pointsmp located within acertain buffer distance of bffromthe objectsurfaceS usingglobalthreshold G.1.For mostofourbuildings,abufferdistancebf=35missufficient. 2.SelectonlyMATpointsmphavinganacceptableseparation an-gle


p as specified by the MAT-derived feature F.1. This step

eliminates skeletal noise that typically has a separation angle value awayfrom90◦ Inourcase, aseparationangledifference


= 20◦ issufficientforthemedialsegmentation.

3.Compute the median value medpqof the filtered MAT points


4.IdentifyallpossiblecandidatecornersKrandputtheminalist K1,K2...,Ki.CandidatecornerKrisaddedtothelistifit

satis-fiesalltheMAT-derivedcriteriaspecifiedinF.3,F.4,andglobal featureG.3.Weusethresholdvalues










medpq− ridx


pt,thenMATpointmp isassignedto me-dialsegmentMseg(r).

7.Any medial segment Mseg having less member points than

minPts,asdefinedinG.2,willberemoved.Thisstepwill elimi-natefalsesegmentsthatmaybeformedincaseofflawsonthe edges.

Medialsegmentsare usednexttoestimate realcornerswhere onemedialsegmentcorrespondstoonecorner.


Instead of appointing edge points as corners, we rather esti-matethe position ofcorners based onthe medial axispoint po-sitions andtheir corresponding radius. The radius


of the maxi-mallyinscribed circles of MAT points willgradually decrease to-wardscorners.EachmedialsegmentideallycontainsasetofMAT pointswithgraduallydecreasingradii.The locationwherethe ra-dius will become zero




,typically identifies the location of thecornerpoint corresponding toa medialsegment isestimated asfollows. Fig.9 shows howthe radius


ofthe MAT point de-pends linearly on the x coordinate. Therefore, a line is fitted by PCA (Principle Component Analysis) through the (x,


) points of thesegmentathand.The x-coordinatecorresponding tozero ra-dius(




ofthe fittedlineLr (asindicated bythe bluelinein

Fig.9)is reportedasthe xcoordinateofthecornerpoint.The y -coordinateofthecornerpointisobtainedinasimilarway.

Incaseofanedgewithheavynoise,falsesegmentmayremain. A spatial filtering step is necessary as final filterto remove any spurious estimated corner c. This spatial filtering step preserves anycornerpointthatiswithinaspecifiedradiusfromthesurface pointspS.Inourcase,weuse1maswerequirebuilding out-lineresulttohavepositionalaccuracyatleast1m.Asfinalstep,a closedbuildingpolygonisobtainedbyconnectingallcornerpoints consecutivelyreferringtothepointindices.


Twodifferentevaluationmetrics areappliedforevaluating the performance of the proposed workflow in fulfilling the required


Fig. 9. Estimating the x-coordinate of the corner (blue point) by predicting where radius ρk

p = 0 on L r .

buildingoutline specification:cornergeometric accuracyand cor-ner detection accuracy. To evaluate the geometric accuracy, we comparedthepositionofcorners coordinatesofthebuilding out-lineresultsto thereference[46].Positionalaccuracy, also known as geometric position accuracy or location accuracy, is used as mainindicatortomeasurehowwellthebuildingpolygonsare po-sitionedwithrespect toits trueposition withinan absolute geo-referencedsystem.We usetheRMSE(RootMeanSquareError)to measuretheaverage ofthe squareddifferencesbetweenbuilding cornerpositions(X andYcoordinate) inthereferenceandin the result. The RMSEof a complete building is calculatedfor all de-tectedbuildingcornerswithrespecttothepositionof correspond-ingreferencecorners.



X res− Xre f


2 n (12) RMSEy =


Y res− Yre f


2 n (13) RM SEr =

RM SE x 2+ RM SE y 2 (14) Where:




Duetothecomplexityofsomebuilding,notallcornersmaybe detected completely. Therefore, we evaluate the corner detection accuracyby meansofthreeretrieval measurements:recall, preci-sionandF1-score[59].Precisionisusedtomeasuretheexactness orfidelity,whereasrecallisusedtomeasurethecompleteness.The F1-scoreistheweightedmeanofprecisionandrecall.

Precision = T P

TP+ F P (15)

Recall = T P

T P + F N (16)

F1− score=2 . Precision . Recall

P rec ision +Recall (17)

For thispurpose, a corner point is considered a True Positive (TP)ifitislocatedwithin1-meterradiusfromthecorresponding corner reference, while any undetected corner including corners withanoffsetofmorethan1mfromthecorrespondingreference

Fig. 10. Illustration of building corner detection accuracy based on the number of correctly detected corners within 1-meter radius from the corner reference. Red crosses indicate building corner results. In blue, two 1-meter circles around an un- detected reference corner are indicated. The green ellipse indicates a corner that does not exist in the reference.

cornerisconsideredaFalseNegative(FN).Anycornerintheresult thatdoesnotexistinthereferenceisconsideredasFalsePositive (FP).

Inthe buildingpolygoninFig. 10.,thenumberofcorrect cor-ners (TP) is 4, while the number of false corners FP (inside the green ellipse) is 1, andthe number FN ofundetected corners or corners with an offset ofmore than one meter (as indicated by the bluecircles) is 2. Thisconfiguration givesPrecision=0.8, Re-call=0.67,anditsF1-scoreis0.73.

Fig.11summarizestheproposedmethodtodetectbuilding cor-ners from a given cluster of building points (Fig. 11.d). The pa-rameterthresholds,asdiscussedabove,aresetempirically depend-ingonthepointdensityandtherequiredspecification. Additional pre-processing is necessary in case clustered building points are not available. In this case, an initial classification and/or seman-tic segmentation processing step is required.We use a classified ALSpointcloudwhosepointsarelabelledaccordingtotheirobject class(building,ground, andunclassified). Togrouppoints belong-ing toonebuilding,pointsareclusteredby applyingtheDBSCAN algorithm [50]. Asa result, different buildingswill havedifferent clusternumberandtheirspointsarelabelledaccordingtothe cor-respondingclusternumber.Oncetheclusteredbuildingpoints(as presented in Fig.11.d)are available, boundary points need to be extracted(Fig.11.e),forwhich weusethealpha-shapealgorithm. Theresultingbuildingboundarypointsarethen usedasinputfor the MAT shrinking circle algorithm (blue points Fig. 11.f). MAT pointsfilteringandsegmentationisappliedbasedontheir separa-tionangleandmedianindexvalue(Fig.11.g).Eachmedialsegment generatesadifferentcornercandidate.Positionsofthecornersare extrapolatedlinearlyusingPCA(Fig.11.h).

4. Resultsanddiscussions

4.1. Experimentsofthestudyareas

For the experiment, we use three study areas with different landscape characteristics and airborne LiDAR point cloud specifi-cations. The first dataset represents a sub-urban area of the city ofMakassar,Indonesia.Thepointclouddatawascapturedin2012 bya LeicaALS70instrumentandhas7–11ppm (pointper meter) pointdensity.


Fig. 11. Overview of the proposed corner detection method using MAT descriptors.

The second dataset is a Dutch national AHN3 point cloud

[31] sampling the area of EYE-Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The AHN3datahasapointdensityofatleast10ppmandwasacquired in2014.Mostbuildingsinthisareahaveapublicorbusiness func-tion.Thistestsetisselectedasmanyofthebuildingsinthisarea are considered to have a highcomplexity interms of shape and size.

Building points of the Makassar dataset, as presented in

Fig. 12.a. in orange, were classified using LAStools[27]. For EYE-Amsterdam, we used the provided building classification of the AHN3dataset(shownasorangepointsinFig.12).Thealpha-shape algorithm[28] isthenappliedtoderivetheoutlineofeach build-ing.Wedonotdiscussthedetails ofthepre-processingsteps fur-ther asit combines well-known methods in the field ofGIS and remotesensing.

FortheMakassararea,thetopographicbasemapscale1:10.000 is used as ground truth data. The topographic base map is

gen-erated frommanual 3D delineation from stereo-images with the sameacquisition timeastheMakassar airbornepointcloud data. ForvalidatingtheEye-Amsterdamresults,theDutch building reg-istration dataset BAG (Basisregistratie Adressen en Gebouwen) of the 2019 building dataset is used [32]. However, we noticed that several BAG buildings have different shape and size com-pared to the AHN3 buildings due to different data acquisition time. Thus, the RMSEof the corners is calculated forunchanged building.

In thisstudy, the required positional accuracy forthe outline result is at least 1-meter. For the Makassar dataset, the average RMSEfor 36buildings in the studyarea is̴ 65cm, which meets ourrequirements.Thereisanexceptionforoneincomplete build-ing(indicatedbyaredcircleinFig.11.b.),thathasaRMSEofmore thanonemeter.Inthiscase, thebuildingroof ispartiallycovered bydense trees resultinginpoorbuildingsegmentation. Based on thenumberofcorners fromthereferencedata,theprecision,


re-Fig. 12. Study areas and building outline results.

callandF1-scoreoftheMakassartestsetare0.99,0.95, and0.97 respectively.

Building outline results for the EYE-Amsterdam dataset, as showninFig. 12.d,are alsogood at0.7m RMSEon average.For thisdataset,thereare noclassification issuesaswe useavailable building points provided by the AHN3. In this case, one of the biggest factors that influences the accuracy of the result is the definitionofbuildingroof,incasean overhangingroof exist.This meansthattheoverhangingroofislikelyincludedinabuildingin AHN-3data butnot inthe BAGdata,which resultsin discrepan-cies.Fig.13.bshowsoverhangingroofsononebuildinginthe EYE-Amsterdamarea(markedasAinFig.13.a).Anotherissueisfound ona buildingwithacurvedbuildingoutline.Thealgorithmcould notdetectpointsonacurvedline,asthenormalangledifferences


Nbetweenedgepointsissmall(lessthanfivedegrees). Decreas-ing the normalangle differences


N threshold would not always mitigatethisproblem, asitwillincrease thenumberoffalse cor-nersduetonoiseoftheedgepoints.


Comparedtoourpreviousstudyonbuildingoutline extraction usingorderedpointsaidedHoughtransform(OHT)[37],theMAT approach has higher sensitivity to noisy edge points and

varia-tions in point density.Small bumpson the edges affectthe nor-mal directionof the corresponding point, which later affects the cornerdetectionresult.However, theMATapproachhasa similar accuracyasourprevious workat0.7m RMSEforthe MAT-based method and 0.57 for the OHT method. Our proposed method is abletohandleoneoftheshrinkingballalgorithmlimitationsthat requiresthesurfacenormalforeachsamplepoint[6].

Theuseofthealpha-shapealgorithmmakes itpossibleto ori-entthenormalsofeachedgepointautomaticallywhenperforming innerandouterMATcomputation.InnerandouterMATpoints to-gethereffectivelydetectallbuildingcorners.

Fig. 14 showsthe ability of our method to detect corners of various building shapes withdifferent point density. Fig. 14 row 1demonstrateshowouralgorithmworksonsparsebuildingedge pointsthatlaterresultinfalsesegments.TheredcircleinFig.14.b row1showsthreemedialsegmentsaroundacorner.Twoofthem areconsidered asfalse segments.However,the algorithmdelivers thecorrectcornerpointsonly(insidetheredcircleinFig.14.crow 1) even though false segments exist. The method also works in case smallperturbations exist on the boundary e.g. due to trees (see orange circles in Fig. 14.a row 3). There is one MAT point (the redpoint insidetheyellowellipseinFig.14.arow3) result-ingfromanoisyedgepart,thatiscorrectlyignoredbythemedial segmentationprocedure.Ontheotherhand,thealgorithmmayfail


Fig. 13. Comparison of BAG building polygon (red) and the AHN3 building points (grey) in case of overhanging roof.

Fig. 14. Outline results for different building shapes.


Fig. 14.row 2) asthe algorithmcannot detectsignificant normal changeforboundarypointsontheroundededge.Inthiscase,the algorithmcanonlydetecttwocandidatecornersfromtwomedial segments,positionedatbothendsoftheroundededge.

AsshowninFig.15.a,ourmethodisabletoobtainbuilding cor-ners(yellowpoints)that areclosetothereferencebuilding poly-gon (green) even when there is a perturbation in the boundary (insidetheyellowellipse).Theproposedmethod,particularly, im-proves the alpha-shapeoutline (red).Fig. 15.bcompares between

cornersfromourmethod,thealpha-shapeoutlineresult, andthe buildingoutlinereference.

Inaddition,wefoundoutthatseveralMATpropertieshavenot been investigated yet, particularly for the outline extraction, e.g. thecurvatureofconsecutiveMATpointsindicatingan asymmetric shape oftwo edges ofdifferent length,may be usedfor locating butalsocharacterizingcornersaccurately.


In this section, we compare results of our proposed method to those of existing methods on building outline extraction. For


Fig. 15. Corner identification comparison between our proposed method and the reference and the alpha-shape outline in Makassar study area.

Table 1

Evaluation of different building outline extraction methods.

Approach Geometric Accuracy

RMSE (m)

Corners Detection Accuracy Average computational time ( sec )

Precision (%) Recall (%) F1-score (%)

Hough-based [20] 0.434 89.48% 95.15% 91.91% 2.10

RanSAC-based [53] 0.548 91.89% 96.14% 93.65% 1.90

MAT-based (the proposed method) 0.414 94.17% 94.55% 93.82% 1.71

this purpose, a small subset of the AHN3 airborne point cloud ofAmsterdam is used.The two other building outline extraction methodsapplied to thistest area are: the OrderedHough Trans-form(OHT)methodproposed by Widyaningrum etal.[37]anda RanSAC-based segmentation and regularization method by Lucas andVanTilburg [53].Allthesemethodsuseanalpha-shape algo-rithmtoselectboundarypoints,whichlaterresultinbuilding cor-ners.The RanSAC-based segmentation andregularization method requiresprimarybuildingorientationsasitregularizesall bound-ary lines with respect to these orientations and its perpendicu-lar orientations. Another regularization approach, OHT [37], ap-pliestheso-calledextendedHoughtransformona listofordered boundarypointsthatenabletodetectarbitrarybuildingdirections andextractdifferentboundarysegments.

Thecomparisonmetricsconsideredarethebuildingcorners ge-ometricaccuracy(RMSE),thecomputationtimeofbuildingoutline extractionafterthe boundary pointsareselected, andthe corner detectionaccuracyintermsofrecall,precision,andF1-score.

AsshowninTable1.,ourproposedmethodhasthehighest ge-ometricaccuracyaswell asF-1score.The RanSAC-basedmethod hashigher Recall value as our proposed method,but is likelyto havemoreundetectedcorners.However,theproposedmethodhas thelowest numberof false positive corners.The average compu-tationtime for the three methods is considered comparable, al-thoughinfact theproposed methodisthefastest. However,each method may have different strengths and weaknesses when it is applied on a complex building roof shape. Using the building shownin Fig. 16. asone example, a reference corner inside the browncircleisdetectedbyOHT,butnotbytheproposedmethod. The RanSAC-based method results in two corners with an offset closeto1-meterfromthereference.Theproposedmethodfailsto detectonebuildingcorner(insidethebrowncircle)duetoawide anglebetweentwo consecutivebuilding outlinesegments thatis

closeto180° Inthiscase, theshrinkingcirclefailedto producea separationangle


closeto90° neededforcornerdetection.

Another difference in the results in Fig. 16. is indicated by the blue circles. The OHT method failsto detect two corners of a short building edge of one meter length, while the RanSAC-basedmethodaswellasourproposedmethodsuccessfullydetect bothcorners.Allmethodsproducefalse cornersbuttheproposed methodhasthesmallestnumberoffalsecorners.

4.4. Computationalandcomplexityanalysis

We implemented our method in Python2.7 on an Intel Core 2Duo CPUwith2.4GHz processors.Thecomputationtimeforour cornerdetectoralgorithmvariesfrom0.28to 0.99s perbuilding, dependingonthebuildingsize,shapeandpointdensity.

Recall that theproposed method hasfourmain steps: bound-ary point selection by an alpha-shape algorithm, MAT extraction bya shrinkingcircleapproach,MAT pointssegmentation, and es-timation ofcorners by PCA. However, incasebuilding pointsare not yet available, an additional classification and segmentation step is required.One of the mostcommon method for3D point cloud segmentation is seeded region growing. This type of algo-rithmsselects a seed point andaddsa point from the neighbor-hoodifitmeetsacertaincriterion.AsreportedbyShihandCheng

[51],andDeschaudandGoulette.[52],thecomputational complex-ityofseeded-basedregion growingforpartitioninga point cloud consisting of n 3D points into N segments is O(nlogn). Rabbani etal.[55]improvedplanedetectionusingasmoothnessconstraint basedonthenormalangledifferencebetweenneighboringpoints andreportedatimecomplexityofO





Theproposedalgorithmworksonindividualbuildingsegments. Supposeasegmentcontainsunumberofbuildingpoints,the com-putationalcomplexityofourfourmainstepsareasfollows:


Fig. 16. Building corners resulting from three different methods compared to building reference (gray polygon). Results notably vary within the brown circle and blue ellipse.

1. Thealpha-shapealgorithmforselectingboundarypointsusing Delaunay triangulation,as reported by [58], has a time com-plexityofO(ulogu).

2. Givenvboundarypointsextractedby,e.g.thealpha-shape algo-rithm,theshrinking circlealgorithmused aKD-Treeto search itsnearestpointwithtimecomplexityofO(vlogv).The shrink-ing circlealgorithm has a computational complexity of O(v2) becausethealgorithmmayhavetovisitall medialaxispoints

cp foreveryboundarypoint[6].

3. Medial axis points segmentation has a time complexity of

O(v2), but performance in practice is close to O(v) [6]. Each MATpointmischeckedforitsmedianvaluebasedonits corre-spondingboundarypoints(pidx,qidx)whichtakesO(v)time.The

selection ofcandidatecornerpointsbased ontheangular dif-ferencesbetweentwoneighboringboundarypoints(p,q)takes

O(v) aswell. The selection of MAT pointsm belonging tothe samesegmentbasedon thesimilarityofmedianvalue oftwo boundarypoints(p,q)andcornerpointindicesalsohasatime complexityofO(v2),whichleadstoan overalltimecomplexity ofO(v2).

4. The overall time complexity of PCA is O




where m is the number of samplepoints and dis the number of fea-tures[59].Here,d=2.Forestimatingthe cornerposition cor-respondingtozeroradiusonalinefittedbythePCA,thetime complexityisthereforelinearinthenumberofsamplepoints.

If all pointsof a buildingsegment were boundary points, the computational complexity would be O(v2) time. This computa-tional complexityforthe totalprocedure of medialaxis segmen-tation isnot a problembecause thealgorithm worksjust onthe boundary pointsofa singlebuilding.Pointcloud segmentationis inpracticetheheaviestcomputationasitinvolvesthecomplete3D pointclouddata.Forexample,inourMakassartestarea,the build-ingsegmentationstepconsideredall464.191points,whilethe me-dialaxissegmentationconsiders43individualbuildings.The num-berofpointsper-buildingintheMakassartestareavariesfrom96 to3185points,thatlaterresultsinanumberofbuildingboundary

pointsvarying from23to156points.Notethat theprocessingof individualbuildingscanalsobeparallelizedeasily.

5. Conclusionsandrecommendations

Inthisstudy,wehavepresentedaprocedureforautomatically extractingbuilding outlines fromairborne point clouds based on theMAT descriptorsgeneratedbythe2Dshrinking circlemethod. OurapproachtakesadvantageofMATinvertibilitywithitsmedial axisandthecorrespondingradiusfunctionthatallows reconstruct-ing the exact object shape. Building classification is conducted first.Asetofbuildingboundarypointsisthenextractedusingan alpha-shapealgorithm.After applyinga shrinkingcirclealgorithm to theinput boundary points, MAT points are obtained. To iden-tifycorners, we introduce a corner-aware segmentation to group MATpointsto their correspondingmedial branch.The segmenta-tioncombinesbothglobalthresholdsandseveralMAT-derived fea-tures.Next,thealgorithmfitsalinetoallMATpointsofasegment. Based on the corresponding radii of the MAT points, the corner pointlocationisestimatedbyextrapolatingthepositionwherethe radiusiszeroonthefittedline.

The positionalaccuracy resultsof theestimated cornerpoints indicatethatour methodprovidesacompletely newand promis-ing tool for reconstructing the geometric shape of buildingroofs fromscatteredairborne pointcloudsby usingtheMAT approach. Theproposedmethodperformance ishighlightedonanumberof complexbuilding shapesinand around theEYE buildingin Am-sterdam,The Netherlands.The abilityof theproposed method to obtainaccuratecornersandcompleteshapesindicatesthe robust-ness ofour methodto small perturbations on thebuilding edge. Incaseofsparsepoint intervals,densificationofedgepointsmay help to increase the accuracy ofthe MAT result. Meanwhile, our method has limitations to obtain outlines of an object with a curvedorcircularshape.Incomparisontostate-of-the-artmethods on building roof outline extraction,our proposed method shows apromisingresultinacquiringaccuratebuildingcorners geomet-rically.Compare to RanSACandHoughtransformbased methods,


ourmethodisaprimitives-freeapproachthatdoesnotrequire ori-entationinitialization.

Thoughcurrentskeletonizationmethodsshowaprogressive de-velopment,deployment forwiderapplications isstill challenging. Differentapplicationsmayrequiredifferentskeletonization meth-odsand/or MATdescriptors.Forfuturework,wewillconsider ex-tending the MAT technique for reconstructing other digital map objects,such asroad networks, ridges, orstreamlines. The appli-cation ofthe proposed workflow forextracting curved lines and foralargerareaisalsointerestingtobeinvestigatedfurther.


Theauthorsdeclarethattheyhavenoknowncompeting finan-cialinterestsorpersonalrelationshipsthatcouldhaveappearedto influencetheworkreportedinthispaper.


TheauthorsacknowledgeIndonesianGeospatialAgency(www. big.go.id)forprovidingtheMakassardatasetsinthisresearch.The authorsgratefullyacknowledgetheIndonesiaEndowmentFundfor Education(LPDP),MinistryofFinance ofRepublicofIndonesiafor ascholarshipsupporttothefirstauthor.


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Elyta Widyaningrum is currently a PhD student at the Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft Uni- versity of Technology, the Netherlands. She also with the Geospatial Information Agency, Indonesia. Her research interests are in the field of machine learning, object ex- traction, and segmentation/classification from point cloud data.

Ravi Y. Peters is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. His-main research interests are point cloud analysis and 3D reconstruction.

Roderik C. Lindenbergh is Associate Professor at the De- partment of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft Uni- versity of Technology, the Netherlands. He studied Math- ematics and obtained a PhD on geometry and topology from Utrecht University. His-main research interests are laser scanning and geometric information extraction from spatial point clouds.


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